12.01/12.04: Richard Nixon – Republican 1969-1974 General Background Info. Won 1968 election because he promised to get the US Out of the Vietnam War DOMESTIC

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12.01/12.04: Richard Nixon – Republican FOREIGN ISSUES BACKGROUND Vietnam Got the USA out of the Vietnam War (1973) Oct. 6, 1973: Syria & Egypt invaded Israel Fighting lasted only 3 weeks, but caused major issues for the USA Effects: Foreign Policy ________________________________: “political realism”; belief that foreign policy should be based on a country’s power, not their principles or ideals ________________________________: Policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions _____________________________________: Nixon’s Sec. of State Foreign Visits ______________________________: Officially recognized Communist Gov’t. of China ______________________________: Official visit to discuss reduction of nuclear weapons “ “Strategic Arms Limitation Talks” Between the USA & USSR 5-year agreement to limit the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles

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12.01/12.04: Richard Nixon Republican General Background Info. Won 1968 election because he promised to get the US Out of the Vietnam War DOMESTIC ISSUES New Federalism Definition: Ex: Definition: The US experienced high prices & high unemployment Between 1967 1973 Causes: Southern Issues Swann v CMS, 1971 Nixon wanted to gain more Republican support in the South How: Lowered the voting age to 18 Passed because of the debate over the draft age - old enough to fight = Old enough to vote! 12.01/12.04: Richard Nixon Republican DOMESTIC ISSUES (Contd) Watergate Background & What Happened Nixon was running for reelection in 1972, but was afraid he was going to lose 5 men broke into the Democrat National Committees headquarter, but got caught Some of the men were members of Nixons administration (Attorney General) White House began shredding documents & asked FBI to stop investigation (Looks fishy) The Trail & Impeachment of Nixon Those caught in the break in testified that Nixon had tapes & knew what was going on USA v Nixon, 1974: Aug. 9, 1974: Effects of Watergate Gerald Ford (Nixons VP) became President & pardoned Nixon!! 25 members of Nixons Administration were charged with a crime & served time 12.01/12.04: Richard Nixon Republican FOREIGN ISSUES BACKGROUND Vietnam Got the USA out of the Vietnam War (1973) Oct. 6, 1973: Syria & Egypt invaded Israel Fighting lasted only 3 weeks, but caused major issues for the USA Effects: Foreign Policy ________________________________: political realism; belief that foreign policy should be based on a countrys power, not their principles or ideals ________________________________: Policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions _____________________________________: Nixons Sec. of State Foreign Visits ______________________________: Officially recognized Communist Govt. of China ______________________________: Official visit to discuss reduction of nuclear weapons Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Between the USA & USSR 5-year agreement to limit the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles 12.01/12.04: Gerald Ford Republican General Background Info. Took over after Nixon resigned from office DOMESTIC ISSUES Whip Inflation Now Tight Money Policy Govt. reduces money supply FOREIGN ISSUES The Economy The US in the worst recession since the Great Depression 12.01/12.04: Jimmy Carter - Democrat General Background Info. DOMESTIC ISSUES No price controls on the production of US oil & natural gas Tax credits for developing alternative energy sources Energy Crisis The Economy Civil Rights Standard of living decreased from 1 st to 5 th Increased trade competition from Japan & W. Germany hurt US Auto Industry: Many workers laid off & displaced: dont have skills for new job Service Sector: University of California v Bakke, 1978: 12.01/12.04: Jimmy Carter - Democrat FOREIGN ISSUES BACKGROUND Rejected policies of Realpolitik & Dtente Panama Agreement that was supposed to reduce nuclear arms in the US & USSR Peace talks between Israel, Egypt & USA Terms of Agreement: Iranian Hostage Crisis 1979 Iranian Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew Shah of Iran US allowed Shah into the US, which angered Khomeini 12.01/12.04: Ronald Reagan Republican General Background Info. DOMESTIC ISSUES Economy The economy suffers another severe recession in !! _____________________________________: Reagans economic Policy calling for tax cuts & increased spending (mostly on defense) _____________________________________: Theory that if people Paid less in taxes, they would have more money to save & invest in Production, which ultimately would bring prices down. National Debt Increased due to the govt. spending more on defense! Cut back on Federal regulations of industry Removed price controls on oil Eliminated health/safety inspections for nursing homes Removed restrictions on savings & loans industry Cut the budget of the EPA = environment Positive Outcome of Deregulation: Supreme Court Reagan made several appointments to the Supreme Court = all conservative to support his actions ___________________________: 1 st female Justice on the Supreme Court 12.01/12.04: Ronald Reagan Republican FOREIGN ISSUES BACKGROUND The C old War _____________________________________________________: Proposed satellite defense system intended to protect the US from Missile attacks AKA = Star Wars Soviet Relations Mikhail Gorbachev became new leader of the USSR ______________________________: Openness; Openly discussing Problems occurring in the USSR during the 1980s ______________________________: Restructuring Soviet society; Allows more freedom in the economy & govt. More private businesses & free enterprise Move toward a more democratic government Wanted better relations with the USA to help his economy _____________________________________________________: Treaty between the USA & USSR that eliminated some weapons Systems & allowed for inspection of military installations. US hostages taken in Lenanon. Reagan authorized the sale of weapons to Iran in order to get he Hostages freed. Profits from this sale went to the Contras in Nicaragua because they Were fighting to prevent a Communist take over 12.01/12.04: George H. W. Bush Republican General Background Info. FOREIGN ISSUES Cold War Ends 12/1991: USSR begins to split apart 2/1992: ______________________________________________: Pres. Bush & Russian Pres. Yeltsin issued a formal statement declaring the Cold War over!! 11/11/1989: Tiananmen Square 4/1989: University students lead a pro-democracy protest in China 8/2/1990: Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait, then headed to Saudi Arabia & its oil fields. _______________________________________________________: Codename for US assault to free Kuwait from Iraq 2/28/1991: ___________________________________________: Persian Gulf War over 12.01/12.04: Bill Clinton Democrat General Background Info. DOMESTIC ISSUES Drafted by Republican Speaker of the HOR, Newt Gingrich Welfare Changes 1996: Put an end to federal guarantee of welfare Whitewater & Impeachment 2003: 1 st surplus in 30 years Clinton was accused of improperly using money from a land deal to Fund his1984 gubernatorial reelection campaign Using money to fund his campaign to stay Gov. of Arkansas Lied under oath about an improper relationship with a White House Intern 12.01/12.04: Bill Clinton Democrat FOREIGN ISSUES BACKGROUND 1991: Haitis Pres. Forced from office by a military take over Thousands of refugees flee harsh military rule 1994: 1991: Yugoslavia broke into 5 parts Some Serbian militias began practicing ethnic cleansing in Bosnia 1995: NAFTA ________________________________________________________: Treaty that made trade easier between the US, Canada & Mexico by Creating a free trade zone 1998: Serbian forces attack ethnic Albanians in Kosovo & continued Practice of ethnic cleansing 1999: 12.01/12.04: George W. Bush - Republican General Background Info. DOMESTIC ISSUES Dept. of Homeland Security Terrorist attacks in New York (World Trade Center) & Washington, DC (The Pentagon) Flight 111 was hijacked, but passengers overran terrorists plane crashed in Pennsylvania Executive department created by Pres. Bush Purpose: Controversial law passed after 9/11 giving the govt. broad authority to Investigate suspected acts of terrorism in the USA Wire taps, tax records, internet searches, books purchased or Borrowed, etc/ Many raised questions about the Constitutionality of such an act Education _____________________________________________________: Education reform; more accountability by states for students success; 1. Mandatory achievement testing (EOCs, writing test, etc.) 2. More school options for parents (school vouchers, charter schools, etc) Economy Many corporate scandals (Enron & WorldCom) hurt the economy _______________________________________________________: Established a regulatory board to oversee the accounting industrys Involvement with big business Signed tax cuts to help boost the economy 12.01/12.04: George W. Bush - Republican FOREIGN ISSUES BACKGROUND War on Terrorism US response to 9/11 Began October, _____________________________________________: Terrorist Network based in Afghanistan; responsible for 9/11 attacks ____________________________________________: Leader of Al Queda & director of 9/11 attacks ____________________________________________: Government of Afghanistan that was protecting Osama bin Laden ____________________________________________: US began bombing raids due to the govt. hiding terrorists thought to be responsible for 9/11 attacks. Pres. Bush called for renewed arms inspections because he believed they were supplying terrorist organizations Pres. Bush connected Iraq with the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which Got many peoples attention ___________________________________________: Iraqi dictator who refused new weapons inspections March 2003: War in Iraq began as US & British troops attacked Iraqs forces were defeated within months, but the US remains involved in the country US public slowly losing interest in war & support is going down