128566341 Infosys Placement Paper (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 128566341 Infosys Placement Paper (1)


    Infosys Placement Paper Mumbai with Answers and Solutions.

    1. If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogram PQRST .

    Ans: 1:2

    2. All the students of class are told to sit in circle shape. Here the boy at the 6 th position is exactly opposite to 16 thboy. Total number of boys in the class?

    3. The average mark of 10 students is 80%. Later it was found that for one student, instead of 60%, the recorded

    90%, by mistake. Now the corrected new percentage?

    Ans:- Old % is 80 for 10 ppl. So the total: 800.

    4. What is the output of the program

    void main()


    struct a


    int i;char *st1;


    typedef struct a ST;

    ST *str1;



    strcpy(str1->st1,"Welcome to Oracle");

    printf(" %d%s\n",str1->i,str1->st1);



    // A. core dump

    // B. will not compile

    // c. 100,Welcome to Oracle// D. None of these

    Ans: C

    5. What is the output of the program

    void main()


    int i,j,k;





    if(++k && ++i

  • 8/13/2019 128566341 Infosys Placement Paper (1)


    // D. 5,-2,2

    Ans: D

    6. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how much more will each have to contribute

    towards the purchase of the gift/

    A. D/(M-3)

    B. MD/3

    C. M/(D-3)

    D. 3D/(M2-3M)

    Ans. D

    7. A company contracts to paint 3 houses. Mr. Brown can paint a house in 6 days while Mr. Black would take 8 days

    and Mr. Blue 12 days. After 8 days Mr. Brown goes on vacation and Mr. Black begins to work for a period of 6 days.

    How many days will it take Mr. Blue to complete the contract?

    A. 7B. 8

    C. 11

    D. 12

    Ans. C

    8. A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long.Find the area i t can graze?

    (a) 38.5 sq.m (b) 155 sq.m (c) 144 sq.m (d) 19.25 sq.m Ans. (a)

    9. Mr. Shah decided to walk down the escalator of a tube station. He found that if he walks down 26 steps, he

    requires 30 seconds to reach the bottom. However, if he steps down 34 stairs he would only require 18 seconds toget to the bottom. If the time is measured from the moment the top step begins to descend to the time he steps off

    the last step at the bottom, find out the height of the stair way in steps?

    Ans.46 steps.

    10. The average age of 10 members of a committee is the same as it was 4 years ago, because an old member has

    been replaced by a young member. Find how much younger is the new member ?

    Ans.40 years.