Mission 273 - 1 303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 273 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at Weisweiler, Germany Crews Dispatched: 51 Length of Mission: 6 hours, 40 minutes Bomb Load: 30 x 260 lb M81 Fragmentation bombs Bombing Altitudes: 22,400, 21,400 & 20,600 ft Ammo Fired: 1,310 rounds F ortresses from the 303rd BG(H) hit the enemy near the front lines as they flew support for ground troops at Weisweiler, near Metz. Only meager to moderate and inaccurate flak and no enemy fighters were observed during this uneventful mission. Very good area support was provided by P-51s. No aircraft returned early. Thirty-nine aircraft of the 41st CBW-B Group dropped 1,151 260-lb. M81 fragmentation bombs from 22,400, 21,400 and 20,600 feet. Twelve aircraft of the 41st CBW-D low Squadron dropped 112 fragmentation bombs, as did four 303rd BG(H) aircraft loaned to other Groups. Visibility in the target area was hindered by 7/10 to 10/10 low clouds with tops at 12,000 to 15,000 feet and heavy ground haze. The lead Squadron, making its second bomb run after its GEE-H equipment malfunctioned, bombed on another Group, believed to have been the 457BG. Bombs hit about one mile over the target. The high Squadron bombed visually on its third bomb run. Bombs hit about 4,300 feet east of the MPI. The low Squadrons of the 41st CBS "B" and "D" Groups bombed with GEE-H equipment and results were believed good. The Group shifted to Tilstock for landing due to weather. One aircraft sustained major battle damage and there were no casualties on the returning aircraft. The First Army VII Corps reported that the mission was effective. It provided the Germans with supply difficulties and destroyed some of their weapons. German troops scrambled for cover, preventing their ability to attack U.S. troops. There were only a few casualties. The bombing was well coordinated with the Army. A German POW described the bombing as a nerve-shattering experience. Thirty-one returning aircraft were diverted to RAF Satellite Station Sleep. 2Lt. C.J. Gates was the 28th B-17 to land in #43-38878 358BS. He overshot the runway as the right aircraft tire blew when braking action was applied. This created an obstruction at the end of the runway. 1Lt. George C. Newton was the 30th B-17 to land in #42-97281 Queenie 427BS. He landed long and failed in a Ground Loop attempt. The right wing hit the left wing of the parked B-17 #43-38878.

16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

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Page 1: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 1

303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 27316 November 1944

Target: Ground Troop Support at Weisweiler, GermanyCrews Dispatched: 51

Length of Mission: 6 hours, 40 minutes

Bomb Load: 30 x 260 lb M81 Fragmentation bombs

Bombing Altitudes: 22,400, 21,400 & 20,600 ft

Ammo Fired: 1,310 rounds

Fortresses from the 303rd BG(H) hit the enemy near the front lines as they flewsupport for ground troops at Weisweiler, near Metz. Only meager to moderate andinaccurate flak and no enemy fighters were observed during this uneventful mission.

Very good area support was provided by P-51s. No aircraft returned early.

Thirty-nine aircraft of the 41st CBW-B Group dropped 1,151 260-lb. M81fragmentation bombs from 22,400, 21,400 and 20,600 feet. Twelve aircraft of the 41stCBW-D low Squadron dropped 112 fragmentation bombs, as did four 303rd BG(H) aircraftloaned to other Groups.

Visibility in the target area was hindered by 7/10 to 10/10 low clouds with tops at12,000 to 15,000 feet and heavy ground haze. The lead Squadron, making its secondbomb run after its GEE-H equipment malfunctioned, bombed on another Group, believedto have been the 457BG. Bombs hit about one mile over the target. The high Squadronbombed visually on its third bomb run. Bombs hit about 4,300 feet east of the MPI. The lowSquadrons of the 41st CBS "B" and "D" Groups bombed with GEE-H equipment andresults were believed good. The Group shifted to Tilstock for landing due to weather. Oneaircraft sustained major battle damage and there were no casualties on the returningaircraft.

The First Army VII Corps reported that the mission was effective. It provided theGermans with supply difficulties and destroyed some of their weapons. German troopsscrambled for cover, preventing their ability to attack U.S. troops. There were only a fewcasualties. The bombing was well coordinated with the Army. A German POW describedthe bombing as a nerve-shattering experience.

Thirty-one returning aircraft were diverted to RAF Satellite Station Sleep. 2Lt. C.J.Gates was the 28th B-17 to land in #43-38878 358BS. He overshot the runway as theright aircraft tire blew when braking action was applied. This created an obstruction at theend of the runway. 1Lt. George C. Newton was the 30th B-17 to land in #42-97281Queenie 427BS. He landed long and failed in a Ground Loop attempt. The right wing hitthe left wing of the parked B-17 #43-38878.

Page 2: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 2


(crew assigned 360BS: 04 Oct 1944)

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group A

Kuykendall-Packard557 - PFF

St. Julien Butler 546 318

Duffield Kallet 532 451Arwood Hardin App Jones 705 672 055 523 Hatch Geiger 563 544Fink Middlemas 517 516

Page 3: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 3

GEORGE C. NEWTON CREW - 427th BSB-17G Queenie #42-97281 GN-Q

(crew assigned 427BS: 17 Aug 1944 - photo: 30 Dec 1944)(Back L-R) 1Lt Willard L. Lewis (B), 1Lt George C. Newton (P), 2Lt John I. Jenkins (N)

(Front L-R) Sgt Samuel S. Hartog (BT), S/Sgt Byron D. Corn (R), Sgt Lawrence E. Simon (WG),Sgt Leslie E. Karr (TG), Sgt Joseph R. Schneider (E) - (Inset) 2Lt Stonewall Jackson Raley (CP)

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group B

Healy-Wallace038 - PFF

Ackerman O'Leary 248 311

Newton Drewry 281 689Callahan Schlecht Gano Petersen 099 197 411 875 Griggs Rose 569 597Reid Roberts 944 763

Page 4: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 4

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group C

Johnson-Seidel691 - PFF

McKinley Twomey 006 945

Goering McGilvray 462 590Mayer Snider Jameson McCutcheon 298 238 972 530 Heckendorf Holm 316 554White Gmernicki 503 427

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group D

Cunningham-Kerwin256 - PFF

Bixby Underdown 258 502

Carney Lorentz 484 764Green Embrey Frazier Proffitt 600 289 206 608 Chance 309 Haynes Gates 609 878


CREW POSITIONSCMP - Command PilotP - PilotCP - Co-PilotNAV - NavigatorANV - Ass't. NavigatorMNV - Mickey NavigatorENG - EngineerBOM - BombardierRO - Radio Operator

TOG - TogglierBT - Ball Turret OperatorTT - Top Turret OperatorTG - Tail GunnerWG - Waist GunnerLWG - Left Waist GunnerRWG - Right Waist GunnerGUN - GunnerVI - Voice InterpreterOBS - Observer

PAS - PassengerPHO - PhotographerY - Y-Operators (YRO,YO)RCM - Radio Cntr MeasuresSJ - Spot Jammer


KIA - Killed in actionWIA - Wounded in actionMIA - Missing in action

POW - Prisoner of warDOW - Died of woundsEVD - Evaded the enemyREP - RepatriatedRES - RescuedESC - EscapedBO - Bailed outDCH - DitchedCR-L - Crashed on landCR-S - Crashed at sea

Page 5: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 5

358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta

P White, Franklin F., 1LtCP Hopkins, Harry E., 2LtNAV Ross, Robert M., 2LtTOG Foster, William D., S/SgtENG Adams, William J., T/SgtWG Hein, Monroe C., S/SgtRO Vesely, Henry L., S/SgtBT Gilman, Frederick S., S/SgtTG Campbell, James R., S/Sgt

B-17G #44-6316 (No Name)

P Heckendorf, Marvin H., 2LtCP Erickson, Robert L., 2LtNAV Carnahan, Kenneth R., 2LtTOG Weaver, Robert J., SgtENG Gallman, Hubert W., SgtWG Barris, Robert L., SgtRO Windle, Bill, SgtTG Koerner, David M., SgtBT Lary, Raymond W., Sgt

B-17G #42-97972 (No Name)

P Jameson, Chet H., Jr., 1LtCP Blazey, Robert N., 2LtNAV Kaufman, Seymour, F/OTOG Stevenson, John L., SgtENG Hall, Glenn W., T/SgtWG Haevers, Ferdinand P., T/SgtRO Hole, Howard D., S/SgtBT Bender, Rollin J., SgtTG Hoots, William L., S/Sgt

B-17G #43-38554 Bouncing Betty III

P Holm, Maurice M., 1LtCP Fletcher, Harold D., F/ONAV Howard, Paul A., 2LtTOG Day, Keith E., SgtENG Compton, M.C., SgtWG Huck, Robert L., SgtRO Dale, John A., SgtBT Ebert, Preston P., SgtTG Dyszel, Bernard J., S/Sgt

B-17G #44-8427 Henn’s Revenge

P Gmernicki, Richard H., 2LtCP Judd, Chester G., 2LtNAV Jones, William M., 2LtBOM Gibson, James, SgtENG Griffith, Elwood A., SgtWG McClymont, John W., S/SgtRO Calenberg, Raymond N., SgtBT Greenberg, Bernard, SgtTG Henn, Thomas A., Sgt

B-17G #43-38462 Teddy's Rough Riders

P Goering, Werner G., 1LtCP Rencher, Jack P., 2LtNAV Markt, Rex H., F/OBOM Birkenseer, Donald L., 2LtENG Gustafson, Orall R., S/SgtRO Brodzinski, Chester, S/SgtBT Blinebury, Joseph A., S/SgtWG Houseman, Clarence W., SgtTG Mahan, Weldon T., Sgt

B-17G #43-38238 (No Name)

P Snider, Harley D., 2LtCP Kunkel, Joe T., 2LtNAV McDade, Maurie D., F/OBOM Feezel, Ralph S., 2LtENG Work, John R., S/SgtBT Kudder, Edward P., SgtRO Ludington, Robert S., SgtWG Wade, Murray W., SgtTG Cox, Lyle H., Sgt

B-17G #42-102945 Sweet Pea

P Twomey, John M., 1LtCP Dorsett, John D., 2LtNAV Kaiser, James M., CaptBOM Ford, Wilson, 2LtENG Shaw, Vergil A., SgtRO Bzik, Paul J., S/SgtTG Hammond, Walter E., SgtWG Martin, Jack E., S/SgtBT Johnson, Marvin T., Sgt

Page 6: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 6

358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #44-6006 (No Name)

P McKinley, Ralph C., 1LtCP Harwick, James A., 2LtNAV Long, Donald C., Jr., 2LtTOG Casey, Lawrence, T/SgtENG Jones, Burlen, T/SgtWG Devaney, Thomas J., SgtRO Moll, Richard S., SgtBT Clark, Woodrow E., SgtTG Soule, Evan R., Sgt

B-17G #42-97298 The Floose

P Mayer, Walter J., 1LtCP Canning, Glenn R., 2LtNAV Goldstein, Sheldon, 2LtTOG Brown, James L., SgtENG McGreevy, James, SgtWG Withers, Frederick J., SgtRO Tuescher, Ernest, S/SgtTG Woodward, Thomas J., S/SgtBT Gendron, Ernest J., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-97691 (No Name) - PFF

P Johnson, Hugh B., 1LtCP Seidel, Harry S., 2LtNAV Hansen, Heber D., 2LtNAV Poehlman, Robert F., 1LtNAV Beyeler, Earl R., 1LtBOM Sachau, William D., 1LtENG Edwards, Eugene F., T/SgtWG Beck, Harold P., S/SgtRO Thomas, Henry T., T/SgtTG Ross, James E., 2Lt

B-17G #43-37590 Neva-The Silver Lady

P McGilvray, Richard L., 1LtCP Thompson, John A., 2LtNAV Fearn, Charles L., 2LtTOG Rowe, Thomas M., S/SgtENG Eckert, Raymond C., SgtWG Frazier, Victor L., SgtRO Johnson, Paul B., SgtBT Garza, David, SgtTG Smith, Gardner B., Sgt

B-17G #43-38530 (No Name)

P McCutcheon, George E., 1LtCP Hower, Frederick C., 2LtNAV Starr, Ben, 2LtTOG Kedzierski, Edward P., SgtENG Burcham, Johnnie O., T/SgtWG Foulk, Donald H., S/SgtRO Alexander, John C., S/SgtBT Aberdeen, James E., S/SgtTG Kinsman, George R., S/Sgt

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Mission 273 - 7

359th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #43-38289 Sweet LaRhonda

P Embrey, Henry C., 2LtCP Sharp, Bryant M., 2LtNAV Hewitt, Leroy A., 2LtTOG Connor, Joseph C., SgtENG Miller, Harry C., S/SgtRO Zellar, Donald W., SgtBT Boyle, Francis M., S/SgtTG Gavin, William E., SgtWG Peters, Arthur R., Sgt

B-17G #43-38609 (No Name)

P Haynes, Charles D., 2LtCP McClurg, Galt L., 2LtNAV Malone, Roy P., F/OBOM Dando, Charles A., 2LtENG Sherrill, Elliotte W., SgtRO Deen, Oscar A., SgtBT Freese, Paul D., SgtWG Hrych, Robert C., SgtTG Ipsen, Allen L., S/Sgt

B-17G #43-38608 Lucille

P Proffitt, John S., 2LtCP Ogborn, Maurice E., 2LtNAV Malerich, Earl J., Jr., 2LtBOM Finke, John C., 2LtENG Young, James W., SgtRO Norris, Cornie, Jr., SgtBT Bechtold, Robert E., SgtTG O’Neal, Howard F., SgtWG Rose, G.L., Sgt

B-17G #44-6600 (No Name)

P Green, James F., 2LtCP Fravel, Harold L., 2LtNAV Gennaro, Louis T., 2LtTOG Roberts, James P., SgtENG Belcher, Rubin W., SgtRO Hinnershots, Bruce H., SgtBT Schilling, Lawrence E., SgtTG Foster, Delbert E., SgtWG Schoonover, Howard D., Sgt

B-17G #43-38764 (No Name)

P Lorentz, Arthur, 1LtCP Scott, Robert H., 2LtNAV Carriere, Lawrence C., F/OBOM Barlow, Richard D., 2LtENG Kreager, Jon B., S/SgtRO Hanson, Robert W., T/SgtBT Ingalls, Earl F., SgtTG Greenwald, Paul L., SgtWG Gonser, Dwight W., Sgt

B-17G #42-107206 Old Black Magic

P Frazier, Eugene C., 1LtCP Campbell, Laurie H., 2LtNAV Goettman, Andrew T., 2LtTOG Zielinski, ,William J., SgtENG Borges, Gilbert C., S/SgtRO Trainor, Donald W., SgtBT Charron, Raymond H., SgtTG McCullough, Luther, Jr., SgtWG Anderson, Eston R., Sgt

B-17G #43-38258 Forget Me Not Olly

P Bixby, Kenneth E., 2LtCP Burns, James S., 2LtNAV Jones, Clayton C., F/OTOG Coykendall, Ralph A., T/SgtENG Robichaux, John B., S/SgtRO Krumwiede, Leland J., SgtBT Reese, Dale G., SgtTG Peters, John W., SgtWG Lombardi, Mondo, Sgt

B-17G #42-102484 Heller's Angel

P Carney, Walter J., 1LtCP Hickey, James A., 2LtNAV Taylor, Albert R., 2LtBOM Cooney, Thomas E., 2LtENG Turner, Harold L., T/SgtRO Foster, Albert A., T/SgtBT Kayrallah, Emil, S/SgtTG Howe, Clarence H., S/SgtWG Encinas, William S/Sgt

Page 8: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 8

359th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #44-6502 (No Name)

P Underdown, Sidney L., 1LtCP Knolle, William C., 2LtNAV Kenny, John P., 2LtBOM Scheibman, Herman B., 1LtENG Kuwik, John J., S/SgtRO Carman, Nolan W., S/SgtBT Guptill, Walter R., S/SgtTG Stevens, Richard G., SgtWG Vogel, Cletus M., S/Sgt

B-17G #43-38878 (No Name)

P Gates, Cecil J., 2LtCP Zapora, Theodore T., 2LtNAV Quinlan, Thomas E., Jr., 2LtBOM Elliott, Harold F., 2LtENG Wysocki, Walter, SgtRO Maurer, Charles E., SgtBT Berrett, Charles R., SgtTG Lainson, Colin C., SgtWG Wallis, Elton E., Sgt

B-17G #44-6309 Duchess' Granddaughter

P Chance, Arthur F., 1LtCP Johnson, Robert H., 2LtNAV McCarver, Eugene D., 2LtTOG Couch, William M., 1LtENG Menasco, Elmer W., T/SgtRO Miller, Albert, T/SgtBT Moss, Shirley L., SgtTG Bailey, John R., SgtWG Torre, Leo A., Sgt

B-17G #44-8256 Yankee Girl - PFF

P Cunningham, Robert L., 1LtCP Kerwin, Charles E., MajNAV Kelly, Thomas N., 1LtNAV Weil, Frank P., 2LtNAV Zarelli, Michael L., 2Lt BOM Smith, Ralph L., 1LtENG Popovich, William G., T/SgtRO Pomicter, Stanley, Jr., T/SgtTG Schopplein, Orin H., 2LtWG Harwat, Edward D., S/Sgt

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Mission 273 - 9

360th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-102544 Sack Time

P Geiger, James E., 2LtCP Telford, Donald R., F/ONAV Fetzko, John, 2LtBOM Emery, Roy F., 2LtENG Stockman, Leonard G., SgtRO Licht, Wilfred L., SgtBT Wentz, Roland L., SgtTG Germanine, Joseph R., SgtWG Doctor, Gordon C., Sgt

B-17G #44-6516 My Darling

P Middlemas, Arthur B., 2LtCP Schultz, John W., 2LtNAV Cooley, Royal D., 2LtBOM Valdez, ,George J., SgtENG Marshall, Leroy H., SgtRO Avenia, James J., SgtBT Parrish, George K., SgtTG Cranshaw, John A., SgtWG Maurer, John L., Sgt

B-17G #43-38532 (No Name)

P Duffield, Richard B., 1LtCP Beasley, Roland C., 2LtNAV Harding, Warren G., 2LtBOM Thomas, Edward H., 2LtENG Girard, Louis P., T/SgtRO Wimer, Maurice H., T/SgtBT Oberly, Eldridge C., S/SgtTG Englis, Hiram E., S/SgtWG Branin, James J., S/Sgt

B-17G #43-38451 (No Name)

P Kallet, Sidney, 2LtCP Newell, Richard M., 2LtNAV Harrison, Lewis S., 2LtBOM Clippinger, Robert E., S/SgtENG Lewis, William J., SgtRO Clarke, Frank W., SgtBT Macy, Edward J., SgtTG Terreri, Joseph, SgtWG Killelea, Raymond J., Sgt

B-17G #43-38705 (No Name)

P Arwood, Joe B., 1LtCP Johnson, Walter E., 2LtNAV Fowler, William C., 2LtBOM Gerstel, Charles L., SgtENG Power, Thomas B., SgtRO Curry, Paul A., SgtBT Boone, Everett D., S/SgtTG Sanchez, Crespin E., SgtWG Linn, James B., Sgt

B-17G #44-6517 Old Cock

P Fink, Marvin P., 2LtCP Reeves, Howard E., 2LtNAV Subkowsky, Harry, 2LtBOM Hand, Robert A., 2LtENG Holder, Jack E., SgtRO Dahl, Robert F., SgtBT Albright, Richard M., SgtTG Garcia, Cyprian M., SgtWG Peter, Robert C., Sgt

B-17G #43-38563 Jackie

P Hatch, Logan B., 2LtCP Holtorf, Ernest H., 2LtNAV Divine, Fred H., 2LtBOM Friedlander, Henry, F/OENG Fuczka, Peter, SgtRO Broughton, Averell M., Jr., SgtBT Buchanan, Paul A., SgtTG Patterson, Charles A., SgtWG Free, Ennis B., Jr., Sgt

B-17G #43-38672 (No Name)

P Hardin, Thomas H., Jr., 1LtCP Brown, William W., 2LtNAV Hiebeler, George E., 2LtBOM Driver, Henderson M., Jr., SgtENG Mikulich, Stanley, S/SgtRO Kasper, Raymond H., SgtBT Hulterstrum, Joseph P., SgtTG Rohrer, Elbert R., SgtWG Sersland, Paul V., Sgt

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Mission 273 - 10

360th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #44-8318 (No Name)

P Butler, Milton C., 1LtCP Lovell, Brook H., 2LtNAV McCarty, Mike D., 2LtBOM Hackler, Maurice G., 2LtENG Bird, Harry G., T/SgtRO Christ, Donald R., T/SgtBT Durfee, James R., SgtTG Johnson, David T., S/SgtWG Peterson, Robert E., Sgt

B-17G #42-97546 Idaliza

P St. Julien, John D., 2LtCP Muth, Clifford F., 2LtNAV Kiehlkopf, George, 2LtBOM Carney, Felix A., 2LtENG Mitchell, William E., SgtRO Flanigan, John J., SgtBT Farthing, Richard M., SgtTG Evans, Marlin D., SgtWG McLellan, Raymond L., Sgt

B-17G #42-97557 Mercy's Madhouse - PFF

P Kuykendall, Roger L., 1LtCP Packard, Peter L.M., MajNAV Klein, Norman M., 1LtNAV Edwards, Frank A., 1LtNAV Charlton, Rufus S., 1LtBOM Rape, Sylvester H., 2LtENG Evans, Harry D., T/SgtRO Barton, Forrest E., T/SgtWG Alexander, John P., S/SgtWG Dubin, Martin M., S/SgtTG Moody, William S., 2Lt

B-17G #42-31055 Aloha

P App, Robert G., 2LtCP Norris, Loy R., 2LtNAV Dennis, Walter F., 2LtBOM Dee, Martin R., F/OENG Leach, Norman L., SgtRO Matlock, Austin M., SgtBT Brady, Gene F., SgtTG Price, Kirkland T., S/SgtWG Polaski, Duane L., Sgt

B-17G #44-6523 (No Name)

P Jones, William E., CaptCP Juns, Frank, 1LtNAV Papp, Melvin E., 2LtBOM Puryear, James L., 1LtENG Bostick, George F., T/SgtRO Lillis, Joseph D., T/SgtBT Gilbert, James E., S/SgtTG Carter, James O., S/SgtWG Wotanis, Leo F., S/Sgt

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Mission 273 - 11

427th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #43-38763 (No Name)

P Roberts, Ingersall J., 1LtCP Bluethenthal, Arthur, 2LtNAV Blessing, Gerald D., 2LtBOM Long, Lloyd I., F/OWG Carlson, Harold A., SgtTT Riveland, Alf, SgtRO Renzi, Frank, SgtTG Barber, Albert P., SgtBT Campbell, Gerald R., Sgt

B-17G #43-37597 Earthquake McGoon

P Rose, Jack W., 2LtCP Cornyn, T. John, 2LtNAV Russo, William D., 2LtBOM Nazarian, John K., 2LtTT Dyson, Flake S., SgtBT Brinkley, Lynn M., SgtRO Scaglione, Joseph, T/SgtTG McCall, Lamar H., SgtWG Cottle, Clyde J., Jr., Sgt

B-17G #43-38248 Jigger Rooche II

P Ackerman, Stewart S., Jr., 1LtCP Ferrari, Walter J., 2LtNAV Oswald, Alois G., Jr., 2LtBOM Proper, George M., SgtTT Creaghan, Robert E., Sgt BT Highfill, Thomas W., SgtRO Ribesky, John V., Jr., S/SgtTG Wiencek, Edward J., Sgt WG Whitlow, Zane O., Sgt

B-17G #42-39875 Buzz Blonde

P Petersen, William H., 2LtCP Candido, Anthony N., 2LtNAV Bason, William A., 2LtBOM Sommer, Sidney G., SgtTT Zarrella, Anthony A., SgtBT Millin, Louis, SgtRO Whitely, Cull W., Jr., SgtTG Coleman, Loyd, SgtWG Tanner, Loyd H., Sgt

B-17G #42-97944 Daddy's Delight

P Reid, Clair P., 2LtCP Bean, John R., 2LtNAV Rogge, Richard W., 2LtBOM Natoli, Sam J., 2LtTT Arnott, David H., SgtBT Casciola, Benedict L., SgtRO Foell, Charles R., SgtTG Lowe, Joseph W., SgtWG Clare, Donald T., Sgt

B-17G #42-97281 Queenie

P Newton, George C., 1LtCP Raley, Stonewall J., 2LtNAV Jenkins, John I., 2LtBOM Lewis, William L., Jr., 2LtTT Schneider, Joseph R., SgtRO Corn, Byron D., S/SgtTG Karr, Leslie E., SgtWG Simon, Lawrence E., SgtBT Hartog, Samuel S., Sgt

B-17G #42-107099 Old 99

P Callahan, Charles A., CaptCP Eisenhart, Oliver T., 2LtNAV Dye, Carl J., Jr., 2LtBOM Ralph, William L., S/SgtTT Erdmann, Robert A., SgtBT Jacobs, Carroll W., Jr., S/SgtRO Kamen, Roland K., SgtTG Dorner, Alvin W., SgtWG Robins, James B., Sgt

B-17G #42-102569 Miss Lace

P Griggs, John C., 1LtCP Smith, Donald R., 2LtNAV Morrison, Martin, 2LtBOM Rohner, William L., 1LtTT Monnig, Alvin R., Jr., S/SgtBT Duffel, Robert L., S/SgtRO Benning, Joseph F., Jr., S/SgtWG Means, Henry H., Jr., S/SgtTG McCormick, Lewis J., S/Sgt

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Mission 273 - 12

427th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #42-102411 Miss Lace

P Gano, Frederick, 1LtCP Flanders, Wesley J., 2LtNAV Maniscalco, John B., F/OBOM Ganson, Howard H., SgtTT Anthony, George E., S/SgtBT Coyle, Arthur J., S/SgtRO Elling, Myron A., SgtTG Nelson, Edward F., SgtWG Sears, William A., Sgt

B-17G #42-97311 Shoo Shoo Baby

P O'Leary, James W., 2LtCP Reed, Louis E., 2LtNAV DuBois, Benjamin, 2LtBOM Lyda, Robert E., 2LtTT Kernodle, John T., S/SgtBT Czerwonka, Joseph A., S/SgtRO DeVaney, Bernard C.,S/ SgtTG Carver, Harold R., SgtWG DeCicco, Frank C., Jr., SgtY Taylor, Walter H., Sgt

B-17G #43-38689 (No Name)

P Drewry, James A., 1LtCP Schneider, Richard H., 2LtNAV Mayo, Archie W., 2LtBOM Burke, James D., 2LtTT Dorrah, Walter R., S/SgtBT Morin, Donald P., S/Sgt RO Nash, Leslie G., S/SgtTG Rogers, Norman F., S/SgtWG Koch, Edwin H., S/Sgt

B-17G #43-38197 (No Name)

P Schlecht, Walter J., 2LtCP Dumont, Merrill, 1LtNAV Tanner, Merlin A., 2LtBOM Hansen, Harley L., 2LtTT Hedison, Ara H., SgtBT Hocknell, Raymond A., SgtRO Hradiskey, Joseph R., SgtTG Herod, William J., SgtWG Warburton, Arlis F., Sgt

B-17G #44-8038 (No Name) - PFF

P Healy, Richard F., 1LtCP Wallace, Walstein W., 1LtNAV Stuart, Norman L., 1LtGH Spooner, Ramon L., 1LtMN Mylan, William G., 2LtBOM Webster, Charles M., 1LtTT Robertson, Joseph J., T/SgtRO Smith, Phillip E., T/SgtTG Harris, John R., 2LtTG DeLiso, Vincent A., S/Sgt

Page 13: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 13

B-17G #42-38050 Thunderbird Crash Landing — 15 Oct 1944B-17G #42-38050 Thunderbird crash-landed at Molesworth on a training flight. The five man crew was: 1Lt

Patrick H. Brabant (Instructor Pilot), 2Lt Robert A. Marble (CoPilot & Student Pilot), 1Lt Edward H. Macaulay(Navigator), T/Sgt Dana A. Hodge (Engineer) and S/Sgt Seymour T. Cohen (Radio). At this point in her

illustrious history, Thunderbird had completed 77 missions. She went on to complete 112 missions.

Official Accident Investigation Report Finding

1. The first pilot was giving his co-pilot local transition. In making a landing, the co-pilotfailed to break his glide soon enough and hit hard just short of the runway, breaking draglink on right landing gear and jamming the gear in a half retracted position. After rollingabout 200 feet, the right wing began to settle whereupon the pilot applied full power andtook off. On orders of Lt. Col Cole the pilot circled the airdrome for six and one-half hoursto deplete the 2,400 gallon gas load, lowered the left gear and made an excellent onewheel landing. As speed was lost the airplane settled on the half retracted right gear andswerved off the runway.

2. Finding: 100% Pilot error. 100% Carelessness (Inattention on part of first pilot in propersupervision of training)

3. Recommendations: None.

Aircraft damage: Damaged outer wing panel, right landing gear assembly, No. 3 & 4props and engines, and slight damage to No. 3 and 4 nacelles. Major overhaul required.

Page 14: 16 November 1944 Target: Ground Troop Support at ...Mission 273 - 5 358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists B-17G #44-6503 Lady Alta P White, Franklin F., 1Lt CP Hopkins, Harry E., 2Lt

Mission 273 - 14

Statement of the Flying Control Officer21 October 1944

1. On 15 October 1944, A/C no 42-38050 (Eavesdrop-U) took off at 0930 hours for a localtransition flight. Lt Brabant, the pilot of the A/C, was shooting landings. At about 0950hours, the A/C was making the landing on which the accident occurred.

2. The Flying Control Officer's report contained the following remarks:The pilot undershot the runway and touched down in the dirt beyond the end of the runwayin use. The R/W in use at this time was #27 (QDM-266) and the wind was from thesouthwest at 12 M.P.H. The East end of this runway had recently been overlaid with sixinches of concrete and a gravel ramp had not yet been built up to meet this overlay. Asa result, the right landing wheel of the A/C struck this exposed end of the R/W and wasdamaged beyond use. On feeling this jar, the pilot pulled the A/C up and remainedairborne.

3. On order of Lt.Col Cole, the aircraft was told to circle locally until most of its fuel supply(2400 gallons) was used up.

4. At 1558 hours, the A/C landed on R/W #27 on its two serviceable wheels. The wind atthis time was from the west at 12 to 15 M.P.H.

5. The aerodrome was inspected at 0800 hours on 15 October 1944, by the duty F.C.O.

Richard F. Rodgers, 1st Lt. Air Corps, Flying Control Officer