One guest from California raved about her experience at the Bar W. [It was] my first time in Montana, and what a great way to spend and experience it… I felt so accommodated. [It was] truly a great experience. I learned so much and had a blast. The horses are amazing, the scenery beautiful and the food was nutritious.‖ The idea for a Western retreat spot from a man named Dave Leishman who, too, longed to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and suburbs. He and his daughters traveled to Whitefish, Montana to the Bear Creek Ranch a little over a decade ago. There, wranglers learned Dave and his daugh- ters in the ways of horsemanship and introduced them Mon- tana’s way of Western life. ―We went up ridges and down ridges that I never imagined a horse could go,‖ Dave said. ―It turned out to be a vacation for the ages one of those life-changing, priority-altering ex- periences many people wait a lifetime for.‖ Dave and the girls enjoyed each subsequent trip to Montana so much, the long-time outdoorsman decided he wanted a ranch of his own. Together with wife Jan, brother Greg and friend Phil Dukes, Bar W was born. The group makes their commitment to Bar W visitors clear. ―Our first trip to Montana literally changed our lives… We will do our best to make sure that the joy of [guests’] stay lasts a lifetime, too.‖ The combination of the Big Sky country backdrop, the kindly people and the cool waters of Spencer Lake makes retreating to Bar W Guest Ranch one of the best vacation spots in Mon- tana. Nestled between two pine-covered ridges near the vibrant town of Whitefish, this dude ranch offers something special. Bar W Guest Ranch prides itself on treating guests to true Montana hospitality and entertainment. The cozy ranch spreads over thousands of acres of beautiful Montana countryside and is complete with a 6,200-square- foot lodge, cabin suites, indoor and outdoor horseback- riding arenas, stables, a barn, play meadow, an entertain- ment area and a gazebo on the lake. When you’re not fishing, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, mountain-biking, test- ing your archery skills, playing volleyball or shooting clay pigeons, you’ll be relaxing to your heart’s content. ―A great Western vacation for all ages is what the Bar W Guest Ranch on Spencer Lake in Whitefish is all about,‖ ac- cording to the spot’s website. Howdy! Longer hours at work, less time with the kids and your summer tan a distant memory can only mean one thingfall is nearing the end and winter is upon us, and the need for a break is greater than ever. So grab your bag and your boots, and prepare to fall in love with fall all over again. This week, The Western Vault’s taking a close look at worth-while vacations. BAR W GUEST RANCH ANOTHER COMPANY RELAXING REAL ESTATE MEMBERS SOUND OFF (NEW FEATURE) EVENTS AND SALES December 7, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 1 Bar W Guest Ranch in Whitefish, Montana A Place in Big Sky Country It turned out to be a vacation for the ages one of those life-changing, priority-altering experiences many people wait a lifetime for. In this issue... Bar W Guest Ranch is known for its impressive rolling ridges and horseback riding. For more information… Bar W Guest Ranch (866) 828-2900 www.thebarw.com

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One guest from California raved about her experience at the Bar W.

―[It was] my first time in Montana, and what a great way to spend and experience it… I felt so accommodated. [It was] truly a great experience. I learned so much and had a blast. The horses are amazing, the scenery beautiful and the food was nutritious.‖

The idea for a Western retreat spot from a man named Dave Leishman who, too, longed to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and suburbs. He and his daughters traveled to

Whitefish, Montana to the Bear Creek Ranch a little over a decade ago. There, wranglers learned Dave and his daugh-ters in the ways of horsemanship and introduced them Mon-tana’s way of Western life.

―We went up ridges and down ridges that I never imagined a horse could go,‖ Dave said. ―It turned out to be a vacation for the ages – one of those life-changing, priority-altering ex-periences many people wait a lifetime for.‖

Dave and the girls enjoyed each subsequent trip to Montana so much, the long-time outdoorsman decided he wanted a ranch of his own. Together with wife Jan, brother Greg and friend Phil Dukes, Bar W was born. The group makes their commitment to Bar W visitors clear.

―Our first trip to Montana literally changed our lives… We will do our best to make sure that the joy of [guests’] stay lasts a lifetime, too.‖ ■

The combination of the Big Sky country backdrop, the kindly people and the cool waters of Spencer Lake makes retreating to Bar W Guest Ranch one of the best vacation spots in Mon-tana.

Nestled between two pine-covered ridges near the vibrant town of Whitefish, this dude ranch offers something special. Bar W Guest Ranch prides itself on treating guests to true Montana hospitality and entertainment.

The cozy ranch spreads over thousands of acres of beautiful Montana countryside and is complete with a 6,200-square-foot lodge, cabin suites, indoor and outdoor horseback-riding arenas, stables, a barn, play meadow, an entertain-ment area and a gazebo on the lake. When you’re not fishing, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, mountain-biking, test-ing your archery skills, playing volleyball or shooting clay pigeons, you’ll be relaxing to your heart’s content.

―A great Western vacation for all ages is what the Bar W Guest Ranch on Spencer Lake in Whitefish is all about,‖ ac-cording to the spot’s website.


Longer hours at work, less time with the kids and your summer tan a distant memory can only mean one thing— fall is nearing the end and winter is upon us, and the need for a break is greater than ever. So grab your bag and your boots, and prepare to fall in love with fall all over again. This week, The Western Vault’s taking a close look at worth-while vacations. ■







December 7, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 1

Bar W Guest Ranch in Whitefish, Montana

A Place in Big Sky Country

It turned out to be a vacation for the

ages – one of those life-changing,

priority-altering experiences many

people wait a lifetime for.

In this issue...

Bar W Guest Ranch is known for its impressive rolling ridges and

horseback riding.

For more information…

Bar W Guest Ranch (866) 828-2900


The Western Vault

Barton Springs in Austin, Texas

Austin’s Cool Waters Makes for a Cool Retreat

on the grounds of Zilker Park. The pool sits within the Bar-ton Creek channel and is filled by water from Main Barton Spring. The pool’s temperature, which remains between about 68°F and 72°F, allows for year-round swimming.

No matter your reasons for going—be it to escape the heat, read a book, or explore new things—hitting up Barton Springs will be the coolest thing you do all year. ■

Originally written for Hilltop Views

Barton Springs, a set of four natural water springs located on the grounds of Zilker Park in Austin, Texas, is the result of the cool waters flowing through the Edwards Aquifer. The spring’s chilly waters and natural ambiance has made it a year-round swimming destination for locals and out-of-towners.

Infamous for its nippy waters, Barton Springs attracts crowds of people looking for an escape.

Dr. Edward Shirley, a professor, local and frequent springs-goer, says he has always enjoyed Barton Springs, ―[The spring] has a lot more character than the pool at the gym, plus you get some sun.‖

Dr. Jodi Egerton, another local, shares Shirley’s enthusiasm for Barton.

―On a perfect dreamy day, we like to sit on the far side on the big grassy hill. Bring along some books, a towel to lie on, lots of sunscreen and a hat. Lie around reading until you’re just so hot you can’t stand it, and then go cool off in the water for a while.‖

Barton Springs Pool, a man-made swimming pool, is located

“What is a must-have item from your business that clients need for their vacation?”

Word Around the Watering Hole


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Barton Springs is open for year-round swimming and relaxing.

On a perfect dreamy day [at Barton

Creek], we like to sit on the far side

on the big grassy hill…

then go cool off in the water.

For more information…

Texas First Real Estate (979) 992-3425



Austin County is home to this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house with a

breathtaking view of the property.

This 43-acre property in Washington, County is picture-perfect .

Texas First Real Estate in New Ulm, Texas

Relaxing Real Estate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget diam et quam tincidunt aliquam ac rhoncus dui. Vivamus mauris urna, fermentum sit amet eleifend sit amet, malesuada sed sapien. Vestibulum urna magna, pha-retra et tempor eget, semper ut nunc. Integer eget interdum nisi. Integer sed felis tortor. Donec convallis lacus non lectus lobortis viverra. In a egestas nunc. Integer consequat, nisl mollis congue consectetur, eros quam adipiscing erat, id mattis purus neque vitae velit. Mauris ac commodo quam. Vivamus convallis purus nunc. Nullam blandit, velit id inter-dum posuere, turpis magna vestibulum justo, non tincidunt erat est nec velit. Cras id neque ac metus pretium tempor. Maecenas placerat magna urna, in ullamcorper ligula. Proin orci magna, luctus id facilisis at, molestie sit amet sapien.

Donec at nisl tincidunt orci volutpat tempor. Mauris ve-hicula, sapien tincidunt dignissim lacinia, purus diam mattis mauris, nec vehicula urna eros et erat. Maecenas non rutrum est. Curabitur et ipsum nec justo molestie vestibulum. Nam nibh nibh, consectetur at iaculis quis, imperdiet et augue. Phasellus eu dolor nunc, et sagittis ante. Proin vulputate justo eget justo ornare eu dapibus nibh suscipit. Suspendisse erat magna, feugiat eget tincidunt ac, eleifend et augue. Praesent sed ipsum enim. Phasellus pretium dapibus nunc, nec fringilla neque luctus ultrices. Proin at sapien vitae urna lobortis rhoncus.

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Curae; In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur porttitor mauris ut enim consequat sagittis. Phasellus lacus tellus, consectetur fermentum ullamcorper sit amet, malesuada quis velit. Vestibulum sit amet tortor arcu, ullamcorper mat-tis nisl. Suspendisse nec ligula nec augue convallis sollicitu-din. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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December 7, 2011

Enjoy the cool waters or green landscape of this Alvin, Texas property.



It turned out to be a vacation for the

ages – one of those life-changing,

priority-altering experiences many

people wait a lifetime for.

The Western Vault


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December 2011


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December 7, 2011

Sales and Events

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget diam et quam tincidunt aliquam ac rhoncus dui. Vivamus mauris urna, fermentum sit amet eleifend sit amet, malesuada sed sapien.

In a egestas nunc. Integer consequat, nisl mollis congue con-sectetur, eros quam adipiscing erat, id mattis purus neque vitae velit. ■

Sales or Event 1

Sales or Event 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget diam et quam tincidunt aliquam ac rhoncus dui. Vivamus mauris urna, fermentum sit amet eleifend sit amet, malesuada sed sapien.

In a egestas nunc. Integer consequat, nisl mollis congue con-sectetur, eros quam adipiscing erat, id mattis purus neque vitae velit. ■

Sales or Event 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget diam et quam tincidunt aliquam ac rhoncus dui. Vivamus mauris urna, fermentum sit amet eleifend sit amet, malesuada sed sapien.

In a egestas nunc. Integer consequat, nisl mollis congue con-sectetur, eros quam adipiscing erat, id mattis purus neque vitae velit. ■


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The Western Vault

5909 West Loop South, Suite 135

(Houston) Bellaire, Texas 77401


Emily Luza Contact Information Contact Information

Jennifer Kimrey Contact Information Contact Information

Our Members

Aaron Sanchez Sculpture

Andy & Aaron Sanchez

Antiques on 8

The Arrangement

Appaloosa Trading Company

Bar W Guest Ranch

Barranada Shirt Company

Bear Paws Trading Post

Boot Baby Ranch

Carol K

Cattle Kate

Chuck's Woodbarn

Colorado Cowgirls

Courtney & Company

Creative Branch

Cowboy Outfitters

D&D Farm and Ranch

Dave Alexander

Debi Lynn Designs

Deitra Robertson Real Estate, Inc.

Desert Raven Art

Desperado Couture

Diamond 57 Cowboy Boot Purses

Diamond M Ranch Designs-Plum Sassy


Gulf Coast 4 Star Trailers

H. Clay Dahlberg

The Hat Store

Hones Design Studio

Jack Terry Fine Art

James Ayers Studios

Jerry Baird's Gourmet Seasonings

Jewelry by Day

La Coda Art

La Mujer Studio

Leather Braiding by John

Leddy's Ranch at Sundance

Libby Koch

Living Western

Lone Star Outlaws

M.L. Leddy's

Madole Spurs

Midwest Buggy


Nettles Country

Out West Gifts

Patricia Wolf

Pinto Ranch

RCC Western Stores

Red Star Riggings

Rendezvous West

RND Rustics

Silver Mountain Furniture Company

South Texas Saddlery

South Texas Tack

Steve Devenyns Fine Art & Limited Edition Prints

Tejas Custom Boots

Templeton Thompson

Texas Ridem

Tres Rios Silver

The Western Diva

Telephone: (713) 661-6300

Fax: (713) 610-9015

[email protected]




