12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper

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  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    U.P. Higher Judicial Service (Pre) Examination-2009

    (Held on 280!2009)"ime# $ hour%

    &ar'%# 00

    ote%#(i) All questions are to be attempted.(ii) Each question carries equal mark.

    (iii) Answers are to be given by blackening the correct option in the O.M.R. heet.

    . *hich i% the correct meaning o+ ,ord emargo/

    (A) landing place

    (!) prohibition

    (") disease o# eye($) cargo

    2. 1n agreement en+orceale la, at the in%tance o+ one or more o+ the 3artie%

    and not o+ other or other% under Section 2(i) o+ the 4ndian 5ontract 1ct i% called-

    (A) a valid contract(!) an illegal contract

    (") a void contract($) a voidable contract

    $. 5laim +or nece%%arie% o+ li+e %u33lied to a minor under Section !8 o+ the 4ndian

    5ontract 1ct-

    (A) cannot be en#orced at all

    (!) can be en#orced against the minor personally on attaining ma%ority(") can be en#orced against the minor&s property or estate

    ($) can be en#orced against the guardian' i# any' o# the minor

    6. 1n act7 to e called on act o+ +irm/7 ,ithin the meaning o+ %ection 2(a) o+ the

    4ndian Partner%hi3 1ct7 9$2 i%-

    (A) every act o# the partners

    (!) only such acts which give rise to a en#orceable by or against the #irm(") such acts which do not give rise to a right en#orceable by or against the #irm

    ($) either (A) or (!) or (")

    . *hich o+ the +ollo,ing i% a valid 3artner%hi3

    (A) partnership between two partnership #irm

    (!) partnership between one partnership #irm and an individual

    (") partnership between individual members o# one #irm and the individual members o#another #irm

    ($) neither (A) nor (!) nor (")

    !. Ea%ement i% a right-

    (A) in rem

    (!) in personam(") neither (A) nor (!)

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    ($) in rem in general but in personam in eceptional cases

    . :amage% a,arded +or tortuou% liailitie% are-

    (A) liquidated(!) unliquidated

    (") penal

    ($) none o# the above

    8. :e+amation %3o'en ,ord% or ge%ture% i% 'no,n a%-

    (A) nnuendo(!) lander

    (") *ibel

    ($) +one o# the above

    9. "he 3rinci3le +act% %3ea' +or them%elve%/ i% ex3re%%ed the maxim-

    (A) ,bi %us ibi remedium

    (!) Res ipsa *oquitur

    (") +ovus Actus nterveniens($) "ausa "ausams

    0. "he liailit o+ a ma%ter +or act% o+ hi% %ervant in ;a, o+ "ort% i% called-

    (A) Absolute liability

    (!) -ortious liability(") icarious liability

    ($) +one o# the above


  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    ($) ection 333

    6. Section 2 o+ the "ran%+er o+ Pro3ert 1ct7 882 im3o%e% a 3rohiition on

    tran%+er or other,i%e dealing o+ an 3ro3ert during the 3endenc o+ a %uit7

    3rovided the condition% laid do,n in %ection are %ati%+ied. "he %tatement i%#

    (A) #alse

    (!) true(") partly true

    ($) +one o# the above

    . "he de+inition o+ Sale/ i% contained in the "ran%+er o+ Pro3ert 1ct7 882 in


    (A) 328

    (!) 322(") 81

    ($) +one o# the above

    !. *hat ,ould e the %tatu% o+ a le%%ee o+ an immovale 3ro3ert on the ex3ir o+ a+ixed term lea%e7 i+ he continue% in 3o%%e%%ion

    (A) ,nauthorised occupant(!) -enant o# holding over

    (") -enant o# su##erance

    ($) *icensee

    . *hich o+ the +ollo,ing i% not a condition +or a valid gi+t o+ immovale 3ro3ert

    (A) Registered instrument signed by on behal# o# the doner

    (!) "onsideration(") Attestation by at least two witnesses

    ($) Acceptance o# gi#t by donee during the li#etime o# the doner

    8. >7 an o,ner o+ hou%e at 1ligarh7 le+t 1ligarh in the ear 90 a+ter a33ointing unda%i . Ramchandra

    (") +oor Mohd. ?han . @akirappa

    ($) All o# the above

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    $. *ho i% authorit com3etent to i%%ue notice to evict and reali?e damage% +rom a

    3er%on ,ho ha% damaged or mi%a33ro3riated or +ound in occu3ation o+ a Faon

    Saha land unauthori?edl

    (A) *and Management "ommittee

    (!) *ekhpal o# the circle(") Assistant "ollector concern

    ($) "ollector

    $2. Under the U.P. Gamindari 1olition and Ae+orm% 1ct7 90 at 3re%ent cla%%e% o+

    tenure are-

    (A) !humidhar' irdar' Adhivasi and Asami

    (!) !humidhar with trans#erable right and !humidhar with non trans#erable rights(") !humidhari with trans#erable rights' !humidhar with non trans#erable rights' Asami

    and >overnment lessee

    ($) !humidhari with trans#erable rights' !humidhar with non trans#erable rights ; Asami

    $$. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing i% not exem3ted +rom o3eration o+ U.P. Uran

    Duilding% (Aegulation o+ ;etting Aent Eviction) 1ct7 92

    (A) Any building o# which the >overnment or a local authority or a public sector

    corporation or a "antonment !oard is landlord

    (!) Any building belonging to or vested in a recogni:ed educational institutional(") Any building o# which the >overnment or a local authority or a public sector

    corporation or a cantonment !oard is the tenant

    ($) Any building' whose monthly rent eceeds two thousand rupees

    $6. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing i% not a ground under %ection 20 o+ the U.P. Uran

    Duilding (Aegulation o+ ;etting Aent Eviction) 1ct7 92 +or in%tituting a %uit

    +or eviction

    (A) -hat the tenant is in arrears o# rent #or not less than #our months' and has #ailed to pay

    the same to the landlord within one month #rom the date o# service upon him o# a

    notice o# demand(!) -hat the tenant has without the permission in writing o# the landlord made or

    permitted to be made any such construction or structural alteration in the building as

    is likely to diminish its value or utility or the dis#igure it

    (") -hat the tenant without the permission o# the landlord allowed one o# his relatives tolive with him in the tenanted accommodation

    ($) -hat the tenant has sublet' in contraventions o# the provisions o# section 48' as the

    case may be' o# the old Act the whole or any part o# the building

    $. 1mong%t the +ollo,ing ,hich i% not a ground +or relea%e o+ a uilding under

    Section 2 o+ the U.P. Uran Duilding (Aegulation o+ ;etting Aent Eviction)

    1ct7 92

    (A) -hat the building is bona#ide required either in its eisting #orm or a#ter demolition

    and new construction by the landlord #or occupation himsel# or any member o# his

    #amily #or residential purpose

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    (!) -hat the building is bona#ide required either in its eisting #orm or a#ter demolition

    and new construction by the landlord #or occupation himsel# or any member o# his

    #amily #or purposes o# any pro#ession' trade or calling(") n case o# a residential building #or occupation #or business purposes

    ($) -hat the building is in a dilapidated condition and is required #or purposes o#

    demolition and new construction

    $!. "he Pre%ident o+ a &unici3al Doard on charge% can e removed ,hich

    among%t the +ollo,ing

    (A) -he Municipal !oard by simple ma%ority

    (!) !y the electorate who elected the president by simple ma%ority

    (") !y the tate >overnment

    ($) !y the "ommissioner o# the $ivision

    $. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing i% correct 3roce%% +or removal o+ the Pradhan o+ a

    Faon Saha

    (A) -he =radhan can be removed by ma%ority o# the villagers(!) -he =radhan can be removed by ma%ority o# the members o# the >ram abha

    (") -he =radhan can be removed by the ma%ority o# twothird o# the members o# the>aon abha present and voting

    ($) !y an order passed by $istrict $eputy "ollector

    $8. U3on the 3ulication o+ the noti+ication under Su-%ection (2) o+ Section 6 o+ the

    U.P. 5on%olidation o+ Holding% 1ct7 9$7 no tenure holder %hall u%e hi% holding

    or an 3art there+ore +or 3ur3o%e% not connected ,ith agriculture7 horticulture

    or animal hu%andr including 3i%ciculture and 3oultr +arming exce3t ,ith the

    3ermi%%ion in ,riting o+-

    (A) "onsolidation o##icer

    (!) $eputy $irector o# "onsolidation(") ettlement O##icer o# "onsolidation

    ($) "onsolidation "ommissioner

    $9. 4n 3roceeding% under the U.P. 5on%olidation o+ Holding% 1ct7 9$ ,hich

    3rovi%ion% among%t the +ollo,ing i% not a33licale-

    (A) ection 8 o# the ndian *imitation Act

    (!) "hapter B and B o# ,.=. *and Revenue Act' 3

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    6. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing cannot e levied a :evelo3ment 1uthorit

    (A) Mutation charges

    (!) Dater #ees(") @ee on carrying a trade or business in a development area

    ($) !etterment charges

    62. *hen a criminal act i% done %everal 3er%on% in +urtherance o+ the common

    intention o+ all-

    (A) each o# such person is liable #or that act in the same manner as i# it were done by himalone

    (!) each o# such person is liable #or his own overt act

    (") each o# such person shall liable according to the etent o# his participation in the

    crime($) both (!) and (")

    6$. >/ and / %tood on guard ,ith a %3ear in hand ut did

    not hit G/ at all.

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    ($) right o# private de#ence is available only to one party

    68. @or 3roving an o++ence under Section $0 o+ 4P5-

    (A) intention to commit murder has to be proved

    (!) causing o# grievous hurt is to be proved

    (") use o# lethal weapon is to be proved($) actual in%ury is to be proved

    69. Pre3aration to commit murder i%-

    (A) punishable

    (!) not punishable

    (") punishable with #ine

    ($) All the above

    0. Pre3aration to commit dacoit i% a -

    (A) punishable o##ence

    (!) not punishable o##ence(") no o##ence

    ($) +one o# the above

    . @or an o++ence o+ cheating7 intention to cheat %hould e 3re%ent-

    (A) in the end(!) in the middle

    (") !oth the above

    ($) #rom the very beginning

    2. ;""E (;ieration "iger% o+ "amil Eelam) leader ,ho ,a% 'illed Srilan'an


    (A) =.=rabhakaran(!) .=rabhakaran

    (") -.=rabhakaran

    ($) .=rabhakaran

    $. 4P;-2009 ,a% held in-

    (A) outh A#rica

    (!) England(") Australia

    ($) ndia

    6. :acoit ,ho ,a% 'illed in encounter in June7 2009 in di%trict 5hitra'oot ,a%-

    (A) $adua

    (!) Malkhan ?ewat(") >hanshyam ?ewat

    ($) -okia mallah

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    . "he ,ord% CS1"eneral(!) Auditor >eneral

    (") Election "ommissioner

    ($) "hie# Gustice o# ndia

    . *ho allo,% the introduction o+ the @inance Dill

    (A) =resident

    (!) @inance minister

    (") =rime minister ($) peaker

    8. "he large%t revenue in 4ndia i% otained +rom-

    (A) Railways

    (!) Ecise $uty(") ales -a

    ($) $irect -a

    9. *here i% the head=uarter o+ Ae%erve Dan' o+ 4ndia %ituated

    (A) Mumbai

    (!) $elhi

    (") ?olkata($) Ahmedabad

    !0. *ho%e name ,a% announced +or the Dharat Aatna 1,ard in 2008

    (A) =andit Ravi hanker

    (!) -apan inha

    (") M.. ubba *ami

    ($) =andit !himsen Goshi

    !. Ho, man time% in a ear doe% an e=uinox ta'e 3lace

    (A) once(!) twice

    (") thrice

    ($) +one o# the above

    !2. *hen doe% lunar ecli3%e ta'e 3lace

    (A) Moon comes in between Earth and un

    (!) un comes in between Moon and Earth

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    (") Earth comes in between Moon and un

    ($) +one o# the above

    !$. Ho, man %car a,ard% did the movie CSlumdog &illionaire get

    (A) andhi s. ,nion o# india

    . Sco3e o+ 1rticle $! ,a% examined in the ca%e-

    (A) .R. !ommai vs. ,nion o# ndia

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    (!) ankari =rasad s. ,nion o# ndia

    (") Minerva Mills *td. s. ,nion o# ndia

    ($) ,.+.R. Rao s. ndira >andhi

    8. "he :octrine o+ Ecli3%e i% in regard to 1rticle-

    (A) 328(!) 418

    (") 41C

    ($) 37

    9. @undamental Aight con+erred 1rticle () o+ the 5on%titution i% availale to-

    (A) Any person

    (!) Any citi:en(") Any corporation

    ($) +one o# the above

    80. "he 3rinci3le 5ollective Ae%3on%iilit/ ha% een incor3orated in 1rticle-(A) 68

    (!) 61(") 328

    ($) 87

    8. 5on%titutional %a+eguard% to civil %ervant% have een given in 1rticle-

    (A) 733

    (!) 722

    (") 11($) +one o# the above

    82. Section 6 Evidence 1ct a33lie% to-

    (A) admissibility o# #acts

    (!) relevancy o# #acts

    (") relevancy o# opinions($) legal presumptions

    8$. "he 4ndian Evidence 1ct a33lie% to-

    (A) proceedings be#ore tribunals(!) a##idavits presented to any court or o##icer

    (") proceedings be#ore an arbitrator

    ($) +one o# the above

    86. 5on+e%%ion% made ,hile in cu%tod o+ 3olice are-

    (A) irrelevant(!) admissible

    (") inadmissible

    ($) relevant

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    8. 3inion o+ Ex3ert% i% relevant under-

    (A) ection 18 o# Evidence Act

    (!) ection 1C o# Evidence Act(") !oth the above

    ($) +one o# the above

    8!. ;eading =ue%tion% can generall e a%'ed in-

    (A) Eamination in chie#

    (!) reeamination(") cross eamination

    ($) All the above

    8. 1 i% accu%ed o+ D/% murder. *hich o+ the +ollo,ing ,ill e a relevant +act/

    (A) A&s going to #ield with a club

    (!) A&s saying shortly be#ore the incident that he will take a revenge o# his #ather&s death

    (") A&s #leeing be#ore the police arrived at village

    ($) All o# the above

    88. "e%t 4denti+ication Parade under Section 9 o+ Evidence 1ct %hould e ta'en


    (A) Magistrate

    (!) =olice o##icer not below the rank o# ubinspector(") Any person

    ($) All o# the above

    89. *hich o+ the +ollo,ing i% relevant and ma e received in evidence

    (A) -ape recordings

    (!) $ogtracking

    (") +arco analysis test($) All o# the above

    90. C1ccu%ed %tatement under Section $$ 5r.P.5. i% to e recorded on oath-

    (A) above statement is true

    (!) above statement is #alse

    (") above statement is partially true

    ($) +one o# above

    9. @or %ummoning an accu%ed under Section $9 5r.P.5.-

    (A) statement under 3C3 "r.=.". is relevant(!) statement on oath in the trial is relevant

    (") both the above statements are relevant

    ($) +one o# the above

    92. rdinaril 3lace o+ trial i%-

    (A) where the o##ence has been committed

    (!) where the victim resides

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    (") where the accused resides

    ($) where the @R is lodged

    9$. Statement under Section ! o+ 5r.P.5. can e u%ed to-

    (A) corroborate the statement in court

    (!) corroborate and contradict statement in court(") contradict the statement in court

    ($) can not be utili:ed #or any purpose

    96. De+ore eing %ummoned7 the accu%ed ha% got a right to-

    (A) participate in the proceeding

    (!) no right to participate in the proceeding

    (") has no right at all($) can watch the proceedings but can not participate

    9. 4n=uir i% conducted a &agi%trate ,ith a vie, to-

    (A) #ind out a prima#acie case(!) convict the accused

    (") authori:e remand o# the accused($) release the accused under ection 17C

    9!. *arrant ca%e mean% a ca%e-

    (A) in which a police o##icer can not arrest without warrant

    (!) in which the court' in the #irst instance' shall issue a warrant o# arrest against the


    (") relating to an o##ence punishable with imprisonment #or a term not eceeding twoyears

    ($) relating to an o##ence punishable with death' imprisonment #or li#e or imprisonment

    #or a term eceeding two years

    9. *hen can a trial court relea%e an accu%ed on ail under Section $89($) o+

    5r.P.5. a+ter conviction

    (A) Dhere accused is on bail and imprisonment is not eceeding 7 years

    (!) Dhere accused is on bail and imprisonment is not eceeding 8 years

    (") Dhere accused is on bail and imprisonment is not eceeding 6 years

    ($) Dhere o##ence is eclusively bailable whether accused is on bail or not

    98. "ime 3re%cried +or +iling ,hich o+ the +ollo,ing% cannot e extended or

    condoned a33ling 3rovi%ion% o+ Section o+ the ;imitation 1ct

    (A) Revision under ection 338 ".=.".

    (!) Application #or eecution under Order BB ".=.".

    (") Appeal under ection

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    (A) ection 383 ".=.".

    (!) ection 8 o# the *imitation Act' 3

  • 8/12/2019 12 Uphjs Pre 09 Solved Paper


    The answers provided are extent to the knowledge of author and for views purposes only. For

    any accuracy it should be double checked.