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  • 8/16/2019 14 1190a Innovation Managing Risk Report



    MANAGING RISK, NOT AVOIDING ITAnnual Report of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser 2014

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    MANAGING RISK, NOT AVOIDING ITThis is the first Annual Report of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Sir Mark Walport.

    Editor Mark Peplow Authors Mark Walport  Government Chief Scientific Adviser  

    Claire Craig  Director, Government Office for Science

    This report is intended for:Policy-makers, legislators, and a wide range of business people, professionals, researchers and other individuals whoseinterests relate to the link between risk and innovation.

    This report should be cited as:Annual Report of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser 2014. Innovation: Managing Risk, Not Avoiding ItThe Government Office for Science, London

    The Government Office for Science would like to thank the authors who contributed evidence chapters, case studies andtheir time towards this report and gave it freely. A full list of authors can be found in the companion document:Innovation: Managing Risk, Not Avoiding It. Evidence and Case Studies.The report project team was David Bennett, Graeme Collinson, Mike Edbury, Elizabeth Surkovic and Jack Wardle.

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    The purpose of this report

    As this report is published, Ebola is raging in West Africa.

    Already-weakened economies are struggling. Scientists,

    pharmaceutical companies and regulators are working flat out

    to develop new treatments and new vaccines. No one would

    dispute the vital need for innovation to control and reduce

    the risks from this terrible infection. Once again, we arereminded that the forces of nature hold many of the trump

    cards in the evolutionary relationships between humans and

    other species on the planet.

    This epidemic serves as a reminder of the things that

    governments really care about. These can be distilled as

    the health, wellbeing, resilience and security of citizens,

    underpinned by a strong economy. All of these depend on

    our social, physical and natural infrastructures. Societies

    crumble very quickly if they are disrupted. Science has much

    to tell us about infrastructure and that is why scientific advice

    to governments is so important.

    The infrastructure created by humans and the naturalinfrastructure of the planet are both vital for our survival

    and wellbeing. It is only possible for more than seven billion

    people to inhabit the Earth because of our ability to modify

    our environment. We achieved this by creating social and

    physical structures, and by discovering how to harness the

    fossil energy sources of the planet to power our modern

    world. But in spite of all our innovation and ingenuity we are

    still critically dependent on our natural infrastructure, on

    our interactions with animal and plant health, on weather,

    climate and all the other aspects of the physical and biological

    environment of the planet.At the same time as we were learning how to modify our

    physical environment to improve our living conditions, we

    were building social and economic structures. We are as

    dependent on these as on our built environment. Modern

    economies were developed through politics, trade and

    specialization, shaped from time to time by war and conflict.

    The Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth

    centuries started in Great Britain, and we are now going

    through a second equally tumultuous revolution — the

    Information Technology Revolution — which is likely to play

    a similarly important role in the development of societies and

    economies of the future.

    The topic of this report is innovation and risk. Why

    have we chosen this topic and how have we gone about

    our work to reach our conclusions? Firstly, innovation is

    essential for economic growth, health, wellbeing, security and

    resilience. In Chapter 1 of the companion volume “Innovation:

    Managing Risk, Not Avoiding It. Evidence and Case Studies”,

    Nick Stern and his colleagues describe how many of the

    greatest periods of economic growth in the past have been

    driven by innovation. The need to innovate is a fundamental

    requirement for social and economic progress. Innovative

    economies are more competitive, respond better to change,see higher returns on investment and create increased living

    standards. Innovative businesses are more productive and

    grow faster than businesses that fail to innovate. And it is not

    only businesses that must innovate: governments and social

    organizations need to innovate to adapt, respond to and shape

    the evolution of society. Governments have an essential role

    in shaping the legal frameworks, institutions and policies that

    in turn shape the risks and incentives faced by others. It is this

    balance of risks and incentives that determine what choices

    innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, inventors, bureaucrats

    and citizens will make.

    Secondly, we need innovation just as much today as wedid at the time of the first Industrial Revolution, even if the

    reasons are slightly different. The innovators of the eighteenth

    and nineteenth centuries in Great Britain were motivated by

    and working against a backdrop of widespread poverty, high

    child-mortality and extremes of crime and squalor. This is no

    longer the case — at least in the United Kingdom.

    In Chapter 2, Ian Goldin describes the background

    against which innovators are operating in the twenty-first

    century: global population growth, continuing climate and

    environmental change and large socio-economic shifts. Other

    significant trends include continuing increases in available data,

    computing power and bandwidth; and a greater likelihoodof scarcity in natural resources, including oil and water,

    phosphates and rare-earth elements. Innovation is needed in

    the future to develop better ways of producing and disposing

    of goods, and for delivering services.

    However, innovation is not an unalloyed good — almost all

    innovations can cause both benefit and harm. Because of this,

    discussion of innovation has become almost inseparable from

    discussion of risk. Paradoxically, this discussion has become

    more prominent precisely because the innovations of previous

    generations have made our lives much safer and free of risk.

    People living in advanced economies have become more riskaverse compared to previous generations.

    A common denominator of innovation in every generation

    is that it solves problems, creates wealth and new

    employment, while at the same time potentially disrupting the

    status quo of existing wealth and employment, and creating

    new problems and challenges.

    The Industrial Revolution began in the absence of much

    legislation or regulation. However, it is a mistake to think that

    innovation was not strongly contested then, for reasons that

    were similar to those we see today: the vested interests of

    those profiting from incumbent technologies; clashes of values

    or religion; or protests by those whose lives were disrupted

    or disturbed by change. Societies, then as now, responded

    to the challenges posed by innovation and to their adverse

    consequences — railway and road fatalities, for example —

    with a mixture of legislation and regulation.

    This brings us to the present time and to the third reason

    for this report. The task of designing systems of regulation

    and practice that are based on rigorous evidence and well-

    informed public debate is difficult. In some areas, regulatory

    systems have become sclerotic and stifle growth. In others,

    ambiguity about ‘who is accountable for what’ acts as an

    inhibitor. Debates about risk are often highly technical while,at the same time, being at least as much about values and

    choices, about who benefits and who pays. Social, political

    and geographical contexts matter hugely, and this is especially

    true when seeking to establish frameworks across national

    boundaries. When governance goes wrong, we can miss out

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    on major potential benefits, or suffer needlessly.

    This report builds on recent creative thinking about

    innovation, benefit and risk, drawing on experience and

    observation. The authors of this report have brought together

    perspectives from a wide range of disciplines. Our aim is

    to help policymakers and citizens to make better-informed

    choices about innovation. In order to do that, we focus on theways in which risk can be governed most effectively. We invite

    debate about how the principles outlined in this report should

    be applied to decisions taken at local, national, European and

    global scales.

    We are enormously grateful to the experts who wrote

    the chapters and case studies of the companion report. In

    addition, many of them helped to shape the report through

    discussions and meetings. Discussions of risk and decision-

    making can seem rather abstract; so the chapters are

    complemented by case studies — on topics from genetically

    modified (GM) crops to the regulation of financial services —

    that illustrate how the outcomes of decisions about risk havevery direct effects. The chapters and case studies represent

    the authors’ personal views rather than those of the

    Government Office for Science, but the chapters provide the

    evidence base for the Government Chief Scientific Adviser’s

    calls for action. This report is our response to that evidence

    base, and is aimed at policymakers and regulators.

    Innovation, risk and government

    Chief Scientific Advisers to the UK government learn quickly

    that a key and largely unsung role of the government is the

    difficult job of managing the risks facing the UK population.The performance and resilience of our infrastructure is at

    the root of many of these risks. The United Kingdom has a

    well-developed public facing National Risk Register, based

    on a classified National Risk Assessment. This assesses the

    likelihood and potential impact of civil emergency risks — but

    one of the hardest decisions for the government is to find

    the right balance of both effort and expenditure in preventing

    and mitigating the consequences of individual risks and, in

    the event that they transpire, managing and clearing up the

    consequences. How much money should be spent on flood

    defences, on vaccines, on hardening our telecommunications

    and energy infrastructure against the effects of strong solar

    flares? The list is long. Indeed, it is almost a no-win game —

    there is flak from the public, media and opposition politicians

    when things go wrong, but little or no recognition when

    adversity is averted.

    And sometimes we fail to recognize that the extremes

    of the physical and biological systems that shape the

    environment will ultimately beat all but the most resistant

    human infrastructure, whether those are extremes of rain,

    wind, geological forces or infectious diseases. When more than

    one metre of rain fell on South West England at the end of

    2013 and start of 2014, it was inevitable that flooding wouldbe the consequence, particularly in flood plains such as the

    Somerset Levels.

    The threat of extreme rainfall is rising as the climate of the

    planet changes, so tough decisions will have to be made about

    how much to spend on things such as flood defences. And

    when rivers meet the sea and tides, the difficulties and costs

    of defending against extreme weather become extraordinarily

    challenging and costly. How much and where to spend are

    decisions for politicians and society — the role of science

    advisers is to describe, analyse and explain the hazards, risks,

    threats and vulnerabilities. One thing is for sure: innovation

    is essential if we are effectively and cost-effectively to future-

    proof our national infrastructure to provide the best andmost affordable security and resilience to UK citizens.

    The United Kingdom starts in a very strong, indeed world-

    leading, position in the assessment and management of the

    risks facing our population. It is one of the few countries in

    the world to have a publicly available National Risk Register,

    with a strong and deeply embedded civil contingencies

    secretariat and well-rehearsed disaster prevention and

    management protocols and procedures. Following the United

    Nations’ (UN) World Conference on Disaster Reduction in

    Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, in 2005, the Hyogo Framework for Action

    was developed with five specific actions:

    1. Making disaster risk reduction a priority.

    2. Improving risk information and early warning.

    3. Building a culture of safety and resilience.

    4. Reducing the risks in key sectors.

    5. Strengthening preparedness for response.

    The United Kingdom has been audited against these

    actions and strongly commended for its work. It

    should continue to develop the role for innovation,

    evidence and risk evaluation in delivery of resilient

    infrastructure. To achieve this the UK will need

    further to develop the National Risk Register as

    a key part of the discussion and debate inside and

    outside the government on the priorities for action

    on national infrastructure and resilience investment.

    (This will build on the approach taken in the Hyogo

    Framework for Action).

    How to frame discussions of risk and innovation

    Innovation creates change and, for both individuals and

    societies, this always carries risk, with the potential for harm

    as well as benefit. Further, because predicting the future isextremely difficult, there is plenty of scope for uncertainty

    and controversy. As Andy Stirling describes in Chapter 4, the

    issue at stake is rarely a simple question of ‘yes or no?’ or even

    ‘how fast?’, but more often ‘in which direction?’, ‘what are the

    alternative choices?’, ‘who leads, gains, and loses?’ and ‘why?’.


    Innovation is essential foreconomic growth, health,

    wellbeing, security andresilience.

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    Indeed, innovation is often discussed mistakenly in

    generic rather than specific terms. For example, it is not

    sensible or meaningful to ask whether a technology such

    as nanotechnology is, in and of itself, a good or a bad thing.

    The questions are always specific. Are nanoparticles of a

    particular composition an appropriate way to monitor a

    specific environmental hazard? Or is there an unacceptablerisk of inhalation of a particular nanoparticle that is released

    as a consequence of its use in a household product? In the

    case of GM organisms, the questions are: ‘what gene?’, ‘in what

    organism?’, and ‘for what purpose?’. Almost any technology

    has the potential for both beneficial and harmful uses and

    in every case we need to work out how best to exploit the

    benefits while minimizing the harms.

    We should be careful of the ‘Pandora’s box’ argument, which

    is that a new technology may lead to an unforeseen series of

    consequences that may pose existential risks to the human

    race. Nick Beckstead and Toby Ord describe in Chapter 10

    the particular challenges presented by the very narrow classof risk concerning high-impact events which are conceivable

    in principle, but about which we have little evidence to inform

    decisions. In these cases we must constantly scan the horizon

    to do our best to prevent and mitigate adverse consequences

    of new technologies. But Pandora’s box was opened when

    the earliest humans discovered fire, and when they developed

    the capacity to refine and work stone and metals. The rest is


    Acknowledging uncertainties and the breadth of opinion

    and debate on an issue does not inevitably lead to delay and

    complexity. The clear message from our authors is that we allconstantly make decisions based on imperfect information,

    both professionally and personally. That is ultimately the

    only way to get things done. In making regulatory decisions,

    however, and in framing the ways in which decisions are taken,

    we can move further, faster and more robustly by observing a

    few key guidelines.

    Firstly, each decision about the risks and benefits created by

    applications of a new innovation needs to be considered in the

    round. We usually focus on the risks of acting, but not acting

    is also a choice that may create its own risks. Equal attention

    needs to be paid to the consequences of inaction.

    Secondly, robust decision-making and debate needs to take

    account of the different ways to achieve the same or a similar

    aim. And for each of these, the claims for benefit and for harm

    need careful analysis.

    Thirdly, science is usually one lens amongst several through

    which we view and debate innovation and risk. It is an essential

    lens, but not the only one. Economic, social and political

    lenses may also be considered. Debates about risk are also

    debates about values, ethics and choices; about how benefits

    and risks are judged; and about fairness, or who benefits and

    who carries the risk. If these broader questions are ignored,

    conflicts can become intensive and disabling. It is importantthat scientists working with decision makers recognize the

    breadth of the discussion, and equally important for decision

    makers to realize that science is a vital component of that

    discussion. Widening the conversation is a democratic

    necessity and an expression of responsible citizenship.

    This takes us into a discussion of the science of risk and risk


    Application of the science of risk and risk

    communication enables the best discussions

    Policymakers and regulators need to be extremely clear about

    the factors to be considered in any rational discussion about

    risk. We have just considered one of these: the need to lookat innovation in terms of specific possible applications, rather

    than in a generic fashion.

    One of the biggest challenges is to distinguish between

    hazard, exposure, risk, and vulnerability. Understanding this

    terminology really matters. This is because hazard is frequently

    equated or confused with risk, and this leads to poor debate,

    confused communication and flawed decision-making.

    The simplest illustration of the importance of the distinction

    between hazard and risk can be found in the contents of our

    kitchens. These are full of hazards: sharp knives, boiling kettles,

    exposed electric filaments in toasters, salt, bleach and other

    noxious chemicals. We avoid the risks of these hazards byreducing our exposure to them. So we avoid poking metal

    conductors into our toaster, or pouring bleach into our stews.

    These examples illustrate that risk is a product of the hazard

    and our exposure to it. Indeed a hazard with no exposure

    poses no risk.

    The additional factor in the equation is vulnerability. Some

    of us are more vulnerable than others, so we are careful to

    separate young people from boiling kettles. We put safety

    lids on bleach bottles to restrict youngsters from curious

    sampling of the contents. The point here is that the increased

    vulnerability of small children is caused by their greatersensitivity to the hazard of a sharp knife or toxic chemical, and

    that their likelihood of exposure is higher.

    Especially for novel or unfamiliar risks, we must also take

    account of uncertainty. This addresses the degree to which

    we are confident in our knowledge of hazard, exposure and


    These examples illustrate the importance of understanding

    that risk is a product of hazard, exposure and vulnerability.

    All of these must be considered, together with the degree

    of certainty in each assessment, to come to a good

    understanding of risk. But too often we focus on one of these

    factors to the exclusion of others. This is illustrated to an

    extreme in the case of radiation: the international response of

    many countries to the nuclear reactor disaster at Fukushima

    in 2011 was a response to a deep-seated fear of radioactivity

    rather than a careful analysis of actual radiation exposures,

    which were very small outside the site of the power station


    In Chapter 6, David Spiegelhalter proposes some common

    principles for developing and ensuring the use of the best

    possible quantitative and rigorous science in decision-making.

    Science cannot be used in decision-making if it is unclear

    what is already known, so the first step is to review existingevidence. The United Kingdom is a world leader in the

    development of rigorous evidence reviews. Good examples

    are the Cochrane Reviews of the evidence underlying different

    medical practices; the reports of the learned academies, such

    as that by the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering

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    on hydraulic fracturing to obtain shale gas; the evidence

    review on bovine tuberculosis; the work of the National

    Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), and the

    new What Works Centres. There are also good international

    examples of excellent practice, such as reports from the US

    National Academies, the InterAcademy Panel, the European

    Academies Scientific Advisory Council (EASAC), and thosefrom organizations under the auspices of the UN such as

    the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The

    common denominator of all of these is the ‘meta-analysis’ — a

    rigorous and neutral review of all of the evidence available on

    a particular topic.

    But reviewing the evidence is just the beginning of the

    discussion of risk; how this evidence is communicated is

    equally important. We should acknowledge that any risk and

    uncertainty assessment is provisional and contingent. Scientific

    knowledge is contingent knowledge — it is dependent on

    the nature and reliability of existing evidence, and subject

    to modification and improvement by the emergence ofnew evidence. This is particularly the case as scientific

    understanding and technology evolves.

    One of the challenges is how (and to what degree)

    uncertainty can and should be quantified. Where attempts

    are made to put numbers to uncertainty, the way in which

    numbers have been generated should be made clear. The

    framing of those numbers is also crucial. For example,

    doubling the risk of an event sounds serious, but less so when

    expressed as increasing a risk from one in a million to two in

    a million. Framing dramatically influences how numbers speak

    to an audience.It follows from this discussion that a strategic,

    coherent and structured approach to assessing

    the impact of risk in policy, regulation and crisis

    management is essential.

    a) It should be normal practice for those responsible

    for leading the analysis and discussion supporting

    innovation to be informed by independent evidence.

    b) Discussions about a new technology should

    be founded around specific possible uses of the

    technology, their respective alternatives, and the

    costs of inaction as well as action.

    c) The multi-disciplinary academic community that

     works on risk and risk communication in the United

    Kingdom is small. This community, the UK Research

    Councils and universities should all collaborate

    to fund and support the development of this

    capacity. The scope of the work should range from

    undergraduate to postgraduate courses, doctoral

    training and support for the next generation of



    How people estimate and perceive risk 

    It is one thing to be able to estimate and measure riskaccurately. However, objective measurements of risk may

    differ widely from individual and societal perceptions of

    risk. Over the past few years we have vastly improved our

    understanding of how individuals assess risk and benefit when

    they make decisions and take part in debates.

    As David Halpern and Owain Service describe in Chapter

    7, we know that good decision-making draws on both the

    analytical and the emotional systems in the brain. We know

    that human beings do not typically weigh up quantitative

    estimates of the impact of an event or outcome against its

    probability, even where the numbers are clear. In many cases,we make decisions instinctively. We use ‘rules of thumb’ based

    on our own experience and reinforced by our personal

    networks. Some of the typical consequences of this strategy

    are that we overestimate the likelihood of an event that can

    be easily recalled, for example a recent train accident; we

    are more concerned to avoid losses than to make equivalent

    gains; and we are particularly keen to avoid risks that

    create vivid mental pictures. But there is much more to risk

    assessment than our individual and collective assessments of

    the likelihoods of risk, which takes us to the issue of values.

     When science meets values

    Our individual responses to innovation and risk are shaped

    by our family, our friends and colleagues, and by our national

    identity and values. Nick Pidgeon outlines in Chapter 8 how

    these cultural factors influence our selection of which dangers

    to accept or avoid; inform views on the fairness of distribution

    of risk and benefit; and, crucially, influence who is blamed

    when things go wrong.

    As a result, there are large variations in tolerance to

    different types of risk between countries and cultures. This

    means that the approach to risk and to judgments about

    risk may differ within and between countries. In some cases,

    these differences influence the way in which a country may

    approach and manage its whole system for considering risk

    and innovation. In other cases, apparently similar systems

    of governance evaluating similar technologies may produce

    different analyses of risk and different judgments.

    Why are some innovations more challenging than others?

    We can only have the best discussion about innovations

    if we understand that the discussion must be about both

    science and values. There are some areas of technology and

    innovation that trigger particularly strong and immediate

    value-based responses, and these typically vary betweendifferent communities and countries. Obvious examples

    in biology and medicine are animal research, stem-cell

    research and reproductive technologies. In energy, almost all

    technologies can trigger strong emotions, whether we are

    considering fossil fuels, wind technologies or nuclear. In the

    One of the biggestchallenges is to

    distinguish betweenhazard, exposure, risk,and vulnerability.

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    environment, major arguments follow the consequences of

    the release of waste and by-products created by humans,

    ranging from oestrogen contraceptives excreted in urine

    to the excess of 10 gigatonnes of carbon emitted into

    the atmosphere each year by the burning of fossil fuels. In

    the food industry, GM organisms, pesticides, industrialized

    processes for agriculture and animal husbandry, and controlmechanisms for animal and plant diseases, each cause strong

    responses in some communities and some countries.

    In the case of nuclear energy, there are profound differences

    in the attitudes of the populations from different countries:

    compare, for example, France, Japan and Germany, where the

    historical context underlying these differences is important.

    Similarly, the antipathy to embryo technologies in Germany

    and Italy can in part be attributed to both twentieth-century

    history and to religious values. But one of the consequences

    of having a European Union of 28 nations is that almost every

    technology evokes immediate and strong reactions in one or

    more nations.We need to be more aware of these differences, so that

    we can have healthier and clearer debates that make better

    policy at all levels. For example, there are two fundamental

    confusions that bedevil debate on several important

    regulatory topics, particularly within Europe. The first is the

    way in which the notions of hazard and risk are differently

    embedded in national modes of policymaking. This is why it is

    so important that we share a common understanding of the

    distinctions between hazard, risk, and vulnerability.

    The second is a drift of interpretation of the precautionary

    principle from what was, in effect, a holding position pendingfurther evidence, to what is now effectively a stop sign. To be

    meaningful, the precautionary principle requires a rational

    response to uncertainty (as distinct from risk.)


    Anticipating the challenges

    What are the factors that determine whether particular

    innovations will pose large challenges? In discussions during

    the development of this report, Tim O’Riordan (Chapter

    5) suggested the following working model of five broad

    categories of innovation:

    • ‘Who pays?’: innovations whose benefits are generally

    accepted, although there may be disagreement about the

    nature and allocation of costs. For example, some medical


    • ‘My pain, your gain’: innovations whose wider benefits are

    accepted, but which impose highly local costs and impacts.

    For example, some forms of transport, energy or waste


    • ‘Science meets values’: innovations for which the debate

    is largely about values. Typically this will refer to early-stage

    innovations and emerging science at a point when the

    specific applications are unclear. For example, early-stage

    GM technologies.• ‘Unanticipated consequences’: innovations which impose

    unanticipated and unintended consequences. For example,

    many aspects of the World Wide Web.

    • ‘New challenges’: platform innovations which are initially

    sufficiently governed by existing frameworks, but which

    may create or enable specific applications that pose new

    questions. For example, nanotechnologies.

    The second and third of these categories appear to lead to

    the most heated discussions. The second applies particularly

    to innovations or infrastructures that have a large and

    localized footprint. In this case, the risks of an innovationor an infrastructure reside with one group of people and

    the benefits with another. This, of course, is another issue

    of values, concerning equity, fairness and trust. Even affected

    local communities are often divided according to risk and

    benefit at a local level, for example between those who gain

    employment or other amenities, and those who perceive that

    their lives are being threatened or disrupted in the absence of

    any benefit.

    This is illustrated by the challenges of finding a location

    of a site for the geological disposal of nuclear waste. Local

    communities worry about the physical footprint, about how

    waste is delivered to the site, and about the short- and long-term safety of the radioactive material deep underground.

    Some will benefit from jobs and other economic externalities

    of the facility; others will not, and are the most likely to feel

    threatened and aggrieved. There is a much larger community,

    distant from the site, which recognizes that radioactive waste

    underground is safer than above ground and have none of the

    risks, perceived or otherwise, of the waste facility itself. This is

    a typical scenario for many examples of innovation associated

    with large pieces of infrastructure and science: economics,

    carefully constructed social deliberation, and politics are

    necessary to find solutions that are safe and fair.The third category of innovation is when the nature

    of innovations and technologies clash with value systems

    of individuals and societies. We have already considered

    examples of this in the section on science and values.

    Institutions and trust

    We are much more likely to accept advice about new

    technologies and associated risks if we trust the people and

    institutions that develop and communicate that advice. But it

    is more complicated than that, because we may trust a person

    or institution in one context but not necessarily in another.

     Judith Petts outlines in Chapter 9 how concerns about

    risks are often rooted in concerns about the adequacy of

    the institutions that produce, predict and manage them.

    This is likely to be particularly important for risks that are

    pervasive, which are not visible, and whose technological

    or environmental causes may only be grasped by acquiring

    particular types of expertise. The trusted expert or institution

    would typically be expected to act with care for those affected,

    to be competent, and to be free from self-serving bias.

    Individuals and societies cannot function without trust.

    Transparency is necessary but not sufficient. Most of us have

    neither the time nor the expertise to examine every decisionor explore all the evidence. We rely on judgements about the

    values and behaviours of those in charge. For the individual,

    ‘critical trust’ may be the best frame of mind: neither outright

    scepticism nor uncritical acceptance.

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     Who makes the decision? Effective decision-making in


    We delegate many decisions about innovation and risk to

    regulators. Regulation provides a well-tried and effective

    mechanism for adjudicating these decisions. In Chapter

    3, Simon Pollard outlines the recent history of national

    risk management in the United Kingdom that has shapedexisting regulatory systems and debate. Disasters such as

    Piper Alpha, the Herald of Free Enterprise and the King’s

    Cross Underground fire triggered examination and action.

    Meanwhile, the ‘better regulation’ agenda has pushed towards

    open, transparent and deliberative analysis over many years.

    Pollard suggests that a variety of trends have created an

    increasing distinction between policymaking and regulation,

    with the former typically defining the core strategy in a

    relevant area, while the latter acts directly on the providers of

    technical services.

    There are both generic and specific aspects of regulation.

    On the specific side, regulating medicinal productsposes completely different challenges to regulating

    telecommunications. And within medicinal products, the

    challenges of regulating a new implanted stent to hold

    open a blood vessel are different to those of regulating the

    introduction of a new vaccine.

    However, three broad generic issues in regulation stand out

    as particularly problematic, and each of these is related to the

    incentives that we provide to regulators.

    The first is an unintended consequence of economic

    regulation. Much of our infrastructure and some of our

    utilities for example water are provided by monopolisticor semi-monopolistic providers. So, in the absence of a

    completely free market, economic regulators have been

    developed to protect customers. But unless the duty of the

    regulator includes sufficient provision for ensuring innovation

    and resilience, there is a danger that economic regulation

    will drive out innovation and reduce resilience. A ‘systems

    approach’ needs to be taken to regulation in this situation

    to provide the best package of incentives to the service or

    infrastructure provider.

    The second challenge for regulation is that there are

    asymmetric incentives applied to many regulators. Put simply,

    a regulator who allows something to happen that causes

    harm will probably be in deep trouble. A regulator who stops

    something from happening that would have caused benefit will

    likely suffer no consequences. This is a very difficult problem

    to solve, because proving the counterfactual to a preventative

    decision by a regulator is well-nigh impossible. The best hope

    that we have to deal with this problem is to do our best to

    make regulators accountable for all decisions, both positive

    and negative.

    The third challenge is for regulators in societies that are

    increasingly risk averse, where ‘if something goes wrong, it is

    always someone’s fault’. In Chapter 11, Joyce Tait describeshow in many areas products have never been safer, but the

    regulatory processes that surround them are becoming more

    complex, time consuming and costly.

    This can be illustrated in the world of medicine. The

    regulation of the development of new drugs is arguably one

    of the triumphs of modern medicine. But in recent years,

    the regulatory burden for the introduction of new drugs

    has increased, with parallel huge increases in the associated

    development costs. This may be to the detriment of the

    consumer, who has not been offered as many successful

    innovative medicines as would be expected in an era of great

    discoveries in medical research.This problem cannot be placed solely at the door of the

    regulator. Strict product liability and the consequences of

    litigation mean that the pharmaceutical industry has itself

    become increasingly risk averse. The people who are suffering

    are patients with severe but relatively uncommon diseases,

    because the development costs of new drugs mean that

    there is no longer a market that can afford to pay for this

    innovation. This specific problem in the pharmaceutical sector

    has been widely recognized and is the subject of international

    debate. Both the industry and regulators are starting to re-

    examine the regulatory process, but there is much work to be

    done.A ‘systems approach’ needs to be taken to the

    design of regulatory mechanisms to support

    innovation. Regulators need to be sufficiently

    agile and responsive to changes in technologies,

    products and services. They should have appropriate

    governance mechanisms, and these should ensure

    that the regulator may, as far as possible, be held

    accountable for its decisions, both to allow and to stop

    a regulated activity. These mechanisms should also

    allow regulators to file away needless rust and other

    encrustations on existing enforcement mechanisms.

    Ultimately, a decision has to be made

    Innovation is not a linear process that starts in the laboratory

    and ends up in the clinic, the environment or the marketplace.

    There is a constant iteration as new things are discovered,

    products developed and tried out, improved, thrown away,

    taken back to the laboratory, computer or factory for further

    iterations, until ultimately a new product may or may not

    emerge. Similarly, the processes that society uses to decide

    about the implementation of new technologies and new

    infrastructures, and to discuss their risks and benefits, are not

    linear either. This takes us to a fourth challenge for legislation

    and regulation: how to legislate and regulate in the face of

    emerging technologies and in situations where ‘science meets


    Even where an area is complex, uncertain and highly

    contested, however, there are examples of very effective

    decision-making that rely on working with interested publics

    and scientists. As Lisa Jardine outlines in Chapter 12, it can

    be done. The model of the UK Human Fertilisation and

    Embryology Authority, developed to regulate the application

    of embryology research to reproductive technologies, is

    an outstanding example of regulation working alongsidelegislation in the face of emerging scientific understanding and

    competing values.

    There is an important lesson to be learnt from this. It shows

    that a sophisticated regulator, empowered to conduct public

    debate as part of its work, can deliver advice over a prolonged

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    period while both science and technology continue to evolve

    to enable new interventions and treatments. Because this area

    of science and application is in a domain loaded with values

     — especially deeply-held religious values — the regulator

    has worked alongside Parliament, which has debated the key

    issues and provided the underpinning legislation alongside the

    regulation. Although an elaborate process, it has allowed theUnited Kingdom to develop an approach to this difficult area

    of innovation and risk that is respected around the world.

    However, different countries have drawn different

    conclusions about the acceptability of these technologies

    (and there have been occasional attempts to unify a European

    Union position in this area, which has been resisted to date).

    This takes us to a further challenge. To what extent can

    regulation and legislation about new technologies remain

    nationally based, and to what extent should it be international?

    Arguably a simple rule of thumb is that decision-making

    should have an international dimension when the application

    of an innovation in one sovereign nation creates risks foranother.

    A clear example of this, looking to the future, would be

    the application of geoengineering technologies to mitigate

    the effects of global warming. Such technologies include

    spraying aerosols into the higher layers of the atmosphere to

    reduce the influx of solar energy, and adding large amounts

    of minerals to seas and oceans in order to capture dissolved

    carbon dioxide. A more contentious example is the genetic

    modification of crops. In this case, good husbandry can limit

    the spread of GM crops in the same way as for any other

    crop modified by traditional breeding techniques. If necessary,we might go further and use the technologies themselves to

    build in additional safeguards.

    The challenge for the European Union lies in the diverse

    national perspectives on different innovative technologies. This

    raises the question of whether it is desirable for innovation

    in the European Union to proceed at the speed of the most

    cautious. That is a question for politicians rather than for

    scientists. But what the scientists should expect is that the

    science is seriously considered, evaluated and communicated

    as part of the discussion.

    To achieve this the European Commission needs

    continually to strive to ensure rigorous scientific

    input. This input should inform the processes of

    preparing legislation in Council and Parliament.

    It follows that, like other regulators, European

    regulators should seek independent advice. They

    should foster and promote public discussion and

    debate. The outcome of that debate should inform

    the regulator itself, policymakers and legislators.

    Meanwhile, we will work with existing EU networks

    to pursue further opportunities to exchange ideas and

    good practice on these issues at EU level, and we will

    bring together departmental Chief Scientific Advisers with the UK Science and Innovation Network’s

    officers across Europe to identify priority partners for

    action on selected EU issues.

    Innovation is not a linearprocess that starts

    in the laboratory andends up in the clinic,the environment or themarketplace.

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