1.2. Courses catalogue at the University of the Basque Country Campus of Araba BUSINESS SCHOOL. VITORIA-GASTEIZ Comandante Izarduy, 23. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ehu.eus/es/web/empresariales-vitoria UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. VITORIA-GASTEIZ Nieves Cano,12. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ingeniaritza-gasteiz.ehu.eus/ p232-home/es TEACHER TRAINING SCHOOL. VITORIA-GASTEIZ Juan Ibáñez de Sto. Domingo, 1. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ehu.eus/es/web/irakasle-gasteiz SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK. VITORIA-GASTEIZ Los Apraiz, 2. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ehu.eus/es/web/gizarte-langintza FACULTY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND SPORTS SCIENCE Portal de Lasarte, 71. 01007 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ehu.eus/es/web/jarduera-fisikoa-kirola FACULTY OF PHARMACY Paseo de la Universidad, 7. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ehu.eus/es/web/farmaziafakultatea FACULTY OF ARTS Paseo de la Universidad, 5. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ehu.eus/es/web/letrak TEACHING UNIT OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICI- NE AND DENTISTRY. VITORIA-GASTEIZ José Achótegui, s/n. 01009 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.ehu.eus/es/web/medikuntza-odontolo- gia/irakaskuntza-unitateak/gasteiz NURSING SCHOOL, VITORIA-GASTEIZ (School affiliated to the University of the Basque Country) Jose Atxotegi, s/n01009 Vitoria-Gasteiz www.osakidetza.euskadi.net/r85-gheue00/es/ BA in Business Administration and Management BSc in Electrical Engineering Bsc in Automatic and Industrial Electronical Engineering BSc in Topography and Geomatics Engineering Bsc in Computer Management and Information Systems Engineering Bsc in Mechanical Engineering Bsc in Chemical Industrial Engineering BA in Nursery Education BA in Primary Education BA in Social Work BSC in Physical Education and Sports Science BSc in Food Science and Technology BSc in Environmental Sciences Bsc in Pharmacy Bsc in Human Nutrition and Diet BA in English Studies BA in Basque studies BA in Philology (Spanish, French, German & Classical studies) BA in Geography and Planning BA in History BA in History of Art BA in Translation and Interpreting Bsc in Medicine (three last years) BSc in Nursing 1.2.1. Undergraduate programmes 12

1.2. Courses catalogue at the University of the Basque ...¡ginas+desdehan… · • BSc in Topography and Geomatics Engineering • Bsc in Computer Management and Information

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Page 1: 1.2. Courses catalogue at the University of the Basque ...¡ginas+desdehan… · • BSc in Topography and Geomatics Engineering • Bsc in Computer Management and Information

1.2. Courses catalogue at the University of the Basque Country

Campus of Araba

BUSINESS SCHOOL. VITORIA-GASTEIZComandante Izarduy, 23. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ehu.eus/es/web/empresariales-vitoria

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. VITORIA-GASTEIZNieves Cano,12. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ingeniaritza-gasteiz.ehu.eus/p232-home/es

TEACHER TRAINING SCHOOL.VITORIA-GASTEIZJuan Ibáñez de Sto. Domingo, 1. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ehu.eus/es/web/irakasle-gasteiz

SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK. VITORIA-GASTEIZLos Apraiz, 2. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ehu.eus/es/web/gizarte-langintza

FACULTY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIESAND SPORTS SCIENCEPortal de Lasarte, 71. 01007 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ehu.eus/es/web/jarduera-fisikoa-kirola

FACULTY OF PHARMACYPaseo de la Universidad, 7. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ehu.eus/es/web/farmaziafakultatea

FACULTY OF ARTSPaseo de la Universidad, 5. 01006Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ehu.eus/es/web/letrak

TEACHING UNIT OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICI-NE AND DENTISTRY. VITORIA-GASTEIZJosé Achótegui, s/n. 01009 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.ehu.eus/es/web/medikuntza-odontolo-gia/irakaskuntza-unitateak/gasteiz

NURSING SCHOOL, VITORIA-GASTEIZ (School affiliated to the University of the Basque Country)Jose Atxotegi, s/n01009 Vitoria-Gasteizwww.osakidetza.euskadi.net/r85-gheue00/es/

• BA in Business Administration and Management

• BSc in Electrical Engineering• Bsc in Automatic and Industrial Electronical Engineering• BSc in Topography and Geomatics Engineering• Bsc in Computer Management and Information

Systems Engineering• Bsc in Mechanical Engineering• Bsc in Chemical Industrial Engineering

• BA in Nursery Education• BA in Primary Education

• BA in Social Work

• BSC in Physical Education and Sports Science

• BSc in Food Science and Technology• BSc in Environmental Sciences• Bsc in Pharmacy• Bsc in Human Nutrition and Diet

• BA in English Studies• BA in Basque studies• BA in Philology (Spanish, French, German

& Classical studies)• BA in Geography and Planning• BA in History• BA in History of Art• BA in Translation and Interpreting

• Bsc in Medicine (three last years)

• BSc in Nursing

1.2.1. Undergraduate programmes


Page 2: 1.2. Courses catalogue at the University of the Basque ...¡ginas+desdehan… · • BSc in Topography and Geomatics Engineering • Bsc in Computer Management and Information

Campus of Biscay

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING.BILBAOAlameda Urquijo s/n. 48013 Bilbaowww.ehu.eus/es/web/ingeniaritza-bilbao

HIGHER TECHNICAL SCHOOLOF NAUTICAL STUDIESMaría Díaz de Haro, 68. 48920 Portugaletewww.ehu.eus/es/web/nautika-itsasontzi-makineria

NURSING SCHOOL. LEIOABarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.ehu.eus/es/web/enfermeria-leioa

BUSINESS SCHOOL. BILBAOElcano, 21. 48008 Bilbaowww.ehu.eus/es/web/enpresa-bilbo

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL MINING AND CIVIL ENGINEERINGColina de Beurko s/n. 48902 Barakaldowww.ehu.eus/es/web/meatze-herri-lan-ingeniaritza

TECHNICAL INDUSTRIALENGINEERING SCHOOL. BILBAOPlaza de la Casilla, 3. 48012 Bilbaowww.ehu.eus/es/web/ingenieria-tecnica-bilbao

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TEACHER TRA-INING, BILBAOBarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.irakasleen-ue-bilbao.ehu.eus/p230-home/es

SCHOOL OF LABOUR RELATIONS STUDIESBarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.ehu.eus/es/web/lan-harremanak

FACULTY OF FINE ARTSBarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.ehu.eus/es/web/bellasartes

FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRYBarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.ehu.eus/es/web/medikuntza-odontologia

BILBAO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SCHOOLLicenciado Poza, 17. 48011 Bilbaowww.euccb.com/euccb/portal.portal.action

• BSc in Environmental Engineering• BSc in Industrial Organization Engineering• BSc in Telecommunications Technology


• Bsc in Marine Science• Bsc in Nautical Science and Maritime transport

• Bsc in Nursing

• BSc in Business Management

• BS in Civil Engineering• BSc in Mining Technology and Energy


• BSc in Electrical Engineering• BSc in Automatic and Industrial Electronical Engineering• BSc in Computer Management and Information

Systems Engineering• BSc in Mechanical Engineering• BSc in Industrial Chemical Engineering

• BA in Nursery Education• BA in Primary Education• BA in Social Education

• BA in Labour Relations and Human Resources

• BA in Arts• BA in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural

Heritage• BA in Creation and Design

• BSc in Physiotherapy• BSc in Medicine• BSc in Dentistry

• BSc in Management and Business Marketing


Page 3: 1.2. Courses catalogue at the University of the Basque ...¡ginas+desdehan… · • BSc in Topography and Geomatics Engineering • Bsc in Computer Management and Information

Campus of Biscay

FACULTY OF SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGYBarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.ehu.eus/es/web/ztf-fct

FACULTY OF ECONOMICSAND BUSINESS STUDIESAvda. Lehendakari Agirre, 83. 48015 Bilbaowww.ekonomia-enpresa-zientziak.ehu.eus/

FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCESBarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.ehu.eus/es/web/gkz-csc

FACULTY OF LAW, BISCAY UNITBarrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa-Erandiowww.ehu.eus/es/web/zuzenbide

TEACHING UNIT OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICI-NE AND DENTISTRY IN BASURTO HOSPITALGuturbay s/n, 48013 Bilbaowww.ehu.eus/es/web/medikuntza-odontologia/irakaskuntza-unitateak/basurto

TEACHING UNIT OF THE FACULTY OF MEDI-CINE AND DENTISTRY IN CRUCES HOSPITALPlza. de Cruces s/n, 48902 Barakaldowww.ehu.eus/es/web/medikuntza-odontologia/irakaskuntza-unitateak/gurutzeta

Campus of Gipuzkoa

NURSING SCHOOL. DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIÁNPº Dr. Beguiristain, 105. 20014 Donostia-San Sebastianwww.ehu.eus/es/web/enfermeria-donostia

FACULTY OF CHEMICAL SCIENCESPº Manuel Lardizabal, 3. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.www.ehu.eus/es/web/kimika-zientziak

• Double Degree: BSc in Physics and Electronic Engineering• BSc in Biology• BSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology• BSc in Biotechnology• BSc in Physics• BSc in Geology• BSc in Electronic Engineering• BSc in Chemical Engineering• BSc in Mathematics• BSc in Chemistry

• Double degree: BSc in Business Administrationand Management & Law

• BSc in Business Administration and Management• BSc in Economics• BSc in Finance and Insurance• BSc in Taxation and Public Administration• BSc in Marketing

• BA in Political Science and Public Management• BA in Audiovisual Communication• BA in Journalism• BA in Advertising and Public Relations• BA in Sociology

• BA in Law

• BSc in Medicine

• BSc in Medicine

• BSc in Nursing

• BSc in Chemistry


Page 4: 1.2. Courses catalogue at the University of the Basque ...¡ginas+desdehan… · • BSc in Topography and Geomatics Engineering • Bsc in Computer Management and Information

Campus of Gipuzkoa

HIGHER TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTUREPlaza Oñati, 2. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/arkitektura

BUSINESS SCHOOL. DONOSTIA-SSPlaza Oñati, 1. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/enpresa-donostia

TECHNICAL INDUSTRIALENGINEERING SCHOOL, EIBARAvenida Otaola, 29. 20600 Eibarwww.ehu.eus/es/web/eibar

TEACHER TRAINING SCHOOL, DONOSTIA-SSPlaza Oñati, 3. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/irakasleen-ue-donostia

POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL,DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIÁNPlaza de Europa, 1. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/politeknikoa

FACULTY OF LAWPº Manuel Lardizabal, 3. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/zuzenbide

FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHYAND EDUCATION SCIENCEAvenida de Tolosa, 70. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/filosofia-hezkuntza-zientziak

FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCEPº Manuel Lardizabal, 1. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/informatika-fakultatea

FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGYAvenida de Tolosa, 70. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastiánwww.ehu.eus/es/web/psikologia

TEACHING UNIT OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY. DONOSTIA-SSPº Dr. Beguiristain, 105. 20014 Donostia-San Sebastianwww.ehu.eus/es/web/medikuntza-odontologia/irakaskuntza-unitateak/donostia

MACHINE TOOL INSTITUTE (Engineering School, Elgoibar)Azkue Auzoa,1 -PC 48. · 20870 Elgoibarwww.imh.es/en?set_language=en

• BSc in Architectural Fundamentals

• BSc in Business Administration and Management

• BSc in Renewable Energies Engineering• BSc in Automatic and Industrial Electronic

Engineering• BSc in Mechanical Engineering

• BA in Nursery Education• BA in Primary Education

• BSc in Technical Architecture• BSc in Civil Engineering• BSc in Electrical Engineering• BSc in Automatic and Industrial Electronic Engineering• BSc in Mechanical Engineering• BSc in Industrial Chemical Engineering

• BA in Criminology• BA in Law

• BA in Social Anthropology• BA in Social Education• BA in Philosophy• BA in Pedagogy

• BSc in Computer Engineering

• BSc in Psychology

• BSc in Medicine (three last years)

• BSc in Innovation Engineering in Processes andProducts


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Faculty of Pharmacy Ecology 9 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Pharmacy Molecular Biology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Pharmacy Assessing Environmental Impact 9 Full yearFaculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Technology II 9 Full yearFaculty of Pharmacy Structural Determination of Pharmaceuticals 6 Full yearFaculty of Pharmacy International workshop on development of Food products and Processes 6 January-May 2016 Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry(Teaching Unit Vitoria-Gasteiz) Special Pathological Anatomy 6 Nursing School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Culture and Health 4,5 January-May 2016Nursing School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Technical English 4,5 January-May 2016

Faculty of Arts Foundations of the Contemporary World 6 Faculty of Arts Ancient History II: Rome, from the Republic to the Empire 6 Faculty of Arts Medieval History 2: Feudal Europe 6 Faculty of Arts Modern History I 6 Faculty of Arts America in Modern Times 6 Faculty of Arts History of the Contemporary Americas 6 Faculty of Arts World Economic History 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Classic Literature and its Projection in European Literature 6 Faculty of Arts Lain Middle Ages and European Literature 6 Faculty of Arts Literature and other Arts 6 Faculty of Arts European Thought 6 Faculty of Arts Lain Middle Ages and European Literature 6 Faculty of Arts Classic Literature and its Projection in European Literature 6 Faculty of Arts Literature and other Arts 6 Faculty of Arts European Thought 6 Faculty of Arts History of the English Language I 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts History of the English Language II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Linguistics Applied to the English Language 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Literature IV 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Semantics and Pragmatics of the English Language 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts American Literary Texts 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts V.M.C. of English Linguistics 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Language Literature and Cinema 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Literature and Minorities in English-Speaking Countries 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English-Language Literature and Women 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Methodology of Teaching English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Modern English Narrative 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Sources and Evolution of English Narrative 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Modern English Poetry 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Elizabethan Theatre 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts History of the German Language I 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts History of the German Language II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German Language VII 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German Language VIII 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German Literature IV (From the Classical Stage to the Baroque) 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Medieval and Renaissance German Literary Texts 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts V.M.C. of German Contemporary Literature 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Dialectology of German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Grammar II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Historical Grammar of the French Language 6 January-May 2016

1.2.2. Courses taught in English (undergraduate)

Campus of Alava 2015-2016

Please, note:Slight variations may occur, please doublecheck your options with your exchange tutor at the faculty/school you will visit.


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Faculty of Arts French Language V 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Literature IV (16th-17th centuries) 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Literature V (Medieval) 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Art and French Literature 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts (English) II Lit. of the 2nd Lang. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts (English) II Literature of the 2nd Lang. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Literature II: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Literary Texts III (Middle Ages and 16th century) 4,5 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Dialectology of German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Grammar 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D V: English L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D V: Russian L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D VI: English L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D VI: Russian L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E I: German L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E I: Catalan L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E I: French L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E I: Galician L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E I: Modern Greek L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E II: German L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E II: Catalan L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E II: French L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E II: Galician L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E II: Modern Greek L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E III: German L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E III: French L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E III: Russian L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E IV: German L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E IV: French L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E IV: Russian L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E V: English L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E V: Russian L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E VI: English L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language E VI: Russian L. 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Spoken English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English Language III 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English Language IV 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Language V 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English Phonetics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Morphology of the English Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Grammar I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English Grammar II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts History of the English Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Language Acquisition 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Semantics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Introduction to Literature in English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Literature I 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Literature II 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English Literature III 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts North-American Literature I (to 1900) 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts North American Literature II 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts History and Culture in English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English Phonology 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Language Syntax 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Varieties of English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English Language Pragmatics 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Literature in the English Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Literature and Cinema in English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English-Language Literature and Women 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Poetry in English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Drama in English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language III: French Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: French Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: French Language 6 January-May 2016 17

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Faculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language I: French Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language II: French Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language III: Russian Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: Russian Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: Russian Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Literature and other Arts 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: German Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language I: German Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language II: German Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Academic English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language IV: French Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language IV: Russian Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language III: German 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language IV: German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts English Across the World 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language I: German 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language II: German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language I: French 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language II: French 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language I: Russian Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language II: Russian Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Arabic Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Arabic Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language III: Arabic Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Catalan Language 6 Faculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Catalan Language 6 Faculty of Arts 3rd Language III: Catalan Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Galician Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Galician Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language III: Galician Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Modern Greek Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Modern Greek Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Italian Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Italian Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts 3rd Language III: Italian Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language B I: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language B II: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language B III: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language B IV: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C V: Russian 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts History & Culture of B (English) Speaking Peoples 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C VI: Russian 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C I : English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C II: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C III: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C IV: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts History & Culture of B (French) Speaking Peoples 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language B I: French 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language B II: French 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language B III: French 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language B IV: French 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C I: French 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C I : German 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C I: Russian 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C II: French 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C II: German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C II: Russian 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C III: French 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C III: German 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C III: Russian 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C IV: French 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C IV: German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C IV: Russian 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C V: German 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016


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Faculty of Arts Language C V: French 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C V: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language C VI: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C VI: French 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language C VI: German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D I: Arabic 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language D II: Arabic 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D III: Arabic 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language D I: Catalan 6 Faculty of Arts Language D II: Catalan 6 Faculty of Arts Language D III: Catalan 6 Faculty of Arts Language D I: Galician 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language D II: Galician 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D III: Galician 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language D I: Modern Greek 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language D II: Modern Greek 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D I: Italian 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Language D II: Italian 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Language D III: Italian 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English for Specific Purposes 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts English for Specific Purposes 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German III 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German IV 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German V 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German VI 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Listening and Reading Comprehension Practice of the German Language I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Written and Oral Exposition in German 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German for Academic Purposes 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German Literature I 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German Literature II 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German Literature III 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German Literature IV 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German Linguistics I: Phonetics and Phonology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German Linguistics II: Morphology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German Linguistics III: Syntax 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German Linguistics IV: Synchronic Variation 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German History and Culture I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts German History and Culture II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language III: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Literature Second Language I: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Literature Second Language I: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Literature Second Language II: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Literature Second Language II: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Discourse Analysis 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts French I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts French II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French III 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts French IV 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Morphosyntax 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts French Phonetics and Phonology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts French Semantics and Pragmatics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Works and Texts in French I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Works and Texts in French II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Classical French Culture 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts History of the French Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Works and Texts in French III 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Works and Texts in French IV 6 January-May 2016


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Faculty of Science and Technology Basics of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology 6 January -May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Mathematical Methods 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Discrete Mathematics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Numerical Resolution of Equations in Partial Derivatives 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Numerical Solutions for Differential Equations 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Algebraic Structures 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Global Geometry of Curves and Surfaces 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Fluid Mechanics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Chemical Reactor Design 6 Faculty of Science and Technology Mass Transfer 6 Faculty of Science and Technology Algebraic Equations 6 Faculty of Science and Technology Processes of Separation 6 Faculty of Science and Technology Industrial Analytical Chemistry 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 7,5 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Experiments in Organic Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Experiments in Analytical Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Quality & Laboratory Management 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Organic Products of Pharmaceutical Interest 6 January -May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Methods and Techniques in Cellular Biology 4,5 January-May 2016

Campus of Biscay 2014-2015


Faculty of Arts Movies, Image and Cyberliterature 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Francophone Culture and Civilisations 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts French for Specific Purposes 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Works in French: Study Theory and Movements 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Latin Language 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Second Language IV: English 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts German Linguistics V: Diachronic Variation 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Arts Introduction to Teaching and Methodology of French as a Foreign Language 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Arts Final Year Project 6 January-May 2016

Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Science Assessment of the Sportive Performance 4,5 January -May 2016Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Science Sports Performance Analysis 4,5 January -May 2016Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Science Final Year Project 6 January-May 2016

Business School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Economic History 6 Business School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Microeconomics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Business School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Macroeconomics 6 Business School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Introduction to Economics I: Principles of Microeconomics 6 January-May 2016Business School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Final Year Project 12 January-May 2016 Teacher Training School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Social Sciences and Teaching I 6 January -May 2016Teacher Training School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Natural Sciences in the Primary Education Classroom I 6 January -May 2016Teacher Training School, Vitoria-Gasteiz Foreign Language and Teaching 6 Full year School of Social Work Social Psychology for Social Work 6 School of Social Work Social Project Design and Assessment 6 School of Social Work Social Policy 6 School of Social Work Social Structure and Stratification 6 School of Social Work Conflict-transformation Skills 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016 Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Fluid Mechanics 6 January -May 2016Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems 6 Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Mechanical Technology 6 Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Manufacturing Technologies 6 Full yearUniv. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz English for Industrial Engineering 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Intelligent Control 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Industrial Structures and Buildings 9 January-May 2016Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Machine Design 9 January-May 2016Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Engineering, Vitoria-Gasteiz Experiments in Chemical Engineering I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016


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Faculty of Science and Technology Cellular Biology 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Zoology: Cordates 8 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Foundations of Animal Physiology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Systems Biology 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Vertebrates 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Molecular Evolution 4,5 January-May 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Cell & Molecular Biology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Zoology 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Physical Anthropology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Animal Physiology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 12 Full year

Faculty of Fine Arts Time-Based Media 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Fine Arts Laboratory A 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Fine Arts (A.I.P.) Process in Artistic Creation: Processes and Idea in Photography 9 Full yearFaculty of Fine Arts Experimental and Personalised Analysis of the Image. E.O. 9 Full yearFaculty of Fine Arts Pictorial Representation. E.O. 9 Full yearFaculty of Fine Arts Pictorial Processes & Methodology 6 January-May 2016 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Microeconomics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Macroeconomics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Intermediate Microeconomics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Intermediate Macroeconomics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Dynamic Macroeconomics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Financial Institutions Management 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Commercial Research: Introduction 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Financial Management: Investment 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Econometrics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Accounting 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics Applied to Business 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics and Data Analysis 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Applied Econometrics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Uncertainty in Contracts 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Regional Economics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics Applied to Business 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Market Power & Strategy 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Tax & Monetary Policy 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Econometrics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Economic History of Contemporary Spain 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Urban Economics 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Accounting 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Economics I: Principles of Microeconomics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Economics II: Principles of Macroeconomics 6 January -May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Commercial Research: Introduction 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Marketing of Services & Other Intangibles 6 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Accounting 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Mathematics I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Mathematics II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Law 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Business Economics: Organisation & Management 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Economic History 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics and Data Analysis 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Economic Structure 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Finance Management: Financing 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Company Law 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Information Systems for Business Management 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Economics II: Principles of Macroeconomics 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Commercial Research: Introduction 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Financial Management: Investment 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Economic History of Contemporary Spain 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics Applied to Economics 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Market Power & Strategy 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Applied Econometrics 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Uncertainty in Contracts 6 January-May 2016 21

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Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Regional Economics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Urban Economics 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Commercial Research Applications 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Final Year Project 12 January-May 2016 F. of Social and Communication Sciences History of the Contemporary World 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences History of Modern and Contemporary Cinema 6 January-May 2016F. of Social and Communication Sciences History of Advertising 6 January-May 2016F. of Social and Communication Sciences History of Classic Cinema 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences International Relations 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Political Ideologies & Identities 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Foundations of Political Analysis 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Foundations of Political Science 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016F. of Social and Communication Sciences Communication, Genre & Mass Culture in the Contemporary World 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Language usages in Media 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Communication in Basque: Language Strategies for the Media 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Communication Management at International Organisations 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Communication and Advertising: Strategies of Persuasion 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Statistics Applied to Communication 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Theories of Communication 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Multimedia Editing and Production 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Artistic Management 6 F. of Social and Communication Sciences Audio-visual Narrative 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016F. of Social and Communication Sciences Documentary Film Workshop 6 January -May 2016F. of Social and Communication Sciences Monographic Variable III 6 January-May 2016F. of Social and Communication Sciences Final Year Project 12 January-May 2016 Faculty of Law, Bizkaia section European Legal Culture 4,5 January-May 2016Faculty of Law, Bizkaia section Criminal Law I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Law, Bizkaia section Criminal Law II 6 January-May 2016 Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Human Anatomy I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Human Anatomy II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Human Anatomy III 6 Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Human Anatomy IV 8 Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Cell Biology 6 Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Psychology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Medical Genetics 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016 Nursing School, Leioa Structure and Function of the Human Body I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Nursing School, Leioa Structure and Function of the Human Body II 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Nursing School, Leioa Clinical Nursing I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Nursing School, Leioa Community Nursing 6 January-May 2016 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Extended Physics 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Algebra 9 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Physics 9 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Extended Physics 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Chemistry 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Chemical Technology 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Calculation 12 Full yearFaculty of Engineering of Bilbao Calculus II 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Extension of Differential Equations 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Advanced Numerical Methods 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Fundamentals of Materials Science 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Basic Electronics 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Extended Mathematics 7,5 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Numerical Analysis II 4,5 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Environmental Science & Technology 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao General Electronics 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Thermodynamics 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Thermotechnics 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Thermal Engineering 9 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Fluid Mechanics 6 22

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Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Chemical Technology 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Treatment of Signals 6 Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Hydraulic Machines 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Business Administration I 7,5 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Business Administration II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Business Strategy and Policies 9 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Environment Science and Technology 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Environmental Engineering 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao (CF) (A) Fundamentals of Materials Science 10,5 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao Environmental Engineering 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao (CF) Fundamentals of Materials Science 10,5 January-May 2016 Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Introduction to Financial Accounting 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Introduction to Law and Private Property Law 6 January -May 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Management Information Systems 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Introduction to Financial Accounting 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Corporate Accounting 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Economics III: Consumers, Firms and Markets 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Business French 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Business English I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Business English II 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao English for Foreign Trade 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Electronic Commerce and New Technologies 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Human Resources 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business Studies of Bilbao Final Year Project 12 January-May 2016 Nursing School, Leioa Life-Cycle Nursing I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Nursing School, Leioa Clinical Nursing I 6 Nursing School, Leioa Clinical Nursing II 6 January -May 2016Nursing School, Leioa Community Nursing 6 Nursing School, Leioa Ethical Anthropology & Legislation 6 January-May 2016Nursing School, Leioa Structure and Function of the Human Body II 6 Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao Principles of Lang. Teaching for Primary Education in Multilingual Environments 6 Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao Foreign Language and Teaching 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao Communication Competence in English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao Development of Communicative Competence in English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao Second Foreign Language: French 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao Foreign Language Teaching: English 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao English for the Early Childhood and Primary School Classroom 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Teacher Training, Bilbao Principles of Lang. Teaching for Primary Education in Multilingual Environments 6 January-May 2016 School of Labour Relations Studies Civil Law 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016 Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Chemical Fundamentals of Engineering 9 Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Automatic Regulation 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Robotics 6 January-May 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Chemistry 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Automatic Regulation & Control 6 January-May 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Electric Power Conditioning 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Electronic Energy Conversion Systems 6 January-May 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao English for Electrical Engineering 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao English for Mechanical Engineering 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao English for Information Technology 6 January-May 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Statistical Methods of Engineering 6 January-May 2016Technical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Chemical Fundamentals of Engineering 9 Full yearTechnical Industrial Engineering School, Bibao Technical French 6 January-May 2016 College of Mining and Civil Engineering Materials Science 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016College of Mining and Civil Engineering Computer Science 6 January-May 2016College of Mining and Civil Engineering Chemistry 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016College of Mining and Civil Engineering Thermodynamics 6 January-May 2016College of Mining and Civil Engineering Physics Foundations of Engineering 10,5 Full year Higher Technical School of Nautical Studies English I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Nautical Studies English II 6 January-May 2016 23

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Faculty of Chemical Sciences Experiments in Organic Chemistry 6 Faculty of Chemical Sciences Structural Determination I 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Chemical Sciences Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Chemical Sciences Experimental Inorganic Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Chemical Sciences Experiments in Analytical Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Chemical Sciences Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Chemical Sciences Final Year Project 18 Full year

Faculty of Computer Engineering Databases 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Introduction to Computer Networks 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Computer Architecture 6 Faculty of Computer Engineering Introduction to Operating Systems 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Statistical Methods of Engineering 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Economy and Business Administration 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Structures of Data and Algorithms 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Software Engineering 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Languages, Computing & Smart Systems 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Computer Engineering Operations Research 6 January-May 2016

Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sociology of Education 6 Faculty of Philosophy and Education Bilingualism and Education 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sociology of Education 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Education and multilingualism 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education ICTs in Social Education 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Logic I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Logic II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Philosophy of Language I 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Philosophy of Science I 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Philosophy of Science II 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Philosophy and Education Gender Systems: An Intercultural Perspective 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016

Faculty of Psychology Program Evaluation Designs for Psychosocial Interventions 4,5 Faculty of Psychology Child/Adolescent Clinical Studies: Assessment & Psycho-pathology 6 Faculty of Psychology Attention, Perception and Motivation 6 January -May 2016Faculty of Psychology Multiculturalism & Multilingualism in Complex Societies 6 Faculty of Psychology Attention, Perception and Motivation 6 January-May 2016Faculty of Psychology Psychology of the Family 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Psychology Psychology of Organisations & Work 6 Faculty of Psychology Environmental Psychology 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Psychology Social Psychology 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Faculty of Psychology Group Psychology 6 January-May 2016

Higher Technical School of Architecture Urban Medium Conditioning 3 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Urban Planning V. Introduction: The Detail Scale 4 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Urban Planning VI. Introduction to Planning: The Structuring Scale 4 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Urban Planning VII: Regional Planning & Environmental Protection 3 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Environmental Conditioning I 3,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Environmental Conditioning II 3,5 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Construction Process I 3 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Construction Process II 3 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Construction III 3 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Construction III 6 Full yearHigher Technical School of Architecture Construction IV 3 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Innovation Management 5 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Architectural Composition II 3 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Architectural Composition III 3 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Structures III 4,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Structures IV 4,5 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Projects VII: The Public Sphere I 9 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Projects VIII: The Public Sphere II 9 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Projetcs IX: The Public Sphere III 9 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Project Experimentation Laboratory 5 January -May 2016

Campus of Gipuzkoa 2014-2015


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Higher Technical School of Architecture Microclimatic Construction 5 January -May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Environmental Conditioning I 3,5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Environmental Conditioning II 3,5 January-May 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Urban Planning V. Introduction: The Detail Scale 4 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Higher Technical School of Architecture Urban Planning VI. Introduction to Planning: The Structuring Scale 4 January-May 2016 Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Business Economics: Introduction 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Business Economics: Organisation & Management 6 January -May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Cost Accounting 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Marketing Management: Policies 6 January -May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Strategic Management: Growth and Development of the Company 6 January -May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Economic Structure 6 January -May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Introduction to Law 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Economic History 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Economic Structure 6 January-May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Company Law 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián 2nd Business Lang. I: Foreign Language for Marketing Management 5 January-May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián 2nd Business Lang. II: Foreign Language for Accounting 5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Adv. Business English: Communication and Negotiation Skills in Foreign Language 5 January-May 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Advanced Business English II: Foreign Language for Finance 5 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Univ. College of Business studies, Donostia-S. Sebastián Final Year Project 12 January-May 2016 Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Mathematics and Its Teaching I 6 January -May 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Mathematics and Its Teaching II 9 Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Sociology of Education 6 Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Foreign Language and Teaching 6 January-May 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Communication Competence in English I 6 January-May 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Communication Competence in English II 6 January-May 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian English Language 6 January-May 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Teaching English Language I 6 January-May 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Teaching English Language II 6 January-May 2016Teacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Placement I 8 Full yearTeacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Placement II 12 Full yearTeacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Placement III 18 Full yearTeacher Training School, Donostia-S. Sebastian Final Year Project 12 Full year Polytechnic School, Donostia-S. Sebastián Environmental Technologies 6 Polytechnic School, Donostia-S. Sebastián Mechanical Design Using Finite Elements 6 Polytechnic School, Donostia-S. Sebastián Computer Assisted Design 4,5 Polytechnic School, Donostia-S. Sebastián Electronic Instrumentation 6 January-May 2016Polytechnic School, Donostia-S. Sebastián Industrial Automation 6 January-May 2016Polytechnic School, Donostia-S. Sebastián Telecommunications in Industry 4,5 January-May 2016Polytechnic School, Donostia-S. Sebastián English for Industrial Engineering 6 January-May 2016 Technical Industrial Engineering School, Eibar Instrumentation, Monitoring & Communications in Energy Systems 6 Technical Industrial Engineering School, Eibar Wind Power 6 Technical Industrial Engineering School, Eibar Chemistry 6 Technical Industrial Engineering School, Eibar English for Industrial Engineering 6 January-May 2016


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Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences Sports Performance Analysis 4,5 Spring semesterFaculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences Assessment of the Sportive Performance 4,5 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Vitoria-Gasteiz Introduction to Economics I: Principles of Microeconomics 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Vitoria-Gasteiz Economic History 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Vitoria-Gasteiz Microeconomics 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Vitoria-Gasteiz Macroeconomics 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Vitoria-Gasteiz Natural Sciences in the Primary Education Classroom I 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Vitoria-Gasteiz Social Sciences and Teaching I 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Vitoria-Gasteiz Foreign Language and Teaching 6 Spring semesterCollege of Social Work Social Psychology for Social Work 6 Spring semesterCollege of Social Work Conflict-transformation Skills 4,5 Fall semesterCollege of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz Fluid Mechanics 6 Spring semesterCollege of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz English for Industrial Engineering 6 Fall semesterCollege of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz Intelligent Control 6 Spring semesterCollege of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz Industrial Structures and Buildings 9 Spring semesterCollege of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz Machine Design 9 Spring semesterCollege of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Pharmacy Workshop on Product Development and Food Processes 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Pharmacy Ecology 9 Fall semesterFaculty of Pharmacy Molecular Biology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Technology II 9 Spring semesterNursing College Vitoria-Gasteiz Culture and Health 4,5 Spring semesterNursing College Vitoria-Gasteiz Norm and Usage in Basque 6 Nursing College Vitoria-Gasteiz Technical English 4,5 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Spoken English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Language III 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English Language IV 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Language V 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English Phonetics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Morphology of the English Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Grammar I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English Grammar II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts History of the English Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Language Acquisition 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Semantics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Introduction to Literature in English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Literature I 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Literature II 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English Literature III 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts North-American Literature I (to 1900) 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts North American Literature II 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts History and Culture in English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Methodology of Teaching English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English Phonology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Language Syntax 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Varieties of English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English Language Pragmatics 6 Spring semester

1.2.2. Courses taught in English (undergraduate)

Campus of Araba 2015-2016

Please, note:Slight variations may occur, please doublecheck your options with your exchange tutor at the faculty/school you will visit.


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Faculty of Arts Literature in the English Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Literature and Cinema in English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts English-Language Literature and Women 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Poetry in English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Drama in English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Foundations of the Contemporary World 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language III: French Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: French Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: French Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language I: French Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language II: French Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language III: Russian Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: Russian Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: Russian Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Classic Literature and its Projection in European Literature 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Lain Middle Ages and European Literature 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Literature and other Arts 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: German Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language I: German Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Literature of the Second Language II: German Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Academic English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language IV: French Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language IV: Russian Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language III: German 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language IV: German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English Across the World 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language I: German 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language II: German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language I: French 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language II: French 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language I: Russian Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language II: Russian Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Arabic Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Arabic Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language III: Arabic Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Galician Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Galician Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language III: Modern Greek 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language I: Italian Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language II: Italian Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts 3rd Language III: Italian Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Final Year Project 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language B I: English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language B II: English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language B III: English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language B IV: English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C V: Russian 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts History & Culture of B (English) Speaking Peoples 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C VI: Russian 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C I : English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C II: English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C III: English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C IV: English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts History & Culture of B (French) Speaking Peoples 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language B I: French 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language B II: French 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language B III: French 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language B IV: French 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language B IV: French 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C I: French 6 Fall semester


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Faculty of Arts Language C I : German 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C I: Russian 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C II: French 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C II: German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C II: Russian 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C III: French 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C III: German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C III: Russian 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C IV: French 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C IV: German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C V: German 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C V: French 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C V: English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language C VI: English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C VI: French 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language C VI: German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language D I: Arabic 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language D II: Arabic 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language D III: Arabic 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language D I: Catalan 6 Faculty of Arts Language D II: Catalan 6 Faculty of Arts Language D III: Catalan 6 Faculty of Arts Language D I: Galician 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language D II: Galician 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language D III: Galician 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language D I: Modern Greek 6 Faculty of Arts Language D II: Modern Greek 6 Faculty of Arts Language D III: Modern Greek 6 Fall semester


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Faculty of Arts Language D I: Italian 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Language D II: Italian 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Language D III: Italian 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Final Year Project 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts World Economic History 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts English for Specific Purposes 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts German III 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German IV 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts German V 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German VI 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Listening and Reading Comprehension Practice of the German Language I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Listening and Reading Comprehension Practice of the German Language II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Written and Oral Exposition in German 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts German for Academic Purposes 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German Literature I 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts German Literature II 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German Literature III 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts German Literature IV 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German Linguistics I: Phonetics and Phonology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German Linguistics II: Morphology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German Linguistics III: Syntax 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German Linguistics IV: Synchronic Variation 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts German History and Culture I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts German History and Culture II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language III: English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar I: English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language Grammar II: English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Literature Second Language I: English 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts French Discourse Analysis 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts French Phonetics and Phonology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts French I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts French II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts French III 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts French Morphosyntax 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Works and Texts in French I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Works and Texts in French II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Classical French Culture 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts French IV 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts History of the French Language 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Works and Texts in French III 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Works and Texts in French IV 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts French Semantics and Pragmatics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Movies, Image and Cyberliterature 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Francophone Culture and Civilisations 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts French for Specific Purposes 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Works in French: Study Theory and Movements 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Second Language IV: English 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts German Linguistics V: Diachronic Variation 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Introduction to Teaching and Methodology of French as a Foreign Language 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Final Year Project 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Modern History I 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts America in Modern Times 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Arts Ancient History II: Rome, from the Republic to the Empire 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts Medieval History 2: Feudal Europe 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Arts History of the Contemporary Americas 6 Spring semester


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Faculty of Engineering Bilbao Advanced Numerical Methods 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Calculus 12 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Algebra 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Local Area, Metropolitan and Wide Area Networks 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Mobile Networks and Services 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Business Administration I 7,5 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Business Administration II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Environment Science and Technology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Business Strategy and Policies 9 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Chemistry 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Algebra 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Algebra 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Algebra 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Algebra 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Algebra 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Algebra 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Extended Physics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Extended Physics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Extended Physics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Fundamentals of Materials Science 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Fluid Mechanics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Thermodynamics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Thermodynamics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Extension of Differential Equations 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Thermotechnics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao General Electronics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao General Electronics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao General Electronics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Chemical Technology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Chemical Technology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Environmental Science & Technology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Thermal Engineering 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Extended Mathematics 7,5 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Calculus II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Basic Electronics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Treatment of Signals 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Treatment of Signals 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Treatment of Signals 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Physics 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Physics 9 Full yearFaculty of Engineering Bilbao Physics 9 Full yearCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Statistical Methods of Engineering 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Statistical Methods of Engineering 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Statistical Methods of Engineering 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Chemical Fundamentals of Engineering 9 Full yearCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Chemical Fundamentals of Engineering 9 Full yearCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Chemical Fundamentals of Engineering 9 Full yearCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Technical French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Technical French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Technical French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Technical French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao Technical French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao English for Information Technology 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Ind. Engineering Bibao English for Ind. Engineering 6 Spring semesterSchool of Mining and Civil Engineering Materials Science 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Accounting 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Mathematics I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Economics I: Microeconomics Principles 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Introduction to Law 6 Fall semester

Campus of Biscay 2015-2016


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Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Business Economics: Organisation & Management 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Mathematics II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Economic History 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics and Data Analysis 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Microeconomics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics Applied to Business Administration 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Economic Structure 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Financial Management: Financing 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Macroeconomics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Econometrics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Business Law 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Information Systems for Business Management 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Economics II: Macroeconomics Principles 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Commercial Research: Introduction 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Financial Management: Investments 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Economic History of Modern Spain 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Intermediate Microeconomics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Intermediate Macroeconomics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Statistics Applied to Economics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Econometrics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Dynamic Macroeconomics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Market Power & Strategy 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Applied Econometrics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Uncertainty in Contracts 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Regional Economics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Urban Economics 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Commercial Research Applications 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Economics and Business Studies Uncertainty and Contracts 6 College of Business Studies Bilbao Introduction to Law and Private Property Law 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Management Information Systems 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Introduction to Financial Accounting 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Corporate Accounting 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Economics III: Consumers, Firms and Markets 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business French 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English I 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English I 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English I 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English I 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English I 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English II 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English II 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English II 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Business English II 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao English for Foreign Trade 4,5 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Electronic Commerce and New Technologies 4,5 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Human Resources 4,5 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Bilbao Final Year Project 12 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Basic Concepts of Political Science 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Foundations of Political Analysis 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences International Relations 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Theories of the Communication 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Statistics Applied to Communication 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences History of the Contemporary World 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Communication and Advertising: Strategies of Persuasion 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Multimedia Editing and Production 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Basque Language, Culture and Media 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Art Direction 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Documentary Direction Workshop 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences History of Classic Cinema 6 Fall semester


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Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences History of Modern and Contemporary Cinema 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences History of Advertising 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Communication, Genre & Mass Culture

in the Contemporary World 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Political Ideologies & Identities 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Social and Communication Sciences Language usages in Media 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Fluid Mechanics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Discrete Mathematics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Experiments in Organic Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Experiments in Analytical Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Numerical Solutions for Differential Equations 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Algebraic Structures 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Algebraic Equations 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Global Geometry of Curves and Surfaces 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Quality & Laboratory Management 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Quality & Laboratory Management 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Ind. Analytical Chemistry 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Ind. Analytical Chemistry 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Organic Products of Pharmaceutical Interest 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 18 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Foundations of Animal Physiology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Systems Biology 4,5 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Systems Biology 4,5 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Mass Transfer 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Mass Transfer 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Chemical Reactor Design 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Chemical Reactor Design 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Chemical Reactor Design 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Basics of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Basics of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Processes of Separation 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Processes of Separation 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 10,5 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 12 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Vertebrates 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Vertebrates 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Molecular Evolution 4,5 Spring semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Cell & Molecular Biology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Cell & Molecular Biology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Cell & Molecular Biology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Zoology 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Zoology 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Physical Anthropology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Physical Anthropology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Mathematical Methods 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Mathematical Methods 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Mathematical Methods 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Mathematical Methods 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Mathematical Methods 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 10,5 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Final Year Project 12 Full yearFaculty of Science and Technology Animal Physiology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Science and Technology Animal Physiology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Human Anatomy III 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Human Anatomy IV 8 Spring semesterFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Psychology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Medical Genetics 6 Fall semester


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Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Medical Genetics 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Final Year Project 6 Full yearFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Final Year Project 6 Full yearFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Final Year Project 6 Full yearFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Final Year Project 6 Full yearFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Final Year Project 6 Full yearFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Final Year Project 6 Full yearFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Final Year Project 6 Full yearFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Cell Biology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Cell Biology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry Cell Biology 6 Fall semesterNursing College Leioa Structure and Function of the Human Body II 6 Fall semesterNursing College Leioa Clinical Nursing I 6 Fall semesterNursing College Leioa Community Nursing 6 Spring semesterNursing College Leioa Ethical Anthropology & Legislation 6 Spring semesterNursing College Leioa Clinical Nursing II 6 Spring semesterNursing College Leioa Final Year Project 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Fine Arts Laboratory A 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Fine Arts Pictorial Processes & Methodology 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Fine Arts Time-Based Media 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Law, Biscay Section Criminal Law I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Law, Biscay Section Criminal Law II 6 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English I 6 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English I 6 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English I 6 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English I 6 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English I 6 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English II 6 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English II 6 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English II 6 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English II 6 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Nautical Studies English II 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Foreign Language and Teaching 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Communication Competence in English 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Communication Competence in English 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Development of Communicative Competence in English 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Development of Communicative Competence in English 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Second Foreign Language: French 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Second Foreign Language: French 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Foreign Language Teaching: English 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Foreign Language Teaching: English 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao English for the Early Childhood and Primary School Classroom 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao English for the Early Childhood and Primary School Classroom 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Bilbao Principles of Language Teaching for Primary Education in Multilingual Environments 6 Spring semesterCollege of Labour Relations Studies Civil Law 6 Fall semester


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Higher Technical School of Architecture Buiding Construction III 6 Full yearHigher Technical School of Architecture Building Construction IV 3 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Architectural Design VII: The Public Sphere I 9 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Projects Design VIII: The Public Sphere II 9 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Design Studio IX: The Public Sphere III 9 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Project Experimentation Laboratory 5 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Microclimatic Construction 5 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Innovation Management 5 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Environmental Appliances I 3,5 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Environmental Appliances II 3,5 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Architectural Composition II 3 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Architectural Composition III 3 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Structures III 4,5 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Structures IV 4,5 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Construction Process I 3 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Construction Process II 3 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Urban Planning V. Introduction: Detailed Scale 4 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Acrhitecture Urban Planning VI.

Introduction to Planning the Structured Scale 4 Spring semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Urban Planning VII: Zoning & Environmental Protection 3 Fall semesterHigher Technical School of Architecture Urban Conditioning 3 Fall semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences Sociology of Education 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences Logic I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences Philosophy of Language I 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences Philosophy of Science I 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences Philosophy of Science II 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences Education and Multilingualism 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences ICTs in Social Education 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences Gender Systems: An Intercultural Perspective 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Psychology Social Psychology 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Psychology Attention, Perception and Motivation 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Psychology Psychology of the Family 4,5 Fall semesterFaculty of Psychology Environmental Psychology 4,5 Fall semesterFaculty of Psychology Multiculturalism & Multilingualism in Complex Societies 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Psychology Program Evaluation Designs for Psychosocial Interventions 4,5 Faculty of Computer Engineering Statistical Methods of Engineering 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Economy and Business Administration 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Structures of Data and Algorithms 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Software Engineering 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Computer Architecture 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Introduction to Computer Networks 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Databases 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Languages, Computing & Smart Systems 6 Fall semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Introduction to Operating Systems 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Computer Engineering Operations Research 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Business Economics: Organisation & Management 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Economic Structure 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Marketing Management: Policies 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Strategic Management:

Growth and Development of the Company 6 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Business Economics: Introduction 6 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Second Business Language I:

Foreign Language for Marketing Management 5 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Second Business Language II:

Foreign Language for Accounting 5 College of Business College of Business Studies Donostia-SS Advanced Business English: Communication

and Negotiation Skills in Foreign Language 5 Spring semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Advanced Business English II:

Foreign Language for Finance 5 Fall semesterCollege of Business Studies Donostia-SS Final Year Project 12 Spring semesterFaculty of Chemical Sciences Experimentation in Organic Chemistry 6 Full year

Campus of Gipuzkoa 2015-2016


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Faculty of Chemical Sciences Experimental Inorganic Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Chemical Sciences Experiments in Analytical Chemistry 6 Full yearFaculty of Chemical Sciences Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds 6 Spring semesterFaculty of Chemical Sciences Final Year Project 18 Full yearTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Sociology of Education 6 Fall semesterTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Foreign Language and Teaching 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Communication Competence in English I 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Communication Competence in English II 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Donostia-SS English Language 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Teaching English Language I 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Teaching English Language II 6 Spring semesterTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Final Year Project 12 Full yearTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Placement I 8 Full yearTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Placement II 12 Full yearTeacher Training College Donostia-SS Placement III 18 Full yearPolytechnic College Donostia-San Sebastián Electronic Instrumentation 6 Spring semesterPolytechnic College Donostia-San Sebastián Industrial Automation 6 Spring semesterPolytechnic College Donostia-San Sebastián Environmental Technologies 6 Fall semesterPolytechnic College Donostia-San Sebastián Telecommunications in Industry 4,5 Spring semesterPolytechnic College Donostia-San Sebastián English for Industrial Engineering 6 Spring semesterPolytechnic College Donostia-San Sebastián Computer Assisted Design 4,5 Spring semesterPolytechnic College Donostia-San Sebastián Mechanical Design Using Finite Elements 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Industrial Engineering Eibar Instrumentation, Monitoring & Communications in Energy Systems 6 Fall semesterCollege of Technical Industrial Engineering Eibar Chemistry 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Industrial Engineering Eibar Wind Power 6 Spring semesterCollege of Technical Industrial Engineering Eibar Electric Power Conditioning 6 Fall semesterCollege of Technical Industrial Engineering Eibar Electronic Energy Conversion Systems 6 Spring semester