List of Some Common Orthopedic tests: Shoulder 1. Empty Can (Supraspinatus) Test 2. Yergason Test 3. Speed's Test 4. Ludington's Sign 5. Drop Arm Test 6. Apley's Scratch Test 7. Cross-Over Impingement Test 8. Neer Impingement Test 9. Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test 10. Sternoclavicular (SC) Joint Stress Test 11. Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Distraction Test 12. Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Compression Test (Shear) 13. Piano Key Sign 14. Apprehension Test (Anterior) 15. Apprehension Test (Posterior) 16. Sulcus Sign 17. Anterior Drawer Test 18. Posterior Drawer Test 19. Jobe Relocation Test 20. Feagin Test 21. Load and Shift Test 22. Grind Test 23. Clunk Test 24. O'Brien Test

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Page 1: 121762856 All Orthopedic Tests

List of Some Common Orthopedic tests:


1. Empty Can (Supraspinatus) Test

2. Yergason Test

3. Speed's Test

4. Ludington's Sign

5. Drop Arm Test

6. Apley's Scratch Test

7. Cross-Over Impingement Test

8. Neer Impingement Test

9. Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test

10. Sternoclavicular (SC) Joint Stress Test

11. Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Distraction Test

12. Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Compression Test (Shear)

13. Piano Key Sign

14. Apprehension Test (Anterior)

15. Apprehension Test (Posterior)

16. Sulcus Sign

17. Anterior Drawer Test

18. Posterior Drawer Test

19. Jobe Relocation Test

20. Feagin Test

21. Load and Shift Test

22. Grind Test

23. Clunk Test

24. O'Brien Test

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25. Brachial Plexus Stretch Test

26. Shoulder Abduction Test

27. Adson's Maneuver

28. Allen's Test

29. Roos Test

30. Military Brace Position

31. Pectoralis Major Contracture Test


1. Chvostek's Sign

2. Loading Test

3. Palpation Test

Cervical Spine

1. Vertebral Artery Test

2. Foraminal Compression Test (Spurling)

3. Foraminal Distraction Test

4. Valsalva's Maneuver

5. Swallowing Test

6. Tinel's Sign


1. Resistive Tennis Elbow Test (Cozen's Test)

2. Resistive Tennis Elbow Test

3. Passive Tennis Elbow Test

4. Golfer's Elbow Test

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5. Hyperextension Test

6. Elbow Flexion Test

7. Varus Stress Test

8. Valgus Stress Test

9. Tinel's Sign

10. Pinch Grip Test

Wrist and Hand

1. Tap or Percussion Test

2. Compression Test

3. Long Finger Flexion Test

4. Finkelstein Test

5. Phalen Test

6. Tinel's Sign

7. Froment's Sign

8. Wrinkle Test (Shrivel Test)

9. Digital Allen's Test

10. Bunnel Littler Test

11. Murphy's Sign

12. Watson Test

13. Valgus Stress Test

14. Varus Stress Test

15. Section VI: Thoracic Spine

16. Kernig/Brudzinski Signs

17. Lateral Rib Compression Test

18. Anterior/Posterior Rib Compression Test

19. Inspiration/Expiration Breathing Test

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Thoracic Spine

1. Kernig/Brudzinski Signs

2. Lateral Rib Compression Test

3. Anterior/Posterior Rib Compression Test

4. Inspiration/Expiration Breathing Test

Lumbar Spine

1. Valsalva's Maneuver

2. Stoop Test

3. Hoover Test

4. Kernig/Brudzinski Signs

5. 90-90 Straight Leg Raise Test

6. Bowstring Test (Cram Test)

7. Sitting Root Test

8. Unilateral Straight Leg Raise Test (Lasegue Test)

9. Bilateral Straight Leg Raise Test

10. Well Straight Leg Raise Test

11. Slump Test

12. Thomas Test

13. Spring Test

14. Trendelenburg's Test

15. Stork Standing Test

Sacral Spine

1. Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Fixation Test

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2. Gillet Test

3. Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Stress Test

4. Squish Test

5. Yeoman's Test

6. Gaenslen's Test

7. Patrick or FABER Test

8. Long-Sitting Test


1. Hip Scouring or Quadrant Test

2. Nélaton's Line

3. Craig's Test

4. 90-90 Straight Leg Raise Test

5. Patrick or FABER Test

6. Trendelenburg's Test

7. Ober's Test

8. Piriformis Test

9. Thomas Test

10. True Leg-Length Discrepancy Test

11. Apparent Leg-Length Discrepancy Test

12. Ely's Test

13. Tripod Test

14. Femoral Nerve Traction Test


1. Patella Tendon/Patella Ligament Length Test

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2. Patellar Apprehension Test

3. Ballotable Patella or Patella Tap Test

4. Sweep Test

5. Quadriceps or Q-Angle Test

6. Medial-Lateral Grind Test

7. Bounce Home Test

8. Patellar Grind Test (Clarke's Sign)

9. Renne Test

10. Noble Test

11. Hughston's Plica Test

12. Godfrey 90/90 Test

13. Posterior Sag Test (Gravity Drawer Test)

14. Reverse Pivot Shift (Jakob Test)

15. Anterior Lachman's Test

16. Anterior Drawer Test

17. Slocum Test With Internal Tibial Rotation

18. Slocum Test With External Tibial Rotation

19. Pivot Shift Test

20. Jerk Test

21. Posterior Drawer Test

22. Hughston Posteromedial Drawer Test

23. Hughston Posterolateral Drawer Test

24. Posterior Lachman's Test 27

25. External Rotation Recurvatum Test

26. Valgus Stress Test

27. Varus Stress Test

28. McMurray Test

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29. Apley Compression Test

30. Steinmann’s Tenderness Displacement Test

31. Rectus Femoris Contracture Test

Ankle and Foot

1. Homans' Sign

2. Anterior Drawer Test

3. Talar Tilt Test (Inversion)

4. Talar Tilt Test (Eversion)

5. Thompson Test

6. Tap or Percussion Test

7. Feiss Line 30

8. Interdigital Neuroma Test

9. Compression Test

10. Long Bone Compression Test

11. Swing Test

12. Kleiger's Test

13. Tinel's Sign