14122033 Present Scenario of Solar Energy in India and Scope in Future DOC

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  • 8/8/2019 14122033 Present Scenario of Solar Energy in India and Scope in Future DOC





    Sources of energy

    The historical as well as present day civilisation of mankind are closely

    interwoven with energy and there is little reason to doubt but that in the future our

    existence will be ever more dependent upon this thing called energy. This is also

    proven with the consumption of energy country likewise one person of United nationof America (USA) consumes five time more energy than one person of India. There

    are many sources of energy available and can be categorised as:

    Fig: sources of energy




    SOLID- Coal, coke,coke

    LIQUIDS- Petroleumand its derivatives

    GASES- Natural gas,

    Blast furnace gas etc.

    Solar energy.

    Nuclear energy.

    Energy stored inwater.

    Wind energy.

    Tidal energy.

    Geothermal energy.

    Thermoelectric power.

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    So it is clear that the conventional energy sources are limited and they produces the

    energy on burning of them which is not desirable because of several hazards, but it is

    also discussed that for the growth of mankind energy is important so, it is necessary to

    be focus on the non-conventional energy sources.

    Sun as the source of energy

    The sun is a sphere of intensely hot gaseous matter with a diameter of 1.39*10^9m

    and is, about 1.5*10^11m away from the earth, the sun rotates on its axis once about

    every four weeks. The sun in effect is a continuous fusion reactor with its constituent

    gases as the containing vessel retained by gravitational forces. Several fusion

    reactions have been suggested as the source of energy radiated by the sun, the one to be considered the most important is the process in which four hydrogen atoms

    combine to form a one helium atom; the mass of the helium nucleus is less then that

    of four protons, some mass having been lost in reaction and converted to energy.

    Since the energy getting from the sun is totally free of cost so the utilisation of solar

    energy is very beneficial hence there have been significant development in the field of

    solar energy science and technology is taken great interest in the recent years andcontinuous in these days also. For developing countries like India, providing energy to

    its citizens in an efficient and cost effective manner is a highly challenging task. In

    spite of significant harnessing of the fossil fuel reserves and hydel power, the gap

    between supply and demand of energy is ever increasing. One of the possible options

    o bridge this gap is by making the extensive use of solar energy. Solar energy can be

    used both directly and indirectly. Sun causes the wind to blow, plant o grow, water to

    be lifted from oceans to return through rivers, waves on water bodies to be formedand temperature to between surface and bottom layers of oceans. All can work as the

    renewable energy source. The various solar energy applications are as follows:

    1. Solar water heating

    2. Solar air heating

    3. Solar crop and timber drying

    4. Solar water distillation

    5. Solar cooking

    6. Solar passive and active heating of buildings

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    7. Solar refrigeration and air conditioning

    8. Solar power generation

    9. Solar electricity generation by solar cell etc.


    India is a country occupying 2% of the world's land mass and currently generating

    about 2% of the global electricity, mostly using low grade coal of which it has about

    5% of the world reserves. India has, however a share of 16% in the world's

    population. To achieve a modestly high level of economic growth, the domestic

    generation capacity needs to be increased at least tenfold, to about 900 GW. Even with

    full utilisation of all existing commercially exploitable domestic hydrocarbon,

    hydroelectric and non-conventional resources, this level of increased generation

    capacity cannot be sustained for more than a few decades. For a large country like

    India, bulk imports of fuel or energy are neither affordable nor strategically prudent.

    To meet energy demand solar power can play an important role.

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    Power Generation in IndiaAs on March 31, 2005

    Installed Capacity Million WattsCoal 67791

    Diesel 1201

    Gas 11910

    Total 80902

    Solar and Renewable



    Nuclear 2770Hydro 30936

    Grand Total 118419


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    India is both densely populated and has high solar insolation, providing an ideal

    combination for solar power in India . Much of the country does not have an electric

    grid, so one of the first applications of solar power has been for water pumping, to

    begin replacing India's four to five million diesel powered water pumps, eachconsuming about 3.5 kilowatts, and off-grid lighting. Some large projects have been

    proposed, and a 35,000 km area of the Thar Desert has been set aside for solar power

    projects, sufficient to generate 700 to 2,100 gigawatts.

    Annual insolation

    With about 301 clear sunny days in a year, India 's theoretical solar power reception,

    just on its land area, is about 5 Ph/year (i.e. = 5000 trillion k Wh/yr ~ 600 TW). Thedaily average solar energy incident over India varies from 4 to 7 kWh/m 2 with about

    2,3003,200 sunshine hours per year, depending upon location. This is far more than

    current total energy consumption. For example, even assuming 10% conversion

    efficiency for PV modules, it will still be thousand times greater than the likely

    electricity demand in India by the year 2015.

    Present Status

    1. Installed capacity

    The amount of solar energy produced in India is merely 0.5% compared to other

    energy resources. The Grid-interactive solar power as of June 2007 was merely

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    2.12 MW. Government-funded solar energy in India only accounted for approximately

    6.4 megawatt-years of power as of 2005.

    2. Still unaffordable

    Solar power is currently prohibitive due to high initial costs of deployment. To spawn

    a thriving solar market, the technology needs to be competitively cheaper i.e.

    attaining cost parity with fossil or nuclear energy. India is heavily dependent on coal

    and foreign oil a phenomenon likely to continue until non-fossil / renewable

    energy technology become economically viable in the country. The cost of production

    ranges from Rs 15 to Rs 30 per unit compared to around Rs 2 to Rs 6 per unit for

    conventional thermal energy.

    3. Government policy

    The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) have initiated schemes and

    incentives like subsidy, soft loan, concessional duty on raw material imports,

    excise duty exemption on certain devices/systems etc. to boost the production and

    use of solar energy systems. The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency

    (IREDA) provides revolving fund to financing and leasing companies offering

    affordable credit for the purchase of PV systems. An Expert Committee constituted by

    the Planning Commission has prepared an Integrated Energy Policy which envisions a

    10 million square meter solar collector area, to be set up by 2022, and capable of

    conserving electricity equivalent to that generated from a 500 MW power plant. The

    state of West Bengal has initiated to make the use of solar power mandatory in new

    multi-storied buildings. However the Indian government support is insignificant

    compared to the support solar energy receives by governments in Europe and East


    4. Solar Funds and Investments

    With high deployment price as the main hurdle before a solar market, various

    organisations have developed innovative funding schemes to catalyse solar's

    attractiveness. One of the most successful example is the solar loan programme in

    India, sponsored by UNEP in partnership with two of India's major banking groups -

    Canara Bank and Syndicate Bank, and their sponsored Grameen Banks. It was a four-year $7.6 million effort, launched in April 2003 to help accelerate the market for

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    financing solar home systems in southern India. Foreign Direct Investment up to

    100 percent is permitted in non-conventional energy sector through the automatic

    route. The Multilateral Development Banks like World Bank and Asian Development

    Bank are also helping India but, the funding from MDBs on solar energyenhancement is negligible compare to other clean energy support in India. Investment

    by private companies is a trend that has just started. (Examples include Signet Solar ,

    U.S.-based Cypress Semiconductor, SunTechnics Energy, etc.)

    5. Thar desert

    In 1996 Amoco/Enron Solar Power Development planned to build a 50 MW solar

    photovoltaic plant in the Thar desert near Jaisalmer in Rajasthan state. Two other

    projects were proposed, one a 50 MW photovoltaics plant and the other a 200 MW

    solar chimney. None of these have been completed. The Rajashtan government,

    however, has set aside a 35,000 km area of the Thar desert for solar power.

    6. PV manufacture in India

    Current PV manufacturing in India includes:

    BP-Tata joint venture. Moser-Baer signed up for a thin film Si plant provided by Applied Materials.

    Solar Semiconductor Pvt in Hyderabad, AP.

    7. Solar engineering training

    The Australian government has awarded UNSW A$5.2 million to train next-

    generation solar energy engineers from Asia-Pacific nations, specifically India and

    China, as part of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate(APP). Certain programmes are designed to target for rural solar usage development.


    1. Rural electrification

    Lack of electricity infrastructure is one of the main hurdles in the development of

    rural India. India's grid system is considerably under-developed, with major sections

    of its populace still surviving off-grid. As of 2004 there are about 80,000 unelectrified

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    villages in the country. Of these villages, 18,000 could not be electrified through

    extension of the conventional grid. A target for electrifying 5,000 such villages was

    fixed for the Tenth National Five Year Plan (20022007). As on 2004, more than

    2,700 villages and hamlets had been electrified mainly using SPV systems.Developments on cheap solar technology is considered as a potential alternative that

    allows an electricity infrastructure comprising of a network of local-grid clusters with

    distributed electricity generation. That could allow bypassing, or at least relieving the

    need of installing expensive, and lossy, long-distance centralised power delivery

    systems and yet bring cheap electricity to the masses.

    2. Agricultural support

    A. Water pumping

    Solar PV water pumping systems are used for irrigation and drinking water. The

    majority of the pumps are fitted with a 2003,000 watt motor that are powered with

    1,800 Wp PV array which can deliver about 140,000 liters of water/day from a total

    head of 10 meters. By 30 September, 2006, a total of 7,068 solar PV water pumping

    systems have been installed.

    B. Harvest processing

    Solar driers are used to dry harvests before storage.

    3. Cooling

    Another e.g. is the cost of energy expended on temperature control a factor

    squarely influencing regional energy intensity . With cooling load demands being

    roughly in phase with the sun's intensity, cooling from intense solar radiation could bean attractive energy-economic option in the subcontinent.

    Challenges and Constraints

    1. Land scarcity

    Per capita land availabiity is a scarce resource in India. Dedication of land area for

    exclusive installation of solar cells might have to compete with other necessities that

    require land. The amount of land required for utility-scale solar power plants

    currently approximately 1 km for every 2060 megawatts (MW) generated could

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    pose a strain on India's available land resource. The architecture more suitable for

    most of India would be a highly distributed, individual rooftop power generation

    systems, all connected via a local grid. However, erecting such an infrastructure

    which doesn't enjoy the economies of scale possible in mass utility-scale solar paneldeployment needs the market price of solar technology deployment to substantially

    decline so that it attracts the individual and average family size household consumer.

    That might be possible in the future, since PV is projected to continue its current cost

    reductions for the next decades and be able to compete with fossil fuel.

    2. Slow progress

    While the world has progressed substantially in production of basic silicon mono-

    crystalline photovoltaic cells, India has fallen short to achieve the worldwide

    momentum. India is now in 7th place worldwide in Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Cell

    production and 9th place in Solar Thermal Systems with nations like Japan, Europe,

    China, and the US currently ranked far ahead. Globally, solar is the fastest growing

    source of energy (though from a very small base) with an annual average growth of

    35%, as seen during the past few years.


    Market Analysis & Opportunities:

    India had an installed solar power capacity of 1700 MW in 2007 which amounted to

    roughly 1% of its total power generation of 130,000 MW. India is currently ranked 7thin the world in Solar PV cell production. But considering Indias geographic location

    and climatic conditions, this is a huge market waiting to be tapped.

    India receives bright sunlight almost throughout the year especially in West and

    Central parts of the country. Due to global warming and rising CO2 levels, average

    temperature in India is set to increase by 4 degrees by 2050. Given Governments

    recent policy announcement which gives thrust to green and renewable energy, there

    is a commercial opportunity which can be exploited. Some of the incentives given by

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    the government are:

    Subsidy of Rs 12/unit on medium scale operations (1-5 MW capacity)

    100% depreciation of equipments used in 1st year itself

    Other tax benefits like zero excise dutyThese measures though very limited as compared to other countries like USA or

    Germany, the world leaders in solar energy, but still it is a step in the right direction.

    So it is no surprise that many big companies have announced sizeable investments in

    this field. At present the main players are

    Tata BP Solar

    Moser Baer

    Central Electronics Ltd. SELCO


    Many more are expected to join like DuPont, Dow Chemicals and surprisingly even


    Improvement in PV technology, which is touching efficiencies of 30%, and

    development of newer technologies especially STEG (solar thermal electricity

    generation) are driving the energy costs down.

    Till now, use of solar energy in India is limited to rural areas for lighting purposes.

    But innovation can play a major role in expanding the scope of applications.


    India, the world's second-most populous country, is facing a looming energy crisis.

    Soaring oil prices, and continued dependence on a few countries for oil, has led to the

    use of renewable energy sources to secure energy. Given that this is a tropical countryrich in sunlight, solar energy offers the most practicable solution to overcoming

    growing energy demand. The daily average solar energy incident over India varies

    from 4-7 kWh per square meter, depending upon the location.

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    The maximum size per project is 5 MW to enable more customers. Developers will

    also have access to an 80% accelerated depreciation benefit under the Income Tax

    Act. The state has already received proposals worth 2,000 MW. In response to this policy, Aston field Renewable Resources Limited signed a deal for 200 MW and is

    already in talks with global majors from Europe and USA for technology tie-ups.

    TATA-BP Solar (a joint venture between the TATA group and BP Solar) announced

    that it is setting up a 5 MW project. In addition, more than 2,500 MW worth of

    applications have been submitted to state governments of Rajasthan, West Bengal,

    Punjab, Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

    On the supply side, during August 2008, GoI announced a semiconductor policy with

    cabinet-approved incentives to attract foreign investment to the semiconductor sector,

    including manufacturers of semiconductors, displays and solar technologies. GoI will

    bear 20 percent of capital expenditures in the first 10 years if a unit is located within

    one of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs), including a major economic zone in

    Hyderabad called "Fab City". The minimum investment was set at INR 25 billion for

    semiconductor manufacturers and INR 10 billion for other micro- and nanotechnology

    organizations. The solar industry has been the chief beneficiary of these

    announcements under this incentive-based economic policy.



    IREDA has been set up to support various new and renewable sources of energy

    projects and schemes on large scale by way of extending soft loans. The agency is

    responsible for financing such projects through internal resources, equity and

    mobilization of funds from external agencies.

    The Ministry has been recognized on the basis of end user applications of renewable

    energy systems and devices during the year 1993-94. In order to lay emphasis on

    generation of power, generation of energy from urban/municipal and industrial wastes

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    and universalisation of rural energy programmes of Biogas and improved chulhas

    systems and commercialization and market orientation of various NRSE programmes.

    This ministry is investing and working on the following solar energy programme.

    Solar Energy Programme:

    Includes provision for solar thermal energy programme, solar photovoltaic Energy

    programme includes research and development, demonstration and extension of solar

    thermal energy technologies and inter-alia envisages support in the form of soft loans

    for solar thermal systems and promotional measures for solar cookers. The solar

    photovoltaic programme covers R&D, utilization and demonstration of various

    photovoltaic systems and devices. Subsidy is provided on solar lanterns, homelighting systems, streetlights and solar pumps. The preparatory activities for setting up

    a 140 MW ISCC Power Plant at Mathania in Rajasthan with WB/KFW assistance are

    being continued and necessary approval of Government of India has now been

    accorded to the project. The pilot scheme to augment and supplement grid power by

    installing 25 -100 KW SPV power systems is being continued. The Solar Energy

    Centre has been established with the objective of research and development, testing

    and standardization, prototype development, technology transfer, demonstration and

    field testing, consultancy and advisory service and development of manpower in the

    area of solar energy.

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    Fig: Solar energy project of 5GW at Madhopur, near bhuj (Gujarat)

    The worlds largest solar energy project is currently in its planning phases, and it

    looks like its going to be absolutely enormous. Planned for Gujarat, India, itll be

    producing 5 gigawatts of power when all is said and done. Thats a serious amount of


    The plan is to build an array thats five times the size of the current largest solar

    project in the world. Itll cost about $475 million to construct, and all the production

    and manufacturing will be done on site, employing local workers and using local

    materials. The current largest solar array in the world produces 900 megawatts of

    power, so this 5 gigawatts plan gives you an idea of its scope.

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    The above table signifies that how the role of solar energy will play very

    important role in future for the generation of energy and about more than 50% energycan be produced using it in future, since the conventional sources are vanishing so it is

    necessary to pay more attention on renewable energy sources and specially on solar


    27 %

    2 3/10 %3 1/5 %

    68 %

    15 %

    20 %

    50 %15 %

    Fig: (i) present energy production, (ii) future energy production

    It is also said that country specially developing nation such as India should pay more

    and more attention. Since India is a tropical nation. It has enormous possibilities of

    tapping solar energy. It is also available everywhere so it is becoming very popular in

    rural and remote areas, also, non-polluting system is a great advantage of solar energy.

    The improvement on the energy production using solar energy is started in India, in

    this way the worlds largest solar plant is established in madhopur, near bhuj. Also

    more than 70000 PV systems are generating more than 44MW. More than 3000 solar

    water pumping systems are working in India and considerably more improvement is

    taking place.

    So, there is no doubt to say the scope of power generation using solar energy is very

    bright and to becoming a developed nation the consumption of solar energy have to be


    Fossile fuel


    H dro

    Solar & renewable