1.3 Welcome Freeze Chapter 2

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  • 8/7/2019 1.3 Welcome Freeze Chapter 2


    Chapter 2

    Lisa Watson walked in the door to the familiar sound of screaming voices,

    Why dont you just pack up and leave you know you want to

    Her parents were stood in the front room screaming at each other; it was the same thing

    every day. One of her parents would cheat and they would fight and when Lisa would walk


    Hey Im home Lisa said standing in the doorway

    What yes whatever, just go away her father shouted at her and shut the door in her face

    Dont you shout like that at my daughter she heard her mother shout from behind the


    Lisa walked through her house into the kitchen, the lights were on and it was dark outside

    she opened the grey fridge and pulled out a yoghurt, she went upstairs trying to block out

    the sound of her fighting parents. Lisa walked into her big brown walled room grabbed her

    music player and lay on her bed and slowly fell asleep.

    Lisa awoke to the sound of the downstairs door slamming shut; she jumped out of bed and

    ran to the stairs,

    Mum, Dad was that you Lisa stood at the top of the stairs staring down into the darkness

    of the downstairs; Lisa slowly began to walk downstairs. As she began to walk down the

    stairs her heart began racing, she was descending into the darkness of her house, she got to

    the bottom of the stairs. When she got to the bottom she saw a figure standing in her living


    Mum is that you

    She began to walk closer,


    The figure began to move and it turned round, what Lisa saw made her scream, a man

    standing in front of her, his face was scared and burnt, his eyes were a dark red blood

    colour. He was screaming at her but she could not hear a thing, it jumped at her,

    Arrhh HELP

    Lisa jerked awake screaming in her bed,

    Honey are you ok

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    Her Mum burst into the room, and grabbed her daughter

    I am fine Mum

    Are you sure


    Her Mum sat down in front of her,

    Honey something I need to tell you


    Your father left

    Lisa did not know what to say or do, her heart dropped as soon as her mother said the


    What, When

    Earlier, I am not sure whether he will be back

    Before Lisa could say anything the phone began ringing,

    Hold on let me get that

    Lisa sat listening to her mother walk into the hall and gets the phone, she sat there thinking

    what was going on and if she would see her father again,

    Honey its for you

    Thanks, Hello

    Lisa face dropped, her mother looked at her with shock

    What is it Lisa

    Oh God ok yeah I will be there, Lisa hung up the phone jumped out of bed and grabbed her


    I am sorry Mum but I have to go Edwards been attacked

    Billy guess what

    Billy Jameson sat on the couch in the living room doing his homework when his foster

    mother came in,

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    What Billy said in a uninterested tone

    Your brother called

    At that moment Billy jumped up from the couch and t hrew his work to the floor,

    When why didnt you tell me sooner

    Even though Billy hated it when they called his Foster Brother his Brother he did not care at

    that point all he cared about was his Brother was safe for another day.

    Well you were not here he said he would call back when he could but he said to tell you he

    is ok and he misses you

    Billy smiled at that point, he was happy, you see Billys brother was currently serving in

    Afghanistan with the marines,

    I am so glad he is ok

    Yeah we all are

    Billy hugged his Foster mother and went upstairs


    Billy stopped halfway up the stairs

    You forgot your work

    He smiled walked back down picked his work up and went back up stairs, he threw his work

    on his desk with the rest of his work and lay down to go to sleep, Billy woke up and went

    downstairs to get a drink. He had no idea what time it was he just followed his thirst to the

    fridge and got some water, he turned round and dropped the bottle on the floor as in front

    of him stood his brother in his uniform. Billy could not say a word as his brothers face

    changed from a smile to pure horror he was engulfed in flames and now Billy could hear his

    screams of terror and pain. Billy woke covered in sweat to the sound of the phone ringing,

    Billy, its Lisa she says your friend has been attacked His foster mother said barging into his

    room leaving him no time to think about what he just saw.

    The Boy must die

    It was stood in the underground cavern, with candles lining the walls. The CaraTac was

    walking round the white marble circle in the middle of its chamber.

    When do you want me to do it Regorn asked the CaraTac

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    The CaraTac stared at Regorn with its Blood red eyes, its brown hood was covering most of

    its scared face, he looked at his demon assistant whose Green skin was covered in clothes

    and a hat covering its black horns.

    Tonight, he must not be allowed to interfere with my plans, if he discovers what he is we

    may not have a chance to open the..

    Help, Help me Please Help the girls voice cried out

    The CaraTac slowly walked past the dirt walls and into the other cavern room, where on the

    floor chained to the wall was a woman.

    Please help me, let me go please


    She stopped screaming at just looked at the CaraTac, when Regorn punched her i n the face

    and knocked her out,

    Thank you Regorn, Now do you know where the boy is

    Yes, he works in a comic store in town; I will go there tonight and kill him

    Good now about the experiment, how is it

    It is very close to waking up

    Good Regorn soon we will have all we need CaraTac smiled at Regorn showing his horrid

    sharp yellow teeth,

    Edward lay in the floor as Officer. Dean broke down the door,

    Edward, are you ok

    He just lay on the floor not moving, just thinking about what had happened, how he almost

    died. He was helped off the floor by Jamie and another Officer he did not know, He was

    walked through the shop which had stands on the floor comics books ripped to pieces. Thewindow was smashed to pieces and the door was off its hinges, Edward was helped into a

    police car,

    We are going to take you to the station Jamie said smiling at Edward

    Edward could not smile back he just looked at the ruined store as the car door was shut and

    Jamie got into the front seat and drove. Edward sat in the back not saying a word as the car

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    drove through the dark town, he looked in every alley they went past making sure the

    monster was not there,

    So tell me again what happened

    I have told you already, there was this monster it jumped through the window and a ttacked


    Edward did you get a look at his face

    Yes I did and it was a demon

    Edward watched as Jamie rolled his eyes at him,

    I know how crazy it sounds

    Edward I have to file this report, you can use the phone to call someone

    Jamie got up from the desk and left Edward alone, surrounded by Police, Edward reached

    over for the phone

    Edward, I am so glad you are ok Frank said coming up to Edward

    I am so sorry I left, I should have called to make sure you are fine

    Frank I am fine, I am about to call my Mum to pick me up, then will call Lisa let her know I

    am fine

    I have already called Lisa; she called Billy they are all on their way here with your Mum

    Edward nodded his head and leant back in the chair,

    So who was it, a robber?

    Erm well, I dont think it was a man exactly


    Well I think it was a Demon

    Frank just about opened his mouth


    Edward and Frank both turned their heads, to find Edwards mother stood at the end of the

    station with Lisa and Billy, who l ooked tired. His mother rushed over to him

    Oh god honey are you ok

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    She grabbed Edward and hugged him hard,

    Mum I cant breathe

    Oh I am so sorry are you ok?

    She knelt in front of Edward holding his hand, and almost in tears,

    Mum I am fine

    Are you sure, you were attacked, it is ok not to be ok

    Mum I am fine, I was just wondering if you can give me some time with Lisa, Billy and Frank

    His mother looked shocked but nodded her head,

    Ok I will go and find your father; he is outside trying to park th e car

    She walked off with her Brown hair trailing behind her Red pant suit,

    Edward are you sure your fine Lisa said walking up closer with Billy

    Yeah I am fine but there is something you two need to know

    They look intrigued at each other and grabbed a chair each and sat in front of Edward, Lisa

    reached out to grab Billys hand but he pulled away,

    Whats wrong Billy sad in a quiet voice

    The four were sat in a circle of chairs, with police all around

    It was a demon that attacked me

    Lisa let out a howl of laughter

    Lisa, he is telling the truth Frank said stern and quick

    You are kidding right, he is just in shock

    Lisa can you not open your mind to this possibility

    What possibility Billy that demons are roaming the earth, No he is just in shock I am sure if

    he was thinking about clowns when he was attacked he would have seen a clown

    Lisa I am telling the truth, I know this morning I was reluctant to the idea of demons, but

    after being attacked by one I had a change of heart

    Yeah Lisa Billy said

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    No ok I am not going to sit here and listen to you three crazies, demons dont exist, do you

    not understand that


    No Edward is this why you dragged me out of my house at stupid o clock for, a talk on


    Lisa will you calm down Frank said in a soft voice

    You know what I do not have to sit here and listen to this Lisa looked at the three of them

    and walked out of the station

    Well I guess someone is in denial Billy said smiling

    Speaking of denial Billy why are you so quick to believe Ed ward

    Well Frank of all the weird stuff in this town demons explain it all, from the Frozen man, tosupposed flying dragon someone saw in the shopping centre, and plus it is all kind of cool

    Well at least one of my friends believes me

    Edward she will come round, we just have to talk to her Billy said

    Well Edward you can go now, but we will have to talk soon Jamie said coming up from

    behind the three

    Thanks Jamie

    Edward got up and shook his hand, the three then proceeded to leave the station,

    The CaraTac was angry his eyes were so red, it looked like they were bleeding, he was

    screaming at Regorn

    How could this have happened, how is the boy not dead

    He struck Regorn with his claws and Regorn fell to the floor clutching its face which was

    now leaking green blood,

    I am sorry Master, he was quick

    Yes but he was weak, he has no powers, how could that little kid beat you

    He did not beat me he just out smarted me master

    I DONT CARE CaraTac screamed

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    That boy needs to die, he cannot interfere with what we have planned, and the Gateway

    must be activated

    Yes sir give me one more chance please, I am begging

    CaraTac looked at his servant, who was almost crying with the blood loss,

    Fine you get one last chance Regorn, that boy must die before the weeks end, now go get

    yourself cleaned up

    Regorn crawled to his masters feet, the once strong sinister looking monster was now as

    scared as a human he was killing

    Yes master, thank you

    He got off the floor and rushed out of the underground chamber, CaraTac walked through

    the chamber to the marble circle table in the middle of the room, and it moved its finger

    over the patterns on the table side,

    Soon you will opened and the full power of the demons will be unleashed upon this thing

    called a planet

    Okay so Hunter 101

    Edward was sat with Billy, in front of the brown counter of Kamicomics; they had spent

    most of the day cleaning the store, picking up the stands sweeping the broken class and

    boarding up the window. Frank stood in front of the two of them

    You have no Hunter powers as we have seen

    Yes, why is that

    Well I believe it may be the fact that the hunter blood in you has been filtered the last

    hundred years and you have lost all the powers with the blood

    So that means Billy said looking at Frank

    it means that it will take a while before Edward is fully up to the hunter strength

    Okay so what about the demons

    Well as I told you yesterday something bad is coming, a demon called the CaraTac

    Wait you said you did not know w hat the big bad was

    Yes well I lied, but this CaraTac demon lives underground in what is called the Gateway


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    Hold on a Gateway Chamber Edward looked at Billy and saw he was just as confused as

    him self

    The Gateway is a portal that has been sealed for hundreds of years, only the blood of a

    demon hunter and three sacrificed will re activate it

    So where does this Gateway go

    Well Hell, a place where there are truly horrifying demons, and if the Gateway is active the

    CaraTac can open it and can unleash hell upon earth

    Okay then so we kill this CaraTac then

    Well Edward it is not as easy as that, you have no hunter strength you are not trained

    So I am a little behind on hunter lessons but I can try and learn quickly

    Edward we should not rush into this

    Billy is right Edward we have to take this one step at a time

    Wait a second if only the blood of a hunter can open the gateway, why did this demon try

    and kill me last night

    Maybe it does not know about the CaraTac

    Well done Billy that may just be it

    Edward and Billy sat in silence for a few seconds trying to absorb everything they had just


    So when do we begin training Edward said with his face lit up


    So have you talked to Lisa today at all

    No, but bet she would love this

    The two friends were walking down a dark alley; the walls were lined with grime and bins

    knocked over,

    I might call her later see if she wants to talk

    Maybe she just needs her time, its a lot to take in Edward

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    Yeah I know

    The two got to the end of the alley and stopped as they saw the dead end,

    So what now

    Well I think we wait, Frank said there will be one along soon

    The two stood in silence for a few minutes looking back and forth from each other

    Okay this is ridicules


    No Edward I mean we have been stood here for ages

    Billy look ahead

    Billy turned his head and saw in front of him, a brown scaly demon on four legs, its sharp

    teeth were covered with slime and its large black eyes were looking straight at them,

    Oh god Edward what now

    The demon was looking at them, when in a instant in pounced,

    Edward pushed Billy out of the way, Billy yelled as he fell to the floor and was knocked out

    by hitting a bin. Edward jumped out of the way and hit the hard cold floor, the d emon hit

    the wall and jumped around and landed on Edwards back, he let out a scream of pain. He

    struggled and wacked the demon of his back, he jumped up and ran to Billy who was on the

    floor with his eyes closed, Edward began to drag Billy, trying to get out of the alley as fast as

    he could. He turned round as the demon got up and jumped at him, in a second a large

    sword went through the demon splitting it in half,

    So I guess we will try again Frank said standing in front of Edward and Billy with a blood y

    sword in his hand.