14 March 2014 Year 24 Vol: 26 R3,00 VAT Inc. Shop no. 5 Madar Centre, next to the Post Office, Thohoyandou Tel: (015) 962 1008 www.limpopomirror.co.za Audited Distribution Figures Flood damage in Vhembe - page 3 Still school under trees for Masedi’s pupils - page 4 Tel: (015) 516 5175 www.ayobmotors.co.za *excl. on the road fee R599 995 2010 Mercedes Benz C63 AMG 6.3 V8 Musangwe star arrested Allegations of assault and malicious damage to property A local fist-fighting champion was arrested by the Thohoy- andou police on three charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and two charges of malicious damage to property. Thohoyandou police spokes- man Major Mashudu Malelo confirmed that they had arrested Ntakadzeni “Cybock” Madala (25) last Wednesday. “We ar- rested Madala on allegations that he had smashed window panes and removed burglar bars of several houses at Makonde. We are also investigating allegations that he had also damaged the doors of houses before going into the houses and assaulting the occupants. It is also alleged that he had assaulted a three- month-old baby and some pen- sioners,” says Malelo. The incidents took place last Tuesday and Wednesday. According to a local council- lor, Mr Thivhulawi Gundula, they received reports that a man was behaving like a madman. He had allegedly forced himself into houses and attacked innocent people, including children and pensioners. When they fled their homes, he went to the next house and did the same. He added that he had exchanged blows with the man during the incident. Malelo confirmed that Madala appeared in the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court on Monday (10 March) and will appear in court again today (Friday). “Right now, we want him to be assessed by a doctor at Donald Frazer Hospital to see if he is mentally fit.” Gundulo added that fistfight- ing should be abolished because it causes a lot of problems. “These men are using black magic to win their fights. Now it is hitting back, because they only fight occasionally. The magic wants him to fight, hence he is behaving like a madman now.” According to him, Mu- sangwe fighting is not bene- fitting the boys as they can’t make a living from it. Only the promoters profit by selling the DVDs. Mr John Khubana of JTK Promotions disagrees with Gun- dula. “Musangwe is not just a game. It is part of Venda culture. Many people are proud of it. What Gundula is saying is untrue. These are unfounded allegations. If you go to psychi- atric wards in hospitals, you will rarely find a former fistfighter,” he added. By Ndivhuwo Musetha Ntakadzeni “Cybok” Madala (left) in action against Mpandeli Nengovhela at Tshiawelo in Gauteng in March 2011. Photo: Kaizer Nengovhela. C T

14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

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Independent local newspaper bringing you the news, sport and more from the Northern areas of the Limpopo province, South Africa.

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Page 1: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

14 March 2014 Year 24 Vol: 26R3,00 VAT Inc.Shop no. 5 Madar Centre, next to the Post Offi ce, Thohoyandou Tel: (015) 962 1008


Audited Distribution


Flood damage

in Vhembe - page 3

Still school under trees for Masedi’s pupils

- page 4

Tel: (015) 516 5175

www.ayobmotors.co.za*excl. on the road feeR599 995

2010 Mercedes Benz C63 AMG 6.3 V8

Musangwe star arrested

Allegations of assault and malicious damage to property

A local fi st-fi ghting champion was arrested by the Thohoy-andou police on three charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and two charges of malicious damage to property.

Thohoyandou police spokes-man Major Mashudu Malelo confi rmed that they had arrested Ntakadzeni “Cybock” Madala (25) last Wednesday. “We ar-rested Madala on allegations that he had smashed window panes and removed burglar bars of several houses at Makonde. We are also investigating allegations that he had also damaged the doors of houses before going into the houses and assaulting the occupants. It is also alleged that he had assaulted a three-month-old baby and some pen-

sioners,” says Malelo.The incidents took place last

Tuesday and Wednesday.According to a local council-

lor, Mr Thivhulawi Gundula, they received reports that a man was behaving like a madman. He had allegedly forced himself into houses and attacked innocent people, including children and pensioners. When they fl ed their homes, he went to the next house and did the same. He added that he had exchanged blows with the man during the incident.

Malelo confi rmed that Madala appeared in the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court on Monday (10 March) and will appear in court again today (Friday). “Right now, we want him to be assessed by a doctor at Donald Frazer Hospital to see if he is mentally fi t.”

Gundulo added that fi stfi ght-

ing should be abolished because it causes a lot of problems. “These men are using black magic to win their fi ghts. Now it is hitting back, because they only fight occasionally. The magic wants him to fi ght, hence he is behaving like a madman now.” According to him, Mu-sangwe fighting is not bene-fitting the boys as they can’t make a living from it. Only the promoters profi t by selling the DVDs.

Mr John Khubana of JTK Promotions disagrees with Gun-dula. “Musangwe is not just a game. It is part of Venda culture. Many people are proud of it. What Gundula is saying is untrue. These are unfounded allegations. If you go to psychi-atric wards in hospitals, you will rarely fi nd a former fi stfi ghter,” he added.

By Ndivhuwo Musetha

Ntakadzeni “Cybok” Madala (left) in action against Mpandeli Nengovhela at Tshiawelo in Gauteng in

March 2011. Photo: Kaizer Nengovhela.



Page 2: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

2 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR







Complete Tender document sealed in an envelope marked the above menti oned bids, Must be deposited in the bid box, next to the entrance of Vhembe District Municipality Offi ces, next to Khoroni Hotel (Former Venda Tusk Hotel) wherein the bids will be opened in public.

The following documents are required and shall form part of the bid: Original Tax Clearance Certi fi cate, Company Registrati on Certi fi cate, Proof of Purchased tender document receipt, Bidders Certi fi ed copy of ID Document, Proof that the bidder municipal business account or any of the directors municipal account is not in arrears (N.B.Municipal Clearance not older three month) and Certi fi ed BBBEE Verifi cati on certi fi cate.

NB: No bid will be accepted from persons in the service of the state.

Late bid, telegraphic, e-mails or telefax transmission documents will not be accepted.

Vhembe District Municipality reserves the right to accept a tender as a whole or in part and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Administrati ve enquiries can be directed to: Supply Chain Practi ti oners of Vhembe District Municipality at telephone number (015) 960 2093 / 2107 / 2075.






Provisioning of Banking Services (Re-adverti sement)

Review of Vhembe District Integrated Transport Plan (Re-adverti sement)








17th March 2014

17th March 2014



14th April 2014 at 11h00At the entrance of Vhembe District Municipality

25th March 2014 at 10h00At the entrance of Vhembe District Municipality


20th June 2014 at 12h00

7th April 2014 at 12h00


Acti ng Chief Financial Offi cer MrThokoane A at (015) 960 2000

General Manager DevelopmentPlanning MrMudau M.P. at (015) 960 2000

Victim buriedA 32-year-old man who was stabbed to death with a broken beer bottle was laid to rest on Saturday at Tshifulanani in Lwamondo.

Mr Maluta Elvis Netshivhumbe was stabbed to death at a tavern at Mugomeli on the night of 1 March this year. His spouse, Ms Maria Sivhaga (30), was severely injured during the event.

During the funeral, the director of Munna Ndi Nnyi, Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini, urged residents to refrain from acts of violence and start practising Ubuntu.

The three suspects, Takalani Matamela (19), Hulisani Mukwevho (19) and Shadrack Ndamulelo Munyai (20), were arrested after the incident and appeared in the Vuwani Magistrate’s Court on 5 March. Their case was postponed to 28 April for a formal bail application and further investigations.

By Elmon Tshikhudo

Wanted fugitive in custodyThe Tshaulu police said they had seen the power of prayer in action, when they arrested a dangerous and most wanted criminal shortly after holding a prayer service at the station.

The prayer service took place on Friday afternoon. Thirteen villages in the Tshaulu policing area attended the service. Members of the police stations at Mutale, Thohoyandou and Makuya were also present.

Station spokesperson W/O Mpho-shomali said the service had become an annual feature on their calendar. “We adopted the day after realising that crimes were happening, despite the fact that we have all the resources to fight it. Some crimes are spiritual. There are cases where evidence is hard to find, such as fingerprints that are not visible at all and these need God’s intervention and prayers,” he said.

He added that they had realised the power of God on many occasions and successes that they could attribute to prayer. “We have seen God’s power.

Only three hours after holding the service, our members managed to arrest a fugitive who was wanted for serious crimes in our policing area,” said Mphoshomali.

Addressing the gathering, the station commissioner, Lt-Col David Nemudzivhadi, gave tips on how communities could help in the fight against crime. “As police alone, there is no way we could completely crush crime. We need your assistance and you can play a role by forming street committees, report all unknown peo-ple to the police and traditional lead-ers and also notify your neighbours when you are nor at home,” he said.

* The suspect, Dzivhuluwani Nemuramba (32) of Tshaulu Manzemba, was arrested at Pfalano-mo in the Malamulele area on Friday. He appeared in court on Monday and was charged with housebreaking, malicious damage to property and the breaching of a protection order. The case was postponed to 29 April for further investigation and he remains in custody.

By Elmon Tshikhudo

By Linda van der Westhuizen

Second robbery at Absa in Mutsindo

Residents to tolerate sewage in streets

Early morning shoppers and clients at a com-mercial bank in Thohoyandou scattered in different directions as armed robbers stormed an armoured security vehicle.

The vehicle was delivering cash at the Absa Mutsindo branch on Monday morning at around 09:00. Even the heavy rain could not stop on-lookers who arrived at the scene in their numbers

Imagine doing business with sewage running past your front door.

This is exactly what some businesspeople in Eltivillas in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) had to stomach the past week.

“It was horrible. We sell food and have clients who eat outside. Raw sewage and other personal stuff was afloat, coming out of a manhole in front of the shop … Our cleaner tied something over the nose to block out the smell before starting to try and clean up the mess,” said Ms Charlene Spies from Snappy Snacks in Commercial Street. The overflow apparently started on Wednesday night (5th) with the rain torrents. “We called the municipality three

times,” said owner Mr Carlos de Faria. The next day, the mess in front was clean and the sewage spill at the side drain was not running anymore but stagnant. The municipality had come out to attend to the matter.

When this specific spill was stopped, the sewage merely over-flowed next door at Surat Books. “The smell affects business and it is a hygiene risk. Yesterday, the raw sewage came flowing down the road and we reported it many times. Someone was seen outside, taking a look, but no one came in to talk to us,” said owner Pretesh Patel on 7 March. Ms Sharon Manganye of Surat liaised with the municipality, who eventually managed to stop

the spillage before 13:00 on the same day.

The strong and repugnant smell in Commercial Street had already been mentioned by a resident on AfriForum’s Facebook page on 25 February. “They sell fruit and vegetables along that road. How do the people working in that area stand it? I think it could be a health hazard. Please, is there anyone I can contact about fixing that s**t smell? This town seems to be going backwards very fast,” wrote Ms Lynne Novella. The media liaison officer of Vhembe District Municipality, Mr Moses Shibambu, said on the same page on 23 February that the techni-cians were busy fixing sewage leaks “as there seem to be many

Murder victim: Mr Maluta Elvis Netshivhumbe was buried on Saturday.

within minutes. The robbery is the second at the same place in just a few months.

According to Tho-h o y a n d o u p o l i c e spokesperson Major Mashudu Malelo, the robbers arrived in two vehicles, a white Mer-

cedes Benz Compressor and a silver grey BMW. “The unknown number of suspects surprised the G4 security guards at the bank, who were busy offloading cash. The suspects grabbed an unknown amount of cash and sped away in the two vehicles,” said Malelo. He said no arrests had been made so far and the suspects were not known. “This is the second incident within a few months and we can-not rule out the possibility of a robbery syndicate operating in the area,” he added.

The police have opened a cash-in-transit robbery case and investigations are continuing.

In another robbery late last year at the same bank, a group of men robbed the same security company of an undisclosed amount of money. During a shoot-out between the robbers and security guards, one robber was shot dead at the scene, while a security guard was wounded.

By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho

Fraudsters target Munna Ndi NnyiThe email address of the non-profit organi-sation, Munna Ndi Nnyi, was recently hacked and all emails diverted to unknown fraudsters who used the organisation’s name to apply for funding from different structures in the country.

The fraudsters sent emails to different busi-nesspeople and government structures, such as

the Legal Aid Board South Africa and the Public Protector, claiming that the director of Munna Ndi Nnyi, Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini, was strand-ed in the Phillipines after losing his luggage, including his wallet and passport.

“People were requested to send money to an account unknown to me and the organisation,” said Mufunwaini.

He added that he was made aware of the fraud after the Public Protector had written him a letter in response. In this response, the Public Protector explained that they couldn’t help with regard to the lack of water and his request for money to help the Matsila and Njhakanjhaka communities.

“I was shocked when I got the letter responding to my alleged letter to the Public Protector, be-cause I didn’t remember ever writing to the Pub-lic Protector,” said Mufunwaini. “If the people at Matsila and Njhakanjhaka don’t have water, the municipality is the right body to approach and not Munna Ndi Nnyi,” he said.

According to Mufunwaini, people were using his email to commit this kind of fraud while he couldn’t open and read his mails. “All my mails were being received by unscrupulous people,” he said. “We suspect that there’s an insider working with the crooks.”

Mufunwaini said that they would call a board meeting to try and address the case and see if internal investigations could be carried out to reveal the perpetrator in this case. “The fraudster lies and applies for personal things while using the organisation’s name,” said Mufunwaini.

Munna Ndi Nnyi stopped using the old email address and registered a new one, namely [email protected].

The director of Munna Ndi Nnyi, Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini.

leakages.” Vhembe’s Makhado water services manager, Mr David Mukosi, confirmed this week that they had their hands full with sewage spills. “We have a prob-lem with some of the contractors who worked on the streets in Eltiv-illas. They performed their duties, but did not communicate with us. While using their TLBs, they damaged some manhole covers and did damage on ground level. Some of the contractors came to lay other lines that are not connected to our lines. We are trying to rectify the lines one by one as sewage spills occur,” Mukosi said and added that they had not yet unblocked the whole sewerage system. “We also have problems in the industrial area,” Mukosi said.

On Friday, 7 March, sewage was running all along Commercial Street in Eltivillas.

Page 3: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

By Kaizer Nengovhela

314 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

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The house of the Mbadaliga family of Tshiozwi also collapsed during the heavy rain.

The past week's heavy rains have created havoc in the Vhembe region and numerous families lost houses and other belongings while several roads and bridges were damaged.

Many of the region's dams and rivers are over-flowing, following the heavy downpours. Mud houses are especially vulnerable during such rain and in rural areas many of these have collapsed. Several families lost groceries, furniture and other belongings.

Ms Rabelani Mbadaliga of Tshiozwi, one of the victims, was busy cleaning up and assessing the damage after her three-room house had collapsed. Along with other family members, they tried to rescue some of the fur-niture damaged during the storms. Her house’s corrugated roof was also badly damaged.

Ms Dorcus Matshivha of Kutama, whose house collapsed, said that she was outside when the walls started caving in. "Since I came to Ku-tama in 2010, I have never experienced this," she said. She is now temporarily living with her neighbours with 14 other members of her family in a one-room shack.

On Saturday after-noon, villagers were still drying out mattresses, blankets, clothes, fur-niture and food. Motor-ists who are staying in slippery mountain areas like Maelula, Tshakhu-ma, and Maungani are parking their vehicles

near the main tarred road, because they are unable to reach their homes.

A spokesperson for the Vhembe district munic-ipality, Matodzi Ralushai, said that the affected communities were now forced to use alternative roads to get to work or school and run everyday errands. "Most of the bridges have structural prob-lems, while others are under water," he said. "We have sent out a disaster team and we are visiting the different areas which have been affected by the floods. We are pleading with parents to warn their children not to swim in the dams or play near the rivers, because there are a lot of crocodiles,

said Ralushai. Ralushai told Mirror that some of the families have been left homeless after their mud huts collapsed, but at this stage he has not received any reports of people injured after the huts had fallen down. He warned residents living close to rivers and streams that they must evacu-ate to a safer place or higher spot when the water level rises. “When you cross a flowing river where water reaches above your ankles, turn back and use alternative routes. Never try to walk, swim or drive in swift-flowing water as it can sweep you off your feet. Do not drive over a low-water bridge if the water is flowing strongly across it,” he said.

Heavy rains damage houses and infrastucture in Vhembe






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Page 4: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

4 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

By Kaizer Nengovhela

By Kaizer Nengovhela


Your True African Station!

Tel: 015 962 8336/8405 & Fax: 015 962 8494PROGRAMMESMONDAY - FRIDAY

TIME NAME OF PROGRAMMES PRESENTER00H00 – 03H00 Mid -night experience Rotlas Nelwamondo03H00 – 06H00 Ri a vusa Laguga06h00-09H00 Univen breakfast Slick SK Mudau09H00-12H00 Nendila Mpho Rambau

12H00-15H00 Lunch TalkLufuno Masindi (Mon & Thurs)

Tendani Mushasha (Tue, Wed & Fri)15H00-18H00 Univen Community drive Kulie18H00-19H00 Sports talk Elsie19H00-20H00 Current Matters TJ & Livhuwani Magidi

20H00-21H00 Nkho ya lushakaTendani Mushasha (Mon & Thurs)

Lufuno Masindi (Tue & Wed)21h00-00h00 The U-Turn Paila Chauke18h00-21h00 Listeners’ choice Friday Phaila Chauke21H00-00H00 National Top 30: Fridays Fhatuwani Tshitetete

SATURDAY00H00-03H00 Phandula Luvalo Collen Ramarumo03H00-06H00 Early Riser Phindulo Funyu Funyu06H00-09H00 Weekend Breakfast Salim Dj sgo09H00-12H00 Reggae Beat Lufuno masindi12H00-15H00 International Top 30 Kulie15H00-17H00 Weekend Drive Rotlas17H00-18H00 Sports Recap Elsie Malada18H00-21H00 Vhaimbi na Vhasiki Tshitetete21H00-00H00 Univen Weekend Party Slick SK

SUNDAY00H00-03H00 Phandula Luvalo Collen Ramarumo03H00--06H00 Early Riser Phindulo Funyu Funyu06H00--09H00 Delight in the Lord Rapson Rambuwani09H00-12H00 The Evolution Salim Dj sgo12H00-15H00 The Touch Of Sunday Heavy T15H00-17H00 Religious Talk Humbelani Netshandama17H00-18H00 The new Generation Mpho Rambau18H00-21H00 Vhaimbi na Vhasiki Tshitetete21H00-00H00 Gospel Sounds Livhuwani NEWS - Weekdays - Tshivenda: 07h00, 08h00, 11h00, 12h00, 15h00 and 18h00 /

English: 09h00, 10h00, 13h00, 14h00, 16h00 and 17h00Weekends - Tshivenda: 07h00, 08h00, 11h00, 12h00 and 15h00 /

English: 09h00, 10h00, 13h00, 14h00 and 16h00

Facilities still inadequate at Masedi School

Valuable points for Tshikota Chelsea

Express’ strikers too good for KillersPupils are still being taught under trees at Masedi Combined School.

Some learners at the Masedi Combined School in Tshikota still have to attend classes un-der a tree as the school’s class-rooms are totally overcrowded.

The school currently boasts more than 1000 pupils, but this influx of pupils also means that the facilities are not adequate. There are three blocks with 21 classrooms each, three of which are used as a staff room and a store.

There are also two mobile classrooms which are not usable during hot summer days. The classes on average can accom-modate about 40 pupils, which leaves teachers with no other op-tion than to teach under the trees.

When Mirror visited the school two weeks ago, the Grade 10

learners were being taught under a tree. “All we need are classes to accommodate our children,” said community member Mr Samuel Mangatshela.

“We have applied many times to the Department of Education for classes and an administra-tion block, but our pleas have not yielded any fruit,” he said. Mangatshela said that mobile classrooms could alleviate the sit-uation as the lack of classrooms was a matter that required urgent attention. “The two mobile class-es that were delivered the past six years are old and can’t accommo-date our learners,” he said.

“Look at other schools in the province and you’ll see that they have the luxury of classrooms,” Mangatshela pointed out.

He said that teaching children under trees put a lot of pressure on educators since there were many things that could distract the learners.

The principal of the school, Mr Silas Makhwathana, did not want to speak to the press.

When asked if the department was aware of the problem at the school and whether it had any money set aside to upgrade schools with similar problems in the province, the spokesperson for the Department of Education, Mr Pitsi Maloba, said that the department would provide more mobile classrooms before the end of month. He added that they planned on building more classes in the 2014/2015 financial year.

Tshikota Chelsea earned three valuable points when they beat Madombidzha Arsenal 1-0 at Madombidzha on Saturday.

The match started at a fast pace, with both sides threatening to hit the target. Arsenal missed a golden opportunity in the eighth minute, when Daka-lo Nwanamidwa beat keeper Tumelo Thulare and shot wide with an empty net in front of him.

The match turned lukewarm towards the end of the first half. This was influenced by the fact that both sides were holding onto the ball for too long.

Chelsea wasted an opportunity when their kingpin, Sheriff Ram-abulana, shot wide. Walter Murwanthi of Chelsea was booked for a late tackle on Balanga-nani Mafela.

Chelsea introduced

Patrick Mulaudzi for Albert Ndou in the 66th minute. After he entered the field, Chelsea showed that they meant business by going forward fiercely. The demon-striker, Hilton Tshivhula, beat the off-side trap and ran straight to the stranded keeper

to beat him easily.Chelsea deserved the victory

as they were dictating terms in all departments.

The players who continuous-ly gave the Arsenal’ defence a tough time were Rendani Siphu-ma and Seani Mukhuvhi.

Eric Sefularo of Arsenal dribbles past Rendani Siphuma.

Last Saturday was another joyful one for one of the Safa AFA Second Division sides of Vhembe, Joe’s Express.

Not only did they collect max-imum points against Lephalale Young Killers at the Makwarela Stadium, but they once again accumulated the much-needed goals. Express scored three goals, and their keeper kept a cleen sheet. The team’s player-coach, Edwin “Cafu” Ramphabana, Thembisani Nevhulamba and Hymer Munyai were the goal scorers.

The solitary goal Magezi

scored against Mosesetjane All Stars at the Mahwelereng Sta-dium was good enough to give them three vital league points. The all-important goal came in the dying minutes through George Seopa.

Rospa United have reason to celebrate. They gave Ray Pillars a 4-1 drubbing at the University of Venda Stadium on Saturday, but Basel FC suffered a 0-4 de-feat at the hands of Mighty FC at Seshego on Saturday.

Basel are languishing at the bottom of the log, following the result.

Blue Rocks maintained their leadership on the log by crush-ing their neighbours, Giyani Hotspurs, 4-0 at Giyani.

Things continued to move from bad to worse in the camp of Phungo All Stars. They suffered another defeat when they lost 0-3 to Bellevue Winners. Phungo are now in the second-last position on the log.

Great North FC couldn’t man-age to stop Dynamos and lost 1-2 at the Seshego Stadium. The Dolphins beat Modimolle Aces 3-1 at the Eldorado Stadium in Polokwane.

By Kaizer Nengovhela

Celtic and Eagles share the points

Suprise Mashau of Celtic with the ball, with Tshilidzi Sioga ready to intercept.

Madombidzha Celtic held Maebane Young Eagles to a 2-all draw in their Limpopo Dairy League match at the Maebane grounds on Sunday.

Celtic would have scored at least three goals, had it not been for Tapelo Ramatjie’s acrobatic goalkeeping. The veteran player of Celtic, Eddy “Mni-ni” Mulaudzi, was a difficult man to mark. He eluded the oppo-nents’ defence as he kept running from the start of the match.

Mulalo Thovhei of Eagles broke the ice in the 26th minute. He caught the opponents’ keeper off guard. Tsh-ilidzi Sioga scored his team’s second goal, after he finished off a square pass from Phami Maluleke seven minutes later.

In the second half, Celtics’ right back, Rudzani Lisoga, was booked for an illegal tackle on Lebo Nnd-wamato. Ramatjie then denied Celt-ic a sure goal as he stretched to the limit to fist Eddy Mulaudzi’s

volley out of play. At that stage the game was 56 minutes old.

Suprise Mashau of Celtic tried his luck from the 35m area. Ramatjie misjudged the flight of the ball and saw the ball cross the goal line. After the goal, Celtic threatened to retaliate after bringing their top striker,

Khuthadzo Mufamadi, back to the middle of the park. Mufama-di distributed dangerous passes to his front runners. Their shots went astray on numerous occa-sions, however.

Tshilidzi Sioga scored his team’s equaliser late in the match to complete his brace.

Page 5: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

514 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR















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Page 6: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

6 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR


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Notice is hereby given that a Council meeting of Musina Local Municipality, as convened by the Mayor, Honorable CM Phiri, in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000), will be held as follows:Date: Thursday, 27 March 2014Venue: Matswale, next to Renaissance School, Nancefield MusinaTime: 16:00Amongst other agenda items, the Council will consider the Draft Budget and Draft IDP.Members of the public are invited to attend.Tel: 015 534 6100Fax: 086 517 1140Private Bag X611 Musina 0900Notice number 9/2014 7 March 2014



Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

JM MatshivhaMunicipal Manager

By Elmon TshikhudoBy Tshifhiwa Mukwevho

Gospel artists bid farewell to Masevhe Blind man struggles to get RDP houseAfter being actively involved in the music industry for more than 36 years and with 36 hot albums under his belt, well-known gospel star Bishop Roxley Masevhe (55) is to bow out gracefully from the music scene.

A tribute concert, which will be headlined by such gospel greats as mkhukhu king Sol-ly Moholo, among others, is planned for 22 March as tribute and farewell to Masevhe.

He will officially announce his call to full-time ministry and his non-availability in the

Pres Jacob Zuma announced some time ago that general elections will be held on 7 May. Many South Africans are looking forward to the day with expectations of a ‘better life for all’ after casting their vote.

Mr Philemon Rathando (49), who is completely blind, howev-er, says that he has not enjoyed the fruits of democracy since his two-room mud-brick house was washed away during the storms of 2000. “I applied for an RDP house immediately after my

music industry during the event.

The tribute con-cert takes place at the headquarters of his new church, The Devine Deliverance Fire Temple, in Itsani outside Thohoyandou.

“Yes, I am bowing out of the music in-dustry. I have paid my dues and have no re-grets as I have chosen a new path in my life. God has called me to his vine that I should serve Him, praying for the sick and following all the lost souls back into the fold of God. I have a flock of more than 2 000 which I am leading now,” said Masevhe.

He said he had been evading the call to minister for a long time.

Masevhe’s absence

in the industry will not be felt, as he will continue assisting in the fight against piracy. “I am out physically, but piracy in this area is driving me crazy. Many artists in this area are dying poor and are buried as paupers while pirates are making a killing out of their music. I will continue fighting for the betterment of the lives of artists I this area,” he said.

He said the event on the 22 March is to say farewell to his fans. “I am no longer available, and my friends in showbizz will be here to say farewell. I will

record a live DVD for my fans,” added Masevhe.

He also urged artists to turn to God and also to invest their sav-ings in self-sustaining projects that will sustain them through-out their lives.

Masevhe was born into a musical family at Thengwe where his father played at par-ties and his mother was a well known malende dancer. He first recorded an album in 1977 and never looked back as he produced hit after hit and won countless awards throughout his music career.

“I am no longer available for music concerts,” said Prophet Mulilo

Masevhe. A farewell concert is to be held in his honour.

“I am no longer available for music concerts,” said Prophet Mulilo

Masevhe. A farewell concert is to be held in his honour.

house was destroyed by the heavy rain,” says Rathando from his home at Mudimeli village in the Nzhelele area. “I didn’t apply once, but many times between 2000 and 2012. Then I lost all hope and stopped applying because it was just a waste of my time.”

A t s o m e s t a g e Rathando built a ron-davel with mud bricks which he and his wife, Mrs Nyamuoki Rathan-do (48), had made. They hewed grass in the nearby wilderness and used it for thatching the house.

“I lived in the roun-davel for some time before the rain and scorching sun wore off the thatch roofing,” Rathando says. “When it rains, we are always wet right through.”

He adds that he saved some money from his

monthly government grant and bought some timber and corrugat-ed iron sheets, which he then used to roof his house. Soon after that, the rains started washing away the walls, and he had to make a plan to cover all the walls with stones. Rathando’s 26-year-old, unemployed son is staying with relatives because there is no room available for him at home.

“I can’t hide my anger; I feel that either our municipality or the government has failed me,” he says. “I may seem like a small

man in a poor village situated far away from towns, but I expect the same services which those in towns are enjoying. Every time the government announces general elections, I go to the polling station to cast a vote with hopelessness and a broken heart,” Rathando says.

Neither Cllr Frank Tshililo (Ward 37) nor Makhado Munic-ipality’s spokesperson, Mr Louis Bobodi, could be reached to comment on the situation by the time of our going to press.

A well-known cleric of the Pentecostal Holiness Church’s Musina branch, Pastor Joseph Luvhengo (centre, in white shirt) celebrated his 90th birthday at his home in Nancefield in Musina with his family last Saturday. He has been a pastor since 1956. He is still very strong and he travels more than 20km every day on foot while praying for the sick at their homes and in hospital. Photo: Ndivhuwo Musetha

Mr Philemon Rathando (right) is photographed with his wife, Mrs Nyamuoki Rathando, in front of their one room.

Page 7: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror


714 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

Fundraising dinner for student bursariesChampion of Charity will hold a fundraising gala dinner on Saturday to raise funds for the needy.

According to Pastor Petrus Mamuhohi, founder and pres-ident of the charity, the dinner will be held at the Makhado Multi-Purpose Centre in Biaba, Dzanani. It will start at 18:00.

According to Mamuhohi, it is important to give the current

generation access to educa-tion. “Some of our objective includes supporting tertiary stu-dents through bursaries, financial support to students with special needs, financial support to or-phans, and the conducting and supporting of sporting, musical and cultural activities at schools,” says Mamuhohi. It also gave financial support to 18 drop-in centres last year.

The charity assisted 27 stu-dents in 2013 with bursaries and it is assisting 35 students this year. “The high number of applications we are getting from students is forcing us to have this urgent fundraising dinner,” says Mamuhohi.

For more information phone the ECO of the charity, Vale-ria Baloyi at 073 724 1637 or Mamuhohi at 072 172 3858.

Some of the glamorous ladies of Madombidza have already entered for the Arsenal Beauty competition to be held on April 19. Interested ladies need to register first. The application forms can be collected at Sididzha Bakery and Cross Roads in Madombidzha and must be returned with the R20 entry fee and two A5 photos. The club is hoping to raise funds to assist their young players and recruit more young people to get committed to sports. Anyone willing to sponsor the event can contact Mr Tshivhula on 0826688 887. The lovely ladies in the photograph are, from left to right, Ms Lufuno Sinthumule (co-ordinator), Ms Thembi Thavhiwa, Ms Nkau Cebo, Ms Khuthadzo Makhode, Ms Phophi Matshavha and Ms Tingani Baloyi (co-ordinator).

A resident of Musina, Mr Boldwin Morulana, received a new Chevy Spark Lite in a recent competition of the Fish & Chip Company. The vehicle was presented to him during a ceremony at the Musina store last Wednesday. Photo supplied

The Minister of Safety and Security, Nathi Mtetwa, visited Musina a fortnight ago to discuss the crime situation in the area. Several choirs and dance groups performed during his visit, among them the Musina Gogo Getters.

Page 8: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

8 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

By Silas Nduvheni

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Gole best in Luvhuvhu circuitDedication, discipline, commitment and determination are some of the elements leading to the success of Gole Secondary School. The rural school outside Thohoyandou was announced as the best school in the Luvuvhu circuit during the circuit’s excellence awards.

“We reached the top because we also get support from the parents, school governing body and com-munity leaders. We also walk the extra mile to achieve the best matric results, because we always motivate

He was speaking on Friday in the Miracle Christian Church in Ha-Ma-jiga, shortly after his school was rewarded for being the best school in the Luvuvhu circuit by obtaining a 97.8 % matric pass rate in 2013.

The chairperson of the Luvuvhu Circuit Management Committee, Mr Mashudu Matse, expressed the hope that the other schools that had not performed would learn from those who were being rewarded. “We want Luvuvhu Circuit to be a centre of excellence,” said Matse.

pupils and gave them quality teaching,” said Mr Vhonani Tshifura, the principal.

The jubilant principal of Gole Secondary School, Mr Vhonani Tshifura (second from right) holds the winner’s trophy. He is flanked by other teachers, Messrs Mmbangiseni Nengwenani (far left), Paulus Nemangwela, Mashudu Matse (chairperson) and Mashudu Maboho (far right).

Ms Thabo Tjale was resently appointed as the management representative at the driving licence testing centre of the Musina Municipality.

Mr Vukile Melani is the new management representative at the vehicle testing station of the Musina Municipality.

Page 9: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

914 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

Page 10: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

By Silas Nduvheni

10 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

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Women must “initiate development projects”The acting executive mayor of Vhembe District, Cllr Dorcus Mmboyi, has urged women in the Vhembe region to partic-ipate actively in politics and governance.

She addressed more than 100 women from various munici-palities in the Vhembe region during a women’s empowerment workshop as part of International Women’s Day, which was held at Thohoyandou Art and Culture Centre on Friday.

The theme of the event was Inspiring Change.

According to Mmboyi, the aim of the workshop was to educate women regarding their rights and how they can sustain themselves through business initiatives.

The advisor for social devel-opment of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) in Limpopo, Ms Erika Mukwevho, urged all municipal-ities to start “mainstreaming the process of special programmes

and focus on developmental programmes to address the issues of discrimination and inequality. We want developmental projects in the deep rural communities, initiated by women themselves, so that they can fight poverty and unemployment. The time for rural women to just wait for the husband to come with food should be a thing of the past. We want women who are ready to do things themselves,” said Ms Mukwevho.

Musina municipality

Modern equipment for waste managementThe mayor of Musina Mu-nicipality, Cllr Carol Phiri, handed over new solid-waste equipment to the value of R3,3m to the municipal sol-id-waste management unit on Monday.

The equipment includes a compactor, a skip truck, a trans-lation look-aside buffer (TLB) and a skip trailer. The unit is responsible for waste collec-tion, area cleaning and waste disposal.

Phiri said the acquisition of the equipment would allow the municipality to achieve its goal of providing basic ser-vices and also to minimize the effects of waste on human and

environmental health. “Our municipality is strategically lo-cated on the border. We receive thousands of visitors on a daily basis and it is very important to reinforce our solid-waste management services. We need modern equipment to be able to deal with the challenge of the influx into our town. We have no doubt that the acquisition of this equipment will go a long way towards creating a clean environment for our people,” she said. She said the impor-tance of a clean environment was that it prevented the spread of bacteria and illness. “A clean environment is more productive to the people using it as well.

It is a healthier place to be. It is important to keep the envi-ronment clean because a clean environment will keep disease outbreaks from occurring, it minimizes energy waste and it improves our quality of life.”

She said the community should also assist the munici-pality in making Musina a clean area. “Picking up litter is an easy way of keeping the environment clean. We are playing our part and we also request community members to refrain from illegal dumping. We urge our commu-nity members to deposit their waste in skip bins which are strategically placed around the municipal area.”

Mayor Carol Phiri and Chief Whip Simon Madamalala, photographed with the new TLB.

Mayor Carol Phiri and Chief Whip Simon Madamalala, photographed with the new TLB.

Cllrs Maria Mamedzi, Constance Mphaphuli, Dorcus Mmboyi and Martha Madondo, photographed after the workshop in Thohoyandou.

Page 11: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo

By Elmon Tshikhudo

1114 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR


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German trip for local criminology student

Maths master the pride of Thengwe

Mr Gift Tshirangwana, an LLB student at the University of Venda, recently visited the German Police University in an effort to explore criminological research abroad. During his three-day visit, he explored various research topics with other researchers.

He was introduced to the work of the Department of Criminolo-gy and Interdisciplinary Crime prevention. He also attended the international conference on human rights.

He said the study trip had given him experience that he also wanted to share with some of the students, specifically to encourage them to do research on

issues related to youth deviance and violence.

“I reckon that criminal justice students at Univen need to re-vive the criminal justice society by conducting sociological and criminological research,” he said.

According to Tshirangwana, the exposure to police education in Germany had helped him to understand the importance of university education to help curb the societal problem of crime. “A good relationship between the department of safety and security and universities’ departments of criminal justice is essential,” he said. He added that if students were educated as problem solvers of criminal activities, it would

encourage them to explore topics related to crime.

He said it would eventually help to curb the scourge of crime in South African society. He added that this would also help students to initiate crime-pre-vention programmes as part of their studies. He is currently researching the topic Violent student protest in South African tertiary institutions.

Tshirangwana, a member of the Madodonga Progressive Forum (MPF), is dedicated to educating communities about social issues such as Ubuntu and warning young people to distance themselves from criminal activi-ties and drugs.

Thengwe School’s mathematics teacher, Mr Mashudu Marubi-ni, received the first prize in the coveted excellence in teaching mathematics category during the national teaching awards ceremony in Boksburg last Thursday.

He was given red carpet treat-ment and a hero’s welcome at his school on Monday. The 44-year-old educator from Thohoyandou was warmly welcomed by pupils, teachers and members of the community when he arrived back at the school,

For his efforts, Marubini re-ceived a cash prize of R25 000, a return trip to the USA, a trophy,

a certificate and R200 000 worth of IT equipment for his school. Speaking during the celebratory function, Thengwe School’s prin-cipal, Mr Elias Nemudzivhadi, said Marubini has made the school very proud.

“It is not surprising that he won the award. He is the type of person who listens to leadership, is dedicated to his work, has pas-sion and is easy to work with,” said Nemudzivhadi.

In response, Marubini said the rewards were not for his personal glory but should be shared by all at Thengwe. “I am still short of appropriate words to express my happiness to all who had faith in

me,” he added. He said he did not work hard to get an award but to see to it that all his pupils passed and had a better life.

The award did not come cheap-ly. Marubini stays about 50km from his place of work, and with the morning classes he conducts, he drives from his home at 05:00 each morning and reaches home at 19:00 after the afternoon studies.

Of the 290 Grade 12 pupils who wrote the final mathematics exams last year, only nine failed. “People out there are celebrating that only nine pupils failed, while in my heart I am crying as to why they had failed,” added Marubini.

Joining Mashudu in the celebrations are, from left to right, Principal Elias Nemudzivhadi and the deputy principal, Ms Tshilidzi Madanda.

Mr Gift Tshirangwana (right), photographed with Mr Benjamin Kraus and Ms Annabel Taeffi (front), criminology researchers at the Germany University for Police in Hiltrup during his visit in Germany. (Photo supplied)

Page 12: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

12 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

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1314 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

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Realistic goals for Musina areaThe Council of Musina Municipal-ity met its management team in a three-day strategic planning session in order to come up with fresh ideas and plans aimed at maintaining a high standard of service delivery. The meeting was held at Tshipise Aventura, about 20km east of Mu-sina town.

Mayor Carol Phiri says the exercise was fruitful as the deliberations will help to maintain the positive image of the municipality.

“We met to define our strategy or direction, and making decisions on allocating our resources to pursue this strategy, including our capital and people. This was our opportunity to analyze our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, including political, economic, social, and technological elements. During the meeting, we also evaluated how the resolutions of the previous financial year had been implemented and we were satisfied that we did a wonder-ful job during the previous financial year.”

She says she is happy to note that the municipality has developed its strategic plan in a way that it is easily translatable into action plans. “We need to move away from the tradi-tional way of addressing high-level initiatives and over-arching goals which end up not being articulated

into day-to-day projects and tasks that will be required to achieve our plans. We are surely going to turn things around this time.”

According to Phiri, the strategic planning session has assisted the municipality in clearly defining the purpose of the municipality and to establish realistic goals and objec-tives consistent with the mission in a defined time frame within the insti-tution’s capacity for implementation and how to communicate those goals and objectives to the municipality’s constituents.

“This has also assisted us in devel-oping a sense of ownership of the plan and to ensure the most effective use is made of the municipality’s resources by focusing the resources on the key priorities. The session has also provided a base from which progress can be measured and a mechanism for informed change can be established when needed.”

The occasion also served as a team-building exercise for the coun-cillors and employees of the munici-pality. Phiri says team work and team building are essential in a corporate environment to make the organization a better place to work. “Employees are the assets of every organization and its success is directly proportional to the hard work every employee puts in.”

Councillors and municipal officials deliberate service delivery issues during the strategic planning session.

Senior municipal officials and councillors photographed during the Musina Municipality strategic planning session.

Page 14: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

14 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

The sporty Chevrolet Sonic RS - the affordable sports car. (Photo: quickpic.co.za)

Road Safety

Every year, thousands of mo-torists across South Africa set o� on long, o� en exhausting journeys without adequate preparation of their vehicles or enough rest.

In their rush to leave, they people o� en skimp on checking and preparing their vehicles adequately for the journey. Not surprisingly, this is o� en re� ected in problems experienced during the depart-ing trip. Estimates suggest that fatigue is a factor in up to 30% of fatal crashes and 15% of serious injury crashes.

Driving, whether it’s a journey of 500 kilometres or it involves a long trek of over 1 000 kilometres, brings its

own set of challenges. Many drivers prefer to drive during the night-time to avoid driving in heavy tra� c or during the heat of the day. About 40% of accidents occur at night. � is is not surprising, as night-time driving decreases one’s driving abilities. S

Planning the journey ahead – including rest and stop-over points – helps break it down into realistic, manageable drives that get you to your des-tination safely and relaxed.

To help motorists plan for their journey, the following recommendations could be helpful:

• Begin your journey well rested. Have a good night’s

sleep before you set o� .• Respect your biorhythm.

Depart at a time when your body is used to being awake and active.

• Don’t drink any alcohol before departure.

• Avoid any medication that may make you drowsy.

• Avoid peak departure times.

• Take regular breaks. Rest immediately when you feel signs of fatigue. Go for a short walk.

• Avoid heat build-up in the car. Research has shown that high temperatures have the same e� ect as a blood alcohol level of 0.5. (Source: Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Holdings)

Be prepared for your journey


The new Chevrolet Sonic RS, with its sporty looks, will certainly appeal to those young at heart and with a need for speed.

With pumped-up looks, a racing 1.4-litre turbo petrol engine and highly tuned suspension, this hot hatch is a sports car that functions as a driver’s car.

On that note, the Sonic’s engine pushes 103kW at 6 300 rpm and 200Nm from 2500 revs, which is mated to a six-speed manual trans-mission, offering a claimed 197km/h top speed and a comfortable sprint of 0-100km/h in 9,5 seconds. Not enough to push you back in your seat, though still athletic enough for perfor-mance-minded buyers, the Sonic comes into the market at R225 300.

In addition, the tuned exhaust system allows the performance to be heard as well, while still maintaining comfortable noise levels at all times.

It is, however, not just excitement and sporty driving antics. Providing a balance is the ECO-TEC engine that ensures a 6.6-litre per 100km fuel consumption.

Making sure the Sonic sticks to the road is its MacPherson strut design up front and multi-link setup at the rear. The Sonic also features a lower ride height, with stiffer suspension and perfor-mance-tuned dampers to deliver a communica-tive and fi rm-yet-comfortable ride.

In the looks department the Sonic rides on 17-inch alloy wheels, has an RS-specifi c grille and motorcycle-inspired tail lights which give it that sporty look. Inside, the Chev Sonic is just as hot as it is on the outside.

The interior continues the sporty design with a jet-black theme, red accents abound in the leather-covered seats, a new three-spoke steering wheel, aluminium pedals and unique instrument panel graphics.

What is more, the Chevrolet’s advance MyLink infotainment system has made its debut in the Sonic RS, bring smartphone functionality to drivers. This system is an integration of the most popular and advanced infotainment func-tions incorporated into an easy-to-use, attractive and effective interface which transforms the Sonic into a connected entertainment hub while on the move.

MyLink is fi tted as standard on the new Sonic RS and features as an optional extra on 2014 Sonic LS models.

The high-resolution, 7-inch touch screen is perfectly integrated into the vehicle’s dashboard and features touch-button controls, almost resembling a tablet. Bluetooth audio streaming with playlist customisation and full smartphone integration allows MyLink to stay connected and become an extension of your smartphone.

Phonebooks and call lists can also be inte-grated, courtesy of the smart-dialing feature that makes calling not only easier but safer too.

Since the Sonic’s launch in February, it is now also available at Imperial GM here in Makhado (Louis Trichardt).

Anyone of their friendly sales people can be contacted at Tel 015 516 0239 to book a test drive or get more information. (Information: quickpic.co.za)

Cheeky little Sonic RS packs a big punch

Page 15: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

1514 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

This week will see the launch of the all-new 11th generation Toyota Corolla at Werda Toyota in Makhado (Louis Trichardt).

The new Toyota is roomy and refi ned – guar-anteed to appeal to its traditional customer base as a more practical and refi ned sedan. Starting from just R214 900, the all new Corolla is style, comfort and performance that every family can afford.

The new Corolla boasts a cutting-edge design, featuring an expressive face courtesy of its striking headlamp clusters that elegantly frame the sporty grille. In profi le, the new Corolla’s fl anks are pierced by a character link linking the top of the front wheel arch with the rear lamp cluster. All of the new models (Esteem, Prestige, Sprinter and Exclusive), apart from the entry-lev-el Esteem, come standard equipped with 16-inch alloys.

Overall, the premium build quality of the new design of the Corolla is highlighted by the minimal panel gaps befi tting a luxury vehicle. The gap between fender and front door has been reduced as well as between front and rear doors and between rear door and quarter panel.

Moving indoors, the design team also accepted the challenge to create an even more spacious interior. The Corolla has received a complete-ly refurbished interior, featuring a stylishly redesigned cockpit and superior trim materials. There is a generous list of equipment, including leather upholstery as standard on all models bar the entry-level Esteem grade. The display audio system with reverse monitor (rear camera) is

another class fi rst – it is standard even on mid-grade Prestige models.

To attain more space inside the Corolla, the wheelbase was extended 100mm (compared to the outgoing model), and the additional length was allocated effectively for design enhancement and interior expansions. Additionally, the rear passenger room has been made more spacious and comfortable by, in part, moving back the rear seat hip point by 75mm, increasing rear seat leg room by 92mm, to a class-leading 706mm. Boot capacity has also increased to 452 litres.

At the heart of the Corolla is a fuel-effi cient and reliable engine. Prospective owners can choose from the pennywise 1.3-, the solid performing 1.6-, or the energetic 1.8-litre petrol engines, all underpinned by Toyota’s high-tech variable-valve-timing intelligent system. All versions also come standard with a six-speed manual transmission. A Multidrive S automat-ic transmission is available on the 1.6 and 1.8 models. A laudable fuel consumption (claimed) of just 6 l/100 km is attainable in the combined cycle. Another new addition to the Corolla range is the 1.4 turbo diesel engine, returning a fuel consumption of 4.5 l/100 km.

When you consider Toyota’s legendary reliability, vast dealer network and standard fi ve year/90 000 km service plan as well as competi-tive pricing (from R214 900 to R283 900) there is no reason not to book a test drive today.

Anyone of Werda Toyota’s friendly sales-people can be contacted at Tel 015 516 0284. (Information: quickpic.co.za)


Toyota is back with 11th generation Corolla

The new Toyota Corolla not only offers a sleek design, it is now more spacious than ever. (Photo: quickpic.co.za).

You’ve ticked all the right boxes when it comes to making sure that everything is seamlessly in place for that weekend away, but can you say the same for your tyres?

The more worn your tyres, the less traction and grip you will have on the road, meaning your braking distance will increase and you are more likely to skid when driving in the rain. In fact, the legal tread-depth limit in South Afri ca is a minimum of 1mm across the entire circumference of the tyre. If you are not sure wheth-er your tyres are legal, ask a

wheel and tyre professional to point out the tread wear indica-tors on your tyres.

The right tyre pressure can also be the difference between life and death. Don’t assume the pressure is two bars. Each car comes with recommended pressures which you will fi nd in the sill of the driver’s door or inside the fuel cap.

Rather take the time to check these and make sure the pres-sure is just right. Over-infl ated tyres erode quickly at their centre, while under-infl ated tyres wear on the outsides more quickly. Under-infl ated

tyres overheat easily and can cause tyre bursts - notorious for road fatalities.

Before you get on your way, also check that you have a spare tyre and that it is infl ated to the right pressure, and has the right amount of tread – at least 1mm – for a safe journey.

Staying in your lane is a ba sic rule, but neglecting the balancing and alignment of your wheels can make you lose your step. If your car is shak-ing or pulling to one side while you are driving, you need to get your wheels balanced and aligned.

Road Safety

Don’t forget tyre pressures

C/o Burger & Rissik Street, Louis TrichardtTel: 015 516 0284/5/6Werda Toyota

• Willie Venter 079 344 2737 • Hilbert Sevhugwane 073 864 4231 • Anthonie Krügell 072 225 3599 • Olga Mashau 073 381 0915 • Hennie Knoesen 082 926 9921 • Gert Coetzee 083 327 5128 • Michael Maynier 082 702 6701



SophisticatedEnvironmentally Friendly


Fuel Effi cient LAUNCH DATE: 15 MARCH 2014

Page 16: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

16 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

By Silas Nduvheni

By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo

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by Z


et P





Congratulations and all the best of luck. From all the staffat Imperial GM Louis Trichardt

Vha-Musanda Vho-Mavhunga (68).

The community of Ha-Mavhunga in Nzhelele is in mourning, following the death of Vhamusan-da Lugisani Adam Mulatedzi Mavhunga (68).

The chief died after a short illness last Monday.According to members of the community, he

was a dedicated leader, who ensured development. He ruled the Mavhunga community for more than 25 years.

Vha-Venda Vho-Ananias Mavhunga described him as modest and compassionate, with the desire to help his people and uplift his community. During his reign, community councils such as the tradition-al council and Sanco committees fully co-operated and ensured development in the community. “He died while the community council was in the pro-cess of registering a land claim.”

Vha-Venda said the community had lost a great leader like no other. He said Mavhunga was a leader who understood the needs of his people.

In spite of leading a community, Vho Mavhunga was a full-time land surveyor. He worked with several companies and had surveyed many roads in Gauteng and even in Namibia and Botswana. He also initiated his own, independent land-surveying company.

Vhamusanda Vho-Mavhunga is survived by five children and his sister. He will be buried at the community’s local cemetery tomorrow (Saturday). The event will start at 08:00.

Chief Mavhunga (68) passes away

The area commissioner of Thohoyandou Management Centre, Mr Richard Malebane, photographed with Ms Mpho Mohasoa, deputy director of occupational health and safety, and Ms Sarah Lefakane, deputy director: integrated employees' health and wellness, while other officials look on.

The Department of Correctional Services' employees in the Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West (LMN) regions were urged to take their occupational health and safety environ-ment seriously because the wellness of officials has now becomes a priority in the department.

The call was made by the manager of special programmes in the Thohoyandou management area, Mr Masala Magau, during a two-day road show on employees’ health and wellness last week. More than 400 correctional services employees attended the event at the Vuwani SANDF base hall.

“In the past, the public viewed jobs at Correction-al Services as stressful, particularly when looking at the work safety of those found guilty and sen-tenced. Now, the department has an obligation to ensure that it has a positive, motivated and healthy workforce,” said Magau.

He said that the department realized that the well-being of correctional officers was of para-

Occupational health a priority at prisonsmount importance. “We have also realized that correctional officers work in safer environments in terms of hygiene. Some officials were also tested for HIV/Aids during the event,” added Magau.

Page 17: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

By Frank Mavhungu


1714 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR



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00:00 – 03:00 Khoroni Mon- Thilivhali RalethataTues -Wens: Pfarelo MadugumaThurs – Friday: Hulisani

03:00 – 06:00 Mulakhulu u a Fhinduwa Thiko Liphadzi

06:00 - 09:00 Vhandilani/ Morning Drive Jones Netshipise & Mpho NefaleProducer Divhambele Mbalavhali.

09:00 - 12:00 Nne Na Vhone Rofhiwa Nethegwe.Producer: Tshianeo Phathela.

12:00 - 14:3014:30 – 15:00

Tshiko /Mid-day Talk ShowCommerce & FinanceDenzhe / Kiddies Show

Rotenda Mangoma.Mbavhalelo Nematondoni.Jenniffer Muthige (Mon-Wed)Producer Donald Khanari.

15:00 -18h00 Dziaorowa/ Afternoon Drive Jimmy NetshiluluProducer : Rendani Sikhwivhilu.

18:00 -19:0019:00- 20:0020:00-21:00

Current AffairsMitambo/ Sports HourDeath Notices & Drama

CA Team.Thilivhali Muavha.Mon- Thursday Musandiwa / Albert Mathivha.

21:00 – 22:00

22:05 – 22:30

22:00 - 24:00

Education: Mon: Educator Development Dial A LawyerTue: Leaner Support 1. Health & Environment. Thur: Leaner Support 2. Science & Technology.Fri.: Civic EducationRiadzedza

Justice Lebopa.Pat Nephawe

Wonder JuniperPat NephaweJustice lebopa.Wonder JuniperWonder juniper.Terry Mudau



00:00 – 03:00 Khoroni / Social Issues Rofhiwa Nenthengwe /Hulisani Phosiwa

03:00 – 06:00 Mulakhulu u a Fhinduwa Thiko Liphadzi

06:00 - 09:00 Vhandilani/ Morning Drive Jones & Mpho Nefale

09:00 - 12:00 Nne Na Vhone Rofhiwa Nethegwe.

12:00 - 14:3014:30 – 15:00

Tshiko / Mid-day Talk ShowCommerce & FinanceDenzhe / Kiddies Show

Rotenda MangomaMbavhalelo Nematondoni.Rotenda Mangoma

15:00 -18h00 Dziaorowa/ Afternoon Drive Jimmy Netshilulu

18:00 -19:0019:00- 20:0020:05-20:2020:30-21:00

Current AffairsMitambo/ Sports HourDramaEducation: Civic Education

Thilivhali Muavha

Wonder Juniper

21:00-24:00 Party Time Shandukani Lukhwareni



Party Time / Dikita IIMatambandou

Tosh GillJenniffer Muthige.


Current AffairsNational Top 20Nambi Ya Dzi Nambi

Terry Mudau

Shandu Lukhwareni



Nambi Ya Dzi NambiTeen Zone & Youth Ke Yona


Shandu LukhwareniPandelani mulaudzi/Mbavhalelo NematondoniTshilillo Khanari

14h30-19h00 Sports Lucky Tshilimandila

19:00-21:00 Devhula Ha Vhembe Mpho Nefale

21:00-00:00 Party Time / Dikita 1 Shandu Lukhwareni



00:00 – 03:0003:00 – 06:00

Party Time / Dikita IIMatambandou

Tosh GillJenniffer Muthige.

06:00 - 10:00 Gondovhugala Rofhiwa Nethegwe

10:00 - 11:4510:00 - 11:4511:45 - 13:0013:00 - 14:3014:30 - 19:0019:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:0021:00 - 24:00

Hu bvuma yone fhedzi. DramaJazz JazzHu duba buseKharikonane/LutendoVhurereli Ha Hashu Musical show

Hulisani Phosiwa

Hulisani PhosiwaLucky TshilimandilaMafeladzulo/Pfarelo madugumaPat NephaweHulisani Phosiwa.

14h30-19h00 Sports Lucky Tshilimandila

19:00-21:00 Devhula Ha Vhembe Mpho Nefale

21:00-00:00 Party Time/ Dikita 1 Shandukani Lukhwareni

POLOKWANE: STUDIOS: (015) 297 1709 / 297 4306; OFFICE: (015) 290 0000/1; FAX: (015) 290 0170

THOHOYANDOU: STUDIOS: (015) 962 5101/5 FAX: (015) 962 2998


POLOKWANE: STUDIOS: (015) 297 1709 / 297 4306;

Project management, quality conformance, time management in construction is one of the pre-requisite of tendering and tender awarding.Masana is SAQA compliance and CETA accreditation clause 13 of regulation 112 of 8 of 1998.We provide project management on national certificate in construction contracting NQF level 2, supervision of civil engineering construction processes labour construc-tion NQF level 4 and management NQF level 5 (EPWP).Other courses that we offer:• Basic first aid phase 1 & 2• Basic Fire Fighting• Occupational health and safety (OHS)• Computer Literacy• Machine Driver e.g. TLB, Grader, Forklift etc• Welding or Boiler MakerWe therefore invite contractors and individuals to register for this training course.For more information contact us at Louis Trichardt 015 516 5350 OR Mr Muladi at 082 341 0364, Nicolas 078 602 4081.


After losing 1-2 to Thanda Royal Zulu at the Umhlathuze Sports Complex in Richards Bay last Sat-urday, Black Leopards are gearing up for another tough National First Division League encounter this weekend. They will host Sivutsa Stars at the Giyani Stadium tomor-row afternoon.

Sivutsa Stars are settled somewhere in the middle of the 16-team league log. The situation is completely dif-ferent with Black Leopards, as losing the match will narrow their chances of winning the league title come the end of the season.

Lidoda Duvha dropped from the second to the third position on the log, following the bad result. Leopards’ top goal scorer, David Zulu, and their Malawian defender, Harry Nyirenda, are likely to miss tomorrow’s match due to injuries. Nyirenda and Zulu were carried off the pitch during the game against Royal Zulu.

Jomo Cosmos are tipped to give

Santos a run for their money when they meet at the Makhulonmg Stadi-um in Thembisa. FC Cape Town will host Blackburn Rovers at the NNK Rugby Stadium in Cape Town.

Roses United must beat Witbank Spurs in order to move out of the relegation quagmire when they meet at the Kaizer Sebotelo Stadium in Bloemfontein tomorrow. Milano United will battle with Vasco da Gama at the Athlone Stadium in Cape Town.

Sunday will see African Warriors take on Baroka FC at the Charles Mopedi Stadium in Phuthaditshaba. Warriors are still fresh from a 3-1 victory over the log leaders, Chippa United.

United FC will play against the resurrected Thanda Royal Zulu at the Olympia Stadium in Rustenburg.

Witbank Spurs will host Milano United at the Puma Rugby Stadium in Witbank in the only match that will be played next Wednesday, 19 March.

Difficult match for Leopards

Mr Eric Munyai is flanked by his assistants, Mulalo Netshikhudini and Livhuwani Sikhauli (right).

Referee doused with beer at MMK league match The MMK Funeral Services League match between Budeli Real Vultures and Thula M2, which was supposed to have been played at the Budeli grounds on Saturday, did not materialize.

According to one of the officials who were supposed to have officiated during the match, Mr Eric Munyai, he and his assistants, Messrs Mulalo Netshikhudini and Livhuwani Sikhauli, arrived at the grounds about 30 minutes before the scheduled 15:00 kick-off time. He added that when they were walking to the pitch, a man who was also dressed in referee’s attire emerged from the opposite di-rection. The man then blew the whistle as a way of summoning the teams to the pitch.

Munyai further stated that they then approached the man and asked him why he was there as they had been duly appointed to officiate in that match. The man allegedly told them that he had also been appointed to officiate in the match and that he had no assistants. The man then told Munyai and his crew that he had been appointed by a certain referee selector, named Mr Makamu.

According to Munyai, they tried to call Mr Makamu, but couldn't get hold of him. They then called Mr Collins Netshiongolwe, the man who had appointed the trio, for clarity on the matter. Netshiongolwe told the man to leave, saying he had not been appointed to officiate in the match.

That, according to Munyai, was an insult to the fans and officials of Budeli Real Vultures. They allegedly told Munyai and his assistants that they

were the ones who should leave the place or else the match would not be played.

Munyai stated that the angry offi-cials told them that it would be unfair of them to officiate during the match, while the man who had arrived at the grounds about two hours before the scheduled kick-off time "went back home with empty hands".

What followed thereafter was a heated argument between Mr Munyai and his crew and the club officials. Munyai said that they were

manhandled and that he was doused with beer. “Realizing that our lives were in danger, we left immediately,” Munyai said.

The league’s administrative officer, Mr Mulalo Mafenya, confirmed the incident, saying they had received reports from both Mr Munyai and his crew and the clubs. He stated that Budeli Real Vultures would be sum-moned to appear before the league’s disciplinary committee soon to give answers to charges relating to the abandonment of the match.

Soccer League Logs p23

Page 18: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

18 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

By Frank Mavhungu

By Frank Mavhungu

By Elmon Tshikhudo

Young Chiefs and All Stars in 2-2 draw

Motivated Tswera blast Manchester

Orilwela Managa of Chiefs kicks the ball while Lonely Mphaphuli of Stars is attacking from his left side.

In their MMK Funeral Services match at the Makovha grounds on Sunday, Makovha All Stars shared the glory 2-2 with Ngwe-nani Young Chiefs.

It took Young Chiefs only four minutes to open their account. A breakdown in communication between the keeper of Stars, Powel Ndou, and his defenders gave rise to the goal. Ali Themeli intercepted a ball directed back to the keeper and beat the keeper with a half volley.

Stars did not lose their fighting spirit, despite conceding this early goal. Their midfielders continued to distribute some telling passes from the mid-dle of the park in their search for the equaliser. They were eventually awarded a penalty in the 24th minute. A defender of Young Chiefs han-dled within the box and Referee Eric Munyai pointed at the white spot. Conwell Rikhot-so caused an upset by shooting straight to the keeper, who executed a brilliant save.

Aaron Themeli of Young Chiefs was rep-rimanded with a card for wasting time in the 34th minute.

Early in the second

half, the home side introduced two new faces. Petrus Munyai and Mufhati Simani replaced Bongani Mabasa and Conwell Rikhotso respectively. Stars then took the game to the visitors. They found the equaliser through their captain, Mashudu Muthabe-ni. He blasted in a rocket from the edge of the box.

Young Chiefs then introduced Lodwick Netshitungulu for Lucky Mugivhela, but All Stars took the lead in the 67th minute. Petrus Munyai headed home, fol-

lowing a corner kick by Stanely Khuzwayo.

All Stars continued to domi-nate the proceedings as the game progressed. They were denied several sure goals by the Chiefs’ acrobatic keeper.

Young Chiefs found the equal-izer in the 78th minute. Mashau Ramulondi caught the Stars’ keeper, Powel Ndou, napping and beat him with a long-range volley.

The ball hit the crossbar and landed across the goal line.

Players, the local traditional leader and the sponsors show off the kit that was officially handed over to the team.

Tswera Young Masters, who received a soccer kit at the weekend, went on to wallop Ngwenani Manchester United 4-2 in a league match.

The club, which was formed in 1977 and has been struggling to get a sponsorship, is cam-paigning in the SAB League in Vhembe. They received a full kit from a Thohoyandou-based businessman Castro Musinyali, the group CEO of the Vhadinda Group.

After the handing over, the motivated youths promised to improve their standing on the log and to win their last remaining matches to thank their sponsor. They went on to humiliate the visitors, Manchester United, in front of of the sponsors, who watched the match until the final

whistle.“There is no better way of

saying thank to our sponsors than winning our first match while wearing this new kit. We are so motivated and we believe the kit will encourage us and motivate us to win our remaining games and to improve our log standings,” said the ecstatic team captain, Ipfani Siphuma, after the match.

The local traditional lead-er, Vhakoma Vho Marcus Nekhavhambe, who had re-ceived the kit on behalf of the community, was overwhelmed. “We are a rural community which lacks resources and this leads our kids to indulge in unbe-coming behaviour.” Musinyali (38) said that as someone who had grown up there, he knew the

conditions and when a request was made, he researched wheth-er it would be of use there as a formality but ended up buying it for them.

“Sport is a catalyst for change and development, especially in a rural setting such as this one where I come from. These boys can end up being big names that could even represent our country in the national team. There is no entertainment here and a sport like soccer can fill the void,” he said.

Musinyali is not new to the field of giving. He has donated countless sign boards to church-es and schools in Vhembe. He also sponsored a programme that trained juvenile inmates to be DJs at the Thohoyandou Correctional Centre.

Goodman Dlangalala of Rospa United controls the ball, and Petrus Sithole of Ray Pillars is ready to attack from the left.

Convincing victory for Rospa UnitedRospa United registered anoth-er convincing victory by beat-ing Ray Pillars 4-1 in their Safa Second Division match at the Univen Stadium on Saturday.

Rospa displayed entertaining football from the onset, with their midfielders dishing out telling passes to the goal poachers. They were not lucky enough to score within the first five minutes as the visitors from Polokwane were just running around like headless

chickens at that stage.In the 11th minute, Unit-

ed’s left winger, Samuel “Fire” Mohloa, dished a square pass from the left corner. As if they were hypnotized, his team mates watched the ball, which needed a mere touch to cross the goal line, roll to the right corner and finally cross the touch line for a throw-in. Rospa found the long-awaited opening goal in the 26th minute. Kenneth “Mabena”

Lesia connected a square pass from Samuel Mohloa.

Pillars lost touch after United’s first goal and the home side was quick to score their second. This time around, “Fire” Mohloa drib-bled past two Pillars defenders before unleashing a ground cut-ter. The half-time score was 2-0.

George Serakoane of Pillars was reprimanded with a card for obstructing United’s dribbling wizard, Velile Mdaka. Mdaka

caused an upset in the 57th minute. He shot straight to the keeper when everyone thought he would take his time and pick up a spot.

United scored the third through Mngo-ma Simango. He beat the keeper with a long-range volley. Mdaka m a d e a m e n d s a n d scored in the 69th min-ute. He gave the ball the final touch, following some duel moves with Kenneth Lesia.

Pillars’ solitary goal came in the 76th min-ute. Happy Mabuela headed home after a corner kick.

SPORTS NEWSPhone Frank: 082 969 3131

All interested service providers are hereby invited to submit written quotations and deliver them to Makhado Munici-pality’s tender box.

Please Note: 1. Specifications of the quotations and MBD 6.1 and MBD 4 can be downloaded from the municipal website www.

makhado.gov.za or a hard copy can be obtained from Supply Chain Management office B043, Civic Centre, No.83 Krogh Street, Makhado Municipality

2. For more information, enquiries must be directed to Ms TP Ntsieni or Ramabulana M at 015 519 3179/3129 during office hours


MAK000040/2013-2014 RE-ADVERTISEMENTRequest For Quotation to Drill and full equip borehole at Makhado town swimming pool (Anderson and Breda street) A compulsory briefing meeting will be held on 18 March 2014 at 10:00, Makhado town swimming pool (Anderson and Breda street)

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000041/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Grader Operator Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000042/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Office Cashier Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000043/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Assets Management Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000044/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Waste Management Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000045/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Painting Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000046/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Roads Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000047/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Peace Officer Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000048/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Electric Line Worker Train-ing

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000049/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Cable Jointer Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000050/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Public Participation Train-ing

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000051/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the LED Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000052/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the IDP Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000053/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Welding Training 24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000054/2013-2014 RE-ADVERTISEMENTRequest For Quotation for the Basic Communication in South Africa Sign Language Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Civic Centre83 Krogh Street MAKHADO 0920Notice No. 30 of 2014 MR. I P MUTSHINYALIFile No. 8/3/2/1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER

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2009Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Klousule 21 van die Makhado Dorpsbep-lanningskema 2009, dat ek die ondergetekende Johannes Hammann as behoorlik gemagtigde verteenwoordiger van Johann Hammann Ei-endomsbeleggings BK,

Registrasie nommer 1994/005926/23, synde die eienaar van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 81 in die Louis Trichardt dorpsgebied, van voorneme is om aansoek te doen by die Makhado Munisipaliteit vir spesi-ale toestemming vir die gebruik van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 81 in die Louis Trichardt dorpsgebied gelee te Kroghstraat 131, Makhado, 0920 en die bestaande/beplande geb-oue daarop vir doeleindes as Kantoor Woning. Die huidige sonering van die erf ingevolge bogemelde dorpsbeplanningskema is Residensieel 1. Besonder-hede aangaande die aan-soek kan besigtig word gedurende kantoor ure, per afspraak, by die adres van die Applikant syn-de, Presidentstraat 102, Makhado, 0920 of by die kantore van die Makhado Munisipaliteit. Besware teen die toestaan van so-danige toestemming moet binne 28 dae van 14 Maart 2014 skriftelik gelykty-dig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (Privaatsak X2596, Makhado, 0920) en die Applikant gestuur word met redes vir die besware. Adres van Ap-plikant: JOHANN HAM-MANN EIENDOMS-BELEGGINGS BK, Posbus 1052, Makhado, 0920. Tel no: 015 516 1428, Faks no: 015 516 1160, e-pos: [email protected].


2009Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 21 of the Makhado Town Plan-ning Scheme 2009, that I the undersigned Johannes Hammann as represen-tative of Johann Ham-mann Eiendomsbeleg-gings CC, Registration number 1994/005926/23, being the owner of Por-tion 1 of Erf 81 in the township of Louis Trich-ardt, intend to apply to the Makhado Municipal-ity for its special consent to use Portion 1 of Erf 81 in the Louis Trichardt township situated at 131 Krogh street, Makhado, 0920 and the existing/pro-posed buildings thereon for purposes of Dwelling Office. The present zon-ing of the land in terms of the above-mentioned Town Planning Scheme, is Residential 1. Particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours per appoint-ment at the address of the Applicant being, 102 President street, Makhado, 0920 or at the offices of the Makhado Municipali-ty. Objections to the grant-ing of the consent must be lodged in writing within 28 days from 14 March 2014, together with the grounds thereof, simulta-neous to the Municipal Manager (Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920) and to the Applicant. Address of Applicant: JOHANN HAMMANN EIENDOMSBELEG-GINGS CC, P.O. Box 1052, Makhado, 0920. Tel no: 015 516 1428, Fax no: 015 516 1160, e-mail: [email protected].



In the Es ta te o f the Late: Gavhi Humbu-lani Freddy, I.D. No: 6611255061085, who died on 19/12/2013. Mas-ter’s reference number: 487/2014. Creditors and Debtors are hereby called upon to submit their claims and to pay their debts with-in 30 (thirty) days as from date of this advertisement. Executrix, Anton Ramaa-no Attorneys, House No. 902, Cnr University Road & Mphephu Drive, Oppo-site Khoroni Hotel / Ven-da Plaza, P.O. Box 2246, Thohoyandou, 0950, Tel: 015 962 2232/2236, Fax: 015 962 5009, E-mail ad-dress: [email protected], REF: AR/KM/ES.0108

Notice to Creditors in the Deceased Estate

In the estate of the late Mavhungu Andries Madzivhandila, ID No: 340131 5076 08 0, From: Tshakuma. Master Ref: 1842/2014, Master’s Of-fice: Thohoyandou, Mag-istrate’s Office: Vuwani. In terms of Section 35 (5) if act 66 of 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and Distri-bution account (First and Final) in the estate spec-ified above will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therin for a period of 21 days from the date spec-ified or from the date of publication hereof, which-ever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrates as stat-ed. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accor-dance with the accounts. Mrs. Louise Dekker, C/O Kern & Dekker INC, 105 Krogh Street, PO Box 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920. REF: L DEKKER/ag/A02751.


DECEASED ESTATEIn the Es ta te o f the L a t e : M o y a n e J o -seph, Estate Number: 229/2014, Identity num-ber: 6502055630080, Last Address: Valdezia Ha-Mashau, Date of Death: 2013/09/19. All persons having claims against the above mentioned are called upon to lodge their claims with the undersigned with-in Thirty (30) days as from date of this publication thereof hereof. MADALA PHILLIP ATTORNEYS, Office No. 84, Limdev Building, Thohoyandou, 0950.

Notice to Creditors in the Deceased Estate

In the estate of the late Pharamela Ram-belani Elias, ID No: 5210235683083, who was never married and who demised on the 5th day of April 2013. Master’s ref-erence: 811/2013. CRED-ITORS AND DEBTORS are hereby requested to submit their claims and to pay their debts within

30 days as from the date of this advertisement. Thus signed and dated at Thohoyandou on this the 5th day of March 2014. Mathe & Baloyi Attor-neys, PO Box 1984, Elim, 0960, Tell: 0159622404, Cell: 0733953547, Fax: 0159622402, Email: [email protected]

Notice to Creditors in the Deceased Estate

In the estate of the late Mabunda Mafe-mane Wilson, ID No: 5005165432083, who was a widower and who de-mised on the 23rd day of January 2014. Master’s reference: 230/2014. CREDITORS AND DEBTORS are hereby requested to submit their claims and to pay their debts within 30 days as from the date of this ad-vertisement. Thus signed and dated at Thohoyan-dou on this the 5th day of March 2014. Mathe & Baloyi Attorneys, PO Box 1984, Elim, 0960, Tell: 0159622404, Cell: 0733953547, Fax: 0159622402, Email: [email protected]

In the High Court of South Africa Gauteng Division, Pretoria (Func-tioning as Limpopo Lo-cal Division, Thohoyan-

dou)Case No: 392/2013

In the matter between:Masia Trading Council, Applicant and Matamela Nelson Ramathithi and 5 others, Respondents.1. We represent the 1st and 2nd Respondents in the aforesaid matter.2. We wish to clarify the developments therein as recorded in subsequent paragraphs.3. On the 3rd day of March 2014, the 1st and 2nd Re-spondents through their Counsel, Mr Netshipale VM, moved an application for recusal of Judge M.E Makgoba.4. The application for re-cusal is embodied in an affidavit, filed of record.5. Judge M.E Makgoba dismissed the said appli-cation.6. Judge M.E Makgoba however, upheld the 1st and 2nd Respondents’ ap-plication for rescission and setting aside of de-fault judgment granted by Judge R.E Monama on the 12th day of September 2013.7. Judge M.E Makgoba ruled that Attorney Ish-mael Foroma should have served a Notice of set down on VM Netshipale INC and made an order on further filing of Court papers.8. In the circumstances, the Court order possessed by Masia traditional coun-cil and its agents in the matter is of no force and/or effect.By Netsiphale VM. At-torneys for the 1st and 2nd Respondents.

Notice to Creditors in the Deceased Estate

All persons having claims against the under men-tioned estate must lodge it with the Executor con-cerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of

publication hereof. Estate No: 439/2014, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou, Surname: Rambau, Christian Names: Abel Mutambuli, Date of Birth: 12 January 1949, ID: 4901125611082, Date of Death: 29 Jan-uary 2014. Married in community of property to Madzhara Mutshin-yani Noriah, Date of Birth: 03 June 1955, ID: 5506030776083. Ram-avhale Attorneys, Office 20, First Floor, LIM-DEV, Thohoyandou, PO Box 365, Dzanani, 0955, REF: RAM/C14/ES-T/01RA.


A MINING PERMIT. Notice is given in terms of the section 27 of the MPRDA (Act 28 of 2002) for a proposal of carrying out sand and concrete mining activities. The mining permit applications were lodged with the department of mineral Resources, Lim-popo Regional office and the following reference numbers were assigned to the applications: 1. LP30/5/1/1/2/10454MP and 2.LP30/5/1/1/2/10455MP. The proposed activities will take place on the farm 381 MT Makonde and the farm Chipase 386 MT, situated in the magisterial district of Vhembe (Makonde and Tshikunda). Applicants name: Ndivhuwani cc and Ndishavhelafhi Mu-ravha. Contact Person: Muravha Ndishavhelaf-hi; cell: 0765257996; Email: [email protected]; Address: Box 5045, Thohoyandou. Landowners, lawful oc-cupants and all interested and affected parties are therefore requested to come and submit their views and/or coments to the contact person within 30 days of this publication. A background information document is available on request.


2006Vha khou divhadzwa uri huna khumbelo yo itwa-ho nga Nelwamondo T, o imela muiti wa tshanduko yo bulwaho afho ntha Erf 910 Thohoyandou F, uri huvhe ha vhubindudzi ha hodela. Vhane vha takale-lea u vhala ngaha khumbe-lo iyi, manwalo aya akhou wanala ofisini ya minigere muhulwane wa kudzudza-nyele na mvelaphanda, Masipala wa Thulamela, Thohoyandou. Manwalo aya ado wanala lwa tshif-hinga tshi edanaho madu-vha a 28 ubva kha duvha la u thoma la u andadziwa ha khumbelo iyo yo bul-waho afho ntha. Vhane vha vha na mbilaelo na iyi khumbelo vha nwalele masipala wa Thulamela kha Diresi itevhelaho, P O

box 5006, Thohoyandou, 0950. Mbilaelo dzi do tan-ganedzwa lwa maduvha a 28 ubva khau andadzwa ha iyi khumbelo. Diresi ya feme yo itaho khumbelo ino ndi P O box 15153, flora park, 0669, 40 Jubi-lee Creek, Bendor, 0699. Thingo 0833582670

THULAMELA Rezon-ing Application

I, Tshilidzi Nelwamondo being the authorized agent of the owner of Erf 910 Thohoyandou F Town-ship measuring 2000 m2 square meters, here-by give notice in terms of Proclamation 45 of 1990, that I have applied to the Thulamela Mu-nicipality for the amend-ment of Thulamela Town Planning Scheme, 2006 in operation by the rezon-ing of the property(ies) described above situated at Thohoyandou F. The subject property is to be rezoned from Residential 1 to Business 1 (Hotel). Particulars of the applica-tion will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the relevant office of: Thulamela Municipality, Senior Manager Devel-opment Planning, Room 334, Private Bag X 5066, Thohoyandou, 0950 for a period of 28 days from 17 March 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to above or be addressed to: (at the relevant office) * Direc-tor: Development Plan-ning; Room 334, Private Bag X5066, Thohoyan-dou, 0950, or Should no comments and/or objec-tions be received as set out above, the municipality will assume that you are in support of the application and may approve the pro-posed land use rights. Ad-dress of authorized agent: Physical address: 40 Jubilee Creek, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699. Postal address P O Box 15153, Flora Park, o699, Tele-phone No: 0833582670.



2006Vha khou divhadzwa uri huna khumbelo yo itwa-ho nga Nelwamondo T, o imela muiti wa tshandu-ko yo bulwaho afho ntha Erf 891 Thohoyandou P, uri huvhe ha mavhenge-le. Vhane vha takalelea u vhala ngaha khumbelo iyi, manwalo aya akhou wanala ofisini ya minigere muhulwane wa kudzudza-nyele na mvelaphanda, Masipala wa Thulamela, Thohoyandou. Manwalo aya ado wanala lwa tshif-hinga tshi edanaho madu-vha a 28 ubva kha duvha la u thoma la u andadziwa ha khumbelo iyo yo bulwaho afho ntha. Vhane vha vha na mbilaelo na iyi khum-belo vha nwalele masi-pala wa Thulamela kha Diresi itevhelaho, P O

box 5006, Thohoyandou, 0950. Mbilaelo dzi do tan-ganedzwa lwa maduvha a 28 ubva khau andadzwa ha iyi khumbelo. Diresi ya feme yo itaho khumbelo ino ndi P O box 15153, flora park, 0669, 40 Jubi-lee Creek, Bendor, 0699. Thingo 0833582670

THULAMELA Rezon-ing Application

I, Tshilidzi Nelwamondo being the authorized agent of the owner of Erf 891 Thohoyandou P Town-ship measuring 2000 m2 square meters, here-by give notice in terms of Proclamation 45 of 1990, that I have applied to the Thulamela Mu-nicipality for the amend-ment of Thulamela Town Planning Scheme, 2006 in operation by the rezon-ing of the property(ies) described above situated at Thohoyandou P. The subject property is to be rezoned from Residential 1 to Business 1. Particu-lars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the relevant office of: Thu-lamela Municipality, Senior Manager Devel-opment Planning, Room 334, Private Bag X 5066, Thohoyandou, 0950 for a period of 28 days from 17 March 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to above or be addressed to: (at the relevant office) * Direc-tor: Development Plan-ning; Room 334, Private Bag X5066, Thohoyan-dou, 0950, or Should no comments and/or objec-tions be received as set out above, the municipality will assume that you are in support of the application and may approve the pro-

In the Magistrate ‘s Court for the district of

Vuwani.Case number: 364/2013, In the matter between: Brenner Mills - Zout-pansberg a division of Feltex Holdings (PTY) LTD, Execution Cred-itor, and Khansele Si-mon Makhuvele T/A Mapisani Cafe, Execu-tion Debtor.

Notice of Sale in Exe-cution

Kindly take note that in terms of judgement grant-ed on 11th day of Septem-ber 2013, in the Vuwani Magistrate’s Court and a Warrant of Execution is-sued thereafter, a sale in execution of the under-mentioned goods will be held on the 3rd day of April 2014 at the Vuwani Magis-trate, consisting of::GOODS3x Deep Freezers1x Fridge1x All Stock in TradeDated at Vuwani on this 10th day of March 2014.Execution Creditor’s Attorneys, Wolvaardt Incorporated, 870 Glossa Road, Morele-ta Park, Extension 9, Pretoria, 0041, PO Box 9376, Pretoria 0041, Tel: 0129976200, Fax: 0129971409, Email: [email protected], Docex 422, Preto-ria, REF: ZOU4/0086. Service Address: Cox-well, Steyn, Vise & Nuade Attorneys, 31 Songozwi Street, Lou-is Trichardt, REF: BRE48/1/JF STEYN/AS

Our client requires:Batch Plant Operators and Assistants in Musina, Polokwane and Kimberley• Responsibilitiesincludedaytoday operation,plantmaintenanceand repair,scheduling,order,inventory anddailyproductionreporting.This positionwillalsoassistwithdispatch functionsaswell.• Thispositionwillrequireyoutowork inextremeweatherconditionssome- times.Minimum qualifications• Knowledgeofallaspectsofconcrete batchingtechnology,equipementand methods.• Microsoftofficecomputerskills.• Strongcommunicationskills.

Submit CV to e-mail: [email protected]

or fax: 086 601 6684 Ad d



by Z


et P



posed land use rights. Ad-dress of authorized agent: Physical address: 40 Jubilee Creek, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699. Postal address P O Box 15153, Flora Park, o699, Tele-phone No: 0833582670.

PLEASE NOTE:Due to the public

holiday on the 21st of March, the deadlines for the next edition

will be on Tuesday, 18

March at 12:00.


1914 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

Page 20: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

SITE AGENTS - (VHEMBE DISTRICT)Optipharm Healthcare is recruiting site agents for the healthcare industry. Positions require travel­ling between clinics within the allocated sub­district (We service Makhado, Musina, Mutale and Thulamela. Two agents per sub­district).

Requirements: • Applicants must be in good health, well presented and friendly with excellent communication

skills, • Applicants must have established end­user computing skills (incl. excel and outlook), • Proficient in language of region – verbal and written ­ as well as English,• Primary Healthcare knowledge/Care and Counselling/Community Healthcare experience will be

advantageous, • Excellent patient care skills with empathy and sensitivity to patients’ health a must, • Ability to adhere to strict code of ethics, • Excellent time­management and planning skills, • OWN RELIABLE TRANSPORT AND VALID DRIVERS LICENSE A MUST.

Applicants must submit the following to apply: • Comprehensive CV• Copy of Grade 12 Certificate, Drivers License and ID document• Copies of relevant training certificates


SALARY PACKAGES are market-related and includes compensation for travelling

Applicants can apply by fax/e-mail:

[email protected] or [email protected] or fax 086 679 8484 FOR ATTENTION: SITE AGENT RECRUITMENT or phone 011 251 9400 for specific enquiries.

Ad d



by Z


et P




• No experience required; moderate education

• If you are unemployed and desperate apply now

• Few candidates / applicants are needed

• Training provided before working and conducted in your area to minimize

expenses• A certificate will be issued

after training• Office posts available

DIVISION OPEN• Government pension claim• Company in liquidation and


1. 18 Years and above2. Std 8 and above

3. CV if available, certified copies of school report or std

10 & application letter4. Self addressed stamped

A4 envelope for your certificate

Send all requirements to:The Administrator

Ref: PALUSKIPO Box 3124,

Thohoyandou, 0950

NB:• The selection will be

conducted as soon as the re-quired number of candidates

has applied.• You only need to send your application then contact you

once you have been selected.• Only one application per candidate no matter what

ref. code.

Closing date: 28 March 2014

Send your own self addressed stamped A4

envelope for your certificate.


LEAGUE [email protected]

Send your CV to: Office no 40, Luvhengo Complex, Thohoyandou, Limpopo, 0950

• Tel / Fax: 015 962 1430 •E-mail: [email protected] more information contact:

Makheda - 079 553 6670 / 082 839 3576

Services we offer:


• Employment Vacancies available.• Basic Administration and customer service training

provided• Good starting salary

• An updated CV• Matriccertificate• Vibrant personality

proleanCall Centre

Ad d



by Z


et P



Short Distance Code 14 driverMinimum requirements:

• Matric / Grade 12• English as fi rst language • Good communicati on Skills • Must be able to work Shift s • Must be able to work under pressure • Must have more than 5 years’ experience in medium to long distance hauling • Must have own transport due to shift work • Must be willing to undergo fi tness test

Forklift DriverMinimum requirements:

• Matric / Grade 12• English as fi rst language • Good communicati on Skills • Must be able to work Shift s • Must be able to work under pressure • Must have more than 5 years’ experience of driving a 3ton forklift • Must be willing to undergo fi tness test

Warehouse AssistantMinimum requirements:

• Grade 12 and at least a Nati onal Diploma in Finance / Accounti ng • Five year experience in FMCG environment• Valid driver’s licence • Computer literacy ( Microsoft package )• English as fi rst language • Excellent communicati on skills • Must be able to work Shift s

Responsibility• Daily stock counts • Daily report back on variances • Ensure all staff are briefed regarding daily target • Managed of daily KPI’s • Att end departmental meeti ng • Coordinate and prioriti se daily acti viti es • Monitor driver and truck patt erns • Feedback on monitoring data

A small FMCG company in the Vhembe area is looking for the following candidates:

Please send a detailed CV with references and a copy of your ID to: 086 685 9330

Ad d



by Z


et P




GradingBid Fee Docs

AvailableCompulsory Briefing Session/Site Inspection

Closing Date

Technical Enquiries


Household Sanitation: Thulamela Municipality

4GB/4CE or Higher

R344.00 17 March 2014

2 April 2014 at 11:00 at the entrance to Vhembe District Municipality

9 May 2014 at 12:00

General Manager: Technical Services, Mr R Madimutsa at (015) 960-2000


Household Sanitation: Makhado Municipality

4GB/4CE or Higher

R344.00 17 March 2014

2 April 2014 at 11:00 at the entrance to Vhembe District Municipality

9 May 2014 at 12:00

General Manager: Technical Services, Mr R Madimutsa at (015) 960-2000


Household Sanitation: Musina Municipality

4GB/4CE or Higher

R344.00 17 March 2014

2 April 2014 at 11:00 at the entrance to Vhembe District Municipality

9 May 2014 at 12:00

General Manager: Technical Services, Mr R Madimutsa at (015) 960-2000

Proposals are hereby requested from service providers for construction of ventilated improved pit latrines in Thulamela, Makhado and Musina Municipalities. Complete bid documents, sealed in an envelope marked with the relevant bid number, should be deposited in the bid box next to the entrance to the Vhembe District Municipality Offices, next to Khoroni Hotel (former Venda Tusk Hotel), whereafter bids will be opened in public.The following documents are required and should form part of the bid: • Original Tax Clearance Certificate • Company Registration Certificate • Proof of purchased bid document receipt • Certified copy of bidder’s  ID Document • Proof  that  the bidder’s municipal  business  account,  or  any  of  the  directors’  municipal  accounts,  is  not  in arrears (NB: Municipal clearance not older three months) • CIDB Certificate • Certified B-BBEE Verification Certificate. NB: No bids will be accepted from persons in the service of the State.Late bids, telegraphic, e-mails or telefax transmission documents will not be accepted. Vhembe District Municipality reserves the right to accept a bid as a whole or in part and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid.Administrative enquiries can be directed to Supply Chain Practitioners of Vhembe District Municipality at (015) 960-2093/2107/2075.

Mr MT Makumule - Municipal Manager Vhembe District Municipality, Private Bag X5006, Thohoyandou 0950

District Municipality

Human Communications 106690 www.humanjobs.co.za

Client Services ConsultantDepartment: Short term insurance

(Motor, House Contents and Business Insurance Industry)

CV’s and applications are invited to our offices at 52 Burger Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920 • Tel: 015 516 1296

Requirements:Grade 12, 30 Credits, Regulatory Exam Level 1, At least 2 years sales experience in the insurance industry, Team player, Candidates will be subjected to a competency based assessment.Duties:New sales, amendments, client services and retentions.

Closing date: 17 March 2014.MUROVHI FINANCIAL SERVICES

Authorised Financial Services ProviderAd designed by Zoutnet Publishers

GOT NEWS? Phone us at 015 516 4996

PLEASE NOTE:Due to the public holiday on the 21st of March, the dead-lines for the next edition will be on Tuesday, 18 March

at 12:00.

20 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

Page 21: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

Invitation for application from suitable qualified graduates to be part of the Internship programme at Makhado Municipality for a period of twelve (12) months in order to maximize their chances of getting employment with a stipend allowance of R3 833.33 per months.






MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

All applications must be on the Council prescribed employment application form accompanied by a CV and certified copies of qualifications and Identity document. Employment applications forms can be col-lected at Makhado Civic Centre (Registry) or download on our municipal website: www.makhado.gov.za

Forward your applications to the Municipal Manager, Private Bag X2596, MAKHADO, 0920 OR hand delivered your applications at 83 Krogh Street, Civic Centre.

For enquiries contact M M Makhado@ 015 519 3225 or N B Nyalungu @ 015 519 3125

NO FAX OR E-MAIL APPLICATION WILL BE CONSIDERED. If you have not been contacted by Makha-do Municipality within 60 days of the closing dates of advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Civic Centre83 Krogh Street MAKHADO 0920Notice No. 4 of 2014 MR. I P MUTSHINYALIFile No. 5/B MUNICIPAL MANAGER Ad



d by










Human Resource Human Resource

National Diploma / Degree in Human Resources

None 2

Public Administration

Office of the Speaker

National Diploma / Degree in Public Administration

None 1




Law Enforcement & Licensing

Public Administration

National Diploma / Degree in Public Administration

None 2




Integrated Development Planning (IDP)

IDP National Diploma / Degree in Development Studies / Town Planning / urban and Regional Planning

None 4

Spatial Planning and Land use

Town Planning National Diploma / Degree in Town Planning / Urban and Regional Planning

None 2

Local Economic Development (LED)

Travel & Tourism

Diploma / Degree in Tourism Management or Tourism Development / Marketing / Business Management

None 1

LED National Diploma / Degree in Economics / Marketing / Business Management

None 2




Mechanical Mechanical Engineering

N2 / Phase 3 certificate in Motor / Diesel Mechanic

None 5

Civil Civil Engineering (Roads and Storm water)

Diploma in Civil Engineering None 3

Electrical Electrical Engineering

Diploma / N6 in Heavy Cur-rent Electrical Engineering

None 4




Budget & Treasury

Finance Diploma in Financial Account-ing / B Degree in Accounting

None 2

Musina Local Municipality shall adjudicate Tenders in accordance with the Supply Chain Manage-ment Policy and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework, Act 5/2000.

Tender documents containing the Conditions of Tender will be available from the Cashier, Musina Civic Centre, Irwin street, upon a non-refundable payment of R250.00.

The Council also reserves the right to negotiate further conditions and requirements with the suc-cessful Tenderer.

The Musina Local Municipality is not compelled to accept the lowest or any quotation.

Bidders who do not attend the compulsory briefing session will be disqualified. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Tenders will remain valid for 90 (ninety) days.

The completed Tender documents, fully priced and signed must be sealed in an envelope marked with the “Tender number and name” and must be deposited in the Tender box at the reception of the Civic Centre, Irwin street, not later than the closing date and time.

Civic Centre JM Matshivha Irwinstreet Municipal ManagerMusina 0900Notice number 10/2014 11 March 2014



Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Tender No.

Description Of Service

Closing Date Compulsory Brief-ing Sesion

Enquiries(Office hours)

6/2014 Supply, cleaning and service of Air condi-tioning and ventila-tion Equipment

20 March 2014 at 11:00

17 March 2014 at 10:00

T Rametse015 534 6190076 061 2618

All interested service providers are hereby invited to submit written quotations and deliver them to Makhado Municipality’s tender box.

Please Note: 1. Specifications of the quotations and MBD 6.1 and MBD 4 can be downloaded from the municipal

website www.makhado.gov.za or a hard copy can be obtained from Supply Chain Management office B043, Civic Centre, No.83 Krogh Street, Makhado Municipality

2. For more information, enquiries must be directed to Ms TP Ntsieni or Ramabulana M at 015 519 3179/3129 during office hours


MAK000040/2013-2014 RE-ADVERTISEMENTRequest For Quotation to Drill and full equip borehole at Makhado town swimming pool (Anderson and Breda street)

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000041/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Grader Operator Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000042/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Office Cashier Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000043/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Assets Management Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000044/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Waste Management Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000045/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Painting Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000046/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Roads Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000047/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Peace Officer Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000048/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Electric Line Worker Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000049/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Cable Jointer Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000050/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Public Participation Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000051/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the LED Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000052/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the IDP Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000053/2013-2014 Request For Quotation for the Welding Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAK000054/2013-2014 RE-ADVERTISEMENTRequest For Quotation for the Basic Communication in South Africa Sign Language Training

24 March 2014 at 12H00

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Civic Centre83 Krogh Street MAKHADO 0920Notice No. 30 of 2014 MR. I P MUTSHINYALIFile No. 8/3/2/1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER Ad



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2114 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

Page 22: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

Notice is hereby given that the Draft Annual Report for the 2012/13 Financial Year is available for all inter-ested parties / members of public to gain insight and deliver comments on the contents thereof. The pur-pose of the report is to provide a record of the activities of the municipality and to report on performance in service delivery and budget implementation as well as to promote accountability to the local community in respect of the 2012/13 financial year.

The Draft Annual Report, 2012/13 is available at the following respective municipal offices and can be read during office hours from 07h00 to 13h00 and again from 14h00 to 16h00 on Monday to Friday of the week, excluding public holidays.

1. The Regional Administrator, Ms T G Mabila, Dzanani Regional Office, Dzanani Township2. The Regional Administrator, Mr H M Mulaudzi, Vuwani Regional Office (next to S A Police Station),

Vuwani Township3. The Acting Regional Administrator, Mr S S Baloyi, Waterval Regional Office, Waterval Township4. Main Municipal Office Complex, Office of the PMS Manager, Room C036, 1st Floor, Civic Center,

83 Krogh Street, Makhado

The complete Draft Annual Report is also available on the Municipality’s website at www.makhado.gov.za under Documents and Reports.

The last day to deliver comments is WEDNESDAY, 26 MARCH 2014 at 14h00. Comments must be in writing and signed by the person / authorized person of the interest group and must be handed to the PMS Manager at the office mentioned in paragraph 4. Enquiries can be directed to Mr Richard Shilenge, PMS Manager at telephone number 015 519 3000.

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


Civic Centre83 Krogh StreetLouis Trichardt0920

Notice No: 29 of 2014 MR I.P. MUTSHINYALIFile No: 10/1/2; 6/1/1 (12/13) MUNICIPAL MANAGER13 March 2014, Zoutpansberger14 March 2014, Makhado Mirror Ad





net P



Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of section 79(18) of the Local Government Ordi-nance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939) as amended read together with section 21(4) of the Local Govern-ment Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000) that Makhado Local Municipality is of the intention to finalise alienation of erf 41 measuring 7.0109ha in extent my means of first come first serve based on the council resolutions from 1989 to 2007. The above erf is zoned as a public open space according to Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009. All clients who have previously applied for the above erf are urged to come with proof of council resolutions if they are still interested in pursuing development on the above erf before park closure, subdivision and rezoning can be finalised. The following enlisted applicants had earlier lodged their applications: -

Any person who wishes to object to the exercise is called upon to lodge his/her objection in writing to the Municipal Manager at Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 or fax to 015 516 5084 to reach his office by no later than 30 April 2014. Any person who cannot write may visit the office of the Administrator Vuwani Region during hours from 7h00 to 13H00 and 14H00 to 16H00 on or before the 30th April 2014 where objections/comments or representations will be transcribed. For enquiries please telephone Mr H. M. Mulaudzi at 015 961 5559 or 015 961 5437 or alternatively by e-mail to [email protected]

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Civic Centre83 Krogh Street MAKHADO 0920Notice No. 28 of 2014 MR. I P MUTSHINYALIFile No. 7/4/1/3 MUNICIPAL MANAGER A

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Mr F. R. Nemanashi Vuwani

Mr M. E. Matumba Vuwani

Mr M. S. Muthambi Vuwani

Mr N. Mashabela Vuwani

Mr D. R. Kharidzha Vuwani

Long Island Trading 281 CC Vuwani

Mr T. Muthambi Vuwani

Mr G. T. Baloyi Vuwani

Ms M. E. Rakhuadzi Vuwani

Initiative Investments (PTY) LTD Vuwani

Ndivhadzo iyi I khou itiwa ho sedziwa tshitenwa tsha tsha vhu 79 (18) tsha Local Goverment Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939) sa zwe tsha dadzisiswa zwone, tshi tshi vhaliwa na tshitenwa tsha 21 (4) tsha Mulayo wa Local Government Municipal System’s wa 2000, (Municipal System’s Act 32 of 2000) uri Masipala wa Makhado u khou todou khunyeledza u rengisa tshitende tsha nomboro ya 41 tshi re Vuwani Township tshine tsha vha na muelo wa hekhithara dza 7.0109 tshine tsha do rengiswa u ya nga uyo ane a do thoma u swika kana u thuswa zwi tshi tevhedza “Tsheyo ya Khantsele” (Council Resolution) ya u bva 1989 u swika 2007. U ya nga Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009, fhethu afho ho vha ho tetshelwa uri ndi fhethu ho vuleaho ha tshitshavha ha nnyi na nnyi (Public open space). Vhathu vhothe vhe vha vha vho ita khumbelo ya tshitende tsho bulwaho afho ntha tshifhingani tsha murahu vha humbelwa u disa vhutanzi ha Tsheo ya Khantsele arali vha tshi kha di vha na dzangalelo la u todou ita mveledziso henefho, hezwi zwi tea u itwa hu sathu vha na u khunyeledzwa ha u valiwa ha phakha na u khethekanyiwa ha tshitande.Vhathu vha tevhelaho vhe madzina avho a sumbedzwa ndi vhe vha vha vho ita dzikhumbelo-

Muthu munwe na munwe ane apfa e na mbilaelo a nga livhisa Mbilaelo dzawe nga u tou nwala kha Ofisi ya Mulanga Dorobo kha Diresi ya Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920, kana vha fexisela kha (015) 516- 5084, zwine zwa tea u swika Ofisini yawe hu saathu swika kana u fhira duvha la dzi 30 Thafamuhwe (April) 2014. Muthu munwe na munwe a sa koniho u nwala a nga dalela Ofisi ya Region ya Masipala ya Vuwani nga tshifhinga tsha mushumo u bva nga iri ya vhusumbe nga matsheloni u swika nga iri ya u thoma nga masiari na u bva iri ya vhuvhili u swika nga iri ya vhuna nga masiari hu sathu fhira duvha la dzi 30 dza Thafamuhwe 2014, ndi hune mbilaelo kana dzinwe nyambovho malugana na izwo zwa do thetsheleswa / u nwaliwa. Arali vha tshi todou pfesesa zwinwe vha nga kwamana na Vho- H.M Mulaudzi kha nomboro ya lutingo ya (015) 961-5559 kana (015) 961- 5437 kana vha rumele e-mail kha [email protected]

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Civic Centre83 Krogh Street MAKHADO 0920Notice No. 28 of 2014 MR. I P MUTSHINYALIFile No. 7/4/1/3 MUNICIPAL MANAGER A

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Mr F.R. Nemanashi Vuwani

Mr M.E. Matumba Vuwani

Mr M.S. Muthambi Vuwani

Mr N. Mashabela Vuwani

Mr D.R. Kharidzha Vuwani

Long Island Trading 281 CC Vuwani

Mr T. Muthambi Vuwani

Mr G.T. Baloyi Vuwani

Ms M.E. Rakhuadzi Vuwani

Initiative Investments (PTY) LTD Vuwani

Xitiviso xi humesiwa hiku landza xiyenge xa 79(18) xa Odinansi ya Mfumo Xikaya, 1939 (Odinansi 17 ya 1939) leyi antswisiweke yi hlayiwa xikanwe na xiyenge xa 21(4) ya Mafambiselo ya Masipala ya Mfumo Xikaya, 2000 (Mafambiselo ya Masipala ya Mfumo Xikaya 32 ya 2000) leswaku Masipala wa Makhado wu navela fu hetisisa ku xavisiwa ka xitandi xa nomboro 41, lexi kumekaka edorobeni ra Vuwani lexi nga-na vukulu byo ringana 7.0109ha hiku landza xiboho xa machangwachangweni xo sukela 1989 fu fikela 2007. Xitandi lexi boxiweke laha henhla i xa xivandla xa mani na mani hiku landza xikimu xa switandi swa masipala, 2000. Vanhu hinkwavo lava tiseke swikombelo va hlohleteriwa ku ta na vumbhoni bya xiboho xa khansele loko va ha ri naku tsakela ku ya emahlweni na ku hluvukisa xitandi ku nga si pfariwa phaka, ku avelela naku cinca vito ra matirhiselo ya ndzawu ku nga si hetisisiwa.Vakomberi lava boxiweke laha hansi hi lava nga tisa swikombelo swa vona:

Munhu loyi a navelaka ku kaneta leswi boxiweke a nga tsalela Manejere wa Masipala wa Makhado eka Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 kumbe ku fakisela eka 015 516 5084 ku nga si fika 30 Dzivamisoko 2014. Loyi a nga koteki ku tsala a nga endzela hofisi ya xifundzantsongo xa Vuwani kusukela 7H00 ku fika 13H00 na 14H00 ku fika 16H00 ku nga si fika 30 Dzivamisoko 2014 laha minkaneto, swibumabumelo kumbe matsalwa ma nga ta amukeriwa. Swivutiso swi nga yisiwa eka Tatana H. M. Mulaudzi ka rinqhing-ho ra nomboro 015 961 5559 / 015 961 5437 kumbe emeyilela eka [email protected]

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Civic Centre83 Krogh Street MAKHADO 0920Notice No. 28 of 2014 MR. I P MUTSHINYALIFile No. 7/4/1/3 MUNICIPAL MANAGER A

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Tatana F. R. Nemanashi Vuwani

Tatana M. E. Matumba Vuwani

Tatana M. S. Muthambi Vuwani

Tatana N. Mashabela Vuwani

Tatana D. R. Kharidzha Vuwani

Long Island Trading 281 CC Vuwani

Tatana T. Muthambi Vuwani

Tatana G. T. Baloyi Vuwani

Manana M. E. Rakhuadzi Vuwani

Initiative Investments (PTY) LTD Vuwani

22 14 March 2014 LIMPOPO MIRROR

Page 23: 14 March 2014 - Limpopo Mirror

By Frank Mavhungu


By Frank Mavhungu

2314 March 2014LIMPOPO MIRROR

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Jomo Young Stars 17 11 3 3 46 26 36

Valdezia Juventus FC 13 10 1 2 40 25 31

Waterval All Stars 13 7 4 2 24 18 25

Mpheni Real Rovers 13 7 3 3 27 14 24

Matlhari FC 14 6 6 2 21 16 24

Bokisi Scientists FC 14 7 3 4 26 23 24

Bungeni You Diplomats 14 5 5 4 24 19 20

Wata Peace Makers 12 5 5 2 16 13 20

Elim Blackpool Jnrs 14 4 8 2 20 20 20

Ribolla Mtn Rangers 14 4 5 5 16 22 17

Mbhokota FC 13 4 3 6 21 17 15

Mashau Thondoni United 8 4 3 1 9 6 15

Mpheni Young Stars 12 3 5 4 11 18 14

Matsila Morn Sweepers 12 3 3 6 13 18 12

Mailaskop Act Killers 14 2 6 6 11 16 12

Nwaxinyamani United FC 11 2 5 4 10 13 11

Mpheni Hungry Lions 13 1 6 6 13 18 9

Caring FC 13 1 6 6 20 26 9

Mufeba Cruel Tigers 14 1 4 9 19 38 7

Nwaxinyamani All Stars 14 1 2 11 4 25 5

Hlanganani Stream AHlanganani Stream AHlanganani Stream AHlanganani Stream A

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

V.K Mulima FC 11 9 1 1 23 4 28

Muwaweni Lucky Stars 12 7 3 2 27 11 24

Slanger AC Milan 13 6 4 3 20 14 22

Makulana Green Dreams 13 5 5 3 18 18 20

Tshivhangani S. Break 12 5 3 4 15 12 18

Mukondeni Sh Stars 12 4 4 4 16 14 16

Muila FC 11 4 4 3 14 13 16

Gumani Young Stars 11 4 4 3 11 11 16

Thothololo Conti Stars 13 3 5 5 15 18 14

Tshivhuyuni Celtics FC 12 3 4 5 10 14 13

Thembisa Las Vegas 13 2 7 4 11 16 13

Madadzhi Ever Stars 11 3 3 5 13 17 12

Muila Shooting Stars 12 1 8 3 13 18 11

Nthabalala Super XI 11 3 2 6 9 21 11

Muumoni Blue Birds 11 3 1 7 12 18 10

Nthabalala Amakh XII 10 2 2 6 13 21 8

Hlanganani Stream BHlanganani Stream BHlanganani Stream BHlanganani Stream B

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPointsGogobole H. Defenders 9 6 3 0 14 5 21

Mabilu FC 7 5 2 0 14 8 17

Manavhela Real Fighters 6 3 3 0 12 4 12

Gogobole Bucs FC 7 2 3 2 10 13 9

Madombizha Try Again 7 2 2 3 7 8 8

Madodonga United Stars 6 2 2 2 4 5 8

Maebani Peace Makers 6 1 4 1 11 10 7

Ravele Highlanders FC 7 1 2 4 10 13 5

Muraleni Y. Rebellions 6 0 3 3 6 10 3

Tshiozwi Mates FC 6 0 3 3 6 11 3

Kutama Young Stars 7 0 3 4 4 11 3

Limpopo The Fresh One Stream ALimpopo The Fresh One Stream ALimpopo The Fresh One Stream ALimpopo The Fresh One Stream A

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Midoroni Real Hearts 6 5 1 0 8 0 16

Maebani Young Eagles 8 4 2 2 19 10 14

Muduluni Young Chiefs 6 4 2 0 8 3 14

Madombizha Celtics FC 8 2 5 1 8 6 11

Maebani United Aces 7 2 2 3 7 6 8

Murunwa Soccer Academy 6 2 1 3 8 9 7

Ravele Black Dragons 8 0 6 2 9 13 6

Manavhela Black Aces 6 1 3 2 7 11 6

Bennys Care Academy 6 0 3 3 4 11 3

Ramantsha Lotaha FC 7 0 3 4 3 12 3

Tshikhodobo Barcelona FC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Limpopo The Fresh One Stream BLimpopo The Fresh One Stream BLimpopo The Fresh One Stream BLimpopo The Fresh One Stream B

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Phaphazela Bayern Muni 19 9 7 3 38 21 34

Matsakali Sky Rangers 17 11 0 6 28 23 33

Thula M2 15 9 2 4 26 16 29

Khakhanwa United Stars 18 7 7 4 23 23 28

Jerome River Bank 18 8 4 6 24 26 28

Shigamani FC 17 7 5 5 36 16 26

Muledzhe Shooting Star 18 7 5 6 26 30 26

Dumasi All Stars 18 6 6 6 29 26 24

Budeli Real Vultures 17 7 3 7 28 30 24

Gidja Mhandini 17 4 7 6 16 21 19

Shikundu Manchester 15 4 4 7 18 21 16

Matsika Shooting Stars 17 4 4 9 19 31 16

Lombard Power Rangers 17 4 3 10 19 23 15

Omega Line Fc 17 3 3 11 16 39 12

MMK Funeral Service League: AMMK Funeral Service League: AMMK Funeral Service League: AMMK Funeral Service League: A

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Mukula Young Santos 19 14 3 2 49 12 45

Gaba Union Fighters 17 12 2 3 22 8 38

Phandulaluvalo FC 18 11 4 3 28 15 37

Tshidzini Happy Fight 18 10 2 6 38 18 32

Tshifudi XI Experience 17 9 5 3 37 18 32

Dolphins FC 16 9 5 2 30 16 32

Tswera Young Masters 17 7 6 4 30 29 27

Musasenda Big XI 18 7 5 6 25 23 26

Tshaulu Ghetto Boys Fc 18 6 7 5 19 20 25

Marula XI 16 7 3 6 23 18 24

Khubvi Dangerous D 18 6 6 6 27 26 24

Vondwe XI Bullets 18 5 5 8 11 19 20

Tshidimbini Brave Lion 16 3 5 8 19 27 14

Mashishi Spurs 18 1 11 6 13 23 14

Ngwenani Man UNTD 19 2 7 10 18 32 13

Mukula Avalon 19 3 3 13 17 43 12

Vhufuli Pull Together 18 3 2 13 17 37 11

Makonde Home Defendes 16 2 1 13 12 51 7

MMK Funeral Service League: BMMK Funeral Service League: BMMK Funeral Service League: BMMK Funeral Service League: B

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

United Artists 12 11 1 0 30 1 34

Themba Sunrise Riders 15 10 2 3 32 18 32

Vhembe FET College 14 9 3 2 40 17 30

Ngwenani Young Chiefs 15 8 5 2 24 13 29

Makovha All Stars 15 8 4 3 32 12 28

Polokwane United 15 7 4 4 31 25 25

Maranzhe Hungry Lion 15 7 2 6 22 21 23

Thembaluvhilo 7 Stars 14 6 4 4 22 13 22

Shonisani Fc 13 5 2 6 18 23 17

Dididi Fly Swallows 17 4 3 10 17 29 15

Mphego Real Rovers 17 3 5 9 20 33 14

Tshififi Fc 12 2 3 7 19 32 9

Lufule Fly Bombers 12 2 3 7 8 25 9

Maha Fly Gunners 15 2 3 10 8 37 9

Mutoti Young Aces 13 1 0 12 4 28 3

MMK Funeral Service League: CMMK Funeral Service League: CMMK Funeral Service League: CMMK Funeral Service League: C

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Rockers Fc 16 14 2 0 40 14 44

Maweja Takers Fc 18 12 2 4 33 17 38

Tshakhuma RO Untd 17 9 6 2 23 13 33

Thohoyandou Develp 17 9 6 2 29 20 33

Univen Fc 17 8 5 4 34 17 29

Shayandima Disco 5 18 8 4 6 29 28 28

FCKK 17 7 3 7 22 22 24

Gwamasenga Untd Bros 17 6 5 6 19 19 23

Mutandani Pull Together 16 6 3 7 22 21 21

Shayandima S Stars 18 5 5 8 26 26 20

Ramukhuba Young Bros 18 4 6 8 13 23 18

Ramukhuba Fc 18 3 6 9 17 28 15

Tswinga Peace Makers 19 4 3 12 24 42 15

Mahematshema Fly Birds 17 1 5 11 11 34 8

Duthuni Untd Bros 17 0 7 10 15 33 7

MMK Funeral Service League: DMMK Funeral Service League: DMMK Funeral Service League: DMMK Funeral Service League: D

Team Played Won Drawn Lost For Against PointsMpheni Home Def 18 13 3 2 46 12 42Makhitha Oscar Stars 16 13 3 0 31 8 42Western Stars 17 12 3 2 37 9 39Muraleni Untd Bros 16 9 3 4 27 21 30Madombidzha Arsenal 15 8 4 3 23 10 28Tshikota Chelsea 18 7 4 7 24 30 25Zamenkoste Fc 16 6 6 4 18 12 24Tshikwani Stone Bre 17 6 4 7 19 25 22Makhitha Lyarunga Fc 17 6 3 8 33 36 21Tshiozwi Dynamos 17 5 4 8 20 22 19Zoutpansberg Powerline 16 5 4 7 23 29 19Bennys Care Academy 13 4 4 5 19 17 16Elim Mabedengwa Untd 17 3 4 10 26 39 13Vleifontein United FC 16 3 4 9 17 31 13Madodonga Fc 17 3 3 11 20 47 12Zamenkoste Untd Bros 15 3 2 10 18 37 11Mailaskop Pull Toget 15 2 4 9 17 26 10

MMK Funeral Service League: E

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Kurhuleni Happy Fight 18 12 6 0 26 6 42

Mulima Fc 18 13 2 3 30 11 41

Mukondeni Ratanang 19 11 4 4 34 17 37

Phadziri FC 21 11 4 6 30 16 37

Muziafera Blue Eagles 19 10 5 4 28 10 35

Bofulamato FC 21 10 5 6 23 18 35

Tshiphuseni All Stars 19 7 9 3 21 14 30

Mashamba Benf Untd 18 7 7 4 24 13 28

Wayeni Sea Robbers 16 8 3 5 30 21 27

Vyboom Fc 20 6 7 7 28 34 25

Mashamba Soccer Acad 17 5 7 5 17 16 22

Tshiovhani Airlines 22 5 6 11 19 30 21

Lwelani Fc 17 5 3 9 24 22 18

Basani Arrow Chiefs 18 4 5 9 20 22 17

Sundani City Rovers 20 3 8 9 18 29 17

Lambani Giant Killers 18 3 5 10 18 38 14

Guvhungwa Young Figh 19 2 6 11 12 34 12

Ma-Indies Express Fc 20 1 2 17 11 62 5

MMK Funeral Service League: FMMK Funeral Service League: FMMK Funeral Service League: FMMK Funeral Service League: F

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Rabali Pull Together 16 12 3 1 36 8 39

Tshivhilidulu H Lion 16 10 6 0 22 3 36

Mauluma Black Mamba 15 10 3 2 34 10 33

Seven Untd Bros 13 7 4 2 24 10 25

Matsa Northern Stars 15 7 1 7 23 19 22

Nzhelele Y All Nations 13 6 3 4 25 15 21

Nahelele United Stars 14 5 6 3 16 10 21

Tahiendeulu New Castle 14 6 2 6 14 16 20

Murunwa Hot Chillies 15 6 2 7 18 23 20

Mamvuka Real Vultures 12 3 3 6 13 20 12

Shanza Continentals 16 3 1 12 13 36 10

Vhulaudzi Untd Bros 12 2 2 8 10 27 8

Maelula New Mates 17 1 3 13 13 41 6

Tshifhire N Bros 10 1 1 8 5 28 4

MMK Funeral Service League: GMMK Funeral Service League: GMMK Funeral Service League: GMMK Funeral Service League: G

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Igwe Fc 17 11 6 0 27 8 39

Musina United 19 10 5 4 34 15 35

Muswodi Happy Fight 18 10 5 3 28 16 35

Mutele Mountain Rang 16 8 5 3 23 13 29

Ramuedzisi Youth Stars 19 7 8 4 21 16 29

Matshema Hungry Lion 19 7 4 8 26 34 25

Matswale Fc 16 7 3 6 12 12 24

Lwathudwa Black Movers 16 6 5 5 21 19 23

Mbodi 17 5 4 8 19 31 19

Mabvete Peace Makers 14 5 3 6 18 18 18

Tshiilamusi Super Eagl 13 4 5 4 19 16 17

Lovers FC 18 4 4 10 16 28 16

Folovhodwe Stone Brea 15 3 2 10 8 14 11

Dzhanguluvhe Fc 16 3 2 11 15 27 11

Pine Stars 17 2 5 10 14 34 11

MMK Funeral Service League: HMMK Funeral Service League: HMMK Funeral Service League: HMMK Funeral Service League: H

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Lukau Fc 18 14 3 1 40 9 45

Ficus Fc 17 11 4 2 33 11 37

Rambuda Young Fight 17 11 4 2 29 14 37

Tshibvumo Young Stars 16 11 4 1 22 8 37

Mulodi Freedom Birds 20 10 5 5 36 20 35

Shambandou Untd Prof 18 8 5 5 21 15 29

Muledzhi Fire Boys 18 8 4 6 24 17 28

Mutshenzheni Gorrilas 17 7 3 7 22 25 24

Thenzheni Liverpool 18 6 3 9 21 27 21

Tshandama Try Toge 18 4 8 6 26 30 20

Tshikundamalema Waterf 15 4 6 5 22 22 18

Konanani Fc 17 3 7 7 23 32 16

Lukau Hot Aces 19 4 3 12 16 30 15

Thengwe Flying Peace 17 3 5 9 17 27 14

Mapuloni High Landers 16 2 4 10 15 38 10

Maheni Deloted Vult 16 3 0 13 10 31 9

Mangaya Living Comm 15 2 2 11 14 35 8

MMK Funeral Service League: IMMK Funeral Service League: IMMK Funeral Service League: IMMK Funeral Service League: I

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawnDrawnDrawnDrawn LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Manyii Bayern Munich 5 2 3 0 7 4 9

Tshikuwi Young Boys 4 2 2 0 6 3 8

Matsa Super Players 5 2 2 1 6 4 8

Luvhalani Sun Pirates 5 0 4 1 6 8 4

Paradise FC Basel 4 0 2 2 2 5 2

Mamvuka Chipolopolo 3 0 1 2 2 5 1

Makhado LFA Stream A Under 15Makhado LFA Stream A Under 15Makhado LFA Stream A Under 15Makhado LFA Stream A Under 15

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawnDrawnDrawnDrawn LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPointsMilaboni MTM FC 3 2 0 1 6 4 6

Sangoma Black Robbers 2 1 1 0 5 3 4

JK Masetoni United 3 1 1 1 5 5 4

Mandala Happy Boys 2 0 0 2 0 4 0

Makhado LFA Stream B Under 15Makhado LFA Stream B Under 15Makhado LFA Stream B Under 15Makhado LFA Stream B Under 15

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawnDrawnDrawnDrawn LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

FJ Napoli FC 5 4 1 0 20 8 13

NTM United FC 4 2 1 1 7 5 7

Mavhunga Young Stars 4 2 0 2 11 7 6

Maulum,a All Stars 4 2 0 2 12 10 6

Phadzima Clever Boys 4 2 0 2 11 13 6

Divhani Rosca United 5 0 0 5 2 20 0

Makhado LFA Stream C Under 15Makhado LFA Stream C Under 15Makhado LFA Stream C Under 15Makhado LFA Stream C Under 15

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawnDrawnDrawnDrawn LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Vyeboom Baloyi Friends 4 3 1 0 10 3 10

Tshivhulana Clever Boy 4 2 1 1 13 5 7

Nngwekhulu Real Rovers 4 2 1 1 5 4 7

Vuwani Liverpool FC 4 2 1 1 6 8 7

Singo Disco Five 5 2 1 2 6 13 7

Tshakhuma Blue Birds 4 1 2 1 6 5 5

Mavhulani Young Tigers 5 0 2 3 2 7 2

Tshakhuma Soc Acad 4 0 1 3 4 7 1

Makhado LFA Stream D Under 15Makhado LFA Stream D Under 15Makhado LFA Stream D Under 15Makhado LFA Stream D Under 15

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawnDrawnDrawnDrawn LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Benny Sports Academy 5 5 0 0 35 1 15

Madombidzha Try Again 5 4 0 1 19 5 12

Maebani Aces United 4 3 0 1 13 7 9

Gogobole Bucs FC 5 2 0 3 6 15 6

Madombidzha United FC 4 1 0 3 5 9 3

Gogobole H Defenders 3 1 0 2 4 8 3

Braambos Young Stars 4 1 0 3 2 23 3

Madombidzha Arsenal FC 4 0 0 4 1 17 0

Makhado LFA Stream E Under 15Makhado LFA Stream E Under 15Makhado LFA Stream E Under 15Makhado LFA Stream E Under 15

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawnDrawnDrawnDrawn LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Makhitha IA Runga 3 2 1 0 3 1 7

Ravele All Stars 2 1 1 0 4 1 4

Muraleni Umlilo FC 2 1 1 0 2 1 4

Madombidzha Celtics FC 3 1 0 2 3 3 3

Gogobole D Darkies 2 1 0 1 2 2 3

Ravele Black Dragons 2 0 2 0 1 1 2

Muraleni Y Rebellions 2 0 1 1 0 3 1

Muduluni Young Chiefs 2 0 0 2 0 3 0

Makhado LFA Stream F Under 15Makhado LFA Stream F Under 15Makhado LFA Stream F Under 15Makhado LFA Stream F Under 15

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Vuvha Kill Them All 11 7 2 2 22 11 23

Dopeni Mighty Comrades 9 6 3 0 19 7 21

Sangoma Black Robbers 10 5 3 2 16 10 18

JK Masetoni United 11 5 2 4 16 15 17

Mauluma All Stars 10 5 1 4 15 13 16

Phadzima Shinning Star 11 4 3 4 12 15 15

Nyatema FC 11 4 1 6 14 14 13

Milaboni Chop Them D 10 4 1 5 18 19 13

Mudunungu Try Again 9 3 3 3 11 16 12

Tshedza Onismuts FC 11 3 3 5 16 23 12

Mavhunga H Sweepers 10 2 5 3 10 13 11

Maelula Big Power 10 3 1 6 10 12 10

Matshavhawe Co To See 10 3 1 6 11 16 10

Matshavhawe United FC 11 1 5 5 8 14 8

Nzhelele Stream ANzhelele Stream ANzhelele Stream ANzhelele Stream A

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Mandala Happy Boys 10 7 2 1 24 10 23

Khakhu Fast XI 10 7 0 3 14 8 21

Sheshe Bush Bucks 10 5 2 3 17 14 17

Kakhu Young Chiefs 9 5 1 3 15 11 16

Tshikombani Super Star 9 3 6 0 8 5 15

Thononda All Stars 10 3 5 2 16 14 14

Trrimmer Boys FC 9 3 4 2 14 11 13

Khalavha Napoli FC 7 3 2 2 10 9 11

Fondwe Mighty Blues 10 1 4 5 11 18 7

Tshikhudo First Prof. 10 1 2 7 9 16 5

Fundudzi Unit Brothers 7 0 4 3 7 12 4

Mphaila Young Tigers 9 0 2 7 5 22 2

Nzhelele Stream BNzhelele Stream BNzhelele Stream BNzhelele Stream B

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Nzhelele Home Sweepers 11 10 1 0 31 10 31

Matanda Rockers FC 12 7 3 2 22 14 24

Mamvuka Heroes FC 12 7 2 3 23 15 23

Tshikuwi S Breakers 10 7 1 2 20 10 22

Matanda Seven Stars 11 5 4 2 18 12 19

Manyii DAB Stars 11 5 3 3 13 8 18

Tshituni Hot Spurs 12 4 4 4 22 18 16

Mudimeli Bombers FC 12 4 4 4 16 16 16

Mphephu Hotspurs FC 12 3 5 4 17 14 14

Sipholi Smilling Mover 11 4 1 6 17 20 13

Lugisani Arsenal FC 12 2 3 7 13 26 9

FJ Napoli FC 11 2 2 7 11 20 8

Mandiwana Soccer Ac 11 1 2 8 8 27 5

Raliphaswa Roll Stones 12 1 1 10 2 23 4

Nzhelele Stream C Nzhelele Stream C Nzhelele Stream C Nzhelele Stream C

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Tshivhulana Real Aces 10 7 2 1 22 13 23

Vuwani Liverpool FC 10 5 4 1 23 14 19

Tshirululuni XI Bullet 9 6 1 2 12 4 19

Tshimbupfe Disco Stars 11 4 5 2 18 16 17

Makhasa United FC 10 5 1 4 22 17 16

Madobi Home Boys 9 3 5 1 16 8 14

Hanani Home Fighters 12 3 3 6 18 32 12

Tshino United Brothers 11 3 2 6 17 21 11

Kalahari Stars FC 8 2 3 3 11 13 9

Mutheiwana FC 11 2 3 6 20 25 9

Singo Disco Five 10 2 3 5 13 22 9

Tshimbupfe Fighting Cats 9 1 2 6 16 23 5

Vho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream AVho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream AVho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream AVho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream A

TeamTeamTeamTeam PlayedPlayedPlayedPlayed WonWonWonWon DrawDrawDrawDraw LostLostLostLost ForForForFor AgainstAgainstAgainstAgainst PointsPointsPointsPoints

Mutsha Atlantis FC 13 8 5 0 21 7 29

Khwekhwe Power 7 10 8 2 0 20 8 26

Mashau Hungry Lions 13 7 3 3 14 9 24

Mission Young Rovers 13 6 4 3 10 8 22

Tshakhuma Peace Lovers 12 6 1 5 21 14 19

Mashau Thenga B Lions 13 5 4 4 11 13 19

Tshakhuma Blue Birds 11 4 5 2 15 12 17

Mutsha Sea Robbers 12 4 4 4 10 9 16

Tshakhuma Fenele FC 9 3 4 2 10 7 13

Mutsha United FC 12 2 4 6 14 18 10

Mashau Young Stars 14 2 4 8 16 23 10

Valdezia Malumbe Exp 11 2 3 6 8 17 9

Tshakhuma Na Ndilani 11 0 7 4 10 16 7

Maweja Young Stars 5 1 2 2 5 6 5

Muverasi FC 5 1 2 2 5 7 5

Masokolara FC 12 0 4 8 10 26 4

Vho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream B Vho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream B Vho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream B Vho - Makhadzi Funeral Services Stream B

Soccer League Logs Deadline: Tuesday 12:00 - No handwritten logs will be accepted

Black Leopards are in mourning after dropping league points last Saturday. They lost 1-2 to Thanda Royal Zulu in their NFD match at the Umhlathuze Sports Complex in Richards Bay.

David Zulu of Leopards scored the first goal of the match 20 minutes towards the end of the game. Shortly after the goal, Zulu and a team-mate, Marks Munyai, were carried off the pitch after they had sustained injuries. They could not be replaced as Leopards had already used all their substitutions. Royal Zulu capitalized and scored two goals in quick succession.

Although Zulu and Munyai returned after receiv-ing treatment, the damage caused by Royal Zulu was beyond repair.

Leopards can console themselves that the pace setters, Chippa United, had also lost their match over the weekend.

They were beaten 1-3 by African Warriors. Leopards are still seven points behind Chippa United after the result.

It seems as if the fans of Leopards are still con-fident that their team will be promoted at the end of the season. In reaction to the match, Ntebaleng - The Iron Duke Navigator - Tsholofelo stated on Facebook: They played well is just that playing against a team that is trying to avoid relegation is always hard, but nonetheless I don't blame Black Leopards and I believe they can still make it straight to PSL or play-offs.

Jomo Cosmos registered their sixth victory in a row when they beat Witbank Spurs 2-0 at the Puma Rugby Stadium in Witbank. Vasco da Gama continued to give away points when they lost 1-2 to United FC at the Parow Park Stadium in Cape Town.

The other league title chasers, Milano United FC, were held to a 2-2 draw by Blackburn Rovers at the Sugar Ray Zulu Stadium in Durban. Sivutsa Stars shared the spoils 2-2 with Maluti FET College, but Roses United were walloped 0-4 by Baroka FC at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium.

Santos held FC Cape Town to a 1-1 draw in their Cape Town derby at the Athlone Stadium in Cape Town.

Unlucky Lidoda Duvha suffer defeat in Richards Bay

Rospa United dribbling wizard, Velile “Berbeto” Mdaka.

Rospa United ready to demolish Magezi

Mountain bikers to face the Meerkat

The struggle for league points will continue among the teams affiliated to the Limpopo Stream of the Safa second division league this weekend. The match of the week will be between Rospa United and Magezi FC at the Seshego Stadium tomorrow afternoon.

Although Magezi will be playing in front of their home crowd, it will not be easy for them to collect full points. The players of Rospa are in a winning mode of late. They scored eight goals in their last two matches, with their most recent victory the 4-1 defeat of Ray Pillars at the Univen Stadium last Saturday. Rospa will pin their hopes on Velile Mdaka, Samuel “Fire” Mohloa and their captain, Kenneth “Mabena” Lesia for goals.

Another Vhembe side, Joe’s Express, will travel to Modimolle for their match against Modimolle Aces. Express are sharpened to kill and they bru-tally walloped Lephalale Young Killers 3-0 at the Makwarela Stadium last Saturday.

Lephalale Young Killers will entertain Phungo All Stars at the Mogol Stadium in Lephalale. Phungo must win the match at all cost in order to move out of the relegation zone. They are currently in the second-last position on the log. Blue Rocks will have a date with Great North FC at the Nkow-ankowa Stadium in Tzaneen.

Basel FC will be lucky if by chance they man-age to hold Giyani Hotspurs to a draw when they meet at the Giyani Stadium tomorrow. Basel are languishing at the bottom of the log, while Hotspurs are one of the hot league-title contenders. Dynamos and The Dolphins will meet at the Burgersdorp Artificial Turf Stadium.

Ray Pillars will lock horns with Mighty FC at the Seshego Stadium, while the Mokopane derby between Winners Park and Mosesetjane All Stars will be staged at the Mahwelereng Stadium.

Time is running out for the region’s mountain bikers to prepare for the annual Munnik Meer-kat Mountain Bike Challenge on 22 March, presented by Castle Lite.

The starting times for the three races are 07:00 (70 km), 07:30 (35 km) and 08:00 (10 km) respec-tively, with the entry fees being R170 for the 70 km, R100 for the 35 km and R60 for the 10 km. Time Me will be doing the official timing of the event.

A day license fee of R35 is only payable if the cyclists do not hold a valid CSA license.

Pietersburg Rotary Club 100 will be catering for the event and will start serving food from 06:00, while SA Brewers will be hosting a small beer garden throughout the day.

Two mountain bikes are also up for grabs in a raffle, one for the men and one for the ladies.

This race is affiliated to the P&L Cycle Club with Johan van Dijkhorst again being the race organiser.

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By Frank Mavhungu

Amazing victory for students

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Luambo “Ajao” Nethononda of Vhembe chases the ball.

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Vhembe FET College, who were trailing 2-4 at one stage,

collected maximum points when they beat Tshifi fi FC 5-4 in their

MMK Funeral Services League match at the Makwarela Stadium on Sunday.

Tshifi fi scored their opening goal in the 11th minute. Azwindini Munyai tried his luck from outside the box.

The volley was too hot for the Vhembe keeper, Maanda Tshi-

galo, to handle. The students found the equaliser

through Gudani Ma-nena moments there-after.

The goal was an

insult to the players of Tshifi fi . They scored two goals in quick succession. Talifhani Mphaphuli scored from the corner kick. The ball hit the back of the net from the corner kick without any further touch. The keeper of Vhembe failed to clear a back pass and Azwindi-ni Munyai dispossessed him and scored easily. Vhembe reduced one in the 29th minute via Gudani Manena. He tapped in the ball, following a scramble within the box. Phanuel Maluleke scored the fourth for Tshifi fi with a ground cutter.

Gudani Manena completed his brace in the 40th minute to bring the half-time score to 4-3. He beat the offside trap and showed the keeper the wrong way. Vhembe blamed their keeper for

the four goals they had conceded and replaced him with Luambo Netho-nonda three minutes into the last half.

The students did not give in without a fight. They played collectively from behind, making it difficult for Tshififi to win balls in the middle of the park. Mulweli Mala-da scored the equaliser for Vhembe in the 69th minute.

Tshiwela Ratshibvumo of Vhembe was cautioned with a card for kicking the opponents’ keeper. Mo-ses “Jack” Razwimisani scored the winning goal for Vhembe late in the game.

Moses “Jack” Razwimisani of Vhembe kicks the ball, while

Azwinndini Munyai of Tshifi fi attempts to intercept.