HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR LXIX—5 Hope College Holland, Michigan November 30, 1956 Frosh Upset Sophs For Nykerk Victory The suspense is over and the victor is acclaimed — the Freshmen have won the Nykerk Cup Contest for the year 1956. The curtain opened and the Toy Shop came to life as the Freshmen presented their interpretation of "The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers". The girls in their pajamas with their animals appeared on the scene to make the atmosphere one of contentment and enjoyment. Jan Van Puersem in her oration "Act Well Your Part", presented a well-constructed theme on honor. Her poise and charm were very im pressive. The freshmen play, The Wallflower, portrayed a recurring college problem. The staging and setting were done very effectively, and the girls were filled with the spirit of the occasion. As the curtain opened for the fourth time, the sophomores step- ped forth for "A Real Nice Clam- bake". The peasant girls and their dates enjoyed a date at the beach in the moonlight. "Branches Heavenward" was the title of Mary Ann Klaaren's sym- bolic oration on trees and govern- ment. She presented this with simplicity and evident sincerity. The final production was the sophomore's hilarious play entitled Angels of Mercy. They, making the utmost use of a simple plot, succeeded in releasing the tensions of the evening. However, this tension ws quickly built up again as the Minors and Nat Vander Werf filled in the time between the judges huddle and the final decision. Fnalty, Diane John- son, who very capably managed the whole program, stepped forth to announce that Elaine Dykhuizen, the freshman chairman, should step forth to accept the Nykerk Cup for 1956. She was greeted with a tremend- ous and unanimous applause as the Freshmen became victors of Ny- kerk 1956. Artel Newhouse and Sally De Wolf School Gets Standard Oil Grant The Esso Education Foundation has made a grant of $2,000 to Hope College, with the specification that it be used for undergraduate edu- cation. Beside Hope, these Mich- igan schools received Esso grants: Calvin, Albion, Kalamazoo, and the University of Detroit. Altogether, 297 schools received grants total- ing $1,191,450. The Esso Education Foundation, which is supported by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and a group of affiliates, was organized in 1955 to coordinate and centralize the educational as- sistance programs of Jersey Stand- ard and its affiliates. F.T.A. To Hold Chtisfmas Party The Hope chapter of F. T. A., Future Teachers of America, boasts a membership this year of eighty- six members, an all-time high. Its year began in September with a picnic at Mrs. Helen Schoon's home. At the second meeting, on November 14, a film titled "Free- dom to Learn" provided interest and information for everyone pres- ent. The next meeting, to be held on December 12 at Mr. Ver Beek's home, will be the annual Christmas Party. All F.T.A. members are in- vited to come. Dr. Mitchell Opens Religious Emphisis Program Dr. Ralph Mitchell, Spiritual Counselor for the Billy Graham Association, opened the Religious Emphasis activities for the 1956-57 school year. This year, as a result of additional funds made available through the Danforth Foundation, the Religious Emphasis Committee was able to expand its program to include additional speakers who will appear on campus prior to the speaker for the regular Religious Week. Dr. Mitchell opened our program with a one day stay on campus on November 8. He spoke in chapel in the morning, showed the film "Eastward to Asia" later in the day, and addressed the joint Y meeting that evening. Dr. Mitchell also spoke at the Western Seminary chapel service. Two other men have already been slated to spend a day on campus before Religious Emphasis Week. On December 11, Rev. Ed- win D. MacLane from the First Reformed Church in Schnectedy, New York, will be here, and on January 8, Dr. John Olert, Jr., from St. Joseph, Missouri, will be our guest. Climaxing the year's activities, the Religious Emphasis Week pro- gram will begin on Sunday after- noon, February 17, with a medita- tion service in the chapel, and end on Thursday, February 22, with an evening communion service. The speaker for the week will be the Reverend Calvin De Vries from the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, and the theme will be a continuation of last year's theme, "God's Way Out". Mr. De Vries was the valedictorian of the Class of 1941 at Northwestern Junior College; he completed his under- graduate work at Hope College, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1943. While at Hope, Mr. De Vries was one of the outstanding orators on the campus. In 1947, he grad- uated from New Brunswick Theo- logical Seminary. Now, serving the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago as Minister of Christian Education, he is counselor and preacher to a congregation of 3,200 and is the director of the youth program of the church. Last year, Mr. De Vries was the Re- ligious Emphasis speaker at Carroll College, where he was very en- thusiastically received. The members of the Religious Emphasis Week Committee are as followr Ann Bloodgood and Na- than Vander Werf, co-chairmen; Len Rowell, Roger Leonard, Janice Blunt, and Hope Brahs, publicity and publication; George Van Em- berg and Marianne Hageman, pro- gram; Albert Fassler and John Kotun, evening meetings; Frances Kramer and Arthur Martin, dorm devotions. Jubilant Frosh eye happily the fruit of their labor. Photo by Vic Ambellas Science Students Given Opportunity for Study Abroad Ed: (The following information was taken from an advance IAESTE release sent through the courtesy of Mr. Andre Varcherver to Dr. Paul G. Fried. "American students of engineer- ing, science, agriculture and archi- tecture may apply for foreign on- the-job training during the 1957 summer, according to an announce- ment made today (November 13) by the U. S. Committee for IAESTE, the International Associ- ation for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. "During the 1957 summer Ameri- can engineering students will work abroad and American industry will accept foreign engineering students for training under lAESTE's uni- que program. Under this program college students in engineering and other technical fields are sent abroad . . . during their summer vacations for a minimum period of eight weeks. In 1956, fifty-eight U. S. students trained in thirteen European countries and seventy- five foreign students were em- ployed in forty-two U. S. indus- tries. In 1955 twenty Americans took foreign training assignments and thirty-nine foreign engineering students came to the U. S. "The Institute of International Education, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21, New York is coordinating U. S. participation in the IAESTE program. Mr. Maynard Boring, Manpower Consultant for General Electric and President of the American Society for Engineering Education, is chairman of the U. S. Committee." United States colleges have been asked to nominate students who wish practical training abroad. In addition to endorsement by school officials, each candidate "must have completed his third year of en- gineering or scientific study, must have had practical experience in this country, and must be able to pay for his international travel." Choice of country, from IAESTE members, and of field of special- ization may be indicated by the applicants. A twenty-five dollar fee will be asked to each American candidate; if no suitable placement can be made, this will be returned. Any candidate who withdraws before January 15, 1957 will receive a fifteen dollar refund. (Cent, on page 4, col. 5) Fraternities Welcome New Pledges Rushing being completed and silent period ended Tuesday, No- vember 27, the Inter-Fraternity Council met to open the bids. The following pledged Knicker- bocker: Gary Bylsma, Ronald Sik- kema, Albert Kober, Ken Brown, Daryl Siendentop, Lloyd McPher- son, Joe Housenga, Dan De Young, Dave Rickers, Don Cooper, Dave White, Pete Wehneau, Stu Dorn, Ted Cook, Dave Clark, Jay Verhey, Bob Marshall, Chuck Lemmen, and Paul Fell. Cosmopolitan acceptances are Harold Van't Hof, Jim Stringer, Cal Hays, Stan Bosker, Ken Brink, Daryl Wiersma, Don Piersma, Phil Damstra, Wayne Van Swol, Don Lautenbach, Terry Hofmeyer, Jim Evers, Bob Murphy, George Wor- den, Jim Bolthouse, Bob Huffine, George Wheable, Rudy Einaar, Dave Franken, Nicfl Vanderborgh, and Gerald Brouwer. Pledges of the Arkies are Joseph Su, Paul Van Wyk, Phil Hook, Jim Mohr, John Klienheksel, Chuck Vanden Berg, Bruce Matthews, Rolland Schut, Marshall Elzinga, Larry South, Ervian Vogel, Jack Van Oort, Rich Moore, Bob Vander Arde, Jim Cook, Adrain Tenhor, Bob Andre, John Leestma, John Meengs, James Hough, and Harold Gezon. Fraternal pledges are Rowland Van Es, Tim Vander Mel, Elwood Tallman, Bruce Brink, Ray Ritse- ma. Bill Huibregtse, Jack Krauss, Ron Siebeling, Jim Menzer, Art Olson, Stu Post, Tom Zwemer, Pete Watt, Gene Van Dongen, George Peelen, Jack Hoogendoorn, Jim Engbers, Ty Rupp, George Van Verst, Tom Lewis, and Dyke Rott- schafer. The following are pledges of the Emmies: Ronald Stockhoff, Paul Bouman, Stu Wilson, John Vander Ven, Jay Byrson, Wade Nykamp, Bill Elzinga, Dick Thompson, Lloyd Tinholt, Paul Nykamp, Fred Burne, Dale Heeres, Vern Essenberg, Gary Looman, Carl Poit, Paul Bostrom, Gordon Bolt, Russell Yonkers, Bob Bratton, and Duane Werkman. HOPE COLLEGE BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Dec. 1 Earlham Away Dec. 4 Michigan Noraml Away Dec. 8 Olivet Home Dec. 12 Albion Away Dec. 15 Alma Home Dec. 28 HOPE COLLEGE INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Christmas Vespers to Be Renewed, Dec. 9 The first Christmas vesper serv- ice took place on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor day. The musical arts club and Dr. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Snow felt at the time that nothing should be changed. The program consisted of a string trio, several vocal solos and choral numbers. There was an unusually large gathering that first afternoon, per- haps due to the shocking world situation. In the years that fol- lowed the war, half the service was dedicated to the boys that died on that day, and half was continued as Christmas vespers. It has al- ways been held on the closest Sun- day to the seventh, but four years ago, occured a return to the origin- al theme of Christmas. This year we are continuing the annual Vesper service under the direction of a committee composed of music faculty and students who have set aside the closest Sunday to the seventh, which this year will be the ninth, at four o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Hilmert will be in charge of the program consisting of three vocal groups, two soloists and an instrumental ensemble, featuring a candle-light processional. The chancel choir will sing "Go Tell It on the Mountain" a negro spiritual, a German carol, "Christ Was Born on Christmas Day," and "Today There Is Ringing" by Christiansen. The chapel choir will render "Angel Song," by Tchesno- koff and "Who Seek Ye Shepherds" by Dering. "Noel" by d'Aquin will be an organ solo by Ann Blood- good. The Women's Choir will sing the "Magnificat" by Vaughan Wil- liams. "Shepherds Are Watching" by Peter Cornelius is the name of the solo by Anita Van Lente. The "Concerto for Tympani" by Wein- berger, will be the instrumental piece by four trombones, four trumpets and typani. This year promises to be one of the finest since the tradition of Christmas Vespers was begun fifteen years ago. * ' W.A.L. Christmas Party Planned The Women's Activity League will present it's annual Christmas Party, starting at eight o'clock in Carnegie Gym. The program will be the story of "Silent Night, Holy Night", in pantomine, narrated by John Van Dam. Following the party, refreshments served in Dur- fee's Terrace Room will add to the Christmas spirit. In Durfee Lounge, there will be carol singing and the burning of a Yule log. Chaperones for this evening of song will be Dr. and Mrs. Cavan- augh and Mr. and Mrs. Reitberg. The W.A.L. cordially invites all students and faculty members to attend this opening event of the season on campus. The Christmas Party is under the direction of Virginia Vander- borgh, assisted by Nina Meh and Carol Nieuwsma. Other members of the committee include: Sue Klyn, program; Marlin VanderWilt, light- ing; Paul Koets, staging; Mary Ann Cumerford, costumes; Peggy Kole, refreshments; Winona Keizer, programs; Audrey Veld, invita- tions; Barbara Martin, decorations; Janice Blunt, publicity.


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Page 1: 11-30-1956

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR LXIX—5 Hope Col lege — Hol land, Mich igan November 30, 1956

Frosh Upset Sophs For Nykerk Victory

The suspense is over and the victor is acclaimed — the Freshmen have won the Nykerk Cup Contest for the year 1956.

The curtain opened and the Toy Shop came to life as the Freshmen presented their interpretation of "The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers". The girls in their pajamas with their animals appeared on the scene to make the atmosphere one of contentment and enjoyment.

Jan Van Puersem in her oration "Act Well Your Part" , presented a well-constructed theme on honor. Her poise and charm were very im pressive.

The freshmen play, The Wallflower, portrayed a recurring college problem. The staging and setting were done very effectively, and the girls were filled with the spirit of the occasion.

As the curtain opened for the fourth time, the sophomores step-ped forth for "A Real Nice Clam-bake". The peasant girls and their dates enjoyed a date at the beach in the moonlight.

"Branches Heavenward" was the title of Mary Ann Klaaren's sym-bolic oration on trees and govern-ment. She presented this with simplicity and evident sincerity.

The final production was the sophomore's hilarious play entitled Angels of Mercy. They, making the utmost use of a simple plot, succeeded in releasing the tensions of the evening.

However, this tension ws quickly built up again as the Minors and Nat Vander Werf filled in the time between the judges huddle and the final decision. Fnalty, Diane John-son, who very capably managed the whole program, stepped forth to announce that Elaine Dykhuizen, the freshman chairman, should step forth to accept the Nykerk Cup for 1956.

She was greeted with a tremend-ous and unanimous applause as the Freshmen became victors of Ny-kerk 1956. Artel Newhouse and Sally De Wolf

School Gets Standard Oil Grant

The Esso Education Foundation has made a grant of $2,000 to Hope College, with the specification that it be used for undergraduate edu-cation. Beside Hope, these Mich-igan schools received Esso grants: Calvin, Albion, Kalamazoo, and the University of Detroit. Altogether, 297 schools received grants total-ing $1,191,450. The Esso Education Foundation, which is supported by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and a group of affiliates, was organized in 1955 to coordinate and centralize the educational as-sistance programs of Jersey Stand-ard and its affiliates.

F.T.A. To Hold Chtisfmas Party

The Hope chapter of F. T. A.,

Future Teachers of America, boasts a membership this year of eighty-

six members, an all-time high. Its

year began in September with a picnic at Mrs. Helen Schoon's

home. At the second meeting, on

November 14, a film titled "Free-

dom to Learn" provided interest and information for everyone pres-

ent. The next meeting, to be held

on December 12 at Mr. Ver Beek's home, will be the annual Christmas

Party. All F.T.A. members are in-vited to come.

Dr. Mitchell Opens Religious Emphisis Program

Dr. Ralph Mitchell, Spiritual Counselor for the Billy Graham Association, opened the Religious Emphasis activities for the 1956-57 school year. This year, as a result of additional funds made available through the Danforth Foundation, the Religious Emphasis Committee was able to expand its program to include additional speakers who will appear on campus prior to the speaker for the regular Religious Week. Dr. Mitchell opened our program with a one day stay on campus on November 8. He spoke in chapel in the morning, showed the film "Eastward to Asia" later in the day, and addressed the joint Y meeting that evening. Dr. Mitchell also spoke at the Western Seminary chapel service.

Two other men have already been slated to spend a day on campus before Religious Emphasis Week. On December 11, Rev. Ed-win D. MacLane from the First Reformed Church in Schnectedy, New York, will be here, and on January 8, Dr. John Olert, Jr., from St. Joseph, Missouri, will be our guest.

Climaxing the year's activities, the Religious Emphasis Week pro-gram will begin on Sunday af ter -noon, February 17, with a medita-tion service in the chapel, and end on Thursday, February 22, with an evening communion service. The speaker for the week will be the Reverend Calvin De Vries from the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, and the theme will be a continuation of last year's theme, "God's Way Out". Mr. De Vries was the valedictorian of the Class of 1941 at Northwestern Junior College; he completed his under-graduate work at Hope College, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1943. While at Hope, Mr. De Vries was one of the outstanding orators on the campus. In 1947, he grad-uated from New Brunswick Theo-logical Seminary. Now, serving the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago as Minister of Christian Education, he is counselor and preacher to a congregation of 3,200 and is the director of the youth program of the church. Last year, Mr. De Vries was the Re-ligious Emphasis speaker at Carroll College, where he was very en-thusiastically received.

The members of the Religious Emphasis Week Committee are as followr Ann Bloodgood and Na-than Vander Werf, co-chairmen; Len Rowell, Roger Leonard, Janice Blunt, and Hope Brahs, publicity and publication; George Van Em-berg and Marianne Hageman, pro-gram; Albert Fassler and John Kotun, evening meetings; Frances Kramer and Arthur Martin, dorm devotions.

Jub i lan t Frosh eye h a p p i l y the f ru i t of their l abo r .

Photo by Vic Ambel las

Science Students Given Opportunity for Study Abroad Ed: (The following information was taken from an advance IAESTE release sent through the courtesy of Mr. Andre Varcherver to Dr. Paul G. Fried.

"American students of engineer-ing, science, agriculture and archi-tecture may apply for foreign on-the-job training during the 1957 summer, according to an announce-ment made today (November 13) by the U. S. Committee for IAESTE, the International Associ-ation for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience.

"During the 1957 summer Ameri-can engineering students will work abroad and American industry will accept foreign engineering students for training under lAESTE's uni-que program. Under this program college students in engineering and other technical fields are sent abroad . . . during their summer vacations for a minimum period of eight weeks. In 1956, fifty-eight U. S. students trained in thirteen European countries and seventy-five foreign students were em-ployed in forty-two U. S. indus-tries. In 1955 twenty Americans took foreign training assignments and thirty-nine foreign engineering students came to the U. S.

"The Institute of International Education, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21, New York is coordinating U. S. participation in the IAESTE program. Mr. Maynard Boring, Manpower Consultant for General Electric and President of t h e American Society for Engineering Education, is chairman of the U. S. Committee."

United States colleges have been asked to nominate students who wish practical training abroad. In addition to endorsement by school officials, each candidate "must have completed his third year of en-gineering or scientific study, must have had practical experience in this country, and must be able to pay for his international travel." Choice of country, from IAESTE members, and of field of special-ization may be indicated by the applicants.

A twenty-five dollar fee will be asked to each American candidate; if no suitable placement can be made, this will be returned. Any candidate who withdraws before January 15, 1957 will receive a fifteen dollar refund.

(Cent, on page 4, col. 5)

Fraternities Welcome New Pledges

Rushing being completed and silent period ended Tuesday, No-vember 27, the Inter-Fraternity Council met to open the bids.

The following pledged Knicker-bocker: Gary Bylsma, Ronald Sik-kema, Albert Kober, Ken Brown, Daryl Siendentop, Lloyd McPher-son, Joe Housenga, Dan De Young, Dave Rickers, Don Cooper, Dave White, Pete Wehneau, Stu Dorn, Ted Cook, Dave Clark, Jay Verhey, Bob Marshall, Chuck Lemmen, and Paul Fell.

Cosmopolitan acceptances a r e Harold Van't Hof, Jim Stringer, Cal Hays, Stan Bosker, Ken Brink, Daryl Wiersma, Don Piersma, Phil Damstra, Wayne Van Swol, Don Lautenbach, Terry Hofmeyer, Jim Evers, Bob Murphy, George Wor-den, Jim Bolthouse, Bob Huffine, George Wheable, Rudy Einaar, Dave Franken, Nicfl Vanderborgh, and Gerald Brouwer.

Pledges of the Arkies are Joseph Su, Paul Van Wyk, Phil Hook, Jim Mohr, John Klienheksel, Chuck Vanden Berg, Bruce Matthews, Rolland Schut, Marshall Elzinga, Larry South, Ervian Vogel, Jack Van Oort, Rich Moore, Bob Vander Arde, Jim Cook, Adrain Tenhor, Bob Andre, John Leestma, John Meengs, James Hough, and Harold Gezon.

Fraternal pledges are Rowland Van Es, Tim Vander Mel, Elwood Tallman, Bruce Brink, Ray Ritse-ma. Bill Huibregtse, Jack Krauss, Ron Siebeling, Jim Menzer, Art Olson, Stu Post, Tom Zwemer, Pete Watt, Gene Van Dongen, George Peelen, Jack Hoogendoorn, Jim Engbers, Ty Rupp, George Van Verst, Tom Lewis, and Dyke Rott-schafer.

The following are pledges of the Emmies: Ronald Stockhoff, Paul Bouman, Stu Wilson, John Vander Ven, Jay Byrson, Wade Nykamp, Bill Elzinga, Dick Thompson, Lloyd Tinholt, Paul Nykamp, Fred Burne, Dale Heeres, Vern Essenberg, Gary Looman, Carl Poit, Paul Bostrom, Gordon Bolt, Russell Yonkers, Bob Bratton, and Duane Werkman.


Dec. 1 Earlham Away Dec. 4 Michigan Noraml Away Dec. 8 Olivet Home Dec. 12 Albion Away Dec. 15 Alma Home Dec. 28 HOPE COLLEGE


Christmas Vespers to Be Renewed, Dec. 9

The first Christmas vesper serv-ice took place on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor day. The musical ar ts club and Dr. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Snow felt at the time that nothing should be changed. The program consisted of a string trio, several vocal solos and choral numbers.

There was an unusually large gathering that first afternoon, per-haps due to the shocking world situation. In the years that fol-lowed the war, half the service was dedicated to the boys that died on that day, and half was continued as Christmas vespers. It has al-ways been held on the closest Sun-day to the seventh, but four years ago, occured a return to the origin-al theme of Christmas.

This year we are continuing the annual Vesper service under the direction of a committee composed of music faculty and students who have set aside the closest Sunday to the seventh, which this year will be the ninth, at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Mr. Hilmert will be in charge of the program consisting of three vocal groups, two soloists and an instrumental ensemble, featur ing a candle-light processional.

The chancel choir will sing "Go Tell It on the Mountain" a negro spiritual, a German carol, "Christ Was Born on Christmas Day," and "Today There Is Ringing" by Christiansen. The chapel choir will render "Angel Song," by Tchesno-koff and "Who Seek Ye Shepherds" by Dering. "Noel" by d'Aquin will be an organ solo by Ann Blood-good. The Women's Choir will sing the "Magnificat" by Vaughan Wil-liams. "Shepherds Are Watching" by Peter Cornelius is the name of the solo by Anita Van Lente. The "Concerto for Tympani" by Wein-berger, will be the instrumental piece by four trombones, four trumpets and typani.

This year promises to be one of the finest since the tradition of Christmas Vespers w a s begun fifteen years ago.

* ' W.A .L . Christmas Party Planned

The Women's Activity League will present it 's annual Christmas Party, s tar t ing at eight o'clock in Carnegie Gym. The program will be the story of "Silent Night, Holy Night", in pantomine, narrated by John Van Dam. Following the party, refreshments served in Dur-fee's Terrace Room will add to the Christmas spirit. In Durfee Lounge, there will be carol singing and the burning of a Yule log. Chaperones for this evening of song will be Dr. and Mrs. Cavan-augh and Mr. and Mrs. Reitberg.

The W.A.L. cordially invites all students and faculty members to attend this opening event of the season on campus.

The Christmas Party is under the direction of Virginia Vander-borgh, assisted by Nina Meh and Carol Nieuwsma. Other members of the committee include: Sue Klyn, program; Marlin VanderWilt, light-ing; Paul Koets, s taging; Mary Ann Cumerford, costumes; Peggy Kole, refreshments; Winona Keizer, programs; Audrey Veld, invita-tions; Barbara Martin, decorations; Janice Blunt, publicity.

Page 2: 11-30-1956

Page Two H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

M , H 0 P E C 0 L L E G E ANCHOR Member Associated Collegiate Press


Published bi-weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board.

Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918.

Subscription Rate: $1.00 per school year to non-student subscribers.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief Robert Winter Managing Editors Virginia Vanderborgh, David Spaan News Editor Jane Gouwens Feature Editor Lynn Van't Hof Society Editors Joyce Leighley, Henry Doele Sports Editor Thomas Harris Assistant Sports Editor James Cooper Copy Editor Sara L. Schneider Make-Up Editor Janice Peck Rewrite Editors Mary Anne Vollink, William Means

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Fredric R. Birdsall Advertising Managers Charles Hesselink, Ronald Lokhorst Circulation Managers Gardner Kissack, Arthur Martin Bookkeeping Manager John Fragale

Anchor Policy We believe that a college newspaper should be three things: an

objective reporter of the news, a stimulator of student thought, and a

means for the expression of student and faculty opinion on controversial

subjects. To the latter end, we invite letters to the editor, which we will

print if the letter does not violate good taste and if space permits.

Needless to say, the thoughts expressed in such letters can reflect only

the views of the author, and cannot be supposed to be representative of

the opinions of either the staff of the Anchor or the student body as a

whole. Signed editorials may be considered expressions of staff opinion,

and we invite disagreement with them. We are not trying to force our

opinions on anyone. As we see it, our one editorial mission is to cause

our readers to think about what we say.


P H A R M A C Y 54 E. 8th Ph. 4714


The m e e t i n g WBH cal led t o order in Dur -fee LounRe a t 8 :30 p . m . T h e roll waw caken, a n d the m i n u t e s w e r e read. OfTicers* Reports

P r e s i d e n t Dave V a n E e n e n a a m men t ioned t h a t a c o m m i t t e e w a s a t w o r k to p l an h a l f -t ime e n t e r t a i n m e n t f o r t h e Baske tba l l (James. Dave t h e n s t a ted t h a t Chuck Lem-men w a s one of t h e de lega tes to a t t e n d the I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e m i n a r . P r e s i d e n t Van E e n e n a a m t h a n k e d H a n k Doele f o r his tine work on M o m a n d Dad ' s Day a n d Diane J o h n s o n f o r h e r h a r d work con-c e r n i n g N y k e r k .

Vice P r e s i d e n t Caro l Mathe i s s t a ted t h a t severa l Counci l m e m b e r s a t t ended a mee t ing a t Ol ive t College. Some tfood ideas w e r e f o u n d especia l ly c o n c e r n i n g the Social C a l e n d a r . These will be submi t t ed to t h e S t u d e n t A f f a i r s Commi t t ee . Carol said t h a t last yea r t h e S t u d e n t Council nad voted to d i sband t h e s u p p o r t of W U S . Many l e t t e r s c a m e u r g i n g us to a id t h e H u r K a r i a n r e f u g e e s .

T r e a s u r e r Bob L e s n i a k s ta ted t h a t t h e official r e p o r t h a d come f r o m Mr. StefTens, givinK us a l i t t l e m o r e t h a n w e had expec ted .

S e c r e t a r y L y n n V a n ' t Hof men t ioned t h a t severa l Counci l m e m b e r s had 2 un-excused absences . O n e m o r e absence would mean d ismissa l f r o m t h e counci l . L y n n urged eve ryone to s u b m i t a n excuse when absen t . Committee Reports 1. Chapel Committee: Ca ro l Ten H a k e n

m e n t i o n e d t h a t we would have a special Thankfegiv ing Serv ice in Chapel . Fo l low-ing v a c a t i o n , we will have six t h e m e s c o n c e r n i n g t h e " R o a d t o B e t h l e h e m " . Carol s t a ted t h a t eve ry Chai)el leader will receive a m i m e o g r a p h e d sheet to ove rcome t h e t i m e e l e m e n t . F r o m now on c u l t u r a l p r o g r a m s will be a n n o u n c e d W e d n e s d a y m o r n i n g s . T h e p rob lem had a l so been b r o u g h t u p c o n c e r n i n g t h e s a m e oi>ening chora l res | )onse every m o r n i n g .

2. Student Af fa ir s : J i m Evenhu i s b r o u g h t up t w o p rob lems t h a t had a p p e a r e d be-f o r e h is c o m m i t t e e . T h e first of t he se w a s t h e L a w n P r o b l e m . He s t a t ed t h a t publ ic i ty would be given in the A n c h o r , pos te r s , a n d l a w n s igns . J i m urged all S. C. m e m b e r s to m e n t i o n th i s in t he i r r e spec t ive societies.

T h e second p rob lem w a s t h a t of the Koffee Kletz. J i m r ecommended t h a t t h e Kletz n o t be open a t n i g h t . He s t a t ed t h a t s t u d e n t opinion w a s no t behind t h e p r o j e c t a n d t h a t t h e new m e n ' s d o r m would have t he i r own r ec r ea t i ona l c e n t e r .

3. Cultural P r o g r a m s : I l ene M c d o l d r i c k u rged all to push t h e A r t Exh ib i t in t h e A r t Room f o r m Nov . 20 to Dec. H. W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 28, 4th h r . t h e r e will be a s p e a k e r t o t a l k on " D o W e

. H a v e a S t a k e In A s i a ?

Special Committees 1. M A C S G : J o h n Ten P a s told of t h e visit

to Ol ive t . Severa l sugges t ions had been m a d e c o n c e r n i n g a news l e t t e r to go to all col leges and a t r o p h y to be given to t h e school in t h e IMAA who w e r e t h e best s i)orts .

2. Homecoming Evaluat ion: Roger ( ia rve l -ink m a d e his r epor t , g i v i n g a n u m b e r of s u g g e s t i o n s to t h e Council c o n c e r n i n g H o m e c o m i n g nex t y e a r .

2. Homecoming Evaluat ion: Roge r (Jarvel-Ink m a d e t h e fo l lowing s u g g e s t i o n s :

A. A b u d g e t should be given to the Co-cha i rmen c o n c e r n i n g Homecom-ing .

B. T h e S. C. T r e a s u r e r should si t in on all H o m e c o m i n g m e e t i n g s .

C. A c o m m i t t e e should be set up in the f a l l to decide t h e fields of compe t i t ion and budge t f o r House Decora t ions .

D. T h e locat ion f o r t h e P e p Ral ly was g o o d ! H o w e v e r , the ra l ly could be s h o r t e r by d e - e m p h a s i z i n g t h e pep t a l k s .

E. Keep t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of the Queen secre t .

F. T h e p a r a d e w a s e x c e l l e n t ! (i. H a l f - t i m e was poorly o r g a n i z e d . H . T h e Field Decora t ions C h a i r m a n

should a c c u m u l a t e t h e t h i n g s he ha s l e f t over to be s to red f o r the c o m i n g years .

I. D o n ' t have c lass m e e t i n g s f o r t h e 1st n o m i n a t i o n of the c o u r t . Th is should be done in Chai>el. I t w a s moved and seconded to accep t the H o m e c o m i n g Eva lua t ion R e p o r t . C A R R I E D !

3. Christmas Banquet: Helen V a n Dyke s ta ted t h a t she had been a p p r o a c h e d to combine th i s p a r t y wi th t h e W A L C h r i s t m a s P a r t y .

New Business 1. T h e mot ion was made to d iscuss the

C h r i s t m a s B a n q u e t . A c o m m i t t e e will d iscuss t h e problem of c o m b i n i n g th is a f f a i r wi th the W . A . L . C h r i s t m a s P a r t y .

2. I t was moved a n d seconded to accep t t h e repo ty on t h e Kletz — t h a t it not be opened even ings . C A R R I E D !

3. T h e mot ion w a s m a d e to d iscuss t h e W U S p r o j e c t . I t was moved a n d sec-onded t h a t the S t u d e n t Counci l s u p p o r t t h e W U S p ro j ec t . The a m m e n d m e n t was m a d e t o th is mot ion — A N D r e f e r t h i s to a c o m m i t t e e which has fu l l IK>wer to decide how to a p p r o a c h th i s d r ive . T h e a m e n d m e n t was c a r r i e d . T h e mot ion w a s D E F E A T E D .

T H E M E E T I N G W A S A D J O U R N E D . . . Respec t fu l ly submi t t ed , L y n n V a n ' t Hof S t u d e n t Council S e c r e t a r y .


Staging Progesses on "Because Their Hearts Were Pure"

At the Little Theatre there is much commotion. Stage hands are busy painting, hammering, and even sewing in preparation for the coming P & M play, "Because Their Hearts Were Pure", to be presented November 29, 30, and December 1.

Peter de Moya, staging chair-man, explained that an at tempt is being made to duplicate the staging techiques of the 1890's in every possible way. This involves using a scene curtain four feet behind the act curtain. The scene curtain will be covered with advertise-ments. This resembles the curtains of the 1890's on which the theatre sold advertising space. Behind this curtain are several canvas drop curtains on which are painted the settings for the play.

One of the marked characteris-tics of the melodrama is a frequent change of scene. In "Because Their Hearts Were Pure", for example, action occurs in three different buildings, a mine, and also in sev-eral outside settings. For the various buildings, only one angled set-piece with sliding panels to change the effect is being used. The mine is painted on a canvas drop curtain with rocks in the fore-ground to add depth. For all out-side scenes one permanent back-drop is being used with different set-pieces to add the effect of a specific place.

In short, everything about the setting is being designed to dupli-cate those used in 19th century plays.







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Pride or Selfishness? At its last meeting the Student Council was presented with the

problem created by those who walk across the college lawns rather than on our sidewalks. Chief custodian Frank Lighthart has com-plained that in addition to the student body, the faculty has been guilty of disregard for our lawns.

In the dryness of this autumn several unattractive brown paths have been worn in the green of Hope's grounds. Most common violations are committed by Kollen Hall residents who walk behind the new stairway from the music building parking lot; by Van Vleck boarders who walk across the front lawn of Durfee en route to the dining halls; by many who go around the side of Durfee a f t e r eating; by the late arrivals from Kollen and by those who park their auto-mobiles along Tenth Street on their way to morning Chapel services; by persons making a "short-cut" between buildings; and by those who use the music building.

Admittedly there is some basis for argument on behalf of a new sidewalk to the music building, but until some corrective action, if there is to be any, is taken, it seems unlikely that music students and others cannot take the extra steps involved in walking on the side-walk. The stairway between the music building and gymnasium, con-structed at great expense, was hardly meant to be an obstacle around which Kollen athletes should run. Those eating at Durfee are doubt-less capable of curbing their impatience. By arriving five minutes earlier, those who daily race across the turf to Chapel could conserve their breath, so as to be able to join in singing the opening hymn. Assuredly those simply out for a stroll, headed downtown, or moving between buildings can afford the necessary seconds and effort re-quired to keep off the lawns.

When the present unusually dry autumn is superceded by the inevitable Holland season of rain and snow, frosts and thaws, the situation will become even more acute. On warmer, thawing days, walking on the muddy lawns will easily tear loose the grass, as well as leave deep impressions in the soil. With the advent of a cold period, the ground freezes into a hard ridged surface. With the alternation of wet and freezing conditions, if across-campus walking persists, it is obvious that by spring considerable grass will have been ruined and soil displaced. Mr. Lighthart stated that an expenditure of approximately $300 is required to replace the soil and grass ruined by the selfishness and thoughtlessness of those who blaze trails through our campus.

We have been justly proud of our school's grounds; it is reason-able to expect that the student body should take enough interest and pride in the appearance of their campus to desist from following any practice which in effect is derogatory. We would like to ask for a cessation of selfish practice, to the end that the appearance of our campus will be one of which we all may be proud.

Goldovsky Presents "Secret Marriage"

Boris Goldovsky's Opera Theatre, the third program in the Holland Music Association's concert series, was presented on Monday, Novem-ber 26 at the Civic Center. The group was formerly scheduled to appear on Thursday, November 29.

Boris Goldovsky was featured as conductor and stage director of the Secret Marriage, an Italian comic opera by Domenico Cima-rosa. Mr. Goldovsky was the 1954 recipient of the famed Peabody Award for Outstanding Contribu-tion to Radio Music. He is now taking the Opera Theatre on its fourth cross-country tour and dem-onstrating to the American public that the masterworks of Mozart and Puccini, Donizette, Rossini, and others can be translated into English and be convincing and absorbing opera.

The Opera Theatre was founded by Goldovsky in Boston in 1946. It completely eschews the "s tar" sys-tem. "We never use stars", says Goldovsky, "we make stars — for our own and other companies." Frank Guarrera, Mildred Miller, Norman Scott, Rosalind Elias, and Mariquita Moll are some of the leading young American singers who received their training with the Opera Theatre.

Patronize Our Advertisers !

Civil Service Announces Job Opportunities . The U. S. Civil Service Com-mission has announced that appli-cations are still being accepted for accountant and auditor positions with s tar t ing salaries of $3,670 a year in various Federal agencies in Washington, D. C., and through-out the United States.

To qualify, applicants must have had appropriate education or ex-perience or possess a CPA certi-ficate. Those who qualify on the basis of experience only will be required to pass an accounting test to demonstrate satisfactory know-ledge of accounting principles. Ap-plicants must be U. S. citizens and over 21 years of age.

Full information and instructions on filling applications are given in Civil Service announcement No. 51 Revised, which may be obtained from many post offices throughout the country or from the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Wash-ington 25, D. C. Applications will be accepted until fu r ther notice. Positions are available with the United States General Accounting Office, the Department of Defense, the Internal Revenue Service, and in foreign countries.

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Page 3: 11-30-1956

H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Page Three



Letters to the Editor

Dear Sir: Discussion of an activity into

which a good portion of the student body has sunk time, effort, and not inconsiderable emotion is always a ticklish proposition. Nevertheless, in order to remain honest with our-selves we feel that we must express the misgivings that we carried away from the Nykerk Cup Con-test this year. We may as well admit at the beginning, too, that we disagree with the decision of the judges, but we are disturbed primariy because of something we consider even more significant.

We are distrurbed because we cannot decipher what criteria of criticism were employed in judging the competitions. We can discover no underlying critical rationale which could account for the results. We cannot escape the feeling that next year's directors will be un-able to determine from this year's experience what constitutes a win-ning performance. In short, we wonder whether the decision was simply the result of compromises which rendered coherent judgment impossible.

The only way we see to illustrate our contention and yet prevent a fruitless outburst of partisan con-troversy is to pose a series of questions. Some may consider them rhetorical — we do not. Is the dramatic merit of a play considered apart from the ability to execute it successfully? What weight is given to dramatic intent? Is audi-ence reaction considered a crit-erion? Is it legitimate for the emotional appeal in an oration to attempt to mitigate a basic un-soundness of conception or an inept metaphor? How important are the staging and mechanics of a song vis a vis the quality of singing. Are diction and intelligibility in-cluded ?

It is our conviction that the cali-ber of competition in drama, music, and oratory will be stimulated if the criteria of judgment are evalu-ated and made a bit more explicit.

Very truly yours,

Larry Siedentop & Chuck Lemmen

Dear Mr. Editor: As chairmen of Mom and Dad's

Day which was held on our campus November 10, I would like to thank all those who made it a success. First I would" like to thank my committee; Darlene Elzinga, menu and programs; Marilyn Campbell, invitations; Larry Ter Molen, half-time game festivities; and Mary Kay Diephuis, Janice Blunt, and Stan Harrington, publicity.

Also I would like to thank Miss De Free for making the numbers for the Dads of the football players, Mrs. Stryker for writing the news article for the various newspapers in the surrounding area, Mr. Visscher for his co-operation with the meal. Dr. Lubbers for his many helpful hints, and Dean Visser and Dean Reeverts for speaking at the programs.

If it were not for the tremendous job the waiters and hostesses did the meal wouldn't have been a success. Thanks waiters and host-esses.

Special thanks should be given to those who took par t in the various programs. This includes the master of ceremonies, all musical talent, and the various pantomines.

Sincerely yours, Henry Doele

Dear Editor:

I would like to publicly express my great appreciation to those members of the YWCA and the YMCA who arranged for the visit of Dr. Ralph Mitchell. In my year and a half a t Hope, I remember only one occasion on which I felt the Spirit of God working in the hearts of men and women as I felt He did tonight at the joint Y meeting—that was on the occasion of the Religious Emphasis Week services conducted last semester by Rev. Howard G. Hageman.

Mr. Mitchell spoke about that vital, simple, yet strangely un-common Christianity which results from a daily communion with the Christ. There was something of the Graham manner in his pre-sentation, so simple and so in-cisive. His belief in the importance of making definite commitments to God, to press on the upward way (so often characteristic of evangel-istic Christians) he stressed by suggesting a t the meeting that each one standand pray the prayer, " 0 Lord: send a revival and let it begin in me." Many accepted the suggestion.

Mr. Mitchell's visit was for me a very rich experience, and I again thank those responsible.- If the prayers tonight were prayed sin-cerely, and I believe many were, his visit will have eternal signifi-cance.

Sincerely, Don Lindskoog

Hope Orchestra Presents Concert

The Hope College Orchestra un-der the direction of Morrette Rider presented its first concert of the 1956-57 series in Hope Memorial Chapel on Thursday evening, Nov. 15 at 8:15 p.m. Soloists for the opening concert were two senior music majors, Ruth Moore, pianist of Hawthorne, New Jersey and Charles Lindahl, clarinetist of Chi-cago.

Miss Moore who is a student of Anthony Kooiker, played the Liszt Fantasy on Hungarian Folk Melo-dies. The composition is a favorite one with audiencies everywhere for its color and brilliance and contains many melodies familiar to all list-eners. Mr. Lindahl, who is a stu-dent of Arthur Hills, played the Mozart Clarinet Concerto, one of the all time classic works for that instrument. In addition to pro-viding accompaniments for the two soloists the orchestra was heard in the "Passacaglia on a Well Known Theme' by the English composer Gordon Jacob; the overture to "Herod" by the Dean of 19th cen-tury American composers Henry Hadley and a symphonic synthesis of themes f rom Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess".

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Mission Drive

Goes Extra Miles On Tuesday morning, November

13th, an extended chapel service was held for the annual Mission Drive, sponsored jointly by the campus Y's. Chairmen of the drive were Mary Lou Van Es and Gordon Hondorp.

The proceeds of this drive are to go toward recreational facilities or the Southern Normal School for Negroes, in Brewton, Alabama. This school is under the charge of the Reformed Church of Domes-tic Missions, and was founded in 1911 by Mr. James Dooley, in recognition of the need of the town's Negroes for a decent edu-cation. Previously, they had been at the bottom social level of Brew-on, which boasted, however, many very rich men in the lumbering industry. They were servants, mill hands, lumberjacks, and held many other types of menial positions. They were forced to live in very poor surroundings and to receive little education — and that little was inferior.

The school is now situated on a beautiful contryside, and has sev-eral fine, adequate buildings. How ever, it is in sore need of recrea-tional facilities fo r its students, for there is very little supervised recreation, and the children must find their own fun in the streets or other undersirable places. This then, is a very pressing need.

Our speakers for the day were Mr. Kenneth B. Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams. Mr. Young and Mr. Williams gave short talks in chapel about the school and their relation to it. Mr. Young is pres-ently the director of the school, having succeeded Rev. Andrew Branche in 1955. Mr. Williams is school pastor and teacher of Bible, and Mrs. Williams teaches history to juniors and seniors. They are both dorm directors. Mrs. Williams led the joint Y meeting that eve-ning and showed slides of the school, which were followed by a question period. While on campus Mr. Young and Mr. and Mrs. Williams ate with us in the dining halls and met and talked personally with many of the students.

This year's chapel service was carried out in a different manner than in past years. Instead of merely having the students pledge a certain amount and turn it in, the pledging was incorporated into an automobile race from Holland to Brewton between Mr. Young and Mr. Williams. In f ron t of the stu-dent body was a map of the route from Holland to Brewton, with two cars representing each speaker at-tached, which were moved a mile per every dollar pledged in the name of either Mr. Young or Mr. Williams. On the cards, the stu-dents put the amount of money pledged, and for which car. At this writing, the totals were: Wil-liams, $786 and Young, $674, mak-ing a grand total of $1460 to date.

The money pledged was collected Tuesday, November 20th in Van Raalte, and will continue to be collected f rom those who have pledged.



— at the —


Dave Van Eenenaam Tells Of Experiences In Germany

(NOTE: Due to the popularity of our recent series on the exL

penences of those who participated in the Summer Tour Program, the

Anchor has asked another traveller, Dave Van Eenenaam, to relate

some of his impressions of life abroad. Dave spent the summer as a

work ambassador to the Fulda Tire Company in Fulda, Germany.

Each year, Otto-Zeno Steffens, director of the plant, arranges for one

foreign student to spend the summer working at Fulda. Dave received

the first such work ambassadorship granted to an American student. Below is his article, for which we thank him. ED.)

Guten Morgen . . . . Morgan . . . . Guten Morgan . . . . Ausgesch-lafen ? . . . . This was the extent of my German vocabulary at seven o'clock in the morning while walking through the gates of the Gum-miwark Fulda to the chemical laboratory. It was here in this lab that I spent a most interesting summer as the fortunate recipient of a work-scholarship to Germany.

Recently I was asked to write this article concerning my experi-ences of the summer. To include all of the interesting experiences I encountered would take as long as the summer itself. Therefore, I'd like to categorize briefly the events under these headings: work, accommodations, travel, and im-pressions.

Completely devastated during the Second World War, the Gummi-werk Fulda has become, within the short period of ten years, one of the largest rubber t ire factories in Germany. I t exports tires to eighty-three countries while im-porting raw latex f rom India and Indonesia and synthetic rubber from Canada and Texas. All pro-cesses expect the production of the synthetic rubber are carried on at the plant. The Gummiwerk also maintains its own production and research laboratories.

Work Interesting, But Hectic

Working with people who speak no English is in itself difficult, but imagine doing so in a chemical laboratory. Believe me, my first few days in the lab were hectic. I remember one day in particular. I was alone in the lab when the telephone rang. Af ter a few mo-ments of great indecision I walked into the office and picked up the phone. I should have lef t well enough alone because I'm sure that both of us were more confused a f te r the conversation than before,

(page 5, col. 1)

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Page 4: 11-30-1956

Page Four H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

Question: A. What, in your opinion, are the reaasons for cheating?

B. How would you handle college students caught cheating?

Erma Van Dyke, Senior — The obvious reason for cheating is to get a better grade. Students who didn't study for an exam, or what-ever the case may be, tend to look at other people's work in the hope that they might find answers which will give their own paper a better mark. I think college students who are caught cheating should auto-matically get an " F " on the paper cheated on. . It seems to me that students who are cheating are old enough to know better and I can see no excuse for toleration by the teacher. A person who cheats is merely "cutting his own throat" and thus a teacher would be hurt-ing a student if he did not take drastic measures.

Frog Ver Beek, Sophomore — The reason for cheating is that students are in school just to get good marks — not to learn what is necessary for their life's work. For those who are caught cheating — a student council board should punish according to the seriousness of the offense.

Sheryl Yntema, Junior — One of the sponsors behind the game of cheating is the professor who does not motivate his students to learn, but merely to get a good grade on his exams.

Del Farnsworth, Junior — Peo-ple cheat because they put much importance on the marks they re-ceive. If a person is caught cheat-ing, I think he should fail the exam — maybe he'll learn!

Mary Ann Vollink, Senior — There are as many reasons for cheating as there are for acquiring an education and in all probability the individual's reason for doing college work will determine the way in which he will fulfill his requirements. To reward parental expectations, as merely a stepping stone to success, or as a stop-gap between high school and marriage, education becomes a means to an end rather than an end itself. With these factors prevailing it is mere-ly human nature to take the path of least resistance. The answer it seems to me lies with the professor himself. The authority of the teacher who verbally condemns the practice before it is encountered usually p r o v e s discouragement enough.

Bruce Ward, Senior — One of the reasons for college cheating, as elsewhere, is a lack of honour and honesty f rom childhood. In the college situation the principle only becomes amplified. Raise your future college students with a strong feeling for the right and honorable way.

Sue Underwood, Senior — Stu-dents cheat because they are worried about grades, because of lack of preparation for a test or class-work, because of anxiety dur-ing a test or exam, because an opportunity for cheating occurs and the student does not know the answer, because of a strong sense of competition and pride. Flunk the student when caught cheating on a test. This takes more than just external methods to stop. Cheating is dishonest and if hon-


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esty is not in one's moral code, he may cheat. Maybe if some students would listen more in chapel there would be less cheating. The teach-ers should show how the cheating has lowered the student in their examination. Humiliation like this may stop some.

Vic Ambellas, Senior — The gen-eral procedure of grade reward is insincere in that it hinders the edu-cation of the individual by placing emphasis on a material reward, i.e., the grade. Thus the students' learning procedure is insincere and mechanical. (Like working for the dollar). This is good for the first four grades. It does not make a difference to the student when he cheats or memorizes, since he is cheating anyway, (from the edu-cational standpoint). Truly edu-cated people cannot cheat. Reed College in Oregon does not give grades and is the highest achiev-ing school in the nation, including Rhodes Scholars and Who's Who, as well as every other exclusive award given to undergraduate scholars. (2 Rhodes last year). Educate college people — instead of giving them (false) credit for (false) courses.

Ruth Wright, Junior — Laziness is often the reason — if one can cheat more easily for an answer, why study? You are only cheating yourself in the long-run.

Elsie Lou Lower, Senior — Lack of self confidence. The only way to handle this type of student is to have a good, long, straight, talk.

Dot Maines, Junior — Mental weakness, unpreparedness for a test. I'd hold them in lowest re-gard.

Carol Matheis, Senior — They do not know the material due to in-adequate preparation, and, there-fore, resort to cheating. I would flunk the student in his test. They are college students, not first graders.

Fran Kramer, Senior — The stu-dent feels insecure in the high pressured competition which he en-counters in college. Therefore, he feels that he can't rely on his own ability and preparation. The stu-dent should fail that particular test.

Elsie Vande Zande, Senior — The main reason for most cheating is usually because of unprepared less-ons and because of inadequate amount of time has been spent on the material which is being tested. However, often a student will cheat and copy his neighbor's paper simply because he thinks his neigh-bor should know the correct, an-swer, his own being inferior. I think the student who is caught cheating should not be allowed to complete the test or make it up. College students should realize that they are the ones who are being cheated and deprived.

Opus Deadline Set Contributions to OPUS must

be submitted by January 15 in order to be considered for the 1957 issue. In addition to its customary sections for ar t work and foressays, short fiction, and poetry, OPUS will contain a photography section and a sec-tion for original religious musi-cal compositions. Boxes have been placed in the English offices, on the first floor of Van Raalte, and in the library for the convenience of students who want to contribute work in any of the areas mentioned.

M u s / c Dept. To

Present Messiah The Hope College Music Depart-

ment will present its annual rendi-tion of Handel's "Messiah" on Tuesday, December 18, at eight o'clock in the Chapel. The chorus, under the direction of Dr. Robert W. Cavanaugh, will be accompanied by Mr. Roger Rietberg, organist, and by the Messiah Orchestra, Dr. Morrette Rider, conductor. Alto-gether, 250 students will partici-pate.

Returning as guest soloists are Maude Nosier, soprano, of Chicago, and Helene Hekman Gezon from Grand Rapids, contralto. Howard Marsh, tenor, and Richard Schrei-ber, bass, both from Chicago, will be making their first appearances here.

For All These Things

We Give Thee Thanks One day out of the entire year

we gather to give thanks to God, the giver of all things. But, too often we forget the little things which we have received. I thank Thee, 0 Lord, for all that

I have. I realize I have more than I can

comprehend. Daily, I thank Thee for my country

my home my family

my friends. Today I want to sit down And thank Thee for all the many

"little things" Which are not so apparent to me As I have grown into the habit of

taking much For granted. T thank Thee for the privilege

Of thinking. Of giving expression to my

thoughts, Of education.

Of not only choosing friends — but the privilege of my special fr iends who have chosen me.

For my sense of seeing Seeing tHev cobalt blue of a

* clear fall sky. Seeing millions of tiny blink-

ing stars. Seeing a familiar face.

For my sense of hearing Hearing gusts of wind blowing

past naked trees. Hearing a beautiful piece of

music. Hearing a loved one's

voice. I thank Thee for my hands With which I may work and com-

municate. I thank Thee for every hour of

the day — For every moment that I have And my use, to better myself

physically mentally

spiritually. For all these — I thank Thee, 0

Lord. And, for all those other things I

have overlooked and taken for granted.

I give Thee thanks. Amen

PRINS SERVICE 160 E. 8th Street

Phone 4342

Welcomes Hope Students




Chewina The

Rag with Agnes Fiddlefaddle

Boy what a Thanksgiving! My roomie almost died when I came waddling into the room. But Her-man was pleased! He said there was more of me to love! (I'm not sure if I like that remark.)

You should hear the song that is popular around here. It goes something like this: "I'm sick of college life — I want to be some-body's wife. I want a diamond ring, so all the dorm will sing. I'm sick of college life!" I sang that to Herman — and you know what? He hasn't asked me out on a date since. Do you think he didn't like my voice. Hummm?

Guess what? I think I've fallen in love. Do you know how it feels to be madly infatuated with some-one — and not even have him know you exist. Well, the man of my affections is just a dream. He makes Herman look sick! We learned in Psychology all about "vicarious experiences" — living the experience of others. Well, mom, when he kisses other women, I go WILD! My roommate says that I don't stand a chance, but I don't give up easily. How would this sound some day — sigh — Agnes PRESLEY? Sigh . . . .

You know, I had a date last night, and he never showed up. I sat and waited from 9:00 until past 1:00 and he never even called. My mind reasoned, "Maybe he went home." Mom, I got SO ex-cited that I called long distance to his home. Of course, I called per-son-to-person, so that no one would know — but HIM. Well, the opera-tor said he was there, so I started right in telling him a thing or two. A voice answered back quickly — and guess who it was? It was his DAD. I was SO embarrased!!! Gee whiz . . .

I think that this dorm needs a little overhauling. Last night I woke up noting the oddest stink in the room. I looked at my roomie and she looked at me. Humm . . . . But, then we noticed what had happened. Our sink had backed up! The nicest little men came to fix it. I think I'll clog it again.

Say hello to all the broken-hearted men I lef t behind.

Your love-sick daughter Agnes


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Gampui attoisi tyaikianl

Created by Stylists:

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SCIENCE OPPORTUNITY . . . (Cent, from page 1)

"The fifty-eight American stu-

dents who participated in lAES-

TE's program last summer went

to thirteen European countries.

Austria received five; Belguim, one; Denmark, three; Finland, one;

France, five; Germany, ten; Great

Britain, eight; Italy, three; the

Netherlands, five; Norway, one;

Spain, one; Sweden, nine; and

Switzerland, six.

"Other countries participating in

the IAESTE program are: Canada,

Iceland, India, Israel, Portugal,

Turkey, and Yugoslavia."

In addition to various phases of engineering, American students gained experience ni the fields of commerce, physics, architecture, liberal arts , chemistry, air trans-portation, zoology, and government.

"The fifty-eight students repre-sented twenty-four American col-leges. Institutions sending the largest numbers were Purdue Uni-versity, twelve; Princeton Uni-versity of Rochester, five; and Cornell University, four. There were three participants each from the Universities of Michigan and Pit tsburgh; wo each f rom City College of New York, Columbia University, Harvard University, Pennsylvania State University, the Universities of Louisville a n d Texas, and Yale University. The following schools were each repre-sented by a single student: Dart-mouth College, George Washington University, Hope College, Illinois Institute of Technology, John Hop-kins University, Louisiana Poly-technic Institute, M.I.T., Mount Holyoke College, New York Uni-versity, Sarah Lawrence College, and the University of New Hamp-shire.

" IAESTE was organized in 1948 by universities and industries of nine countries in Western Europe. Its aims are to train advanced stu-dents of science and technology in the theories and techniques of other nations, and to build a foundation for international understanding and good will among these potential leaders of science and industry. IAESTE today has twenty-one member countries, including the U.S.A. and Canada. In 1955 over 2,000 industries in these countries provided training for more than 5,000 visiting students f rom other member countries. The program has grown steadily in its eight years of activity."

This year there is an increased opportunity for study abroad. Ap-plications should begiven to Mr. Wolters. A description of oppor-tunities and work can be found in another par t of this paper i.e., Mr. Van Eenaanam's article on his summer a t Fulda.

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Page 5: 11-30-1956

H O P E . C O L L E G E A N C H O R


Van Eenenaam's Experiences in Germany (Cont. from page 3)

My work dealt with a variety of things. I ran both qualitative and quantitative analyses on latex, de-termined the viscosity and flame-point of many types of machine oil, and ran many more everyday procedures characteristic of any chemical laboratory. Perhaps my most important task was that of preparing the solution to be painted on the while side-wall tires for protection during shipping. This was accomplished by carefully mix-ing a variety of chemicals in a steam-heated, controlled tempera-ture vat. It was also my responsi-bility to make sure that the ma-terial was fulfilling all of its desired qualities.

I worked nine hours a day Mon-day through Friday, and perhaps a Saturday morning now and then. This was not due to my indispensi-bility, but resulted only when one of my co-workers was ill. I arrived at work at seven o'clock and had a fifteen-minute coffee break at nine. Lunch was served at 12:45 p.m. in the factory's canteen. The food was plentiful, good, and cheap. The price of one meal was forty pfennigs or approximately ten cents. Have you ever heard of a lunch bucket being used in re-verse ? Some of the employees would come to work with an empty lunch pail and leave with enough food for a hearty evening meal! Immediately following the lunch break everyone quickly departed in order to have enough time for a "spaziergang" (liesurely stroll). And I mean everyone! Work re-sumed at 1:15 and my working day was concluded at 4:45 p.m.

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399 River Avenue



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A Glimpse of Communism

My accommodations in Fulda were excellent. I lived with a mid-dle-aged German couple in their second-floor apartment. He was a butcher supply salesman and used the first floor of the building as his place of business. Both of them were originally from Dresden (now situated in the East zone) and consequently had many aquaint-ances living there who were com-pelled to live under Communism. Since last summer was one of the first times extensive East to West travel was allowed by East Ger-many, I had a few opportunities to talk to some of these friends. As you talked to these people tears of anxiety and fear would well up in their eyes. We have no idea of the horrors of living in a Com-munist-controlled state.

Since my ship sailed from New York through the Mediterranean to Naples, Italy, I had a fine chance to see much of southern Europe on my way north to Germany. My first impression of Naples was bit-ter. I had to pay a cab driver three dollars for a four block ride. I guess people are the same where-ever you are! Every weekend dur-ing my stay in Fulda was one of sightseeing. With so many health resorts in the vicinity of Fulda you would think that the place was "nicht gesund". The Germans do everything in a big way, how-ever. Work hard, play hard, and get sick hard. My work at the Gummiwerk terminated on the fifteenth of August and I was left with a full two weeks of my own.


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In that period I saw much of Northern Germany, France, Bel-qium, and the Netherlands.

Impressions of the People I think one of the most im-

portant advantages of an experi-ence like this is the opportunity to meet and live among people of another country. I believe that the Germans still have a yen for the military, for one Thursday evening at ten o'clock, twenty thousand peo-ple stood in a pouring rain to wit-nessa short drill ceremony by the German border police. It was an evening I've never forgotten. The German people are very industrious and parsimonious. Factory work-ers who smoke also carry with them a pipe. After a cigarette is smoked the butt is saved and used in the pipe. I suppose that not smoking would solve that incon-venience. The G. I. problem in Germany is serious. Every night, without exception, an article would appear in the newspaper concern-ing some American soldier involved with the German police. Con-sequently the German people are condescending in their attitudes toward Americans. It 's unfortunate, for our entire nation is judged by the actions of these few.

These are but a few of my ex-periences this summer. If anyone ever asks me for a hint about European travel, I can reply with-out hesitation that a stay in Europe is improved 100% if you possess facility with the language.


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Math Dept. To Give Award Worthy Frosh . For the past three years The Chemical Rubber Company has granted an award to that member of the Freshman Class who in the judgment of the Mathematics Staff has done the best work in his Freshman courses in Mathematics and is showing promise of very satisfactory development in Pure or Applied Mathematics. The award is a Handbook of Math Tables with the name of the student so honored embossed on the front of the Book.

We believe this to be high honor. The Award will again be given in this current year and is open to all the Freshmen taking courses in Mathematics.

The three students so fa r hon-ored are Mr. John L. Van Iwaarden, now a Senior, Mr. John Wm. Van Dyke of the Junior Class, and Mr. Wayne A. Millard of the . present Sophomore Class. This Award is usually granted at the Honors Day Assembly near the close of the school year.


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By Mark Diephius

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These At t rac t ions




Page Five

H Club Holds Fall Sports Banquet

One hundred and eighty-five men attended the Hope College Fall Sports Banquet which was spon-sored by the "H" Alumni Club to honor the Hope students who par-ticipated on the cross-country and football teams. Over one hundred of those attending were high school coaches and players who might be interested in attending Hope Col-lege in the future.

Mr. Marty Bekken, President of the "H" Alumni Club, presided throughout the banquet. Jim Van Hoven, the three time All-M.I.A.A. player presently in his senior year at Western Seminary, gave the in-vocation. The infamous "communi-ty singing" was ably directed by Gerrit "Curly" Wiegerink.

Dean of Students, Milton Hinga, introduced the alumni coaches and special guests who in turn intro-duced the high school players that they had invited to attend the banquet.

Dr. Larry Green reviewed the Cross-Country season and then in-troduced the seven men who com-prised the squad which placed third in the M.I.A.A.

Head football coach Russ De Vette reviewed the gridiron accom-plishments of his squad which finished third in the M.I.A.A. and compiled a 4-4 overall record. Coaches De Vette, Vanderbush, and Brewer then introduced the 42 man football squad of which 32 were awarded letters.

The Hope College "Coeds" then entered the scene and presented a very delightful musical interlude which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.

Dr. John Tirrell, Dean of Grand Rapids Junior College, delivered a very informative message as he remarked on "Six marks of a Hope College man".

Coach Russ De Vette then an-nounced that football Captain Dave Kuyers had been selected by his teammates as the most valuable player on the 1956 squad. Coach De Vette also presented the new Coaches Award to Tom Harris for his service to the team.

As the finale to the program it was announced that their team-mates had selected Mert Vander Lind to captain the football team and Carroll Bennink to captain the cross country squad.



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • m u T i



• Table Tennis

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• Tennis

• Golf

• Basketball

• Archery

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Page 6: 11-30-1956

Page Six H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

Hope Downs Scots 25-20 in Final Tilt of Season

A brillant offense sparked by Fullback Dave Kuyers and Half-back Mert Vander Lind proved too great for the Scots of Alma, as the Dutchmen of Hope won 25-20 before the annual Mom and Dad's Day crowd at Riverview Park.

Alma won the toss and elected to receive. After returning the ball to the mid-field stripe center Bill Brookstra of Hope recovered a Scot fumble. Within three plays including a 42 yard run by Dave Kuyers, the Dutch led 6-0. Alma received the kickoff and brought the ball back to the 50 yard line where they gambled on a fourth down and one yard to go situation and failed to make the necessary yardage. The Dutch, a f t e r a series of eight plays hightened by a 21 yard run by "Mr. Outside" Mert Vander Lind, were within inches of the goal line. Halfback Pete Watt cross-bucked the Alma left side and the score stood 12-0. Alma again received and started to march but an attempted pass by Tom John-son was intercepted by Jerry Hendrickson. Jack Faber then re-placed Del Grissen in the Hope lineup and on the first play he completed a pass to Hendrickson on the one yard line. Hendrickson smashed over on an off-tackle play boosting the lead to 18-0. In the second quarter Alma threatened twice but was held by a strong and determined Dutch defense. A long pass by Alma's quarterback John-son to Bob Hill gave the Scots a touchdown and the conversion was good. At the half the score read Hope 18, Alma 7.

Hope received the kickoff to s tar t the second half. Kuyers promptly plowed his was through the Scot defense for 47 yards but scoring possibilities were stymied when Watt fumbled on the four yard line and Alma recovered. Alma failed to gain the required yards for a first down and punted. Hope, on an eight play drive originating from Alma's 42 yard line, once more scored with a pass from Del Grissen to Pete Watt culminating the drive into the end zone. Grissen then passed to Curt Menning for the conversion and the score stood at 25-7. Alma then returned the kick to Hope's 26 yard line and Frank Lawrence scored on an end sweep making the score 25-13. Hope received and returned the ball to their own 40 yard line where they lost the ball on downs. The Scots capitalized and used eight running plays to make the score 25-20. With 4:35 lef t in the game Hope marched to the 4 yard line of Alma. Before Hope could score the final gun sounded leaving the Dutch with their third victory in a row and third place in the MIAA Conference for the 1956 gridiron season.


First downs 15 13 First downs rushing 12 4 First downs passing 3 9 Times rushed 57 34 Yards gained rushing ....311 121 Yards gained passing .... 83 166 Total yards gained 394 287 Passes attempted 14 29 Passes completed 4 14 Passes intercepted by 3 2 Fumbles 2 2 Fumbles recovered 2 2 Punts 4 4 Punting average 31.2 37.5 Penalties 3 0 Yards penalized 25 0

Games played November 10, 1956 Kalamazoo 20, Albion 13 Adrian 32, Olivet 13 Hillsdale 12, Lewis 0

Hope Cops Third in C.C. Conference Meet

Under the patient guidance of Dr. Larry Green, Hope's Cross Country squad brought to a close a successful season by placing a strong third in the M.I.A.A. Con-ference Meet held at Alma College. This enabled the harriers to finish third in the conference behind un-beaten Kalamazoo and powerful Albion.

Kalamazoo nicked out a confer-ence meet victory over Albion by a 31 to 32 count. Next came Hope, rather f a r back but still in third place with 100 points. HillsSale took 4th with 104 points, Calvin 5th with 136 points. Alma 6th with 138 points, and Olivet 7th with 145 points. The eighth team in the conference, Adrian, failed to field a team.

Led once again by the methodical Herb Widmer, who took 5th at 21:30, Hope placed 14th, 16th, 27th, and 38th for its total of 100 points. These were the efforts of Carrol Bennink, Ron Den Uyl, Harry Wristers, and John Needham re-spectively. Jack Hoogendoorn and Andy Felix finished 45th and 46th respectively to f a r out of the pic-ture to place.

With this 3rd place finish Hope once again showed that it will be a power to be reckoned with in years to come. The work of this years captain, Widmer, was ex-ceptionally outstanding as he set a fine example for the others with his terrific spirit, great running ability, and enthusiastic leadership.

For a look into the future we see Hope's Harriers being led next year by Bennink who was one of the most outstanding members on the squad even though he is only a sophomore. With a little more help f rom next years incoming frosh the Dutch should be stronger than this years fine team.

Congratulations Guys!

Final M.I.A.A. Conference Meet Results

1. Kalamazoo 31 2. Albion 32 3. Hope 100 4. Hillsdale 104 5. Alma 136 6. Alma 138 7. Olivet 145

Wider Breaks Records

Leads Hope to Victory Hope 19, Alma 38

Led by Herbie Widmer's record setting time of 20 minutes, 57 seconds, Hope's Harriers finished out the dual schedule with an im-pressive 19 to 38 win. Widmer's winning time erased his previous record of 21:11 set against Olivet only a few weeks before. This record stands as a school and course record.

Following Herb for Hope were Ron Den Uyl, 2nd, Carroll Ben-nink, 3rd, Harry Wristers, 6th, John Needham, 7th, Jack Hoogen-doorn, 9th, and Andy Felix, 10th. Hope's main worry was that of holding Alma's number one man, Dick Vinciguerra, f a r back in the pack. This they managed to do very nicely as our men took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd before Vinciguerra and Alma was able to break into the scoring column.


A-*, All Games

W L PF PA Hillsdale 9 0 303 50 Kalamazoo 5 3 152 128 Hope 4 4 178 181 Albion 3 5 135 137 Adrian 3 5 127 194 Alma 2 7 103 176 Olivet 0 8 58 291

Cosmos Lead in All-Sports Race

Afte r the completion of the Fall Intramural Sports Program, one must pause to look at the all im-portant race for the All Sports Trophy. When we look, we see that the powerful Cosmos are at the top of the heap with 17 points which were gathered in a 1st place tie in football and one second each in tennis and golf.

The Fraters are trailing the Cos-mos by four points and now have a total of 13 points on the basis of their 1st place tie in football and two 4th place finishes — one in tennis and one in golf. With these 13 points the Fraters were able to nudge out the Knicks who must be satisfied with 3rd place for the time being. The Knickerbockers, riding on the power of their golf title, have a total of 12 points. These were gained by a 4th place in football, a 3rd place in tennis, and the all important 1st place in golf.

The fourth spot is occupied by the Arkies who have amassed 10 points on 3rd place finishes in foot-ball and golf and a last in tennis. Thus the Arkies have a two point buldge over the Emmies even though the Emersonians captured the tennis title. With their first place in tennis the Emmies man-aged to compile 8 points with the help of a last in football and a last in golf.

The Cosmos remain in the driver's seat by taking over where they left off last year, but each fraterni tay is looking forward with great anticipation toward the be-ginning of basketball, each hoping to improve its standing in the All Sports race.

Place and Total Points: PI. Team F T G Total 1. Cosmos 9 4 4 17 2. Fra ters 9 2 2 13 3. Knicks 4 3 5 12 4. Arkies 6 1 3 10 5. Emmies 2 5 1 8

Knicks Sweep Golf Laurels Led by the low scoring of George

Bitner, A1 Timmer, Chuck Lindahl, the Knickerbocker's took the In-tramural Golf Tournament with ease, subduing their nearest rival by six strokes. The Knicks total score for the 27 holes was 405 with the Cosmos running in the 2nd position, at 411, which they just did manage to obtain from the Arcadians, who finished a strong 3rd with a total score of 413.

With these three teams finishing as close as they did, it is hard to figure out what happened to the other two teams in the league. The ability to find three men of equal ability made things tough for the Fraters (who took 4th at 479) and the Emmies (who took 5th at 534). With the help of one or two more low scores these teams could very easily have finished in one of the higher brackets.

This year's play was highlighted by a hole in one scored by John Van Dyke of the Arkies on the 8th hole of the American Legion Country Club. This year's play also marked an outstanding year for the medalist as George Bitner of the KHN's at 127 shot one of the lowest scores in years. Special mention should also be made of A1 Timmer of the Knicks and Gord Hondorp of the Arkies who shot scores of 130 each for the 27 holes, thus pushing Bitner to his utmost in his successful a t tempt to capture the scoring title. PI. Team Scores Total 1. Knicks 127-130-148 405 2. Cosmos 134-136-141 411 3. Arkies ..130-133-150 413 4. Fra te rs 142-161-176 479 5. Emmies 166-167-201 534

Two For Benes

Basketball Team Is Well Balanced, Outlook For Campaign Is Bright

Coach Russ DeVette has had his Hope College varsity basketball squad working, in preparation for their twenty-one game schedule, since the first of November. He has been running them through stiff workouts with special emphasis upon fundamentals. Coach DeVette is presently working with a fourteen man squad of which seven are returning letterwinner's from last year's squad.

With the material that is avail-able the Dutch should be able to come up with a fine record even though they are a very young team. There is only one senior, five juniors, five, sophomores, and three freshmen on the squad. How-ever, these men have had a wealth of high school experience which will help immensely in the coming campaign.

Coach DeVette is blessed with an exceptional number of tall men to do the front line rebounding work. Sophomore Paul Benes standing six feet-ten inches in height and Freshman Ray Ritsema scaling six feet-five inches in height appear to have the start ing berths in the double pivot offense. These two men are backed up by two others who reach the six foot-five inch mark. Senior Bob Ritsema and Sophomore John Hood are both battling hard for the pivot posi-tions. This abundance of tall men should help considerably in the Dutch efforts to control the back-boards.

At the present time it is a toss-up in the battle for the three remaining start ing berths. Any combination of the ten other play-ers might possibly s tar t the cam-paign. This is indicative of the exceptional depth available on this year's squad. There are five re-turning lettermen in this group fighting for the out court spots. This includes Juniors "Tiger" Teu-sink, Mert Vander Lind, and Dave Woodcock along with Sophomores Jun Buursma and Bob Thomson. The five new men battling for the positions are Juniors Jack Kemp-ker and Lloyd McPherson, Sopho-more Jerry Hendrickson, Freshmen Roland Schut and Warren Vander Hill.

Coach DeVette can smile when he contemplates the coming season for he most certainly is blessed with an abundance of material depth. However, the games are won and lost by the way they are played at game time. Thus the success or failure of the season will rest on the way these fourteen men play together. We most cer-tainly feel that they have the ability to take the M. I. A. A. championship and now wish them the best of luck in this endeavor.

Photo by Vic Ambel las

Paul Benes drops a short through

the basket du r i ng an int ra squad

game as Mer t Vander Lind and Ray

Ritesma at tempt to d e f e n d . A l l three

of the men pictured should see

p lenty of act ion when the Dutchmen

open tomor row at Ear lham College.

Read Your Col lege Newspaper

Exit Football . . . .

At the 1956 Fall Sports Banquet last November 15, Hope College, through the "H" Alumni Club, paid tribute to those men who donned the orange and blue and played their hearts out for Hope on the gridiron. Mert Vanderlind was elected captain of the 1957 squad, Dave Kuyers received the Most Valuable Player award, and Tom Harris the coaches award for good sportsmanship. Thirty-two men re-ceived letters. But this was to be the last such tribute for the four departing seniors. Fullback Dave Kuyers, Quarterback Harry Voss, Center Earl De Witt, and Guard Tom Harris left the ranks of the team, and we will miss them next year.

* t- *

This season was a fine one for Hope College. Although the team's overall record was four wins and four losses, their four and two mark in the MIAA was good enough for a third place finish. The two non-conference defeats came at the hands of powerful Heidel-berg and Wabash. Individual per-formances were outstanding as well. Fullback Dave Kuyers led the MIAA in rushing, and seems a sure thing to be chosen to the All-MIAA team as he was in 1954. Mert Vanderlind also finished in the top four in rushing. Pete Watt led the team in scoring, racking up seven TD's and six conversions for 48 points. Jerry Hendrickson was the team's leading pass receiver. He snagged six aerials, two for scores, fo r a total of 147 yards. Jerry also led the team in punting, with a 30.9 average for 13 punts.

* • *

Hope should have a gridiron powerhouse next year, with twenty-eight lettermen returning. If next year's crop of f reshmen shows as much potential as this year's did, Hope College will definitely be a threat to win the MIAA football championship in 1957.

Bob Van Wart

Kuyers, Harris, Vander Lind Honored At All-Sports Banquet

Hope College's gridders have selected Dave Kuyers as their most valuable player for the 1956 sea-son and Mert Vander Lind as their team captain for 1957.

Dave captained the 1956 gridiron squad and did an excellent job of leading as he copped the M.I.A.A. individual rushing title. The Zee-land senior played four years of bruising ball for Hope and will long be remembered as the "Horse" was probably the outstanding full-back ever to play for Hope College.

I t is most fitting that the so called "Mr. Outside" of the "In-side-Outside" combination succeed as captain. It is certainly a real honor for Grand Rapids' Mert Vander Lind to be selected to lead Hope College's gridders to what we forsee as the M.I.A.A. title.

The "Coaches Award" was given to Senior Tom Harr is of Phila-delphia, Pennsylvania, for exempli-fying those qualities which make coaching a pleasure".
