1115 Nouns

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  • 8/9/2019 1115 Nouns


  • 8/9/2019 1115 Nouns


    2. Nouns can be formed by adding a suffix to the base:

    play kind friend arrive develop organise close

    play -er kind -ness friend -ship arriv -al develop -ment organisa -tion clos -ure

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    3. fre!uent way of forming nouns is byadding - ing to a verb:

    Breaking into a foreign market needscareful preparation.

    "heir quarrelling over pay was the reasonfor his resignation. Making money is not everything in life.

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    #. Nouns referring to people can be formed with-er , - or , - ian , -ee , - ant , - ist :

    employ employ supervise

    guard account type

    employ er employ eesupervis or guard ian

    account ant typ ist

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    $. %ome nouns are identical to the verb:N&'N ()*+

    delay to delay offer to offer

    supply to supply

    demand to demand share to share support to support

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    ,. %ome nouns and verbs have the same formbut change their stress :

    N&'N ()*+

    tran s fer to trans fer import to im port increase to in crease

    ex port to e port con duct to con duct per mit to per mit

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    . %ome nouns and verbs have the sameform but slightly change their spelling :

    NOUNNOUN VERBVERB advi c e to advi s e

    practi c e to practi s e thie f to thie ve

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    NounsNouns can also be formed by: CLIPPING :

    phone photo flu

    BLENDING :brunch motel smog

    ACRONYMS :/. &. 0.)/'




    br5eakfast6 7 5l6unch

    m5otor6 7 5h6otel

    sm5oke6 7 5f6og

    cash on delivery

    )uropean /urrency 'nit

    nternational onetary und

  • 8/9/2019 1115 Nouns


    Countable nouns : 8 people 8 animals 8 plants

    8 ob9ects 8 units of measurement

    Uncountable nouns : things that we cannot count

    8 three informations 8 si monies

    8 five advices

    Nouns can be divided into:

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    Countable nouns can be singular or lural!Countable nouns can be singular or lural!

    "he letter 5countable; singular6 is on your deskand the two fa es 5countable; plural6 are here.

    Uncountable nouns are singular!Uncountable nouns are singular!

    "his 9unk mail 5uncountable; singular6 is veryannoying.

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  • 8/9/2019 1115 Nouns


    'ncountable nouns which sometimes causedifficulty:

    a"$icea"$ice e!uipment luggage progress travel

    accommodation furniture machinery research trouble

    advertising hardware money room5>space6


    baggage in%or#ationin%or#ation ne&sne&s software work

    cash insurance permission traffic

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    ' ?e gave an advice. * @?": ?e gave me some advice.

    ' ?e gave two information s . * @?": ?e gave two bits of information.

    ' "hese information s are useful.

    * @?": "his information is useful.

    ' ?ave you heard a newsA

    * @?": ?ave you heard the newsA

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    ABan IS NO( used in front of an uncountable


    "om gave me some good advice . 5NO( a good advice6

    ?ave you heard the news A 5NO( a news6

    ?e gave me some information . 5NO( an information6

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  • 8/9/2019 1115 Nouns


    Noun lurals

    Sa# le sentencesSa# le sentences

    "he information you want is in the brochure. Cour committee are e pected to make a decision

    as soon as possible. "he recent news about our competitors has

    been very discouraging. "hey unloaded the cargo es last night "here are seven appendi ces in this book.

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    Noun plurals

    1. "he plural of the nouns is formed byadding - s ; or - es 5when the word ends in s, ss, sh, ch, x 6.

    8 report - report s 8 letter - letter s

    8 bo - bo es 8 bus - bus es 8 match - match es 8 miss - miss es

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    Noun plurals

    2. Nouns ending in - o form their plural byadding - es :

    cargo - cargo es hero - hero es

    potato - potato es tomato - tomato es

    BU( : pianosphotos


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    Noun plurals

    3. Nouns ending in - y preceded by a consonantform their plural by changing y into i and adding-es :

    baby - bab ies country - countr ies

    lorry - lorr ies secretary - secretar ies company - compan ies

    BU( : boysdelays


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    Noun plurals

    /. Nouns ending in - f form their plural bychanging f into v and adding - es :

    leaf - lea ves loaf - loa ves scarf - scar ves thief - thie ves wife - wi ves

    +'": chiefscliffsgulfs


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    Noun plurals

    0. %ome nouns have irregular plural:

    child - childrenfoot - feetman 8 menwoman - women

    mouse - miceo - o entooth - teeth

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    Noun plurals,. %ome nouns of Datin or @reek origin have

    irregular plural:

    analysis - analys es

    hypothesis - hypothes es basis - bas es crisis 8 cris es thesis - thes es

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    Noun plurals,. %ome nouns of Datin or @reek origin have

    irregular plural:

    dat um - dat a medi um - medi a memorand um 8 memorand a

    strat um - strat a

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    Noun plurals,. %ome nouns of Datin or @reek origin have

    irregular plural:

    inde 8 indi ces appendi - appendi ces

    criteri on 8 criteri a phenomen on - phenomen a

    stimul us 8 stimul i

    formul a - formul ae

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    Noun plurals. %ome nouns with irregular plural have two forms ofplural; the foreign one and )nglish one. n some casesthe two plurals have different meanings:

    index indexes > tables of contentsindices > mathematical signs

    genius geniuses > persons of unusually greatmental powersgenii > good or evil spirits

    formula formulas > forms of wordsformulae > mathematical terms

    medium mediums > people claimingcommunication with spirits

    media > means; agencies

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    Noun pluralsE. %ome nouns have only a plural form:

    archives assets contents customs funds

    head!uarters premises savings

    surroundings earnings goods valuables clothes refreshments

    outskirts rabies

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    Noun plurals1. "he plural of some nouns has two or more meanings;

    one similar to the singular meaning; the other differentfrom it:

    custo#s > 1. habits2. ta es on imported goods

    +uarters > 1. fourth parts2. lodgings

    s irits > 1. souls2. alcoholic li!uors

    3. mental or moral attitude 5FinhighBlow spiritsF6

    re#ises > 1. things assumed as true asbasis for an argument

    2. buildings; offices

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    Noun plurals

    Fews F is not pluralGGG

    "he news is very depressing today.

    NO(NO( : "he news are very depressing today.

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    %ome nouns can be used as countable or asuncountable. 'sually there is a difference in


    bought a paper . 5> newspaper6 bought some paper . 5> material for writing on6


    Cou need experience for this 9ob. 5> previouspractice6

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    %ome nouns end in -s; but they are not usuallyplural: mathematics ; economics ; athletics ;


    )conomics is the science of choice.

    Hhysics was my favourite sub9ect atschool.

    Holitics has never been my favouritesub9ect.

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    %ometimes these nouns have differentmeaning:

    statistics 5with a singular verb 6 > a branch ofscience

    %tatistics is a branch of economics.

    statistics 5with a plural verb 6 > a collection ofnumbers representing facts ormeasurements 8 statistical data

    %tatistics are ready for publication.

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    %ome nouns end in - s , but can besingular or plural 5the form is the same6:

    a means of transport many means of transport a television series two "( series

    a species of bird 2II species of birds

    #eans series s ecies

    %ometimes; a singular countable noun can take a

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    %ometimes; a singular countable noun can take aplural verb when the noun refers to Jmore than one


    "he @overnment have decided in favour ofthe law. 5the government > members of thegovernment6

    "he board are discussing the proposal now.5the board > more than one person6

    "he staff aren!t happy with their workingconditions. 5the staff > employees6

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    team family committee

    company personnel management

    public staff

    army audience data group media press union

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    "he plural of ersonerson is:

    "here were t2ree eo let2ree eo le at the meeting. persons 8 very formal


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    %ometimes we use a plural noun with a singular verb5a sum of money; a period of time; a distance6:

    ive thousand pounds was stolen in therobbery. 5 NO( were stolen6

    "hree years is a long period to be withouta 9ob. 5NO( are a long period6

    "hree kilometres is long way to go fromhere. 5 NO( are a long way to go6

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