12971433 Standard Charted Bank

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  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank




  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



    I would like to express my gratitude to almighty God without whose

    blessing I wouldnt have been able to take initial step in this


    Words are insufficient to express my gratitude to Mr. Nitish ipankar

    !my industry guide for his guidance and support in preparing this


    I would also like to thank my faculty guide whose support and

    suggestions has helped me to complete this pro"ect successfully.

    My sincere thanks to all those people who gave me their valuable

    time and input by filling my #uestionnaires.


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    $inally I would like to thank my parents! family members and friends

    for their support.


    I hereby declare that the work presented in the pro"ect report! titled

    %Investment &trategies and 'ortfolio Management was carried out by

    me as a part of M() curriculum during * weeks summer training

    program in the +rdsemester. ,he report is an authentic record of my

    work carried out under the guidance of Mr. Nitish ipankar in

    &tandard -hartered (ank. It is further declared that the report has

    not been submitted earlier for any other degree or diploma.


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



    India is a developing country and we all know that banking sector plays a

    very important role. In development with the increasing use of banking and

    finance in every field, new trends in their technology and modern use are

    being evolved day to day to meet the requirements. Infact !"#I"$% has

    become the need of today.&he purpose of '()*+& (+')(& is to e-pose the students in the

    market and in the field of banking, finance and investments and to develop

    the ability in the students to deal with all types of customers.

    'reparing proect report in the summer vacations and under going the

    summer training is the indispensable part of the college period. It provides

    the opportunity to review what we have gained in the training period and

    also provides the way to convey the knowledge and ideas to others.

    &he present proect provides the information on the STANDARD


    /earning is not possible in solitude and has to have the support and able

    guidance of some people around us in various roles and capacities. &he

    satisfaction and euphoria that accompanies the successful completion of any

    task would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it

    possible because success is the epitome of hard work, undeterred

    missionary 0eal, fast determination, and consideration.

    &herefore, we consider it a pleasant duty to e-press our heartiest

    appreciation, gratitude, and indebtedness to our proect guide r. "itish

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    ipankar for his keen interest, sincere e-tortion, invaluable and pain taking

    e-cellent guidance, continuous calm endurance, inspiration and

    encouragement during each phase of the present proect.


    In this proect, I have to study the most important products of banking

    industry i.e. 4avings account, Insurance and utual 5unds . !fter

    gaining appropriate knowledge of these products, I have to promote

    the products of 4tandard hartered to the customers and try to

    convince them to buy the products via e-plaining them its benefits. I

    also have to prepare a questionnaire in order to understand the

    customer psychology of investments and also get relevant

    information required in the proect.


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank





    /./ 0istory of (anking Industry *

    /.1 0istory of &tandard -hartered (ank /2/.+ Introduction of the topic 13



    +./ &ources of data collection +4 +.1 'roducts of &tandard -hartered

    5&avings )ccount +4 5 67I' 89 5Mutual $unds 8






  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank




  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    1.1 Overview of the Banking System

    6ntil the /329s! banking in India was carried on by a large number of

    banks! many of them #uite small. India is still primarily an agricultural

    country! with an economic and social structure based largely on the

    village. ,he integration of banking has been impeded by poor

    communications! by illiteracy! and by the barriers of language and


    Modern banking in India is said to be developed during the (ritish

    era. In the first half of the /3th century! the (ritish :ast India

    -ompany established three banks ; the (ank of (engal in /*93! the

    (ank of (ombay in /*89 and the (ank of Madras in /*8+. (ut in the

    course of time these three banks were amalgamated to a new bankcalled Imperial (ank and later it was taken over by the &tate (ank of

    India in /322. )llahabad (ank was the first fully Indian owned bank.


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    ,he headed by a

    Governor? appointed by the -entral Government. It issues guidelines

    for the functioning of all banks operating within the country.

    'ublic &ector (anks

    a. &tate (ank of India and its associate banks called the &tate

    (ank Group

    b. /3 nationali=ed banks


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    N)()individual! groups or whatever the case may be? can easily process

    transactions as and when re#uired. ,he most common services

    offered by banks in India are as followB

    (ank accounts B It is the most common service of the banking

    sector. )n individual can open a bank account which can be

    either savings! current or term deposits. 7oans B Cou can approach all banks for different kinds of loans.

    It can be a home loan! car loan! personal loan! loan against

    shares and educational loans.

    Money ,ransfer B (anks can transfer money from one corner of

    the globe to the other by issuing demand drafts! money orders

    or che#ues.

    -redit and debit cards B Most banks offer credit cards to their

    customers which can be used to purchase products and

    services! or borrow money.

    7ockers B Most banks have safe deposit lockers which can be

    used by the customers for storing valuables! like important

    documents or "ewellery.

    (anking service for N

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    R!"!#$! %&'( )* I'+,& R%I.

    ,he central bank of the country is the

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    system as it exists today is known as the minimum reserve system.

    %&'(!# ) G)$!#'!'

    ,he second important function of the

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    C)'#)55!# )* C#!+,


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    li#uidity of their assets! management and methods of working!

    amalgamation! reconstruction! and li#uidation. ,he

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    1.2 istory of Stan!ar! "hartere!

    ,he &tandard -hartered Group was formed in /343 through a

    merger of two banksB ,he &tandard (ank of (ritish &outh )frica

    founded in /*4+! and the -hartered (ank of India! )ustralia and-hina! founded in /*2+.

    (oth companies were keen to capitali=e on the huge expansion of

    trade and to earn the handsome profits to be made from financing

    the movement of goods from :urope to the :ast and to )frica.

    T! C!#!+ %&'(

    $ounded by Eames Wilson following the grant of a (ombay?!

    -alcutta and &hanghai in /*2*! followed by 0ong Dong and

    &ingapore in /*23

    ,raditional business was in cotton from Mumbai >(ombay?!

    indigo and tea from -alcutta! rice in (urma! sugar from Eava!

    tobacco from &umatra! hemp in Manila and silk fromCokohama

    'layed a ma"or role in the development of trade with the :ast

    which followed the opening of the &ue= -anal in /*43! and the

    extension of the telegraph to -hina in /*/

    In /32 -hartered (ank bought the :astern (ank together with

    the Ionian (anks -yprus (ranches. ,his established a

    presence in the Gulf

    T! S&'++ %&'(


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    $ounded in the -ape 'rovince of &outh )frica in /*41 by Eohn

    'aterson. -ommenced business in 'ort :li=abeth! &outh

    )frica! in Eanuary /*4+

    Was prominent in financing the development of the diamond

    fields of Dimberley from /*4 and later extended its network

    further north to the new town of Eohannesburg when gold was

    discovered there in /**2

    :xpanded in &outhern! -entral and :astern )frica and by /32+

    had 499 offices

    In /342! it merged with the (ank of West )frica expanding its

    operations into -ameroon! Gambia! Ghana! Nigeria and &ierra7eone

    In /343! the decision was made by -hartered and by &tandard to

    undergo a friendly merger. )ll was going well until /3*4! when a

    hostile takeover bid was made for the Group by 7loyds (ank of the

    6nited Dingdom. When the bid was defeated! &tandard -hartered

    entered a period of change. 'rovisions had to be made against third

    world debt exposure and loans to corporations and entrepreneurs

    who could not meet their commitments. &tandard -hartered began a

    series of divestments notably in the 6nited &tates and &outh )frica!

    and also entered into a number of asset sales.

    $rom the early 39s! &tandard -hartered has focused on developing

    its strong franchises in )sia! the Middle :ast and )frica using its

    operations in the 6nited Dingdom and North )merica to provide

    customers with a bridge between these markets. &econdly! it would

    focus on consumer! corporate and institutional banking! and on theprovision of treasury services ; areas in which the Group had

    particular strength and expertise.

    In the new millennium we ac#uired Grindlays (ank from the )NK

    Group and the -hase -onsumer (anking operations in 0ong Dong


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    in 1999.

    S&'++ C!#!+ 5!&+,'8 ! 9&7

    &tandard -hartered '7- is listed on both the 7ondon &tock

    :xchange and the 0ong Dong &tock :xchange and is consistently

    ranked in the top 12 among $,&:5/99 companies by market


    &tandard -hartered has a history of over /29 years in banking and

    operates in many of the worldFs fastest5growing markets with an

    extensive global network of over /!899 branches >including

    subsidiaries! associates and "oint ventures? in over 29 countries in

    the )sia 'acific

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    (anking customers worldwide! the (ank combines deep local

    knowledge with global capability to offer a wide range of innovative

    products and services as well as award5winning solutions.

    ,rusted across its network for its standard of governance andcorporate responsibility! &tandard -hartered takes a long term view

    of the conse#uences of its actions to ensure that the (ank builds a

    sustainable business through social inclusion! environmental

    protection and good governance.

    &tandard -hartered is also committed to all its stakeholders by living

    its values in its approach towards managing its people! exceeding

    expectations of its customers! making a difference in communities

    and working with regulators.

    E"&:5,"!' )* S&'++ C!#!+ %&'( )/'+ ! 9)#5+

    Country Year Estab!s"e# Country Year Estab!s"e#

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



    ?imbabwe 19:2 &aiwan 1:96

    &he $ambia,

    4ierra /eone,


    19: ameroon 1:97

    $hana 19:7 "epal 1:98

    otswana 19:8 >ietnam 1::;

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    access to your

    money through a

    variety of


    ii? $

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    invest a fixed

    amount of money

    every month in

    specific portfolio.

    iii?Globally valid



    iv?'hone (anking

    v?@nline (anking


    It is a basic! nomaintenance and

    hassle free

    savings account.

    i?No minimumbalance re#uired.

    ii?6nlimited free

    access to &-(



    ebit -ard

    iv?'hone (anking

    v?@nline (anking

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    o @ne5stop shopping for both life and general insurance


    o -omprehensive range of products to suit every stage of your

    life... from childhood to retirement

    o edicated insurance $inancial &ervices -onsultants from (a"a"

    )llian= 7ife Insurance -ompany to provide $

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    -reating a diverse and inclusive workplace that encourages

    our employees to achieve their potential and support our


    P#,)#,,!" & S&'++ C!#!+

    )t &tandard -hartered! we believe that our future success depends

    on our ability to deliver a sustainable business. @ur Fbuilding a

    sustainable businessFstrategy will help us take a long5term view of

    the implications of everything we do. ,his means taking responsible

    decisions that benefit our business! the economy! society and the

    environment ; and build the trust of all our stakeholders.

    @ur Fbuilding a sustainable businessF strategy explicitly recogni=es

    seven areas where we and our stakeholders believe we are most

    likely to make the greatest contribution to sustainability.

    ,hey areB

    S/"&,'&:5! 5!'+,'8; making sure when we lend money we

    are aware of the environmental! social and governance risks

    attached to such decisions and that we take steps to addressthem

    T&0(5,'8 *,'&'0,&5 0#,!; making sure that we have the right

    systems in place to detect such things as fraud and money

    laundering and exceed! rather than simply meet! increasingly

    stringent legal re#uirements in this field

    A00!"" ) *,'&'0,&5 "!#$,0!"; making sure we develop new

    ways for those deprived of banking services to get proper

    access to finance so that they can improve their standard of

    living and economic independence

    R!"6)'",:5! "!55,'8 = (!,'8 ; making sure we treat

    customers fairly and set the highest standards in service and



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    P#)!0,'8 ! !'$,#)'!' ; making sure we not only

    minimi=e our own direct impact on the environment but support

    others! such as customers! to do the same. We also want to

    support the development and commerciali=ation of

    technologies and schemes that tackle environmental threats

    like climate change

    G#!& 65&0! ) 9)#(; making sure that with our people! who

    represent over /99 nationalities from over 29 countries! feel

    valued! included and engaged. WeFre determined to attract!

    develop and retain the best people and to leverage the

    strength the diversity of our people brings! which is an

    incomparable advantage

    C)/',7 ,'$!"!' ; making sure we involve our

    employees and utilise our core expertise! networks and

    resources to help communities develop and economies to grow


    ,he governance structure we have set up for &ustainability provides

    strategic direction for the (ank and ensures we continue to make

    progress with our approach to sustainable development.

    ,he -orporate

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    ,he -ommittee is chaired by Mervyn avies! the Group -hairman!

    and meets #uarterly. It drives the &ustainability agenda at &tandard

    -hartered and is responsible for responding to issues coming out of

    new &ustainability legislation! regulation! stakeholder guidance and

    reporting and for making sure our activities are aligned with ouroverall business strategy. It also ensures we publish a &ustainability

    report! supported by accurate data! each year! in line with best


    ) dedicated &ustainability team! based in the 7ondon office!

    supports the -ommittee! the (usiness and other Group functions.

    ,he role of the team is to talk with stakeholders! monitor good

    practice and flag up potential trends and emerging issues. It co5ordinates the collection of data and is responsible for our annual


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    7iving with 0IJ )dvisory -ommittee

    -ommunity 'artnership (oards

    (ecause our business is spread across the globe in very differentmarket places! each -ountry 0ead is responsible for identifying and

    responding to local &ustainability issues. It is the responsibility of

    each business unit to adhere to policies that have been set on a

    global basis. Where local standards exceed group set policies! the

    higher standard is adopted.


    0elping stakeholders understand the way we operate and the

    challenges we face is fundamental to making progress with our

    Fbuilding a sustainable businessFstrategy.

    :ngagement is a word used by many organi=ations! but it means

    something very specific to &tandard -hartered. It is the way we go

    about communicating with three distinct but interconnected


    O/# )9' !65)7!!"; we want them to really understand

    what (uilding a sustainable business means

    P!)65! &'+ )#8&',>&,)'" & /"! )# ,'*5/!'0! )/#

    6#)+/0" &'+ "!#$,0!"; we want to work closely with them to

    develop and promote sustainable services

    P!)65! &'+ )#8&',>&,)'" & &$! ! 6)9!# ) &(! &

    9,+!# +,**!#!'0!; we want to use our geographic reach to

    promote the need for sustainable development

    We have been working on our stakeholder engagement programme

    for some years. Work in this area has recently increased as continue

    to build a clearer picture of our global stakeholder audience including

    government departments and agencies! socially responsible


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    investors! academic institutions! business associations and non5

    governmental organisations. In 1994 we invited 49 of our key

    stakeholders to help us develop our Fbuilding a sustainable businessF

    strategy. ,heir contributions ; many of which are included in our

    1994 &ustainability

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    @ffering structured investments

    Investments in e#uity

    Investments in hybrid structures

    A""! M&'&8!!'monitoring and recovery? for single assets

    and portfolio investments. ,he (ank has a successful track record of

    managing and resolving non5performing loans.

    C)#6)#&! A+$,")#7

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    with investment banks! financial institutions! brokers and value

    investors provides a valuable source of investors. We utilise superior

    information to maximise value for our clients.


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    fund! securities market related instruments like shares! bonds!

    debentures etc.

    ,ypes of Investments >period specific?

    /. &hort ,erm Investment5 ,he investment period is usually less

    than a year and it provides li#uidity to the investor.

    a? &avings (ank )ccount5 It is most often the first banking

    product that people use. ,his offers them interest >85

    2 p.a.? which is better than idle money.

    b? Money Market of 7i#uid $unds5 ,hese are speciali=ed

    form of mutual funds that invest in extremely short5term

    fixed income instruments and also provides li#uidity. It

    focuses on protecting your capital and then on making

    returns. ,hese are a better source of investment than

    savings account but lower than fixed deposits.

    c? $ixed eposits with (anks5 )lso known as term deposits

    and the minimum investment period with banks $ is +9

    days. It is for those investors who are risk averse and it

    provides higher rate of return than money market


    1. 7ong ,erm Investment 5 ,he investment period is more than a

    year and the returns are much higher than short term

    investments. 7ong term instruments are less li#uid than short

    term investments.

    a? 'ost office savings5 ,he post office monthly income

    scheme is a risk saving instrument! which can be availed


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    through any post office. It provides an interest rate of *

    per annum! which is paid monthly! minimum amount!

    which can be invested is

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    e? Mutual funds5 ,hese are funds operated by an

    investment company which raises money from the public

    and invests in a group of assets shares! debentures etcO

    in accordance with a stated set of ob"ectives .It is asubstitute for those who are unable to invest directly in

    e#uities or debt because of resource! time or knowledge

    constraints. (enefits include professional money

    management! buying in small amounts and

    diversification. Mutual fund units are issued and

    redeemed by the fund management company based on

    the funds Net )sset Jalue N)JO! which is determined at

    the end of each trading session. Mutual funds are usuallylong terms investment vehicle though there some

    categories of mutual funds! such as money market

    mutual funds which are short term instruments.

    About Portfolio

    ) portfolio is a combination of different investment assets mixed andmatched for the purpose of achieving an investors goals. ) portfolio

    may contain items like shares! debentures! bonds! any asset you

    own! mutual funds to items such as gold! art! real estate.

    @ne must have variety of investments within a portfolio in order to

    diversify market risk. ,he portfolio should be designed in such a way

    that it minimi=es the impact of one security on overall portfolio


    )dvantages of having a iversified portfolioB

    ecline in any one security will not affect the entire portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    Investments across various types of assets and markets will

    reduce the risk of entire portfolio getting affected by the

    adverse returns of any single asset class.




  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    R!"! M!)+)5)87


    ,o understand the basics of investment and various

    alternatives that are available with the investor.

    )lso to understand the customer psychology of investments

    and what are the various ob"ectives behind the investment.

    ,C': @$

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    1. &econdary data. ,he ma"or source of secondary data was the

    reference books and companys website. ,he companys

    articles and maga=ines were also referred to for the




  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    a< AX0!""P5/"

    Get instant cash at over 19!999 ),Ms across India and over

    /9!99!999 ),Ms across the world through the Jisa network. )nd get

    a globally valid ebit -ard that lets you shop at over +!14!999 outlets

    in India and at over /8 million outlets across the world.

    P $-ash withdrawal and

    balance en#uiry?

    P $

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    'arivaar is much more than a regular &avings )ccount. It allows you

    maintain your individual identity while allowing you to tap your

    familyFs financial strength. It also offers attractive insurance options

    to protect against unforeseen events and the facility of &ystematic

    Investment 'lan >&I'?! a uni#ue long5term wealth building tool.

    Cour family can maintain individual savings accounts with the

    benefit of clubbing balances in grouped accounts.

    )nytime! anywhere access to accounts through ),Ms! 'hone

    (anking and InterNet banking.

    @ption of &ystematic Investment 'lan >&I'?! a well known long

    term wealth building tool that allows you to invest a fixedamount of money every month in specific mutual funds. ,his

    comes with a direct debit facility and avoids the need to

    remember dates and write che#ues every month.

    Globally valid ),M5cum5debit card can be used at 22!999

    merchant outlets in India and /1 million outlets worldwide.

    c. N) F#,55" A00)/'

    Cou can now open an account with &tandard -hartered (ank! with

    an average #uarterly balance of as low as

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    )nywhere banking ; )ccess your account from any branch of

    &tandard -hartered (ank.

    )ccess to 'hone (anking and Internet (anking

    $ree -he#ue deposit at any &-( (ranch or ),M.

    :ligibility criteria

    ,his account is available to individual

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    :xtended banking hoursQ

    7ocker facilityQ

    oorstep banking

    ,o open an aa&aan account! you have to initially fund the account


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    'lus H 86;H

    1;;; 'ro H 86; 4uper >alue H 126;

    a- H 1;;;H

    16;; !ce H 12;; "o frills H 1;;

    Issue of debit card es es es es es

    !nnual ebit card

    charges :: 6;;

    $lobal H


    19; J

    &a-es 4hop 4mart H 2;;

    $old H 8::

    raft harges Kper

    thosandE ;H66

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    7ife insurance also triples up as an ideal tax5saving scheme. ,o

    know more! read the Dey (enefits of 7ife Insurance.

    K!7 %!'!*," )* L,*! I'"/#&'0!

    7ife insurance! especially tailored to meet financial needs

    N!!+ *)# L,*! I'"/#&'0!

    ,oday! there is no shortage of investment options for a person to

    choose from. Modern day investments include gold! property! fixed

    income instruments! mutual funds and of course! life insurance.

    Given the plethora of choices! it becomes imperative to make the

    right choice when investing your hard5earned money. 7ife insurance

    is a uni#ue investment that helps you to meet your dual needs 5

    saving for lifeFs important goals! and protecting your assets.

    A""! P#)!0,)'

    $rom an investorFs point of view! an investment can play two roles 5

    asset appreciation or asset protection. While most financial

    instruments have the underlying benefit of asset appreciation! life

    insurance is uni#ue in that it gives the customer the reassurance of

    asset protection! along with a strong element of asset appreciation.

    ,he core benefit of life insurance is that the financial interests of

    ones family remain protected from circumstances such as loss of

    income due to critical illness or death of the policyholder.

    &imultaneously! insurance products also have a strong inbuilt wealth

    creation proposition. ,he customer therefore benefits on two counts


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    and life insurance occupies a uni#ue space in the landscape of

    investment options available to a customer.

    G)&5 :&"!+ "&$,'8"

    :ach of us has some goals in life for which we need to save. $or a

    young! newly married couple! it could be buying a house. @nce! they

    decide to start a family! the goal changes to planning for the

    education or marriage of their children. )s one grows older! planning

    for oneFs retirement will begin to take precedence.

    -learly! as your life stage and therefore your financial goals change!

    the instrument in which you invest should offer corresponding

    benefits pertinent to the new life stage.

    7ife insurance is the only investment option that offers specific

    products tailormade for different life stages. It thus ensures that the

    benefits offered to the customer reflect the needs of the customer at

    that particular life stage! and hence ensures that the financial goals

    of that life stage are met.

    ,he table below gives a general guide to the plans that areappropriate for different life stages.

    L,*! S&8! P#, N!!+L,*! I'"/#&'0!


    Coung R

    &ingle)sset creation

    Wealth creation


    Coung REust married )sset creationR protection

    Wealth creation

    and mortgageprotection plans

    Married with




    )sset creation

    and protection




    protection R

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    wealth creation


    Middle aged

    with grownup kids

    'lanning for

    retirement R



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    T! K!7 F!&/#!" )* ! N!9 U',G&,' S/6!# P5&' ! B

    P It is a unit linked plan with minimum term of /9 years and maximum


    age 9

    P Guaranteed death benefitP Cou have the option to choose a host of additional benefits


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    (a"a" )llian= New 6nitGain &uper offers you a choice of + funds. Cou

    can choose to invest fully in any one fund or allocate your premiums

    into the various funds in a proportion that suits your investment


    ,he six funds offered are as underB


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    (ank eposits and Money Market



    Not more than 19 of the

    apportioned premium can be put

    in this fund



    4< A""! A55)0&,)' F/'+5

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



    ,he reason that mutual funds are so popular is that they offer the

    ability to easily invest in increasingly more complicated financialmarkets. ) large part of the success of mutual funds is also the

    advantages they offer in terms of diversification! professional

    management and li#uidity.

    In M$s! the risk involved decreases and the return increases

    because of diversified pool of funds.

    It is the cheapest of all investments. (ut if you invest throughbroker then you have to any 1.2 of the total investment but if

    you invest directly into the company no entry charges will be


    ,here is no lock in period in case of M$s but if you divest toyur

    investment within a period of /year then you will have to pay

    an exit load between /51.

    ,ax &aving is another benefit given to the investors.

    F5!?,:,575 Mutual $und investments also offers you a lot of flexibility

    with features such as systematic investment plans! systematic

    withdrawal plans R dividend reinvestment.

    A**)#+&:,5,7 5 ,hey are available in units so this makes it very

    affordable. (ecause of the large corpus! even a small investor can

    benefit from its investment strategy.

    L,;/,+,7 5 In open ended schemes! you have the option of

    withdrawing or redeeming your money at any point of time at the

    current N)J


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



    ANA'YSIS 0



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



    A1. What is your age groupV

    )ccording to the survey! maximum number of people belong to the

    age group of /*512 years. &o we can say that most of the

    respondents will be willing to take risk and make investments in the

    market instruments with moderate risk.


    D,"#,:/,)' )* R!"6)'+!#" A8! 8#)/6"

    a? /*512 yrs


    >b? 125+2 yrs


    >c? +2582 yrs


    >d? S 82 yrs


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    A2. What is your @ccupationV

    ,he above graph shows the occupation of the sample respondents.

    29 of the respondents belong to the category of salaried


    /4 of the respondents are into (usiness.

    /8 of the responds are self employed and the rest 19 into other



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    8. What is your ob"ective behind InvestmentsV

    )ccording to the graph! the basic ob"ective of most of the people

    behind investments in ,ax benefits followed by good returns. It is

    really important for the investor to get good amount of profits on hisinvestment. ,he next possible reason for investment is future plans

    for themselves and their family. Jarious other reasons for

    investments include safety and security of capital and managing



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    A6. 0ow do you take financial decisionsV

    sources of decision





    /3/ >a? Independently

    >b? Word of mouth

    >c? (roker

    >d? )dvise from a -)

    >e? )dvise from a (ank

    >f? $inancial )dvisors

    >g? @thers >please specify?

    )ccording to the survey! 13 i.e. maximum no. of respondents take

    their financial decisions based on others opinion i.e. word of mouth.

    11 of the total respondents take their financial decision

    independently. ,hey take this decision based on their owninterpretation and calculations.

    /3 of the respondents take their financial decisions with the help of

    financial advisors.


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    /1 of the respondents take their financial decision based on the

    interpretation of the broker.

  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank


    A8. What do you have presently in your portfolio in form of


    *,'&'0,&5 6#)+/01"









    >a? $ixed deposits >b? 'ropertyA7and >c? 6lip >d? Gold >e? 7ife insurance


    >f? Government


    >g? Mutual funds >h? :#ui tyA&hares >i? @thers

    $,)/" *,'&'0,&5 6#)+/01" *)# ,'$!"1!'1"

    N)ery 'oor



  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank



    /. Website


    1. (ooks

    Money and (anking5 I-$)I

    Indian $inanacial Management5 M.C. khan

    $inanacial Management5 &.N. Maheshwari

    N-$M5 $inancial (eginners Module


  • 8/13/2019 12971433 Standard Charted Bank
