13730 Solution

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  • 8/14/2019 13730 Solution



    Q1. With the help of appropriate example enlist various

    methodsof internet connectivity.

    Ans: There are many ways to connect to internet:

    1. Analog

    2. Satellite

    3. Cable

    4. Wireless Internet Connections

    5. ISDN

    6. DSL

    Analog (up to 56k)

    Also called dial-up-access, it is both economical and slow. Using a

    modem connected to your PC, users connect to the Internet when

    the computer dials a phone number (which is provided by your

    ISP) and connects to the network. Dial-up is an analog connection

    because data is sent over an analog, public telephone network. The

    modem converts received analog data to digital and vise versa.

    Because dial-up access uses normal telephone lines the quality of

    the connection is not always good and data rates are limited.

    Typical Dial-up connection speeds range from 2400 bps to 56



    internet over satellite (IoS) allows a user to access the Internet via

    a satellite that orbits the earth. A satellite is placed at a static point

    above the earth's surface, in a fixed position. Because of the

    enormous distances signals must travel from the earth up to the

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    satellite and back again, IoS is slightly slower than high-speed

    terrestrial connections over copper or fiber optic cables


    Through the use of a cable modem we can have a broadbandInternet connection that is designed to operate over cable TV lines.

    Cable Internet works by using TV channel space for data

    transmission, with certain channels used for downstream

    transmission, and other channels for upstream transmission.

    Because the coaxial cable used by cable TV provides much greater

    bandwidth than telephone lines, a cable modem can be used to

    achieve extremely fast access. Cable speeds range from 512 Kbps

    to 20 Mbps.

    Wireless Internet Connections

    Wireless Internet or wireless broadband is one of the newest

    Internet connection types. Instead of using telephone or cable

    networks for your Internet connection, you use radio frequency

    bands. Wireless Internet provides an always-on connection which

    can be accessed from anywhere as long as you geographically

    within a network coverage area. Wireless access is still considered

    to be relatively new, and it may be difficult to find a wirelessservice provider in some areas. It is typically more expensive and

    mainly available in metropolitan areas.


    Integrated services digital network (ISDN) is an international

    communications standard for sending voice, video, and data over

    digital telephone lines or normal telephone wires. Typical ISDN

    speeds range from 64 Kbps to 128 Kbps.

    Q2. With example illustrate the business use of internet.

    Ans: Internet has a wide range of customers, buyers, service

    providers, technical staff, etc. with the help of Internet business

    can run on a single website .Information system and technology

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    provide various channels to communication like E-mail, Instant

    messages, SMS servers, etc to all employees at any time all over

    the world. This type of software helps to saving time and cost of

    the company Software are very important for a company for instant

    Information of stocks, assets valuation, sales, purchases, andservice. Decision making is very easy to the management after IT

    because its provide latest information to the management for

    employee, stocks, sales, purchase, and services, etc The

    management can make a decision after check IT reports.

    Information technology provides a platform for a company to

    connect the global world with Internet. Internet has a wide range of

    customers, buyers, service providers, technical staff, etc. with the

    help of Internet business can run on a single website Informationsystem and technology provide various channels to communication

    like E-mail, Instant messages, SMS servers, etc to all employees at

    any time all over the world. This type of software helps to saving

    time and cost. Of the company Software are very important for a

    company for instant Information of stocks, assets valuation, sales,

    purchases, and service. Decision making is very easy to the

    management after IT because its provide latest information to the

    management for employee, stocks, sales, purchase, and services,etc The management can make a decision after check IT reports.

    Q3. Using appropriate example highlight the significance of

    DNS& IP addressing?

    Ans: Domain Name Service is used to change internet domain and

    computer names into IP addresses and vice versa. DNS works at

    the application layer and uses TCP and UDP for transport. TCP is

    only used if returned data is truncated. See the DNS section in the

    Networking Guide for information about DNS. DNS was

    originally based on HOSTS files that were maintained by a

    centralized Network Information Center. Today of is based on a

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    hierarchy of servers with a distributed hierarchical database

    throughout the network or internet.

    DNS Levels DNS is a hierarchical naming structure with the

    following levels:

    Root designated by a dot (.).

    First level - This indicates country or type of organization

    such as "org", "com", and "net".

    Second level - Indicates the organization name and can be

    purchased for a yearly fee.

    Notice that the highest level of the domain is listed last. Anexample of a domain name that you may be familiar with is


    Internet Protocol ( IP ) address

    An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a

    numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a

    computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol for

    communication between its nodes. An IP address serves twoprincipal functions in networking: host identification and location

    addressing. The role of the IP address has also been characterized

    as follows: "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates

    where it is. A route indicates how to get there." The original

    designers of TCP/IP defined an IP address as a 32-bit number and

    this system, now named Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), is still

    in use today. However, due to the enormous growth of the Internet

    and the resulting depletion of the address space, a new addressing

    system (IPv6), using 128 bits for the address, was developed in

    1995 and last standardized by RFC 2460 in 1998.Although IP

    addresses are stored as binary numbers, they are usually displayed

    in human-readable notations, such as (for IPv4),

    and 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:1:1 (for IPv6).

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    3. In the MS-DOS window, type the following:

    Telnet 110

    4. Press the ENTER key. The Telnet window appears and

    displays a welcome message. This message will be

    preceded by +OK and will vary depending on the software

    installed on the POP Server

    Q5. Write the steps to create an FTP session. Enumerate the

    working of anonymous FTP

    Ans: FTP Session

    Connect to the Internet

    Open an FTP session

    Connect to the server

    Choose the transfer mode

    Transfer the file

    Check the pages

    Anonymous FTP Anonymous FTP is a privilege granted by theorganization that owns the computer to which you are connecting;

    be considerate in your usage. Don't transfer files you don't need or

    an excessive amount of material, and try to restrict your transfers

    to off-peak hours a method for allowing the public to download

    files using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) so that they don't have to

    identify themselves. Usually the username "anonymous" should

    be used, and either the password is provided by the FTP server or

    anything may be used as the password.

    Q6. What is the role of network protocols in Internet?

    Ans: NETWORK PROTOCOLS a network protocol defines rules

    and conventions for communication between network devices.

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    1) Protocols for computer networking all generally use packet

    switching techniques to send and receive messages in the

    form of packets.

    2)Network protocols include mechanisms for devices to

    identify and make connections with each other, as well as

    formatting rules that specify how data is packaged into

    messages sent and received.

    3) Some protocols also support message acknowledgement and

    data compression designed for reliable and/or high-

    performance network communication.