1511897894-WestStar Leadership Journey towards 2025

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WestStar Leadership

Journey Towards 2025

Mission Statement

The WestStar mission is to identify, encourage and equip community-minded people who want to become more involved, who want to help West Tennessee become a better place, and who are willing to accept assertive and dynamic leadership roles. Vision Statement WestStar will be the premier leadership program in the U.S. that establishes an elite group of people bonded by their commitment to realizing the educational, economic and social development of West Tennessee.

Strategic Plan In 2015, WestStar began the formal process of developing a long-term plan for continuing to build a nationally recognized leadership development program. Board members and alumni from diverse backgrounds were identified by the executive director to serve on task forces related to four pillars of the leadership program. These task forces met periodically throughout the year and submitted their final reports in September 2017. The pillars of success are discussed in the following pages, along with action items and accountability matrixes. The Board of Trustees will vote to adopt this plan at their regular meeting in November 2017. Referred to as the Journey Towards 2025, this plan provides the blueprint of a leadership program for the next generation of leaders in West Tennessee. Journey Towards 2025 is a multifaceted approach to expanding the WestStar outreach and impact through careful and targeted activities and programs. While any strategic plan is fluid, the changing dynamics of West Tennessee requires this document to be a living and breathing plan that can change with the landscape of West Tennessee. Accountability Each pillar of the foundation to WestStar’s future concludes with an accountability matrix. Each meeting of the Board of Trustees will have time set aside for an update regarding the plan and the accountability. The website will also be updated to reflect this plan and the progress.

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VALUE PROPOSITION Jack Matthis, Chair [email protected] Harold Nance, Vice Chair Harold Nance [email protected] Frank McMeen [email protected] Cary Vaughn [email protected] Emory Bradley [email protected] Anne Banks [email protected] Steve Vantrease [email protected] Michael Banks [email protected] Steve Bunnell [email protected] Carrie Ann Knox [email protected] Carlton Gerrell [email protected] EDUCATIONAL MISSION Judy Renshaw, Chair [email protected] Kyle Etheridge, Vice Chair [email protected] Jerry Brigance [email protected] Scott Conger [email protected] Hope Cooper [email protected] Youlanda Jones [email protected] Amy West [email protected] Kelli Deere [email protected]

REGIONAL IMPACT Shannon Cotter, Chair [email protected] Bob Kirk [email protected] Jill Holland [email protected] Michael Harper [email protected] Garry Welch [email protected] Paige Ashe McLean [email protected] Kyle Lusby [email protected] Blake Reynolds [email protected] Jake Bynum [email protected] Kevin Davis [email protected] SUSTAINABILITY Cary Vaughn, Chair [email protected] Frank McMeen, Vice Chair [email protected] Greg York [email protected] Amy Garner [email protected] Bradley Owens [email protected] Art Sparks [email protected] Michael Overbey [email protected] John Holden [email protected]

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What value does WestStar add to West Tennessee, to the participants, and to employers?

1) Follow up with other regional leadership programs (good source of information) to benchmark against other larger regional programs a. Review ALP website for information on other regional leadership programs b. Potentially contact ALP program leaders for input c. Contact Delta Leadership

2) Employer Benefits Point Sheet a. More informed and educated leaders b. Increased leadership skills through participation in the program c. Civic engagement retains talent d. Increased problem-solving abilities e. Development of servant leadership skills f. Highly esteemed regional leadership program g. Relationships and networking with other West TN leaders

3) Alumni testimonials for the “value” of WestStar

a. Obtain testimonials from 5-10 alumni b. Obtain testimonials from current class c. Email specific alumni requesting testimonial d. Email WestStar alumni speaking to class about including a testimonial

Accountability Action Responsible Due Date ALP Review Mathis 12-31-17 ALP Contact Deal 12-31-17 Delta Leadership Contact Deal 12-31-17 Employer Benefits Sheet Grimes 03-31-18 Testimonials 03-31-18 Alumni Jones 03-31-18 Current Class Jones 05-31-18 Specific Alumni Grimes 03-31-18 Speaker testimonial inclusion Grimes on-going

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How to provide cutting edge education pertaining to current issues impacting West Tennessee to current and past participants of the program.

1) (Current Program) Challenge Curriculum / Improve Curriculum Oversight – a. Utilizing expertise in specific topics – With widespread expertise across the

alumni base in a variety of fields from alumni that do not live in the county where that subject is typically covered.

b. Increased board oversight of curriculum/sessions– Providing additional ideas

and suggestions regarding curriculum.

c. WestStar Leadership involvement in county planning – Maintaining balance in development of session program while maintaining control of the overall program.

d. Improve session feedback loop – To assist in the planning phase of each session.

Explore additional ways to receive feedback. WestStar app as a possible avenue to receive session feedback.

2) (Alumni Program) Providing Additional Value to the Alumni a. Graduate Program – This could afford further attractiveness to the program

overall, could be a spark for alumni involvement, and/or could be a further vehicle for utilizing the WestStar network to effect regional success.

b. “On – Board” Workshop – To prepare class and/or alumni to serve on non-

profit boards. Many alumni are asked to serve on boards, and this is a common way to serve the community. We ask alumni to get involved, but we do not give them the tools and knowledge on how to be an effective Board member.

3) (Future) Outreach Programs

a. Baby Boomer Leadership – With the growth of this age group, we feel there is value in exploring the feasibility of a program to educate and engage this generation. Aging with purpose and passion.

4) West TN Forum - Invite West TN Legislators; Mayors; Community Leaders, etc. to

discuss their vision for the Future of West TN; Creating a strategy to advocate for the changes we want in West Tennessee.

Accountability Action Responsible Due Date Identifying alumni with expertise Renshaw 03-31-18 Resource availability to planning committee Grimes 03-31-18 Board review of sessions/new ideas Deal 06-30-18

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Share of info from alumni w/expertise Deal 06-30-18 Session planning meeting with county Deal 07-31-18 Feedback from current class process Jones 07-31-18 Graduate Program Feasibility study Renshaw 07-31-18 Creation of curriculum Renshaw 12-31-18 Planning committee Deal 12-31-18 “On Board” program for alumni Deal 07-31-18 Baby Boomer Leadership Feasibility Study Deal 07-31-18 WT Forum Deal 07-31-18


How can WestStar leverage its’ influence in West Tennessee to be a change agent to the region and spur economic development and social change as needed?

1) Catalyst for Regionalism - A regional planning document that can be given to State Representatives, State Senators, and Federal legislators that show an organized plan for growth and development that goes beyond a city or county boundary. WestStar is a viable component for recruiting industry.

2) WestStar increased Visibility - Increased visibility by WestStar graduates, Charley Deal, and Virginia Grimes provides opportunity to create rapport and having access to information specific to West Tennessee issues and resolutions that may positively/negatively impact West Tennessee.

3) Energize WestStar Alumni: Provide opportunities for alumni to work together to solve

issues facing West Tennessee. Collaboration from across the region to solve community issues.


Action Responsible Due Date Creating “living” planning document Cotter 06/30/18 Brand for West Tennessee Deal 03/31/18 Roundtable discussion with all parties Deal 05/31/18 Reception for WestStar Alumni at TN Gov’s Conf Grimes 06/30/18 Presence at USDA Rural Development Conference Grimes 06/30/18 West TN City-County Mayor’s quarterly meetings Deal 06/30/18 Alumni update to include current non-profit boards Jones 04/30/18

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Blue Book presentation to the class Grimes 02/01/18 Class member is to write a hand-written thank you note within one week to the State Representative and/or State Senator that provided the TN Blue Book and signed it on their behalf. Grimes 04/01/18 Civics 101 Class for all graduates Deal 06/30/18


To secure the future of the program and maintain the high standards set for the quality of the program, what can WestStar do to secure financial security for the foreseeable future?

1) Increase endowment to $500,000 before 30-year anniversary 2) Develop and implement Journey Towards 2025 campaign with a $1,000,000 goal 3) Sustaining Investors Program - sponsorship levels based on overall benefits. Greater

the perks, greater the contribution. This will strengthen the core sponsorship program each year.

Accountability Action Responsible Due Date “Drive to 5” campaign –350 alumni @$22 per month Deal 01/31/18 Create steering committee for Journey to 2025 camp Deal 01/31/18 Sustaining Investors Program Feasibility study Grimes 03/31/18