11. (Step 3.2) European Union Funding Labyrinth 2007-2013

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  • 8/13/2019 11. (Step 3.2) European Union Funding Labyrinth 2007-2013


    European Union Funding Labyrinth 2007-2013

    1 Direct Support

    1.1 Civl Protection Financial Instrumentshttp://ec.europa.eu/echo/civil_protection/civil/prote/fnance.htm

    The Civil rotection Financial !n"tru#ent serves to support rein orcedcooperation between Member States in the feld o civil protection and tocomplement Member States' e orts related protection o people againstdisasters environment and propert!.

    1.2 CIP Competitiveness and Innovation FrameworkProgrammehttp://ec.europa.eu/cip/

    The Co#petitivene"" and !nnovation Fra#e$or% rogra##e "#$%& wor sto increase the competitiveness o (uropean enterprises in particular o SM(s.$t acilitates access to fnance support innovative activities including eco)innovation provide business support services accelerates the development oa sustainable competitive innovative and inclusive in ormation societ! andpromotes energ! e*cienc! and new and renewable energ! sources in allsectors including transport.

    1&2&1 E! - Entrepreneur"hip and !nnovation rogra##ehttp://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/inde+_en.htm

    The main aim o this specifc programme is to support innovation and small andmedium enterprises "SM(s& in the (,.

    1&2&2 !C'- S ( !n)or#ation and !nnovation Fra#e$or%rogra##e

    http://ec.europa.eu/in ormation_societ!/activities/ict_psp/about/inde+_en.htm

    1&2&3 !EE( !ntelligent Energy Europehttp://ec.europa.eu/energ!/intelligent/

    1.3 Consumer Programme 2007-2013


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    1.4 C !" - #uropean Cooperation in !cience and"ec$nolog%

    http://www.cost.es .org/

    1.& Culture 2007http://ec.europa.eu/culture/inde+_en.htm

    1.' #rasmus (undushttp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/programme/about_erasmus_mundus_en.php

    The Era"#u" *undu" %rogramme 5667)5689 is open to higher educationinstitutions and to an! organisation active in the feld o higher education andresearch as well as to students doctoral candidates teachers researchers anduniversit! sta "academic and/or administrative& rom an! part o the world.

    1.7 #urope )or Citi*ens(urope or #iti ens

    1.+ FP7 7t$ Framework Programme The largest 2esearch %rogramme with ;6 billion (,2< unds

    1&+&1 C,, E .'!,/

    =ealthhttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/health/home_en.html

    Theob?ective o health re"earch under %> is to improve the health o(uropean citi ens and boost the competitiveness o health)related industriesand businesses as well as address global health issues.

    The ealth the#e is a ma?or theme o the #ooperation programme and the (,has earmar ed a total o @.8 billion or unding this theme over the duration o

    %>.ood 3griculture and isheries 1iotechnolog!

    http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/ bbe/home_en.html The primar! aim o unding the ' ood 3griculture and isheries and1iotechnolog!' research theme under the Seventh ramewor %rogramme " %>&is to build a European no$ledge a"ed io-Econo#y E4 .$n ormation #ommunication Technologieshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/ict/

    The ob?ective o !C're"earch under the (,s Seventh ramewor %rogramme" %>& is to improve the competitiveness o (uropean industr! as well as to

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    enable (urope to master and shape the uture developments o thesetechnologies so that the demands o its societ! and econom!are met.

    The (, Member States have earmar ed a total o 7.8 billion or unding $#Toverthe duration o %>

    anosciences nanotechnologies materials A new production technologieshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/cooperation/nanotechnolog!_en.html

    (mphasis will be given to the ollowing activities: anosciences and nanotechnologies) stud!ing phenomena and

    manipulation o matter at the nanoscale and developingnanotechnologies leading to the manu acturing o new products andservices.

    Materials) using the nowledge o nanotechnologies and biotechnologiesor new products and processes.

    ew production) creating conditions or continuous innovation and ordeveloping generic production 'assets' "technologies organisation andproduction acilities as well as human resources& while meeting sa et!and environmental reBuirements.

    $ntegration o technologies or industrial applications ) ocusing on newtechnologies materials and applications to address the needs identifedb! the di erent (uropean Technolog! %lat orms.

    The (, Member States have earmar ed a total o 3&5 billion or unding thistheme over the duration o %>.(nerg!http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/energ!/home_en.html

    The ob?ective o energy re"earch under F 7 is to aid the creation andestablishment o the technologies necessar! to adapt the current energ!s!stem into a more sustainable competitive and secure one. $t should alsodepend less on imported uels and use a diverse mi+ o energ! sources inparticular renewables energ! carriers and non polluting sources.

    The (, Member States and the (uropean %arliament have earmar ed a total o5.9; billion or unding this theme over the duration o %>.(nvironment "including climate change&http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/environment/home_en.html

    The main ob?ective o research or the environment under %>is to promote the

    sustainable management o both the man)made and the natural environmentand its resources. To this end increased nowledge on the interaction betweenthe climate the biosphere ecos!stems and human activities is sought and newenvironmentall!) riendl! technologies tools and services are developed.

    The (, has earmar ed a total o 1&6 billion or unding this theme over theduration o %>.

    Transport "incl. aeronautics&http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/transport/home_en.html

    The central ob?ective o transport research under %> is to develop sa ergreener and smarter transport s!stems or (urope that will beneft citi ens

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    respect the environment and increase the competitiveness o (uropeanindustries in the global mar et.

    The (, Member States have earmar ed a total o C.8@ billion or unding thistheme over the duration o %>. Socio)economic Sciences and the =umanities

    http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/ssh/home_en.html unding ' Socio-econo#ic "cience" and the hu#anitie" ' "SS=& will

    contribute to an in)depth shared understanding o the comple+ andinterrelated socio economic challenges con ronting (urope.More than 10 #illion is oreseen or unding this theme over the duration o

    %>. Spacehttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/cooperation/space_en.html

    The aim o the Space the#e under %> is to support a (uropean Space%rogramme ocusing on applications such as DElobal monitoring orenvironment and securit!D "EM(S& with benefts or citi ens and or thecompetitiveness o the (uropean space industr!.

    This will contribute to the development o a (uropean space polic!complementing e orts b! Member States and b! other e! pla!ers includingthe (uropean Space 3genc! "(S3&.

    The (, Member States have earmar ed more than 8.C billion or unding thistheme over the duration o %>.Securit!http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/securit!/home_en.html

    The ob?ectives o the Securit! theme are: to develop technologies and nowledge needed to ensure the securit! ociti ens rom threats such as terrorism and "organised& crime natural

    disasters and industrial accidents while respecting undamental humanrightsF

    to ensure optimal and concerted use o available and evolvingtechnologies to the beneft o civil (uropean securit!F

    to stimulate the cooperation o providers and users or civil securit!solutionsF improving the competitiveness o the (uropean securit!industr! and delivering mission)oriented results to reduce securit! gaps.

    #oordination o research activitieshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/coordination/home_en.html

    The E .-/E' "che#e aims at developing and strengthening the coordinationo national and regional research programmes in two wa!s:) providing a ramewor or actors implementing public research programmesto improve coordination through new (23) (Ts or b! broadening anddeepening e+isting (23) (TsF and) providing in a limited number o cases additional (, fnancial support toparticipants who create a common und or the purpose o ?oint calls or

    proposals among national and regional programmes "(23) (T %4,S&.3ctions

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    under3rticle8G;o the Treat! on the unctioning o the (uropean ,nion "T (,&He+ 3rticle 8@7 o the Treat! establishing the (uropean #ommunit! "T(#&I aimat integrating parts o national and regional programmes or implementing

    ?ointl! together with the #ommission a real (uropean research programme. The actions supported here ma! cover sub?ects not directl! lin ed to the tenthemes in as ar as the! have a su*cient (, added value. The! will also be

    used to enhance the complementarit! and s!nerg! between %> and activitiescarried out under intergovernmental structures such as EU E . and C,S' .

    Joint technolog! $nitiativeshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/?tis/home_en.html

    1&+&2 !DE.Shttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/ideas/home_en.html

    1&+&3 E, LE - *arie Curie The main aim o *arie Curie programme is to improve human resources andto attract world leading researchers to wor in (urope via Marie #urie actionsfnancing researchers career development and mobilit!.

    $nitial Training etwor shttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/itn_en.html

    $nternational dimensionhttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/people/international)dimension_en.html

    $< ) $nternational /mariecurieactions/io _en.html

    $$ ) $nternational $ncoming ellowshipshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/ii _en.html Marie #urie !nternational !nco#ing Fello$"hip" are speciall! designed toencourage these moves.$2S(S ) $nternational 2esearch Sta (+change Schemehttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/irses_en.html Marie #urie's !nternational e"earch Sta8 E9change Sche#e helpsresearch organisations to set up or strengthen long)term cooperation withothers through a coordinated e+change programme or their sta .

    4i e)long trainingLi)e-long training activit! will support e+perienced researchers incomplementing e+isting s ills or acBuiring new s ills and competencies or inenhancing inter/multidisciplinarit! and/or intersectoral mobilit! in resuming aresearch career a ter a brea and in "re&integrating into a longer term researchposition in (urope a ter a trans)national mobilit! e+perience.

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    $( ) $ntra)(uropean ellowships or career developmenthttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/ie _en.html 3t various stages o their career e+perienced researchers ma! welcome anopportunit! to acBuire new research s ills or e+perience wor ing in othersectors. Marie #urie !ntra-European Fello$"hip" )or Career Develop#entspecifcall! aim at helping e+perienced researchers to tr! something new or a


    #$E ) #areer $ntegration Erantshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/cig_en.html Man! researchers currentl! wor ing around the world would consider getting astable position in a (uropean research institution. The new Career!ntegration :rant scheme helps them to achieve this.

    (2E ) (uropean 2eintegration Erantshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/erg_en.html Marie #urie European eintegration :rant" help researchers that benefted

    rom training within a Marie #urie 3ction to enter or re)enter long)termresearch emplo!ment.

    $2E ) $nternational 2eintegration Erantshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/irg_en.html Marie #urie !nternational eintegration :rant" o er fnancial support orpro essional "re&integration to (uropean researchers that have carried out

    research outside (urope. #< , K ) #o) unding o regional national and international programmeshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/people/co und_en.html

    $ndustr! ) 3cademia %arnterships and %athwa!s "$3%%&http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/mariecurieactions/iapp_en.html 2esearch and business have to wor hand in hand. Marie #urie !ndu"try-.cade#ia artner"hip" and ath$ay" help commercial and non)commercial research organisations wor together. %artners include universitiesand companies o all shapes and si es. ocussing on ?oint research pro?ects$3%%s aim to boost s ills e+change between the commercial and non)commercial sectors.

    1&+&; C. .C!'!ES2esearch $n rastructures

    http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/capacities/research)in rastructures_en.html

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    The overall ob?ective o the e"earch in)ra"tructure" part o the %>#apacities programme is to optimise the use and development o the bestresearch in rastructures e+isting in (urope. urthermore it aims to help tocreate new research in rastructures o pan)(uropean interest in all felds oscience and technolog!. The (uropean scientifc communit! needs these toremain at the ore ront o the advancement o research and the! will help

    industr! to strengthen its base o nowledge and technological now how.

    2esearch or the beneft o SM(shttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/capacities/research)sme_en.html

    The aim is to strengthen the 'innovation capacit!' o small and medium)si edenterprises "SM(s& in (urope and their contribution to the development o newtechnolog! based products and mar ets. The programme will help themoutsource research increase their research e orts e+tend their networ sbetter e+ploit research results and acBuire technological now how bridgingthe gap between research and innovation.

    2egions o Lnowledgehttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/capacities/regions) nowledge_en.html

    The egion" o) %no$ledge initiative aims to strengthen the researchpotential o (uropean regions in particular b! encouraging and supporting thedevelopment across (urope o regional research)driven clusters associatinguniversities research centres enterprises and regional authorities.

    2esearch potential o #onvergence 2egionshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/capacities/convergence)regions_en.html Stimulating the realisation o the ull research potential o the enlarged(uropean ,nion b! unloc ing and developing the research potential in the (,sconvergence region" and outermost regions and helping to strengthen thecapacities o their researchers to success ull! participate in research activitiesat (, level.

    Science in societ!http://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/sis/home_en.html

    ith a view to building an e ective and democratic (uropean nowledge)basedsociet! the aim is to stimulate the harmonious integration o scientifc andtechnological endeavour and associated research policies into (uropeansociet!.

    Support to the coherent development o research policieshttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/capacities/research)policies_en.html

    This action aims to enhance the e ectiveness and coherence o national and(uropean #ommunit! research policies and their articulation with otherpolicies improving the impact o public research and its lin s with industr! and

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    strengthening public support and its leverage e ect on investment b! privateactors.

    $nternational #ooperationhttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/capacities/international)cooperation_en.html

    supports (uropean competitiveness through strategic partnerships withnon)(, countries in selected felds o science and b! engaging the bestscientists rom such countries to wor with and in (uropeF

    enhances the production o nowledge and scientifc e+cellence b!enabling (uropean universities research institutions and frms toestablish contacts with their partners in such third countries thereb!

    acilitating access to research environments outside (urope andpromoting s!nergies on a global scaleF

    addresses specifc problems that third countries ace or that have aglobal character on the basis o mutual interest and mutual beneft.

    1&+&5 Eurato# - European .to#ic Energy Co##unityhttp://cordis.europa.eu/ p>/euratom/home_en.html $n %> (uratom there are two associated specifc programmes onecovering indirect actionsin the felds o ) u"ion energ! researchand nuclear

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    1&6&2 Funda#ental ight" and citiAen"hiphttp://ec.europa.eu/?ustice_home/ unding/rights/ unding_rights_en.htm

    The main aim o the Funda#ental ight" and CitiAen"hip specifcprogramme is to ensure that (, citi ens are provided with the rights the! area orded under the #harter o undamental 2ights o the (uropean ,nion and

    allow or an open dialogue regarding these rights. Support is also provided oractions to combat racism and thus ensure that (, citi ens can live reel! andopenl! without ear o persecution or danger.1udget: (,2 79 G million

    1.10 /IF# - Financial Instruments )or t$e #nvironment http://ec.europa.eu/environment/li e/ unding/li eplus.htm L!FE is the (,s fnancial instrument supporting environmental and natureconservation pro?ects throughout the (, as well as in some candidateacceding and neighbouring countries.

    1.11 //P- /i)elong /earning programme44% is an integrated programme supporting education and training s!stems ona (uropean level. $t o ers unding or pro?ects which aim to stimulatetransnational mobilit! o individuals promote bilateral and multilateralpartnerships or enhance the improvement o the Bualit! in education andtraining s!stems through multilateral pro?ects encouraging innovation. $tcomprises our specifc programmes: #omenius (rasmus 4eonardo da PinciErundtvig. $n addition the programme incorporates a 'transversal programme'as well supporting cross)cutting activities and the Jean Monet programme orthe (uropean integration in education and training.

    1&11&1 Centrali"edhttp://ec.europa.eu/education/

    Erundtvighttp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/overview/grundtvig_overview.htm Multilateral %ro?ectshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/docGG6_en.htm

    Thematic etwor shttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/docGG5_en.htm

    %rovide a common re erence point or discussion and e+change oin ormation on e! issues polic! shaping and research in its specifcareaF

    3ssist in the networ ing o Erundtvig pro?ects on sub?ects o common

    interest and promote (uropean co)operation and innovationF and

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    Kisseminate results insights and best practices rom Erundtvig pro?ectsand other initiatives at the (uropean national or regional level.

    3ccompan!ing Measureshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/docGGC_en.htm

    The organisation o con erences and seminarsF %romotional and in ormation campaignsF #ompetitionsF Setting up and support or European a""ociation" particularl! to aid

    the dissemination and e+change o in ormationF Developing@ publi"hing and di""e#inating the product" and

    proce""e" re"ulting )ro# co-operation& These include teachingmodules materials and methodologiesF organisational measures andeducational strategies. %riorit! is given to networ s with strong potentialto rela! such in ormationF

    The provision o teaching courses and materials on European the#e" F 'raining or people responsible or (uropean co)operation within their

    organisationsF ublication" relating to (uropean educational co)operation in adult

    learning including anal!sis o internationalisation strategiesF


    http://ec.europa.eu/education/li elong)learning)programme/docG6_en.htm The Era"#u" programme is aimed at higher education. The general aim o the%rogramme is to create a (uropean =igher (ducation 3rea and osterinnovation throughout (urope b! promoting the rein orcement o innovativeprocesses in higher education and higher level training or vocational training.

    Multilateral 3ctionshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/doc86>8_en.htm .ction prioritie"(

    #ooperation between higher education institutions "=($& and enterprises Social dimension o higher education Mobilit! strategies and removal o barriers to mobilit! in higher education

    "including virtual mobilit!& Support to the modernisation agenda o higher education "including

    curriculum re orm governance re orm and unding re orm& ostering the e+cellence and innovation in higher education

    etwor s

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    The main aim o E .S*US net$or%" is to enhance Bualit! and to defne anddevelop a (uropean dimension within a given academic discipline or stud!area.

    3cademic etwor shttp://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/doc868@_en.htm

    Structural etwor shttp://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/doc78C_en.htm Structural /et$or%" are designed to help improve and modernise a specifcaspect o higher education organisation management governance or unding.

    The! reBuire the participation o at least ; institutions rom ; di erentparticipating countries. rioritie" :3ccess to higher education : e! issues including stimulating mobilit! andwidening access or non)traditional learners such as people romdisadvantaged socio)economic bac ground pro essionals older learners andpeople with non) ormal Bualifcations.

    The organisation and management o =igher education institutions: e! issuesinclude enhancing autonom! and accountabilit! or universities improved stamanagement s!stems and the implementation o both internal and e+ternalBualit! assurance mechanisms.

    The nowledge triangle o education research and innovation: e! issuesinclude the rein orcement o lin s between higher education teaching andresearch and its application in industr! and enterprise. 3ccompan!ing Measures

    http://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/doc78@_en.htm 3ccompan!ing Measurescould be the ollowing "indicative list&:

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    The adaptation development testing implementation and disseminationo ne$ curricula@ training cour"e" or part" o) cour"e"4 or#aterial" or the initial or in)service training o teachers or othercategories o school education sta

    The adaptation development testing implementation and disseminationo new teaching methodologies and pedagogical strategies or use in theclassroom and including the development o materials or use b! pupils

    %roviding a ramewor or the organisation o mobilit! activities orstudent teachers including the provision o practical training periods andthe recognition o these activities b! the institutions concerned.

    Thematic etwor 3ctionshttp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/comenius/comenius_multilateral_networ s_en.php

    3ccompan!ing Measureshttp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/comenius/comenius_accompan!ing_measures_en.php

    4eonardohttp://ec.europa.eu/education/li elong)learning)programme/docG5_en.htm

    DKevelopment o $nnovationD%ro?ect 3ctionshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc869>_en.htm

    Thematic etwor 3ctionshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc8697_en.htm

    The aims o Leonardo da Binci 'he#atic /et$or%" are to strengthen thelin between the various DactorsD involved in vocational training to improvethe Bualit! (uropean dimension and visibilit! o activities or issues o commoninterest in the feld o vocational and educational training.3ccompan!ing Measureshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc86C8_en.htm

    Transversal 3ctions

    Le! 3ctivit! 8: %olic! co)operation and innovationD olicy co-operation and innovation D actions "part o the transversalprogramme& should enhance the Bualit! and transparenc! o education andtraining s!stems monitor progress towards targets identi ! areas o concernand strengthen the collection o) data and re"earch acro"" the EU .

    3ctions are relevant to polic!)ma ers e+perts and o*cials rom national

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    regional or local authoritiesF directors o education training guidance andaccreditation organisationsF representatives o social partnersF universitiesacademic and research institutesF as well as other education practitioners.

    L38: Studies and #omparative 2esearchhttp://ec.europa.eu/education/transversal)programme/doc7CG_en.htm

    The activities o the 3ction D Studie" and Co#parative re"earch D includecomparative studies and research research networ s and research con erencesas well as publication and dissemination o these results.L38: etwor shttp://ec.europa.eu/education/transversal)programme/doc5@C@_en.htm

    The ob?ective o this action ) .1(/et$or%" ) is to support the creation otransversal networ s that promote mutual polic! learning and e+change oin ormation on good practices and critical actors or the development andimplementation o coherent and comprehensive approaches towards li elonglearning.

    Le! 3ctivit! 5: 4anguagesL35 Multilateral %ro?ects ew Materials/

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    based content services pedagogies and practices or li elong learning. The!address $#T teaching and learning needs across two or more o the 44%educational sectors.

    L39 Multilateral etwor s

    http://ec.europa.eu/education/transversal)programme/doc7@5_en.htm The !C' /et$or%" support the building o partnerships and the networ ing olearning communities with a view to e+changing ideas and e+periences relatedto $#T or learning.

    etwor s should support nowledge sharing the! should increase the visibilit!and awareness o the benefts and impacts o $#T or learning and contributeto its upta e and e*cient use.Le! 3ctivit! C: Kissemination and e+ploitation o resultshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/transversal)programme/doc7>@_en.htm

    The prime ob?ective or Di""e#ination and E9ploitation o) e"ult" is tohelp create a ramewor or the e ective e+ploitation o the results o the4i elong 4earning %rogramme and previous related programmes at sectoralregional national and (uropean levels.%riorit! will there ore be given to activities which:research and identi ! barriers to dissemination and e+ploitation and developrobust models or success ul dissemination and e+ploitation o resultsFassess the impact o results and o dissemination and e+ploitation actionsF

    Jean Monnet

    Jean Monnet Modules

    http://ec.europa.eu/education/?ean)monnet/doc@8>_en.htm (ach Module has a minimum duration o C6 teaching hours per academic !ear.Modules ma! concentrate on one particular discipline in (uropean integrationstudies or be multidisciplinar! in approach and there ore call upon the serviceso several teachers.

    Jean Monnet #hairshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/?ean)monnet/doc@88_en.htm

    Jean Monnet #hairholders teach a minimum o 76 hours per academic !ear inthe feld o (uropean integration studies.

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    The Jean Monnet %rogramme provides support or a""ociation" that have astheir e+plicit purpose to contribute to the stud! o the (uropean integrationprocess. Such associations should be interdisciplinar! and open to all interestedpro essors teachers and researchers specialising in (uropean integration in therelevant countr! or region. The! should be representative o the academiccommunit! in (uropean integration studies in that countr! or region. Support

    can be given onl! to associations that are o*ciall! registered and haveindependent legal status.

    $n ormation and research activities relating to (uropean integrationhttp://ec.europa.eu/education/?ean)monnet/doc@58_en.htm

    The Jean Monnet %rogramme provides support or in)or#ation and re"earchactivitie" with the aim o promoting discussion reQection and nowledgeabout the process o (uropean integration. 3pplicants must be highereducation institutions or associations o pro essors and researchers specialisingin (uropean integration studies.%ro?ects under this heading must include the organisation o con erencesseminars and/or roundtables in the feld o (uropean integration studies.

    Jean Monnet Multilateral 2esearch Eroupshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/?ean)monnet/doc@59_en.htm Multilateral research groups must lead to an integrated academic networinvolving ?oint research and the organisation o ?oint seminars debates andmeetings.

    1&11&2 Decentrali"edKecentralised 3ctions are operated and managed b! the 4i elong learning

    ational 3uthoritiesassigned b! the (uropean #ommission to manage thedecentralised actions in 44%. More in ormation on them can be retrieved romthe websites o the ational 3gencies in 4i e 4ong 4earning and the one rom(uropean #ommission (ducation and Training.

    ErundtvigMobilit! 3ctions$n)Service Training #oursehttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/docG>C_en.htm

    Eligible : $ndividuals receiving a lump sup amount.pplication deadline : Jan 3pril Sept ever! !ear or seminar up to @ monthsin advance.Pisits and e+changeshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/doc7G6_en.htm %articipate in a (uropean con erence in a contact)ma ing seminar per orm

    ?ob)shadowing "observation& etc

    Eligibility : !ndividual" involved in adult education in (, ( T3 and accessioncountriesDuration : 8 da! ) 85 wee s " or more da!s please chec DErundtvig


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    .pplication deadline : chec !our ational 3genc! websiteFunding "che#e : based on real costs and/or lump sum depending on thespecifc action. %lease consult !our 3 " ational 3genc!&.%reparator! visithttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/docG>@_en.htm

    The ob?ective o the action is to help an! organi"ation wishing to establish a

    Grundtvig Learning Partnership Senior Volunteering Project MultilateralCooperation Project Network or Accompan ing measures pro?ect to get to nowsuitable partner institutions and develop a wor plan in order to prepare thepro?ect/partnership/networ application orm.3n! organi"ation wishing to establish a cooperative activit! o this ind ma!appl! or a grant to enable sta members to underta e a preparator! visit. Thevisit ma! ta e either o the ollowing orms:

    a visit to a partner institution in another countr! participating in the4i elong 4earning %rogrammeF

    participation in a partner)fnding contact seminar organised b! a ational

    3genc!.Ketails o the seminars are available on reBuest rom ational3gencies.

    Eligible :or%"hop" bring together individual" or small groups o learners "86)56people& rom several countries or their personal development and learningneeds. 4earners are also encouraged to share their competences and insightswith others. =owever wor shops are not intended to provide vocationaltraining or pro essionals.

    Funding Sche#e : The organisation organising a wor shop receives a grant orfnancing also the traveling and subsistence cost or each participant.

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    !#portant /ote : Specifc rules appl! on the countr! origin o the participantsin a wor shopSmall #ooperation %ro?ects/%artnerships4earning %artnershipshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/docG>G_en.htm Eligibility : min 9 partners rom three di erent 44% participating countries.

    .pplication proce"" and deadline : The proposal is prepared ?oinl! b! allthree participating countries but each participant submits its own application totheir ational 3genc! normall! b! eb each !ear but please chec with !our

    3.!#portant note( 3mong the learners particular attention is given to includingpeople rom disadvantaged social groups.Senior Polunteering %ro?ectshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/grundtvig/doc7G@_en.htm (ach organisation will be e+pected to send 5@ volunteers within a 5)!earperiod and to host 5@ volunteers within the same period.Bolunteer de

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    their home institution.$%) $ntensive %rogrammeshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/doc766_en.htm 3n (23SM,S !nten"ive rogra##e ! 4 is a short programme o stud! whichbrings together students and teaching sta rom higher education institutionso at least three participating countries. $t can last rom 86 continuous ull da!s

    to @ wee s o sub?ect related wor .(ligibilit!:

    The consortium involves at least 9 participating institutions rom 9di erent countries participating in the 4i elong 4earning %rogramme. 3tleast one participating institution must be rom a Member State o the(uropean ,nion.

    The planned location o the $ntensive %rogramme is in a countr! which iseligible to participate in the 4i elong 4earning %rogramme.

    The number o eligible students travelling rom countries other than thecountr! hosting the $ntensive %rogramme must be minimum 86.

    3pplication %rocess: The co)ordinating higher education institution o the$ntensive %rogramme on behal o the $% participating institutions "all musthold an (rasmus ,niversit! #harter& submits an application orm to its own

    ational 3genc!.Sta Mobilit!Sta Mobilit! Teaching 3ssignmentshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/doc86@>_en.htm .pplication roce"" : The institution sending teaching sta or invitingenterprise sta to teach applies or (23SM,S mobilit! grants to its nationalagenc! while the sta applies to their home institution or the invitinginstitution in case o enterprise sta .

    Funding Sche#e : The grant provided is to contribute to subsistence costs andto cover travel costs.Sta Mobilit! ) Training in =($ and (nterpriseshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/docG7G_en.htm .pplication roce"" : =igher (ducation $nstitutes appl! to their own nationalagenc! or (23SM,S mobilit! grants while the sta applies to their homeinstitution. Sta members are selected b! the sending higher educationinstitution. The training wor plan b! the visiting sta member must be agreedin advance b! all parties.

    Funding Sche#e : The grant provided is to contribute to the subsistence costsand to cover travel costs and it is alwa!s managed b! the =($.(23SM,S %reparator! Pisitshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus/doc78G_en.htm

    The main ob?ective o the action is to help higher education institutions "=($& toestablish contacts with prospective partner institutions with a view toestablishing ?oint (23SM,S programms:

    !#portant /ote( %reparator! visit grants ma! also be used to participate in a

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    partner)fnding Dcontact seminarD organised b! a ational 3genc!. Ketails othe seminars are available on reBuest rom ational 3gencies.

    .pplication roce"" : =igher education institutions holding an (rasmus,niversit! #harter (rasmus placement consortia holding an (rasmus#onsortium %lacement #ertifcate as well as enterprises or other organisations

    can appl! to their ational 3genc! normall! @)G wee s be ore the event orreceive grant or sending a person to attend this preparator! visit.

    unding Scheme: 3 grant around 8666 (,2 covering the subsistence traveland accommodation costs or visit with duration rom 8 da! to ; da!s.

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    http://ec.europa.eu/education/li elong)learning)programme/docGC_en.htm The programme see s to develop the nowledge and understanding among!oung people and educational sta o the diversit! o (uropean cultureslanguages and values b! supporting international co)operation between publiceducation institutions in all Member States. $t ocuses on the frst phase oeducation rom pre)school and primar! to secondar! schools. $t helps !oung

    people acBuire the basic li e s ills and competences necessar! or theirpersonal development or uture emplo!ment and or active citi enship.Mobilit! 3ctions$nvidual pupil mobilit!http://ec.europa.eu/education/comenius/doc776_en.htm

    Secondar! schools that are or have been involved in a #omenius School%artnership can appl! or grants to send pupils to one or more o their#omenius partner schools. This action gives the secondar! school pupils thechance to spend between 9 and 86 months in a host school and a host amil!abroad.$n)service training o sta grantshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/comenius/doc77@_en.htm

    Erants are available to enable teachers and other categories o sta wor ing inschool education to ta e part in in)service training activities. Training activitiesma! last between one and si+ wee s and must ta e place in a countr! otherthan the countr! in which the participants normall! wor . The training ma!ta e the orm o a training course a con erence a seminar a placement or ?ob)shadowing.

    .pplicable to individual" Funding )or !n"ervice training cour"e" !S'4 1- $ee%"4 Bi"it and E9change 1day- 3 #onth"4 3ssistantship grantshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/comenius/doc77C_en.htm

    The tas s entrusted to an assistant ma! include or e+ample: assisting inclassroom teaching supporting pupils' group wor participating in pro?ect)based teaching "e.g. (uropean pro?ects such as eTwinning #omenius School%artnership or #omenius 2egio& teaching their mother tongue and providingin ormation on their own countr!. 3ssistants are not supposed to act as ull)time or replacement teachers. The assistant's school)based activit! must note+ceed 85 to 8@hours and must be agreed be orehand with the host school.

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    %reparator! Pisitshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/doc/call88/fches/com8_en.pd

    The ob?ective o the action is to help an! in"titution eligible or the #omenius%rogramme wishing to establish a #omenius School %artnership #omenius2egio %artnership Multilateral %ro?ect Multilateral etwor or 3ccompan!ingmeasures pro?ect to get to now suitable partner institutions and develop a

    wor plan in order to prepare the pro?ect/partnership application orm.

    .pplication roce"" : 3n organisation can submit an application orm to itsown ational 3genc! normall! @)G wee s be ore the meeting or one o its stato attend a pre)organised meeting or ?ointl! planning a pro?ect. The appl!ingorganisation should submit also an invitation rom the host organisation withdetails on the meeting also.

    Duration : 8 ) ; da!s3ssistantships "host schools&$n .""i"tant"hip progra##e schools can appl! to host a #omeniusassistant a uture teacher o an! sub?ect. hile the assistantship o ers the#omenius assistant the opportunit! to gain teaching e+perience inanother(uropean countr! the school receives additional support or activities such as:assisting in classroom teaching supporting pupils' group wor and pro?ect)based teachingintroducing or rein orcing the (uropean dimensionimplementing #4$4 "#ontent and 4anguage $ntegrated 4earning& b! teaching asub?ect in a oreign languageimproving the pupils comprehension and e+pression in oreign languagesenriching the language o er at the school

    developing and implementing pro?ects e. g. eTwinning #omenius School%artnerships or #omenius 2egio %artnershipswor ing with pupils with special educational needs

    .pplication roce"" . Schools submit an 3pplication orm to their ational3genc! or being selected as host schools b! beginning o each !ear e.g.98stJanuar!.

    Funding Sche#e : The! do not receive an! unding but the! beneft rom theservices o the assistant.%artnerships ) Small cooperations#ooperation is advanced through 3 Dmobilit!D is a trip abroad carried out in the

    ramewor o a %artnership either to a partner institution or to an eventorganised b! a (uropean pro?ect or networ " unded through the 44% orpredecessor programmes&.

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    opportunit! to get to now the language o their partner countr! and topractise their oreign language s ills with pupils rom the partner school. orthis reason the participating schools cannot have the same main teachinglanguage. 3 bilateral

    %artnership has to include a reciprocal class e+change ma ing it possible )or a

    group o) pupil" rom each school to visit the partner school and vice versaeach or a minimum o 86 da!s. The pupil" participating in the e+change haveto be at least 85 !ears old.

    The minimum si e o the group participating in one class e+change is 86 pupilsin the case o Dsmall group class e+changesD and 56 pupils in the case o Dlargegroup class e+changesD. These minimum numbers depend on the grant amountreBuested and can be di erent per partner.

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    Mobilit! 3ctions$PT) %eople in $nitial Pocational Traininghttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc865>_en.htm %eople in !nitial Bocational 'raining "D$PTD& cando wor )related training

    abroad. %articipants canstill be at school or college or in alternative P(Tschemes "apprentices&. $ndividual participants will receive their grant within amobilit! pro?ect organised b! a coordinating organisation. !ndividual" cannotdirectly apply or a grant to ational 3gencies.

    ithin the pro?ect co)operation will e+ists between the sending institution andthe host organisations such as training institutions P(T schools or enterprises.%4M)%eople in the labour mar ethttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc8657_en.htm D eople in the labour #ar%et D"%4M& actions enable people a ter graduationin vocational training or higher education to have a wor )related trainingabroad in order to improve their emplo!ment potential.!ndividual participant" will receive their grants within a mobilit! pro?ectorganised b! a coordinating organisation. The! cannot directly apply or agrant to ational 3gencies.

    ithin the pro?ect co)operation will e+ists between the sending institution andthe host organisations such as training institutions P(T schools or enterprises.

    Their respective roles and involvement in the di erent steps orimplementation o the mobilit! activities have to be clearl! defned especiall!in case intermediar! organisations are participating. Their Bualit! can beassessed on the basis o past per ormance and the satis action o the

    benefciar! and participants in previous pro?ects. 3pplications are submitted to th e/ational .gencyo)the "endingcountry "countr! o the applicant organisation& and can onl! cover outgoingmobilit! i.e. individual participants residing and/or enrolled and/or emplo!ed inthe countr! o application moving to another participating countr!.P(T2< ) %ro essionals in vocational education and traininghttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc8698_en.htm

    Mobilit! #ertifcateshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc8659_en.htm

    The 4eonardo da Pinci certifcate in mobilit! is awarded b! the ational3genciesonthe basis o an application lin ed or anne+ed to a mobilit! pro?ectapplication introduced at the same call deadline. $t will be delivered or a periodo C !ears "ma+. until the end o the 44% in 5689&. The certifcate will allow asimplifed grant application in the ollowing calls.%reparator! visits/#ontacts Seminarshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc865;_en.htm Contact" "e#inar" are organised b! national agencies or networ ingpurposes.

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    .pplicable to individual" : 0esFunding a#ount( around 8666 (,2 or a visit.pplication deadline : @)G wee s be ore the event at the ational 3genc!Small)scale partnershipshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo)da)vinci/doc8699_en.htm

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    education and vocational training sta eholders with the purpose o e+amining aparticular aspect o li elong learning in another participating countr!.

    The visits are organised locall! or regionall! under the coordination at thenational level b! the ational agenc! and at the (uropean level b! #ede op onbehal o the #ommission.

    The programme o stud! visits is applicable only to individual" to decisionand polic! ma ers and persons who b! their pro essional activities are wellplaced to act as multipliers o learning and innovation.

    .pplication roce""( Kecentralised application to be submitted online on the#ede op stud! visits website "http://stud!visits.cede op.europa.eu&. 3 terreceiving an ac nowledgement o receipt and acode the application should beprinted out signed and sent to the relevant ational 3genc! respecting thedeadline.

    1&11&3 >hat i" a)ter LL ?http://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus) or)all/

    or the programming period 568C)5656 44% will be substituted b! (rasmus or3ll programme with some increased unding also and with emphasis onmobilities. or updates please chec

    1.12 (arco Polo IIhttp://ec.europa.eu/transport/marcopolo/inde+_en.htm

    1.13 (edia 2007http://ec.europa.eu/culture/media/inde+_en.htm

    1.14 P #!!http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.?spNcat$dO95>Alang$dOen

    1.1& Pu lic ealt$ Programmehttp://ec.europa.eu/health/programme/polic!/566G)5689/inde+_en.htm

    1.1' !a)er Internet Programmehttp://ec.europa.eu/in ormation_societ!/activities/sip/polic!/programme/inde+_en.htm

    The Sa)er !nternet rogra##e aims at increasing public awareness andfghting against not onl! illegal content but also harm ul conduct such asgrooming and bull!ing. $t encompasses recent communications services romthe web 5.6 such as social networ ing and plans to build up a nowledge basein order to ensure ma+imum impact o the programme.

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    1.17 "#(P !http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/programme/about_tempus_en.php

    1&17&1 .ction 1( =oint ro ect" = "4http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/programme/action8_en.php

    1&17&2 .ction 2( Structural *ea"ure"http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/programme/action5_en.php Structural Measures include studies and research con erences and seminars

    training courses polic! advice and dissemination o in ormation.1&17&3 .ction 3( .cco#panying *ea"ure"http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/programme/action9_en.php

    1.1+ 5out$ in 6ction The outh in .ction programme strives to encourage !oung people's activeciti enship and to develop solidarit! promote tolerance oster mutual

    understanding between !oung people in di erent countries and support(uropean cooperation. The main target group is !oung people between 8; and5G !ears o age.

    1&1+&1 .ction 1 - outh )or Europehttp://ec.europa.eu/!outh/!outh)in)action)programme/doc>G_en.htm

    1&1+&2 .ction 2 - European Boluntary Servicehttp://ec.europa.eu/!outh/!outh)in)action)programme/docG5_en.htm

    1&1+&3 .ction 3 - outh in the >orldhttp://ec.europa.eu/!outh/!outh)in)action)programme/docG@_en.htm

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    1&1+&; .ction ; - outh Support Sy"te#"http://ec.europa.eu/!outh/!outh)in)action)programme/doc76_en.htm

    1&1+&5 .ction 5 - Support )or European Co-operation in the outh

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    1.20 Funding c$annels o) limited applica ilit%

    1&20&1 Cu"to#" 2013

    http://ec.europa.eu/ta+ation_customs/customs/cooperation_programmes/customs5689/inde+_en.htm #ustoms 5689 %rogramme aims to ensure that national customsadministrations operate as e*cientl! e ectivel! and economicall! as possibleand enable to react to an! reBuirement arising rom a changing customsenvironment. $t also intends to strengthen both national and (, level controland anti) raud measurements and improve the securit! o (, citi ens. Theprogramme strives to standardi e customs s!stems and to identi ! and developbest practices in the feld o audit controls and ris anal!ses and also see s tosupport improvement o customs administrations and actions to preventirregularities as well as improve communication s!stems and help improve theBualit! o customs administration s!stems in third countries.

    1&20&2 Fi"cali" 2013http://ec.europa.eu/ta+ation_customs/ta+ation/ta+_cooperation/fscalis_programme/

    1&20&3 Funda#ental" ight" and =u"ticeKrug %revention and $n ormationhttp://ec.europa.eu/?ustice_home/ unding/drugs/ unding_drugs_en.htm

    This programmesupports the Member States in pooling their resources andwor ing together to reduce the demand or and suppl! o drugs and tosignifcantl! reduce the social harm and health damage caused b! their useand trade.

    #ivil Justice

    http://ec.europa.eu/?ustice_home/ unding/civil/ unding_civil_en.htm The Civil =u"tice specifc programme aims to promote ?udicial cooperation incivil matters and the ad?ustment o Member States' e+isting ?udicial s!stems tothe (, s!stem thereb! improving the lives o (, citi ens through easier accessto ?ustice. 1! reBuiring that the relevant authorities wor together in the areao #ivil Justice the programme see s to enhance the contact and the e+changeo in ormation and good practices between legal ?udicial and administrativeauthorities.1udget: (,2 867.9 million#riminal Justicehttp://ec.europa.eu/?ustice_home/ unding/?pen/ unding_?pen_en.htm

    The Cri#inal =u"tice %rogramme aims at supporting ?udicial cooperation in

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    criminal matters on a (uropean level b! promoting the compatibilit! in rulesapplicable in the Member States.

    1&20&; :allileohttp://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/satnav/galileo/inde+_en.htm

    1&20&5 ercule 11http://ec.europa.eu/anti_ raud/programmes/inde+_ r.html

    The ercule !! rogra##e provides support to actions aiming to protect the#ommunit!'s fnancial interests. $t has been designed to multipl! and rein orcemeasures against cigarette smuggling and counter eiting.

    1&20& !S. - !nteroperability Solution" )or European ublic.d#ini"tration"http://ec.europa.eu/isa/inde+_en.htm

    1&20&7 ericle" rogra##ehttp://ec.europa.eu/anti_ raud/programmes/pericles/inde+_en.html

    1&20&+ Security and Sa)eguarding Libertie" Fra#e$or%rogra##e The )ra#e$or% progra##e on Security and Sa)eguarding Libertie"aims at ensuring an e ective operational co)operation in the fght againstcrime and terrorism and strengthening their prevention. The main ob?ectives othe ramewor programme are to ensure an e ective operational cooperationin the fght against terrorism including its conseBuences organised crime andgeneral crime to support the provision o intelligence on a (uropean scale andto strengthen the prevention o crime and terrorism.

    %revention o Terrorismhttp://ec.europa.eu/home)a airs/ unding/cips/ unding_cips_en.htm

    This specifc programme provides support to actions rein orcing Member Statese orts to prevention preparedness and protection o people and criticalin rastructures against securit! incidents including terrorism. urthermore it isintended to contribute to ensuring protection in the areas such as the crisismanagement environment public health transport research andtechnological development and economic and social cohesion in the feld oterrorism and other securit! and sa et! related ris s within the area o reedomsecurit! and ?ustice.

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    %revention o #rimehttp://ec.europa.eu/home)a airs/ unding/isec/ unding_isec_en.htm

    The goal o this specifc programme is to fght all orms o crime in particularterrorism tra*c ing in persons and o ences against children illicit drug and

    arms tra*c ing corruption and raud and thereb! increase the securit! andwell being o (, citi ens. hile the programme directl! promotes coordinationand cooperation among law en orcement agencies national authorities and,nion bodies it also encourages the development o new methods o fghtingcrime and encourages e ective protection o victims and witnesses.

    1&20&6 Solidarity and *anage#ent o) *igration Flo$"Fra#e$or% rogra##ehttp://ec.europa.eu/home)a airs/ unding/intro/ unding_intro_en.htm

    (uropean 2e ugee undhttp://ec.europa.eu/home)a airs/ unding/re ugee/ unding_re ugee_en.htm

    The European e)ugee Fund see s to support solidarit! and improveMember States reception o re ugees as!lum see ers and displaced personsthrough improved reception conditions air as!lum procedures and e*cientintegration programmes to ensure the protection o human rights.

    (+ternal 1orders undhttp://ec.europa.eu/home)a airs/ unding/borders/ unding_borders_en.htm

    The E9ternal order" Fund dedicates resources and actions towards securingthe e+ternal borders o the (, and Schengen Member States to ensure securit!

    or all citi ens within the Schengen borders.

    (uropean und or the $ntegration o Third)#ountr! ationalshttp://ec.europa.eu/home)a airs/ unding/integration/ unding_integration_en.htm

    The 2eturn undhttp://ec.europa.eu/home)a airs/ unding/return/ unding_return_en.htm

    The European eturn Fund strives to improve the management o thirdcountr! nationals' return to their home countr!.

    1&20&10 'E/-E - 'ran"European Energy /et$or%"

    http://ec.europa.eu/energ!/in rastructure/tent_e/ten_e_en.htm

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    The overall ob?ective o 'ran"-European Energy /et$or% is to create a moreopen and competitive internal energ! mar et in electricit! and natural gas aswell as to promote the securit! o energ! suppl! and the use o renewableenerg! sources as a contribution to urther sustainable development polic!.

    1&20&11 'E/-' 'ran"European 'ran"port /et$or%"http://tentea.ec.europa.eu/

    The general aim o the 'ran"-European 'ran"port /et$or%" is to bring thegeographical and economic areas o (urope closer b! the development oroads railwa!s inland waterwa!s airports seaports inland ports and tra*cmanagement s!stems. The #ommission's T( )T programme aims to establishinterconnections interoperabilit! and continuit! o services especiall! on long)distance routes and across borders b! dedicating fnancial support towards the

    realisation o important transport in rastructure pro?ects.

    2 Shared *e#ber State"4

    2.1 6griculture8 ural 9evelopment and Fis$erieshttp://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/use/inde+_en.htm

    2&1&1 E.:F-European .gricultural :urantee Fundhttp://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/grants/inde+_en.htm

    2&1&2 E. FD-European .gricultural Fund )or uralDevelop#ent incl& LE.DEhttp://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rurdev/inde+_en.htm

    2&1&3 EFF-European Fi"herie" Fundhttp://ec.europa.eu/fsheries/c p/e /inde+_en.htm

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    2.2 # ternal 6ssistance

    2&2&1 'he#atic Financial !n"tru#ent"M 3 ) $nstrument or Macro) inancial 3ssistancehttp://ec.europa.eu/econom!_fnance/fnancial_operations/mar et/third_countries/inde+_en.htm

    $ S ) $nstrument or Stabilit!http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/how/fnance/i s_en.htm

    The overall ob?ective o the !n"tru#ent )or Stability is to assist in therecovering processes during and a)ter a cri"i" "ituation or an emergingcrisis. urthermore it intends to acilitate building capacit! to prevent andmanage disaster)struc areas and conditions as well as to address global andtrans)regional threats with destabili ing e ect.

    2.3 !tructural Funds The Structural Fund" are allocated b! the (uropean ,nion as part o itsregional polic!. The! aim to reduce regional disparities in terms o incomewealth and opportunities with special ocus on (urope's poorer regions. TheStructural und share the second largest item o (, e+penditure and made upo the (uropean 2egional Kevelopment und "(2K &and the (uropean Social

    und "(S &.The unds can be used or a wide range o activities includingsupporting innovation enterprise and business development protecting andenhancing the environment supporting specifc sectors o regional economiesdelivering active labour mar et policies and improving s ills.

    2&3&1 E DF - European egional Develop#ent Fundhttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_polic!/ unds/ eder/inde+_en.htm

    The E DF aims to strengthen economic social and territorial cohesion in the(uropean ,nion b! reducing ineBualities and supporting territorial co)operationbetween its regions.

    2&3&2 ESF - European Social Fundhttp://ec.europa.eu/emplo!ment_social/es

    The ESF is set up to reduce di erences in prosperit! and living standardsacross (, Member States and intends to improve emplo!ment and ?obopportunities across the member states o the (uropean ,nion. $t fnancesactions under the #onvergence and the 2egional #ompetitiveness and(mplo!ment ob?ective.

    - S #01(2344 3##(SS Supplementar! otes to mindmaps

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    2&3&3 Co##unity !nitiative"1esides the main regional polic! instruments Structural unds and the#ohesion und in order to improve conditions or the access to fnance orentrepreneurs and regions in the (, the (uropean #ommunit! has introducedspecial programmes: the #ommunit! $nitiatives. These $nitiatives appl! varioussolutions to common problems throughout the #ommunit! in order to identi !the most e*cient and e ective. 'hey are partly /???/?eremie_en.htm

    J3SM$ ( ) Joint 3ction to Support Microfnance $nstitutions in (uropehttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_polic!/the unds/instruments/?asmine_cgc_en.c m

    2&3&; E.CE !!! )or nothern !reland4http://www.d pni.gov.u /inde+/fnance/european) unding/eu) unding)566>)5689/peace_iii_programme_566>)5689.htm

    2&3&5 !/'E E: !B$ T(22(E $P Strand 3 ) #ross 1order #ooperationhttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_polic!/atlas566>/eu/crossborder/inde+_en.htm

    To develop cross)border economic social and environmental activities between(, Member States

    $ T(22(E $P Strand 1 )Transnational #ooperationhttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_polic!/atlas566>/transnational/inde+_en.htm

    To engage specifc targeted regions in transnational cooperation activities.

    - S #01(2344 3##(SS Supplementar! otes to mindmaps

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    89 transnational programmes are covered which represent the ollowingregions:

    orthern %eripher! orth Sea #entral (urope South (ast (urope $ndian

  • 8/13/2019 11. (Step 3.2) European Union Funding Labyrinth 2007-2013


    3.& #F!( - #uropean Financial !ta ilisation (ec$anismhttp://ec.europa.eu/econom!_fnance/eu_borrower/e sm/inde+_en.htm

    3.' ##6 = >orwa% rantshttp://www.eeagrants.org/

    3.7 #!( - #uropean !ta ilit% (ec$anismhttp://europa.eu/rapid/press2eleases3ction.doNre erenceOM(M