11/12/2019 Print Preview : IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # 745 https://innovate.suny.edu/iitg/?gf_page=print-entry&fid=4&lid=745 1/2 IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # 745 745 Name of person reporng outcomes Amy Moore, Project Director Email ajdavis@buffalo.edu IITG Project Title 2018-Buffalo (UB)-Moore-Blockchain Badging - Coursera-to-Credit Access Keywords: Enrollment, Diversity, Capacity, Affordability The number of enrollments via the specializaon page and course pages are 12,322 and 53,661, respecvely. We reached a significant amount of diverse, global, non-tradional learners through these online offerings. There is a model for an affordable pathway to credit should a learner enroll in and be accepted into a UB curriculum program. Compleon Keywords: Compleon, Persistence, Transfer, Retenon There is a model for an affordable way to transfer a non-credit, verified cerficate to credit should a learner enroll in and be accepted into a UB curriculum program. Success Keywords: Applied Learning, Student Supports, Financial Literacy, Career Success The reach of the 175,211 and 241,510 visitors to the program's specializaon and courses respecvely include: Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and North & South America. We are providing an internaonal educaon opportunity, per the instructor's mission. Inquiry Keywords: Scholarship, Discovery, Innovaon, Mentoring Learn about blockchain, a revoluonary technology that enables peer to peer transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries. It is predicted to be as impacul as the Internet. Our learners share their innovaons and success across the plaorm primarily through discussion forums and learner stories. Engagement Keywords: START-UP New York, Commercializaon, Workforce Development, Alumni/Philanthropic Support, Community Service. Our accomplished mission was to create a specializaon to introduce learners to Block Chain in economics and the digital world. The specializaon will expose learners to the effect block chain technologies will have on our current economic infrastructure. Course content includes defining and ulizing block chain technology. The 12-month cost share total was $109,002.45, a 17.71% increase over projecons. 1st Choice: Assessment, Understanding, Monitoring Student Progress Assessment, Understanding, Monitoring Student Progress Micro Credenaling (Badging) 2nd Choice: Discipline Specific Pedagogy Discipline Specific Pedagogy Adult & Connuing Educaon 3rd Choice: Instruconal Design Instruconal Design Online Educaon What recommendaons would you make to scale-up or share your project more broadly (within an educaonal sector, or perhaps SUNY-wide)? We ancipate compleng a similar procedure for addional curriculum. Do you intend to create an ongoing "Community of Pracce" within the SUNY Learning Commons to connue work and dialog regarding this project?

11/12/2019 Print Preview : IITG Project Outcomes Form ......2018-Buffalo (UB)-Moore-Blockchain Badging - Coursera-to-Credit Access Key words: Enrollment, Diversity, Capacity, Affordability

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Page 1: 11/12/2019 Print Preview : IITG Project Outcomes Form ......2018-Buffalo (UB)-Moore-Blockchain Badging - Coursera-to-Credit Access Key words: Enrollment, Diversity, Capacity, Affordability

11/12/2019 Print Preview : IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # 745

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IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # 745745

Name of person repor�ng outcomes

Amy Moore, Project Director


[email protected]

IITG Project Title

2018-Buffalo (UB)-Moore-Blockchain Badging - Coursera-to-Credit

Access Keywords: Enrollment, Diversity, Capacity, Affordability

The number of enrollments via the specializa�on page and course pages are 12,322 and 53,661, respec�vely. We reached a significant amount of diverse, global, non-tradi�onal learners throughthese online offerings. There is a model for an affordable pathway to credit should a learner enroll in and be accepted into a UB curriculum program.

Comple�on Keywords: Comple�on, Persistence, Transfer, Reten�on

There is a model for an affordable way to transfer a non-credit, verified cer�ficate to credit should a learner enroll in and be accepted into a UB curriculum program.

Success Keywords: Applied Learning, Student Supports, Financial Literacy, Career Success

The reach of the 175,211 and 241,510 visitors to the program's specializa�on and courses respec�vely include: Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and North & South America. We are providing aninterna�onal educa�on opportunity, per the instructor's mission.

Inquiry Keywords: Scholarship, Discovery, Innova�on, Mentoring

Learn about blockchain, a revolu�onary technology that enables peer to peer transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries. It is predicted to be as impac�ul as the Internet.

Our learners share their innova�ons and success across the pla�orm primarily through discussion forums and learner stories.

Engagement Keywords: START-UP New York, Commercializa�on, Workforce Development, Alumni/Philanthropic Support, Community Service.

Our accomplished mission was to create a specializa�on to introduce learners to Block Chain in economics and the digital world. The specializa�on will expose learners to the effect block chaintechnologies will have on our current economic infrastructure. Course content includes defining and u�lizing block chain technology.

The 12-month cost share total was $109,002.45, a 17.71% increase over projec�ons.

1st Choice:

Assessment, Understanding, Monitoring Student Progress

Assessment, Understanding, Monitoring Student Progress

Micro Creden�aling (Badging)

2nd Choice:

Discipline Specific Pedagogy

Discipline Specific Pedagogy

Adult & Con�nuing Educa�on

3rd Choice:

Instruc�onal Design

Instruc�onal Design

Online Educa�on

What recommenda�ons would you make to scale-up or share your project more broadly (within an educa�onal sector, or perhaps SUNY-wide)?

We an�cipate comple�ng a similar procedure for addi�onal curriculum.

Do you intend to create an ongoing "Community of Prac�ce" within the SUNY Learning Commons to con�nue work and dialog regarding this project?

Page 2: 11/12/2019 Print Preview : IITG Project Outcomes Form ......2018-Buffalo (UB)-Moore-Blockchain Badging - Coursera-to-Credit Access Key words: Enrollment, Diversity, Capacity, Affordability

11/12/2019 Print Preview : IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # 745

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IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # IITG Project Outcomes Form - Report Outcomes : Entry # 745745


Overall, how successful was IITG in mee�ng your project goals? (You may elaborate on your response in the final ques�on if not addressed elsewhere.)

Very successful

Do you wish your current abstract to be used?


File One Upload and Brief Descrip�on

Short video available to view at:


Consistent with the RFP, you must indicate which Crea�ve Commons license you intend to use.

A�ribu�on – Non-Commercial - Share Alike