150 o C – Pacifc Pod Review Center 1. The re ri ger ant vol ume ow rate at entrance at the entrance o compressor were otained rom a test on a twin c!linder" single acting 15 cm # $0 cm" %$0 rpm compressor ammonia rerigera ting plant to e %% &'s. (etermine the volumetric e)cienc! o the compressor. *. ++.,5 - C. +., TR /. +., - (. ,5.,5 - *nswer / $. * ,0023g hammer o a pile drive is lited $ meters aove the pile head. 4 the hammer is released" what will e the velocit! at the instant its stri3es the piling head g .,5 m's $ . *. ,.$1 m's C. /. %.$5 m's (. *nswer * %. Compute the humidit! ratio o air at +0- relative humidit! and $5 0 C when the arometric pressure is 101.%$5 3Pa. 6rom steam tales Psat %7 0 C %.1, 3Pa. *. 0.017 3 g wate r va por'3 g dr ! air /. 0.17 3g water vap or '3g dr! ai r C. 1.7 3g wat er vap or '3g dr! ai r (. 0.0017 3g water vapo r'3 g dr! ai r *nswer * 7. *nswer + # 10 2, 5. * pressure gage registers 50 psig in a region where the arometer reads 17. psia. 6ind the asolute pressure in 3Pa. *. ,,,.,, 3Pa C. 77,.,, 3Pa /. 55,.,, 3Pa (. %%,.,, 3Pa *nswer C ,. * new temperature scale is to e used where ree8ing and oiling temperature o water is at 100 deg 9 and 500 deg 9 respectivel!. Calculate the asolute 8ero temperature in deg 9. *. 2 $. , de g 9 C. 2 5. , de g 9 /. 2 %$. + de g 9 (. 2 %$. 7 de g 9 *nswer * +. Consider 1 3g o air at %$ 0C that e#panded ! a reversile pol!tropic process with n 1.$5 until the pressure is halved (etermine the heat transer. :pecifc heat at constant volume or air is 0.1+, 3;'3g.<. *. 1+.0$ 3 ; hea t r e= ected /. 1+.0$ 3; add ed C. +.05 3; he at re =e cted (. +.05 3; a dded *nswer / . *n elastic sphere containing gas at 1$0 3pa has a diameter o 1.0 m. >eating the sphere caused it to e#pand to a diameter o 1.7 m. (uring the proc ess the pr essure is proportional to the sphere diameter . Calculate the wor3 done ! the gas. *. 17%.1 3; C. 157.5 3; /. $00.+ 3; (. 1%%.1 3; *nswer ( . 6i t! 3ilogra ms o cooling water per second enter the condenser at $5 0 C and leaves at 50 0 C. 6ind the heat carried awa! ! water. *. 1$%7.75 3? C. $%70.5$ 3? /. 5$%%.+53? (. %170.$5 3? *nswer / 10. Ten 3ilograms per second o steam enter the turine with an enthalp! o %$00 3;'3g and enter the condenser with an enthalp! o $500 3; '3g in Ran3ine c!cle. 4 the turine e)cienc! is 0- and the generator e)cienc! is 0-" determine the power plant output. *. 7%$0 3? C. 705, 3? /. %$1% 3? (. 5070 3? *nswer ( 11. *nswer 0.,5, 1$. (etermine the @ualit! o steam in a vessel containing $ 3g o saturated vapor and 3g o saturated li@uid. *. 100- C. 0- /. $0- (. ,0- *nswer /  1%. *nswer 5.$ 17. The condenser o reheat power plant re=ects heat at the rate o 500 3?. The mass ow rate o cooling water is 5 3g's and the inle t coo ling wate r temp erat ure is %5 0 C. Calculate the condenser cooling water e#it temperature. *. 7%.%5 0 C C. ,%.,, 0 C /. 5%.75 0 C (. +7.%7 0 C *nswer C 15. *nswer $%+

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150oC – Pacifc Pod Review Center

1. The rerigerant volume ow rate at entrance at theentrance o compressor were otained rom a test on a twinc!linder" single acting 15 cm # $0 cm" %$0 rpm compressorammonia rerigerating plant to e %% &'s. (etermine thevolumetric e)cienc! o the compressor.

*. ++.,5 - C. +., TR

/. +., - (. ,5.,5 -

*nswer /

$. * ,0023g hammer o a pile drive is lited $ meters aovethe pile head. 4 the hammer is released" what will e thevelocit! at the instant its stri3es the piling head g .,5m's$.

*. ,.$1 m's C.

/. %.$5 m's (.

*nswer *

%. Compute the humidit! ratio o air at +0- relative humidit!and $5 0C when the arometric pressure is 101.%$5 3Pa. 6romsteam tales Psat %7 0C %.1, 3Pa.

*. 0.017 3g water vapor'3g dr! air

/. 0.17 3g water vapor'3g dr! air

C. 1.7 3g water vapor'3g dr! air

(. 0.0017 3g water vapor'3g dr! air

*nswer *

7. *nswer + # 102,

5. * pressure gage registers 50 psig in a region where thearometer reads 17. psia. 6ind the asolute pressure in 3Pa.

*. ,,,.,, 3Pa C. 77,.,, 3Pa

/. 55,.,, 3Pa (. %%,.,, 3Pa

*nswer C

,. * new temperature scale is to e used where ree8ing andoiling temperature o water is at 100 deg 9 and 500 deg 9respectivel!. Calculate the asolute 8ero temperature in deg9.

*. 2$., deg 9 C. 25., deg 9

/. 2%$.+ deg 9 (. 2%$.7 deg 9

*nswer *

+. Consider 1 3g o air at %$ 0C that e#panded ! a reversilepol!tropic process with n 1.$5 until the pressure is halved(etermine the heat transer. :pecifc heat at constant volumeor air is 0.1+, 3;'3g.<.

*. 1+.0$ 3; heat re=ected

/. 1+.0$ 3; added

C. +.05 3; heat re=ected

(. +.05 3; added

*nswer /

. *n elastic sphere containing gas at 1$0 3pa has a diamete

o 1.0 m. >eating the sphere caused it to e#pand to adiameter o 1.7 m. (uring the process the pressure isproportional to the sphere diameter. Calculate the wor3 done! the gas.

*. 17%.1 3; C. 157.5 3;

/. $00.+ 3; (. 1%%.1 3;

*nswer (

. 6it! 3ilograms o cooling water per second enter thecondenser at $5 0C and leaves at 50 0C. 6ind the heat carriedawa! ! water.

*. 1$%7.75 3? C. $%70.5$ 3?

/. 5$%%.+53? (. %170.$5 3?

*nswer /

10. Ten 3ilograms per second o steam enter the turine withan enthalp! o %$00 3;'3g and enter the condenser with anenthalp! o $500 3;'3g in Ran3ine c!cle. 4 the turinee)cienc! is 0- and the generator e)cienc! is 0-determine the power plant output.

*. 7%$0 3? C. 705, 3?

/. %$1% 3? (. 5070 3?

*nswer (

11. *nswer 0.,5,

1$. (etermine the @ualit! o steam in a vessel containing $3g o saturated vapor and 3g o saturated li@uid.

*. 100- C. 0-

/. $0- (. ,0-

*nswer /


1%. *nswer 5.$

17. The condenser o reheat power plant re=ects heat at therate o 500 3?. The mass ow rate o cooling water is 5 3g'sand the inlet cooling water temperature is %5 0C. Calculatethe condenser cooling water e#it temperature.

*. 7%.%5 0C C. ,%.,, 0C

/. 5%.75 0C (. +7.%7 0C

*nswer C

15. *nswer $%+

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1,. * heat engine has a thermal e)cienc! o 50-. >ow muchpower does the engine produce when heat is transerred at arate o 10A 3;'hr B10 ;'hrD

*. 50 E? C. 1% E?

/. +5 E? (. 17+ E?

*nswer C

1+. * circular chip B3 150 ?' m < with a diameter d 10mm and thic3ness o 7 mm is emedded in a circuit oard. 4tssurace is e#posed to the ow o coolant Bh $50 ?'mF2<" T 10 deg C while its side and ac3 suraces are perectl!insulated. 4 at an! point in the chip the temperature must note#ceed 0 deg C" what is the stead! state heat dissipation o the chipD

*. $.0, ? C. $.01 ?

/. 1.5, ? (. 1.+7 ?

*nswer /

1. Gne 3ilogram o air is compressed adiaaticall! and in a

stead!2ow manner. The compression e)cienc! is 0- andthe wor3 done on the air is $,53;'3g. Compute the heat.

*. $1$ 3;'3g C. 0 3;'3g

/. 100 3;'3g (. %%1.$5 3;'3g

*nswer C

1. 1 3g steel BC 0.5 3;'3g2< rivet cools rom 00 < to %00 < upon eing installed in a riveted structure. The entrop!change in <;'< o this rivet isH

*. 20.$75 C. 20.,%1

/. 20.7 (. 20.57,

*nswer /

$0. Three2hundred 3ilo=oules o heat ow ! conduction romthe outside to the inside o a cold storage in one hour. 4 thetemperature and all other conditions are the same" what isthe heat owing through the cold storage room in two hoursD

*. ,00 3; C. %00 3;

/. 003; (. 1"$00 3;

*nswer *

$1. The heat pump has a perormance actor o .0. 4 theheat pump is used as a rerigerator" what is the re@uiredhorsepower per ton o rerigerationD

*. 0.7$ C. 0.+,5

/. 0.75, (. 0.,+%

*nswer (

$$. (etermine the specifc weight o air at +,0 mm>gasolute and $$CD

*. 1.017 3g'm% C. 1.1+ 3g'm%

/. 1.%1, 3g'm% (. 1.$,, 3g'm%

*nswer C

$%. * window2t!pe air conditioner is rated with compressopower o 1 >p. The unit has an IIR o 11.1. (etermine thema#imum cooling capacit! o the unit in tons o rerigeration.

*. 0.57 C. 0.,

/. 0.,% (. 0.51

*nswer C

$7. 6ind the enthalp! o >elium i its internal energ! is$003;'3g

*. 177 3;'3g C. %%%.7$ 3;'3g

/. $$%.7$ 3;'3g (. 1, 3;'3g

*nswer C

$5. 4 the conditioned space receives 0"000 3g o air perhour and air suppl! temperature rises aout 10oC and ai

pic3s up latent heat aout 150 3?" determine the sensileheat actor o the s!stem.

*. 0.5+ C. 0.,1$

/. 0.557 (. 0.50

*nswer *

$,. Compute the mass o a $m% propane at $0 3Pa and 70oC

*. ,.7+ 3g C. 10.$0 3g

/. 5.1 3g (. .7+ 3g

*nswer (

$+. 6or a certain drier" the eed has a moisture regain o1,0-. (etermine the percent moisture o the eed.

*. ,0 C. ,1.57

/. ,$.7% (. 50

*nsswer C

$. Compute the air ow in t %'min o mechanical ventilationre@uired to e#haust an accumulation o rerigerant due tolea3s o the s!stem capale o revolving air rom themachiner! room or a mass o 7ls rerigerant.

*. $00 C. $$0

/. $10 (. $%0

*nswer *

$. *n amount o air with (/ temperature o %5  ̊C. ?ith the

temperature $  ̊C is passed through an air conditioner and

e#haust at a (/ Temperature o $7˚C and R> 0 50-. Cooling

coil temperature is appro#imatel! 1 ˚C. (etermine the!pass actor o the air conditioning.

*. 0., C. 0.$,

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/. 0.7% (. 0.%5

*nswer (

%0. Compute the ree aperture cross section in m$  or theventilation o a machiner! room i the mass o rerigerant 4: <J.

*. 0.%17 C. 0.517

/. 0.717 (. 0.,17

*nswer /

%1. * commercial air2conditioner is rated ! means o its IIRor energ! e)cienc! ratio. 6or a certain air2conditioner with acooling capacit! o 7 <? and re@uires 1000 ?" appro#imatethe IIR o this unit.

*. 1%.,5 C. 10.10

/. 1$.0 (. 11.11

*nswer *

%$. * $.5%K L %.%+K pressure vessel contains ammonia with0.071. Compute the minimum re@uired discharge capacit!o the relie device in 3g'hr.

*. 10,.+1 3g'hr C. 110.+1 3g'hr

/. 10.+1 3g'hr (. 11$.+1 3g'hr

*nswer C

%%. The cooling water leaves the condenser at ,0 ˚C andleaves the cooling tower at %5 ˚C. The amient air is at %5 ˚C

(/ and $ ˚C ?/. (etermine the cooling tower e)cienc!.

*. 71.,+ C. +

/. 0 (. 5%.%%

*nswer C

%7. Compute the ma#imum length o the discharge pipeinstalled on the outlet o a pressure2relie device in eet orinternal pipe diameter o 0.5 in and rated discharge capacit!is l'min o air. The rated pressure o relie valve is 1, psig.

*. 0.$, t C. 0.7, t

/. 0.%, t (. 0.5, t

*nswer *

%5. *nswer 5$.$

%,. * thermal power plant has a heat rate o 11" %,% /tu'3?2hr" 6ind the thermal e)cienc! o the plant.

*. $- C. %7-

/. %0- (. 70-

*nswer /

%+. The suction pressure o a 72stage compressor is 170 3Pa4t compresses air at the rate o 15 m%'min" clearance is aou- and $00 rpm. The compressor discharges compressed aiat a pressure o 1000 3Pa. 4 the compressor usesintercooling" determine the ideal pressure at the frst stageintercooler.

*. $$.+ 3Pa C. 75%.75 3Pa

/. %75.,+ 3Pa (. %75.75 3Pa

*nswer *

%. 6ind the loss o head in the pipe entrance i speed o owis 10 m's.

*. 5.10 C. 1+.7

/. 10.$ (. $.55

*nswer (

%. * Pelton wheel has a capacit! o $5 000 3? with head o$0 m. ?hat is the numer o =et needed or this turine ithe =et i the no88le =et diameter is $00 mm.

*. % C. $

/. 7 (. 1

*nswer /

70. ?et material" containing $$0- moisture Bdr! asis s toe dried at the rate o 1.5 3g's in a continuous dr!er to give aproduct containing 10- Bdr! asis. 6ind the moistureremoved in 3g'hr

*. %57%.+5 3g'hr C. %5,%.+5 3g'hr

/. %51%.+5 3g'hr (. %5%.+5 3g'hr

*nswer *

71. 6resh water ows through a short smooth hori8ontal pipeo tapered ore. *t the large end the velocit! is 1.5 m's. *tthe small end the pressure is 17 <pa. Calculate the velocit! atthis end.

*. 7.7 m's C. ,., m's

/. 5.5 m's (. %.% m's

*nswer /

7$. Copra enters a dr!er containing +0- moisture and leavesat +- moisture. 6ind the moisture removed on each pound osolid in fnal product.

*. ,.$5 l C. 7.$5 l

/. 1.$5 l (. $.$5 l

*nswer (

7%. 4 the specifc heat at constant pressure or C0M is given as0.$01 /tu'l ˚R" what is the value o the specifc heat at

constant volumeD

*. 0.15, /tu'l˚R C. 0.7%5 /tu'l˚R

/.0.%,5 /tu'l˚R (. 0.7%5 /tu'l˚R

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*ns. *

77. * 1 m # 1.5 m c!lindrical tan3 is ull o oil with :.J 0.$.6ind the orce acting at the ottom o the tan3 in d!nes.

*. 10,.%% # 10N+ d!nes

/. 10,.%% # 10N7 d!nes

C. 10,.%% # 10N5 d!nes

(. 10,.%% # 10N, d!nes*nswer (

75. *nswer $.

7,. 6ind the pressure at the 100 athom depth o water in3pag.

*. 1"+%., 3pag C. 1"%., 3pag

/. 1"%., 3pag (. 1",%., 3pag

*nswer *

7+. *ir ows in a duct pressure o 150 3Pa with a velocit! o $00 m's. The temperature o the air is %10 <. (etermine theisentropic stagnation.

*. %$0 C. %71

/. %%$ (. %,1

*nswer /

7. 6ind the depth in urlong o the ocean B:.J 1.0% i thepressure at the sea ed is $"0%$.5, 3pag.

*. 1 C. %

/. $ (. 7

*nswer *

7. 6ind the CGP o the rerigerator whose energ! suppl!e@uals one2ourth the amount o heat it e#tracts.

*. % C. 5

/. 7 (. $

*nswer /

50. 6ind the mass o 10 @uart8 o water.

*. 10.7, 3g C. 11.7, 3g

/. .7, 3g (. .7, 3g

*nswer /

51. * potential waterall or h!droelectric power plant hasavailale at a rate o 1,0 m%'s under a head o 1 m. 6ind thenumer o rancis turines re@uired i it runs at 1$0 rpm"specifc speed and h!draulic e)cienc! o 0-.

*. % turines C. 5 turines

/. $ turines (. 7 turines

*nswer /

5$. The mass o caron dio#ide having a pressure o $0 psiaat $006 with 10 t% volume.

*. 1.07 ls C. 1.$7 ls

/. 1.17 ls (. 1.%7 ls

*nswer C

5%. Calculate the scale ratio or the model turine i theprotot!pe to model speed at head ratio is 0.,+5 and 1$respectivel!.

*. 5.17 C. 5.$

/. 5.1% (. 5.%$

*nswer /

57. 6ind the heat needed to raise the temperature o waterom %0oC to 100oC with ,0- @ualit!. Consider an

atmospheric pressure o 101.%$5 3Pa. Ose the appro#imateenthalp! ormula o li@uid.

*. 1"$%.0 3;'3g C. 1"57+.0 3;'3g

/. 1"++$.0 3;'3g (. 1",7+.$ 3;'3g

*nswer (

55. * Pelton wheel running at a speed o ,00 rpm is driven !$ similar =ets. *t this speed" it transmit ,000 3? to the shat The e)cienc! o the runner is 0- and the velocit! o theuid at inlet to the uc3et is 50 m's" estimate the diameter oeach =et.

*. 0.01,5 m C. 0.017% m

/. 0.07%5 m (. 0.01$% m

*nswer *

5,. *n air compressor consumed 1$00 3?2hr per da! oenerg!. The electric motor driving the compressor has ane)cienc! o 0-. 4 indicated power o the compressor is %73?" fnd the mechanical e)cienc! o the compressor.

*. 11+.,5- C. 5-

/. +5- (. 0-

*nswer C

5+. * steam generator operating at $- e)cienc! leaveswater at 15., ˚C while steam leaves the superheater at h

%%+7. <;'3g. Istimate the evaporation actor i the oileconsumes coal o calorifc value $7"500 <;'3g.

*. ,.1 m C. .$1 m

/. ,.+$ m (. +.$1 m

*nswer *

5. * rerigeration s!stem consumed $"%00 3?2hr per montho energ!. There are $0- o energ! is lost due to cooling

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s!stem o the compressor and motor e)cienc! is 0-. 4 CGPp the s!stem is ," fnd the tons o rerigeration o the s!stem.

*. 7%.15- C. 7.15-

/. 7,.15- (. 71.15-

*nswer C

5. * $% tons o rerigeration s!stem has a heat re=ected o 1oo3?. 6ind the energ! e)cienc! ratio o the s!stem.

*. 1%.7$ C. 15.7$

/. 17.7$ (. 1,.7$

*nswer /

,0. Calculate the availale pressure head or naturalcirculation o a 102m riser i specifc volume at thedowncomer is 0.0017 m%'3g and at the riser top is 0.00%$m%'3g.

*. 1.+1 3Pa C. $1.75 3Pa

/. 1$.75 3Pa (. 15.+7 3Pa

*nswer *

,1. * $00 mm # $50 mm" 2c!linder" 72stro3e diesel enginehas a ra3e power o 150 3?. The mechanical e)cienc! is0-. 4 two c!linders were accidentall! cut2o" what will ethe new riction powerD

*. %1.50 3? C. %5.50 3?

/. %%.50 3? (. %+.50 3?

*nswer (


,$. Istimate the circulation ratio in the downcomer riser

circuit when the mass o saturated water owing through it is10 3g's while at the riser e#it saturated li@uid water ows at.5 3g's.

*. 1.1 C. 5.

/. ,.,+ (. 0.5

*nswer /

,%. 4 the e)cienc! ratio o the rerigeration s!stem is 1$.,"what is the CGP o the s!stemD

*. %., C. 5.$

/. 7.$% (. ,.%

*nswer *

,7. The two phase ow in a riser has a volume @ualit! andmoisture o 0.,0 and 0- respectivel!. 4 the ratio o thespecifc volume o vapor to that o the li@uid is $0" Istimatethe slip ratio.

*. 1.7 C. 1.+7

/. 1.,+ (. 1.%$

*nswer *

,5. *n air compressor has a power o 70 3? at 7- clearance4 clearance will increase to +-" what is the new powerD

*. +0 3? C. 5% 3?

/. 70 3? (. ,0 3?

*nswer /

,,. (etermine the net c!cle heat rate o a steam power planwith a gross c!cle heat rate o +5- and the rate o turine

output to net c!cle wor3 output is 1.11.

*. %.$5- C. +.75-

/. +,.$5- (. 0.+,-

*nswer *

,+. ?hat is the appro#imate value o temperature o waterhaving enthalp! o $0 /tu'lD

*. 1%.,+QC C. $5.,+QC

/. 115.55QC (. ,.,+QC

*nswer /

,. ?hat is the overall e)cienc! o a %0 E? steam poweplant with a oiler e)cienc! o $-" c!cle e)cienc! o 77-mechanical loss o 5-" generator e)cienc! o %- and grosspower production %$"000 <?D

*. %%.- C. %5.77-

/. %,.- (. %.7-

*nswer /

,. *n Gtto c!cle has a compression ratio o . 6ind thepressure ratio during compression.

*. 1.% C. 17.%

/. 1,.% (. 1$.%

*nswer *

+0. * downcomer riser circuit receives saturated water at arate o 10.5 3g's rom the oiler. 4 the circulation ratio is 11.5what is the top dr!ness ractionD

*. 0.05 C. 0.01

/. 0.0+ (. 0.1%

*nswer /

+1. * diesel c!cle has a cut o ratio o $.5 and e#pansionratio o 7. 6ind the clearance o the c!cle.

*. .11 - C. 11.11-

/. 5.55- (. 15.$5-

*nswer C

+$. * circular c!linder 7 t long and % t in diameter is in an airstream. The ow velocit! is 5 t's perpendicular to the a#is othe c!linder. Jiven that the coe)cient o drag on the c!linde

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is 1.% and the densit! o air is 0.00$%7 slug't%. ?hat is theorce in the c!linderD

*. 0.0 l C. 0.7, l

/. 0.11 l (. 0.1 l

*nswer C

+%. * dual c!cle has an initial temperature o %0oC. Thecompression ratio is , and heat addition at constant volume

process is ,00 <='3g. 4 cut2o ratio is $.5" fnd the ma#imumtemperature o the c!cle.

*. %,%.50QC C. %5,5.50QC

/. %%,5.50QC (. %,5.50QC

*nswer /

+7. * rectangular duct section %5 cm # 50 cm si8e carries +5m%'min o air having densit! o 1.15 3g'm%. 4 the rictionactor o sheet metal is 0.01" fnd the pressure loss per 100 mlength o duct.

*. $ mm o >$G C. $5 mm o >$G

/. %, mm o >$G (. %5 mm o >$G

*nswer *

+5. * three stages air compressor compresses air rom1003Pa to 1000 3Pa. 6ind the intercooler pressure etweenthe frst and second stage.

*. 505.77 3Pa C. %1,.$% 3Pa

/. 10.77 3Pa (. $15.77 3Pa

*nswer (

+,. *nswer ,+1.5

++. * 102stages air compressor compresses air rom 100 3Pato 00 3Pa. 6ind the intercooler pressure etween the frstand second stage.

*. $$.$ 3Pa C. 1$%.11 3Pa

/. 11%.$1 3Pa (. %%%.51 3Pa

*nswer C

+. * circular duct i 702cm is selected to carr! air in an airconditioned space at a velocit! o 770 m'min. to 3eep the

noise at desired level. 4 this duct is replaced ! a rectangularduct o aspect ratio 15" fnd the si8e o rectangular duct ore@ual riction method when the velocit! o air in two ducts issame.

*. 75 cm # %0 cm C. 50 cm # %5 cm

/. 70 cm # $5 cm (. %0 cm # 15 cm

*nswer *

+. * %2stages air compressor compresses air rom 1oo 3Pa to+00 3Pa. 6ind the intercooler pressure etween the $ nd and %rd


*. %,5. 3? C. %5. 3?

/. %+5. 3? (. %5. 3?

*nswer *

0. * galvani8ed steel duct o 0.7 diameter and $0 oC and1.01% ar. 4 the surace roughness or the duct is 0.15 mm"fnd the roughness actor.

*. 0.0007+5 C. 0.000%+5

/. 0.000%,5 (. 0.00075

*nswer C

1. Carnot c!cle *" / and C are connected in series so thathe heat re=ected rom * will e the heat added to / and heatre=ected rom / will e added to C. Iach c!cle operatesetween %0QC and 700QC. 4 heat added to * is 10003?" fndthe wor3 output o C.

*. 111.77 3? C. $7+.5% 3?

/. 57.+ 3? (. 171. 3?

*nswer *

$. *nswer 0.0+

%. two 3ilogram o air in a rigid tan3 changes its temperaturerom %$ to 150 c. fnd the wor3 done during the process.

*. $%, C. 15

/. 1+0 (. 0

*nswer (

7. (etermine the atmospheric pressure at a location wherearometric reading is +70 mmhg and gravitationaacceleration is g.+ m's$. *ssume the temperature omercur! to e 10 c" at which the densit! is 1%5+0 3g'm%.

*. .75 3pa C. 5.77 3pa

/. +.71 3pa (. .,, 3pa

*nswer /

5. * reverse Carnot c!cle air rerigeration e@uipment has acompressor wor3ing with a compression ratio o 1$. Thetemperature limits o the c!cle are %00 < and $+0 <determine the rerigerating eect o the unit.

*. $.75 TR C. $.0, TR

/. 1., TR (. 1.$, TR

*nswer (

,. The arometer o a mountain hi3er reads %0 mars atthe eginning o a hi3ing trip and +0 mars at the end9eglecting the eect o altitude on local gravitationaacceleration" determine the vertical distance climed*ssume g.+ m's$

*. 1$+7.$1 m C. 1$,+.%7 m

/. 1$.00 m (. 15%.%7 m

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*nswer /

+. * rerigeration s!stem produces $0 3g'hr o ice romwater at $0 deg. C. 6ind the tonnage o the unit

*. 0.,, C. 0.++

/. 0.55 (. 0.75

*nswer *

. the lower hal o a 10 m high c!lindrical container is flledwith water and the upper hal with oil that has :J0.5.(etermine the pressure dierence etween the top andottom o the c!linder.

*. 0.+7 3pa C. %.% 3pa

/. $.+7 3pa (. .10 3pa

*nswer *

. *out % >p per ton is re@uired to maintain a temperatureo 270 ˚C in a rerigerator. 4 the rerigerator wor3s on the

reverse Carnot C!cle" determine the heat re=ected to the sin3

per ton o rerigeration.

*. ,.+$ <cal'min C. 1.,1 <cal'min

/. +0.77 <cal'min (. 7.,5 <cal'min

*nswer C

0. *n ideal gas at 0.0 atmospheric and + c occupies 0.750liters. >ow man! moles are in the sampleD BR0.0$1 lit2atm'mole23

*. 0.000$ mol C. 0.01$$ mol

/. 0.0%+ mol (. 0.001 mol

*nswer C

1. (etermine the mass o ice produced rom water per da!or the ollowing conditions water temperature $0 deg C"tonnage o the unit 150 tons" operating at temperature –5deg C and $ deg C" latent heat o ice %%0 <;'3g.

*. 10+"7 3g C. 1%7"11$ 3g

/. 1$0"7,5 3g (. 170"%,$ 3g

*nswer *

$. * certain gas at 101.%$5 3pa and 10 c whose volume is

$.% m% are compressed into a storage vessel o 0.%1 3pacapacit!. /eore admission" the storage vessel contained thegas and temperature o 0%+. 3pa and $, c ater admissionthe pressure has increased to 11+1. 3pa. ?hat should e thefnal temperature o the gas in the vessel in <elvinD

*. $.0 C. 10.0

/. %1. (. %17.$

*nswer (

%. *nswer 1$.0%

7. * perect gas has a value o R 5. t2l'l2R and 3 1.$,. 4 $0 /TO are added to 10 ls o this gas at constantvolume when initial temperature is 0 6" fnd the fnatemperature.

*. + 6 C. 157 6

/. 107 6 (. 15 6

*nswer *

5. * research laorator! uilding is to e heated andventilated. *ir is to e supplied to a room 1$ m # 1m romthe outside rom the rate o 1 cu meter per min aireplacement or each s@uare meter o oor space. The designcondition include $0 ˚C room temperature and 2$0 ˚C outside

air temperature. 4n addition the pressure in the room is to emaintain at a positive pressure o + <pa" to ensure that therewill e no air lea3age into the laorator!. >ow much heatwould e re@uired to condition the air or this roomD

*. 1++.11 <? C. 1,.+ <?

/. 157. <? (. 15.% <?

*nswer (

,. ammonia weighing $$ 3gs is confrmed inside a c!lindere@uipped with a piston has an initial pressure o 71% 3pa at% c. i %$00 <; o heat is added to the ammonia until its fnapressure and temperature are 71% 3pa and 100 crespectivel!. ?hat is the amount o wor3 ! the uid in <;D

*. ,,+ C. 7$0

/. %07 (. 50$

*nswer *

+. * rerigeration s!stem produces $0 3g'hr o ice romwater at $0 deg. C. 6ind the tonnage o the unit

*. 0.,, C. 0.++

/. 0.55 (. 0.75

*nswer *

. * tan3 contains 0 t% o air at a pressure o %50 psigH iair is cooled until its pressure and temperature decreases to$00 psig and +0 6 respectivel!" what is the decrease ininternal energ!D

*. ,$%$ /tu C. 555$

/. 2555$ (. 2,$%$.0 /TO

*nswer (

. *out % >p per ton is re@uired to maintain a temperatureo 270 ˚C in a rerigerator. 4 the rerigerator wor3s on the

reverse Carnot C!cle" determine the heat re=ected to the sin3per ton o rerigeration.

*. ,.+$ <cal'min C. 1.,1 <cal'min

/. +0.77 <cal'min (. 7.,5 <cal'min

*nswer C

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100. * large mining compan! was provided with a % m% o compresed air tan3. *ir pressure in the tan3 drops rom +003pa to 150 3pa while the temperature remains constant at $c. what percentage has the mass o air in the tan3 eenreducedD

*. +7.00 C. +,.5,

/. +$.75 (. +.5+

*nswer (

101. (etermine the mass o ice produced rom water per da!or the ollowing conditions water temperature $0 deg C"tonnage o the unit 150 tons" operating at temperature –5deg C and $ deg C" latent heat o ice %%0 <;'3g.

*. 10+"7 3g C. 1%7"11$ 3g

/. 1$0"7,5 3g (. 170"%,$ 3g

*nswer *

10$. * 7 m%'hr pump delivers water to a pressure tan3. *t astart" the gage reads 1% 3pa until it reads $+, 3pa and thenthe pump was shut o. The volume o the tan3 is 10 lit. *t$+, 3pa the water occupied $'% o the tan3 volume.(etermine the volume o water that can e ta3en out untilthe gage reads 1% 3pa.

*. %1.$0 li C. 1,.+ li

/. %7.5 li (. $.50 li

*nswer /

10%. ?hat should e the cooling re@uirement due to emissiono od! to maintain a comortale temperature in a dancehall that had an attendance o 1500 people i it has eendetermined that +5- o the people will e dancing and otherswill e seated. Tests have shown that an adult will give o +1. ? o sensile heat while engaging in moderate dancing

and 5+.1 ? o sensile heat while sitting. The 1++%.% ? ordancers and 75.5 ? or sitters.

*. $00 3? C. %01 3?

/. $,+ 3? (. %1 3?

*nswer (

107. * rerigeration plant is rated at 15 tons capacit!. >owman! pounds o air per hour will it cool rom +0 to 0 6 atconstant pressureD

*. 50000 l'hr C. 5$000 l'hr

/. %+500 l'hr (. 75000 l'hr

*nswer /

105. * rerigerator is rated at O:* one ton capacit!. 4tmaintains a cooling temperature o 7.7oC Bevaporatortemperature. * rerigerant with a rerigerating eect o 1%,3;'3g is in the condenser =ust ahead o the e#pansion valve. 4 the rerigerant vapor has a densit! o 1.0 3g'm%" whatshould e the capacit! o the compressorD

*. 0.0+ m%'min C. 0.10$ m%'min

/. 0.01 m%'min (. 0.11% m%'min

*nswer *

10,. (etermine the air standard e)cienc! o an engineoperating on the diesel c!cle with clearance o , - when thesuction pressure is .+ 3pa and the uel is in=ected or + -o the stro3e. *ssume 31.7

*. ,$.11 - C. +%.5 -

/. 51.$0 - (. ,0.0$ -

*nswer *

10+. *nswer 10,.7

10. :team at $ mpa and $50 c in a rigid c!linder is cooleduntil the @ualit! is %0 -. 6ind the heat re=ected rom thec!linder

*. 27%$.$% 3;'3g C. 21$,5.0$ 3;'3g

/. 2$,.$, 3;'3g (. 10$.%7 3;'3g

*nswer C

10. * % >P rerigerator or heat pump operates etween 0 o6and 100o6. The ma#imum theoretical heat that can e

transerred rom the cold reservoir is nearest to

*. +,00 /TO'hr C. $%000 /TO'hr

/. 1%000 /TO'hr (. %5000 /TO'hr

*nswer (

110. :team at 1.% EPa and $50oC in a rigid c!linder is cooleduntil the @ualit! is 70-" fnd the heat re=ected rom thec!linder.

*t $ EPa and $50oC

v 0.11177 m%'3g u $,+., 3;'3g

*t $ EPa Bsaturated

v   0.0011+,+ vg  0.0,%

u   0,.77 ug  1,%.

*. 1,$+.+1 3;'3g C. 1$%7.75 3;'3g

/. 15%%.%% 3;'3g (. 11,$.70 3;'3g

*nswer (

111. * loc3 o wood oats in water with , inches pro=ectingaove the water surace. 4 the same loc3 were placed in

alcohol o specifc gravit! 0.$" the loc3 would pro=ect 7inches aove the surace o the alcohol. (etermine thespecifc gravit! o the wood loc3.

*. 0.,0% C. 0.705

/. 0.%0, (. 0.$07

*nswer *

11$. Ei#ture with +0 - @ualit! at 500 3pa is heated until itspressure is %00 3pa. 6ind the heat added during the process.

*t 500 3Pa s   1.,0+ sg  7.,0,

*t %00 3Pa and 151.,oC BPsat500 s +.0

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*. +75.$ 3;'3g C. %.77 3;'3g

/. 5%5.1, 3;'3g (. +,5.%7 3;'3g

*nswer *

11%. * tan3 contains e#actl! one 3ilogram o water consistingo li@uid and vapor in e@uilirium at 1 Epa. 4 the li@uidcontains one2third and the remaining is vapor o the volume

o the tan3" what is the enthalp! o the contents o the tan3D

*t 1 EPa

h   +,$.1 3;'3g hg  $015.% 3;'3g

v   0.0011$+% vg  0.1777

*. ,77.70 3;'3g C. +5.$ 3;'3g

/. ++7.70 3;'3g (. 7%5.$ 3;'3g

*nswer C

117. *nswer 1.5

115. water sustance at +0 ars and ,5 c enters a oiler tueo constant inside diameter o $5 mm. the water leaves theoiler tue at 50 ars and +00 3 at velocit! 150 m's. calculatethe inlet velocit! Bm's

*. 1.5, C. 1.,+$

/. $.51 (. %.$%0

*nswer /

11,. The Re!nolds numer o a alling sphere in air is 1#10 ,. 4 the sphereSs radius is 1t" what is its velocit!D BPair0.00$%7l2sec't%

*. 70., t'sec C. 5.1 t'sec

/. $.5 t'sec (. 1.$ t'sec

*ns. (

11+. ?ater sustance at +0 ar and ,5 c enters a oiler tueo constant inside diameter o %5 mm. The water leaves theoiler tue at 50 ar and +00 3 at velocit! o 100 m's.calculate the inlet volume ow Bli's

*. 0.$1 C. 0.%77

/. 1.$,1 (. 1.,0*nswer (

11. :team leaves an industrial oiler at $+.73pa and 1+1.,c. a portion o the steam is passed through a throttlingcalorimeter and is e#hausted to the atmosphere when thecalorimeter pressure is 101.7 3pa. >ow much moisture doesthe steam leaving the oiler contain i the temperature o thesteam at the calorimeter is 115., cD

*t $+ 3Pa B1+1.,oC h   +$+.$5 hg  $07%.$

*t 101.7 3Pa and 115.,oC h$  $+0+.,

*. %.+- C. 7.5,-

/. %.0- (. $.%7-

*nswer /

11. *nswer 0.1

1$0. *tmospheric pressure oils at $1$ 6. at the vacuumpressure at $7 in hg" the temperature is 17$ 6. fnd the oilingtemperature when the pressure is increased ! 70 psia romatmospheric

*. 77.7$o6 C. 7+.1%o6

/. 5$,.%7o6 (. $,%.75o6

*nswer *

1$1. (etermine the amount o o#!gen i the heating value ouel is $,,1.75 3;'3g

*. 1.5- C. %.5-

/. $.5- (. 7.5-

*nswer C

1$$. *nswer 1.1,

1$%. * diesel engine consumed 75 lit o uel per da! at %5oC4 the uel was purchased at 15.5 c and %0 *P4 at P$.00'ldetermine the cost o uel operate the engine per da!

*. P5,++.50 C. P70.0

/. P7,++.50 (. P$+1$+.+,

*nswer (

1$7. * c!lindrical tan3 7m and %m diameter is used or oistorage. >ow man! da!s can the tan3 suppl! the enginehaving $+ *P4 with uel consumption o ,0 3g'hr

*. 1+.5% C. 1$.7

/. 5.7 (. 1.7

*nswer *

1$5. The dr! e#haust gas rom oil engine has the ollowinggravimetric anal!sis

CG$$1.,- G$7.$-9$+7.$-

:pecifc heats at constant pressure or each component o thee#haust gas in <cal' 3g c are

CG$ 0.$0% G$0.$1 9$0.$7

Calculate the specifc gravit! i the molecular weight o air is$.+ 3g'3g2mol

*. 0.1 C. 1.055

/. 1.$77 (. 0.57$

*nswer C

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1$,. * ituminous coal has the ollowing composition

C+1.5- >5.0- G+.0 -

91.%- :% - *sh+.,-?%.7-

(etermine the theoretical weight o nitrogen in l'l o coal

*. $.+0 C. $.$+7

/. +.5$, (. ,.$%%*nswer /

1$+. * gaseous uel mi#ture has a molal anal!sis

>$17- C>7%- CG$+-

G$0.,- CG$7.5- 9$50. -

(etermine the air uel ratio or complete comustion on molalasis

*. $.1%0 C. 1.$%%

/. %.$%0 (. 1.1%0

*nswer C

1$. *n air conditioning engineer has given the ollowing datato e air conditionedH room sensile heat gain 10"000B50000/tu'hr. Gutside room latent heat gain 10"000 /tu'hr. Gutsideconditioned 5o6 (/ +5o6 ?/" inside condition 50 ˚6.

Calculate the rerigeration tonnage re@uired with 10- saet!actor.

*. 5.5 C. 1.5

/. %.5 (. ,.5

*nswer *

1$. * volumetric anal!sis o a gas mi#ture as ollows

CG$1$- G$ 7- 9$ 0- CG 7-

?hat is the percentage o CG$ on a mass asisD

*. 1+.55- C. 1$.+%-

/. 15.55- (. 1.+%-

*nswer *

1%0. *n impulse wheel at est produces 1$5 hp under a heado $10 t. ! what percent should the speed e increased ora $02t headD

*. $.5- C. +$.71-

/. 1+.5- (. +1.5-

*nswer /

1%1. 6ind the wor3 process or a >elium gas at $0 0C

*. ,0 3;'3g C. $$ 3;'3g

/. 1, 3;'3g (. %% 3;'3g

*nswer *

1%$. * hori8ontal =et resh water 70 mm diameter impingeson a stationar! at plate which is perpendicular to the =etand the direct orce to prevent the plate moving is measuredto e $$5 9. assuming that there is no splash ac3 o waterfnd the initial velocit! o the =et.

*. 1%.% m's C. 1,.$1 m's

/. 1$.7$ m's (. 17.%7 m's

*nswer *

1%%. ?hat is the h!draulic gradient o 1 mile" 1+ inches insidediameter pipe when %%00 gal'min o water ow with 0.0%

*. 0.00+17 C. 0.00$%7

/. 0.00,17 (. 0.001+

*nswer *

1%7. Convert +50R to < 

*. %0.%% C. 710.%%

/. %5 (. 71,.%%

*nswer (

1%5. *ir compressed adiaaticall! rom %0 to 100oC. 4 masso air eing compressed is 5 3g." fnd the change o entrop!

*. 10% 3;'3g C. 0 3;'3g

/. 0.+7, 3;'3g (. 1$75 3;'3g

*nswer C

1%,. The sun generates an average o $ 3?'m$ when tappedas source o energ! where in a at plate collector with anarea o 1.5 m$ is used. 6low rate o water inside the collectoris 70 liters per hour. Calculate or the temperature rise o thewor3ing uid in oC.

*. ,5.17oC C. 55.17oC

/. ,0.15oC (. 50.15oC

*nswer *

1%+. *ir standard engine has a compression ratio o 1 and acut2o ratio o 7. 4 the inta3e air pressure and temperatureare 100 3Pa and $+oC" fnd the wor3 in <; per 3g.

*. $+, C. 15$

/. $1,, (. $+51

*nswer (

1%. * throttling calorimeter is connected to thedesuperheated steam line suppl!ing steam to the au#illar!eed pump on a ship. The line pressure measures $.5 Epa The calorimeter pressure is 110 3pa and 150oC. (eterminethe entrop! o the steam line.

*. ,. 3;'3g2< C. ,., 3;'3g2< 

/. ,.$ 3;'3g2< (. +.5 3;'3g2< 

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*nswer /

1%. * logging frm in 4saella operates a diesel electric plantto suppl! its electric energ! re@uirements. (uring a $7 hourperiod" the plant consumed $50 gallons o uel at 0 6 andproduced $00 3w2hrs. 4ndustrial uel used is %0 *P4 and waspurchased at P%0.00'li. at ,0 6. (etermine the overall thermale)cienc! o the plant

*. $,.0- C. $.00-

/. %7.$%- (. 1.7,-

*nswer C

170. * stoc3er fred oiler o 15 000 3g'hr steaming capacit!uses this coal as uel. Calculate volume o air in m%'hr withair at ,0 6 and 17.+ psia and 17.+ psia pressure i oilere)cienc! is +0- and 6I 1.10

*. $%7 01 m%'hr C. $1% %0 m%'hr

/. $15 %0 m%'hr (. $,7 %0 m%'hr

*nswer *

171. * windmill with a , m radius rotor is to e installedwhere atmospheric pressure conditions prevail at 101.%$53Pa and $1 oC. 4t was oserved that the wind is lowingsteadil! at an average velocit! o $0 m's. *ssuming that theconversion e)cienc! is somewhere etween $0- to $5-"determine the ma#imum availale power rom the windmill.

*. 1$7.+ 3? C. 1,+.$5 3?

/. 1%5.1 3? (. $$5.+ 3?

*nswer /

17$. $%.5 3g o steam per second at 5 Epa and 700 c isproduced ! a steam generator. The eedwater enters theeconomi8er at 175 c and leaves $05 c. the steam leaves theoiler drum with a @ualit! o -. The unit consumes % 3g o coal per second as received having a heating value o $5 10$3='3g. ?hat would e the overall e)cienc! o the unit inpercentD

*. ,5.+$ C. .$

/. 0.,+ (. +.$

*nswer /

17%. 4n a ran3ine c!cle enters the turine at $.5 EpaBenthalpies entropies given and condenser o 50 3paBproperties given" what is the thermal e)cienc! o the c!cleD

*. $5.55 - C. %7.$% -

/. 75.$% - (. 1$.%7 -

*nswer *

177. * thermal power plant generates 5 E? and the heatgenerated ! uel is 1%000 3;'s. 4 thermal e)cienc! is %,.15-" fnd the power needed or the au#iliaries.

*. %10 3? C. 700 3?

/. %00 3? (. %50 3?

*nswer /

175. * superheater steam ran3ine c!cle has turine inleconditions o 1+.5 EPa and 5%0 C e#pands in a turine to0.00+ EPa. The turine and pump pol!tropic e)ciencies are0.5 and 0.+5 respectivel!" pressure losses etween pumpand turine inlet are 1.5 EPa. ?hat should e the pump wor3in 3;'3gD

*. 1+.%7 C.$5.%$

/. $+.%$ (. 7+.%%

*nswer C

17,. 4n an open eedwater heater or a steam plant" saturatedsteam at + ar is mi#ed with sucooled li@uid at + ar and $5-. ;ust enough steam is supplied to ensure that the mi#edsteam leaving the heater will e saturated li@uid at + arswhen heater e)cienc! is 5 -. Calculate the mass ow rateo sucooled li@uid steam ow rate is 0.,5 3g's

*. $.+$5 3g's C. $., 3g's

/. %.%5% 3g's (. %.7 3g's

*nswer C

17+. * steam condenser receives 10 3g's o steam with anenthalp! o $++0 3='3g. :team condenses into a li@uid andleaves with an enthalp! o 1,0 3='3g. Cooling water passesthrough the condenser with temperature increases rom 1%deg to $7 deg c. Calculate the water ow rate in 3g's.

*. 5% C. 5$%

/. 5,+ (. 5$

*nswer /

17. :team e#pands adiaaticall! in a turine rom $000 3pa700 c to 700 3pa" $50 C. what is the eectiveness o theprocess in percent assuming pressure o 1 C" neglectingchanges in 3inetic and potential energ!

*. $ C. +.,0

/. 7 (. +.7,

*nswer (

17. The annual pea3 load on a 15"000 3? power plant is10"500 3?. Two sustations are supplied ! this plant. *nnuaenerg! dispatched through sustation * is $+" 500"000 3w2hwith a pea3 load at "00 3?" 1," 500"000 are sent throughsustation / with a pea3 load at ,",50 3?. 9eglect line

losses. 6ind the diversit! actor etween sustations andactor o the power plant.

*. 1.7" 0.77, C. 1.+5" 0.%%5

/. 1.7" 0.%%5 (. 1.+5" 0.77,

*nswer /

150. * heat e#changer was installed purposel! to cool 0.50 3go gas per second. Eolecular weight is %$ and 3%$. The gasis cooled rom 150 c to 0 c. water us availale at the rate o0.%0 3g's and a temperature o 5 deg c. calculate the e#ittemperature o the water in C.

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*. 77., C. 7,.75

/. 7$., (. 70.%7

*nswer *