06/17/22 Concept of Test Driven Development applied to Embedded Systems M. Smith University of Calgary, Canada 1 Automated Testing Environment Concepts required for testing embedded systems adopted in this course (quizzes, assignments and laboratories)

12/14/2015 Concept of Test Driven Development applied to Embedded Systems M. Smith University of Calgary, Canada 1 Automated Testing Environment Concepts

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Automated Testing Environment

Concepts required for testing embedded systems adopted in this course

(quizzes, assignments and laboratories)

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To be tackled today

Why test, and what kinds of tests are there? Difference between

TLD – Test Last Development TDD – Test Driven Development

(Test First Development) How do you add tests? More details on the testing process E-TDD and

the testing toll E-UNIT Other kinds of available tests – time and access Design of custom TESTs and ASSERTS

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Why test?


does it work the way I expect? Testing my and my partner’s understanding of the


-- If we can’t explain (to ourselves via a test) the product ideas – how do we know when product is working?

Regression testing MY PARTNER ADDED A NEW FEATURE to a product –

how do I know it did not “break something” I wrote? System testing

How do I PROVE TO THE CUSTOMER that the product (Lab. or assignment) works the way that was requested?

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What are the problems with this sort of “Human intervention” test?

This code would be placed


directory with the rest of the

customer code

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VisualDSP development environment(IDDE) – Communication overhead


“JTAG” boundary scan operation



BF533 Evaluation Board



Debugging Interface


Lab. station (ICT318 / 320)

Each time we want to send a message (via printf( ) or cout) we must “stop” the processor from doing what we want it to do, and then send messages over the interface – Slow, plus the testing can impact on peripheral performance.

E.g. no sound while doing printing in Assignment 2 and Lab. 1


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More issues with this sort of test!

Tests are mixed up “with production code”, in many places Must remove tests before release to customer

Unreliable – may result in test messages at wrong time in released code

Difficult to “add” and “remove tests” from production code without introducing new errors

Results can be checked automatically – therefore unlikely to have tests run often during development – leads to unreliable product

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E-TDD Tool

E-TDD – embedded test driven development Build-the-tests-first (during design) ideas for product

development has been made popular by the “Agile” approach

Requires an automated testing approach (test framework) In this class, we are going to use the E-Unit tool for

its automated behaviour Will use in both “test last” development (what most people

currently do) and in “test first” development (trying to encourage).

I (the customer) will provide tests so that you can check that you have developed the “right” stuff at the “high” level

You will build additional tests to check your own code at the “low level”

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Test Environment

Can download “LabTestEnvironment.zip” file from the web (Check the September webpages for exact name of file)

LabX directory is where you keepyour “project” code LabXcode_main.cpp LabX_start.cpp LabX_initializeASM.asm

LabXTests is where you keep the tests for LabX

LabXtests_main.cpp (built by GUI) Tests_for_LabX_start.cpp Tests_for_LabX_initializeASM.cpp written in C++) E_UnitConnect.cpp (built by GUI)

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Build a new VDSP project “Assignment1Test” and place in “Assignment1Tests” directory

Now add certain standard files to the project Same set of files for all assignments and

laboratory Use the automated features of the GUI

to “convert” VDSP project to test project

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Now add your Assignment1 subroutines files to the Assignment1Test project

Don’t move or copy the files into the test directory – just “add” them to the project

Note the use of “Assignment1.h” which has the prototypes for all “C++” and “assembly code” functions used (from AssignmentX dir.)

This files are “added” using VDSP to the“Test” project and NOT copiedfrom the Assignment1 directory

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The GUI has automatically added the “Tests_main.cpp”

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The GUI has automatically added a “TestGroup” file for you

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Modify “Assignment1Tests.cpp” to perform the needed testing

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Tests and Test Groupshave a standard format




Add further tests at this location

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Tests then need to be customizedA lot of this can be automated by GUI

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Test ComponentsRemember format for “exams” and “quizzes”

The ACTUAL Test (This is a TEST MACRO)CHECK(result1 == result2) – If an error occurred what

was ‘result1’ being used for?Error result1 != result2

Would get better test error messages if we “self-documented the code”

int resultCPPCode = ; int resultASMCode = CHECK(resultCPPCode == resultASMCode);Error resultCPPCode != resultASMCode

Test CONTROL statements (ALL MACROS) TEST_CONTROL( testgroup_name) TEST_FILE_RUN_NOTIFICATION( testgroup_name)

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Have added stub versions of functions

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Note “code DEFECT”

There is NO return valueplaced in R0

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Now build source files to make executable

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Fix the code. Review the code for syntax errors and “logical” errors

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DON’T IGNORE WARNINGSFIX THE PROBLEM, e.g. add .extern or fix type

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Now “build and run” the testsAll the tests MUST fail (no code written) otherwise using bad tests

Quick test failure visualization

Detailed test failure information

Something wrong – how did the test pass with no code?

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Now “build and run” the testsAll the tests should fail (no code present)

Quick test failure visualization

Detailed test failure information

Clicking on the “detailed test info”automatically takes you to the “test” that failed

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The test that failed

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Clicking on the “detailed test info”automatically takes you to the “test” that failed

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Test information modes arecontrolled in “Test_main” Show Failures and Expected Failures only

Show Failures and Successes

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Add a separate test to show that result2(from the ASM code) is equal to 42

Add further tests at this location

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Gui automatically adds new test

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Write the tests for “self-documenting” messages(What does “result1 == result2” mean if 200 tests present?)

HAVE – What is a ‘result1’ and a ‘result 2’


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Write the “CPP” code to get to workbut “Write the ASM for speed”





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Get a “Volun-tell” to come to the front and write the “better” test

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Available ASSERTS More can be “customized”

CHECK(expected == actual) – Success if passes

XF_CHECK(expected == actual) – Success if “fails”

CHECK_EQUAL(expected, actual)

XF_CHECK_EQUAL(expected, actual) – Success if fails

CHECK_CLOSE(expected, actual, tolerance)

CHECK_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, length)

CHECK_ARRAY_CLOSE(expected, actual, length, tolerance)

REPORT(“character message”);

Special changes to editor .ini file makes this ASSERTS into highlighted key-words

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Handled today – some easy “non-programming” quiz and midterm questions

Why test, and what kinds of tests are there? Difference between

TLD – Test Last Development TDD – Test Driven Development

(Test First Development) How do you add tests for Assignment 1? More details on the testing process E-TDD and

the testing tool E-UNIT Other kinds of available tests – time and access Design of custom TESTs and ASSERTS