1294 Steel Protection 0309 - · PDF filesteel protection by hot dip galvanizing and duplex coating systems ggeenneerraall hhoott ddiipp ggaallvvaanniizziinngg the hot dip galvanizers

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    The Hot Dip Galvanizers Association of Southern Africa

  • HDGASA 2009

    II nntt rroodduucctt ii oonn ::The Hot Dip Galvanizers Association of Southern Africa wasfounded in 1965 and its membership represents the majority ofthe available hot dip galvanizing capacity in Southern Africa.

    TThhee VViiss ii oonn ::To position the Hot Dip Galvanizers Association of SouthernAfrica, comprising all its Members and other interested parties,as a professional organization serving the interests of all partiesdependant upon the hot dip galvanizing industry.

    MMiissss ii oonn SSttaatteemmeenntt ::To develop and expand the demand for hot dip galvanizing,identify and develop new market opportunities for the benefitof Members and other stakeholders.

    SStt rraatteegg ii cc OObb jj eecctt iivvee ::To convince users and specifiers to use hot dip galvanized steelin preference to other coatings and alternative materials,where suitable. This is carried out in three ways:

    1. Through general promotional activities.

    2. Through focused technical marketing support.

    3. Through training and education programmes.

    DDee ll ii vveerryy AAcctt iivv ii tt ii eess :: Promoting the use of hot dip galvanizing for cost effective

    corrosion control in applications where its use isappropriate.

    Providing technical assistance and advice for specifiers,fabricators and end users while also recommendingalternative protective methods where appropriate.

    Identifying and investigating potential new applicationsfor hot dip galvanizing.

    Participating in development projects on behalf of industryby providing assistance in the form of technicalconsulting, practical recommendations and assistancewith the preparation of design specifications.

    Providing assistance with quality control during fabricationand hot dip galvanizing.

    Disseminating technical knowledge by providing aconsulting and training service as well as the publicationof technical literature.

    Providing training and education for member companiesto ensure a high standard of quality and servicethroughout the hot dip galvanizing industry.

    TThhee HHoott DDiipp GGaallvvaanniizzeerrss AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ooff SSoouutthheerrnn AAffrriiccaa



    Quality House, Unit U4, St. Christopher Road, St. Andrews, Bedfordview

    P.O. Box 2212 Edenvale 1610

    Telephone: (011) 456 7960

    Fax: (011) 454 6304

    Email: [email protected]



    P.O. Box 2001 Clareinch 7740

    Telephone: (021) 797 4735

    Fax: 086 612 7284

    Email: [email protected]

    P R O M O T I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F H O T D I P G A L V A N I Z I N G

  • 1HDGASA 2009

    Steel Protection by Hot Dip Galvanizing and Duplex CoatingSystems has been revised and updated to include theSANS/ISO specifications for hot dip galvanizing. This includesthe specifications applicable to general galvanizing as well astubes by the semi-automatic process. In addition, morecomprehensive information has been added to the sectionscovering continuously galvanized wire and sheet. The latterprovides the latest available information on pre-coated sheetproducts available in South Africa.

    The design and inspection of hot dip galvanized articles and theirexpected service life performance in a range of environments iscritical to the successful application of hot dip galvanizing forcorrosion control. Bolting and welding as well as comprehensivecoating repair of hot dip galvanizing is also discussed. This guideprovides ample support for the specifier, designer and user toutilize the unique properties of hot dip galvanizing when appliedto steel. As in other editions, information in this guide is basedon scientific literature supported by the invaluable experience ofvarious authorities, both local and overseas.

    This edition is the 6th available in South Africa and the 4th

    written specifically for the local market. Based on earlieroverseas editions, the contribution is acknowledged andgreatly appreciated.

    Members of staff of The Hot Dip Galvanizers Association ofSouthern Africa are available to provide support and adviceon the design, application and performance of hot dipgalvanizing. Please feel free to contact us.


    It is estimated that this pressed steel panel water storage tank, known as a Braithwaite water tank has been in service for about 70 years and the hot dip galvanized coating is still in a serviceablecondition. The coating on the fasteners has now failed and must bereplaced or overcoated to ensure further service life. The original

    Braitwaite tank was imported but several reputable local companiesproduce similar product of equal quality.

  • 1 About Corrosion and Rust Prevention ...................... 3

    2 Choice of Rust Prevention Method .......................... 4

    3 Corrosion Protection Methods .................................. 7

    3.1 Hot Dip Galvanizing

    3.2 Electroplating

    3.3 Zinc Metal Spraying

    3.4 Sherardizing

    3.5 Mechanical Plating

    3.6 Coating with Zinc-Rich Epoxy or Paint

    4 Hot Dip Galvanizing.................................................... 9

    4.1 The Advantages of Hot Dip Galvanizing

    4.2 The Disadvantages of Hot Dip Galvanizing

    4.3 The Hot Dip Galvanizing Process

    5 Hot Dip Galvanizing of Sheet Metal .......................... 12

    5.1 Zinc Coating Surface Finish

    5.2 Surface Treatment

    5.3 Cut Edge Corrosion Resistance

    5.4 Strain Ageing

    5.5 Painting

    5.6 Primer Coated Galvanized Steel Sheet Produced in a Continuous Coating Line (CHROMAPREP)

    5.7 Painted Cold Rolled Galvanized Steel Sheet Produced in a Continuous Coating Line (CHROMADEK or CHROMADEK PLUS)

    5.8 Fastening Methods

    5.9 The Handling and Protection of Galvanized and Prepainted Steel Sheet During Storage

    6 Hot Dip Galvanizing of Wire ...................................... 17

    6.1 The Process

    6.2 Practical Aspects

    7 The Reactions Between Iron and Zinc ...................... 19

    7.1 Composition and the Metallurgy of the Steel

    7.2 Zinc Temperature

    7.3 Immersion Time

    7.4 Alloying Additions to the Molten Zinc

    7.5 The Withdrawal Rate of the Article from the Molten Zinc

    7.6 Surface Condition

    7.7 Thickness of the Steel

    7.8 The Iron/Zinc Reaction in Continuous Galvanizing

    8 Mechanical Properties of Hot Dip Galvanized Steels ...................................................... 25

    8.1 Strength and Ductility

    8.2 Embrittlement

    8.3 Fatigue Strength

    9 Design for Hot Dip Galvanizing.................................. 26

    9.1 Introduction

    9.2 Venting, Filling and Drainage

    9.3 Masking, Welding, Handling, Clearance for Moving Parts and Identification

    9.4 Preventing Distortion

    9.5 Packaging and Transporting of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel

    10 Specifying Hot Dip Galvanizing .................................. 35

    10.1 Hot Dip Galvanizing Specifications

    10.2 Lead Times

    11 Quality - Inspection Before and After ...................... 36

    11.1 Inspection Before Hot Dip Galvanizing

    11.2 Inspection After Hot Dip Galvanizing

    11.3 Thickness Testing

    11.4 Appearance

    11.5 Adhesion of the Coating

    11.6 Testing for Adhesion

    2 HDGASA 2009

    TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss

    12 Corrosion Resistance of Hot Dip GalvanizedCoatings ................................................................38

    12.1 The Corrosion Test

    12.2 Corrosion Resistance in the Atmosphere

    12.3 Wet Storage Stain

    12.4 Galvanic, Bimetallic and Crevice Corrosion

    12.5 Corrosion Resistance of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings in Aqueous Conditions

    12.6 Corrosion Resistance of Hot Dip GalvanizedCoatings in Soil Conditions

    12.7 Hot Dip Galvanized Steel in Contact withBuilding Materials

    12.8 Abrasion Resistance of Hot Dip GalvanizedCoatings

    12.9 Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings Exposed toElevated Temperatures

    13 Bolted Connections.................................................... 45

    13.1 Type of Structural Bolts and Fastening Devices

    13.2 Corrosion Prevention

    13.3 Corrosion Resistant Metals

    13.4 Protective Coatings

    13.5 Hot Dip Galvanizing of Fasteners

    13.6 Bolt and Nut Assemblies

    13.7 Washers

    13.8 High Strength Fasteners Class 10.9

    13.9 Bolt Tensioning Procedures

    13.10 The Effect of Hot Dip Galvanizing on Strength Properties of Fasteners

    14 Welding of Zinc-Coated Steel .................................. 49

    14.1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

    14.2 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)

    14.3 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)

    14.4 Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW)

    14.5 Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

    14.6 Oxyfuel Gas Welding (OGW)

    14.7 Brazing and Braze Welding

    14.8 Soldering

    14.9 Embrittlement of Steel by Liquid Zinc During Arc and Oxyfuel Gas Welding

    14.10 Resistance Welding

    14.11 Safe Health Practices

    15 Reconditioning Damaged Coatings or Site Modified Hot Dip Galvanized Components ...................................... 51

    15.1 Coating Repair Procedure by the Galvanizer

    15.2 Site Repairs

    16 The Cost Effectiveness of Hot Dip Galvanizing ........ 52

    17 Painting of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel - Duplex Coating Systems ........................................................ 53

    17.1 When to Paint Hot D