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1510 1580timwperiod

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This is about the time periods between 1510 and 1580.

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Page 1: 1510 1580timwperiod


Did you know?

The New Era of Art


By: Agnes Goodluck


50% Off On all Courtesan



Page 2: 1510 1580timwperiod


Dress in Holland, Belgium, and Flanders, now part of the Empire, retained a high, belted waistline longest. Italian gowns were fitted to the waist, with full skirts below.The French gown of the first part of the century was loosely fitted to the body and flared from the hips, with a train. The neckline was square and might reveal the kirtle and chemise beneath. Cuffed sleeves were wide at the wrist and grew wider, displaying a decorated under sleeve attached to the kirtle. The gown fastened in front early, sometimes lacing over the kirtle or a  stomacher, and the skirt might be slit in front or the train tucked up in back to display the skirt of

Women’s Clothing




Corset. FOR FREE

Where The Cloths were

Bougt. """""""""""

The Cloths were

Bought In Venice and sometimes


Page 3: 1510 1580timwperiod

Men’s Fashion

Mens Fashion"

"A variety of hats were worn in the period. The German 'barrette, with its turned-up brim, was fashionable throughout the period, and a similar hat with a turned-up round or "halo" brim was popular in the court of Henry VIII. The flat hat combined a low, gathered crown with a circular brim and was worn in mid-century. Early in this period, men's silhouette was long and narrow, but gradually it grew wider until by the later reign of Henry the VIII the silhouette was almost square, with shoulder emphasis achieved through wide revers and collars and large sleeves.

Where The Cloths were Bougt. "The Cloths were Bought In Venice and sometimes


All Poor.

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Food Today at 3pm

Page 4: 1510 1580timwperiod
Page 5: 1510 1580timwperiod

WARThe Hvar Rebellion (1510–1514) was a popular uprising of the people

and citizens of the Dalmatian island of Hvar on the Adriatic Sea against the island's nobility and their Venetian masters. It began on the island's largest city, also called Hvar, but spread to the entire island.The Venetian Republic ruled Dalmatia and its majority Croatian population since 1420 and appointed a Venetian noble (called Count) to head the city communes, thus removing the most important autonomous right of the local population. The local noble councils of the cities,

however, still held authority in governing most local matters."As early as the 15th century, the citizens of the city of Hvar formed the so-called citizen's councils and demanded some government offices as well as authority in the government. The blunt refusal of these repeated demands was the first cause that sparked the rebellion. The second was the appalling behaviour of noblemen towards the citizen's women, which included rape. Their husbands and fathers were unable to prevent or punish the offenders. Another cause was the rise of wealthy citizens' families that desired greater influence.In order to secure their power, local nobles institute a law which prohibits the election into the ruling council of anyone whose father or grandfather was not its member. This legalised oligarchy proclaimed itself a god's institution, and passed criminal laws that greatly discriminate the ordinary citizens. The nobility went by the Medieval principle of intimidation, by which ordinary people are more likely to commit crimes, and that evil people, who are going to commit them anyway, can only be intimidated into obedience. This made it seem as though all ordinary citizens are potentially evil, and should be treated with that in mind. The legal discrimination was another deciding factor in the Rebellion."

Do You Want To Learn A new Language?"Come Learn"


Page 6: 1510 1580timwperiod

WARThe Italian War of 1521–26, sometimes known as the Four Years' War, was a part of the Italian Wars. The war pitted Francis I of France and the Republic of Venice against the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Henry VIII of England, and the Papal States. The conflict arose from animosity over the election of Charles as Emperor in 1519–20 and from Pope Leo X's need to ally with Charles against Martin Luther."

The war broke out across Western Europe late in 1521, when a French–Navarrese expedition attempted to reconquer Navarre while a French army invaded the Low Countries. A Spanish army drove the Navarrese forces back into the Pyrenees, and other Imperial forces attacked northern France, where they were stopped in turn."

The Pope, the Emperor, and Henry VIII then signed a formal alliance against France, and hostilities resumed on the Italian Peninsula; but, with the attention of both Francis and Charles focused on the battleground in northeast France, the conflict in Italy became something of a sideshow. At the Battle of Bicocca on 27 April 1522, Imperial and Papal forces defeated the French, driving them from Lombardy. Following the battle, fighting again spilled onto French soil, while Venice made a separate peace. The English invaded France in 1523, while Charles de Bourbon, alienated by Francis's attempts to seize his inheritance, betrayed Francis and allied himself with the Emperor. A French attempt to regain Lombardy in 1524 failed and provided Bourbon with an opportunity to invadeProvence at the head of a Spanish army."

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Leonardo da Vinci"Painter"

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor,

architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer,

botanist, and writer."Born: April 15, 1452, Vinci, Italy"

Died: May 2, 1519, Amboise, France"Full name: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci"

Period: High Renaissance""Parents: Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci,

Caterina da Vinci."

Niccolò Machiavelli"Historian"

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat,

philosopher, humanist, and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance. "Born: May 3, 1469, Florence, Italy"

Died: June 21, 1527, Florence, Italy"Full name: Niccolò di Bernardo dei

Machiavelli"Movies: The Mandrake""Plays: The Mandrake"

Galileo Galilei"


Galileo Galilei, often known mononymously as Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who

played a major role in the scientific revolution."

Born: February 15, 1564, Pisa, Italy"

Died: January 8, 1642, Arcetri, Italy"

Education: University of Pisa (1581–1585)"

Discovered: Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, Io"

Children: Maria Celeste, Vincenzo Gamba, Livia Galilei"

Page 8: 1510 1580timwperiod


The name, “Chicken Pox” is vernacular for the Varicella Zoster Virus. While it has a name that evokes cuteness and is even silly, it is a disease that can, though rarely, claim the life of a child. Prior to the May 1995 introduction of the Varicella vaccine, over four million people would suffer from the Chicken Pox every year- approximately 100 would die."

The first documentation of the virus is credited to the Italian, Giovanni Filippo (1510-1580) of Palermo. Of course, then, it wasn’t called Chicken Pox. It was named as the “Varicella Virus”. Chicken Pox is a strictly English language term for this virus. The French call it Varicelle. The Spanish call the virus Varicela. Only the Germans call Chicken Pox by anything even remotely similar. They call them “Windpocken”."

Boys needed!! "

All Boys form the ages of 8-16 please come to the

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the FUN for FREE!!

Girls Needed "

We Need Girls To take away all the food for the poor.

Today only.

Help Needed

Page 9: 1510 1580timwperiod



Page 10: 1510 1580timwperiod

The EntertainmentEdmund Dudley was an English administrator

and a financial agent of King Henry VII. He served as Speaker of the House of Commons and President of the King's Council. After the accession of Henry VIII, he was imprisoned in the Tower of London and executed the next

year on a treason charge. While waiting for his execution he wrote The Tree of Commonwealth.

1510: Renaissance composer Josquin des Prez assembled or composed Missa de Beata Virgine, a musical

setting of the Ordinary of the Mass, and it became the most popular of his

masses in the 16th century.

Page 11: 1510 1580timwperiod

Ashikaga Yoshiharu was the twelfth shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate

who held the reins of supreme power from 1521 through 1546 during the late Muromachi period of Japan. He was the

son of the eleventh shogun Ashikaga Yoshizumi.

Ashikaga Yoshitane, also known as Ashikaga Yoshiki, was the 10th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who headed the shogunate first from 1490 to 1493

and then again from 1508 to 1521 during the Muromachi period of Japan.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was the 15th shogun of the Ashikaga

shogunate in Japan who reigned from 1568 to 1573. His father,

Ashikaga Yoshiharu was the twelfth shogun, and his brother, Ashikaga

Yoshiteru was the thirteenth shogun.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru, also known as Yoshifushi or

Yoshifuji, was the 13th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who

reigned from 1546 to 1565 during the late Muromachi

period of Japan.

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Fantastic Feast

The Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God

The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary: The Most Holy Virgin Mary was born at a time when people had reached such a degree of moral

decay that it seemed altogether impossible to rest

ore them. People often said that God must come into the world to restore faith and not permit the ruin of mankind.

"The Son of God chose to take on human nature for the salvation of mankind, and

chose as His Mother the All-Pure Virgin Mary, who alone was worthy to give birth to the Source of purity and holiness.

"The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary is celebrated by

the Church as a day of universal joy. Within the context of the Old and the New Testaments, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary was born on this radiant day, having been

chosen before the ages by Divine Providence to bring about the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God. She is revealed as the Mother of the Savior of the World, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

"The Most Holy Virgin Mary was born in the small city

of Galilee, Nazareth. Her parents were Righteous Joachim of the tribe of the Prophet-King David, and Anna from the tribe of the First Priest Aaron. The couple was without child, since St Anna was barren.

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Fantastic Feast

The Feast of the Kalishto Icon of the Holy Mother of God

" In the monastery of the most holy Mother of God near the village of Kalishto, to the west of Struga, the holy Mother of God revealed her power and mercy through numerous miracles. Many of the sick were miraculously healed, and robbers that

intended plundering or desecrating the monastery were fiercely punished by an unseen power. The miraculous icon of the most holy Mother of God stands in the church, and nearby are two healing springs - of St Peter and St Ananias. Not far from the main church, in a cave, stands the chapel of

St Athanasius.

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GIOVANNI DE MEDICI Born at Florence, 11 December, 1475; died at Rome, 1 December, 1521, was the second son of Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449-1492) and Clarice Orsini,

and from his earliest youth was destined for the Church. He received tonsure in 1482 and in 1483 was made Abbot of Font Douce in the French Diocese of Saintes and appointed Apostolic prothonotary by Sixtus IV. All the benefices which the Medici could obtain were at his disposal; he consequently became

possessed of the rich Abbey of Passignano in 1484 and in 1486 of Monte Cassino. Owing to the constant pressure brought to bear by Lorenzo and his envoys, Innocent VIII in 1489, created the thirteen year-old child a cardinal, on condition that he should dispense with the insignia and the privilege of his office for three years. Meanwhile his education was completed by the most distinguished Humanists and scholars, Angelo Poliziano, Marsilio Ficino, and Bernardo Dovizi (later Cardinal Bibbiena). From 1489 to 1491

Giovanni de' Medici studied theology and canon law, at Pisa, under Filippo Decio and Bartolomeo Sozzini. On 9 March, 1492, at Fiesole, he was invested with the insignia of a cardinal and on 22 March entered Rome. The next day

the pope received him in consistory with the customary ceremonies. The Romans found the youthful cardinal more mature than his age might warrant them to expect. His father sent him an impressive letter of advice marked by good sense and knowledge of human nature, besides bearing witness to the high and virtuous sentiments to which the elder Lorenzo returned towards

the end of his life. In this letter he enjoins upon his son certain rules of conduct, and admonishes him to be honourable, virtuous, and exemplary, the more so as the College of Cardinals at that time was deficient in these

good qualities.

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Born at Bosco, near Alexandria, Lombardy, 17 Jan., 1504 elected 7 Jan., 1566; died 1 May, 1572. Being of a poor though noble family his lot would have been to

follow a trade, but he was taken in by the Dominicans of Voghera, where he received a good education and was trained in the way of solid and austere piety. He entered the order, was ordained in 1528, and taught theology and philosophy for sixteen years. In the meantime he was master of novices and was on several

occasions elected prior of different houses of his order in which he strove to develop the practice of the monastic virtues and spread the spirit of the holy

founder. He himself was an example to all. He fasted, did penance, passed long hours of the night in meditation and prayer, traveled on foot without a cloak in

deep silence, or only speaking to his companions of the things of God. In 1556 he was made Bishop of Sutri by Paul IV. His zeal against heresy caused him to be

selected as inquisitor of the faith in Milan and Lombardy, and in 1557 Paul II made him a cardinal and named him inquisitor general for all Christendom. In 1559 he was transferred to Mondovì, where he restored the purity of faith and discipline,

gravely impaired by the wars of Piedmont. Frequently called to Rome, he displayed his unflinching zeal in all the affairs on which he was consulted. Thus he offered an insurmountable opposition to Pius IV when the latter wished to admit

Ferdinand de' Medici, then only thirteen years old, into the Sacred College. Again it was he who defeated the project of Maximilian II, Emperor of Germany, to

abolish ecclesiastical celibacy. On the death of Pius IV, he was, despite his tears and entreaties, elected pope, to the great joy of the whole Church.


Page 16: 1510 1580timwperiod


Did you know that People are mammals?

Did you know that Pigs are clever?

What Has 4 legs and is similar to a human?

All New Riddle

Page 17: 1510 1580timwperiod

Tools Needed."You Will Need…

a Pencil


You need to print this and let your child draw

on it.

Page 18: 1510 1580timwperiod

Help Needed

Courtesans Needed!

We Need Dilivery Men or Wemen.Come to this Adress Tomorrow 4pm.

Tuesday Is Sports Day, come and play a bunch of different sports, with your


Free Dung. Only


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Staff is needed."If you Think you are qualified, please

contact us at. The Galileo

Page 19: 1510 1580timwperiod


1510 to 1580 what wonderful years right? It has Inventors, Music Art, Wars even slaves. Isn't it wonderful? Well I love this Time

period because of all of it.I think the people of the Future will also think so.