Prof. Nancy Leveson 16.355 Software Engineering Concepts http://sunnyday.mit.edu/16.355 Fall 2005

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Prof. Nancy Leveson


Software Engineering Concepts


Fall 2005

Page 2: 16.355 Software Engineering Conceptssunnyday.mit.edu/16.355/classnotes-intro.pdf · Prof. Nancy Leveson 16.355 Software Engineering Concepts  Fall 2005

cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 2000

Why is Software Engineering Hard?

Syllabus and Class Description

Is There a Problem?


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Is there a problem?

programs are encountering software problemsand the rate is increasing.

7 out of every 10 major weapons development

Head of AF Systems Command: ‘‘Software is the achilles heel of weapons development"

Ariane 5


IRS Modernization Program



AAS (FAA Advanced Automation System)

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Some "Data" (Myths?)

Risks of cancellation or major delays rise rapidly as overall application size increases (Capers Jones):

Failure or cancellation rate of large software systems is over 20% (Capers Jones)

25 % for those over 100,000 LOC

50% for systems exceeding half million LOC

cancelled before completion65% of large systems (over 1,000,000 LOC) are

the most risky business undertakings in the modern world (Capers Jones)

5000 function points (~500,000 LOC) is one of Development of large applications in excess of




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More "Data" (Myths?)

of total U.S. software efforts, amounting to as muchmuch as $14 billion in 1993 dollars (Capers Jones).

Work on cancelled projects comprises about 15%

behind schedule and has consumed 200% of Average cancelled project in U.S. is about a year

expected budget (Capers Jones).

After surveying 8,000 IT projects, Standish Group reported about 30% of all projects were cancelled.

Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999Copyright c

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And Yet More

delays and cost overruns (Capers Jones) Of completed projects, 2/3 experience schedule

Civilian software: at least 100 English words produced for every source code statement.

Military: about 400 words (Capers Jones)

and quality problems in first year of deployment (Jones).

2/3 of completed projects experience low reliability

[bad estimates?]

from 0.5 to 3.0 occurrences per 1000 lines of codeSoftware errors in fielded systems typically range

Bell Labs survey).

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cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999

Have you ever been on a project where the

What were some of the problems?

software was never finished or used?

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Death March Projects


No documentation of design decisions

Redesign and rewriting during test

Constant re−estimation

Overwriting source code

Integration problems


Feature (scope) creep

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Types of Problem Projects (Yourdan)

Unlikely to succeed, unhappy workers

Unlikely to succeed, happy workersKamikaze

Likely to succeed, unhappy workers


Likely to succeed, happy workers

Mission Impossible


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Development costs are onlythe tip of the iceberg.

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Understanding the Problem

1/3 planning

cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999

Development Costs




1/4 system test

1/6 coding

1/4 component test


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Understanding the Problem (2)

from requirements not codeMost fielded software errors stem

20% error correction

60% enhancements20% adaptation

Software Maintenance:

Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999Copyright c


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Software Evolution (Maintenance)

personnel numbers or costs.Introducing computers will not reduce

Leveson’s Law:

Software will become increasinglyunstructured as it is changed.

Software will continually change.

Belady and Lehman’s Laws:

Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999Copyright c


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cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999

Are Things Improving?

Is software improving at a slower rate than hardware?

"Software expands to fill the available memory"

"Software is getting slower more rapidly thanhardware becomes faster" (Reiser)


Expectations are changing


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Why or why not?

Is software engineering more difficult than hardware engineering?

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Why is software engineering hard?

Large discrete state spaces

Organized complexity

Lack of historical usage information


"Curse of flexibility"

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Emphasis on steps to be achieved without worryingabout how steps will be realized physically.

The Computer Revolution

design became a completely abstract concept.Design separated from physical representation;

impractical to build become feasible.Machines that were physically impossible or

Design can be changed without retooling or manufacturing.


cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999





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So flexible that start working with it before fully understanding what need to do

The Curse of Flexibility

No physical constraints

To enforce discipline on design, constructionand modification

"Scaling up is hard to do"

The untrained can get partial success.

To control complexity

‘‘And they looked upon the software and saw that itwas good. But they just had to add one other feature ...’’

"Software is the resting place of afterthoughts."

Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999Copyright c

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level of interactions reaches the point where they cannot

be thoroughly

2. A system becomes intellectually unmanageable when the

interactions within the system and with its environment.1. A "simple" system has a small number of unknowns in its

What is Complexity?

The underlying factor is intellectual manageability

guarded against




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3.into the whole are themselves straightforward.Principles governing the assembling of the components

2.as when playing their part in the whole.Components are the same when examined singly

phenomenon being studied.The division into parts will not distort the 1.

Examine the parts separately.

Divide system into distinct parts for analysis purposes.

Three important assumptions:

Analytic Reduction (Descartes)

Ways to Cope with Complexity

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in their behavior that they can be studied statistically.

Assumes components sufficiently regular and random

terms of averages.

Use Law of Large Numbers to describe behavior in

Treat as a structureless mass with interchangeable parts.


Ways to Cope with Complexity (con’t.)

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the statistics.Too much underlying structure that distorts

The most important properties are emergent.

distorts the results.Separation into non−interacting subsystems

What about software?

"Organized Complexity" (Weinberg)

Too organized for statistics

Too complex for complete analysis:

Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999Copyright c


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Other Factors

Hard to diagnose problems

Transient hardware faults vs. software errors

Hard to experiment with and manage

Invisible interfaces

Continuous vs. discrete math

Cannot test exhaustively

Lacks repetitive structure found in computer circuitry

Large discrete state spaces




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cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999

No historical usage information

Usually doing new things.

Always specially constructed.

to allow measurement, evaluation, andimprovement of standard designs over time.

And One More


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suggests that the claimed benefits, in fact, may not exist.

Vessey and Weber

1. Students will be able to evaluate software engineeringtechniques and approaches.

Class Objectives

Hawthorne Effect

Religious approach to SE (vs. scientific):Accept on faith (because sounds right)Gurus (Jackson, Yourdan, etc.)Sects (OO, Ada vs. Modula 2)

Arguments:Proof by vigorous handwaving.Unsupported hypotheses.False analogies.

testing, what little evidence has been obtained sometimes

cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999

"It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffinbarefoot irreverance to their studies. They are herenot to worship what is known, but to question it."

Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man


"The developed theories ...have rarely been subjected toempirical testing, and so their value remains unknown. Theyprovide zealots with opportunities to market a rash of seminarsand courses and to flood the literature with papers advocatingthe new technologies. When the theories are subjected to

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cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999

Class Objectives

project based on an understanding of:

2. Students will be able to exercise professional judgement in selecting an approach for a particular

How the present state of software practice came about

What was tried in the past

What worked and what did not work



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Some additional short assignments

Any additional thoughts

Critical evaluation

Main ideas or themes

Reading summaries:

No programming


Required BackgroundAB


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cCopyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999

Reading: Both classic papers and new ones

I would like to see computer science teaching set deliberatelyin a historical framework.... The absence of this element intheir training causes people to approach every problem fromfirst principles. They are apt to propose solutions that havebeen found wanting in the past. Instead of standing on the

Maurice Wilkes

shoulders of their precursors, they try to go it alone.

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