Number One - Magnetic There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The first day of the wavespell is called the Magnetic day. If you were born on a number one day then you were born on the first day of a wavespell. This means that because you begin a wavespell, you are generally good at starting all sorts of things. Projects, inventions, mad inspirations come to you naturally.You may not always finish what you start but you are always full of great ideas. Because the number one is associated with unity, it is the number that symbolises peace. `One for all and all for one!` People born on these days are often leaders and their motivation is usually to lead people to unity. Number One is symbolised by one dot. The magnetic quality of the number one, means that you attract people`s attention. You are number one, top of the charts! The first moon of the year is the moon of the Bat. Therefore people born on number one days have a connection to the Bat Totem. This totem symbolise re- birth and magnetic people are good at starting all over again to make a new life. see Bat Moon for more info

13 Numbers

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13 numbers of mayan astrology

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Number One - Magnetic

There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The first day of the wavespell is called the Magnetic day. If you were born on a number one day then you were born on the first day of a wavespell.

This means that because you begin a wavespell, you are generally good at starting all sorts of things. Projects, inventions, mad inspirations come to you naturally.You may not always finish what you start but you are always full of great ideas. Because the number one is associated with unity, it is the number that symbolises peace. `One for all and all for one!` People born on these days are often leaders and their motivation is usually to lead people to unity.

Number One is symbolised by one dot.

The magnetic quality of the number one, means that you attract people`s attention. You are number one, top of the charts!

The first moon of the year is the moon of the Bat. Therefore people born on number one days have a connection to the Bat Totem. This totem symbolise re-birth and magnetic people are good at starting all over again to make a new life.see Bat Moon for more info


The Tzolkin is made up of 20 days represented by glyphs and there are 13 of each glyph. A wavespell is a period of time lasting 13 days and there are 20 of them in the Tzolkin. Each day of the wavespell has a name, instead of simply calling the days 1 -13. The second day of a wavespell is called the Lunar day. If you were born on a Lunar day it means you were born on the second day of your wavespell.

If the saying `what doesn`t kill you makes you stronger`is true, then people born on number two days must be the strongest of them all. It is because Lunar people get so good at polarising situations and facing their challenges, that people mistakingly believe that they find it all too easy. The early life of a person born on a lunar day is usually full of hardships. But once they have gained a little experince, number two people usually find problems and challenges are just part of their everyday life. This

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can make a person tough. Other people seem to bring you their problems as well because they see how effortlessly you tend to manage.

The number two is symbolised by two dots.

The second moon of the year is the moon of the Scorpion, so number two people have connections with this totem. The scorpion has power and is feared, number two people can be powerful too, once they have overcome their challenges.see the Scorpion Moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The third day of the wavespell is called the Electric day. If you were born on a number three day then you were born on the third day of the wavespell.

People born on number three days always seem to be on constant duty. Like a well trained solidier, they are here on a mission and their own personal needs tend to take a back seat. They are serving the earth and mankind. If you are born on a number three day be careful not to become a martyr. Do the job that you have come here to do but try to enjoy the perks of the job (being alive) as well.

Activate is also a key word, as number three people through their duty and service, get the ball rolling on whatever mission they are focusing on.

The number three is symbolised by three dots.

The number three is a sacred number, being associated with the trinity in Christianity( the father,son and holy ghost). In paganism, the number three symbolises the feminine, the maid, mother and crone. The superstition that number three is unlucky comes from the First World War, when if you were the third person in line for a match to light your cigarette you were likely to be shot. (The first person to light the match signals to the enemy where they are, the second person shows the direction of where the match is going and the third poor bugger gets it). So unless you plan to smoke in trenches the number three is not unlucky.

The third moon of the year is moon of the Deer and people born on number three days have a connection to this totem. The deer`s message is one of gentleness and people born on electric days are ususally sweet natured.

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see Deer moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The fourth day of the wavespell is called the Self-Existing day. If you were born on a number four day then you were born on the fourth day of a wavespell.

People born on number four days are here to give `definition and form` to things. Imagine a sculptor creating art, with his hands the sculptor creates something from nothing. Self- Exisitng people, like a sculptor, have the ability to make something real and physical that before was only an idea.

The number four is symbolised by four dots

The number four is a sacred number. There are four seasons of the year, four directions and four colours used in the Tzolkin.There are four wavespells in each castle. The number four is a prime number in the mathematics of the Tzolkin. 20 glyphs , five of each of the four colours ( Red,White, Blue,Yellow)

The fourth moon of the year is the moon of the Owl. People born on number four days are connected to this totem. The Owl teaches wisdom and number four people are clever with their ability to give form to things. They define wisdom.see the Owl Moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The fifth day of the wavespell is called the Overtone day. If you were born on a number five day then you were born on the fifth day of a wavespell.

People born on number five days are empowered people. Born with an attitude to get what they need, number five people pulse with a beat that lesser mortals find hard to keep up with. Of course, it depends on which glyph the number is combined with, as it is the charactristic of the glyph which becomes empowered.So if you are born on a

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number five day don`t get big headed! You are not a super human in everything you do, but the thing you do do, you do very well.

The number five is symbolised by one bar.

The number five is a sacred number because of it`s link with the pentacle. The human body with it`s four limbs and a head make a number five and that is one of the reasons in paganism the number five is so important. Furthermore, if we count on our toes and fingers we count by fives. Even today we count in fives and tens and that stems from counting on our fingers. They are also five castles in the Tzolkin (a castle is four wavespells).

The fifth moon of the year is the Peacock moon. People born on number five days have connection therefore to the Peacock totem. This totem symbolise psychic powers as the `eyes` of it`s tail represents seeing.see the Peacock Moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The sixth day of the wavespell is called the Rhythmic day. If you were born on a number six day then you were born on the sixth day of a wavespell.

People born on a number six days are good organisers. They are on a mission to re-dress imbalances. They have a sense of justice and are born freedom fighters.Once they get into their rhythm there is no stopping them.If you were born on a rhythmic day make sure your home is organised and that you have the balance in your life that you need to function properly.

The number six is symbolised by one bar and one dot.

The number six has sacred connections to the Star of David. Where as the pentacle is a five pointed star, the Star of David is a six pointed star. It is made up of two opposing triangles representing the balance of male/female. Similiar to the Yin /Yang symbol, the Star of David is based on equal portions, and therefore represents balance. (a key word of number six!)

The sixth moon of the year is the Moon of the Lizard. People born on number six days are connected to this totem. The Lizard represents finding balance in your environment.

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`Rhythmic` people too need to find balance in their home.see Lizard Moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The seventh day of the wavespell is called the Resonant day. If you were born on a number seven day then you were born on the seventh day of a wavespell.

People born on number seven days have psychic abilites. Key words associated with this number are `channelling and attunement`. They are very intuitive and they can be unnerving to be around sometimes. This is because they seem to be able to read you like an open book! The number seven when combined with glyphs result in some very interesting combinations. eg. If you were born on a White Wind day and you were a number seven,you would be `channeling communication`

The number seven is symbolised by one bar and two dots.

The number seven is considered sacred in many cultures because of it`s connection to the rainbow. The seven colours of the rainbow have long represented the multiple races here on earth. The Native American prophecy is that we here on earth to create the bottom arch of the rainbow, completing the circle of life. The number seven also appears prominently in the calendar. If you subtract 13 from 20 you get 7.One `moon` is 28 days long and consists of four, seven -day weeks.

There are also seven stars in the constellation of Pleadies.

Furthermore, we have seven chakras.

The seventh moon of the year is the Monkey moon and people born on `Resonant` days are therefore connected to this totem. Monkey symbolises using your mind, as humans are presumed to be evolved from monkeys and they, like us, are very smart and it is because we used our brains that we evolved. Number seven people can use their intuitve minds to aid their own evolutionsee Monkey Moon for more info

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There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The eighth day of the wavespell is called the Galactic day. If you were born on a number eight day then you were born on the eighth day of a wavespell.

People born on number eight days are very honourable. Key words associated with this number, are `harmony and integritiy`. If you were born on a Galactic day then you are probably well respected by friends for your sense of fairness. Harmony in everything is important to you and peace is what you stand for.

The number eight is symbolised by three dots over one bar.

The number eight is sacred because there are eight sacred festivals in the pagan year. Summer & Winter Solstice, Spring & Autmun Equinox, Imbolc,Beltane, Lammas and Samhain. The wheel of the natural year has these eight spokes. The spider is also associated with the number eight because it has eight legs. The World Wide Web is appropriately named because the spider represents communication, as the first words given to man supposedly appeared in a spider`s web.

The eighth moon of the year is the Moon of the Hawk, so people born on `Galactic` days are connected to this totem. The hawk symbolises communication, this has links to the eight-legged spider. Number eight people therefore make good communicators.see Hawk moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The ninth day of the wavespell is called the Solar day. If you were born on a number nine day then you were born on the ninth day of a wavespell.

People born on number nine days have attitude.When they intend on doing something they do it.They ride on a pulse which beats too fast for they rest of us. The number nine is called `Solar` which means the sun. Number nine people are like the sun.

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having boundless energy. The ninth moon of the year is the Jaguar moon and so this animal represents the number nine. The Jaguar is a powerful creature that gets what it wants. If you are born on a number nine day, pounce like Jaguar on what you want and your likely to get it.

The number nine is symbolised by four dots over one bar.

The number nine is sacred because it represents three times three, or the sacred trinity mutlipled by itself. There are also nine muses in greek mythology. The Muses were beautiful goddesses who were patrons of arts and science.Lastly there are nine planets in our solar system, linking again the word solar to the number nine.see the Jaguar Moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The tenth day of the wavespell is called the Planetary day. If you were born on a number ten day then you were born on the tenth day of a wavespell.

Number ten people are perfectionists. They may not be perfect or do everything perfectly but the things they really care about have to be perfect. People born on number ten days are also good at manifesting what is needed.

The number ten is symbolised by two bars

The number ten is sacred because with have ten fingers to count on.Because of this we have learnt to count by tens. Whether we are dealing with 10 or 100 or 1000, it is an equation that we use daily as it is perfect. Easy to divide or multiply, it is used on a planetary basis.

The tenth moon of the year is the Moon of the Dog. People born on Planetary days therfore have a connection to this totem. The dog symbolises love and love is perfection!see Dog Moon for more info


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There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The eleventh day of the wavespell is called the Spectral day. If you were born on a number eleven day then you were born on the eleventh day of a wavespell.

Number eleven people are natural freedom fighters.Give them a good cause and their off.`Liberation and release` are the key words associated with this number and people born on these days have a profound sense a justice.

The number eleven is symbolised by one dot over two bars

The number eleven is sacred because of it`s association with peace. World War One ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the11th month. Rememberence day, a day when we honour those who died fighting for peace, always falls on this day because of WW1.Apollo 11 was the name of the ship that first landed on the moonThe sun peaks in it`s sunspot acitivity every 11 years.

People born on number eleven days are liberators and peacemakers.

The eleventh moon of the year is the Serpent Moon.People born on Spectral days have connections to this totem. The Serpent replenishes it`s energy by shedding it`s old skin. It emerges from the old skin liberated and renewed. `Release` is a key word for the number eleven and the serpent releases itself from what is old and outdated, resulting in liberation.see Serpent Moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The twelfth day of the wavespell is called the Crystal day. If you were born on a number twelve day then you were born on the twelfth day of a wavespell.

Number twelve people work well in groups. They are great team players and have oodles of dedication.

This number is linked to the Knights of the round table, and on every Crystal day people who follow the calendar get together to meet around their own `round table`.

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These meetings are called `Crystal Courts`, and they provide an opportunity for people to share their experinces of the current wavespell.

People born on Crystal days are very co-operative and therefore they are always better working with others rather than own their own.Lastly,working with crystals will be beneficial for Crystal people.

The number twelve is depicted ny two dots over two bars.

The number twelve is sacred because there were 12 disciples of Jesus and there are 12 animals in the Chinese year. We have 12 months in our Gregorian calendar and there are twelve inches in a ruler. It is an easy going number as it divides by 2,3,4, and 6. There are also 12 signs of the zodiac and though some argue that there are probably 13, the fact that we all abide by the 12 signs, gives them significance.

The twelfth moon of the year is the moon of the Rabbit. `Crystal` people are connected to this totem. The rabbit represents, amongst other things, living and co-operating in groups to aid survival. Number Twelve people are good at co-operating.see Rabbit moon for more info


There are 20 day glyphs and 13 of each glyph. The Tzolkin is a combination of 20 wavespells each lasting 13 days. The days of the wavespell instead of simply being called 1-13, are given names. The thirteenth day of the wavespell is called the Cosmic day. If you were born on a number thirteen day then you were born on the thirteenth day of a wavespell.

Number thirteen people don`t have an easy life.They are in a hurry to transcend, but their journey there is enduring. This symbolises, that the path to enlightenment, requires hard work and you cannot expect it to be handed to you on a plate.

The number Thirteen is a powerful number, but it is also a double-edged sword. It is a very feminine number, being linked to the moon and of course this calendar.But sometimes this power can be too hot to handle.Again this symbolises the lesson we all learning, that is, that power must be handled with respect.

The number thirteen is depicted by three dots over two bars

The number ‘13‘ has been subject to some very bad press in recent years leading to it being unfairly feared.

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We consider ourselves sensible logical people yet in tall buildings there is no 13th floor! The elevator goes from 12th floor to 14th floor as if there wasn`t a number 13! People dread when Friday the 13th comes round, expecting disaster.Fear of the number 13 is called trikaidekaphobia but how did this superstition begin?

Not that long ago, before Christianity became popular, folk followed nature’s cyclesand paid heed to the 13 moons of the year. They celebrated Summer & Winter Solstice, Spring & Autumn Equinox and all the other celebrations of nature. It was a way of life that honoured Mother Nature, the feminine. When priests came along and wanted to persuade people to give up the indigenous customs, they began to make up stories about the number 13 saying it was bad luck. The old superstition about not having 13 people sat at a dinner table comes from the last supper where Jesus was betrayed. Mostly though, the priest cast consisted exclusively of men and they wanted the people to worship the masculine. In fact it was Pope Gregory who invented the Gregorian calendar, the one we use today . When people began to adapt to the Pope’s way of measuring time, the old customs of living by natural cycles was forgotten. A little bit of propaganda from the Vatican certainly helped and since then the number 13 has had a bad name.

The number 13 is a special number, it is not unlucky or lucky it is simply powerful.

King Arthur had 12 knights (12+1=13)

In many religions 13 is the age initiation ( Jewish, Native American)

In music there are 13 notes in a scale.

13 moon calendars has existed amongst the Druids, Hindus, Buddhists and Native Americans.

The U.S.A. Was founded with 13 states.

Coven have 13 members

Arguably there are 13 astrological signs not 12, Ophiuchus being the 13th.

The thirteenth moon of the year is the moon of the turtle and people born on `Cosmic` days are connected to this totem. The turtle represents `slow but sure`. Remember the story or the Tortoise and the Hare? The tortoise won the race through slow but sureness. This connects to number thirteen people and their `transcend through endurance` destiny.see Turtle Moon for more info