Chapter 1 Edward Knight used to believe he was a normal teenager; he used to believe that he did not have a destiny, that he was just a dot in the world. He was wrong, in five years Edward Knight became the most important person in the world, in the five years of Edwards fighting he lost everything, he lost everyone, but he refused to give up, he refused to stop fighting, this is his story, this is his life. The rain was pounding down outside, the streets were filling up with water, What are you crazy Edward Knight screamed, his voice could barley be heard at that moment as lighting struck outside filling the sky with a boom. Edward, I am more than serious here Frank said walking over to Edward, who was stood in the middle of the empty comic book store, The comic book store was large and filled with comics on every wall, in glass cabinets were action figures and more comics where in the boxes that lined the floor. This is a joke right Edward said setting a pile of comics on the table next to him Edward I a serious, you are a demon hunter Edward stood in shock as frank repeated the words he had heard a few minutes prior, Oh please Frank Demons dont exists Yes they do, and they are everywhere Edward began pacing back and forth, Frank got closer to Edward and grabbed his shoulders and held him still, Edward you have to believe me Edward pushed Franks hands off him and walked away from him towards the brown wood counter at the end of the room, No Frank I dont believe you because this is crazy No Edward think about it, the stuff that happens here You are beginning to sound lik e Billy, next thing I know you will be telling me aliens exist Frank looked at Edward and shrugged Oh please

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Chapter 1 

Edward Knight used to believe he was a normal teenager; he used to believe that he did not

have a destiny, that he was just a dot in the world. He was wrong, in five years Edward

Knight became the most important person in the world, in the five years of Edwards fighting

he lost everything, he lost everyone, but he refused to give up, he refused to stop fighting,

this is his story, this is his life.

The rain was pounding down outside, the streets were filling up with water,

What are you crazy Edward Knight screamed, his voice could barley be heard at that

moment as lighting struck outside filling the sky with a boom.

Edward, I am more than serious here Frank said walking over to Edward, who was stood in

the middle of the empty comic book store,

The comic book store was large and filled with comics on every wall, in glass cabinets were

action figures and more comics where in the boxes that lined the floor.

This is a joke right Edward said setting a pile of comics on the table next to him

Edward I a serious, you are a demon hunter

Edward stood in shock as frank repeated the words he had heard a few minutes prior,

Oh please Frank Demons dont exists

Yes they do, and they are everywhere

Edward began pacing back and forth, Frank got closer to Edward and grabbed his shoulders

and held him still,

Edward you have to believe me

Edward pushed Franks hands off him and walked away from him towards the brown wood

counter at the end of the room,

No Frank I dont believe you because this is crazy

No Edward think about it, the stuff that happens here

You are beginning to sound like Billy, next thing I know you will be telling me aliens exist

Frank looked at Edward and shrugged

Oh please

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Edward, open your mind

No okay, and why now, why tell me now

Because something is coming

What, what is coming Frank eh

I cant tell you right now because I am not One Hundred percent

Then why tell me Edwards voice began to raise

At that moment the door swung open sending a huge gust of wind into the sh op and rain

began pouring in, in walked a small boy who was tightly wrapped in a coat.

Hi sorry, I was wondering if you have the new Puncher

Yeah Frank said

I will just get Edward ducked behind the counter and pulled out a comic with a cartoon

bloody fist on it

That will be £2:10

The boy handed Edward the money and put the comic in his jacket and he was gone,


Frank no, I have to go okay, I am late as it is

We have to talk about this

No okay

Edward grabbed his coat from the rack and walked out the door into the rain, leaving Frank

stood alone.

Edward walked down Wet Street; the grey clouds were covering the sky leaving the streets

grey and gloomy. The rain came down faster every second as Edward made his way down

the high street on his way to school; he passed all the people opening up the shops readyfor the day ahead. He walked through the huge shopping centre were everything was quiet

and almost empty; he left the centre and continued through the rain to school. It took him

about 20 minutes to get to the school; he walked past the long silver gates that have

guarded the road. He walked straight over the large grass island in the middle of the car

park and under the long blue and white canopy and into the brown building.

Edward hey

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Hey Lisa

Stood in front of him was a teenage girl wearing a long dark black rain coat, her wet brown

hair was hanging over her black rimmed glasses. The coat cut off at her knees where she

was wearing black and white stocking and black heavy weight boots,

How are you?

Fine just had a crazy morning, you

Been here for about an hour, you know had to get away

Yeah same here, you want to know what Frank said to me this morning

Lisa about opened her mouth to speak when Billy, Lisa and Edwards oth er friend stormed

into the hallway throwing the door open and letting in rain. He was stood in a blue coat,

with his black hair covered under the hood, he was holding a wet paper in his hand.

You wont believe what was in today paper He said with a huge smile on his face

No Billy I dont think we will

He shrugged off Edwards comment ad preceded to read aloud

Police have confirmed this morning that the body of Marshall Tate ha s been found in his

home frozen, frozen

Edward and Lisa stood looking at Bill y speechless and dripping with water,

So Edward managed to get out

Dont you see, Aliens

Billy I dont think this was aliens

Lisa, I am not crazy they came down and froze this man so they can abduct him later

Edward and Lisa let out a cry of laughter

Guys dont laugh

Seriously Billy the things you come up with, you are worse than Frank

Edward, these things are real as I have said before our town is like a WeirdsVille for the


Yeah, imagine that a sign reading Welcome to WeirdsVille, home of the unexplained, please

Billy you are making these things worse than they sound Lisa said changing her look from

Billy to Edward

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And what do you mean worse than Frank

Well he told me this morning, that, well that apparently I am a Demon Hunter

The three friend started walking away laughing,

Yea you are right he is crazier than Billy Lisa said

Billy shot Lisa a look

Sorry Billy she said quickly

The bell rang and the three friends walked down the hallway laughing and joking,

The library was quiet a people were sat with their heads in book, Edward was sat at a

computer quietly typing a report for his English class,

Hey Billy said sneaking up on him


What you up to

Just typing up my essay Romeo and Juliet

He nodded at him

You know what Frank said could easily be true

Billy dont

What I am just saying if you opened up your mind

I dont need to open up my mind, okay because I know it is not true

Oh come on, think about it, the demon sightings around the world, the weird things in this

town. I mean the frozen people and ever changing weather, look outside it was pouring

down with rain earlier now it sunny

So that does not prove anything

Edward, please just listen to me, open up okay try to believe in something


Just talk to him, if not for yourself then for me

Edward looked at Billy

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Fine I will go and talk to him at lunch

Thank you Billy said then left

Edward was walking at a quick pace, to get to and from the store in the next hour. He wasnot looking where he was going when he crashed into another person,

Argghh watch it He shouted as he fell to the floor

Sorry the familiar voice said as a hand was reached down to help Edward up

Edward looked up there he was Jamie Dean; he was wearing a police uniform which

highlighted his toned body and made his dark black hair stand out.

Hey, Jamie Edward said as he got up with Jamies help

Again sorry about that, I guess I was not looking wear I was going

No its not your fault, mine in a rush not looking at all Edward said smiling uncontrollably

So where you off to

Just going to see Frank

Oh ok then, hey I have not seen you around lately

Yeah I have been busy you know, just school work

Yeah I remember school, being young

What youre still young, what are you 24 I mean you are in amazing condition

Thanks, you looking forward to growing up

I am grown up, I am 18 you know, you do know that right

Yeah of course I do, I mean I did not I would not ask you out

Edward was caught off guard at that moment

What out, as me you out

Yes Edward

Ummm, I err, I have to go now bye

Edward rushed off leaving Jamie stood in the middle of the street confused,

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Frank you here

Edward pushed the door open and walked inside of Kamicomics,


Hey Frank said jumping out from behind the counter

Listen Frank before you start talking, I need you to know I am going to listen but I am not

willing to believe you just yet

Well okay, guess that is good enough, where shall I start

Well I have only got an hour, and its school so how about the beginning Edward sat on a

stool behind the counter as Frank began to talk,

Okay so every male in your family up to the 1900s was a demon hunter

Okay so if every male in my family was a demon hunter why did my Dad not tell me, I mean

that is the kind of Father Son chat you have

He probably did not know, the hunter line stopped after 1899


No one knows

Okay then, so about this big bad, okay now I sound Buffy, hey is she real


How do you know?

Okay Joss Whedon best friend hunted demons, he was not a demon hunter just a

independent hunter

Oh so thats how he got the idea for Buffy


Awesome Edward said smiling

Okay Frank so about this, bad demon

I am not sure exactly what demon it is yet

So what do you know, because I have not exactly learnt anything?

All I know is that you are the first demon hunter in over 100 years, and Edward you need to

believe what I am saying

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Why should I believe you, you have not exactly told me anything original or anything that

would make me believe you


Frank walked up to Edward

Frank, no I listened to Billy and heard you out, now I am going to leave because I want to

get some lunch


Edward jumped up and walked out the store, He walked down the bustling high street and

went to get some lunch.

Do think Edward will believe Frank

Do you think Demons are real?

Well yeah Lisa I do and you do a little as well

The two were sat in the canteen watching the weather change from sun to rain again,

No Billy I dont

Why not it explains a lot

What it explains that there is some sort of demon running round town freezing people and

changing the weather

Its possible

Lisa shook her head and took another bite out from her sandwich,

Billy not to hurt your feelings but you are a little crazy

Oh thanks, but you still love me though right Billy smiled at Lisa who gave him a uneasy


Yeah I do

Hey Edward said sitting down next to his friends

Hey how did it go Billy said lighting up

Fine he said things I said things, lets leave it at that


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Billy I said lets leave it at that understand

Billy nodded and the three friends sat in silence eating their lunc h

Frank Edward said walking into the store and leaving the dark streets behind, the store waslite up from the back to the front.



Lisa jumped up from behind the counter

Sorry I did not mean to scare you

Oh you didnt I was just expec ting Frank is he here

No he had to leave and what do you mean I did not scare you, you screamed like a girl

I did not scream like a girl

Ok then

Edward walked to the counter and sat down next to Lisa,

You alright

I ran into Jamie earlier today

Oh no, what did you say this time

Nothing stupid he just asked me out

Oh my no way this is huge

Hey whats so huge?

Jamie asked Edward out Lisa said smiling

Oh wow how amazing right, I am not very good at this

Yes Billy this is wow but I did not say yes or no

WHAT why not Lisa shouted at Edward

Okay calm down, it was just out of the blue and it shocked me

Well he is like a little old for you isnt he, I mean he has to be like 35 Billy said sitting down

in front of them

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What no he is 24

Really are you sure Lisa said

Yes I asked him once, I needed to make sure

Anyway off the topic of Edward looking for a man to sleep with, not that I dont like talkingabout this, I just think maybe you and Lisa should talk about this when you are a lone, how

did things go with Frank, do believe now

Both Billy and Lisa turned to Edward

I told you I dont want to talk about it lets just forget Franks episode

Billy and Lisa nodded at Edward and the three friends sat chatting for a few hours as the

outside began to get dark and time was getting late,

Well I have to go now the foster will be wondering where I am

Ok Billy see you later Edward and Lisa said

Billy left leaving Edward and Lisa alone

So how are things at home?

Not great, they are still arguing

Dont worry Lisa I am sure it will get better

I dont think it will, they dont even sleep in the same room, I just wish they would get a

divorce and be done with it

Dont say that

Why not it is obvious that, that is where it is all head ing anyway, I will be like that kid in the

film where he as to choose between his parents and then goes crazy

Doesnt he end up killing his parents?

I tend not to think about that bit


Well I should probably go

Lisa got up and gave Edward a hug and left the shop leaving Edward alone to close up,

Edward got up and began to close up starting with the back, locking the door and turning off 

the light, he had a quick hover of the front and locked the door, after a hour of cashing up

he turned off the lights and walked to the door, he stopped at the door and moved to the

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side to look through the big window. He began to see something moving out side, it was like

a shadow moving quickly and rising, suddenly


A black figure smashed through the window and pushed Edward to the floor,


Edward was on the floor in seconds, he looked up into the figures cloak and staring back

was a Green, black eyed demon.

Help somebody Help me

The demon held Edward to the floor with a nail digging into Edward ne ck,

Die Hunter the demon screamed in a rough horrid voice

Edward began to struggle as the demon wrapped its claws around Edwards neck, He looked

to his side and reached out for a shard of glass, he picked up the glass and shoved it deep

into the demons side. The demon let out a cry of pain and let go of Edwards neck, Edward

punched the demon who fell off of him. He jumped up and made a run for it, before he

could get to the back, the demon got up and made a jump for Edward who ducked, the

demon went flying into a rail of comics. Edward ran past the brown counter and into the

back he pushed the door shut, locking it behind him, the demon started banging at the door,

Edward grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialled

Help me please help it attacked me

Sir where are you the female operator said

Kamicomics please help

As a claw punched a hole in the door Edward dropped the phone, he looked around and saw

a bat against the wall, he picked it up as the demon came charging into the room. He swung

the bat and hit the demon in the face knocking him to the floor. Edward could hear the

sound of siren as the demon got up and ran away, As the sirens got closer Edward felt a little

safer as he collapsed to the floor.

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