12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015

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  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII


    Month Competency Prose Poetry Vocabulary Grammer Composition SuplementaryReader 

    June Strategic Completency(Speech)1.JuliusCaeser 

    1.A Psalm of life

    Using the Dictionary,Theasurus, LibraryGrammatical functions of wordsBritish English AmericanEnglish



    writing, Notemaking ReportWriting, EssaryWritingPreparing ascript for acartoon,Showingdirections

    The selfist glan


    Strategic and (speech)Creative competencles(writing poem) Speakingcompetency(Facing/conductinginterviews)



    Classifying words Semanticnetwork Grammatical functionsof wordsI mid Term text (portion


    ConditionalClauseConcesssive Clause

    Evaluating atext, Email,Essay Letter Writing,Creativewriting

    The LotteryTicket


    Listing Competency (GD)speaking Competency(Debate) Strategiccompetency (Recordingspeech)

    3.To the landof snow


    Prefix, Suffix, Abbreviation, Acronyms, Compound words

    ReportedSpeech Active voicePassingvoice

    Paragraphwriting, EssayWriting, projectreport/bar chartTranslation,proverbs, Non-verbal items

    The Last Leaf 

    Sept Speaking Competency(GD) occupationalCompetency (story telling)

    4.The Magicof words

    Classification of wordsaccording to number of syllabls,stress, correct spellingHomophones(Quarterly Examination PortionJune, July, August, September)


    Editing, storywriting,piediagram,Comprehension writingcaptions for photographs,Note making

    How theCamel Got itshump


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII MATHEMATICS

    Month Week Topic


    1 Ad joint inverse

    2 Rank of matrix

    3 Vector Algebra - dot & vector product

    4 Product of 3 vectors


    1 Vectors line & Planes

    2 Vectors - Sphere

    3 Complex Numbers

    4 I Mid Term Text


    1 Parabola, ellipse

    2 Hyberbola, R.H

    3 Differential Calculus I Derivative as a rate of measure

    4 Tangent & Normal, Angle between the curves Maxima & Minima


    1 Differential Calculus - 1 M.V.T

    2 Remaining


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    3 Quarterly Exam


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII PHYSICS

    Month Week Practicals Topic




    Electrosatics 1.1, 1.2


    3Current electricity 2.1 to 2.7


    2.8 to 2.11 Effects of electric current 3.1




    Effect of Electric current

    23.2 to 3.9

    3EMI and AC 4.1 to 4.4


    I Mid Term Test (Portion lesson 1 to 3)




    EMI and ac 4.5 to 4.7

    2EMW and wave optics 5.1 to 5.5

    35.6 to 5.8


     Atomic Physics 6.1 to 6.2


    16.3 to 6.4


    3Quarterly Examination (Portion lesson 1 to 6)


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII CHEMISTRY

    Month Unit Topic

    June 1 Atomic structure

    2 Periodic classification

    8 Solid state

    9 Thermodynamics

    15 Isomerism in Organic Chemistry

    17 Ethers

    July 3 p-Block elements

    10 Chemical equilibrium

    11 Chemical kinetics

    16 Hydroxy derivatives

    I Mid Term Test

     August 4 d-Block Elements

    12 Surface Chemistry

    18 Carbonyl Compounds

    5 f - Block Elements

    Sept 19 Carboxylic acids


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Quarterly Exam


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015



    Month Topic Topic

    June Taxonomy of Angiosperms page 1 to 40 Nutrition-physiological co-ordination systems

    page 1 to 83

    July Plant anatomy I Mid Term Test and cell biology,Genetics page 41 to 102Receptor organs I Mid Term Test toReproduction page 84 to 122

     August Bio technology Micro biology, Aids and its control Page-143

    Sept Revision Control and management Immunue Systemdisorders page 143 to 160

    Quarterly Examination

    Standard - XII cæç jhtuéaš cæç éy§»aš

    Month Topic Topic

    June MŠÁnah°bg®«fë‹ tif¥ghL g¡f« 1 - 43 czñ£l«, xU§»izÎ, cW¥òfë‹ bjhF¥òfŸ g¡f« 1-80

    July jhtu cŸsik¥Ãaš - Kjš Ïil nj®Î, brš cæçaš, kuÃašg¡f« 44 - 107

    cz® cW¥òfŸ - Kjš Ïil¥ gUt¤nj®Î fU¤jil rhjd§fŸg¡f« 81-119

     August cæ® bjhêš E£géaš E©Qæçaš g¡f« 120-144

    Sept ÂU¥òjš nehŒ¤ jil fh¥Ãaš g¡f« 145-165

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    Bio-Botany, Zoology

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII Botony

    Month Contents Practicals

    June 1 Taxonomyof Anglosperms

    2 Up to malvaceae Malvaceae &

    3 Fabaceae & Rubiaceae Fabaceae

    4 Asteraceae & Solanaceae

    5 Euphoriaceae, Liliaceae,Arecaceae

    July 1 Anatomy - Tissues & Tissue system Libiaceae

    2 Anatomy of root & sterm

    3 Anatomy - Leaf, Scondary growth in dicot stem Arecaceae

    4 I Mid Term Test T/S of roots

     August 1 Cell Biology-Gene&genome,Linkage &Recomnination of Chromosome

    2 Mutation-Chromosomalabservations

    3 DNA as a genetic material,RNA Genetic code

    4 Bio-Technology, Recombinant DNA technology

    5 Trangenic palnts

    Sep 1,2 Tissue culture & its application T/S of stems

    3 Protoplasmic fusion T/S leaves

    4 Quarterly Examination Bio-technology

    Standard - XII Zoology

    khj« ghl«

    #&‹ czñ£l« Kjš ehsäšyh Ru¥ÃfŸ Koa

    #&iy cz® cW¥òfŸ Kjš E©Qæçaš Koa


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Ïil¥gUt¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ nehŒjilfh¥Ãaš

    br¥l«g® ÂU¥òjš ( fhyh©L¤ nj®Î)


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII


    khj« khjthç ntiyeh£fŸ

    ghlntis x›bthU ghl¤Â‰F«ghlntiyfŸ

    ghl« v©

    #&‹ 21 28 6 1

    5 2

    4 3

    4 4

    5 5

    4 6

    #&iy 21 28 4 7

    7 8

    4 9

    6 10

    Kjš Ïil¥gUt¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ 21 28 4 11

    6 12

    6 13

    8 14


    br¥l«g® 17 15 3 16

    3 17

    3 18

    4 19

    fhy©L¤ nj®Î


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII


    khj« thu« ghl«

    #&‹ 1 ÏWÂ fz¡FfŸ rçf£LjšfŸ (K‹T£o bg‰w tUkhd« tiu)

    2 ÏWÂ fz¡FfŸ rçf£LjšfŸ ( Kjš ÛJ t£o - njŒkhd« tiu )

    3 ÏW fz¡FfŸ rçf£LjšfŸ ( thuh¡ fl‹ - flܪnjh® Ûjhd t£l xJ¡F tiu )

    4 ÏWÂ fz¡FfŸ rçf£LjšfŸ ( rçf£lšfŸ KGtJ« )

    #&iy 1 KG¥ bgwh gÂÎfëèUªJ fz¡FfŸ ( vL¤J¡fh£LfŸ 8 Koa) g¡f« 107

    2 KG¥ bgwh gÂÎfëèUªJ fz¡FfŸ ( vL¤J¡fh£LfŸ 9 Kjš 15 Koa) g¡f«


    3 KG¥ bgwh gÂÎfëèUªJ fz¡FfŸ ( gæ‰Á fz¡FfŸ KGtJ« )

    4 Kjš Ïil¥gUt¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ 1 , 2 njŒkhd« f/F ( Depreciation A/C )

    3, 4 ã £l¥ g£oaš f/F ( Ratio Analysis)

    br¥l«g® 1 , 2 buh¡f¤ £l¥ g£oaš

    3, 4 fhyh©L¤ nj®Î


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII


    Month Topic

    1An Introduction to star Office writer

    June Volume 1 : Tools 2 Text Formating

    3Correcting Spelling mistakes

    4 Working with tables

    5Page formating

    July 5 Spread sheet

    7Data base

    8 Introduction to multi media


    I Miderm Test ( June July portions)

    August Volume 2 : Object Technology

    1Object oriented concepts using c++

    2Over view of C++

    3Basic statement


    4Functions C++ Enhancement

    Quartely Exam (July to Septemper Portion

    Standard - XII




    Page No From Page No To

    June 1 Meaning of Business organisation 1 Joint Hindu family 10

    2 Partership 10 upto first lession 26

    3 Sold trader 27 Demerits 10 point 37

    4 Suitablity 37 Feature of partnership49

    Com.Science, Commerce

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    July 1

    Comperision betweensole tradership

    partnership 49

    Minor partner position and attaining

    majoirty 62


    Rights , duty's. liabilities of partnership


    Dissolution just and equitable grounds 73

    3 Points to remember

    I Mid Term Test (June - July portions)

    August Joint stock company I 80 Joint Stock company II

    Directors liability 147

    Septemper Managing Directors 147 Still point to remember 170

    Quartely Examination (June to September portion)

    Com.Science, Commerce

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII General Nursing

    Month Contents Practicals

    June 1 Chapter I - Medicine Introduction - Micro organisms 1 Giving medicines bymouth

    2 Medical & Surgical Asepsis 2 Steam inhalation

    3 Chapter II - Nutrition Introduction-up to Types of diet

    4 Diet in therapy

    July 1 Chapter III - Administration of Medicines 3 Ryle's Tube Feeding

    Introduction - upto disease affecting gastro

    Intesstinal system to Aids

    2 Diabeties relitus - up to urinary tract infection

    3  Acute Renal failure - up to Dying and terminally illpatient 4 Local preparation

    4 I Mid Term Test

     August 1 Chapter IV - Peadiatrics : Introducting - upto 5 Oxygent thereaphy

    preventive peadiatric Nursing

    2 Immunisation providing for environment

    3 Healthy Child - full

    4 Role of peadiatric nurse, common disease inchildren

    Sep 1,2 Revision 6 Stomach wash

    3,4 Quarterly Examination

    7 Simple dressing

    Standard - XII tâféaš

    khj« g¡f v© Kjš g¡f v© tiu

    #&‹ 1 tâf mik¥ò bghUŸ ϪJ T£L FL«g« 11

    2 T£lh©ik 12 Kjš ghl« Koa 23

    3 2« ghl« 30 10tJ Point e‹ikfŸ ÔikfŸKoa 42

    Gen Nur_Commerce

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    4 jåahŸ thâf¤Â‰F V‰w¤ bjhêš 42T£lh©ik Áw¥ò TWfŸ Koa55

    #&iy 1 jåahŸ thâf« T£lh©ik x¥Ãlš 56 Ïst® T£lhâ Koa 68

    2 T£lhë cçik flik bghW¥òfŸ 69 T£lh©ik fiy¥ò 83

    3 ãidéš bfhŸf gFÂfŸ KGtJ« 83 ÚÂ ne®ik Koa 87

    Ïil¥gUt¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ ãWk« I KGtJ« 91ãWk« II-Ïa¡Fe®fŸbghW¥òfŸ Koa 174

    br¥l«g® nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe® 175 ghl« Koa 196

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    Gen Nur_Commerce

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII Áw¥ò¤ jäœ

    khj« brŒÍŸ ciueil Ïy¡fz« Jiz¥ghl« (Ïy¡»a tuyhW)

    #&‹ 1 Ïiwthœ¤J

    gu«giu¡ Fz« MFbga® gÂbd‹ Ñœ¡ fz¡F üšfŸ2 bkhê thœ¤J


    4 eh£L thœ¤J

    #&iy 1 xG¡fKilik

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII E©Qæçaš

    khj« / thu« £l«

    #&‹ 1,2Theory of biogenesis- Microscopy, Control of micro organisms energy +enzymes

    3,4 Environmental microbiology, Food Microbiology - Industrial Microbiology#&iy 1,2 Pathogenic attributes of Bacteria, Normal flora of the body.

    3,4 Staphylococus aureus - Strepto Cocus pyogenes

    Corynebacterium diptheriae

    I Mid Term Test

    Mf°£ 1,2 Salmonella - Shigella- Vibrio, clostridium tetani- Clostridium botulinum

    3,4 Chlamydia - Microplasma, Letshmania - Trypanosomes - Parastic helminthes

    br¥l«g® 1,2Taenia Solium - Candide albicans - Cryptococcus neoformans, Mycstoma -herpes viruses - hepattis Viruses

    3,4Quarterly Examination

    Standard - XII Home Science

    khj« ghl¥gFÂ

    #&‹ 1 KjYjé, RthÁ¤jY«, _¢R¤ ÂzwY«, ä‹ tê fha§fŸ, m®¢Á, fhaK« Ïu¤j¥ ngh¡F«,mG¤j¥òŸëia cgnah»¤J bt¿¥òw Ïu¤j xG¡if ãW¤Jjš

    2 Ô¥ò©fS«, btªj ò©fS«, gŸëfëš mtru cjé ÚÍ« c‹ clš eyK«

    3 tho¡ifahs® éê¥òz®Î cz®Î cW¥òfŸ - f© tiu

    4 fhJ, czÎ k©ly« - bgU§Flè‹ ntiyfŸ

    #&iy 1 czΡFHè‹ Ïa¡f« - fêÎ Ú¡f k©ly« - njhè‹ ntiyfŸ tiu

    2 ehsäšyh Ru¥ÃfŸ - r®¡fiu nehæ‹ m¿F¿fŸ tiu

    3 m£ßdš Ru¥Ã - Ïd¥bgU¡f k©ly Kiw

    Kjš Ïil¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ 1 C£l¢r¤J¡ Fiwédhš V‰gL« nehŒfŸ - c殢r¤J à 12 tiu

    2 jhJ c¥òfë‹ Fiwgh£lhš V‰gL« nehŒfŸ- Á»¢ir czΤ £l¤Â‰fhd têfh£o

    3 tæ‰W¥ngh¡F - jå eg® cl‰R¤j«

    4 czthš guΫ nehŒfŸ k‰W« czÎ éõkhjš- Ú® t‰w it¥gj‹ _y« ghJfh¤jš

    br¥l«g® 1 ghèd« K®¢Áæ‹ bjhl¡f fhy« - clèaš ntiyfS« rh®ªj kh‰w§fS«

    2 bghJthd clš rh®ªj ÏilôWfŸ - kWÓuik¥ò

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    நணண்யரயல் Home Science

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII cæ® ntÂæaš

    khj« ghl¥gFÂ

    #&‹ 1,2 1. brš r›Î 1. cUis¡»H§»èUªJ °lh®¢R jahç¤jš

    3,4 2. brç¤jš

    #&iy 1,2,3 3. fh®nghiA£nu£Lfë‹ ts®Áij kh‰w« 2. ghèèUªJ nfÓ‹ jahç¤jš


    Kjš Ïil¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ 1,2 4. òuj§fë‹ ts®Áij kh‰w« 3. Ïu¤j tiffis f©l¿jš

    3,4 5. è¥ÃLfë‹ ts®Áij kh‰w«

    br¥l«g® 1,2 9. beh èid ntféaš 4. fhèÁa« msit m¿jš3,4

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    Standard - XII Geography

    khj« / thu« ghl« brŒKiw

    #&‹ 1, 2 1. jhtu§fŸ éy§FfŸ k‰W« kåj®fŸ11. ãy tiugl étu«


    4 2. kåj¤Âw‹ ghL

    #&iy 1 3. FoæU¥òfŸ 12. msit brŒjš


    3 4. bjhêyf¤ bjhFÂfŸ

    4Kjš Ïil¤ nj®Î (#&‹, #&iy ghl§fŸ brŒKiw jéu)

    Mf°£ 1 5. tâf¤ bjhFÂfŸ

    13. étu¥ngiH nkyh©ik bjhF k‰W« òé¤

    jftš bjhFÂfŸ23,4 6. ngh¡Ftu¤J k‰W« jftš bjhl®ò

    br¥l«g® 1 6. ngh¡Ftu¤J k‰W« jftš bjhl®ò

    2 ÂU¥òjš

    3,4fhyh©L¤ nj®Î (#&‹ Kjš br¥l«g® tiu cŸs ghl§fŸ)

    உயர ்வதயயல் Geography

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII Political Science

    khj« / thu« ghl«

    #&‹ 1,2 1. muÁ‹ ts®¢Á

    3,4 2. muR njh‰w¡bfhŸiffŸ

    #&iy 1,2 3. òJ muÁaš m¿éaš

    3,4 4. muR Ïiwik¡F V‰gL« rthšfŸ

    Kjš Ïil¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ 1,2 5. murh§fK« mj‹ tot§fS«

    3,4 6. Ú¤Jiw

    br¥l«g® 1,2 7. ϪÂa murh§fK« muÁaY«

    3,4fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    Standard - XII Business Maths Auotomechanic

    Month/ Week Topic

    June 1 Application of matrics and determinents Inverse of a matrix

    2 1.2 Systems of linear equations, 1.3 Solution of linear equations

    3 1.4 Storing information, 1.5 Input output analysis 1.6 TransitionProbability matrices

    4 Analytical Geometry: 2.1 Conics, 2.2 Parabola, 2.3 ellipse5 2.4 Hyperbola

    July 1 Application of differentiation I : Introduction

    2 3.1 Functions in Economics and Commerce 3.2 derivative as a rate of change

    3 3.3 Derivative as a measure of a slope

    4 Applications of defferentiation II Maxima and Minima

    5 I Mid Term Test

     Auguest 1 4.2 Application of Maxima and Minima

    2 4.3 Partial derivatives

    3 4.4 Applications of partial derivatives

    4 5. Applications of Integration, 5.1 Fundamental Theorem of IntegralCalculus

    5 5.2 Geometrical interpretation of definite integral as area under a curve

     Pol Sci_Auto Mec_Bus Maths_Sta

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Sep 1 5.3 Application of integration in economics and commerce

    2 5.4 Consumer's surplus, 5.5 Producers surplus

    3,4 Quarterly Examination

    Standard - XII Statistics

    Month/ Week Topic

    June 1,2,3 1. Probability

    4 2. Random variables and expectations

    July 1 2. Random variables and expectations

    2,33. Probability distribution I) Binominal distribution II) PoissonDistribution

    4 I Mid Term Test

     Auguest 1 3. III. Normal distribution

    2 4. Test of Significance (Basic Concept)

    3 5. Test of significance (large samples)

    4 6. Test of significance (small samples) ( T - Test, F- Test)

    Sep 1 6. CHl square distribution

    2,3,4 Revision and Quarterly Examination

    Standard - XII Auotomechanic

    khj« ghl«

    #&‹ 1st Year full portion revison

    #&iy Transmission system clutch

    Mf°£ Gear box : 3 types. propeller shaft & U Joint, Differential & Rearaxle

    br¥l«g® Front code and steering system

    Quarterly Examination

     Pol Sci_Auto Mec_Bus Maths_Sta

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII ϪÂa¥ g©ghL


    khjthç ntis







    ghl¤ jiy¥ò

    #&‹ 21 28 14 1. g©ghL- és¡f«- ÏašòfŸ- g©ghL« ehfçfK«,ga‹fŸ

    142. nt‰Wikæš x‰Wik, 3. g©gh£L x‰Wikia ts®¤jfhuâfŸ

    #&iy 21 28 143. ÁªJrkbtë ehfçf«, ϪÂa¥ g©gh£o‰F ÁªJehfçf¤Â‹ bfhil

    14 4. ntj§fŸ k‰W« òuhz§fëš fhz¥gL« g©gh£L¡TWfŸ, ntjfhy«, Éfhy - ntjfhy« - òuhzfhy«

    Kjš Ïil¥ gUt¤ nj®Î (#&‹ - #&iy ghl§fŸ k£L«)

    Mf°£ 21 28 145. K¤jäœ, mf«, òw«, bjhšfh¥Ãa® fhy thœ¡if Kiw,r§ffhy rka¡fU¤J, ϪÂa¥ g©gh£o‰F jäœ g©gh£o‹bfhil

    146. ϪÂa¥ g©gh£o‰F rka§fë‹ bfhil, ϪJ rka«, rkzrka«, ò¤j rka« - Ït‰¿‹ bfhil

    br¥l«g® 17 15 157. bksça® fhy g©ghL, F¥j® fhy g©ghL, ÉfhynrhH® fhy g©ghL, Éfhy gh©oa® fhy g©ghL

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î ( 1 Kjš 7 tiu cŸs ghl§fŸ )

    இந் தயபப்ணப்ட

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII

      Office Management

    khj« ghl« jiy¥ò


    1 eÅd mYtyf« - fU¤J« g§F«

    2 eÅd mYtyf rhjd§fS« kid mâa§fS«

    #&iy 3 mYtyf ÏltrÂÍ« mik¥ò¤ £lK«

    Kjš Ïil¤ nj®Î

    Mf°£ 4 mYtyf vGJ¥bghU£fŸ k‰W« më¥òfŸ

    br¥l«g® 5 nfh¥Ãlš, R£lfuhÂ

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    Office Management

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII




    khj« Mil totik¤jš



    1. FL«g m§f¤Âd®fS¡fhd MilfŸ nj®ªbjL¤jš

    2. Mil mâÍ« fiy

    3. Ma¤j Milfis¥ g‰¿ és¡f«


    1. ghthil nkšnghL« r£iljh«ó® v«ouhŒlçIy® v«ouhŒlçÁ¡f‹ x®¡ v«ouhŒlçirÜ° v«ÃuhŒlç

    2. U be¡ ¥sΰ

    3. f£ ¥sΰ

    4. m«g®yh °f®£



    4, Ma¤j Milfë‹ jahç¥òfŸ g‰¿ jå és¡f«

    f£ x®¡ v«ouhŒoç

    5. Ma¤j Milfis nj®ªbjL¡F« éj«

    6. th§Fgtç‹ ju«


    5. ~¥shL °f®£

    6. rhjhuz ghthil

    7. MW J©L ghthilKjš Ïil¤ nj®Î



    7. gy fâ és«gu§fŸ

    8. és«gu« brŒgt®fë‹ ju« kÂ¥ò g‰¿ m¿jš

    9. Jâfis nj®ªbjL¤jš

    10. Jâfis ij¥gj‰F jah®gL¤Jjš


    8. nk»a® ¥uh¡ 9. nah¡ ¥uh¡ 10. t£lnah¡ ¥uh¡11. °yh¡ õ®£

    m¥ë¡ x®¡nyl® x®¡



    11. khÂçia Jâæš étç¤jšbrŒKiw és¡f§fŸ


    12. F®jh tiffŸ 3 éj«fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    nyl® x®¡


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII r¤Jzéaš

    khj« f‰fnt©oa ghl§fŸ brŒKiw gæ‰Á


    1. gçªJiu¡f¥g£l C£l¢ r¤J msÎfŸ2. £l czΡF xU m¿Kf«


    2. f®¥Ãâ k‰W« ghYh£L« jhŒkh®fS¡fhd czñ£l« 1. f®¥Ãâ¡fhd £l czÎ

    10. fhŒ¢rY¡fhd £l czÎ 2. ghYh£L« jhŒ¡fhd £l czÎ

    11. clš gUk‹ k‰W« vil¡ FiwghLfS¡fhd £l czÎ 3. fhŒ¢rY¡fhd £l czÎ

    4. clš gUkD¡fhd £l czÎ


    3. Ïs§FHé¡F¤ njitahd czñ£l« 5. Ïs§FHé¡fhd £l czÎ

    4. K‹gŸë gUt taÂdU¡fhd czñ£l« 4. K‹gŸë gUt Fhªij¡fhd £l czÎ

    12. czΡ FHhŒ k©ly¤Âš V‰gL« nehŒfS¡fhd £lczÎ

    7. Fl‰ò©â‰fhd £l czÎ


    5. gŸë gUt FHªij¡fhd czñ£l« 8. gŸë bršY« FHªijfS¡fhd £l czΠ

    13. fšÄuš nehŒfS¡fhd £l czÎ 9. kŠr£fhkhiy¡fhd £l czÎ

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î


  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII


    jâ¡ifæaš - brŒKiwjhŸ 1

    khj« ghl§fŸ

    #&‹ ÏU¥ghŒÎ - M©L ÏW¡ fz¡FfŸ (rç¡f£LjšfSl‹)


    M©L ÏW fz¡FfŸ - ml¡féiyæš mD¥ÕLKjš gUt Ïil¤nj®Î

    Mf°£ Ïlh¥ò éiyæš mD¥ÕL - Ï izéid

    br¥l«g® thâf neh¡fk‰w mik¥òfë‹ fz¡FfŸ - x‰iw¥gÂÎ Kiw

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

     ACC 1

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XII

    bjhê‰ÃçÎ -

    fz¡F¥gÂéaš, jâ¡ifæaš -

    brŒKiw II

    khj« ghl§fŸ

    #&‹ jâ¡ifæaš - m¿Kf« - neh¡f§fŸ - tiffŸ


    jâ¡if £lälš - mf¢nrhjid - mf¡f£L¥ghLKjš gUt Ïil¤nj®Î - #&‹ - #&iy ghl§fŸ

    Mf°£ rh‹whŒÎ - brh¤J, bghW¥òfŸ rçgh®¤jš

    br¥l«g® ãWk¤jâ¡if - g§F Kjš jâ¡if

    fhyh©L¤ nj®Î

    ACC 2

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XI

    nkyh©ik¤ j¤Jt§fS«


    khj« ghl§fŸ

    #&‹ nkyh©ik m¿Kf«


    ghl« 1 k‰W« ghl« 2Kjš gUt Ïil¤nj®Î

    Mf°£ ghl« 3 , 4 k‰W« 5

    br¥l«g® ghl« 6 & 7

    fhyh©L¤ nj®ÎfŸ

    மலணம்  தத் தவம்

  • 8/20/2019 12th Quartely Syllabus 2014-2015


    Standard - XI

    bjhê‰ÃçÎ -


    khj« ghl§fŸ

    #&‹ fz¡»aš - fz¡F¥gÂéaš bghUŸ k‰W« neh¡f§fŸ


    fz¡» æaš fU¤J f£lik¥ò - KiwfŸ KjšgUt Ïil¤nj®Î - #&‹ - #&iy ghl§fŸ

    Mf°£ mo¥gil fz¡»æaš eilKiwfŸF¿¥ngL


    mo¥gil fz¡»æaš eilKiwfŸ - ngnuLfhyh©L nj®ÎfŸ

    ACC 3