13 Centrifuge Fin (1)

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  • 8/12/2019 13 Centrifuge Fin (1)


    InstitutionLaboratory nameLocationHead/Responsible person

    Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

    Use and maintenance of a centrifuge

    Code:ersion: no!"ate: of releasePage: 1of 9


    1. Scope

    2. Definitions and abbreviations

    3. Personnel qualifications#!$ %edical fitness#!& 'ducation and training

    4. Procedure!$ Principle!& Samples!# 'uipment and materials! Reagents and solutions!* "etailed instructions for use!+ Reading and recording!, -ualit. control and maintenance! 0aste management

    . !elated documents

    "nne# 1. Centrifu$e lo$boo%

  • 8/12/2019 13 Centrifuge Fin (1)


    InstitutionLaboratory nameLocationHead/Responsible person

    Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

    Use and maintenance of a centrifuge

    Code:ersion: no!"ate: of releasePage: 2of 9

    1. Scope

    76is SOP describes t6e optimal operation of a centrifuge t6roug6 regular ser3icing andpre3enti3e maintenance!

    2. Definitions and abbreviations

    76e relati3e centrifugal force (RC8) is determined according to t6e formula

    RC8 9 $!$& 1 $;+1 R1 (rpm)&


    RC8 is in g

    R9 radius in millimetres from t6e centre of t6e rotating 6ead to t6e bottom of t6espinning centrifuge tube

    rpm 9 number of re3olutions per minute

    Sedimentation efficienc. must be determined in RC8 (g< absolute 3alue) and not in rpmSC

  • 8/12/2019 13 Centrifuge Fin (1)


    InstitutionLaboratory nameLocationHead/Responsible person

    Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

    Use and maintenance of a centrifuge

    Code:ersion: no!"ate: of releasePage: &of 9

    7ubes bro?en during centrifugation must bediscarded immediatel.! Put t6em in ametallic container< label Fbro?en glassF and autocla3e!

    Clean metal bo5ls and parts 5it6 ,D et6anol and plastic parts 5it6 *D bleac6! "o notuse bleac6 for metal parts as it causes corrosion!

    . !elated documents

    %anufacturerGs manual< specific to eac6 centrifuge

    /asics of 0uality assurance for intermediate and peripheral laboratories< &nd ed! Cairo