16th ANNUAL MONTANA AUDUBON BIRD FESTIVAL June 5–7, 2015 Red Lion Colonial Hotel Helena, Montana Michael Chapman

16th ANNUAL MONTANA AUDUBON BIRD FESTIVALbloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/helenair.com/... · The Colonial proudly supports Montana Audubon and looks forward to welcoming you

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June 5–7, 2015Red Lion Colonial Hotel

Helena, Montana

Michael Chapm


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Festival headquarters and lodging

The Red Lion Colonial Hotel is located in Helena, Montana’s State Capital.

The hotel offers some of the finest convention accommodations and

services the Big Sky has to offer, including newly renovated guest rooms,

complimentary wireless internet, a pool, and flexible meeting and banquet

space. The Colonial is located right off the I-15 Capitol exit, providing easy


Rooms are available for $99.99 to $119.99 per night. Phone 1-406-443-

2100 and mention Montana Audubon to receive this rate, or use the on-line

booking code MONT0604. More lodging information is available online at


The Colonial proudly supports Montana Audubon and looks forward to

welcoming you in June!

welcome The 16th Annual Wings Across the Big Sky

Festival, co-hosted by Montana Audubon and the

Last Chance Audubon Chapter, is shaping up to

be a spectacular event.

We hope you will join us in Helena, Montana on

June 5–7, 2015 for dynamic birding field trips,

interesting speakers and presenters, informational

booths, and fun festivities as we celebrate efforts

to conserve our birds and wildlife in Montana.

Read this brochure for information on Festival

headquarters, speakers and birding tours to help

decide how to spend your fun-filled weekend in

and around Helena.

Special thanks to Sandy Shull & Jane Beasley

of Birds & Beasleys for allowing us to use Jane’s

wonderful illustrations throughout the brochure.

Thank you to Michael Chapman for the cover

photo, taken at the Helena Regulating Reservoir.


FRIDAY1:00 p.m. Registration4:30 p.m. Welcome and EveningProgram, Keynote Speaker 8:30 Field Trip

SATURDAY MORNING 5:00 a.m. Breakfast with field tripgroups and leaders, Field Trips

SATURDAY AFTERNOON 1:00 p.m. Speakers Vince Yanonne, Dan Ellison, Andrea Silverman, Scott Weidensaul

SATURDAY EVENING 4:30 p.m. Poetry contest winners (see back page)5:30 p.m. Banquet

SUNDAY MORNING5:00 a.m. Breakfast with field trip groups and leaders, Field Trips

Scott Weidensaul will be speaking Friday evening as

he presents interesting information on migration

patterns; then on Saturday afternoon he will treat

us to his study of Snowy and Saw-whet owls.

Scott Weidensaul is the author of more than

two dozen books on natural history, including

the Pulitzer Prize finalist Living on the Wind,

Return to Wild America: A Yearlong Search for the

Continent’s Natural Soul; and Of a Feather: A Brief

History of American Birding. His most recent book,

The First Frontier: The Forgotten History of Struggle,

Savagery and Endurance in Early America, was

published in 2012, and he is the author of the

forthcoming Peterson Reference Guide to Owls. Weidensaul

is a contributing editor for Audubon Magazine and writes for

a variety of other publications. He lives in the mountains of eastern

Pennsylvania, where he studies the migration of hawks, owls and


Living on the Wind: The Miracle of Bird Migration

Since the dawn of human imagination, we have been spellbound by

the migration of birds, in which even the smallest species traverse

immensities of space the way we cross a street. New research

continually expands our understanding of where birds travel and their

migratory feats. But while the populations of many migratory birds

are in drastic decline, there are many things we can do to save them.

Naturalist and author Scott Weidensaul explores the wonder and

mechanics of migration, as well as the simple, effective ways we

can preserve them—from what we plant in our gardens, pour into

our morning mug of coffee, and the work that Montana Audubon

is doing to protect this incredible phenomenon.

Festival Footprints and You

Included in your registration is anopportunity to offset the impact of travellingto and from the Festival. We are againfeaturing Montana Audubon Center in Billings and invite you to donate toward our energy conservation efforts.

keynote speaker


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field tripsWe are excited to offer a great variety of field trips this festival. Our first trip (FR1)

is scheduled for Friday night and is dependent on the weather. Saturday trips are

labeled “SA”; Sunday trips are “SU.” Trips labeled SA/SU are identical both days.

All field trips are limited to 15 participants and will leave the Colonial at 6:00 a.m.

unless otherwise noted. Be sure to join your breakfast table marked with your field trip

number between 5 and 6 a.m. so the leader can give you pertinent information

and make plans for car-pooling. Sack lunches are included both days with your

registration fee, so be sure to pick those up as you leave with your group.

Please bring comfortable shoes, water, rain gear, camera, and any personal needs

for your trip. All Saturday trips return to the Colonial by noon, whereas some

Sunday trips end outside Helena. Check individual trip descriptions for more info.

FR1 Spring Meadow Lake

Bat Walk

Friday 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. This tour willdepend on weather conditions, as bats aregenerally active only under certain conditions.We will walk around Spring Meadow StatePark (on west edge of Helena) where bats aremost likely to be active. Tour leader(s) will have iPads equipped with a high-quality recordingmicrophone to capture bat vocalizations. These sounds can then be analyzed to identifythe species. Several species of bats may beencountered. Walking on level paths.

SA1 / SU1 Little Prickly

Pear Creek

This trip will follow Little Prickly Pear Creeknorth of Helena from the Canyon Creek Storedownstream most of the way to the Sieben exiton I-15. The riparian area is always within view,with willows dominating at the start of the trip,giving way to cottonwoods at the end. The tripstarts in irrigated farm fields and bottomlandswhere Bobolink, Wilson’s Snipe, Sandhill Craneand Wilson’s Phalarope may be expected.Moving into the canyon, which has shrubby andconiferous uplands, expect to see Willow andDusky flycatchers, Spotted Towhee, LazuliBunting, Gray Catbird, Lark Sparrow, Bullock’sOriole and Rock Wren. Other species whichhave been seen here include Veery, Green-tailed Towhee, Yellow-breasted Chat, Pileatedand Lewis’s woodpeckers. At the lower end ofthe trip there is a wonderful aspen grovewhere Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Flicker, Red-naped Sapsucker, Least Flycatcher and HouseWren may be seen. Light walking on gravel road.

SA2 / SU2 Canyon Ferry

Eastside Grasslands

This tour will traverse grassland areas on theeast side of Canyon Ferry Reservoir ; it will also include Ponderosa Pine forest, shrublands,and pockets of aspen/cottonwood. Speciesexpected include Long-billed Curlew,McCown’s Longspur, and a host of sparrowssuch as Vesper, Savannah, Lark, Clay-colored and others. Horned Lark, meadowlark, raptors,and various flycatchers are also likely. Driving between several short walks on mostly

level terrain.

SA3 / SU3 Mullan Pass/

Austin Road

This trip begins along the willow-choked valley bottom of Seven-mile Creek, and thenproceeds past aspen groves to coniferouswoods along the Continental Divide. Dropping down the west side you willexperience the beautiful high-mountaingrasslands at the head of Dog Creek. Starting up Sevenmile, expect to see loads of Catbirds, Willow Flycatchers and NorthernWaterthrushes, along with Ruby-CrownedKinglets, Veerys, American Redstarts, LazuliBuntings, Evening Grosbeaks and WesternTanagers. Up in the conifers we might see Blue Grouse, Swainson’s and Hermit thrushes,Cassin’s Finch, Pine Siskin and Red Crossbill. The meadows along Dog Creek often harborSandhill Cranes, White-crowned Sparrows,Lincoln’s Sparrows and Ruffed Grouse—not to mention elk herds! Short walks along gravel roads. Walks may

include some uphill stretches.

Saturday afternoonpresentations

Leading off Saturday activitieswill be Vince Yannone.

Dubbed, “Mr Wildlife” bythe Great Falls Tribune

and a “Local Hero” bythe Helena IndependentRecord, Vince Yannonewas committed toconserving wildlife for

over 25 years as a MTFish, Wildlife & Parks

biologist. During that time heprovided rehabilitation for

countless injured and orphaned wildanimals, helped to establish ProjectWILD, and traveled extensively to bringwildlife programs to educators,landowners, ranchers and many otheraudiences. Through his enthusiasm andhumor, Vince became the face of fishand wildlife education and conservationacross Montana. He is also one of thefounding members and first president ofLast Chance Audubon Society in 1971.

Then choose from two sessions:

• Dan Ellison, Small falcon magic in Helena Dan will show spectacular photos ofMerlins and kestrels while describingtheir nesting behavior in the urbanenvironment. Dan’s presentation willalso feature a live Merlin and AmericanKestrel, brought to the festival byvolunteers from the Montana WildlifeCenter.

• Prickly Pear Land TrustAndrea Silverman, Land ProtectionCoordinator will present an overview of Prickly Pear Land Trust’s mission andprograms. She will discuss PPLT’s effortsto protect open space, agriculturallands, and habitat in the Helena Valleyand throughout its four-county servicearea, as well as how the land trust’swork complements that of MontanaAudubon.

Closing out Saturday afternoonwill be Scott Weidensaul sharing his observations on Snowy and Saw-whet owls. (See page 2.)

Montana Wild will have raptors availablefor viewing during the afternoon duringDan Ellison’s presentation.


Mostly Driving

Family Friendly


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SA4 / SU4 Helena Regulating


This trip will take you to the RegulatingReservoir Fishing Access Site. We will hike alongthe shore through wet meadows and dryuplands, following the ribbon of maturecottonwoods around the reservoir. Expect tosee Wilson’s Snipe, Western and Red-neckedgrebes, Double-crested Cormorant (including arookery), Spotted Sandpiper, White Pelican andGreat-blue Heron on or near the water. LeastFlycatcher, Bullock’s Oriole, House Wren, andWestern Wood-pewee can be expected in thecottonwoods, while Savannah and Vespersparrows along with meadowlarks will beaplenty in the grassy areas. Moderate exertion

along trails or through grassy areas without trails,

about two miles hiking. Bring bug spray as themosquitoes will be out!

SA5 / SU5 Canyon Ferry


This trip will explore mostly riparian and pond-type habitats adjacent to the Missouri River, andimpoundments within Canyon Ferry WildlifeManagement Area. It includes grassland,shrublands, agriculture, and cottonwoodbottomlands. Pond areas harbor large breedingcolonies of White Pelicans and several gullspecies. Caspian Terns may also be seen in onearea, and Sandhill Cranes are commonthroughout. Many waterfowl species can beobserved, along with grassland sparrows,swallows, orioles, and many marsh birds andother common riparian and water-associatedspecies. Driving between shorts walks on mostly

level terrain. Will return about noon both days.

SA6 / SU6 Helena

North Hills

Departure time: 8 a.m. This trip will explore theponderosa pine forests-grasslands interfacealong the northern end of Helena Valley. We willlikely see Vesper and Savannah sparrows,Mountain Bluebird, Brown-headed Cowbird,Common Raven, Horned Lark and maybe Long-billed Curlew. In the pines we should findYellow-rumped Warbler, chickadees, and possiblyall three nuthatch species (Red-breasted, White-breasted, and Pygmy); also expect to see Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Townsend’s Solitaire,and Cedar Waxwing. Mostly driving, with frequent

stops and short walks along gravel roads.

This late start and easy terrain make for afamily-friendly trip.

SA7 / SU7 Little Blackfoot

and Minnehaha Creeks

This trip will begin along the Little BlackfootRiver near Elliston, proceed up Telegraph Creekover the Continental Divide and down intoMinnehaha Creek. Extensive willow bottomlandsmark the start of the trip, giving way to irrigatedpastures, aspen stands and various coniferousforest types. Expect to see Willow, Dusky andHammond’s flycatchers; Northern Waterthrush;Song, Lincoln’s, White-crowned, and Chippingsparrows; Wilson’s, Orange-crowned andMacGillivray’s warblers are possible, as isCassin’s Vireo and Steller’s Jay. Atop the dividewe will look for Clark’s Nutcrackers, Dark-eyedJuncos, and Mountain Bluebirds. With luck wewill see expansive fields of beargrass in fullbloom! Short walks along gravel or dirt roads,mostly on flat terrain.

SA8 / SU8 Basin Creek

This trip begins at the Bernice Exit along I-15south of Basin, Montana. It follows Basin Creekfrom its confluence with Bison Creek andproceeds to near its headwaters along agenerally good gravel road. Expansive willowbottoms rimmed with ponderosa pinemeadows and sagebrush uplands round out the vegetation. At the upper end near thecampground the forest is dominated bylodgepole pine and douglas-fir. Sparrowsabound; at the start expect to see Chipping andLincoln’s sparrows, along with Vesper and Songsparrows as we head upstream. At the upperend White-crowned Sparrows are likely. We will also be looking for Common Yellowthroat,Yellow and Yellow-rumped warblers, NorthernWaterthrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, GrayCatbird, and American Goldfinch. Minor exertion;

walking along mostly flat gravel roads, but

occasionally through grass and sagebrush adjacent

to riparian area.

SA9 / SU9 Grizzly Gulch

to Lump Gulch

Trip starts on the outskirts of Helena alongGrizzly Gulch, which is characterized by dryshrubby hillsides at the edge of town. We willthen proceed through willows and aspens andinto conifer woods, before descending downLump Gulch and Cottonwood bottoms intoClancy. On the start of the trip expect to seeRock Wrens, Spotted Towhees, Green-tailedTowhees, Lazuli Buntings, Warbling Vireos, CedarWaxwings and Black-headed Grosbeaks. Fartherup into the pine forests we will have a goodchance to see Lincoln’s and White-crownedSparrows; MacGillivray’s, Yellow, Yellow-rumped,Orange-crowned and Wilson’s warblers;

Evening Grosbeaks, Cassin’s Vireos, and RufousHummingbirds. Cordilleran Flycatchers are oftenseen along this route as well. Moderate walking

along gravel roads, with some walking in fields

and forest groves.

SA10 / SU10 Spring Meadow

Lake and Fairgrounds Ponds

Departure time 9 a.m. This family friendly trip on the outskirts of Helena will appeal to smallchildren and adults alike. At Spring MeadowState Park a graveled trail circles the lake forroughly ½ mile and passes throughcottonwoods, grassy areas and brushy thickets.At the Fairground Ponds (5-minute drive fromthe Park) shrubby and marshy areas surroundcottonwood stands. Expect to see Mallard,Canada Goose and hopefully the beautifulWood Duck on the water, along with Ring-billedGulls. In the trees we might see Bullock’sOrioles, Western Wood-pewees and WarblingVireos. With luck we might see a Clay-coloredSparrow. Other birds to expect are CedarWaxwings, Red-winged Blackbirds and EasternKingbirds. This is a great trip to see a variety ofcommon (and a few not so common) birds upclose. Expect leisurely walking along a flatimproved trail at Spring Meadow, but unimproved

trails at the Fairgrounds.

SA11 / SU11 Elkhorn Mountains/

McClelland Creek

This tour will explore along McClelland Creekand the northern portion of the ElkhornMountains. It will entail driving plus short walksalong roads and trails. Habitat will be mostlyconiferous, with some grassland and agriculturetoward the end of the tour. Birds likely to beencountered include: 3 nuthatch species, severalflycatcher species, including Olive-sidedFlycatcher, Red Crossbill, junco, Clark’sNutcracker, up to 5+ species of woodpeckers/sapsuckers, Pine Siskin, various raptor species,and many more. Mostly driving, with some short

walks along roads/trails in mountainous habitats.

SA12 / SU12 Lake Helena Southwest

This will be a walking tour through pastures,wetlands, and riparian/willow habitats southwestof Lake Helena. Species likely to be seen include:Bobolink, Yellow-headed and Red-wingedblackbirds, Marsh Wren, Great-horned Owl,several waterfowl species, Sandhill Crane,Savannah and Vesper sparrows, Wilson’s Snipe,Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, Sora, EasternKingbird, Yellow Warbler, and many others.Walking along a two-track road with some

possible off road jaunts –about 2+ miles roundtrip.


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SA13 / SU13 Missouri River

Canoe Float

This canoe trip will be on the Missouri Riverbelow Holter Dam. This section of the Missouriis a calm, scenic stretch with no whitewaterareas. Habitat is mostly riparian and agricultural,with shrubby shorelines, rock formations, and afew conifers in the upper reaches. Birds likely tobe observed include Common Merganser,Canada Goose (with broods), Bald Eagle,Osprey, Spotted Sandpiper, Eastern and Westernkingbird, Rufous-sided Towhee, White Pelican,and many other species. ALL PARTICIPANTS


activity includes launching and reloading canoes

plus paddling. Participants may head home atconclusion of Sunday float trip.

SA14 Elkhorns / Casey Meadows

This tour will be primarily hiking into a beautifulmountain meadow in the northern ElkhornMountains, with views of many mountainconifer-associated bird species such as DuskyGrouse, Gray and Steller’s jays, Clark’sNutcracker, several woodpecker speciesincluding American Three-toed Woodpeckerand Williamson’s Sapsucker, Townsend’s Warbler,Swainson’s and Hermit thrushes, and Olive-sided and other flycatcher species. Moderate

walk on mountain trail with perhaps 500-foot

elevation gain and 3–4 mile roundtrip.

If there is interest, an option to walk to CaseyPeak will be offered. This will include over a1,000-foot elevation gain and longer walk. Those

not interested in Casey Peak may return to

vehicles for return to festival.

SA15 Black Sandy / Hauser Dam

This tour will explore the Hauser Lake and dam areas. Habitats will include lake and rivertypes, scattered conifers, and rocky canyonslopes. Birds likely to be encountered: 3 speciesof Nuthatches, Canyon Wren (a specialty of this area), possibly a nesting Bald Eagle pair, White-throated Swift, several swallow species,American Dipper, Belted Kingfisher, CommonMerganser, Clark’s Nutcracker, and many otherconifer-associated species. Driving between short

walks, plus a longer walk of perhaps one mile

across Hauser Dam and along a rocky trail with

some ups and downs.

SA16 Tenmile Creek

Environmental Trail

Departure time: 8 a.m. The short hike along theEnvironmental Trail is through mature Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine forests, with small aspen

groves mixed. We may see Yellow-rumpedWarblers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, MountainChickadees, Common Ravens, Red-napedSapsuckers, Cassin’s Finches, and Hammond’sFlycatchers. With luck we might also see Cassin’sVireos and Pileated Woodpeckers. The secondhike is along the old railroad grade at the nearbyForest Service Campground through aspens andwillows; we will look for MacGillivray’s Warblers,Willow and Dusky flycatchers, Goldfinches, and Northern waterthrushes. The 1.1 mile

Environmental Trail hiking loop is suitable for

families, but probably not young children, because

some portions of the trail are steep. The walk

along the railroad grade is about 0.5 miles

and flat.

SA17 Helena Area

Nature Photography

Meet at 8 a.m. at the Colonial. Learn from aveteran wildlife and landscape photographerhow to take better photos, including photos ofbirds. Also included will be how to get the bestperformance from your camera and what tolook for when buying a new camera. Selectionof tripods will also be discussed, technical issuessuch as manual vs. fully automatic modes,choices of software for photo management, and general photo composition and exposureissues. Meet at the Colonial at 8 a.m. for adiscussion session prior to the field trip. At 9a.m. the group will depart for the fairgrounds,primarily to photograph waterbirds. Participantsare welcome to bring their own equipment, but

this is not a pre-requisite for attending.

SA18 Historic Helena Tour

(non-birding tour)

9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Historian Ellen Baumler willguide you through Helena’s colorful history,from mining camps to becoming the statecapital in the town that gold built. You will hearstories of the Pioneer Cabin and quaintReeder’s Alley, see the famous Guardian of theGulch, the magnificent St. Helena Cathedral, andMontana’s only standing territorial capitolbuilding. We’ll take a leisurely drivethrough Helena’s beautiful WestSide, where wealthy miners,stockmen, and bankers spenttheir fortunes on fabuloushomes. View historic LastChance Gulch, the far-famedMontana Club, the originalGovernor’s Mansion, theformer temple Emanu-El, andmuch more. If time allows wemight even visit a historiccemetery!

SA19 Tour of Archie Bray

Foundation for Ceramic Arts

(non-birding tour)

9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tour the Archie BrayFoundation for Ceramic Arts with ChipClawson, who has been involved with the Brayfor 37 years. In 1951 Archie Bray Jr. transformedthe Western Clay Brickyard into a world-classpottery center with the assistance of Montanaceramic artists, Rudy Autio and Peter Voulkos.The tour will include visiting galleries, studios,grounds, kilns and commercial clay-makingfacilities. Topics of discussion will include thehistory of the Bray and its historic brickyard, and the mission and functioning of the Bray.Please wear comfortable walking shoes.

SU14 Big Belts /

Cave and Avalanche Gulches

This will be primarily a hiking tour, but diversebird communities will be encountered. We willtraverse several scenic, rocky canyons on thewest side of the Big Belt Mountains. Likelyspecies include Rock and Canyon wrens,Western Tanager, several flycatcher species,White-throated Swift, Yellow-rumped Warbler,Warbling Vireo, and other mountain conifer-associated species. Mostly walking along rocky,

mountainous roads, with slight inclines. Roundtrip

distance covered perhaps 2–3 miles.

SU15 Beartooth WMA

This tour will explore one of the more scenicareas in the northern foothills of the Big BeltMountains. It is an elk winter range with open,grassy hillsides, scattered conifers, heavy north-slope conifer cover, and excellent cottonwoodand willow riparian areas. A number of warblerspecies, including American Redstart, Yellow-breasted Chat, Orange-crowned and Yellow-rumped warblers are likely. Orioles, LazuliBuntings, wrens, Mountain Bluebirds, severalwoodpecker species, Warbling Vireo, many

sparrow species, Ruffed Grouse,and raptors should all be

found in this greatbirding area. Driving between

short and


longer walks

on flat to

slightly hilly




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SU16 Warm Springs Ponds

This tour will traverse areas of riparian, wetland, and lake/stream habitats in the DeerLodge Valley. The focus will be on lake, marshand riparian habitats. Bird species will include a dozen or more waterfowl species, 3+ grebespecies, Black-crowned Night-heron, Great BlueHeron, Wilson’s Snipe, Wilson’s Phalarope,Osprey, Bald Eagle (nesting), Marsh Wrens,Willow Flycatchers, numerous sparrow species,and many more. Driving between short walks

on mostly level ground. Participants may headhome following the trip.

SU17 Blackfoot Native Plants,


Departure Time: 8 a.m. The mission of BlackfootNative Plants is to promote the preservationand utilization of native plants. Their focus is onspecies native to Montana and the RockyMountain West. The plants they propagate areindigenous to our local environment and thrivein the areas west of the Rocky Mountains. Thisfield trip will include a tour of over 150 speciesof containerized native plants from westernMontana, including hardy native grasses, shrubsand wildflowers. They hand-collect seed toensure genetic diversity, and grow totally out-of-doors so you’ll have the hardiest plants available.They are shifting their species selection towardpollinator-friendly and xeric plants, but still havea good selection of shade and water-lovingspecies as well. Many of their plants are bird-friendly, and there will be a diverse selectionavailable for purchase. Walking short distances

from parking lot through facility (accessible to all ages).

Departure time: 8 a.m. from Helena, arriving fortour at nursery by 10 a.m. Participants travel ontheir own to the nursery. Best route fromHelena is to Avon, north to Highway 200, westpast Clearwater Junction to Potomac and southto 33397 Camas Trail. Trip begins and ends atnursery, approximately at noon.

SU18 Stemple Pass

to Lincoln

This trip will follow Highway 279 toward FlesherPass, turning off onto Stemple Pass Road,proceeding up Virginia Creek and over theContinental Divide, and then into Lincoln.Willows along Canyon Creek give way tocottonwoods and aspens along Virginia Creek,and eventually into conifer forests near the pass.Coming down Poorman Creek into Lincoln wewill go through cottonwoods and ponderosapine forests, then breaking into grasslands.Expect to see Willow, Dusky and Hammond’sflycatchers, as well as Yellow, Yellow-rumped,and MacGillivray’s warblers. In the grassy areaswe may see Northern Harriers and Long-billedCurlews, along with Song and Lincoln’ssparrows. In the conifers expect to see WesternTanagers, Warbling Vireos, Cassin’s Finches,Ruby-Crowned Kinglets, Dark-eyed Juncos aswell as Swainson’s and Hermit thrushes. Thebrushy hillsides will harbor Lazuli Buntings,Spotted Towhees and Vesper Sparrows, and withluck we could spot a Pileated Woodpecker orCassin’s Vireo. Mostly driving with stops to walk

along gravel roads on flat or slightly inclined

surfaces.Trip will end in Lincoln no later thannoon.

SU19 Loons in the

Clearwater River

Chain of Lakes

Departure: 6 a.m. from Helena; 7:30 atClearwater Junction. This trip will begin at theClearwater Junction (MT 200 and US 83) RestArea. The group will then travel to Salmon Lakefor a discussion about human-related impacts tonesting loons. Next stop will be the Seeley LakeRanger Station and a walk along the ClearwaterCanoe Trail to the viewing blind. In early Juneloons may be visible if they are still nesting. Thenthe tour travels north to Summit Lake, followedby stops at various lakes on the return trip tothe ranger station. Aside from guaranteed viewsof loon families, another highlight is a heronrookery at Inez Lake. Expect the opportunity tosee many other birds of the mature coniferousforests, including Pileated Woodpecker, Steller’sJay, Townsend’s and Yellow-rumped warblers, Foxand Song sparrows, Northern Waterthrush, andWillow and Hammond’s flycatchers. Up to one

mile of hiking along roads or improved trails.Tripends at noon at the Seeley Lake Ranger Station.

SU20 Lewis & Clark Caverns

State Park

Departure: 6 a.m. from Helena, 7:30 at the Park entrance, located along the Jefferson River about 1¼ hours south of Helena.

Habitat includes limestone cliffs, Great Basinscrub, Douglas-fir and Rocky Mountain Juniperforests. Species we might see along thecliff/water interface include White-throatedSwift, Rock Wren, Canyon Wren and PeregrineFalcon. Cassin’s Vireo, Hermit Thrush, LarkSparrow and Green-tailed Towhee are alsospecialties of the area. Common Mergansers areoften seen on the Jefferson River, and Yellow-breasted Chats can be found in the riparianthickets. Expect moderate hiking, possibly two

miles over uneven trails, with vertical gain in the

hundreds of feet. This landscape is typically hot

and dry, so be sure to bring plenty of water and

sturdy footwear! Trip will end at noon at thePark entrance.

SU21 Blackfoot Valley /

Browns Lake

This tour will be one of several that will travelwest of the Continental Divide. It will traverse a variety of habitats, but will focus on riparianforest along the Blackfoot River, wetland/waterhabitats at Brown’s Lake, and shrub/grasslands in the Blackfoot Valley. Species likely to beencountered include: Western, Red-necked, andpossibly Clark’s grebes, many waterfowl species,several flycatchers, many sparrow species,including Clay-colored and Brewer’s, Bullock’sOriole, Bald Eagle and other raptors, CommonYellowthroat, Eastern Kingbird, and if theweather is cloudy & cool, Vaux’s Swift. Driving

between several short walks, mostly on level

terrain. Participants may head home at theconclusion of the tour.

SU22 Headwaters State

Park and Old Town Road

Departure: 6 a.m. from Helena, 7:30 a.m. atHeadwaters Park. The state park is located atthe confluence of the Jefferson, Madison andGallatin rivers, an hour drive south of Helena.The riparian forests here are rich with maturecottonwood galleries, surrounded by sagebrush,buffaloberry, and grasslands. Within thesehabitats we will look for Least Flycatcher,Eastern and Western kingbirds, Bullock’s Oriole,Black-headed Grosbeak and Red-tailed Hawk.Along the scenic cliffs that line the MissouriRiver expect to find White-throated Swift, Rockand Canyon wrens, Turkey Vulture, Osprey andmaybe a nesting Peregrine and Prairie falcons. Inthe river we might find White Pelicans, Double-crested Cormorants and Common Mergansers.Along Old Town Road we will search for SageThrashers, Western Wood-pewees andBrewer’s Sparrows. Mostly driving, with short

stops and some walking along uneven terrain, on

gravel roads, improved and unimproved trails.

Total walking will not exceed a half-mile.


Mountain Chickadee

Page 7: 16th ANNUAL MONTANA AUDUBON BIRD FESTIVALbloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/helenair.com/... · The Colonial proudly supports Montana Audubon and looks forward to welcoming you


Thank you to our



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Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PA I DPermit #151

Great Falls MT

PO Box 595

Helena, MT 59624

poetry contestA limerick’s not too hard to writeIf you keep the rhyme sequence in sight;Just let your mind go.The ideas will flow.So you don’t want to try it? You might.

This year, in lieu of a bird song competition, Last Chance Audubon Society is sponsoring a Poetry Contest. They are asking for bird and birding themed limericks and haiku. Please submit up to two of each.

Haiku is traditionally a 17-syllable poem arranged in 5 – 7 – 5 syllable lines without rhyme. Limericksare five lines with rhyming as illustrated above.

Prizes will be awarded. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself and submit your entries to:

Jo Lace210 S California StHelena MT 59601

Or email to Janice and Jo at [email protected] LATER than May 1, 2015.


June 5–7, 2015

Red Lion Colonial Hotel

Helena, Montana



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City State Zip

Phone Email

Chapter Affiliation

Friday One trip only Trip # FR1 # of persons _______

Saturday Choice 1: Trip # ______ # of persons _______

Choice 2: Trip # ______ # of persons _______

Choice 3: Trip # ______ # of persons _______

Sunday Choice 1: Trip # ______ # of persons _______

Choice 2: Trip # ______ # of persons _______

Choice 3: Trip # ______ # of persons _______

Saturday Night Banquet (included in all except opt-out)

Stuffed Pork Chop #_______

Cheddar Crusted Chicken #_______

Black Forest Wellington #_______

Saturday Sack Lunch

Turkey #_______

Ham #_______

Veggie #_______

Full Festival Early Bird Rate $145/person (After 5/22 - $160)

Banquet Opt-Out Rate $135/person (After 5/22 - $150)

Young Adults 18 & under $30 for meals

Bucket Raffle $10 each or 6/$50*

Donation to Energy Conservation at the Center ($10 minimum)

Additional Donation

Total Enclosed


Register by mail:

Send completed form and check to

Montana Audubon,

PO Box 595, Helena MT 59625

Or register online at


field tripsIndicate number of persons interested in the Friday night field trip, then list your top three field trip choices for Saturday and Sunday and include thenumber of persons on each trip. Trips are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register early!

mealsFull Festival includes Friday evening hors d’oeuvres, Saturday & Sunday breakfasts & sack lunches, Saturday noon snacks, and Saturday banquet.(Please indicate number for each choice)



Full refund through April 30, 2014.

50% Refund through May 22.

NO refunds after May 22.

*Raffle tickets have been mailed to in-state addresses only. You may mail your tickets and check to Montana Audubon as listed above. Federal law prohibits purchase of raffle tickets with a credit card, so you may not purchase raffle tickets with an on-line registration. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at all times during the Festival.








Sunday Sack Lunch

Turkey #_______

Ham #_______

Veggie #_______


