12-Strand DNA Morphogenetic Engineering Via Holofractal Morphogenetic Reprogramming of Genetic Information Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D. Abstract - Today’s genetics and genomics science is based upon the crude, archaic method of splicing and replacing (ZNF, CRISPR/Cas9, etc.) however this eventually produces the breakdown of the genome. In order to turn on or off a specific gene and prevent the collapse of the genome, one must communicate to the DNA in their natural, organic language of scalar energy. We live in a holo-fractal (holographic-fractal), morphogenetic cosmos therefore it is possible to affect specific genes via transmitting resonant frequencies into the morphogenetic field of the cell utilising the language of our DNA magnetic, scalar-plasma energy. A chromosome has a magnetic field in between the double-helix known as the major groove, as well as a surrounding morphogenetic field comprised of scalar energy, which contain the holo-fractal, morphogenetic blueprint of that physical chromosome. If a chromosome is carrying a mutation that causes shortened lifespan or disease, then it is possible to reverse that mutated condition by reprogramming new resonant frequencies utilising scalar-plasma energy and low frequencies magnetic sound waves. Index Terms genetics, genomics, DNA, morphogenetic, scalar —————————— —————————— Introduction Atomic, cellular communication between introns occurs when one cell transmits information and imprints those instructions onto the receiving intron via the magnetic vector of a scalar wave. According to Professor Dr. Konstantin Meyl, the DNA generates a scalar wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field vector. Hydrogen bonds hold together through Coulomb forces electrically polarized base pairs in a DNA strand. To gain access to this polarization, the hydrogen bonds must be separated, requiring radial outward electric field lines or, a vortex field. Since the magnetic field vector is perpendicular to the electric vertical field, a resulting axial direction to the DNA strand is a logical consequence. The motion of the vortex field in the direction of the magnetic field results in a longitudinal wave forming a magnetic scalar wave. [1] Morphogenetic Fields A morphogenetic field is comprised of the primal substance, units of consciousness energy called the “Source Particle”, which exist as omni-polar points of static vibration. Source Particle units are the minutest units of consciousness energy or the assembling sections of matter that create the patterns upon which consciousness in all manifest and un-manifest forms enters materialization. Source Particle units are omni-polar (holding the potentiality for all polarities or none) units of vibrating energy that continuously rotate backward and forward between a state of bi-polar light radiation (scalar standing wave) and omni-polar sound vibration.[2] A scalar wave is a transharmonic (multidimensional), spherical standing energy array that radiates out of a static point of sound-light vibration within the morphogenetic field of the greater cosmic Unified Field of consciousness (energy). While scalar waves appear to move from point to point, they are spherical, fixed points of sound-light that are sequentially threaded together within the cosmic fabric of the morphogenetic field. The appearance of the scalar wave movement is created through the sequential flashing-on (light) and flashing-off (sound) of scalar wave points that emanate the effect of a flashing linear series of light bulbs. A prime example is imagine viewing an electronic billboard in Times Square, New York City. Although it appears as if the contents of the electronic billboard are moving, in reality it is the row of a synchronized series of flashing light bulbs that appears as if the light moves from one point in the row to another. Scalar waves embody static points of perpetual fission and fusion ———————————————— Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D. received his masters and PhD degree in natural medicine at the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. He is currently working on his Genetics and Genomics Certificate Program at Stanford University, USA. PH-+1-775-391-4645. E-mail: [email protected] Figure 1. Electric ring vortices form a magnetic wave. 950 IJSER © 2020 http://www.ijser.org IJSER

12-Strand DNA Morphogenetic Engineering Via Holofractal ......12-Strand DNA Morphogenetic Engineering Via Holofractal Morphogenetic Reprogramming of Genetic Information Jere Rivera-Dugenio,

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  • 12-Strand DNA Morphogenetic Engineering Via Holofractal Morphogenetic Reprogramming of

    Genetic Information

    Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D.

    Abstract - Today’s genetics and genomics science is based upon the crude, archaic method of splicing and replacing (ZNF, CRISPR/Cas9, etc.) however this eventually produces the breakdown of the genome. In order to turn on or off a specific gene and prevent the collapse of the genome, one must communicate to the DNA in their natural, organic language of scalar energy. We live in a holo-fractal (holographic-fractal), morphogenetic cosmos therefore it is possible to affect specific genes via transmitting resonant frequencies into the morphogenetic field of the cell utilising the language of our DNA – magnetic, scalar-plasma energy. A chromosome has a magnetic field in between the double-helix known as the major groove, as well as a surrounding morphogenetic field comprised of scalar energy, which contain the holo-fractal, morphogenetic blueprint of that physical chromosome. If a chromosome is carrying a mutation that causes shortened lifespan or disease, then it is possible to reverse that mutated condition by reprogramming new resonant frequencies utilising scalar-plasma energy and low frequencies magnetic sound waves.

    Index Terms – genetics, genomics, DNA, morphogenetic, scalar

    —————————— ◆ ——————————


    Atomic, cellular communication between introns

    occurs when one cell transmits information and imprints

    those instructions onto the receiving intron via the

    magnetic vector of a scalar wave. According to Professor

    Dr. Konstantin Meyl, the DNA generates a scalar wave

    that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field

    vector. Hydrogen bonds hold together through Coulomb

    forces electrically polarized base pairs in a DNA strand. To

    gain access to this polarization, the hydrogen bonds must

    be separated, requiring radial outward electric field lines

    or, a vortex field. Since the magnetic field vector is

    perpendicular to the electric vertical field, a resulting axial

    direction to the DNA strand is a logical consequence. The

    motion of the vortex field in the direction of the magnetic

    field results in a longitudinal wave forming a magnetic

    scalar wave. [1]

    Morphogenetic Fields

    A morphogenetic field is comprised of the primal

    substance, units of consciousness energy called the “Source

    Particle”, which exist as omni-polar points of static

    vibration. Source Particle units are the minutest units of

    consciousness energy or the assembling sections of matter

    that create the patterns upon which consciousness in all

    manifest and un-manifest forms enters materialization.

    Source Particle units are omni-polar (holding the

    potentiality for all polarities or none) units of vibrating

    energy that continuously rotate backward and forward

    between a state of bi-polar light radiation (scalar standing

    wave) and omni-polar sound vibration.[2]

    A scalar wave is a transharmonic

    (multidimensional), spherical standing energy array that

    radiates out of a static point of sound-light vibration within

    the morphogenetic field of the greater cosmic Unified Field

    of consciousness (energy). While scalar waves appear to

    move from point to point, they are spherical, fixed points of

    sound-light that are sequentially threaded together within

    the cosmic fabric of the morphogenetic field. The

    appearance of the scalar wave movement is created

    through the sequential flashing-on (light) and flashing-off

    (sound) of scalar wave points that emanate the effect of a

    flashing linear series of light bulbs. A prime example is

    imagine viewing an electronic billboard in Times Square,

    New York City. Although it appears as if the contents of the

    electronic billboard are moving, in reality it is the row of a

    synchronized series of flashing light bulbs that appears as if

    the light moves from one point in the row to another. Scalar

    waves embody static points of perpetual fission and fusion


    • Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D. received his masters and PhD degree in natural medicine at the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. He is currently working on his Genetics and Genomics Certificate Program at Stanford University, USA. PH-+1-775-391-4645. E-mail: [email protected]

    Figure 1. Electric ring vortices form a magnetic wave.


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  • that radiate from the fabric of morphogenetic fields. [3]

    Epigenetic Overlay

    The Epigenetic Overlay (EGO) is the biological,

    chemical control sheath that covers and controls the DNA

    strand function. In the current homo sapien-2 species

    (modern human), the epigenetic overlay is mutated due to

    the fact it is affected by electromagnetic and cosmic

    radiation, which causes the introns to remain inactive.

    Stationed within the light-body seed atom located

    at the base of thymus gland, there exists the quantum

    blueprint that regulate the biorhythms and space-time

    relationships of the finite-life, physical atomic body. These

    quantum, morphogenetic instructions are biochemically

    encrypted as the genetic master instructions within the

    DNA/RNA and epigenetic overlay. The epigenetic overlay

    must be reprogrammed in order affect the gene code. When

    the epigenetic overlay is reprogrammed via perpetual-life

    frequencies to its organic, perpetual-life function, the

    introns sequentially turn-on and restore the perpetual-life,

    biochemical developments intrinsic to the physical-atomic,

    finite-life body. [4]

    The 12-Sphere Perpetual-Life Fractal Grid

    The cosmos is built upon the original 12-Sphere

    Perpetual-Life Fractal Grid, which contains the electro-

    magnetic, scalar-wave sequencers upon which the 12 DNA

    strand blueprints are arranged. Presently, expressed base-

    magnetic, 12-sphere Perpetual-life fractal grid spheres 4-7-

    10 of the “left body pillar” and the magnetic aspects of

    electro-magnetic 12-sphere Perpetual-life fractal grid

    center-1 and base-electrical 12-sphere Perpetual-life fractal

    grid spheres 2 and 11 on the “central body pillar” are

    operating inverted fire-letter sequences.

    Figure 2. 12-Sphere Perpetual-Life Fractal Grid

    Figure 3. 12-Strand DNA Blueprint

    Figure 4. Distorted 12-Sphere Grid

    Subsequently, the magnetic base codes of present-day

    human DNA strand blueprints 1-2-3-4-7-10-11 presently

    operate in reverse, making DNA strand-interlacing, and

    thus interstellar gateway (star-gate) passage via

    “Transmutative Transharmonic Accretion” and Perpetual

    life potentiality, impossible. [5]

    Figure 5. Present-Day Human DNA Distortions

    12 Double-Helix DNA Strands and 12 DNA Fire-Letters


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  • The original, celestial human DNA blueprint, the

    sub-strand DNA matrix, embodies the scalar-grid

    blueprints for 12 “double-helix” DNA strands not 12 single

    strands as the Anunnaki-influenced, modern university

    science will deliberately misinform us to believe.

    Anunnaki disinformation teachings instilled in all

    levels of the modern educational system endeavor to depict

    the “12-strand DNA” as six (6) sets of two (2) strands,

    which in truth is a six (6) strand DNA blueprint

    configuration. However, twelve (12) sets of two (2) strands

    or 12 double-helix strands is the original, authentic 12-

    Strand DNA blueprint. [6] Each strand blueprint

    encompasses twelve (12) DNA/fire letters that are intended

    to chemically transmute into 12 large chromosomes per

    strand blueprint, for a total of 144 full chromosomes (12

    scaylons = 12 chromosomes per strand x strands).

    Figure 6. The Celestial Human DNA-Strand

    The 12 natural chromosomes distinctive to each

    strand of 12-strand celestial human chemical DNA is built

    upon a genetic alphabet of twelve (12), not four (4),

    nucleotide base chemicals. Our physical bodies should

    contain a total of 36 full chromosomes: 12 for Strand-1, 12

    for strand-2 and 12 for strand-3 totaling 36 full

    chromosomes. Presently, we as the current homo-sapien-2

    species only have 23 chromosomes somehow missing 13


    Figure 7. The DNA/ fire-letter 36-Chromosome Blueprint

    Each of the 12 natural chromosomes per strand is

    produced by one primary DNA blueprint/fire-letter. The

    chemical conversion of the natural chromosome is designed

    through the energetic interconnection between the one

    magnetic particle base code, the one electrical antiparticle

    acceleration code and the 12-minute vector codes that

    create the structure of one DNA/ fire-letter in the DNA

    blueprint. All of the 12 DNA strand blueprints contains a

    set of 12 scaylons/fire-letters, a set of 12 base-acceleration

    code pairs (one pair per scaylon) and a set of 144 vector

    codes (12 vector codes per scaylon). [7]

    Figure 8. The Celestial Human 12-Strand Blueprint

    The Mother-Father Genetic Imprint

    The 12 magnetic base codes in each strand

    materialize from the “mother-line” (mother’s genetic

    imprint) and the 12 electrical acceleration codes per strand

    arise from the “father-line” (father’s genetic imprint). The

    base code-acceleration code pair that creates one scaylon in

    the DNA blueprint, through which one natural chemical


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  • chromosome will emerge, forms the two (2) sugar

    (deoxyribose) phosphate molecule groups that translate

    into the two (2) handrails or helix of the chemical DNA

    ladder. In its natural condition, one helix would contain the

    sugar-phosphate blueprint inherited from the mother-line

    genetic code and the other helix would contain the sugar-

    phosphate blueprint inherited from the father-line genetic

    code, generating a magnetic particle mother-helix and an

    electrical anti-particle father-helix, as the handrails of the

    chemical DNA ladder.

    In the present-day mutated condition, many of the

    base codes and acceleration codes that generate the

    scaylons have been electromagnetically polarity-reversed,

    which confuse the natural mother-father line chemical

    interconnections within the sugar-phosphate handrails.

    Within the mutated homo sapien-2 chemical DNA, gene

    sequences inherited from both the mother and father will

    appear in both helix, as a result of polarity-reversed base

    codes and acceleration codes within the DNA blueprint.

    This portion of the grid mutation creates the primary

    sustainable malfunction in the natural function of the

    celestial human 12-strand DNA.

    A scaylon is a synthesis of infinitesimal, light-

    sound, fission-fusion energy units known as a “Source

    Particle”. Scaylon encryption codes are sophisticated

    collective of scaylons that form a crystalline template of

    light spectra, sound frequency & electro-magnetism that is

    the morphogenetic field crystal body (the blueprint upon

    which mater and density manifest and materialize).

    Mutation of the base code and acceleration code pairs in

    select scaylons of the DNA blueprint disrupts the natural

    function and projected electromagnetic interconnection

    between the mother-helix (magnetic-particle) base codes

    and the father-helix (electrical-anti-particle) acceleration

    codes, and their chemical sugar-phosphate chains, within

    every gene and chromosome in the DNA ladder.

    Figure 9. Scaylon (Source Particle)

    Merkaba: Energy Vortex Spirals

    Everything in manifest creation perpetually and

    continually expands outward and returns back to Source.

    A merkaba is a set of counter-rotating, electromagnetic

    energy vortex-spirals, which perpetually expand and

    contract the Perpetual supply of renewed energy radiation

    out from and back into Source (or into and out of manifest


    Mer = Source Movement

    Ka = Source Expression

    Ba = Vehicle

    Therefore, merkaba literally means the expression

    of Source movement. They are the primal cosmic lungs

    and circulation systems of First Creation Process, breathing

    primal currents from Source via the electric, clockwise

    rotating, male merkaba (into) and out of, via the magnetic,

    counterclockwise rotating, female merkaba manifestation

    with harmonic precision.

    Figure 10. Merkaba Spiral and Field

    Merkaba fields are the energy engines and

    consciousness carriers through which consciousness

    circulates between the internal, Perpetual-life 12-sphere

    fractal grid scalar blueprint and the five (5) transharmonic

    density veil as they circulate into and out of external

    manifest creation. The merkaba field also receives its

    instructions for energy circulation from the 12-Sphere

    Perpetual-life, fractal grid and DNA blueprint.

    When the original, celestial human 12-strand

    DNA blueprint is operating naturally, each base code-

    acceleration code pair forms their own set of counter-

    rotating electromagnetic energy vortices or merkaba fields.

    The electrical acceleration code portion of one (1)

    scaylon/fire letter/chromosome generates a minute clock-

    wise rotating vortex-spiral of electrical anti-particle energy

    and the paralleling magnetic base code generates a minute


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  • counter-clock-wise rotating vortex-spiral of magnetic

    particle energy within the DNA blueprint. [8]

    Angular Rotation of Particle Spin

    The angle of the axis upon which sub-atomic

    particles rotate is known in quantum morphogenetic

    physics as the angular rotation of particle spin. This is

    determined by the core rate of the internal fission-fusion

    (merkaba field speed and axis angle) with the source

    particle units, which form the spherical, standing scalar

    energy blueprint of the trans-dimensional frequency fields.

    The rate of particle fission, oscillation and merkaba field

    spin rate amplifies vertically via the transharmonic scale

    generating increasingly less-dense matter. [9]

    Perpetual-Life vs. Finite-Life Merkaba Spins

    The organic, Perpetual-life merkaba spin ratio of

    Transharmonic Density-1 is 33 1/3 clockwise (CW) and 11

    2/3 counter-clockwise (CCW). This organic, natural

    merkaba spin ratio creates an electromagnetic anti-

    particle/particle equilibrium of 33 1/3 parts base-electrical,

    anti-particles that is a masculine, expanding energy to 11

    2/3 parts base-magnetic particles, which are feminine,

    contracting energy. Simply stated, it is 33 1/3 electrical-

    oscillations to 11 2/3 magnetic-vibrations per one (1)

    merkaba rotation within the Transharmonic Density-1

    matter base.

    Organic, Perpetual-life merkaba vehicles originate

    with the organic 33 1/3: 11 2/3 spin-speed ratio of a single

    set of two (2) counter-rotating spiral vortices that develop

    energy thrust and spin-speed to greater than light speed via

    internal, quantum self-generation. The numerical ratio

    relating to organic merkaba vortex spin-speeds over a

    period of time measured in increments can be compared to

    one rotation per trillionth of a billionth of a nanosecond

    (RP-TBN). This follows the mathematics of the Perpetual-

    life Source Spiral sequence and expansion formulae.

    Figure 11. Perpetual-Life Merkaba 45 Spin Ratio

    The inorganic, finite and self-consuming merkaba

    spin ratio is 34 counter-clockwise (CCW) and 21 clockwise

    (CW) that generate an electromagnetic anti-particle/particle

    balance of 34 parts base-magnetic particles (contracting

    energy) to 21 parts base-electrical anti-particles (expanding

    energy). Simply stated, it is 34 magnetic-vibrations to 21

    electrical-oscillations per one (1) merkaba rotation within

    the Transharmonic Density-1 matter base

    Inorganic, death science merkaba technologies

    utilize the inorganic spin-speed ratios of 34: 21 in relation to

    two separate same-spin, fixed vortex sets; four vortices

    instead of the organic two, placed in counter rotation to one

    another quickening and merging to a common spin of fifty-

    five (55) when initiated.

    Figure 12. Finite-Life Merkaba 55 Spin Ratio

    Chemical DNA and The Sub-Strand Blueprint

    The base code, magnetic vortex spirals generally

    contained in the mother-line, magnetic helix accrete particle

    morphogenetic, scalar frequency from Earth’s planetary

    morphogenetic grids into the DNA blueprint. The

    acceleration code, electrical vortex spirals typically

    transmitted in the father-line, electrical helix accrete anti-

    particle morphogenetic, scalar frequency into the DNA

    blueprint from the paralleling DNA Template of the

    physical body’s anti-particle duplicate (in the parallel Earth,

    anti-particle universe).

    In the middle of the base code-acceleration code pair in

    each scaylon/ fire-letter of each strand of the DNA

    blueprint, there is a set of 12 smaller vector codes. The 12

    vector codes flanked by each base code-acceleration code

    pair operate as the receivers, integrators and transmitters of

    the particle and anti-particle morphogenetic, scalar

    frequency that accrete into the strand blueprint via the base


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  • code-acceleration code pair.

    When functioning properly, the vector codes accrete

    the particle/anti-particle morphogenetic, scalar frequency

    until a critical mass is attained. As soon as critical mass of

    particle/anti-particle morphogenetic, scalar frequency is

    achieved within the vector codes, the 12 vector codes

    transmute and convert the morphogenetic, scalar frequency

    blueprints of the base code-acceleration code pair into the

    chemical array of the sugar-phosphate molecules that

    construct the handrails of the chemical DNA ladder.

    At critical mass accretion, each vector code DNA

    blueprint transforms chemically convert into the nucleotide

    bases and nucleotide base pairs that form the chemical

    DNA ladder rungs of which the gene and chromosome

    sequences of the human genome are composed. When the

    12-Strand DNA blueprint was operating correctly, the

    recurring set of 12 vector codes essential to each scaylon/

    fire-letter in each strand blueprint would generate the 12

    nucleotide base chemicals of the natural “Base-12” celestial

    human genetic alphabet. If functioning properly, the 12

    vector codes are operational, permitting the full spectrum

    of 12 sub-frequency spheres from each dimensional sphere

    to flow between the base code and acceleration code in each


    Chemically speaking, when the DNA blueprint vector

    code are unlocked there is a natural channel of

    electromagnetic, morphogenetic scalar frequency streaming

    within the properly sequenced chemical channels of the

    nucleotide base pairs that make up the genes and


    As a result of this projected natural order, one full,

    natural chromosome would be comprised of 12 primary

    gene/exon sequences, which are the coding DNA sequences

    or chemical blueprints that assemble protein and amino

    acid. Each are comprised of millions of nucleotide base

    pairs, and one equal and paralleling set of 12 primary

    intron sequences, which are the non-coding DNA.

    Perpetual-Life DNA Sequences and Celestalline

    Between each nucleotide base pair that created each

    gene is the area known as the hydrogen bond. Here the

    hydrogen molecules form a weak link between the

    nucleotide bases of each helix and join the two helices

    together in the ladder configuration. Normally, there would

    be a set of chemical nucleotide base pairs called “Perpetual-

    Life DNA Sequences” that could be deactivated and

    activated. Presently, these are not functional within the

    current homo sapien-2 species.

    In the DNA blueprint, the Perpetual-life DNA

    sequence is inactive, and its potential suspended within the

    vector code blueprints until the DNA blueprint accretes

    specific types of transharmonic, frequency spectra, such as

    those contained in interstellar gateways (star gates).

    Integrating with higher 12TH dimensional sphere (DS-12)

    frequency via specific scalar energy techniques (e.g. The

    Eckasha Maharic Seal technique), triggers the

    electromagnetic polarity in certain vector codes to naturally

    reverse, initiating the vector code blueprints to merge, at

    which time the Perpetual-life DNA sequence is chemically


    Figure 2. 15-Dimensional Time Sphere

    The “Perpetual-Life DNA Sequences” in each

    nucleotide base pair of each gene within every chromosome

    permits for the particles and anti-particles within the 12

    vector codes in each scaylon/ fire-letter to fuse. When the

    Perpetual-life DNA sequence activate in one group of 12

    corresponding nucleotide base pairs (12 ladder rungs), the

    base code and acceleration code within the paralleling

    scaylon/ fire-letter unite to form an infinitesimal micro-

    merkaba field.

    As a result of activating the Perpetual-life DNA

    sequence, this micro-merkaba field (a set of interwoven,

    counter-rotating electromagnetic field) triggers in the DNA

    blueprint scaylon/fire-letter. Subsequently, the Perpetual-

    life DNA sequence merges together in fusion into the

    hydrogen bonds of the 12 nucleotide base pairs to which it


    By means of the hydrogen bonds, the 12 nucleotide

    base pairs combine to create a new, transient, composite


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  • that is a silica-based, chemical-elemental compound, found

    only on the concealed, 144+ table of organic elements

    known as celestalline. Celestaline is the chemical element of

    atomic, cellular transmutation and is an organic, perpetual,

    stable element found within perpetual-life systems and

    Perpetual-life beings (O2He3WH2). However, it is a

    temporary, unstable and short-lived element within this

    finite-life system and finite-life beings (H2N3AUO2).

    Celestalline first materializes within the areas of the

    hydrogen bonds that link the nucleotide bases of each helix

    to create the nucleotide base pair ladder rungs, which

    assemble the two sugar-phosphate helix into the double

    helix configuration. Celestalline is the chemical of quantum

    morphogenetic cellular transmutation. It is the natural

    chemical by-product that materializes in the chemical DNA

    through activation of the Perpetual-life DNA sequences

    within the hydrogen bonds, when the particles and anti-

    particles in the DNA blueprint vector codes fuse to convert

    the base-acceleration code pair of each scaylon/ fire-letter

    into an electromagnetic micro-merkaba field. [10]

    Quantum Morphogenetic Cellular Transmutation

    This is the process of “quantum morphogenetic cellular

    transmutation” in which the hydrogen molecules transform

    and release the element Celestaline for the intention of

    biological, cellular transmutation. When the introns are

    activated to a certain level, this grants your DNA the

    temporary ability to create celestalline, which opens the

    neutron aperture, the nucleus of your atom. Additionally,

    re-introducing nitrogen into the water correspondingly

    triggers hydrolase conversion.

    Celestalline activates the intron DNA sequences (non-

    coding “potential DNA” sequences between active exon

    sequences in individual genes) in individual genes,

    allowing the intron sequences in the smallest gene to

    duplicate the exon sequences in next largest gene,

    transmuting the smaller gene into a copy of the larger gene.

    This process allows the 12-primary exon/gene sequences

    and 12 corresponding intron sequences in a single, natural

    chromosome to fuse into one long exon-intron/gene

    sequence that is the duplicate of the exon-intron/gene

    sequences of the next largest chromosome. Exon and

    Intron/gene sequences 1-12 of chromosome-1 combine into

    one sequence that is the replica of the exon and intron/gene

    sequences of chromosome-2, etc.

    Interface DNA Sequence and Bonded Chromosome

    When the DNA blueprint is functioning correctly, as

    soon as the first sector of Perpetual-life DNA is triggered

    and the first set of 12 paralleling nucleotide base pairs fuse

    to form celestalline within the nucleotide base pair

    hydrogen bonds, an extremely quick chain reaction occurs

    in the DNA blueprint and chemical DNA.

    The exon-intron/gene sequences in chromosome-1

    transmute to replicate those in chromosome-2, triggering

    chromosome-2 to initiate the same process with

    chromosome-3, etc. Once the set of 12 natural chromosomes

    relating to one (1) DNA strand blueprint (and one-

    dimensional frequency sphere) triggers, a sufficient amount

    of celestalline is accreted in the chemical DNA, to trigger

    the same process within the next DNA strand blueprint.

    Triggered by the production of celestalline from the

    chromosomes of the prior DNA-strand, as each segment of

    the Perpetual-life DNA activates in each chromosome,

    DNA strand blueprint and chemical DNA ladder, a new

    kind of chemical DNA sequence called “Interface DNA

    Sequence” materializes. When a sufficient amount of

    celestalline is produced by activation of the Perpetual-life

    DNA sequences in each gene and chromosome of the first 3

    DNA strand blueprints, these new sequences of chemical

    interface DNA sequences materialize primarily between

    each chromosome.

    Celestalline production maintains and accelerates in

    the DNA and cell nucleus as the interface DNA sequences

    progressively connect together and blend the 12 natural

    chromosomes from each of the first 3 DNA strand

    blueprints. This creates what is called a “bonded

    chromosome”, which is a group of 12 specific full

    chromosomes bonded together via the activated interface

    DNA sequence, to produce one super-chromosome known

    as the “bonded chromosome”. [11]

    DNA Strand Interlacing and Compound Morphogene

    As the 12 previously separate chromosomes from

    each of 3 DNA strand blueprints fuse to form 3 bonded

    chromosomes (one for each DNA strand blueprint 1-2-3),

    the second sequences of interface DNA sequences

    materializes between each of the 3 bonded chromosomes

    initiating the process called “DNA strand interlacing”.

    In DNA strand interlacing, the two (2) helix of the

    chemical DNA sequences relating to double helix DNA

    strand blueprint-1 de-polarize and combine into a transient,

    singular, electrical-antiparticle helix called a “compound


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  • morphogene”. The term “compound” refers to the passing

    of a chemical DNA sequence that emerges from one strand

    blueprint into interlacing or bonding with a paralleling

    DNA sequence materializing from the strand blueprint,

    which is next in sequence within the dimensional scale.

    The term “morphogene” refers to the fact that in

    this process of DNA strand interlacing, or “strand fusion”,

    the DNA sequence being transported appears to untangle

    in structure as it depolarizes to form a single, anti-particle

    helix. As the DNA sequence de-polarizes and de-manifests

    from its original position in the DNA chain, it leaves behind

    a transient, morphogenetic imprint or “morphogene” of its

    prior structure within the chemical DNA sequence from

    which it transferred.

    Once materialized, the compound morphogene

    (single de-polarized, electrical helix) then

    electromagnetically binds to the hydrogen bonds of the

    magnetic particle helix of the chemical DNA sequence

    relating to the strand-2 blueprint. As the chemical DNA

    sequences relating to DNA strand blueprints 1 and 2 fuse,

    the same process is set in motion between DNA strand

    blueprints 2 and 3, etc.

    The Super-Luminal Element Celesma

    As celestalline levels continue to increase, a critical

    mass of celestalline is produced within the hydrogen bonds

    to sufficiently transmit the celestalline chemical blueprint

    from the cell nuclei into the cells via messenger RNA as

    chemical instructions for production of new, highly

    complex amino-acid chains and proteins.

    The new protein chemical building blocks produce a

    variety of numerous chemical-hormonal “celestalline

    carriers”. Due to the chemical-hormonal celestalline

    carriers, the celestalline blueprint is transported into the

    bloodstream and all of the chemical-hormonal systems of

    the brain and body. As the celestalline blueprint enters the

    blood and hormonal systems, a rapid sequence of

    biochemical modifications occurs within the glands, organs,

    nervous system, brain and blood. Momentarily, the

    celestalline blueprint produces chemical-elemental

    interactions to occur within the nucleus of red blood cells

    and within certain fluid and hormonal secretions.

    The chemical-elemental interactions between specific

    body fluids and the celestaline blueprint in the body cells

    initiate the temporary materialization of minute blood

    crystals, hormone crystals and transfiguration and

    manifestation of fragments of the physical body’s water

    molecules into a silica-like, radioactive, crystalline element

    called “celesma”. [12] Celesma, or celesmaic crystal, is a

    transient super-luminal, transharmonic element. The spin

    rate of celesma atoms is much faster than light speed,

    rendering the substance super-luminal and it cannot be

    chemically cleaved into simpler substances, which qualifies

    it as an element. Celesma can only be produced through the

    process of internal, nuclear fusion between specific particle

    and anti-particle pairs from two separate 3-dimensional

    systems, matter density levels or “trans-harmonics” of

    matter density, consequently the element celesma is trans-


    Morphogenetic Residue & Blood, Hormone and Celesmaic Crystals

    The element celesma itself is short-lived in that it

    fractures into unsteady, sub-atomic fragments shortly after

    its creation during the cellular transmutation process

    however, it leaves behind a “morphogenetic residue” after

    a biological form has completed its physical transformation

    out of transharmonic-1 density. The formation of the

    minute blood, hormone and celesmaic crystals within the

    body indicates that the quantity of celestaline blueprint

    transported by the chemical hormonal “celestaline carriers”

    has reached a maximum accretion within the body cells,

    through which the processes of inner cellular fusion and

    molecular transmutation will begin.

    As the celestalline blueprint reaches maximum

    accretion within the blood, fluids and hormonal systems,

    and a maximum accretion of blood, hormone and celesmaic

    crystals form, the atomic structure of the body enters a

    phase of transmutation. The infinitesimal, interdimensional

    atomic structure of the chemical celestaline is composed of

    a set of complex, alternated particle/anti-particle sub-atomic

    units that, at different stages of the chemical’s very brief

    life, simulate both waves and particles. In both stages, the

    molecular units that celestaline is composed have rates of

    spin that are greater than the light-speed in this

    dimensional sphere making the atomic structure of

    celestaline super-luminal. [13]

    Considering that celestaline has an atomic

    structure that moves faster than the speed of light, the

    chemical itself cannot be detected by public sector

    technology, however the effects of its existence upon

    identified atomic structure can be physically observed

    under the appropriate conditions. When an adequate

    quantity of the super-luminal, celestaline blueprint is

    transported into the internal organ systems of the body via

    chemical-hormonal celestaline carriers, the physical, atomic

    structure of the body changes.

    Due to the super-luminal interaction between the


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  • electromagnetism intrinsic to celestaline and the positive

    and negative electrical charges characteristic to the protons

    (positive charge particles in cell nucleus with neutrons) and

    electrons (negative charge particles outside of cell nucleus

    corresponding to protons within nucleus) of cells, the

    normal behavior of protons and electrons is transformed

    upon interface with adequate quantities of celestaline.

    Negative to Positive Neutron

    The neutrons in the cell nucleus, which usually

    exhibit no charge, take on a momentary negative charge

    that corresponds to the sound-wave spectrum of the

    dimensional sphere above that in which the interface is

    taking place. The momentary “negative-neutron” charge is

    greater than the collective positive charge of the protons in

    the nucleus, which causes the protons to reverse their

    charge and transform into electrons within the nucleus of

    the cell. These exchanges within the cell nucleus produce

    the negatively charged electrons outside of the nucleus to

    reverse their charge to positive, becoming protons, which

    are drawn into the nucleus via the negative neutrons.

    Figure 3. Negative to Positive Neutron

    Simultaneously, celestalline enters its transitory

    super-luminal particle phase, causing the negative-neutrons

    to reverse their own charge to a positive charge. As these

    electrical connections are transpiring in a synchronized

    order within each body cell, the protons and electrons of

    the cells fuse in a very specific sequence with their

    corresponding anti-particles, as their own charge and axis

    spin angle and rate reverse to duplicate that of their anti-

    particles. When particles and anti-particles merge within

    each cell they do not destroy each other, as would be the

    case without the presence of celestalline and its inherent

    fusion-sequencing directives.

    Modulating Cell Signaling and Magnetic Energy

    In 2004, a group of scientists at the University of

    Bologna, Italy headed by Carlo Ventura, MD, Ph.D.

    published a research paper that turned on stem cell

    cardiogenesis with extremely low frequency magnetic

    fields. [14] In the research, magnetic fields in the 2.4 GHz

    Wi-Fi band range were used with a radio electric

    asymmetric conveyer (REAC) to modulate the ability of

    stem cells to differentiate or even make the adult non-stem

    cells behave like stem cells. The REAC technology utilizes

    the interaction of two oscillating magnetic fields; the first is

    generated by cells or the entire organism, and the second is

    a weaker electromagnetic field produced by the REAC

    system. A resultant electromagnetic field induces the cells

    to respond with endogenous self-generated micro-currents,

    likely ensuing from cellular ionic fluxes. These currents

    were detected and conveyed back to the cells with a

    conveyer probe.

    Figure 15. Turning on Stem Cell Cardiogenesis with Low Frequency Magnetic Fields (2004)

    In 2019, the scientists tested an advanced, vortex

    electromagnetic coil to observe the effects on stem cells and

    the results were even more promising than the previous

    REAC technology.

    Figure 16. Testing Advanced Vortex Electromagnetic Coil on Stem Cells (2019)


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  • Holofractal Morphogenetic Cellular Reprogramming

    My theory on “Holofractal Morphogenetic Cellular

    Reprogramming” proposes that specific scalar-plasma

    technologies along with resonant frequencies transmitted

    into the introns via scalar, plasma magnetic waves can:

    1) reverse the present day electromagnetic polarity-

    reversal mutation within the natural mother-father

    genetic imprint,

    2) reset the merkaba spin of every atom to the

    organic, Perpetual-life merkaba spin ratio of

    Transharmonic Density-1 is 33 1/3 clockwise (CW)

    and 11 2/3 counter-clockwise (CCW),

    3) activate celestaline to materialize in the chemical

    DNA. The chemical access DNA sequences within

    the hydrogen bonds as the particles and anti-

    particles in the DNA blueprint vector codes merge,

    convert the base/acceleration code pair of each

    scaylon into an electromagnetic micro-merkaba

    field. Simply stated, celestaline can be

    manufactured within the DNA as it materializes

    within the hydrogen bonds that connect the DNA


    The RASHA Scalar-Plasma Technology

    The RASHA is the only D.A.R.P.A-inspired, Tesla

    Quantum Access Technology available in the public sector. It is

    an authentic scalar-plasma-sound system designed to assist

    the biological, human organism to achieve stress release and

    relaxation in order to reclaim its innate ability to self-heal. This

    is achieved via harmonization of the autonomic nervous

    system, brain hemisphere synchronization, emotional trauma

    release and systematic chakra realignment.

    The RASHA combines the brilliant technologies

    of Nikola Tesla, Antoine Priorie' and Dr. Royal Rife into one

    integrative quantum self-healthcare system. In addition, as per

    Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl’s published research and

    experiments in magnetic scalar waves being the

    communication language of the introns (potential DNA), our

    RASHA technology transmits vital information via the

    magnetic vector of the scalar field to the magnetic, major

    groove in between the double helix of our DNA.

    The RASHA is controlled by one of the most

    advanced scalar and Rife frequency generating

    software technology, RASHA Base-12 Frequencies. When

    operated and activated via the software, selected frequencies

    (transverse waves) are transmitted through the dual scalar

    spiral coils that are then pulsed causing excitation of the

    proprietary customs gas blend in the plasma gas tube creating

    a powerful, magnetic scalar field. Plasma can transform

    transverse waves into longitudinal, scalar waves. Additionally,

    plasmas can also create phase conjugate waves or time-

    reversed waves.

    The RASHA was utilized successfully in reducing

    stress and prompting relaxation in the following

    pathologies including but not limited to: psycho-emotional

    trauma, opioid addiction, depression, suicidal tendencies,

    anxiety, PTSD, Alzheimer’s Disease, Autism Spectrum

    Disorder, stroke, cardiovascular disease, Lyme Disease,

    sports-related injuries, stress related to sports-work-daily


    Figure 17. The RASHA-20 Series Model


    The following RASHA protocol was utilized in the

    subsequent case studies:

    ▪ Clients were scanned with the HeartQuest HRV

    (Heart Rate Variability) assessment tool on day one

    and on the last day.

    ▪ Clients experienced at least 90 minutes per day for

    the following:

    ▪ Trilateral Binaural Sine Wave (TBSW) (stress

    relief, relaxation)

    ▪ Chakras (ALL, MULTI)

    ▪ Source Tones

    ▪ RASHA PRO – DTM, Cardiovascular, etc.

    ▪ Combined with the RASHA sessions, some clients

    integrated nutraceuticals for detoxification purposes.


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  • Client sat within three to six feet of the RASHA during each

    90-minute session.

    Regarding the autism spectrum disorder cases studies, the

    ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist) was utilized to

    measure treatment effectiveness.


    Client sat within three to six feet of the RASHA

    during each 90-minute session

    Case #1: 24-yr, Male, bi-polar, depression, suicidal, insomnia

    Figure 18. The RASHA-20 Series Model

    Results: The entire RASHA Protocol lasted twelve (12) weeks

    and comprised of a total of fourteen (14) ninety-minute

    RASHA sessions. At the end of the first week, the client’s

    medication was titrated down by fifty percent (50%). By the

    end of the twelve weeks, the client was completely taken off

    his medication as per his physician’s orders.

    Case #2: 23-yr, Male, opioid addiction, depression, suicidal

    Figure 19. The RASHA-20 Series Model

    Results: The entire RASHA Protocol lasted twelve (12) weeks

    and comprised of a total of twenty five (25) ninety-minute

    RASHA sessions. At the end of the first week, the client only

    experienced one 24-hour withdrawal phase. By the end of the

    fourth week, the client was free from suicidal thoughts and


    Case #3: 79-yr, Female, diabetes mellitus Type-2, Aortic

    Valve stenosis

    Figure 20. The RASHA-20 Series Model


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  • Figure 21. The RASHA-20 Series Model

    Results: The entire RASHA Protocol lasted eight (8) weeks and

    comprised of a total of forty (40) ninety-minute RASHA

    sessions. At the end of the two months, the client lowered

    stress index, balanced the autonomic nervous system,

    increased vital force, lowered actual versus biological age by

    fourteen (14) years and finally, increased peak performance

    condition by twenty-four (24%) percent.

    Case #4: 5-yrs, Male, Autism Spectrum Disorder


    • ABA, Speech, OT, PT

    • Age: 4, Biomedical approach with little to no


    • Does not attend school

    • Main challenges

    • Non-verbal

    • Compromised immune system

    • Aggression

    • Self-Injurious behaviors

    • Constant tantrums

    • First introduced to scalar wave therapies at 4

    years of age

    • Utilized the ATEC to monitor progress over

    the time

    Figure 22. The RASHA-20 Series Model


    • Dropped 54 ATEC points since beginning the

    RASHA protocol

    • Increase in level of awareness

    • Potty trained

    • Decrease in aggression and tantrum behaviors

    • Emerging social referencing

    • Initiating engagement with parents

    • Maintains eye contact during


    • Increase in speech and language


    • Increase in facial expression and affect, as well as

    intonation while speaking

    • Overall increase in immune system health

    • Frequency, severity and duration of illness

    has decreased drastically

    • No longer needs regular use of inhaler or


    • Normalized sleep patterns

    • Weight gain

    • Regular bowel movements

    • Emerging interest and engagement in peer


    • Was able to attend school in Fall of that year

    Case #5: 7-yr, Male, Autism Spectrum Disorder


    • Series of high fevers (103 - 104 degrees) off and on for

    approximately 4 weeks at 16 months of age due to

    unknown illness (lost vocalizations, eye contact)

    • Began Speech, OT, PT and Early Intervention at the

    18 months of age

    • Began intensive 35hr/wk. ABA program at 2 years of



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  • • Formally received Autism diagnosis at 3 years of age

    • Main health challenges

    • Compromised immune system (~3/yr. avg


    • Asthma

    • Constipation

    • Poor weight gain

    • Irregular sleep patterns (including night


    • First introduced to scalar wave therapies at 3 years, 9

    months of age

    • Utilized the ATEC to monitor progress over the time

    Figure 23. The RASHA-20 Series Model


    • Dropped 154 ATEC points over the span of four


    • According to ATEC, the child is no longer considered

    on the autism spectrum.


    In order to reverse mutate the finite-life, DNA

    mutation encryption within our current homo sapien-2

    species gene code and reclaim our innate ability to achieve

    “Holofractal Morphogenetic Cellular Reprogramming”, we

    must reprogram our epigenetic overlay with the perpetual-

    life merkaba spin encryption. This is achieved via scalar,

    plasma, magnetic sound frequencies containing the 33 1/3

    (CW or right), and 11 2/3 (CCW or left) counter-rotating

    spin ratio as this creates an electromagnetic force field for

    self-healing. This conclusion has been verified with 100%

    efficacy in the five (5) different case research studies that

    was performed and observed for this research study.


    [1] K. Meyl (2011b) DNA—reading and writing by scalar waves. 2nd World DNA Day—China, 2011, Track 2.7, conf. proc., p.101

    [2] J. J. Rivera-Dugenio, “The Language of our DNA”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2019 Edition.

    ISSN 2229-5518

    {3] J. Rivera-Dugenio, “The Evolution of Consciousness to Matter”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 1,

    January 2019 Edition. ISSN 2229-5518

    [4] A. Dean, “Twelve Tribes Classes - Introduction to the 12 Tribes of Aquafereion”, Phoenix, Arizona. 2008

    [5], [6]. [7], [8] J. Rivera-Dugenio, “The Planetary Grid-Chemical DNA Mutation, Merkaba Reversal, and Cellular Transmutation”, International Journal

    of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019 500 ISSN 2229-5518

    [9] A. Dean, “Voyagers II Secrets of Amenti”, ISBN-13: 978-1893183254. Granite Publishing (2002)

    [10], [11], [12],[13] J. Rivera-Dugenio, “The Solar Synthesis-Deuterium Depletion-Hydrolase Transfiguration Principle”, International Journal of Scientific

    & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019 500 ISSN 2229-5518


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  • [14]. Ventura C, Maioli M, Asara Y, Santoni D, Mesirca P, Remondini D, Bersani F. “Turning on stem cell Cardiogenesis with extremely low frequency

    magnetic fields”, FASEB J. 2005 Jan;19(1):155-7. Epub 2004 Oct 26.


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    12-Strand DNA Morphogenetic Engineering Via Holofractal Morphogenetic Reprogramming of Genetic InformationJere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D.Index Terms – genetics, genomics, DNA, morphogenetic, scalarIntroductionMorphogenetic FieldsA scalar wave is a transharmonic (multidimensional), spherical standing energy array that radiates out of a static point of sound-light vibration within the morphogenetic field of the greater cosmic Unified Field of consciousness (energy). While scala...Epigenetic OverlayThe Epigenetic Overlay (EGO) is the biological, chemical control sheath that covers and controls the DNA strand function. In the current homo sapien-2 species (modern human), the epigenetic overlay is mutated due to the fact it is affected by electrom...Stationed within the light-body seed atom located at the base of thymus gland, there exists the quantum blueprint that regulate the biorhythms and space-time relationships of the finite-life, physical atomic body. These quantum, morphogenetic instruct...The 12-Sphere Perpetual-Life Fractal GridThe original, celestial human DNA blueprint, the sub-strand DNA matrix, embodies the scalar-grid blueprints for 12 “double-helix” DNA strands not 12 single strands as the Anunnaki-influenced, modern university science will deliberately misinform us to...The Mother-Father Genetic ImprintAngular Rotation of Particle SpinThe angle of the axis upon which sub-atomic particles rotate is known in quantum morphogenetic physics as the angular rotation of particle spin. This is determined by the core rate of the internal fission-fusion (merkaba field speed and axis angle) wi...Perpetual-Life vs. Finite-Life Merkaba SpinsChemical DNA and The Sub-Strand BlueprintPerpetual-Life DNA Sequences and CelestallineQuantum Morphogenetic Cellular TransmutationThe Super-Luminal Element CelesmaModulating Cell Signaling and Magnetic EnergyHolofractal Morphogenetic Cellular ReprogrammingThe following RASHA protocol was utilized in the subsequent case studies: Clients were scanned with the HeartQuest HRV (Heart Rate Variability) assessment tool on day one and on the last day. Clients experienced at least 90 minutes per day for the following: Trilateral Binaural Sine Wave (TBSW) (stress relief, relaxation) Chakras (ALL, MULTI) Source Tones RASHA PRO – DTM, Cardiovascular, etc. Combined with the RASHA sessions, some clients integrated nutraceuticals for detoxification purposes.Client sat within three to six feet of the RASHA during each 90-minute session.Regarding the autism spectrum disorder cases studies, the ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist) was utilized to measure treatment effectiveness.Client sat within three to six feet of the RASHA during each 90-minute sessionCase #1: 24-yr, Male, bi-polar, depression, suicidal, insomniaResults: The entire RASHA Protocol lasted twelve (12) weeks and comprised of a total of fourteen (14) ninety-minute RASHA sessions. At the end of the first week, the client’s medication was titrated down by fifty percent (50%). By the end of the twelv...Case #2: 23-yr, Male, opioid addiction, depression, suicidalResults: The entire RASHA Protocol lasted twelve (12) weeks and comprised of a total of twenty five (25) ninety-minute RASHA sessions. At the end of the first week, the client only experienced one 24-hour withdrawal phase. By the end of the fourth wee...Case #3: 79-yr, Female, diabetes mellitus Type-2, Aortic Valve stenosisResults: The entire RASHA Protocol lasted eight (8) weeks and comprised of a total of forty (40) ninety-minute RASHA sessions. At the end of the two months, the client lowered stress index, balanced the autonomic nervous system, increased vital force,...Case #4: 5-yrs, Male, Autism Spectrum DisorderDiagnosis/Symptoms:• ABA, Speech, OT, PT• Age: 4, Biomedical approach with little to no progress• Does not attend school• Main challenges• Non-verbal• Compromised immune system• Aggression• Self-Injurious behaviors• Constant tantrums• First introduced to scalar wave therapies at 4 years of age• Utilized the ATEC to monitor progress over the timeResults:• Dropped 54 ATEC points since beginning the RASHA protocol• Increase in level of awareness• Potty trained• Decrease in aggression and tantrum behaviors• Emerging social referencing• Initiating engagement with parents• Maintains eye contact during interaction• Increase in speech and language skills• Increase in facial expression and affect, as well as intonation while speaking• Overall increase in immune system health• Frequency, severity and duration of illness has decreased drastically• No longer needs regular use of inhaler or nebulizer• Normalized sleep patterns• Weight gain• Regular bowel movements• Emerging interest and engagement in peer interaction.• Was able to attend school in Fall of that yearCase #5: 7-yr, Male, Autism Spectrum DisorderDiagnosis/Symptoms:• Series of high fevers (103 - 104 degrees) off and on for approximately 4 weeks at 16 months of age due to unknown illness (lost vocalizations, eye contact)• Began Speech, OT, PT and Early Intervention at the 18 months of age• Began intensive 35hr/wk. ABA program at 2 years of age• Formally received Autism diagnosis at 3 years of age• Main health challenges• Compromised immune system (~3/yr. avg hospitalizations)• Asthma• Constipation• Poor weight gain• Irregular sleep patterns (including night terrors)• First introduced to scalar wave therapies at 3 years, 9 months of age• Utilized the ATEC to monitor progress over the timeResults: Dropped 154 ATEC points over the span of four years. According to ATEC, the child is no longer considered on the autism spectrum.CONCLUSIONREFERENCES