Institute for Policy Studies 2013 Organizational Accomplishments 13

13 · PDF file · 2015-02-05We also honored the life and work of award-winning filmmaker, author, ... Anniversary of the “Day the World Said ... Marketplace Radio, New York Times,

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Institute for Policy Studies2013 Organizational Accomplishments


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The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) is a community of public scholars and organizers linking peace, justice, and the environment in the United States and globally.

We work with social movements to promote true democracy and to challenge concentrated wealth, corporate influence, and military power. Our overarching goal is to illuminate and speed the transition from a militarized and speculative economy to a green, caring, and peaceful Main Street economy.

The year 2013 marked a period of celebration as well as transformation for the Institute. We celebrated 50 years of cutting edge scholarship in partnership with our top fifty allies, including, Campaign for America’s Future, CodePink, Jobs with Justice, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National People’s Action, National Priorities Project, Restaurant Opportunties Centers United, Story of Stuff, and the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation.

Over 1,000 people, including over 250 IPS “alumni” joined Harry Belafonte, Amy Goodman, Ai-jen Poo and others to celebrate “IPS at 50” in October 2013 at Union Station, Busboys & Poets, and the Liaison Hotel in Washington, D.C. We proudly paid tribute to three pillars of IPS: Harriet Barlow, and Cora and Peter Weiss.

We also honored the life and work of award-winning filmmaker, author, poet, and fearless human rights activist Saul Landau, who died on September 9, 2013. In his more than 40 years at IPS, Saul produced more than 40 films and TV programs, 14 books, and thousands of newspaper and magazine articles and reviews. Friends and colleagues of Saul’s, including Sarah Anderson, Harry Belafonte, Robert Borosage, Phil Brenner, John Cavanagh, Ariel Dorfman, Netfa Freeman, Farrah Hassen, Landau family members, Marcus Raskin, Julia Sweig, and Peter, Cora, and Danny Weiss, and Haskell Wexler spoke at a program honoring his legacy.

Each year IPS is emboldened by our supporters and our partnership with social movements to turn ideas into action, and inch ever closer to our overarching goal. Below is a selection of some of our key accomplishments in 2013, as well as media and event highlights.


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At IPS, we strive to reform the United States. into a more responsible global partner by advocating for policies that prioritize human and environmental rights and the rule of law. In 2013, the Institute saw several victories on the path to achieving this goal - including the U.S. decision to not pursue armed conflict in Syria.

In 2013, our New Internationalism Director Phyllis Bennis travelled globally in pursuit of peace. As the global community celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the “Day the World Said ‘No’ to War,” Phyllis Bennis traveled to London and made the recommitment for peace on the Institute’s behalf. Phyllis also travelled to South Africa, where her expertise helped consolidate the country’s Palestine-Israel policy around UN centrality, human rights, and international law.

IPS was proud to play a significant role in the September 2013 prevention of war against Syria. This success was thanks to the efforts of Phyllis Bennis and our anti-war allies, including Peace Action, MoveOn, Win Without War, and others. After nearly a decade and a half of wars, this hard-earned victory was cause for celebration.

As IPS pushes the U.S. to wind down this longest period of war in its history, Research Fellow Miriam Pemberton is leading defense-dependent communities across the country in their transitions from the military to a green economy. In 2013, she advised the creation of the Connecticut Commission, which has begun to develop plans for diversification of the state’s economy away from military dependency, and will serve as a prototype for similar bodies in other states.

In 2013 IPS also saw gains in another of its anti-war efforts closer to home: the push to end the “War on Drugs.” Drug Policy Project Director Sanho Tree conducted tours in England, Colorado, and New York, spoke to several thousand students visiting DC, and gave a keynote address at the Dominican Republic’s first drug reform conference, all in order to reframe the “war” narrative. After legislative victories in Colorado and Washington state, Sanho optimistically reflected, “I’ve been working on these issues for 15 years, and I’ve seen more change in the last 12 months than I have in the previous 14 years combined.”

As IPS scholars such as Phyllis, Miriam, and Sanho travelled across the globe to partner with our allies in shaping U.S. foreign policy, our Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF) project continued to reshape the dialogue surrounding diplomacy and peace. In 2013 FPIF forged partnerships with high-traffic media outlets like and Business Insider, which now syndicate original FPIF commentaries. FPIF has become a crucial and unique resource for progressive commentaries. In fact, it is the only truly progressive, comprehensive foreign policy website in the world.

(Photo: Jayel Aheram / Flickr)

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For years, IPS has provided key research to raise public awareness on extreme inequality and its corrosive impact on our economy, communities, and democracy. In 2013, we saw the emergence of extreme inequality in the national dialogue, and celebrated successes in connecting people to campaigns that are narrowing this dangerous and unjust divide.

Nationally, IPS continues to expose the dangers of extreme inequality and promote solutions. Our website,, and our weekly newsletter Too Much offer cutting-edge analysis of all aspects of inequality. In 2013, we produced a series of hard-hitting reports exposing the hypocrisy of “Fix the Debt,” a lobby group headed by CEOs who push austerity, while dodging taxes and collecting plush paychecks. After facing constant media scrutiny, Fix the Debt failed to win any of their key objectives.

In August 2013, IPS published the 20th edition of our flagship “Executive Excess” report. The major finding: nearly 40 percent of the CEOs who made the top 25 highest-paid lists over the past 20 years were eventually "bailed out, booted, or busted." The report was covered by the Wall Street Journal, Marketplace Radio, New York Times, CNBC, and Los Angeles Times. We also saw our years of work in this area pay off when the SEC stood up to intense corporate opposition and issued a strong proposal for mandatory CEO-worker pay gap disclosure.

Our work also aims to protect and secure economic justice for those who suffer as a result of extreme income inequality. In 2013 we teamed up with Restaurant Opportunities Centers United and published two op-eds on Darden Restaurants’ and the National Restaurant Association’s roles in blocking a long-overdue increase to the tipped minimum wage. One of the op-eds provoked a vitriolic industry-wide attack in multiple newspapers, and led to Darden revealing that it pays 20 percent of its hourly workers just $2.13 per hour.

In the face of such harsh economic realities, IPS projects such as the Jamaica Plain New Economy Transition (JPNET) are building community resilience. JPNET has emerged as a regional model and innovation laboratory, and in 2013 it convened gatherings in Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont for over 50 community resilience building groups.

Meanwhile, our Break the Chain Campaign steadfastly advocated for the rights of migrant and domestic workers in the U.S. In 2013 it published a book in which seniors and disabled individuals affirmed undocumented caregivers’ impact on their lives, providing a critical perspective to lawmakers engaged in ongoing immigration debates.

In the broader global context, IPS is working to eliminate trade agreements that have proven devastating to working families and their environments. Citing the economic devastation in Mexico that NAFTA at 20 has caused, our Global Economy Project partnered with international allies to launch a campaign against the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement. We also organized a series of conferences, a fact-finding mission, and reports aimed at lifting the lawsuit the mining company Pacific Rim brought against the Salvadoran government, despite the strong outcry from civil society groups and El Salvador’s sovereign government that the company cease its mining operations.

(Photo: Pabak Sarkar / Flickr)

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All who inhabit this planet have the right to clean air, land, water, and food - and they share the responsibility of ensuring that future generations have access to these resources. To achieve this end, IPS worked to keep the alternative economy and energy movements focused on truly sustainable efforts, and saw measurable steps forward.

As we partnered with allies and movements to build a more sustainable future, IPS continued its work in helping shape policies that not merely achieve the desired ends, but do so in a democratic and transparent manner. In 2013, our Climate Policy Program fought to ensure - and won - concessions allowing greater civil society representation in the Green Climate Fund’s decisions regarding the means of achieving climate goals.

Furthermore, by positioning a Green Climate Fund that champions clean, low-carbon and human rights-based development as an alternative to the dirty energy-heavy World Bank, we contributed to the World Bank marking a new direction for energy sector lending that limits support of coal. The U.S. has also reduced its coal lending, and Nordic countries and the UK have followed suit.

As questions arise on the path to greater sustainability, our Climate Policy scholars have become thought leaders in providing creative and effective solutions. IPS was one of the first voices to advocate for the growing Robin Hood Tax campaign in the U.S., an innovative approach that would tax financial transactions in order to raise funds for climate justice and help build a climate-friendly economy.

To protect the environment, we also need to divest from the industries that are profiting from its destruction. In 2013, IPS partnered with the Wallace Global Fund to elevate its Divest-Invest Philanthropy work to the next level. In doing so, we launched a campaign asking individuals to divest from fossil fuels and switch to clean energy investments. In this manner, rather than exacerbate climate change, returns are reinvested in the new economy.

With an eye towards economic and political systemic transformation, IPS’ New Economy Working Group convened cutting-edge academics, policy analysts, digital organizers, funders and grassroots leaders within three key movements - the Environmental Justice, the Economic Justice and the New Economy movements - to identify points of synergy. Our hope is that these organizations with varying visions of justice will coalesce around a shared vision of a New Economy.

These conversations have been invaluable in many ways. They, for example, informed how we collaborated and engaged with a broader set of partners to facilitate the research working group of the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) and orient materials – like the green/climate jobs database IPS created in the spring of 2013 – to support CJA members’ visions of a just transition towards a new economy.

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At IPS, we are proud of our strong history of activism - and we are even more excited about our future. Through two fellowships and our unique internship program, we are preparing the next generation of scholars and activists to take over the progressive movement.

In 2013, our NextGEN Intern Program expanded its reach under the leadership of Intern Coordinator Emily Norton. Through NextGen, IPS hosted its first Idea Slam and awarded young winners for their innovative plans to improve the health of our people and planet. It extended the bounds of its workshop series to incorporate the voices of allied groups, high school students, and young poets.

Most importantly, IPS staff and interns remodeled the program to embody the New Economy value of “gift exchange.” Workshops and trainings are now designed to not only teach the frameworks of the progressive movement but also equip interns with skills needed for successful public scholarship and organizing.

In 2013, our Carol Jean and Edward F. Newman Fellow, Leslie Garvey, leveraged the Institute’s profile on social media to heighten its visibility among youth. Leslie helped IPS to double its Facebook audience, and garnered over 1,000 new Twitter followers for the Institute. As we look to our next 50 years, Leslie has also played a key role in our efforts to establish a new look for IPS, spearheading the campaign to create a new visual identity for the Institute.

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In 2013, IPS hosted numerous events that provided us with the opportunity to join together with incredible allies and engage the community on some of today’s most pressing issues.

In May, IPS established itself as an ally in the movement to address mass incarceration by co-sponsoring two extraordinarily successful events with Family & Friends of Incarcerated People at Busboys and Poets. The first of a two-part series was Glimpse of the Prison Industrial Complex from the Inside, which featured first-hand perspectives and experiences by a panel of formerly incarcerated persons, as well as screening the 17-minute documentary, “Released to Life.” Part two of the series, The Human Costs of The Prison Industrial Complex, focused on supporting creative solutions devised by those most directly impacted, featuring family members of incarcerated people, those who have been moving national legislation and those organizing to give back to their communities in profound ways.

Similarly, The Power of Dialogue: Peace from Unexpected Places and Unexpected People spoke to the international dimensions of mass incarceration. This event was at “DC Town Hall” (also at Busboys and Poets) about the example El Salvador offers regarding country-wide record lows in homicide rates as a result of a profoundly brokered initiative between “gangs,” with assistance from Latino U.S. American grassroots organizers.

The issue of mass incarceration was also included in the “Idea Slam” of our 50th anniversary to the nearly 200 attendees from the perspective of the formerly incarcerated. As a finalist, the Director of Family & Friends of Incarcerated People, Stuart Anderson, was able to present his vision for addressing mass incarceration.

Later in the year, our Global Economy and Foreign Policy In Focus projects co-sponsored the D.C. premier screening of Fire In The Blood, a shocking exposé of how pharmaceutical companies use patent law to keep profits unconscionably high even at the expense of peoples’ lives, with the support of the Parallel Film Collective. Our Communications Team was instrumental in ensuring a sell-out audience for the screening, and in facilitating a post-film discussion panel.

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In 2013, the Institute for Policy Studies garnered significant attention from media outlets around the world. Our research and analysis on the economy, foreign policy, and the environment was covered by a wide variety of publications from prominent national media outlets like the New York Times and NPR, to specialty progressive outlets like Democracy Now! and The Nation.

In April, Al Jazeera published Phyllis Bennis’ (Director, New Internationalism Project) analysis of John Kerry’s latest round of Israel-Palestine diplomatic efforts. Analysis and commentary on the latest developments around the world through our various projects are covered by outlets like The Nation, Common Dreams, AlterNet, and many others.

In September, Variety Magazine paid tribute to the late Saul Landau, an American documentary filmmaker who was a longtime fellow at the Institute. Landau’s life and work was also featured in the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the New York Times, ABC News, USA Today, Reuters, and the Associated Press.

In December, a report authored by Sarah Anderson (Director, Global Economy Project) was featured in Democracy Now! The report found that fast food companies are pocketing massive taxpayer subsidies for CEO pay while working to keep low-level workers’ wages so low that many must rely on public assistance. Other reports authored by the Institute’s scholars received coverage in the Wall Street Journal, Politico, Huffington Post,, Fox Business News, Business Insider, and The Hill.

Several IPS online publications offer commentary and analysis from progressive experts with perspectives broader than mainstream media coverage.

In 2013,, our portal for data, commentary and analysis on all matters inequality, published “Growing Apart,” an interactive guide by historian Colin Gordon that explores the many dimensions of our contemporary inequality. The guide was mentioned in the New York Times. also celebrated the publication of IPS Associate Fellow Sam Pizzigati’s book, “The Rich Don’t Always Win”, while the distribution of our weekly online newsletter, “Too Much,” reached over 8,000 subscribers.

The Institute’s editorial service, OtherWords (, provides a steady flow of newsroom-ready commentaries and cartoons that reach millions of readers across the country. The Economic Hardship Reporting Project, an independent project created by IPS Board Member Barbara Ehrenreich and coordinated by IPS Fellow Karen Dolan, produces cutting-edge high quality journalism on issues of the criminalization of poverty.

These independent publications ensure that powerful progressive voices continue to be part of the national conversation.

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THANK YOUAll of us at the Institute for Policy Studies draw great strength from our community of donors*, including those who give anonymously. We would also like to thank our generous co-hosts for making the 50th anniversary celebration a success and for demonstrating a deep commitment to our ongoing work bridging public scholarship with activism for peace, justice, and the environment.

Our accomplishments in 2013 and since the time of our founding are all a credit to you. For that we are deeply grateful.

INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORTAlbert and Bessie Warner FundAmerican Income Life Insurance CompanyThe Atlantic Philanthropies Director / Employee Designated Gift ProgramBauman FoundationBenjamin J. Rosenthal FoundationBrownstone Family FoundationCommunity Foundation for the National Capital RegionHarris and Frances Block FoundationHeinrich Boell FoundationHKH FoundationThe Annie E. Casey FoundationCenter for Community ChangeCharles Stewart Mott FoundationChorus FoundationColombe FoundationCommon Counsel FoundationCoyote FoundationCrossCurrents FoundationDanica FoundationThe Dolphin FoundationWilliam H. Donner FoundationFord FoundationFriends of the Earth-USInstitute for Local Self-RelianceJanelia Foundation

Lucy & Isadore B. Adelman FoundationMax and Anna Levinson FoundationMcKenzie River Gathering (MRG) FoundationMillstream FundThe Moriah FundStewart Mott FoundationNaomi and Nehemiah Cohen FoundationNew Society FundNorwottock Charitable TrustOregon Community FoundationPark Foundation Perls FoundationRestaurant Opportunities Centers United, Inc.Rockefeller Family AssociatesSamuel Rubin FoundationSchwab Charitable FundThe Seattle FoundationSolidago FoundationStansbury Family FoundationTides FoundationTown Creek FoundationTransnational InstituteUnitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter RockAlex C. Walker FoundationWallace Global FundWarner Fund

INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTCarol AbramsSarah AbramsDawn AbrielEmily AchtenbergEthel AckleyJulian AdamsonPerry AdlerNazir AhmadChristine AhnPaul Ahrens

Karen AikenHollie AinbinderAngela AkridgeEric AlbertJames AlcockPhyllis AldenDon AllenHenry AllenKathryn AllenJoan Almond

Gar and Sharon AlperovitzArnold AlpertElena AlvarezHelena AlvesJulie AmatoEffie AmblerMarta AmesAnnette Ancel-WisnerHelen AndersonGretchen Andrews

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Sylvia AndrewsMarcia AngellLinda AptonFrank ArmentaniGinger ArmstrongDeborah ArnasonSteven ArnoldVik ArnoldEric ArnouldAda AroneanuJulie AronowitzRodema AshbyJean AtheySarah AtkinsBob AtwoodThomas AtwoodElsa AuerbachGary AustinJackie AustinMargaret Avery-TrujilloCass AwardJanet AxelrodJames BabsonPeter BacuzziTerry BadgerNicole BadieKarl BalkeMargaret BannermanGiorgio BardelleNasser BarghoutiLucille BarishAllison BarlowToby BarlowPeter BarnesBarnet FamilyPeter BarnsRichard BarsantiCarolyn BarthelAnthony BartlesonThomas BartleyKeith BartonLouise BaxterTimothy BeatyHeidi BeckAnne BeckerRhea BeckerBerkley BedellKathryn BedellAngelique BeenLeonard BeermanEugenia BehMatthew Behm

Nancy BelbasEdith BellMikhail BellRay BellamySylvia BelskyMichael BeltranDouglas BenderPaul BenioffPhyllis BennisRuth BensonSally Benson and Steve NicholsDobald BentonMedea BenjaminLisa BergerAlan BergmanMark BeringerNatalie BerlandAnn BernierCheryl BerschJoseph BertzAmanda BeutelStephen BezruchkaJoseph BianculliLee BiblePatricia BiddingerJerry BierensShannon BiggsCiranna BirdEileen BirgeBurt BlackDana BlackRichard BlackBrent BlackwelderDwight BlackwellJonathan BlakeyNancy BlastosScott BlauGloria BletterMary BlomAndrea BloomBarbara BloomLouise BlumeThomas (Tom) BoeJohn BoettigerRobert BookVera BooneSara BoothMilton Bosch, M.D.Daryl BosmaThomas BossermanGlenn BowenNancy Bowen

Renee BowserMelba BoydJeffrey BradianKate Todd and Hugh BradyDavid BrandolphDave BrastJohn BraxtonAngie BrayJoseph BrennanTricia BrennanBarbara BrennerCraig BrestrupMardi BrickFrank BriggsNancy BrighamJesse Broad-Cavanagh and Robin BroadMichael BroadGreg BrockbankPaul BrodieEdward BronsonAllan BrotskyEstella Dee BrownGeorge BrownLeah Anne BrownMira BrownSharon BrownPreston BrowningRufus BrowningSarah BruceSara BruyaDale BryanDavid BrydenSusan Buck-MorssGreg BucklandPeter and Mimi BuckleyLila BucklinLynn BuhlerLeda BullerChristian BurchardLouise BurgSusan BurkeHelen BurlandBruce D. BurleighLinda BurnettRobert BurnettJacquelyn BurriRay BurtonFrank ButlerLaVerne ButlerStanley ButlerCathy ButterfieldDakota Butterfield


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Lisa ButterfieldTimothy ButterworthJerrold ButtreyJoan BykonenPhillip C'de BacaPat Davis and Wesley CallenderRonald CalogerasJennifer CalvertJames CampbellJim CampenMarcy CamposLisa CanningWilliam CannonGeorge CarenzoAlice CarliMarianne CarlsonTerry CarlsonJames CarpenterLisa CarrabisWilliam CaseJohn CasellaMaureen O'Connor CasilliVirginia CaswellElizabeth CavanaghJames CavanaghRalph CavanaghRobert CavanaghCourtney CazdenAlex CensorLouis CerroneMaribeth ChadwellSharon Chadwell-PhillipsLarry ChaitRichard ChalfinEric ChandlerRoberto ChaoGordon ChapmanLaura ChasinJoseph ChasseHao ChenMaria ChiavolaAnnie ChildersSusan ChimenePeter ChinesHarry ChotinerChristine ChristensenGreg ChristiansonMary Lou ChurchSebastian ChurchChristina ClampAndrea ClardyPierre Clavel

Rebecca ClawsonJim ClemansDavid ClosePatricia ClossonJohn CloudPeter CoccolutoRichard CoffeyAbby CohenBruce CohenBurton CohenHolly CohenJulie CohenMartha CollierBarbara CollinsChuck CollinsEdward CollinsSusan ComfortDan ConnellKathleen ConnellJames ConverseJean M. ConverseChris CookGary CookChristina CoolidgeSusan CooperLynda CopelandTereza CoraggioMary CoralMiguel CordovaClarice CorellPhilip CorlettCynthia and Craig CorrieTheresa CorriganJoan CostelloRenee CoteAlan CotteyAnne CourtrightMarjorie CowardAmy CowinChadwick CoxDonald CoxCharles CoxonPenny CragunCharles CraneEmily CreighSarah CreightonWilliam CrispHilary CrosbyCarol CrossKirsten CrossPeter CrossLisa Crovo

Diane CrowleyLinda CroxsonDiana CuringtonRuth O. Currie, MSWDean CutlerDorothy CuttingJaffray CuylerMary-Louise CzarniewyAndrew CzekajJim DailDonna DaleDianne DaleyCindy DavidsonShirley and Ronald DavisPat de la FuenteRaymond DeckcerRoberta DeesRussell DeFauwConnie DefondRobert DefreitasAngel Del RiveroMichael DellgerMark DempseyJoseph DeNatalePaul DenitD. D. DentonCharles DerberKen DeschereDeborah DeStefanoMarshall DeutschThomas DevineFelicity DevlinJon DevriesSue DiCaraDiana DiggesJonathan DiMartinoPhilip DimotsisFrank DinaJohn DingesVilunya DiskinAbigail DisneyThomas DitmyerJohn DodgeElizabeth DokkenKaren DolanJames DomenicoArthur DomikeDebbie DominguezMarjoy DonnJerome DonnellyBonnie Ann Peate DonohueColleen Donovan


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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTBill DotsonJack DoyleMark DrakeKay and Leo DreyPamela DrittPerri DruenSteve DubbKreszentia DuerKathleen DuffyTom DugginsJo Ann DumanAnn DumenilGenevieve DuncanJanet DunkleyJulie DunnBruce DunneBene DurantDoreen DvorinT. DyerSandra EagleSylvia EastmanRoberta EckardNancy EdmonsonBarbara EhrenreichLeslie EickemeyerCarolyn EisenbergJames EisenmanIra EismanGene EisnerJoe EldridgeJoseph EliasLisa ElliotNeil ElliottWilliam EllisCindy EllsmoreHeather ElseSabah EltarebGlenn EmbreyCatherine EmondGael Murphy and Laurie EmrichWendy EmrichKathleen EngelKathy EngelJudith EnglanderConstance EngleKaren EngleDeirdre EnglishJames EpsteinMax EpsteinTerry ErminiWes ErnsbergerRichard Erstad

Grace ErtelMarlys ErtelCristina Espinel-RobertsJ. EstepMartha Burk and Ralph EstesJodie EvansJay EvansRandy EvansRebecca EvansEdith EverettKathryn EversDennis FahlstromDeborah FallinDavid FantaSissy FarentholdCarol FarinaCoralie FarleePenny FarnellSylvia FarringtonDavid FaulknerRosemary FaulknerEmily FeenstraClare FeinsonJoe FeinsteinMichael FerberJoseph FerczBeatrice FerlegerLisa FernandesDaniel FernandezHarvey Fernbach, MD MPHEliot FiendLoretta FigueroaAron FilbertAnn FinchDaniel FineLisa FinstromCheryl King FischerJohn FitzgeraldJohn J. FitzgeraldJohn FitzsimonsArthur FlacheHelen FlanneryBecky FlemingDiana FlemingBill FletcherPaul FoleyNancy FolgerFrank and Jean ForbathGregg ForteGloria FosterMaurice FoxRebecca Fox

Bobby FrakerVirginia FrancoArthur FrankRobert FrankumCornelius FrantzBob Freeborn-RubinDavid FreedmanClaudette FreemanMichael FreimanWillis FremontDeborah FriezeBelinda FriisErnest FrobeseLisa Fuentes and Tom CohenHoward FuguetGrace GabeKaren GadwellKit GageEdward GallagherRichard GalloWilliam GamsonGillian GaneGlenn GangChip GarciaNicki GarciaDearing GardnerWilliam GarnsonLynn GarrenNancy GauBruce GauntRichard GeidelJohn GeissmanMary GeissmanRoss GelbspanMelvin GennisGentz FamilyDuff GerrishSheri GiardiniTish GibbsKatherine GilbertPatty GillaspySheryl GillespieRoberta GilmanAntonieta GimenoElizabeth GinsbergEstelle GlarborgLeslie GleasonBen GleichC. GlickRichard GliddenKatharine GlynnJoseph D. Goble

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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTCarolyn GoddardKate GodfreyLeslie GodoffJohn and Yetta GoeletCarol GoldAlison GoldbergDebbie GoldmanPhyllis GoldmanDan GoldrichAdelaide GomerRobert GoodrichRuth GoodsnyderMary Ann GordonStephen GormanVincent GormleyMary Jane GossPeter GottesmanPhyllis GottliebRobert GouldCary GracePatricia GrayJoanna GreenJudith GreenDaniel GreenbergElizabeth Skarie and Jerry GreenfieldMary GreenfieldMyrna GreenfieldWilliam S. GreerMark Hayduke GrenardWendy GriederCarole GriffinGay GriffinKat GriffinPhillip GriffinEva GrimsleyErica GrimstvedtKatherine GrossCatherine GrossoLois GruberAlexandra GruskosFrancesca GuidoJoyce GuinnRobert Guitteau, JrPronita GuptaDavid GurneyBarbara GurtlerJennifer GutermanA. GuthrieMatthew GwinJeff HaasFlorence HaaseRev. Sylvia Haase

Robert HadleyWilliam HaegeleJulie HaganShauna HainesMarietje HalbertsmaConn HallinanThomas HallockRoland HalpernCarol HalseyJustin HalversonKaren J. HamPaul HamillCarole HamlinSteve HammCatriona HanleyDon HannahDeborah HansSusan HansenSarah HappelJean HardistyKaren HardyBetts HarleyMary HarmanAndy HarmonJim HarndenJohn HarringtonDavid J. HarrisHenry HarrisStanley HarrisonDavid HartElizabeth HartMichael Rosenthal and Lore HartmanNancy Kosnar HartmanDavid HartsoughMark and Judy HarveyAlan HarwoodStephen HaspelRick and Emmy HausmanJ. William haysRanalda HazellPeter HechtR. W. HegartyLee HegstrandGeorge HeidornSuzanne HelburnHarriet J HelmanObo HelpMichael HendersonDoug HendrenMelvin HendrixRobert HenschenSigrid Hepp-Dax

Gerald HermanDavid HeroGlenn A. HerrickRhoda HerroldJudith HerzfeldBetty Hess-PierceMonroe HeymanRalph HeymannBernie HicknerJudy HildebrandJoan HillJoshua HillJohn HirschiMaria HittMary HladkyEverett HoffmanSteven HohenseeEdith HolderKathryn HolmesJoan HoltRoberta HoltDorothy HoltzmanDee HomansMartha HoneyRobert HoneycuttLorraine HonigDotty HopkinsStephen HopkinsJoyce HormanLyle HornKatherine HostettlerSylvia HoughtonBeatrice HowardRichard HoweRobin HowlettLisa HoyosJennifer HrachovecAmy HubbardRichard HughesJennifer HumistonAnne HummelSam HummelAnjanette HumphreyCatherine HuntL. Keith HunterWendy HunterJanet HurstPerry HutchisonCharles IceOfer InbarJames IngramJoan Intrator

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Kathleen IrvingClaudia B. IsaacBrandon IsaacsonAnn IsoldeBarbara IversonVirginiia IversonJean JackmanJerry JackmanMary JacksonJeannine JacobsQuida JacobsBernadette JaegerLinda M. JagieloBrian JamesEdgar Jamesfrancis janeczekLawrence JanssPeter JardineKaren JensenJennifer JinotCvijeto JobElaine JohansenErica JohansonLucretia JohnTom JohnFrances JohnsJim JohnsonJo JohnsonLois JohnsonRobert JohnsonShelley JohnsonJulia JohnstonLaneta Johnston-MeekerThomas JollyStacie JonasSusanne JonasBeth L. JonesDylan JonesGary JonesShirley JonesTambia Jones-JohnsonCharles JorgensenHenry KahnEllen KaiserConstantine KallasHerschel KaminskyDavid KandelArvind KannanMichal Leah KanovskySharron KaplanWilliam KaplanLois Karasek

Martin KarcherMartha KarchereTerry KarlLeah KarpenPatrice KaskaRuth KastnerChris KaulCarole KeeneJulie KeitgesDana KelleyPeg KelleyJudith KellyKate KellyKevin KellySabrina KemenyRoxanne KenisonCharline KennedyMarie KennedyLori KenschaftPatricia KenschaftCharles KersteinSteve KeussAlvin KhoCarolyn KidderTom KiefferMichael KieschnickJames KilgoreMarilynn KingJames KinneySharon KinnisonKatherine KinsellaJanell KinzieBradley KleinFred KleindenstCharles KlelisLois KlezmerMichael KlipperWilliam KlossKathryn KluzakEva KnightMaryRachel KnightKristie KnollJ. Justin KnoopElizabeth KnottKristin KnudsenLarry KoenckKay KohlerDaniel KolesarJudy KolligianHadi KomeylianTatiana KoniszewskiDorothy Koppelman

Kate KornblumFran and David KortenKorinn KoslofskyLinn KrabberaRobert KraftClaire KrantzLois KrausMerle KrausePaul KrehbielSteve KretzmanDavid KrickerRobert KrinskyPam KristanLuciano L'AbateDal LaMagnaSusan LabandibarChalmer LabigStephanie LaCalamitaGinny LaCrowVirginia LacrowJennifer LaddDick LagerstromEdward LakatosMary LambKathleen LambertDebra LamboFrancoise LaMonicaBarbara LamontMarc LanceMatthew LangenhorstT. R. LansnerWilliam LansvilleCharles LarsonFrances LarsonLillian LaskinMartin LaufeKathleen LaurilaLarry LaVerdurePeggy and John LawRichard LawrenceJulie LawyerWil LazoMartha LeaderNydia LeafKarin LeaseErik LeaverDavid LeavittMolly LebanEleanor LeCainAnn LeClaireCynthia LefkowiczJudith Leicht


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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTCaryn LeiferBella LeNestourJackie LeonardMargaret LeonardBetsy Leondar-WrightJosh LernerGerson LesserH. Richard LeuchtagCarl LeVanMarya LevensonRobert LeveringLibby LevinAdam LevineAndrew LevineDavid LevineGeorge LevingerJerome LevinsonSheldon LevyGeorge LewisKen LewisKenneth LewisNancy LewisAlexandra LibbyEric LidiakZiskind R. LiebSandra LilligrenElizabeth LimkemannLynn LindsaySusan LinnRegina DeFalco LippertJudith LiptonDarlene LittleMini LiuRobin LloydRosemary LloydLee LoJonothan LoganYvonne LoganRobert LordRobert J. Lord Philanthrophic FundPeter LorensenLaura LorenzElizabeth LouwEd LowrySusan LozonMark LucasBuddy LuceDavid LudlowRobert LukeKimberly LundQuan LuuBrinton Lykes

M. LykesJohn LynchSandra and David LyonsMatthew LyteHunter MabryKathryn MacbrideJoan and Wallace MacDonaldTim MacDonaldArthur MacEwanChris MackeCarolyn MadisonJanie MaggiBarbara MagnusonKlaus MahrSara MahyCharlene V. MakerJoan MakuratLaurie MaldagueKim MalekGertrude MaloneyMargaret MaloneyKathleen Maloy and Heather BurnsHector MandelMark MannionRichard MannisDan Mapes-RiordanSuzanne MarkovJ. Alan MarksStephen MarksShirley MarquezDorothy MarschakFred MarschnerJohn MartichJan MartinJanice MartinMartha MartinNancy J. MartinRobert MartinDonna MartinezClara MaslowDarrin MasonShaula MassenaMilton Masur MDAnn MathesAnn G. MathesJohn MatthewsRobert MatthewsJulianne MaursethMary Beth MaxwellBeverly MayTom MayerMary Mayo

Robert McBrideMichael McCarthyJoseph McClainElizabeth McCloskeyKim McConnellLynne McCoyNilagia McCoyJim McCueWilliam McDonaldAnne McFarlandBeverly McGeadyLauren McGlynnRobert McGruderJames McHughPatricia McHughClara McIverJohn McKeeKathleen McKenna-CooperAgnes McKeonCynthia McKeownAnne McKinnonCatherine McLaughlinMolly McLaughlinMae K. McMahanNancy MeadFelicia MednickKrishen MehtaIsa-Kae MeksinXiknawi MellohGilbert MendelsonGregory MengelTina MercedMary Anne MercerEileen MericleCaroline Ramsay MerriamMichael MesfordChristopher MessingerMargaret MeyerVicki MichelsWilliam MichtomHeather Mick-CaritoEvelyn MickeviciusJudy MiglianoCarl MillerCathy MillerE. Ethelbert MillerElissa MillerElizabeth MillerJames MillerJean MillerJoe MillerKenneth Miller

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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTMarc MillerRon MillerSarah MillerSeymour MillerSteve MillerWilliam Joseph MillerJane MillikenJames MilnthorpeRichard John MitchellSylvia MitchellWilliam MitchellCarol MockAnne ModenaKathy ModiglianiCynthia Moe-LobedaBret MogilefskyTerry MollnerDick MonksRichard MonksNancy MontagnaCornelius MooreRobert MooreVeronica MooreCarolyn MorganDan MorganMayo MorleyCelia MorrisDavid MorrisEric MorrisNina Morris-FarberAlan MorrisonFrank MorrowLawrence B. & Claire K. MorseKathleen MoseleyChris MoserHolly MosherShelley MoskowitzDaniel MossPhilip MossMargaret MouldenGloria MuchlerJens MuhleJames MulherinMarilyn MullaneRobert MulleEugene MulliganGene MulliganMarcy MurninghanTroy MurphreeMaureen MurphyTerrence MurphyWilliam Murphy

Anita MurrayRandal MutterJoseph MyalilMary E. MyersPatricia MyersThe Safeek Nader TrustNorma NagerSusan NaimarkJudy NakadegawaKenji NakadegawaRoy NakadegawaOpinion NaniaBen NappiBarbara NashClark NatwickChristina NawadaRanganath NayakJanet NeffSally NelsonImmanuel NessAlan NestlingerTillman NeunerDave NewmanNancy NewmanTom NewmanBrad NewshamJames NewtonPhilip NicolaiChris NielsenPeter NiggliJoanne NikidesMichael NimkoffBob NixonRobert NixonChristopher NortonEmily NortonJohn O'BrienMartha O'ConnellW.R. O'FieldWilliam O'FieldJohn O'LearyCathy O'ReganWilliam O'TooleAnne OakesCarl OerkeKathy OgleSteve OhlingerMareka OhlsonPhilomena OjedaMargo Okazawa-ReyGary OlesonLinda Olmstead

Eric and Joy OlsonApril OrcuttPaula OrloffTerry OrtegaStuart OskampLayne OstrochovskyLarry OttingerRichard OttingerSally OuelletteKelly OvertonEdith OxfeldCatherine L. PaavolaDianne PaganRobert PancnerCheryl PanekMichael ParryJoseph PartanskySusan S. PastinPhilip PatchRadha PatelRagubathee PatherRodney PattersonSteve PattonRichard PearlstoneTheodore PeckEve PellAndrea Pelosi WinslowMiriam PembertonCarol PengPhil PennerChristina PennoyerBetsy PerkinsCecilia PerryDan PerryGrant PeteresonCynthia PetersMarcia PetersBarbara PetersonJanice Ann PetersonRichard PetersonHarry PetrequinPaul PhefferAnne PhillipsWayne PiccinSarah PickGary PiersonVictoria PillardLinda PinkowMartin PionRobert PirieBen PlaistedJoseph Podorsek

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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTJeanne PoffDeborah PolhemusSandy PolishukGeorge PolisnerAnnegret PollardAlbert PollinJim and Ellyn PolshekJoseph PomerantzRonald PomerantzDouglas PooreFred PorterJoAnn PorterRobert PorterEllen PoselAllen PostVirginia PrattHank PrenskyAlan PrestonWilliam PrestonPat PreziosiCharlotte A. PriceCharlton PriceDon PriceMason PriceMark PrinceRob PrinceBruce PringleJoseph PrinzivalliVirginia PrattGloria PurcellAnthony QuattroneVivian QueijaLisa RabinowitzBert, Constance, & Sidney H. Rabinowitz Family FoundationAlan RamoMatias RamosPriscilla RamseyLydia RappaportErika Littlewood RaskinRaskin FamilyRosanne RatkiewichSusan RavenscroftDiane RaymondPeggy RaymondJames RaytonChristine Real de AzuaSue ReamerDouglas ReavesJim RebitzerJames RechtDavid Reddy

Martha RedseckerBarry Fretz ReesePaul RehmRobert ReichColleen ReidRita ReismanFrances RemillardJoseph RenoPatricia RenschLisa Renstrom and Bob PerkowitzPatricia RetttenmaierKathleen ReynoldsMichael RiceDavid RichmondChris RiddioughLora Ann RinkerLauretta RionJacquelyn RivasBruce RobbinsKaren RobbinsVicki RobinsonNancy RocaSteve RockAbby RockefellerAllan RodgersSuzanne RogalinRosemary RogersJanice Rogers-LevyJill RohdeMary K RohwerEthan RomeLynne RoosaFrank RooseveltHuck RorickDennis RoscettiMarshall RoseRuth Alice RosenLary RosenbergStephen RosenblumCarolyn N. RosensteinMarguerite RosenthalJay RosnerJames RossEdna RossenasCaleb RossiterAlice RotfortArnie RotkinLinda RousseauMarcia RowlandDella RoyLillian RuanoPeter Rubin

Kenneth RubyPat RumerJoanne RunkelCamille RussellJohn RuthrauffAndy Van RuyvenBruce RyanCynthia RyanKathleen RyanLynne Ryerson-BaumgartnerRoderick RyonBikram SachdevaElizabeth SaengerLuisa SaffiottiAnthony SaidyLinda SalamonCarlos SalinasPatricia SammannJenny SamuelsShoal SanctuaryNicholas SandersNick SandersSerita SandersKen SandinDiane SanfilippoW.F. Santiago-VallesKatherine SantichCharlotte SartorAlfred SasiadekCarol SavaryWilliam SavedoffFrank ScanzilloEthan ScarlJim SchaeferAdria ScharfRobert H. ScharfSusan SchechterRobert SchertzerR. William SchierGordon SchiffSteve SchleimerLinda SchmoldtJerome SchneewindBarry SchneiderGreg SchneiderJohn SchneiderChristiane SchomblondNanci E. SchubertElizabeth SchulmanGerald SchultzJohn SchultzRachel L. Schultz

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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTPat SchuylerDamien SchwartzJohn SchwartzEmily Schwartz GrecoSarah Schwartz SaxGerald ScorseLeigh ScottRonald ScottBenjamin ScovilleLinda SeaverAngel SegarraMaynard SeiderSusan SelbinGayle and Franklin SellersJohn SellersCarolyn SemiglasowParham SepehriGary SerrinoFrancine ShacterWynn ShaferFloss ShahbegianAdil E. ShamooDavid ShankleEve ShapiroMary Lou SharpMike SheaSue ShenkmanDonald ShepardMichael SheridanBruche ShermanWilliam ShermanJohn ShieldsDaniel ShivelyAmit ShohamCheryl ShollKathryn SibleyJohn SiegmundPeter SigmannNora SignerSusan SignorellaSonia SilbertAdele SimmonsBeth SimonBarbara SimonettiEdith SimpsonMichael SimsonNeal SirwinskiSue SkolerDorothy Slater-BrownWilliam SlavickStephen SleeperBarbara Slinker

Jeffrey SlossJaime SmithJoyce SmithRichard SmithSusan SmollensDonald SmuckerReuben SnipperBob SnowGyasi SnuggsKendra SnyderNaomi SobelRachael SolemRachel SolemFred SoloweyJohn SoltysCathrine Sommerfelt-EekelsCarolyn SonfieldMarla SooEd SousaJames SowerJudith SpangenbergJack SpenceRobert SperoMark SpiegelDelaine SpilsburyGreg SquiresMary StackhouseJennifer StaffordRobert Stains, JrGeorge S. StanfordMadalin StankewiczCarol StaszewskiPat SteckLewis and Kitty SteelGerrit StegehuisHoward SteinJ. SteinJane SteinJerry SteinKay SteinauerMarsha SteinbergDru Ramey and Marvin StenderPiers StephensRobert StephensonCatherine StevensMelinda StewartJean StokanBruce StollingsMargaret StoltzfusLorrie StonacekGaynell StoneByron and Lee Stookey

Dee StormsLally StowellSarah StranahanSusan StrandKarl StrandbergJames StrassbergerRonald StromThomas StuckeyMichael StygaDaniel SubachMargaret SudburyEve Odiorne SullivanJanet SullivanCraig SuttonMartin SwansonSteven SwansonMary SwedlundReed Thompson and Julia SweigSally SwensonDavid SwinehartSharon SwitzerGeoffrey SymcoxJeremy SzteiterLucile J. TaberJulia TabermanSuzanne TaichertDaniel TakacsTarbell Family FoundationDorothy TartagliaPatt TashjianJerome TaubClark TaylorMarguerite TaylorWalter TeagueRichard TeerlinkJill TeitelmanSilvia TennenbaumGlenn Tetterton-OpheimAlison ThomasAnn ThomasC. Gomer ThomasGreg ThomasMary ThomasAlice ThompsonCarol ThompsonDon ThompsonDonald ThompsonJohn ThompsonMichael ThompsonRobert ThompsonThompson FamilyTricia Thomson

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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTPeter ThorneShamus ThorntonJoel ThorsonSteven TichenorAnn TicknerMartin TierstenRenee TieslerAmy TigheTerry TiltonJack TincherMary TipperCarmine TocciSidney TopolKathryn TosneyHarvey TowvimNaomi TowvimLauren TozziRobert TraffordSteve TreegoobMarissa TrevisanNavin TrivediRichard TronTerry TrotterBrenda TroupFred TrzcinskiChristina TuccilloTimothy TullyJames and Ann Ellen TuomeyDavid TurnerJames S. TurnerLouisa Z. TurnerJ Russell TyldesleyGinnie TysonMichael UbellMyrna L. UditskyBarry UlmanAnnie UmbrichtJim van ZeeRichard vanden HeuvelCarey VaughanJim VaughanEdward VaughnDeborah VenezialeJoe VennareMarcela VieiraTom VilesPhilippe VillersDavid VineMartha VinickPatricia VinsonTheodore VoorheesChristopher Voytek

Michael WadeCarol C. WagnerEllen WakefieldAnnamay WaldmanBradley WalkerKathy WalkerRoslyn WalkerInez Hedges and Victor WallisKaren WallsAndrea WalshJames WalshRobert WaltonTerry WalzDenise WardJeremy WardNan WardenVanessa WarheitDavid WaryzychaLee WatkinsJames WatsonJoanna WatsonKathryn WattsDiana WeatherbyShana WeaverAbbie WebbJudith WechslerSamantha WechslerNansi WeilAllen WeinrubDavid WeinsteinDeborah WeinsteinEle WeinsteinDouglas WeinstockCarol WeiserCora and Peter WeissJason WeissDarrel WeldenAndy WeleminBeth Baker and Ross WellsRobert WellsBillie WelshSybil WestHanna WestonPhilip WheatonAnne WheelockCarol WherrettMark WhislerDiane WhiteRuth WhiteGary WhitedJennifer WhitlockBarbara J. Wien

Margaret WienerDan WilcoxTheodore WilcoxDavid WildmanWendy WilkeBelinda WilksRosalyn B. WillAnnabelle WilliamsElizabeth WilliamsFrederick WilliamsJennifer WilliamsJoanna WilliamsJunius WilliamsValerie WilliamsJack WillisThomas WillmsHelen WilsonLiddy WilsonBilly WimsattDoug WingeierRichard WinslowEdward WinsteadGerald WitherspoonAndreas WittensteinMichael WolffBonnie WongKristina WoodPamela WoodardLynne WoodsideNaomi WoodspringJoel WoolCarol WoolfeLark WorthMildred WorthMonty WorthRobert WorthHenry and Rochelle WortisRebecca Abts WrightDiana P. WuStephen WunrowKenneth WyattDorothy WyshamDavid WysockiJennifer YancoTheresa YandellTrin YarboroughMartha M. YeeLynn YellottCeleste YorkAnne YoshinoJames YoungColetta Youngers

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INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTMona YounisSandra YountPeter ZanelloSteven Zeledon

Hollis ZelinskyH Berrien ZettlerTao ZhangGeorge Zidbeck

Brigitte ZimmerRobert ZimmererStephen ZunesMichael Zweig


*We apologize for any names that have been mispelled or omitted in our acknowledgement. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to make corrections.

The Institute for Policy Studies established the Legacy Society in 2003 to recognize those individuals who have generously made provisions for the Institute in their estate plans. These gifts will provide progressive research and analysis for future generations.

AnonymousBernice Bild*Elsbeth Bothe*Julie BucklesJohn CavanaghSusan Cavanagh*James CavanaghShirley Fingerhood*

Mary GeissmanT.S. Holman*AnonymousAndrew LevineLucy Loewenstein*Seymor Melman*Caroline Ramsey-MerriamMarcus Raskin

Jan Reiner*Herbert & Evelyn RobbAnonymousMargaret Spanel*Anonymous


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