16587222 Elementary Japanese Lessons 21 40

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Educational Service District 101’s STEP•Star NetworkEEEElllleeeemmmmeeeennnnttttaaaarrrryyyy JJJJaaaappppaaaannnneeeesssseeee CCCCoooouuuurrrrsssseeee


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyBoku - (Male) Watashi - (Female)

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeee

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review of Colors

a. red akab. blue aoc. yellow kiirod. murasaki purplee. midori greenf. orenji orange

g. haiiro greyh. chaiiro browni. kuro blackj. pinku pink

k. Review

B. Numbersa. zero zerob. one ichic. two nid. three sane. four shif. five gog. six rokuh. seven shichii. eight hachij. nine kuk. ten jü

l. eleven jüichim twelve jünin. thirteen jüsano. fourteen jüship. fifteen jügoq. sixteen jürokur. seventeen jüshichis. eighteen jühachit. nineteen jükuu. twenty nijüu. Review

C. Phrasesa. Arigatö Thank youb. Döitashimashite You’re welcome.c. Tadaima I’m home.d. Okaerinasai Welcome home.e. Tachinasai stand up (to a younger person)f. Suwarinasai sit down (to a younger person)g. tattekudasai stand up (to an older person)h. suwattekudasai sit down (to an older person)

i. Review


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyarimasu - to have shimasu - to do

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeGoing Hiking

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review of Days of the Week

a. Nichiyöbi Sundayb. Getsuyöbi Mondayc. Kayöbi Tuesdayd. Suiyöbi Wednesday

e. Mokuyöbi Thursdayf. Kinyöbi Fridayg. Doyöbi Saturday

B. Hiragana Sounds and Writing ReviewA, I, U, E, O, KA, KI, KU, KE, KO

C. Phrasesa. momiji the art of observing maple trees in the fallb. Noni oshimasuka? What are you doing?c. Nani ga arimasuka? What do you have?

D. Hiking Fooda. carrots ninjinb. potato chips poteto chippuc. hot dog hotto doggud. chocolate chokore-toe. apple ringo

E. Other Foodsa. banana bananab. pear-apple nashic. orange orenjid. apple ringoe. persimmon kakif. watermelon suika

F. Hiragana Writing and Soundssa, shi, su, se, so

G. Word Bank - kotoba ginköa. jaga imo potatob. tomato tomatoc. hanba-ga hamburgerd. gohan ricee. piza pizza

f. tamago eggsg. sakana fishh. toriniku chickeni. sandoitchi sandwichj. pan bread


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyTenki wa dö desuka? How is the weather?

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeWeather

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review of Lesson 22 Sentences

B. Review of Hiragana Sounds and Brush Strokes from Lesson 22.

C. Weather Wordsa. sunny hare desub. cloudy kumori desuc. rainy ame desud. snowy yuki desu

e. Review

D. Other Wordsa. book honb. today kyöc. tomorrow ashita

E. Phrasesa. Nani ga arimasuka? What do you have?b. Nani o shimasuka? What are you doing?c. Tenki wa dö desuka? How is the weather?d. Kyö wa nanyöbi desu ka? What day is it today?e. Ashita wa nanyöbi desuka? What day is tomorrow?f. Shita nani o shimasuka? What are you going to do tomorrow?

g. Review

F. Word Bank - kotoba ginköa. samui coldb. kaminari lightning & thunderc. kumo cloudd. taiyö sune. haru springf. natsu summerg. aki fallh. fuyu winteri. atsui hot


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyNani o shite imasuka? - What are you doing?

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeee“DDDDOOOOIIIINNNNGGGG” Words

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review Weather words from Lesson 23.

B. Hiragana Brush Strokes and Soundsta, chi, tsu, te, to

C. “DDDDOOOOIIIINNNNGGGG” Wordsa. studying - to study benkyö shimasub. eating - to eat tabemasuc. drinking - to drink nomimasud. opening - to open okemasue. writing - to write kakimasuf. seeing - to see mimasug. talking - to talk hanashimasuh. playing - to play asobimasu

D. Phrasesa. Ima nani o shite imasuka? What are you doing now?b. Ima desu kac. Hiragana o benkyö shite imasu.

E. Word Banka. ongaku musicb. bijutsu artc. taiiku P.E.d. Nihongo Japanesee. Eigo Englishf. rika scienceg. shakai social studiesh. sansü math


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyMö, ichido onegai shimasu. - Once again, please.

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeCommon Expressions

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review Present and Progressive Tense

B. Hiragana Brush Strokes and Sounds Reviewsa, shi, su, se, sota, chi, tsu, te, to

C. 1 - 10 Numbers (counting)a. #4 yonb. #7 nanac. #9 kyü

d. Review

D. Phrasesa. Ogenki desuka? How are you?b. Nani o kaiteimasuka? What are you writing?c. Wakarimasen I do not understand.d. Wakarimasu I understand.e. Wakaremaska? Do you understand?

E. Word Banka. 20 nijüb. 30 sanjüc. 40 yonjüd. 50 gojüe. 60 rokujüf. 70 shichijüg. 80 hachijüh. 90 kyüjü


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyDokö ni ikimasuka? Where are you going?

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeTransportation

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review Numbers in Lesson 25

B. Places To Goa. köen parkb. gakkö schoolc. shoppingu mo-ru shopping mall

How To Get Therea. jitensha bicycleb. basu busc. jidoosha car

C. Other Wordsa. dokö whereb. nijü 20

D. Hiragana Brush Strokes and Soundsna, ni, nu, ne, no

E. Phrasesa. Köen ni ikimasu. I’m going to the park.

F. Word Banka. su-pa supermarketb. aisukuriimuya ice cream storec. hikoki planed. fune boate. densha trainf. aruite ikimasu walking


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyIkura desuka? How much?

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeShopping

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review

a. Where are you going?

B. Wordsa. doru dollarb. ji-nzu jeansc. se-ta sweaterd. suka-to skirte. t-shatsu t-shirt

C. Hiragana Sounds and Brush Strokesha, hi, fu, he, ho

D. Phrasesa. San doru desu. It is $3.b. Go doru desu. It is $5.c. Aisukuri-mu ga suki desu. I like ice cream.d. Mo ichido onegai shimasu. Once again, please.

E. Word Banka. kutsu shoesb. jaketto jacketc. zubon pantsd. böshi hate. burausu blousef. kutsushita socks


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyDare desuka? Who is it?

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeCooking

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review “How much” segment.B. Review te-imasu.

C. “Cooking” Wordsa. gohan riceb. hashi chopsticksc. fo-ku forkd. naifu knife

e. supu-n spoonf. sara plateg. boru bowlh. kappu cup

D. Phrasesa. Sushi suki desuka? Do you like sushi?b. Sushi ga, suki desu. Yes, I like sushi.c. Sushi kudasai? May I have some sushi?d. Onaka ga suite imasu. I am hungry.e. Sushi o tsukutte imasu. I am making sushi.f. Ojïsan to obäsan ga kimasu. My aunt and uncle are coming.g. Nodo ga kawaite imasu. I am thirsty.h. Okäsan to otösan ga kimasu. My mother and father are coming.

E. Word Banka. hashi chopsticksb. fo-ku forkc. naifu knifed. supu-n spoone. sara platef. boru bowlg. kappu cup


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyySumimasen - Excuse me.

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeCommunity People

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review Lesson 28

a. dokö desuka whereb. dare desuka whoc. Dokö ni ikimasuka? Where are you going?

B. Hiragana Sounds and Brush Strokesma, mi, mu, me, mo

C. Words used for Counting Peoplea. hitori oneb. futari twoc. sannin threed. yonin foure. gonin five

f. rokunin sixg. shichinin sevenh. hachinin eighti. kyünin ninej. jünin ten

D. Other Community Peoplea. omawarisan policemanb. shöböshisan firemanc. sensei doctord. untenshusan bus drivere. köchösensei principal

E. Phrasesa. Yokudekimashita. You did well.b. Dositano? What’s wrong?c. Wa byöki desuka? Are you sick?

F. Word Banka. shöböshisan firemanb. ohayakushösan farmerc. kangofusan nursed. sensei dentiste. teninsan salesclerkf. yübinyasan mailman


1. CCCCaaaattttcccchhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee DDDDaaaayyyyIkutsu desuka? How many?

2. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeEvening Greetings

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Evening Words

a. Konban wa. Good Eveningb. Oyasumi nasai. Good Night.

B. Counting Objects (such as stars)hitotsu onefutatsu twomittsu threeyottsu fourisutsu fivemuttsu sixnanatsu sevenyattsu eightkokonotsu ninetö tenjüichi elevenjüni twelve

C. Wordsa. Ohayö Gozaimasu Good Morningb. Konnichiwa Good Afternoonc. Sayönara Good bye


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeReview Lesson on Classroom Settings

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review

a. Classroom Greetingsb. Monthsc. What day is it? - Review Daysd. Weather

Describe different weather conditions.e. Objectsf. Hiragana Brush Strokes and Sounds

a, i, u, e, oka, ki, ku, ke, kosa, shi, su, se, so

B. Wordsa. hon bookb. tsukue deskc. isu chaird. kureyon crayone. Ichigatsu Januaryf. Nigatsu Februaryg. Sangatsu Marchh. Shigatsu April

i. Gogatsu Mayj. Rokugatsu Junek. Shichigatsu Julyl. Hachigatsu Augustm. Kugatsu Septembern. Jügatsu Octobero. Jüichigatsu Novemberp. Jünigatsu December

C. Phrasesa. Ohayö gozaimasu. Good Morningb. Konnichiwa. Good Afternoonc. Ogenki desuka? How are you doing?d. Ima, nangatsu desuka? What month is it?e. Kyö wa nanyöbi desuka? What day is it today?f. Tsukue ga arimasuka? Do you have a desk?g. Pen ga arimasuka? Do you have a pen?h. Isu ga arimasuka? Do you have a chair?i. Kureyon ga arimasuka? Do you have a crayon?

D. Essential Phrasesa. Mö ichido onegai shimasu. I would like you to do that again.b. Toire ni itte mö ii desuka? May I go to the bathroom?c. Hai, ii desu. Yes you may.d. Kibun ga warui desu. I don’t feel well.

E. Word Banka. nijüichi 21b. nijüni 22c. nijüsan 23

d. nijüshi 24e. nijügo 25f. nijüroku 26g. nijüshichi 27h. nijühachi 28i. nijüku 29


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeHome Settings

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review

a. Greetingsb. After School Snacksc. What are you doing?d. Understandinge. Family Members and Who

B. Hiragana Brush Strokesa. ta, chi, tsu, te, tob. na, ni, nu, ne, noc. ha, hi, fu, he, ho

C. Phrasesa. Tadaima I’m home.b. Okaerinasai. Welcome back.c. Oyasuminasai. Good night.d. Onaka ga suite imasu. I’m hungry.e. Ringo wa dö desuka? How about an apple?f. Hai, ringo o tabemasu. Yes, I’ll eat an apple.g. Nodo ga kawaite imasu. I’m thirsty.h. Miluku wa dö desuka? How about a milk?i. Iie, miluku o nominasen. No, I won’t drink milk.j. Orenji wa dö desuka? How about an orange?k. Iie, orenji o tabemasen. No, I won’t eat an orange.l. Ju-su wa dö desuka? How about a/an juice?m. Hai, ju-su o nomimasu. Yes, I’ll drink a juice.n. Nani o shite imasuka? What are you doing?o. Hiragana o kaiteimasu. I am writing Hiragana.p. Benkyö shite imasu. I am studying.q. Asonde imasu. I am playing.r. Tabete imasu. I am eating.s. Wakarimasuka? Do you understand?t. Wakarimasu I understand.u. Wakarimasen I don’t understand.v. Dare desuka? Who is this?

D. Worda. okäsan motherb. otösan fatherc. obäsan grandmotherd. ojiisan grandfathere. obasan aunt

f. ojisan uncle

E. Essential Phrasesa. Itadakimasu. Thank you for the meal I am about to receive.b. Gochisö sama deshita. The meal was delicious.c. Gomen nasai. I am sorry.d. Domö arigatö gazaimasu. Thank you very much.e. Dö itashimashite. You’re welcome.

F. Word Banka. hyaku 100b. nihyaku 200c. sanbyaku 300d. yonhyaku 400e. gohyaku 500f. roppyaku 600g. nanahyaku 700h. happyaku 800i. kyühyaku 900


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeePublic Places (Review)

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Review

a. Public Placesb. How to ask “Where is the ?c. How much is it? - Clothing Vocabularyd. How many? (as in stars)e. Counting Peoplef. Hiragana Brush Strokes and Sounds

a. ma, mi, mu, me, mob. ra, ri, ru, re, ro

B. Wordsa. gakkö schoolb. ie homec. köen parkd. shoppingu mo-ru shopping malle. su-pa supermarket

C. Phrasesa. Aisukuri-muya wa dokö desuka? Where is the ice cream store?

D. Essential Phrasesa. Yukkuri hanashite kudasai. Please speak slowly.

E. Word Banka. san-kaku triangleb. shi-kaku squarec. naga-shi-kaku rectangled. maru circlee. hishigata diamondf. nagamaru oval


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeTime

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Intro to Telling Time

B. Wordsa. han halfb. ichiji 1:00c. ichijihan 1:30d. niji 2:00e. nijihan 2:30f. sanji 3:00g. sanjihan 3:30h. yoji 4:00i. yojihan 4:30j. goji 5:00k. gojihan 5:30l. rokuji 6:00m. rokujihan 6:30

n. shichiji 7:00o. shichijihan 7:30p. hachiji 8:00q. hachijihan 8:30r. kuji 9:00s. kujihan 9:30t. jüji 10:00u. jüjihan 10:30v. jüichiji 11:00w. jüichijihan 11:30x. jüniji 12:00y. jünijihan 12:30

C. Phrasesa. Sumimasen, ima nanji desuka? Excuse me, what time is it now?b. Ichiji desu. It’s 1 o’clock.c. Ichijihan desu. It’s 1:30.d. Niji desu. It’s 2:00e. Nijihan desu. It’s 2:30f. Nanji ni okimasuka? What time do you get up?g. nanji ni What time do you

D. Activity Wordsa. okimasu to get upb. nemasu to go to bedc. gakkö e ikimasu to go to schoold. kaerimasu to go home

E. Hiragana Brush Strokes and Writingya, yu, yo, wa, o, n

F. Essential Phrasesa. tatte kudasai please standb. suwatte kudasai please sitc. kiite kudasai please listend. kaite kudasai please writee. choto matte kudasai please wait a minute

G. Word Banka. asagohan breakfastb. hirugohan lunchc. bangohan dinnerd. yasumi jikan recess


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeLocation

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Intro to Location

B. Location Wordsa. shita underb. ue on top ofc. ushiro behindd. tonari next toe. mae in front off. hidari leftg. migi right

C. Phrasesa. Hon wa dokö ni arimasuka? Where is the book?b. Tsukue no ushiro ni arimasu. Behind the desk.c. Tsukue no tonari ni arimasu. Next to the desk.d. Tsukue no mae ni arimasu. In front of the desk.

D. Game “Fukuwarai”

E. Essential Phrasesa. Kantan desu. It’s easy.b. Muzukashii desu. It’s difficult.c. Dekimashitaka. Are you finished.d. Iie, mada desu. Not yet.e. Hai, dekimashita. Yes, I’m finished.

F. Word Banka. naka inb. chikaku nearc. töku fard. soto oute. mukö across


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeHouse and Home

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Intro to House and Home

B. House and Home Wordsa. ima ima living roomb. shokudö dining roomc. daidokoro kitchend. genkan entry halle. furoba bathroomf. shinshitsu bedroom

C. Phrasesa. Koko wa nan desuka? What room is this?b. Daidokoro desu. It is the kitchen.

D. Katakana Writing and Soundska, ki, ku, ke, ko

E. Essential Phrasesa. Ii desuka? Is it okay?b. Hai, ii desu. Yes, it’s okay.c. Iie, dame desu. No, it’s not.d. Naze desuka? Why?

F. Word Banka. otearai toiletb. nagashi sinkc. ofuro bathtubd. oshiire closete. röka hallwayf. shawa- shower


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeFurniture

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Intro to Furniture

B. Furniture Vocabulary Wordsa. sofa- sofab. dainingu ru-mu te-buru dining room tablec. reizöko refrigeratord. beddo bede. getabako shoebox

C. Review - Vocabulary Video Segment on Shopping

D. Katakana Reading and Writingsa, shi, su, se, so

E. Essential Phrasesa. wa dokö ni arimasuka? Where is the ?b. Ima ni arimasu. It’s in the living room.c. soko desu thered. koko desu heree. asoko desu over theref. mite kudasai please look

F. Word Banka. sutereo stereob. kusshon cushionc. kyödai dresserd. ranpu lampe. danbö heater


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeLeisure Time

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Intro to Leisure Time

B. Leisure Time Vocabulary Wordsa. eigakan movie theatreb. gurando playgroundc. pu-ru swimming poold. honya bookstoree. bideo rentaru shoppu video store

C. Katakana Reading and Writingta, chi, tsu, te, to

D. Phrasesa. Pu-ru niikitai desu. I want to go to the swimming pool.b. Dokö desuka? Where is it?c. Eigakan niikitai desu. I want to go the the movie theatre.d. Dokö desuka? Where is it?e. Honya nö tonari desu. It’s next to the bookstore.

E. Essential Phrasesa. Itte kimasu. I’m leaving.b. Itte irasshai (response to somebody leaving)c. Ki o tsukete. Take care.d. Oshiete kudasai. Please tell me.

F. Word Banka. omochaya toy storeb. okashiya candy storec. ra-menya noodle shopd. panya bakerye. aisukuri-muya ice cream shop


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeeeCommunity Places

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Intro to Community Places

B. Community Places Vocabulary Wordsa. toshokan libraryb. ginkö bankc. byöin hospitald. panya bakerye. yübinkyoku post officef. shöbösho fire station

C. Katakana Reading and Writingna, ni, nu, ne, no

D. Phrasesa. Onisan imasuka? Is Onisan here?b. Iie, Onisan imasen. No, Onisan is not here.c. Onisan wa dokö desuka? Where is Onisan?d. Toshokan ni imasu. He is in the library.

E. Essential Phrasesa. moshi moshi hellob. eeto ahhc. Sö desuka? Is that so.d. Jaa. Well, then.

F. Word Banka. oishasan doctor’s officeb. shögakkö elementary schoolc. kyöshitsu classroomd. haishasan dentist officee. bijutsukan art museumf. hakubutsukan history museum


1. CCCCllllaaaassssssss TTTThhhheeeemmmmeeee“Sports”

3. OOOObbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeeessssA. Intro to “Sports”

B. “Sports” Vocabulary Wordsa. sakka- soccerb. yakyü baseballc. basuke basketballd. taisö gymnasticse. karate karatef. suiei swimming

C. Katakana Reading and Writingha, hi, fu, he, ho

D. Phrasesa. Sakka- o shimasuka? Do you play soccer?b. Hai, sakka- o shimasen. Yes, I play soccer.c. Iie, basuke o shimasen. No, I don’t.d. Jaa, issho ni sakka- o shimashö. Well, let’s play soccer together.

E. Essential Phrasesa. Jyözu skillfulb. heta not good atc. renshü practiced. isshökenmei do your best

F. Word Banka. suki- skiingb. saikuringu bicyclingc. bare-bo-ru volleyballd. golufu golfe. tenisu tennis