uiniiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiimimiimiimiiiu: Dr P. L. BERRY E Dental Surgeon Phone 199 Over Postotfice 5 Water Valley, Mix iiiliiiiiiiiliilililiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliiiiiir: ! W. I. STONE J. P. STONE ! STONE & STONE ; j Lawyer# { | Will Practice in all the Courts j | Water Valley and Coffeeville j Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiimmiiiin: JOHN HORAN Lawyer E = CRIMINAL AND GENERAL E = PRACTICE E ~ (Office Opposite Post Office) E E WATER VALLEY, MISS. = niiiimitiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiih uitiiiiifittiitimiiuimiiiitmimiMiMiiiti! C. W. JOHNSON L c Civil Engineer E ~ Land Surveyo E E Farm Drainage | WATER VALLEY, MISS. E niiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimitifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitfiifr [ DR, J. B, LONG j —Dentist—- j | OAKLAND, MISS. j tJiiiifiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiii: I J. L. HARRIS | ~ Attorney-at-Law E E Will Practice in all the Courts E E Office on Wood Street E = WATER VALLEY, MISS = rtiiilllllllililililllHI I Li ILL) llliliili i: UI Ifi THE NORTH MISS. HERALD Issued Every Friday LOUIS C. BARBER Ed and Pub. THE OFFICIAL PAPER:—For City of Water Vuiley and Yalobusha Co. SUBSCRIPTION:— $1.50 Per Year payable strictly in advance. Entered at the postoffice at Water Valley as second-class mail mutter. CAR OF WANNERMAKER- CLEVELAND COTTON SEED AT COFFEEV1LLE VVe have orileied a car of VVan- nermaker-Cieveland Cotton seed tor farmers of this County. The seed will be unloaded at Coffeevilie, Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 21 and 22. These seed are coming >£■' *v'•AwAlk 'SaYcrtivia II best seed that we could buy. They will cost $2.75 per bushel sacked in even weight bags delivered at Cof- feevilie. I have another offer for seed at $2.25 per bushel but we have rejected this offer because believing that the quality is not what it should be. If you are in need of planting seed this is your opportunity to sup- ply your wants. I believe that this is the cheapest cotton seed that you will be able to buy. Our enterprising Mercantile Com- pany here Armstrong and Bailey Bros, made it possible for us to se- cure these seed. Therefore 1 take this method of thanking them for this courtesy. A quantity of these seed have been spoken for and as the supply is limit- ed you had better see us immediate- ly if you want any of these seed.— A. G. HAMILTON, County Agent. CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid- ney Fiils and Foley Cathartic Tab- lets “Sold Everywhere.’’ TAYLOR—ROUTE I NEWS Everybody seems to be enjoying this pretty spring weather. There was a large crowd attend- ed service at Forest Hill Sunday afternoon. Miss Lillian Sansom and Mr. Orion Horne were pleasant callers at Forest Hill Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harry Carothers and little sister, Exormay spent Sunday with Mr. Austin and family. We are all very sorry to hear oi Mr. Stanley Austin getting his arm brokeff. Miss Eutha Sansom spent this afternoon with Miss Maude Lakey. There will be preaching at Union Sunday afternon, everybody come. BLUE EYES AND BROWN EYES. BOARD PROCEEDINGS iConcluded from first page; * mg the report of the County Treas- * urer for the third quarter and for1 * the fourth quarter of the year 1919 be and the same is hereby rescinded, ^ revoked and set aside. And it ap- pearing to the Board that the Coun- ty Treasurer has corrected his said report and that the said reports are ( now correct as submitted, the said reports are therefore hereby approv- ed and the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to record said re- ports as required by law. ( There coming on for hearing be- fore the Board the report of Dave Patterson, Sheriff and Tax Collector on supplemental additional assess- ments of property for the yeai 1919, and the Board having examined the said report and finds the same cor- rect, therefore the said report is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby ordered and direct- ed and directed to make the proper changes against the said Sheriff and the Tax Collector, to-wit: Realty in District No. 1, $100.00 valuation. Personal property Dist. No. -I, $220.00 valuation. Personal property, Dist. No. r>, $110.00 valuation. Road tax commutation, roads 9. It is hereby ordered by the Board that W. C. Kuykendall, Tax Assessor, be and he is hereby ordered to pre- pare and submit separate assess- ments of Realty in Road Districts Numbers Three and Four, It is ordered by the board that the folowirtg claims be allowed out of General County fund: GENERAL COUNTY FUND- L. L. Long, surplus after sell- ing estray horse_$42.76 D. D. Patterson, Vitualizing prisoners 10.60 D. D. Patterson, stamps & exp. 6.39 Hederman Bros. Of. Sup. Co., supplies Co. Supt._ 8.22 J. J. Copeland, 6 days ext. ser. 15.00 L. T. Wisdom, stamps,_ 2.00 City of Water, lights and water court and jail_ 26.92 Evert Cock, premium bond Circuit Clerk, _ 25.00 C. L. Chadwick, J. P. lost cost- 25-65 Chambers Office Supply Co., supplies Chan. Clk. _ 14.26 B. Leland Co., Mdse. Court House W. V. 29.75 win. varr, leiunu tax_ i.uu Tucker Printing Co., Chancery Clerk Office _ 16.00 H. P. Pate, 1 year ext. service 20.00 H. P. Pate, 4 days ext. ser. .. 12.00 John Allen, Jan. Cof. Court House __ 2.00 The Selig Co., Clean Sweep .. 28.75 C. W. Kincade, poor house act. 18.75 Howry-Morrison & Enoch, lamps Chan. elk. Office 1.50 fl. fin—Boerx 7>t Hits _udSfh bonds. Frost, Kuykendall & Cole .. 541.70 M. E. Goodwin, sundrys, _ 7.75 W. G. Vickery, 6 days extra service _ 18.00 H. E. Griffin, 1 month salary, Co. Health Officer _ 60.00 W. G. Vickery, Annual Sal. 60.00 Theo. W. Fly, 3 months salary County Treasurer_75.00 W. H. Walters, Annual Sal. 50.00 W. H. Walters, 12 days extra service .. 36.00 Chambers Office Supply Co., Stationery sheriff’s Of. 12.84 L. T. Wisdom, Tel. & Ex._16.38 Cumberland Tel. Co., phone rent _ 6.25 J, W. Young, Cost record Su- preme Court_ 55.34 John Reed, et. al., temp. rel.. 90,00 Progress-Itemizer, pub. pro. Board _ 3.33 Progress-Itemizer, pub. bid Co. Depository _ 1.61 J. W. Young, express _ .56 North >li3s. Herald, et al.. Notice bid Co. Depository 3.22 North Miss. Herald, pub. notice pretermitting Court _ 3.93 Miss Lillian Dorris, bal ^al. for Nov. 1919 _ 26.00 Miss Lillian Dorris, salary for Dec. 1919 _ 126.00 Dr. J. S. Donaldson, Prof, service 1.75 North Miss. Herald, et a!., pub. Pro. Board _ 6.66 A. G. Hamilton, Sal Dec. 1919 200.00 S. E. Hyde, hauling sand court house yard -- 20.00 G. E. Frost, et al., lost costs 150.00 G. T Lyon, Annual extra service 20.00 G. T. Lyon, 8 days extra service _ 24.00; F. B. Herron, refund tax 49.881 W. C. Jones, jail acct. .. 2.20 L. T. Wisdom, Salary county Auditor 1919 1250.00 L. T. Wisdom, Sal. Clerk of Board, 1919 400.00 GENERAL LOAN FUND— Ordered by the Board that the following claims be allowed out of General Loan fund: L. T. Wisdom, 4 days service ON THE DEFENSIVE! During the aftermath ot influenza or its debilitating compli- cations, there is more than ordinary need that you nourish and orotect every avenue of your strength. m i -cause e.t its efficient tonic-nutrient properties, daily helps i lens oi thousands io renewed strength. Those who are fearful or rundown in i’uiliy should use the means > that help build vp a healthy resistance. •*>'ift What SCOTT'S foes for others it will do for you.—Try it! V Th-j e xclu.M'x tjrra-' of cod-liver oil cted lu Scott** Emulsion Is the famous o tk 1 t ju.i. luucie in Norv~y ar.d refined in our own Atnerican :\ i. »t„v it is a guaraotv e of pur y nu-l pulaUbiiity unsurpassed. S-ott Si Bowue, Bloomield, N. J. 1H4 board _ $16,001 G. Fly, 4 days service J board, 26 mi. _ l7.SClj lugene Tarver, 4 days service 1 board, 26 mi. _ 17.80 I leo. T. Lyon, 4 days service 1 r, board. 36 mi. _ 17.80 L. Harrison, 4 days service board, 10 mi. _ 16 V N. Frost, Sheriff, 4 days service board, _ 8.v ). E. Parks, Clerk, 4 days service board _ 12.0 Oilman Woods, A tty. Salary board, _ 26.0 jj 'ohn Allen, 4 days service, janitor, _ 6.0 jl fOMMON SCHOOL FUND— Ordered by the board that th * 'ollowing claims be allowed out c J •ommon school fund: I. R. Ilodnett, 1 mo. sal. Co. p Supt. and stamps_ $Jf' 1 ROAD NUMBER 1 FUND— 11 Jf Ordered by the Board that 'tlfl following claims be allowed out <1 •oad fund number 1. \dams & Williams, bal. road tile work, _ $2 ■\dams & Williams, hauling1 lumber _ 72.(■ E. W. Youngblood, road wk._ l^flj ROAD FUND NUMBER 2— .9Hf Ordered by the board that till following claims be allowed out 1L road fund number 2. mi Robert Ward, road work $35.§\ Ray & Pass, road work_60. S Charley Terry, road work, 2 D. Gore, road work, _32l D. Gore, road work, _ ROAD FUND NUMBER 3— 1 Ordered by the board that following claims be allowed outflkf road number 3. .If-* D. Martindale, road work, .. Slim J. W. Gibson, road work,_ J. B. Allen, hay for Co. mules IS5 J. B. Allen, corn and hay for ■hg- County mules _ J. B. Allen, 1 mo. sal. road 3. 6flp Rob Gooch, road work,_SWF Carl White, road work_11 Jim Gooch, road work,_-nt p Julius White, road work_38k, Ralph Allen, road work_SftflhL G. R. Johnson, road work -- lSHjl ROAD FUND NUMBER 4— ^ Ordered by the board that le following claims be allowed out It- road number 4: Bond Fund: I Bank of Oakland, accrued. I interest fund, _ $2J^ BRIDGE FUND— Ordered by the board that following claims be allowed out Bridge fund: T. L. Crocker, bridge work and hauling lumber _ D. Martindale, bridge work material. _ Adams & Williams, bridge w< and material _ Harry Gibson, lbr. fpr bridst*« Harvy Gibson, building th'e bridge, _ J. M. Douyie, repairing brief- Brown & Cardwell, building bridge __ _ HIGHWAY BOND FUND— Ordered by the board that the following claims be allowed out of Road 4 Highway Bond Fund: J. E. Johnson, 1 mo. salary / and railroad fare _ $26.62 W. E. Jenkins, salary Com. .. 93.60 T. A. Jones, Sal. Com._16.00 Ordered by the board that the following claims be allowed out of Road No. 1: Davis Coulter, road work __ $ljb00 Mart Rounsaville, road work ipc W. R. Walker, road work_13,(90 Perkins & Weaver, road work.3fjD# T. L. Crocker, road work_ 1,60 T. L. Crocker,road work 1 * lift (■Continued next wee- ROUTE 6 DOTS. Everybody is sorry of eh rainy weather. There was preaching at Pleos-mt Ridge Sunday. Everybody enjoyed the ptay at Mr. Boatright’s Saturday ni ht week. Our school is progressing nic-Hy under the management of Mrs. Nor- wood, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Vaughn re visiting relatives and friend- at Paris this week. There’s going to be a candy dr*, v- ing at Mr. Boatright’s Suture iy night. Everybody is invited. 'j Miss Maude Martin is spending a few days with Miss Bessie Crock! Cecil, Velma, Elmer and Waf r Carroll, Mai, Cardis and Corf te Boatright, and Maude and Lut» Martin spent a few hours with ; Misses Crockers Sunday night. | Mr. Ed Gatlin spent a few h.v rs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C i jit Sunday afternoon. Mr. Mai Boatwright went to 0 c- ford last week. Miss Cecil Carroll spent .Si > a y afternoon with Ila Mae Taylor Mrs. Elton Boatright spent -t; day afternoon with Mrs. Nute 1 > right. We wish the Herald and iu J v readers lots of good luck and h;.pr ness. If we see this in print we w 11 :ome again. ‘TWO BROWN-EYED CHUM.- SYLVA RENA ITEMS We are all enjoying this prei weather. We are sorry to report that Vi Clifton Hudson has gone to Of aoun for a short time. Mr. Mitchell Van Hoier is *h i :o Louisiana to spend awhile. A large crowd attended Oak R:d| » Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Smith } ihe guests of Mr. and Mrs. V Hudson Sunday. We are expecting a new tc-C-jr it Sylva Rena Feb. 1st. Guess will like her fine. “FOUR PRECIOUS KIDS-”! PNOR ROLL OF CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS .11 OF PUPILS WHO “MADE TOD * IN DEPORTMENT, RATES AND ATTENDANCE. iMARY AND INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENTS 4 Grade: ij Ida Mae Bass, Edward Thomas, B. D. Allen, Newell C. Williams, > .ula Sue Cain, Sallio Hartwell, porothea Robinson, Dulphus Vance. "'»cond Grade: Lawrence Cox, Sam Herron, Neil firdsong, Gladys Henderson, Rob- ■rta Murray. * Third Grade: k Myrle Porter, John Johnsev ■Louise Gray, Myrtle Williams, Rob tm. Carithers, Bernice Dollahite [Leo Hendricks, Lawrence Murray Virginia Flake, Elton Hill, John W xentjerson, Hortense Vanlanding Sam/V^. * fourth Grade: r'Dixie Jackson, Tommie Williams, Hazel Dacus, Elizabeth Murray, Ed- Vvard Eldridge, Ruth Myers, Bessie fepooner, Cooper Thornton, Gradis Vanlandingham, Jack Atkinson Fifth Grade: Fannie Mae Carithers, Aileen Mt- Culley, William Carter, Willard Waldron. Sixth Grade: Raymond Holley, Clara Cummings Elzabeth Hobson. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT A-Junior: r Horten Aven, Aubrey Fate, Jim- mie Mae Miller, Edgar Nation B-Junior: Louise Brooks, Thelma Hague, Elizabeth Tarver, Stella Bates. J-Junior > Mabel Landreth, Kathline Woods, jster Johnson, Kindrick Reynolds, Jhnie Westbrook. JSenior: .^Frances Spooner, Ona Williams, ■Letha Walker, Fred Kendricks, Earline Carr, Edna Mae James, Buna Johnston, Kathryn Mauldin B-Senior: Hattie Mima Jackson, Mary Whitson, Iva Williams. C-Senior: Hazel Holley, Ethel Johnston, Bessie Lou Mauldin, Miriam Mc- Gowen, Webster Hill. MARKET REPORT (Reported bv Co. Agt. Hamilton.) f HOG MARKET v The hcg market is advancing ■jma /' **!nps arrjit it- above .15. As llhayni ti.ted to you previously it is the opinion of men that are in a position to know timl hogs d work to a higher level. If you have shoats it would pay you to carry them un- til spring if possible. We will have co-operative shipment all through year. CATTLE MARKET On the good kind the market is up some, and probably just a little on the common kind. Veal calves will bring from 10c to 15c, and common cows from 5 % c to 6 V2 c. Checks have been mailed for stock shipment Jan. 13th from Coffeeville. Checks have been mailed for ship- ment Jan. 13th. We had a splendid market for this stock. You will see that there was a heavy shrinkage on the cattle. I am sure that the scales here are weighing heavy. I thought so at the time but knowing that each man’s cattle would be reweighed and sold separate I knew that the weights here would not amount to anything only a check. Al^ lot checks and 1 am sure that you are elated over the results. In driving cattle from pasture to pen one yearling got away from us. This yearling weighs 250, has one on left shoulder, and belongs to W. W. Horn, Coffeeville, Route 2. I ai.i sure that someone has this yearling up therefore call or write and I will send for it and pay you for your ! thnk that it is a shame that we have not got better accomodation at CotTeeville for handling stock. Our Railroad Commissioner, when a can- didate promised great things, but since he has been elected 1 have not seen him in this part of the country, Have you? Just imagine what you would do with 238 head of hogs and a car of cattle in a small pen that will not hold two car loads. This is a small shipment as compared to some that we have made. In driving a bunch of cattle that are not accustomed to each ther, you have somewhat of a job. You men that are interested in shipping from Coffeeville assist us in getting better faclities at Coffee- ville. INDIANA RATIFIES SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT, SPECIAL SESSION Twelve More State* Needed To Rati- fy the Amendment To Males It The Law of the Land. Indianapolis, Jan. 16.—The fed- eral amendment for women’s suffrage a as ratified by both houses of the In- iiana" Legislature, meeting in special lession laBt week. In the Senate the vote was 43 to 3, and in the House 10 to 0. Indiana is the twenty-sixth stare to ratify the amendment CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature ->f t | ORGANIZED IN 1847 I THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. i OF PHILADELPHIA * One of the Oldest of “Old Line” Companies ISSUES ALL FORMS OF LIFE POLICIES AS STRONG AS THE STRONGEST. ! [OR RATES AND SAMPLE POLICIES. SEE ! EVERETT COCK. RESIDENT AGENT. ) i 1 WATER VALLEY, MISS. I I I i i have purchased the Meat Market and Grocery Store formerly conducted by Mr. W. W. Martin, and will conduct the busi ness at the same place. I have secured an exper t meat cutter, one of the best possible to get and shall try to improve the service in every way I will appreciate a share of your patronage and ask you to kindly give me a trial. For FRESH GROCERIES FRESH MEATS PROMPT SERVICE Call my store ESI SOUTJi PHONE 108- Ii 1111 < ll> < II II II II 4 ... ... For Weak Women In use tor over 40 years! Thousands ol voluntary tellers from women, tell- ing ol the good Cardul has done them. This to the best proof ot the value oi Cardul. It proves that Cardul to a good medicine tor women. There are no harmful or habit-forming drug* In Cardul. It to composed only ot mQd, medicinal Ingredients, with no bad alter-effects TAKE The Woman’* Tonic You eat; rely on Cartful Surely it will do tor you what It has done tor to many thousands of other women! it should help. “I eras taken sick, seemed to be writes Mrs. Mary E.Veste, ot Madison Heights, Va. "! got down to weak, could hardly walk lust staggered around. ... I read ot Cardnl, and after taking one bot- tle. or before taking quite all, I left much better, t took 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. I take It In the spring when run- down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best tonic 1 ever sew.” Try Cardid. All Druggists DIGESTION ! ; GOES, GONE! j i t I #< ; I" Pape’s Diapepsin” at once fixes Your Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomach ^*"'*’*'* "** *--*—*••-*—---T-T- f- T- > » '<■■! i«n|iil Stomach acidity causes indigestion! Food souring, gas, distress! Won- der what upset your stomach? Well, don’t bother! The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape’s Diapepsin all the lumps of indigestion pain, the sourness, heartburn and belching of gases, due to acidity, vanish—truly wonderful! Millions of people know that it is needless to be bothered with indiges- tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stom- ach. A few tablets of Pape’s Diapep- sin neutralize acidity and give relief at once—no waiting! Buy a box of Pape’s Diapepsin now! Don’t stay miserable! Try to regulate your stomach so you can eat favorite foods without causing distress. The cost is so little. The benefits so great The Beat Cough Medicine, When a druggist finds that his customers all speak well of a certain preparation, he forms a good opinion of it and when in need of such a medicine is almost certain to use it himself and in his family. This is why so many druggists use and recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. J. B. Jones, a well known druggist of’ Cubrun, Ky., says, “I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my family for the past seven years, and I have found it to :>e the best cough medicine I have aver known." NOTICE TO AUTO- MOBILE OWNERS Notice is hereby given that auto- nobile licenses for the year 1920 nust be paid prior to the 31st of lanuary, 1920. Tags may now be jbtained at this office. W. N. FROST, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Yalobusha County, Miss. RONEY CANNOT BUY ANY BETTER E. D. Grappe, a leading merchant >f St. Maurice, La., writes: ‘‘For a •athartic I especially recommend •'oley Cathartic Tablets, knowing aa 1 do that money cannot buy any bet- er." They act promptly, without min or nausea. They clear the >owels, sweeten the stomach and one up the liver. Not habit fonn- ng. “Sold Everywhere."

$16,001 PNOR I - Chronicling America...Ray & Pass, road work_60. S Charley Terry, road work, 2 D. Gore, road work, _32l D. Gore, road work, _ ROAD FUND NUMBER 3— 1 Ordered by the

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  • uiniiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiimimiimiimiiiu: Dr P. L. BERRY E

    Dental Surgeon Phone 199 Over Postotfice 5

    Water Valley, Mix



    j Lawyer# { | Will Practice in all the Courts j | Water Valley and Coffeeville j Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiimmiiiin:

    JOHN HORAN Lawyer E

    = CRIMINAL AND GENERAL E = PRACTICE E ~ (Office Opposite Post Office) E E WATER VALLEY, MISS. = niiiimitiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiih

    uitiiiiifittiitimiiuimiiiitmimiMiMiiiti! C. W. JOHNSON L

    c Civil Engineer E ~ Land Surveyo E E Farm Drainage | WATER VALLEY, MISS. E niiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimitifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitfiifr

    [ DR, J. B, LONG j —Dentist—- j

    | OAKLAND, MISS. j tJiiiifiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiii:

    I J. L. HARRIS | ~ Attorney-at-Law E E Will Practice in all the Courts E E Office on Wood Street E = WATER VALLEY, MISS =

    rtiiilllllllililililllHI I Li ILL) llliliili i: UI Ifi

    THE NORTH MISS. HERALD Issued Every Friday

    LOUIS C. BARBER Ed and Pub.

    THE OFFICIAL PAPER:—For City of Water Vuiley and Yalobusha Co. SUBSCRIPTION:— $1.50 Per Year

    payable strictly in advance. Entered at the postoffice at Water Valley as second-class mail mutter.



    VVe have orileied a car of VVan- nermaker-Cieveland Cotton seed tor farmers of this County. The seed will be unloaded at Coffeevilie, Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 21 and 22. These seed are coming >£■' *v'•AwAlk 'SaYcrtivia II best seed that we could buy. They will cost $2.75 per bushel sacked in even weight bags delivered at Cof- feevilie. I have another offer for seed at $2.25 per bushel but we have rejected this offer because believing that the quality is not what it should be.

    If you are in need of planting seed this is your opportunity to sup- ply your wants. I believe that this is the cheapest cotton seed that you will be able to buy.

    Our enterprising Mercantile Com- pany here Armstrong and Bailey Bros, made it possible for us to se- cure these seed. Therefore 1 take this method of thanking them for this courtesy.

    A quantity of these seed have been spoken for and as the supply is limit- ed you had better see us immediate- ly if you want any of these seed.— A. G. HAMILTON, County Agent.


    DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid- ney Fiils and Foley Cathartic Tab- lets “Sold Everywhere.’’

    TAYLOR—ROUTE I NEWS Everybody seems to be enjoying

    this pretty spring weather. There was a large crowd attend-

    ed service at Forest Hill Sunday afternoon.

    Miss Lillian Sansom and Mr. Orion Horne were pleasant callers at Forest Hill Sunday afternoon.

    Mr. Harry Carothers and little sister, Exormay spent Sunday with Mr. Austin and family.

    We are all very sorry to hear oi Mr. Stanley Austin getting his arm brokeff.

    Miss Eutha Sansom spent this afternoon with Miss Maude Lakey.

    There will be preaching at Union Sunday afternon, everybody come. BLUE EYES AND BROWN EYES.

    BOARD PROCEEDINGS iConcluded from first page; *

    mg the report of the County Treas- *

    urer for the third quarter and for1 * the fourth quarter of the year 1919 be and the same is hereby rescinded, ^ revoked and set aside. And it ap- pearing to the Board that the Coun- ty Treasurer has corrected his said report and that the said reports are ( now correct as submitted, the said reports are therefore hereby approv- ed and the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to record said re- ports as required by law. (

    There coming on for hearing be- fore the Board the report of Dave Patterson, Sheriff and Tax Collector on supplemental additional assess- ments of property for the yeai 1919, and the Board having examined the said report and finds the same cor- rect, therefore the said report is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby ordered and direct- ed and directed to make the proper changes against the said Sheriff and the Tax Collector, to-wit:

    Realty in District No. 1, $100.00 valuation.

    Personal property Dist. No. -I, $220.00 valuation.

    Personal property, Dist. No. r>, $110.00 valuation.

    Road tax commutation, roads 9.

    It is hereby ordered by the Board that W. C. Kuykendall, Tax Assessor, be and he is hereby ordered to pre- pare and submit separate assess- ments of Realty in Road Districts Numbers Three and Four,

    It is ordered by the board that the folowirtg claims be allowed out of General County fund: GENERAL COUNTY FUND- L. L. Long, surplus after sell-

    ing estray horse_$42.76 D. D. Patterson, Vitualizing

    prisoners 10.60 D. D. Patterson, stamps & exp. 6.39 Hederman Bros. Of. Sup. Co.,

    supplies Co. Supt._ 8.22 J. J. Copeland, 6 days ext. ser. 15.00 L. T. Wisdom, stamps,_ 2.00 City of Water, lights and water

    court and jail_ 26.92 Evert Cock, premium bond

    Circuit Clerk, _ 25.00 C. L. Chadwick, J. P. lost cost- 25-65 Chambers Office Supply Co.,

    supplies Chan. Clk. _ 14.26 B. Leland Co., Mdse. Court

    House W. V. 29.75 win. varr, leiunu tax_ i.uu Tucker Printing Co., Chancery

    Clerk Office _ 16.00 H. P. Pate, 1 year ext. service 20.00 H. P. Pate, 4 days ext. ser. .. 12.00 John Allen, Jan. Cof. Court

    House __ 2.00 The Selig Co., Clean Sweep .. 28.75 C. W. Kincade, poor house act. 18.75 Howry-Morrison & Enoch,

    lamps Chan. elk. Office 1.50 fl. fin—Boerx 7>t Hits _udSfh

    bonds. Frost, Kuykendall & Cole .. 541.70

    M. E. Goodwin, sundrys, _ 7.75 W. G. Vickery, 6 days extra

    service _ 18.00 H. E. Griffin, 1 month salary,

    Co. Health Officer _ 60.00 W. G. Vickery, Annual Sal. 60.00 Theo. W. Fly, 3 months salary

    County Treasurer_75.00 W. H. Walters, Annual Sal. 50.00 W. H. Walters, 12 days extra

    service .. 36.00 Chambers Office Supply Co.,

    Stationery sheriff’s Of. 12.84 L. T. Wisdom, Tel. & Ex._16.38 Cumberland Tel. Co., phone

    rent _ 6.25 J, W. Young, Cost record Su-

    preme Court_ 55.34 John Reed, et. al., temp. rel.. 90,00 Progress-Itemizer, pub. pro.

    Board _ 3.33 Progress-Itemizer, pub. bid

    Co. Depository _ 1.61 J. W. Young, express _ .56 North >li3s. Herald, et al..

    Notice bid Co. Depository 3.22 North Miss. Herald, pub. notice

    pretermitting Court _ 3.93 Miss Lillian Dorris, bal ^al. for

    Nov. 1919 _ 26.00 Miss Lillian Dorris, salary for

    Dec. 1919 _ 126.00 Dr. J. S. Donaldson, Prof,

    service 1.75 North Miss. Herald, et a!., pub.

    Pro. Board _ 6.66 A. G. Hamilton, Sal Dec.

    1919 200.00 S. E. Hyde, hauling sand court

    house yard -- 20.00 G. E. Frost, et al., lost costs 150.00 G. T Lyon, Annual extra

    service 20.00 G. T. Lyon, 8 days extra

    service _ 24.00; F. B. Herron, refund tax — 49.881 W. C. Jones, jail acct. .. 2.20 L. T. Wisdom, Salary county

    Auditor 1919 1250.00 L. T. Wisdom, Sal. Clerk of

    Board, 1919 400.00

    GENERAL LOAN FUND— Ordered by the Board that the

    following claims be allowed out of General Loan fund: L. T. Wisdom, 4 days service

    ON THE DEFENSIVE! During the aftermath ot influenza or its debilitating compli- cations, there is more than ordinary need that you nourish and orotect every avenue of your strength.

    m i -cause e.t its efficient tonic-nutrient properties, daily helps i lens oi thousands io renewed strength. Those who are fearful or rundown in i’uiliy should use the means

    > that help build vp a healthy resistance. •*>'ift What SCOTT'S foes for others it will do for you.—Try it!

    V Th-j e xclu.M'x tjrra-' of cod-liver oil cted lu Scott** Emulsion Is the famous o tk 1 t ju.i. luucie in Norv~y ar.d refined in our own Atnerican

    :\ i. »t„v it is a guaraotv e of pur y nu-l pulaUbiiity unsurpassed. S-ott Si Bowue, Bloomield, N. J. 1H4

    board _ $16,001 G. Fly, 4 days service J

    board, 26 mi. _ l7.SClj lugene Tarver, 4 days service 1

    board, 26 mi. _ 17.80 I leo. T. Lyon, 4 days service 1 r, board. 36 mi. _ 17.80

    L. Harrison, 4 days service board, 10 mi. _ 16

    V N. Frost, Sheriff, 4 days service board, _ 8.v

    ). E. Parks, Clerk, 4 days service board _ 12.0

    Oilman Woods, A tty. Salary board, _ 26.0 jj 'ohn Allen, 4 days service, janitor, _ 6.0 jl

    fOMMON SCHOOL FUND— Ordered by the board that th


    'ollowing claims be allowed out c J •ommon school fund: I. R. Ilodnett, 1 mo. sal. Co. p

    Supt. and stamps_ $Jf' 1

    ROAD NUMBER 1 FUND— 11 Jf Ordered by the Board that 'tlfl following claims be allowed out a y afternoon with Ila Mae Taylor

    Mrs. Elton Boatright spent -t; day afternoon with Mrs. Nute 1 > right.

    We wish the Herald and iu J v readers lots of good luck and h;.pr ness.

    If we see this in print we w 11 :ome again. ‘TWO BROWN-EYED CHUM.-

    SYLVA RENA ITEMS We are all enjoying this prei

    weather. We are sorry to report that Vi

    Clifton Hudson has gone to Of aoun for a short time.

    Mr. Mitchell Van Hoier is *h i :o Louisiana to spend awhile.

    A large crowd attended Oak R:d| » Sunday. !

    Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Smith v« } ihe guests of Mr. and Mrs. V Hudson Sunday.

    We are expecting a new tc-C-jr it Sylva Rena Feb. 1st. Guess will like her fine.





    4 Grade:

    ij Ida Mae Bass, Edward Thomas, B. D. Allen, Newell C. Williams, > .ula Sue Cain, Sallio Hartwell, porothea Robinson, Dulphus Vance. "'»cond Grade:

    Lawrence Cox, Sam Herron, Neil firdsong, Gladys Henderson, Rob- ■rta Murray.

    * Third Grade: k Myrle Porter, John Johnsev ■Louise Gray, Myrtle Williams, Rob tm. Carithers, Bernice Dollahite [Leo Hendricks, Lawrence Murray Virginia Flake, Elton Hill, John W xentjerson, Hortense Vanlanding Sam/V^. * fourth Grade: r'Dixie Jackson, Tommie Williams, Hazel Dacus, Elizabeth Murray, Ed- Vvard Eldridge, Ruth Myers, Bessie fepooner, Cooper Thornton, Gradis Vanlandingham, Jack Atkinson Fifth Grade:

    Fannie Mae Carithers, Aileen Mt- Culley, William Carter, Willard Waldron. Sixth Grade:

    Raymond Holley, Clara Cummings Elzabeth Hobson.


    Horten Aven, Aubrey Fate, Jim- mie Mae Miller, Edgar Nation B-Junior:

    Louise Brooks, Thelma Hague, Elizabeth Tarver, Stella Bates. — J-Junior > Mabel Landreth, Kathline Woods, jster Johnson, Kindrick Reynolds, Jhnie Westbrook.

    JSenior: .^Frances Spooner, Ona Williams, ■Letha Walker, Fred Kendricks, Earline Carr, Edna Mae James, Buna Johnston, Kathryn Mauldin B-Senior:

    Hattie Mima Jackson, Mary Whitson, Iva Williams. C-Senior:

    Hazel Holley, Ethel Johnston, Bessie Lou Mauldin, Miriam Mc- Gowen, Webster Hill.

    MARKET REPORT (Reported bv Co. Agt. Hamilton.)


    v The hcg market is advancing ■jma /' **!nps arrjit it- above .15. As llhayni ti.ted to you previously it is the opinion of men that are in a position to know timl hogs d work to a higher level. If you have shoats it would pay you to carry them un- til spring if possible. We will have co-operative shipment all through year.

    CATTLE MARKET On the good kind the market is up

    some, and probably just a little on the common kind. Veal calves will bring from 10c to 15c, and common cows from 5 % c to 6 V2 c.

    Checks have been mailed for stock shipment Jan. 13th from Coffeeville.

    Checks have been mailed for ship- ment Jan. 13th. We had a splendid market for this stock. You will see that there was a heavy shrinkage on the cattle. I am sure that the scales

    ■ here are weighing heavy. I thought so at the time but knowing that each man’s cattle would be reweighed and sold separate I knew that the weights here would not amount to anything only a check. Al^ lot checks and 1 am sure that you are elated over the results.

    In driving cattle from pasture to pen one yearling got away from us. This yearling weighs 250, has one on left shoulder, and belongs to W. W. Horn, Coffeeville, Route 2. I ai.i sure that someone has this yearling up therefore call or write and I will send for it and pay you for your

    ! thnk that it is a shame that we have not got better accomodation at CotTeeville for handling stock. Our Railroad Commissioner, when a can- didate promised great things, but since he has been elected 1 have not seen him in this part of the country, Have you?

    Just imagine what you would do with 238 head of hogs and a car of cattle in a small pen that will not hold two car loads. This is a small shipment as compared to some that we have made. In driving a bunch of cattle that are not accustomed to each ther, you have somewhat of a job. You men that are interested in shipping from Coffeeville assist us in getting better faclities at Coffee- ville.


    Twelve More State* Needed To Rati-

    fy the Amendment To Males It The Law of the Land.

    Indianapolis, Jan. 16.—The fed- eral amendment for women’s suffrage a as ratified by both houses of the In- iiana" Legislature, meeting in special lession laBt week. In the Senate the vote was 43 to 3, and in the House 10 to 0. Indiana is the twenty-sixth stare to ratify the amendment

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    I I i

    i have purchased the Meat Market and Grocery Store formerly conducted by Mr. W. W. Martin, and will conduct the busi ness at the same place.

    I have secured an exper t meat cutter, one of the

    best possible to get and shall try to improve the service in every way

    I will appreciate a share of your patronage and ask you to kindly give me a trial.


    PROMPT SERVICE Call my store

    ► ESI SOUTJi PHONE 108- Ii 1111 < ll> < II II II II 4 ... ...



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    There are no harmful or

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    The Woman’* Tonic You eat; rely on Cartful

    Surely it will do tor you what It has done tor to many thousands of other women! it should help. “I eras taken sick,

    seemed to be writes Mrs. Mary E.Veste, ot Madison Heights, Va. "! got down to weak, could hardly walk lust staggered around. ... I read ot Cardnl, and after taking one bot- tle. or before taking quite all, I left much better, t took 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. I take It In the spring when run- down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best tonic 1 ever sew.” Try Cardid.

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