164723621 a Sedimentological Approach to Refining Reservoir Architecture in a Mature Hydrocarbon Province the Brent Province UK North Sea

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  • 7/22/2019 164723621 a Sedimentological Approach to Refining Reservoir Architecture in a Mature Hydrocarbon Province the Brent Province UK North Sea


    A sedimentological approach to refining reservoir architecture in a maturehydrocarbon province: the Brent Province, UK North Sea

    Gary J. Hampson*, Peter J. Sixsmith, Howard D. Johnson

    Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BP, UK

    Received 5 April 2003; received in revised form 26 July 2003; accepted 29 July 2003


    Improved reservoir characterisation in the mature Brent Province of the North Sea, aimed at maximising both in-field and near-field

    hydrocarbon potential, requires a clearer understanding of sub-seismic stratigraphy and facies distributions. In this context, we present

    a regional, high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework for the Brent Group, UK North Sea based on extensive sedimentological

    re-interpretation of core and wireline-log data, combined with palynostratigraphy and published literature. This framework is used to

    place individual reservoirs in an appropriate regional context, thus resulting in the identification of subtle sedimentological and

    t t t ti hi f t f i hit t th t h b i l l k d W h i th f ll i i i ht

    Marine and Petroleum Geology 21 (2004) 457484


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    reservoir architecture and their links to the regional, Middle

    Jurassic structural evolution of the northern North Sea.

    2. Geological setting

    2.1. Structural evolution of the northern North Sea

    The northern North Sea has undergone a complexstructural evolution that encompasses three discrete episodes

    of rifting separated by periods of tectonic quiescence

    (Fig. 2A;Lee & Hwang, 1993; Rattey & Heyward, 1993).

    The first rifting episode occurred as part of the Caledonian

    Orogeny during the Devonian, and resulted in the generation

    of NESW trending structures that are exemplified by the

    Tern Eider Horst feature (Fig. 2A and B; Johnson &

    Dingwall, 1981; Lee & Hwang, 1993). The second rifting

    episode occurred duringthe Triassic (Fig.2AandB; Frseth,1996; Lee & Hwang, 1993; Roberts, Kusznir, Walker, &

    Dorn-Lopez, 1995), and has previously been difficult to

    interpret because of overprinting by late Jurassic structures.

    However, recent interpretation of high-quality 3D seismic

    volumes suggests that this rifting episode produced a seriesof

    half-grabens bounded by NNESSW trending, west-facing

    normal faults (John Underhill, pers. comm.). Although the

    spatial development of the Triassic basin is broadly

    coincident with later Jurassic depocentres in the northern

    North Sea (Lee & Hwang, 1993; Rattey & Heyward, 1993;

    Roberts et al., 1995), there are some significant differences in

    faultorientation and spacing between the two rifting episodes

    (Fig.2B and C; Frseth, 1996; John Underhill, pers. comm.).

    The Brent Group was deposited during the phase of post-

    rift subsidence that followed Triassic rifting (Fig. 2A). Brent

    Group deposition is coincident with thermal doming above a

    transient mantle plume in the central North Sea and

    subsequent deflation of this dome as the thermal anomaly

    produced by the mantle plume dissipated (Fig. 2A; Underhill

    & Partington, 1993). It has been suggested that deflation of

    the thermal dome introduced the regional tensional regime

    that caused development of the trilete North Sea rift basin in

    the late Jurassic (Davies, Turner, & Underhill, 2001). In thenorthern North Sea, late Jurassic rifting produced a series of

    half-grabens bounded by NS trending normal faults (Fig.

    2A and C; Davies et al., 2001). Detailed interpretation of

    these fault systems suggest that they were initiated during

    deposition of the youngest Brent Group strata, but they grew

    and linked predominantly during post-Brent times (Fig. 2B;

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    Davies, Dawers, McLeod, & Underhill, 2000; Dawers &

    Underhill, 2000; McLeod, Dawers, & Underhill, 2000).

    A good understanding of the complex structural evolution

    outlined above (Fig.2) is critical in determining thestructural

    setting of the northern North Sea during deposition of the

    Brent Group in the Middle Jurassic. Most importantly, many

    of thelate Jurassic extensional faultsthat define the structural

    traps of all current Brent Group reservoirs (Fig. 2C) were not

    present during Brent Group deposition (Dawers & Underhill,2000; McLeod et al., 2000). Instead, Brent Group deposition

    was predominantly influenced by passive differential sub-

    sidence across older, basement structures and active exten-

    sion acrossa small number of pre-existing fault systems (Fig.

    2B). The latter may have formed in response to thermal

    doming and relaxation during the Lower and Middle Jurassic

    (Underhill & Partington, 1993). Latest Brent Group depo-

    sition may have been influenced locally by initiation of the

    fault arrays that grew and linked into major rift structures

    during the late Jurassic, particularly along the southern part

    of the North Alwyn Brent-Statfjord fault system (Fig. 2B;

    Davies et al., 2000; McLeod et al., 2000). Key structures

    controlling Brent Group deposition include: (1) the Tern

    Eider Horst; a basement-involved Caledonian trend whose

    northwestern boundary is marked by Triassic rift faults and

    and Tarbert Formations (Fig. 3;Deegan & Scull, 1977). The

    Broom Formation and its Norwegian equivalent, the Oseberg

    Formation, comprise coarse-grained shallow marine deposits

    that are now widely considered to be genetically unrelated to

    the overlying Formations (Fig. 3; Fjellganger et al., 1996;

    Helland-Hansen et al., 1992; Mitchener et al., 1992). The

    upper four Formations record a major regressivetransgres-

    sive episode in which the Rannoch, Etive and Lower Ness

    Formations represent overall regression of a wave-dominateddeltaic coastline and the Upper Ness and Tarbert Formations

    record subsequent transgression (e.g. Brown, Richards, &

    Thomson, 1987). More detailedinterpretationsof the regional

    Brent Group succession have recognised a variablenumber of

    low-frequency (1 10 Ma) stratigraphic cycles that are super-

    imposed on the major regressivetransgressive episode (e.g.

    Fjellganger et al., 1996; Graue et al., 1987; Helland-Hansen

    et al., 1992; Mitchener et al., 1992).

    2.3. Sediment provenance

    Heavy mineral suites and isotopic data both suggest that

    the Brent Group was derived from multiple provenance

    areas (Hamilton, Fallick, & MacIntyre, 1987; Mearns, 1992;

    Mitchener et al., 1992; Morton, 1992). These data indicate

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    present a brief summary of previous facies analyses,

    combined with our own observations. The resulting facies

    association scheme is summarised inTable 2, and forms the

    basis for recognition of facies discontinuities across key

    sequence stratigraphic surfaces. The robust and consistent

    recognition of such surfaces in cores and wireline logs is

    essential for high-resolution (i.e. sub-seismic) application of

    sequence stratigraphic methods.

    4.1. Facies associations

    A number of facies associations have been identified in

    core, based on lithology, primary sedimentary structures,

    bioturbation fabric and the nature of bedding contacts with

    underlying and overlying units (Table 2). Facies associ-

    ations represent a variety of shallow marine, marginal

    marine and non-marine environments that may be classified

    into three broad groups (Table 2): (1) weakly wave-influenced shallow marine, (2) wave-dominated shallow

    marine and marginal marine, and (3) lagoonal and non-

    marine. The last two groups of facies associations occurwithin the Rannoch, Etive and Ness Formations and can be

    readily accommodated in the widely used facies model

    developed for the Brent Group by Budding and Inglin

    (1981) Fi 5) Th f i i i h b

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    Table 2

    Summary sedimentology of facies associations in the Brent Group

    Lithofacies association Lithology and sedimentary structures Bioturbation

    1. Weakly wave-influenced shallow marine facies associations (Broom Formation, Tarbert Formation)

    1.1. Offshore transition (OT) Mudstone and siltstone with rare (,25%) laminae

    and beds of very fine- to fine-grained sandstone.

    Parallel lamination, wave and current ripple


    Moderate to intense (BI 35; Planolites,

    Terebellina, Paleophycus, Rosselia,

    Thalassinoides , Teichichnus, Asterosoma,

    mud-filledArenicolites)1.2. Distal tide-influenced sheet

    sandstone (dTSS)

    Micaceous, lower fine-grained to lower medium-

    grained silty sandstones (80100%). Intense

    bioturbation almost completely obscures primary

    physical structures, but silty and micaceous laminations

    at 1 5 cm spacing record original bed tops.

    Rare current ripples and cross-beds. Rare marine

    body fossils (e.g. belemnites)

    High to complete (BI 46: Anconichnus,

    Thalassinoides , Arenicolites, Skolithos, Planolites,

    Palaeophycus, Ophiomorpha, Teichichnus,

    Cylindrichnus). Teichichnus-Anchonichnus

    ichnofabric ofGoldring et al. (1991).

    1.3. Proximal tide-influenced sheet

    sandstone (pTSS)

    Micaceous, lower fine-grained to lower medium-

    grained silty sandstones (100%). Trough and

    tabular cross-beds with intensely bioturbated

    bed tops. Bimodal grain-size distribution and claydrapes in some cross-beds. Rare planar lamination

    and current ripples. Abundant drifted plant material

    Moderate to intense (BI 35; Thalassinoides,

    Arenicolites, Palaeophycus, Cylindrichnus,


    1.4. Tide-influenced channel-fill

    sandstone (TCS)

    Well-sorted to moderately sorted lower medium- to

    coarse-grained sandstones (100%) in erosively based

    bodies 220 m thick. Trough and tabular cross-beds

    with sparsely bioturbated bed tops. Bimodal grain-size

    distribution and clay drapes in some cross-beds

    Absent to low (BI 02; Ophiomorpha,

    Thalassinoides , Arenicolites)

    2 Wave dominated shallow marine and marginal marine facies associations (Rannoch Formation Etive Formation Tarbert Formation)

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    7/34bioturbated and upward-coarsening character of the succes- episodic sand deposition from unidirectional currents with

    Table 2 (continued)

    Lithofacies association Lithology and sedimentary structures Bioturbation

    3.2. Fluvial/wave-influenced delta

    (lagoonal shoreface, LS)

    Upward-coarsening succession of very fine to

    lower coarse-grained sandstones (50100%) with

    mudstone and siltstone interbeds in its lower part.

    Sandstone beds thicken upwards. Wave and current

    ripple cross-lamination, low-angle cross-lamination,

    climbing current ripples, planar-parallel lamination

    and cross-beds in sandstone beds

    Generally sparse to moderate (BI 13;

    Skolithos, Thalassinoides, Arenicolites,


    3.3. Fluvial channel-fill (F) Poorly to moderately sorted, very fine- to coarse-

    grained sandstone (80100%) in erosively based

    bodies 515 m thick. Amalgamation into thick

    (1550 m) multistorey channel-fill complex.

    Cross-beds and current ripples

    Generally absent (BI 0), but locally

    sparse to moderate (BI 13; Taenidium,

    Planolites, mud-filled Arenicolites)

    3.4. Aggradational floodplain (AF) Mudstone and siltstone with very fine- to medium-

    grained sandstone laminae and beds 1200 cm

    thick (1080%). Cross-beds, current ripples,

    dewatering structures and soft-sediment folds.

    Isolated roots and/or pedogenic features arepervasive

    Absent to moderate (BI 03; Planolites,

    mud-filled Arenicolites)

    3.5. Coal Coal and carbonaceous shale Absent (BI 0)

    Bioturbation is described using the bioturbation index (BI) scheme ofTaylor and Goldring (1993).

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    to pass down-dip into, regressive tide-influenced sheet

    sandstones. We refer to these successions as tide-influenced

    channel-fill sandstones.

    4.3. Sequence boundaries and forced regressive deposits

    Major, low-frequency sequence boundaries within the

    Brent Group are interpreted at the base of the Broom

    Formation (SB100) and at, or near, the base of the TarbertFormation (SB1000; Figs. 6AC and 7; Mitchener et al.,

    1992; Morton, 1992). Both surfaces are characterised by an

    abrupt influx of coarse-grained, extrabasinal material from

    the basin flanks (Mitchener et al., 1992; Morton, 1992), and

    biostratigraphic data imply a significant time gap (.1 Ma)

    across both surfaces over much of the East Shetland Basin.

    The base-Broom sequence boundary (SB100) records a

    major basinward shift (.100 km) in shallow marine

    sedimentation, and is interpreted to overlie a regionallyextensive angular unconformity produced by thermal

    doming in the central North Sea (Underhill & Partington,

    1993). The origin of the base-Tarbert sequence boundary

    (SB1000) is more cryptic and its regional extent and

    morphology are described later. Both sequence boundaries

    are overlain by depositional systems composed of the

    kl i fl d h ll i f i i i

    SB700;Fig. 7). In cores and wireline logs, each candidate

    valley fill is characterised by the stacking of single-storey

    channel-fill bodies into a considerably thicker (ca. 30 m),

    multistorey body, which commonly has a distinctive

    internal facies architecture that is interpreted to reflect

    increasing accommodation space during valley filling. For

    example, candidate valley fills in the Etive and Ness

    Formations generally have a lower, fluvial component

    (facies 3.3; Table 2) and an upper, tide-influencedcomponent (facies 2.5; Table 2). Candidate valley fills

    generally lack an abrupt basinward shift in facies across

    their bases, but in areas of dense well-spacing the candidate

    valleys can be demonstrated to be laterally discontinuous

    and deeply erosive (e.g. in the Cormorant Field;Jennette &

    Riley, 1996). In some cases, the valleys erode through

    underlying stratigraphic markers, such as field-wide coal

    seams. Several candidate valley fills also have a basal lag of

    anomalously coarse-grained, extrabasinal sand and pebbles(Fig. 8A). A number of candidate valley fills in the Etive

    Formation comprise stacked, tidal inlet/estuarine channel-

    fill (facies 2.5;Table 2) and barrier sandstones (facies 2.4;

    Table 2) above a coarse-grained, extrabasinal lag. In these

    cases, the basal lag is the only feature that allows a valley-

    fill origin to be interpreted, rather than an unconfined

    d i l b i A ll fill i i f

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    Fig. 8. Photographs showing sedimentological aspects of sequence boundaries in the Ness Formation. (A) Basal part of a multistorey, fluvial channel-fill

    sandstone in the Upper Ness Formation (9708


    in 3/4-12;Fig. 7A), containing granule-sized, lithic extraclasts (labelled e) and mudstone intraclasts (labelledi). This sandstone is interpreted to overlie a sequence boundary (SB600). (B) Carbonaceous root traces overprinting floodplain deposits (97410 in 3/4-12;Fig.

    7A). The roots are interpreted as part of a poorly developed gley palaeosol, which is typical of floodplain deposits within the Ness Formation. (C) Distinctive

    palaeosol in the Upper Ness Formation (97350 in 3/4-12;Fig. 7A), which comprises mottled red-brown siltstone containing green-coloured root traces (labelled

    r) and calcite-filled, post-depositional fractures (labelled c) around rhizoconcretions. The high degree of mottling and abundance of rhizoconcretions

    implies prolonged soil formation, while the pervasive red-brown colour and scarcity of carbonaceous material suggests soil development under oxidising

    conditions above the water table. In the context of the coal-prone Ness Formation, this palaeosol records anomalous groundwater drainage conditions and is

    interpreted to mark a sequence boundary (SB600). (D) Another distinctive palaeosol, containing abundant red siderite rhizoconcretions and rare carbonaceous

    root traces overprinting pale grey sitstones, in the Upper Ness Formation (9509 0 in 3/4-9). This palaeosol is also interpreted to record pedogenesis under

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    seam. These upward-fining intervals commonly contain

    sharp-based, well-sorted, medium-grained sandstones con-

    taining a limited assemblage of trace fossils (Ophiomorpha,

    Thalassinoides, Skolithos, Arenicolites, Palaeophycus;

    Fig. 9A C). The textural maturity of the sandstones implies

    that they have been reworked from a shoreface or barrier,

    while the trace fossil assemblage has a marginal marine

    affilinity. Several of the sandstones have unlined Thalassi-

    noides burrows at their base, which are interpreted toconstitute a firmground,Glossifungitesichnofacies (MacEa-

    chern, Raychaudhuri, & Pemberton, 1992;Fig. 9A C). This

    interpretation implies that the surfaces were exhumed by

    transgressive erosion. In combination, the features

    described above suggest that barrier sands were reworked

    during transgression, either in large washover fan systems or

    as a result of barrier breaching and destruction during its

    rapid retreat. The fining-upward intervals that contain these

    sandstones represent transgressive deposition that culmi-

    nated in development of a lagoonal flooding surface.

    The development of deep (up to 20 m) tidal channel

    fills (facies 2.5; Table 2) is associated with several

    flooding surfaces in the uppermost Ness and lowermost

    Tarbert Formations. These deep channels overlie trans-

    gressive erosion surfaces and erode deeply into underlying

    lagoonal deposits (Fig. 9E). Flooding surfaces within the

    Etive Formation are more difficult to identify, particularlyin successions dominated by channel-fill sandstones that

    erode underlying strata. However, several flooding

    surfaces juxtapose the deposits of barrier systems (facies

    2.42.6; Table 2) above coal seams (facies 3.5; Table 2)

    or rooted horizons that in turn overlie older barrier system

    deposits (facies 2.42.6; Table 2). In the northern part of

    the study area, the Etive Formation comprises several

    stacked barrier systems each bounded by such flooding

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    surfaces (e.g. Fig. 7D; Brown & Richards, 1989;

    Reynolds, 1995). These successions imply that the

    EtiveNess system was largely aggradational.

    4.5. Core to wireline-log calibration

    Widespread use of the facies scheme (Table 2) and

    sequence stratigraphic interpretations described above relies

    on the accurate calibration of core and wireline-log data.Several facies associations possess a distinctive wireline-log

    character, particularly the lagoonal and coastal plain facies

    associations of the Ness Formation, which generally display

    pronounced variations in lithology and consequent wireline-

    log response (e.g. Bryant & Livera, 1991; Livera, 1989).

    However, differentiating fluvial channel-fill sandstones

    (facies 3.3; Table 2) and estuarine channel-fill sandstones

    (facies 2.5;Table 2), which most likely occur within incised

    valleys, is not possible from wireline-log data alone, butrequires core interpretation (e.g. Flint et al., 1998). The

    various sand-dominated, shallow marine facies of the

    Broom, Rannoch, Etive and Tarbert Formations possess

    less distinctive wireline-log characteristics. Concentrations

    of heavy minerals are diagnostic of wave-dominated

    foreshore deposits (facies 2.3; Table 2), and thus sand-

    spikes (e.g. at 107680 in well 211/19-6;Fig. 7D) are likely

    to comprise wave-dominated facies (facies 2.12.6; Table

    2). Tidal inlet/estuarine and fluvial channel-fill deposits

    (facies 2.5 and 3.3, respectively; Table 2) in the Etive

    Formation are difficult to distinguish, because each is

    characterised by abrupt increases in sand content, grain size

    and porosity across their bases. In our experience, detailed

    interpretation of the Broom, Rannoch and Tarbert For-

    mations in uncored wells must rely heavily on calibrationwith nearby cored wells. Inter-well correlation using key

    sequence stratigraphic surfaces is essential to such cali-

    bration, because this methodology provides a framework in

    which core-based facies trends may be extrapolated using

    appropriate depositional models.

    5. Regional high-resolution sequence stratigraphic


    The key surfaces described above, and the units that

    they bound, have been correlated to construct a regional,

    high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework. Corre-

    lation between the wells selected for this study (Fig. 4)

    was constrained by a regional, palynologically based

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    Fig. 10. Summary of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework presented in this paper. Absolute ages and the regional North Sea stratigraphic

    scheme (3rd order cycles) are after Mitchener et al. (1992) and Rattey and Heyward (1993) . Low-frequency sequence boundaries occur at the base of the

    Broom and Tarbert formations (SB100 and SB1000, respectively). Seven higher frequency sequence boundaries occur in the RannochEtiveNess interval

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    Their distribution and thickness variations imply that

    sediment was transported from the southwest of the study

    area and along the southern part of the NinianHutton

    Dunlin fault hangingwall (e.g. Fig. 13A and B). Isopach

    maps and palaeogeographic reconstructions also suggest

    that there was a third sediment transport route along the

    northern margin of the TernEider Horst, which acted as

    an intra-basin high (Figs. 12A and 13A and B). An

    unusually thick succession is observed locally in the area

    of the Cormorant Block IV Field, along the eastern margin

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    a multistorey channel-fill body with a lower, fluvial

    component (facies 3.3; Table 2) and an upper, tide-

    influenced component (facies 2.5;Table 2). These features

    imply an incised valley-fill origin. Etive valleys are

    interpreted to incise into the deposits of an unconfined

    aggradational barrier system, which lack a basal extra-

    basinal lag. We interpret the initiation of Etive fluvial

    incision to have been coincident with progradation of the

    sharp-based Rannoch shoreface in the northern part of thestudy area, with Etive valleys acting as conduits for

    sediment bypass to the forced-regressive Rannoch shoreface

    (Fig. 13D). The widespread extent of Etive valley-fill

    systems implies a prolonged period of incision and valley-

    widening, and possibly several discrete episodes of incision.

    The lack of lateral facies variability in the RannochEtive

    succession (Figs. 11, 13C and D) makes it difficult to

    interpret sediment transport routes and shoreline prograda-

    tion directions, but studies in individual fields imply atributary system of westeast-trending Etive valleys (Jenn-

    ette & Riley, 1996; Livera, 1989). The Rannoch Etive

    succession also exhibits gradual thickness variations across

    the study area, thickening abruptly only in the hangingwall

    of the NinianHuttonDunlin fault system (Fig. 12B).

    5 3 FS300 FS400 (L N F i )

    3/4-12,Fig. 7A). Two incised valley systems are interpreted

    within the Lower Ness Formation (SB350, SB400; Fig. 10),

    but it is difficult to reconstruct their palaeogeography. In both

    cases, west east-trending valleys are documented in the

    Tern Field, on the TernEider Horst (Jennette & Riley,

    1996), and east of the NinianHuttonDunlin fault system

    (e.g. Livera, 1989; Fig. 13F). It appears likely that thedominant sediment transport routes were along the northern

    margin of the TernEider Horst and from southwest of thehangingwall of the Ninian Hutton Dunlin fault system

    (Fig. 13F). Southward-retreating transgressive shorelines

    (e.g. FS300 inFig. 13E, FS350 inFig. 13G) may result from

    the abandonment of the northerly sediment transport route,

    whereas westward-retreating transgressive shorelines (e.g.

    FS400 in Fig. 13H) may reflect abandonment of both

    sediment transport routes. Differential subsidence across

    the Ninian HuttonDunlin fault system appears to have no

    significant influence on any of the palaeogeographiesdescribed above (Fig. 13E H).

    5.4. FS400FS500 (Middle Ness Formation)

    The Middle Ness Formation is bounded at its base by the

    base-Mid-NessShale flooding surface (FS400; Fig. 10) and

    i b i fl di f b h Mid

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    and fluvial channel-fill deposits (facies 3.3,3.4;Table 2) in

    the southern part of the study area. Consequently, we

    interpret these strata to be the most proximal part of the

    Brent Group succession. They contain a high abundance of

    fluvial channel-fill sandstones (facies 3.3,3.4;Table 2) that

    can be subdivided into three stratigraphically discrete,

    laterally extensive, multistorey channel-belt deposits in the

    hangingwall of the Ninian HuttonDunlin fault system.

    Each of these channel-belt deposits is tentatively interpretedto overlie a sequence boundary (SB550, SB600, SB700;

    Figs. 10 and 11E). It is not clear from our correlations

    whether these channel belts are confined to incised valleys,

    although each appears to locally erode out lagoonal

    mudstones and minor flooding surfaces (Fig. 11E). Each

    channel belt trends west east (e.g. Fig. 13J and K),

    implying that sediment was dominantly transported from

    the southwest of the study area and was not influenced by

    differential subsidence across the NinianHuttonDunlinfault system.

    The upper part of the Upper Ness Formation (FS800

    SB1000;Fig. 10) is dominated by lagoonal deposits (facies

    3.1,3.2; Table 2) in the southern part of the study area and a

    southward-retreating, wave-dominated shoreface and bar-

    rier system (facies 2.1 2.6;Table 2) in the northern part of

    h d Fl di f FS800 i i d i h

    wells 211/23-2, 211/23-DA27, 211/19-1, 211/19-5, 211/19-

    3 and 211/19-6 inFig. 11F). Using 3D seismic data,Davies

    et al. (2000) and McLeod et al. (2000) have interpreted

    similar stratigraphic relationships in the Upper Brent Group

    (above flooding surface FS800) as the result of small

    depocentres and intra-basinal highs created by the initiation

    of major rift fault arrays (e.g. the North AlwynBrent

    Statfjord fault system inFig. 2;McLeod et al., 2000). Our

    interpretations of local angular stratigraphic relationshipsare consistent with this model.

    5.6. SB1000 FS1200 (Tarbert Formation)

    The base of the Tarbert Formation is interpreted as a

    major sequence boundary (SB1000; Figs. 10 and 11)

    marked by an abrupt influx of coarse-grained, extrabasinal

    material (Mitchener et al., 1992; Morton, 1992) and a

    significant time gap (.1 Ma). There is also an abruptchange in facies character across the surface, from lagoonal

    and wave-dominated shoreface and barrier deposits (facies

    2.12.6;Table 2) to tide-influenced channel-fill and sheet

    sandstones (facies 1.2 1.4; Table 2). The top of the

    formation is defined by the transition into overlying offshore

    Heather Shales (Fig. 10). This transition is diachronous, and

    i hi h d h f h T b F i

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    211/19-6 inFig. 7B and D). Upward-coarsening successions

    are thicker and more common in the south-western part of

    the study area (e.g. wells 2/5-17, 2/5-3, 3/1-1, 3/2-3 and 3/2-

    4 inFigs. 7B and 11A) and in the immediate hangingwall of

    the NinianHuttonDunlin fault system (e.g. well 3/3-8 in

    Fig. 11A,well 211/18-5 in Fig. 11B, and well 211/24-5 in

    Fig. 11C), as reflected in isopach maps of the lower part of

    the Tarbert Formation (Fig. 12F). These retrogradationally

    stacked successions record net transgression of the Tarbertdepositional system, culminating in flooding surface

    FS1050 and the deposition of offshore shales over the

    western and northern part of the study area (Fig. 11). Their

    distribution and thickness variations imply that sediment

    was transported from the southwest of the study area and

    along the southern part of the NinianHuttonDunlin fault

    hangingwall (Figs. 12F and 13O). Isopach maps and

    palaeogeographic reconstructions suggest that there was a

    third sediment transport route along the northern margin ofthe TernEider Horst (Fig. 13O) and a local depocentre in

    the area of the Cormorant Block IV Field, along the

    southern margin of the Tern Eider Horst (e.g. wells 211/21-

    5 inFigs. 11C and 12F).

    In the hangingwall of the southern part of the Ninian

    HuttonDunlin fault system (e.g. wells 3/3-8, 3/4-8, 3/9-4,

    3/10 1 3/4 12 d 3/4 9 i Fi 11A d E) fl di

    boundary SB1200 and flooding surface FS1200 (e.g. well

    210/20-1, 210/20-2 and 211/16-6 in Fig. 11D). Such

    ironstones require extended physical reworking in areas of

    clastic sediment starvation (Young, 1989) and have been

    documented at similar sediment-starved sequence bound-

    aries that underwent subsequent transgressive reworking

    (e.g.Taylor, Simo, Yokum, & Leckie, 2002).

    6. Discussion: the added value of an integrated regional-

    to reservoir-scale approach

    The high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework

    summarised above integrates core-scale sedimentology,

    reservoir-scale facies architecture and regional stratigraphy.

    The extensive use of core data is important, because it

    allows sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic

    interpretations to be constructed from first principles.The integrated regional- to reservoir-scale approach aids

    identification of subtle intra- and inter-reservoir features,

    which are not evident via the detailed study of individualreservoirs in isolation. This approach is particularly

    valuable in a mature hydrocarbon province, such as the

    UK Brent Province, because it generates new insights,

    d d l h ill lik l ib i d

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    the Broom and Tarbert Formations are not explained by

    these models. Instead, these two reservoir intervals have

    been described only within individual fields, resulting in

    apparently contrasting interpretations that have limited

    predictive value outside of a specific reservoir. For

    example, the Tarbert Formation has been variously

    interpreted as a tidal valley-fill sandbody (Jennette &

    Riley, 1996 in the Eider Field; Flint et al., 1998 in the

    Northwest Hutton Field), a series of retrogradationallystacked barrier sandstones and lagoonal mudstones (Rn-

    ning & Steel, 1987 in the North Alwyn, Alwyn and Hild

    Fields) that locally contains a valley-fill sandbody

    (Bruaset, Batevik, Jakobsen, & Helland-Hansen, 1999 in

    the Gullfaks Field; Davies et al., 2000 in the Snorre and

    Tordis Fields), and as a complex series of wave- and tide-

    dominated sandstones (Reynolds, 1995 in the Thistle

    Field). Although each of these interpretations is essentially

    correct for a specific reservoir, our work indicates that theyapply to depositional systems developed in different

    stratigraphic intervals. For example, the Tarbert Formation

    comprises an estuarine channel-fill sandbody developed

    within a wave-dominated barrier-shoreface system and

    deposited below flooding surface FS850 in the Eider Field

    (e.g. 89800 90230 in well 211/16-6,Figs. 7C and 11D), and

    i f k d id i fl d h d

    the locally restricted, upper part of the formation (FS1050

    FS1200; Fig. 10) comprises two cycles of regression and

    subsequent transgression of the same depositional system

    (Figs. 11A, E and 13P). Retrogradationally stacked, wave-

    dominated barrier and lagoonal deposits that are genetically

    affiliated to the Ness Formation (FS800 SB1000;Fig. 10)

    and that underlie the regional base-Tarbert sequence

    boundary (SB1000; Fig. 10) are allocated to the Tarbert

    Formation in some fields on the basis of lithostratigraphy.Such a lithostratigraphic approach to regional correlation

    produces erroneous palaeogeographic reconstructions that

    are difficult to reconcile with current sedimentological

    models of wave- and tide-influenced depositional systems.

    6.3. Tectono-stratigraphic controls on reservoir


    The tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Brent Provinceexerts a significant, but underappreciated, influence on

    reservoir architecture. We interpret a threefold hierarchy of

    tectono-stratigraphic controls, outlined below.

    At the first-order scale, the interplay between two

    variables exerted a fundamental control on palaeo-geomor-

    phology, sediment transport routes and sedimentary process

    i (1) di l d (2) h

    G.J. Hampson et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 21 (2004) 457484480

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    relative to differential accommodation generation, was

    characterised by the regressive to aggradational Rannoch,

    Etive and Ness Formations (FS200 SB1000; Fig. 10).

    Despite significant differential subsidence across the

    NinianHuttonDunlin fault system and the TernEider

    Horst (Fig. 12B E), these features did not strongly influence

    palaeogeographic trends and sediment supply routes during

    these times (Fig. 13CN). Thus, we infer that sediment

    supply was sufficient to continuously infill the differentialaccommodation created across these structures, so that they

    had no surface, geomorphological expression. The wave-

    dominated character of RannochEtive shoreline systems

    reflects deposition in an unconfined, open basin with large

    wave fetch. This facies character is also consistent with the

    subdued surface expression of underlying structural features.

    The thick (.100 m), widespread character of the Rannoch

    Etive Ness succession (FS200 SB1000) implies that

    regional tectonic subsidence across the entire Brent Provincewas more rapid than during deposition of the underlying

    Broom Formation (SB100 FS200), which represents a

    similar timespan (6 8 Ma,Fig. 10).

    At the second-order scale, the key sequence strati-

    graphic surfaces identified in our study (Fig. 10) define

    unconformity-bounded sequences that extend across the

    UK B P i (Fi 11 13) Wi h h i f

    the base-Tarbert sequence boundary (up to 5 Ma;Fig. 10),

    its angular character and the influx of extrabasinal material

    above it are consistent with a phase of renewed thermal

    doming. Given the limited current knowledge of the

    regional distribution of this surface outside our study

    area, we regard its origin as enigmatic.

    At the third-order scale, we interpret a number of small

    (,10 km wide), short-lived and localised depocentres. A

    series of such depocentres formed along the eastern marginof the TernEider Horst at various stages of Brent Group

    deposition (Fig. 12A, D and F). We tentatively interpret

    these depocentres to have resulted from episodic movement

    of the basement-involved Tern Eider Horst, perhaps in

    response to intra-plate stresses associated with thermal

    doming and relaxation near the central North Sea triple

    junction. The depocentres may have been fault bounded. We

    also interpret several local angular stratigraphic relation-

    ships in the upper Brent group (FS850FS1200; Fig. 10;e.g. between wells 211/16-6, 211/18-19 and 211/19-6 inFig.

    11D,and between wells 211/23-2, 211/23-DA27, 211/19-1,

    211/19-5, 211/19-3 and 211/19-6 in Fig. 11F) that are

    consistent with models of small (,5 km wide) depocentres

    and highs developed in response to rift initiation (Davies

    et al., 2000; McLeod et al., 2000). Individual depocentres

    t d b th d l t b l d i d t il i

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    this pinchout is poorly constrained by our interpretations.

    Delineation of these trends is likely to require detailed

    stratigraphic interpretation and/or attribute analysis of 3D

    seismic data volumes north of the TernEider Horst (Figs. 2

    and 4). (3) Localised depocentres filled by the shallow-

    marine sandstones of the uppermost Ness and Tarbert

    Formations (FS850FS1200;Fig. 10) may provide explora-

    tion targets. The location of such depocentres is not

    predictable from late Jurassic structure maps (e.g. Fig.2C), but will require detailed and careful tectono-strati-

    graphic analysis of 3D seismic data volumes (e.g. Davies

    et al., 2000; McLeod et al., 2000).

    6.5. Applications to improved in-field recovery

    The insights discussed above also have applications to

    improved understanding of facies architecture in producing

    reservoirs, and thus, via input to reservoir models, topredicting the distribution of remaining oil in place. We

    highlight three approaches through which reservoir facies

    architecture may be improved. (1) The framework discussed

    above may provide a context for improved temporal and

    spatial resolution of depositional trends within some

    reservoirs, thus leading to refinement of reservoir zonation

    d i f i d F l i l d b

    initiation. These relationships may be tested using 3D

    seismic data, where sufficient vertical resolution is possible,

    and focused biostratigraphic analysis.

    7. Conclusions

    Using an extensive core and wireline-log dataset,

    integrated with palynostratigraphy and published literature,we have constructed a high-resolution sequence strati-

    graphic framework for the UK Brent Province. This

    framework allows temporal and spatial trends in regional

    deposition to be interpreted at a higher resolution than

    previously possible. The resulting high-resolution interpret-

    ations of reservoir distribution are consistent both within

    and between established fields.

    We interpret a hierarchy of basinwide, unconformity-

    bounded sequences within the Brent Group. Regionallyextensive, low-frequency sequence boundaries occur at the

    base of the Broom Formation and at, or near to, the base of

    the Tarbert Formation. Both sequence boundaries are

    associated with regional angular truncation, significant

    missing time (up to ca. 5 Ma) and an influx of extrabasinal

    material and they are interpreted to be tectonically driven

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    changes and angular stratal relationships within several

    higher frequency sequences.

    The insights gained from an integrated regional- to

    reservoir-scale approach may contribute to the identification

    of near-field exploration potential and to improved in-field

    recovery. The former is achieved via the recognition of

    various stratigraphic trapping mechanisms. The latter

    involves using the regional sedimentological and tectono-

    stratigraphic context to constrain intra-reservoir deposi-tional trends and the choice of analogue datasets in reservoir

    model construction, therefore reducing uncertainty in

    reservoir characterisation.


    This work has been funded by Shell UK Expro, and has

    benefited from numerous discussions with Shell andExxonMobil geoscientists, in particular Frances Abbotts,

    Janet Almond, Duncan Erratt, Nick Hogg, Winfrield

    Leopoldt, John Marshall, David Taylor and Steve Taylor.

    Additional discussions with Huw Williams, Paul Davies

    (Reservoir Geology Consultants), Aileen McLeod, Mark

    Tomasso, John Underhill (University of Edinburgh), Sarah

    Davies, S. J., Dawers, N. H., McLeod, A. E., & Underhill, J. R. (2000). The

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    Fig. 11. Correlation panels across the East Shetland Basin (see Fig. 4for location): (A) West East panel through the Heather, Lyell, Ninian and North Alwyn Fields; (B) West East panel through the South Cormorant, Northwest Hutton, Hutton and Brent Fields; (C) WestEast panel through the Tern, North

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    Fig. 11B (continued)

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    Fig. 11C (continued)

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    Fig. 11D (continued)

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    Fig. 11E (continued)

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    Fig. 11F (continued)