Patterns of Relationships The MatrixTemple has manifested to help us transition into a new world You are all 21st Century Leaders who hav e chosen to experience this evolutionary adventur e and i gnite the changes we need in the world by changing Patterns of Relationship Thank you for your courage. Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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Patterns of 

Relationships• The MatrixTemple has

manifested to help ustransition into a new world

• You are all 21st CenturyLeaders who have chosen toexperience this evolutionaryadventure and ignite thechanges we need in theworld by changing Patternsof Relationship

• Thank you for your courage.

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 Journey Guides

• Mukara: 108 year old Tibetan Elf currently workingwith large Corporations in USA: bringing Buddhismto Business and Business to Buddhism.

• Kippi: Change Agent and Transformer Wizzard.Mother of 5. Sound Healer

• Colleen: Yoga teacher, somatic pro, water lover and

healer• Bruce: Healer and Teacher, Leader and Learner

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• Anything you need now to feel more at ease?

• Anything we should know about you?

• 2 short videos to set the stage for our work 

• Find a partner and share the impact.

• Form a group of 4: share what you hope to learn in this class.

• Whole group sharing

•Collect learnings from whole group

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Reviewing last night

• Sub-Groups: Making the Invisible more Visible

• The circle, the line, the map

• Business people; Brazilians, Coaches, Therapist,Curious, Skeptics, Teachers, Students, Trouble-makers

• Special Relationships....Couples, Work-partners,sisters, close friends, conflict pairs.


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Training Structures

• Time Schedule

• Small Groups

• Q & A time

•Support to take the principles into your life.

• PRACTICAL training so you can fulfill yourrole as an Evolutionary Leader

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Small Groups

• Sacred Mountains

• Wade

• Kristine

• Danielle

• Lillian

• Cathy

• Victoria

• Brian S.

• Miriam

• *Bruce

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Small Group


• Brian P.

• Sarah

• Andrea

• Claud

•  JoHanna

•  June

• Brooke

• Rivkha

• *Colleen

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Overview of the

Matrixworks Vision

• Matrixworks is......

• Moment of Mindfulness: “Relationship is allthere is”

• Sharing response

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•Patterns of Relationships

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Most, maybe all, Relationships go

through these stages

•“Nice and Polite”

• “Tough and Right”

• “Inquiring and Reflecting”

• “Magic and Flow”

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• Form small groups of 3 or 4 and share your ownrelationship to ‘nice and polite’. When, where and underwhat conditions do you play this role. What are some

positive aspects of this? What is the down side?• Whole group sharing

• Find a new partner and have a conversation about yourexperience of ‘Tough and Right’ Who has modeled for youthe positive value of this; the negative? How does strengthplay a part in this kind of relating? How does anger play arole?

• Whole Group Sharing

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Experiential continued

• Whole group: Lie down. Breathe. let go intothe sensations of your body. Just be withyourself and Inquire and Reflect: How am idoing in my relationship with myself? What do iwant to cultivate this weekend? What newcapacities do i want to cultivate in myself tohelp change the world to a more living, loving

world? When you are ready, find a partner andInquire and Reflect together about Relationshipwith oneself....

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magic and flow

• partner with the partner you came with or someoneyou know in the group

• do a repeating question exercise: partner A askspartner B: “Tell me what you know about Magic andFlow.” B answers and A says “thank you” andrepeats same question15x’s. change roles and repeat

• how might you cultivate more ‘magic and flow withyour present partner.

• Whole group sharing

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A little theory

• 3 circles that say a lot......

• related to the 4 levels of Patterns of Relationship

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5 Magical Keys(friends)

• To optimize positive patterns in your Relationships learn to use these magical keys.

• Definitions

• Safety


• Creative Expression/Freedom

• Truth

• Value and Worth

• When these are present, we experience relationship as”a secure baseand a safe haven” We have “secure attachment” rather than avoidantor anxious attachment.

• Experiential

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• “I feel safe when...........”

• “I feel supported when........”

• “I feel free/creative when........”

•“When i speak my truth, i feel.....”

• “I feel valued when.........”

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Another View

• Which of these keys is your:


• Challenge

• Wound

• Missing in your life

• Need more of in your relationship

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One more point

• if our needs for these ‘friends’ are not met, weusually fall into one of the following patterns:

• Collapse

• Point the finger of blame

• Adapt the attitude of ‘Hero’ and fix

things• Reflect on your own pattern. What is

your default setting?

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• Process:

• Task 

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Whole Group

• Share Learnings

•Constructed Group using the 5 Magical


• Plan for tomorrow

•Finish with partner: share how you areimpacted by your partner in the class.

• “Relationship is all there is”

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Whole Group Closure

• movement, chanting, sharing

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Day 3

• Checking in: Feedback, questions, needs, requests

• Mindfulness and Spinal movements

•Name Tags: Self-Recognition

• Review: what you learned yesterday

• Overview of today: The Rational and the Relational; TheSubjective and the Scientific

• Triune Brain

• Social Engagement System: GREEN, YELLOW, RED

• Intention vs Impact

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Time Structure

• 12-2:00 Theory

•2:00-2:45 Break 

• 3:00-4:00 Process/Task 

• 4:15-5:15 Process/Task 

• 5:15-5:30 Break 

• 5:30-6:00 Whole Group Closure

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Emotional Potential

• “The emotional  frontier is truly thenext frontier in 

human understanding...theopportunity is to develop our emotional 

  potential & accelerate

dramatically into a new state of being” 

• Heart-Math Institute

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The Triune Brain

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Limbic Brain

• In between the Neo-Cortex part of the Brain(for higherfunctioning) and the Reptilian part(survival functions) is ourLimbic Brain.

• The Limbic Brain is unique to mammals and is how weBOND, CARE for our young and each other. Through thisbrain we ‘feel’ for each other, and engage in learningthrough PLAY, NURTURE, and COMMUNICATION, LOVE

• Welcoming this part of our Brain, invites relationalcreativity in our lives and in groups

• EXPERIENTIAL: Share an appreciation of self and other

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Social Engagement

System• Dr. Stephen Porges: Traffic LightMetaphor

• Chicago Brain/Body Center

•Work on Autism

• Humans have evolved a “Smart Part” of our nervous system.

• We have learned to use Connection toestablish safety for ourselves. (GreenZone)

• If we go to Yellow: only Fight orFlight available

• If we go to Red: only Freeze isavailable

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• Sit with a partner

• Allow yourself to remember all the people who have helped you becomewho you are, who taught you about connection, relationship--who helped youbecome ‘whole-hearted’ and know the power of vulnerability.Parents,Teachers, Work and Life Partners,Mentors. Let yourself recall the kindnessand good will and care you have received. Feel a long line of people behindyou, supporting you. The lineages you are apart of. Let yourself know how youhave been there for others. Allow yourself to recognize your great goodfortune to be who you are and where you are in this moment. Appreciatethat you are welcome here. you are safe. the lonliness is over. you are a part

of the web of life from which you can not fall. you are an intrinsic part of therelational field of all life. you are called to make a new world whererelationship is all there is....you are here because you have answered this call.

• sharing

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Yellow & Red

• Yellow

• Red

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• How to make use of this information

• What it says about being human, about

relationship, about connection and conflict.

• Why ‘Work’ and “Groups” are places where wecan “WAKE UP”

• Tracking Green, Yellow, Red in yourself, yourrelationships, teams and organizations.

• Video

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Introducing Task 


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• I am responsible for my Intentions

• You are responsible for the impact on you

• We are skillful in relationship when Intentionand Impact are aligned--when they match

• We have problems in relationship whenthere is a gap between Intention and Impact.

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• “My intention with _____ is _______.”

• “I imagine my impact is_______.”

• “Please give me Feedback on how myIntention and Impact could be betteraligned”

• Reverse roles and repeat exercise

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•Imagining a new world

• Taking your learnings back into your life

• “We don’t have time to wait to Love”

• Your question, your purpose

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Day 4

• Mindfulness and Breathing and Stretching

• Review and Overview: Levels of Relationship;

5 Friends; Intention and Impact; SocialEngagement System(Green, Yellow, Red)

• Why we need this to make a better world.

• Questions and Reflections

• Email Contact list

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Time Structure

• 9-10:00 Theory

•10:00-10:15 Break 

• 10:20-11:15 Task/Process

• 11:20-12:15 Task/Process

• 12:15-12:25 Break 

• 12:25-1:00 Whole Group Closure

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A bit more matrixworks


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One more piece of 

Matrixworks Theory• Genius Groups and Collective Intelligence

• Research from MIT and Stanford say High-Performing Groups and Leaders do threethings continuously and consistently:

• Accomplish Tasks

• Attend to Relationship

• Cultivate cultures of Well-Being and Nourishment

•in our ‘new’ world Relationships and Nourishing Cultureswill come more into the foreground of how we are together


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Matrixworks: Spirals of Group Life





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• Sharing Learnings

• Appreciations

• Future opportunities: Boulder and Crestone• [email protected]

• www.matrixworks.org

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partner exercise

• I have you be the part of me....