BATTLES 01' CUBA! 11 CONTAININO AN AllTIII:NTIC A(;(;OI;/iT 01' T'If: HA FOUGU'r ON 'fIlA'f I!'lLANn IN 1If.11 1,,\Tf: >lTllt!nr;l.l: 1"'11 ¡\ (Ir TUl; DREADFUL MARS¡\ eH E OF Fifty-Two AMERICAN CI'TIZENS, W I1'Il A LlST OF 1'11 EIIl ,\)\ ES, AJ.SO, TJlF. CAPTI;ltI' A/iD DEATII OF GEN. LOPEZ!!! TO WflH.:1t -'nnEn ,\ OIt.\I''''·: HISTORY OF THE MEXICAN WAR! HWlJLY ILLUSTRATP'I). NF,W YORK: PUBLlSIIE\) AT S,],HEET. 18.'i 2,

11 01' T'If - Latin America · 2008-12-02 · mcrey, ami in pity wc left l.im at libert], taking fl'om him only his horsc, sWOl'll aUll pistols, amI ~HOOO bclonging to the funds of

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Page 1: 11 01' T'If - Latin America · 2008-12-02 · mcrey, ami in pity wc left l.im at libert], taking fl'om him only his horsc, sWOl'll aUll pistols, amI ~HOOO bclonging to the funds of




FOUGU'r ON 'fIlA'f I!'lLANn IN 1If.11 1,,\Tf: >lTllt!nr;l.l: 1"'11


1~(;I.'IIHr\G ¡\ JH:~'WUlt'Tlll~ (Ir TUl;



W I1'Il A LlST OF 1'11 EIIl ~ ,\)\ ES,


DEATII OF GEN. LOPEZ!!!� TO WflH.:1t I~ -'nnEn ,\ OIt.\I''''·:



18.'i 2,

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Page 5: 11 01' T'If - Latin America · 2008-12-02 · mcrey, ami in pity wc left l.im at libert], taking fl'om him only his horsc, sWOl'll aUll pistols, amI ~HOOO bclonging to the funds of


--" '(J ---e 6- Ó.:i lilYleltoFT Ll·"Aln



TIlI8 book is not i!lsueu Cor thc purposc of producillg excitcment in respect to a aubject on which thcro is al. ready too mucho But the object oC the authol' is to pre. scnt the Cacts in the case as Cur as thcyare known. There arc IDany in thcsc 8tatcs wIto have had friends engaged in the struggIe, and feel nn intense anxíety to learn a.s mueh as posaibIc in respect to their fate, cspecíaUy since the barba­roua slaughter of our fcllow-cítizcns at Havanll, in coId blood.

We deprccnto war in cvery form and on aH occasions, wllCn it can posRibly bo llvoÍlIofl. It is IIOt for ua to SI\Y whether tlle rising of the Cubans in different porta of the islamI was justifiable, 'flley tllink it \\'I1S, or they would not havc risen; they, like our anccRtOl'a oC tlle ltcvolntiollnry tilllCfl, fcel tlmt t"<,y havo IOJl,!!; t'lIllllMh ImlllUiu\,tl to tho iroll rulo uf thcir Ilppn'HHIII'H. WIIl'II tilo Ilc0l'lo of 11llY

country cmuJncncc n. rcvolution, alll1 hnvc ~oo,l ¡-('IlROlla for h, "'0 IrtLvo it tilr 011I' I'f'I\.II'I'H to /1cei.l .. wII\~lIl\'r it iH J'ight for fOl'cigll f'l'ccllIl'n to tllUR ni.1 tIlO CllUIlO of infIopclll1encc. StílJ, ftlr ourscIvl's, we beliove tlllLt our eoulltryrnen had bettcr StlLY at llOrne than to engage in llUY wars, eapeeiany tllose on filrcign shores. ]lut IlS people will figllt lIwI ex­cite revoIutíons, amI have done it in aU agos of tho worlU, t1e resulta of suoh ebullitions oC the pcople constitute llil1t­

ter for bistory. 'fhc Cuban strugglc, wbcther right or wrong, must be

plllcClI upon tlle annnls of Ilifltol'Y' We rnust sl\Y tlll\t, in our opinion, a thil'Ht fol' frcetlom existR nlllong the iuhllbi. tunts of tllll,t Leautiful i!llulld, wllicll will ere long bul'st tho bands of tlespotism t1ULt biwl thcm to tho dust, and show their opprcssors that tIte people must rule.

~ .


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• •


ll'oR years thero .has been incr.easing d!ssatisf.'1etion o.mong tilO Cuoons, wtth tho opprcs81ve exaetlOns nOlI tyr~

anny of the Spanish govel'nmcut. Within u. YCltr pltst seeret o.rrangements have been malle for eoneel'ted action in variol1s parts of the island, Cubans reBiding in this eountry have also aetetl in eoneert, rnised funds, and in­dueed advcnturers to go from thesc shores and fight the battlcs of f¡·eodom. Puerto Príncipe, capital of the Cen­tmI Dcpo.rtment of Cuba, ",as wisely ehosen as the placo where the fla~ of liberty should fi¡'st be unfurled.

This town IS situatell in tho interior, a littlo to the east of the eenter of the islana, ana 450 miles from Havan;\. lt is thirty-six miles from N euvitaB, whiell is its soaport, amI through whieh aH its foreign trulle passes. 'l'he town is situated between two rivulets, whieh unite nnd form tho San Pedro River, 'fhe eountry in the neighborhood formerly produeed immense quantities of eattle, and sup­plied tho markets of lIavana. ~'he soil is exeeedingly rieh and produetive, but mueII of ít líes waste amI uneultimted. The mountain range of Cuba flanks the eity on either lland. Thc castern ehnin, rUllning to the point of tho islnnd at Capo Mo.ysi, is sava~e nud broken, some of the pellks rismg to tho hight of tI,OOO feet, 'l'heso mountain valleys antl defiles nfforderl ample shclter to tIlO revolutiollists, who eould also dra", their supplies froll1 the rieh agricultura-l region atljoining. , In a.ldhion to this a,h'antage the distanee troro the seat of Government was also in their f:wnr.

The eity of Puerto l)rineipc eontains within its jUl"is­'diétion 1I. population of one hundl'cd thousamllloulR, mostly whites. An inlaml city, remote from aH the blantlish­ments, frivolities nnl{ foreign influcnees whieh operate upon and ehange the native disposition of the inhabitants of sen. port towns, the Pl'ineipanos are J)oted for their strenrrth of eharnetcr, inllcxihle IlprightJ)<'flfl, stunly honC'Rty, auJ eon­seientinus a.lIl<'I'encc tn I'ight rl'illeipl<'R nn.{ ahhorrcnec of wrong, ín spite of pcrsccution o\" opposition, no mattcr

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umlor what eireumstanccs. The Pl'incipnllos may, in faet, be c'lIlsiclero,1 typOR of real Cubnn charactor, anl\ it iR not too mueh to 8ay tlmt in Illany of thei.' Ilrominent c\\I\rne­tCl'istics they rC8emblc tite 0111 Puritans of N ew Engllmc1. It wou\ll naturnlly be expected thl\t !llleh a place would bo tho hot-bcd nnd nUl"8ery fl)l' I,ibel"ty nncl Denloeraey; 3n,l sllch is the fact.

For years the desire of rclease from the terrible thral­dom of Despotism, whieh has so long manacled Cuba amI the Cubans, has burned in tite henrts of the Prineipanos. Each )'ear has the fire gl"own stron~er allc1 greater, Ilud lIlany times has' thc Rmotlll~refl volellno IIf popular foe\ing nll hut lHIHt forth. Bllt til\ now, llY the cellf\ü1cRR wateh­ill:~ a\lfl lllIUIIC\l\T(\R of HllltlliMh Ih'fI\l'ltH, thc Ill'plicatiulI of tlt"il' tlll'tll\'(~H, tlw liMe uf tilo I!;ltr!"utt~, the RWIII'd, the .hlll­~(~I)n, a\IC1 exp:ttl'iatioll, thc,Y havc lll:lIIa~c(1 to Ill'O\'Pllt, "1' toJ this tillW, l~ gene!" al l'i8in~ IU1l0n~ tho Jlcoplc, tllllll~h

e\'el'y act of cruclty has but ml\de tho day of v6ngenllco more cel·tllin .to approaeh, uml tite revenge, whon it doos COll\e, moro terrible.

The late sUI!Jen arrcst, confincment, and quick bllnish­ment of ten of tite first nna most distinguishecl men of Principe, for the crime of being concernell in tho rcvolu­tiollary lDOVClllent for Liberty, Cl'catcd thc utlllOl'lt constcr­nation amon~ the people. 'l'he action of thc governmcnt in the cxocutlOn of such a high-ban,lCll aet, only seemed to bring on the crisis and the open outbreak.

•� The Spaniah garrison at Principe consistod of 2400 mcn, ullIlcr eommand of Gen. Lomery, The troops were quar­tcred in the eonvents of the friars, tbere being no fortreRa there, and the city boin:> without walls. The fourtll of Ju\y, tho day of Our natlOna\ indC'penlionee, it seems, was fixCll upon as the time for a general rising and the issuing of a Pronuncill.mento by the Principnnoa. Aeeordingly, on that day a erowd aasemblea in tho adjaeent groves, under Don Joaquin Aguero y Aguero, aa their \eader, and mised the bannor of revolt.

The Spanish troops \Vcre soon in motion under General Lernery, anJ fighting eommenced in earneat. A party of eavalry lancera rushed forward and attaekcd the rebels


with grel\t impetuosity; but thcy werc met with firmuoss, amI soon routed by tito Patriots, lcavill~ about 20 Span­in.¡·IIH doad on tho fieM allll :~ Jar~c TIIl1l1her woundc,\. 8ev­eral I)atriots \Vere wllunllcel, lmt none killed. 1'hia suc­cess C'ncouraged the revolutionists, llna othors floekcd to tltcir standard. The whole disposahle force of tlle go\'ern­ment in that quarter were on tite alert; they were dividell into columns 01' 800 each, and proeoeded with great energy against the Patriots.

Various other towns raised the standard of revolt in tho carly part of J uly, amI issuclI thcir PronunciamentoR, among which \Vere :

fu t!wVlteU,& de Arriba. --·l)lH'rto l)rincip(', Villa Clara, lIol~uill, 'l'rillillall, BayalllO, Manzltnillo, Cicnfuegos, Santo E8/,iritll, l'I~R 1'lInn,R.

lit tlU! VlIl!!ln d,! A/mitl ··l'illallld Itin, MallLul~, Galali'o, amI varilllls place!! fu'a,r,n' Lo 11nvlllla.

'l'l'iniduIl, ()iCllfuc~"s, Villa Clara, al\ll aH tlle ulljacent towns lUId villagc!!, !!Cllt out tlll'ir ha/llIH; 1~1Il1 on tlle 21th of J uly thc ba.lIIler ,ms ra,iscd at Guinia l\iimnl1a, and proelamatioDs issued to the eitizens and to tho troops.


On the same day (.Ju\y 4tlt) tllCre \Vas a sharp contest botween 200 Cubana a11I1 300 Sp:tniardl'l, eonsiBting of 100 lancers a1l'1 200 illfllntl·.r, who had bocn dispatched prcviously to the 41h, to thc Uoscorl'o Illollntains. After much hara fi~htin~, thc go\'cl'JlJlH'nt troopR flod, loaing their cornmander ulId ::lO othcl"s, who \Vel'e kil1ed. 'rwelve of the Spanish soMiers went over to the l)utriots.


We raiscd nloft thc banncr of libcrty on thc 4th insto in tbe districts ([}(treidos) of Guaymaro amI Scbanico, with

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6 UA'1'l'J.E¡'¡ 01' ClJ BA.

thc sma1l IlUlu],cr of 2GO Ilutriots. Wc rcmaineJ therc till tllc 5th, WIll'II, in cOllcert with I1HotllCr band which rose in lIulguin, ",e directell our march upon the town of Las Tunas, which wos gUl'l'isnned by n company of the Re~i­mcnt of Zaro.gosa; but cirCUUllltanccs growing out of tlle darkness of the night, Ico. to l\ mcetillg of the two pllrtics nt 12 o'cloek, beforc thc appointcd placc, and our cOll\mon­del' illlluircd, "Who is it P'-to ",hom the other, carriCll nwa.y by thc force of lIahit, ltn8wcrell "Spnin j" whercupoll, lilas! thc orucr was given to fire I1nd cbarge upon tllcm, which charge lasted till they coulu recognizc each otller in tlle lIlidst of the combato ~'he result of this unhoppy afrair was thc loss of fiyc from tbo lIolguin party, allíl ~8

wOllllllcd bctwcen thc two. lIowcyer, this disastc1' did not discourage OUr bmvc

patrillts, thoy inllll{'(liatcly ullitell, :ln<1 fcIl upon Las 'l'ullas with the swiftncss lIf lightnillg; tltcy attackcu thc bUl'­rncks by snrprisc, anJ at'tcr a short resistance, in whieh fHlllle "'erC wOlllltlcd, the company united with thcm in mass nt thc magic word of Libcrty. ~'hc Licutennnt Goyernor of that jllrisdietion "'RS 80 cowal'dly, that hc illllllorcd OUl" mcrey, ami in pity wc left l.im at libert], taking fl'om him only his horsc, sWOl'll aUll pistols, amI ~HOOO bclonging to the funds of the despotic goycrnment. Thence we march­ed upon thc districts (partidos) of San Juan and Santa Cruz, rccruitillg our torce, and on t1le 8th we were in Coscorro witl} 380 horse amI 200 foot.

BATTLE OF N!JA.SSA.. Thc 8th nnd 9th werc passcu in organizing fonr «ivisi­

ons umler tIle command of the patriots who hau most di s­tinguisltell themsehes at Las 'fulIus: amI on the 10th, tltrec oi' thclII mal'chcd out, thc other rcmailliu~ on the moulltains. ~'he one commamlcd by Don ScraplO Recio advanccJ towards Salita Cruz, amI shortly bcforc reaching t1lc rirer Najussll, WIlS informed that fonr companies of the regiment of Cantabria ,,"erc lllurching in the same direc-

llA'l"rLES UF cunA. 7

tlon, umler commnnll of Colond Conti; hut that t1lc river bcing Bwollcn, thcy wcrc occupicd in lllllking rnfts to crOBB it.

'fhe commamlcr Rccio iHlUlCtlilttc1y orucrcd a march t01fltrl1s thnt point; he Wlttchcd thc cncmY'B movemcnts, amI whcn 'sufficiolltly UCllr witllOut bcing sccn, hc plnntell his 250 Ulcn in ambullcltlle, anrl mlitctl till thcy BhoulU hc~in thc crollsing 011 thc raft. 'j'hat soon took placc. The commamlcr oi' thc encmy crossell at tbc hend of the firllt company, anJ landell, anl1 thc rltft, Ilrawn back by tho ropcs, rcturned to tho oppositc bank to bring over tho sec­onJ; our patriotB remaining meanwhile IDotionless and rCltlly for the o.ttack.

Thc raft began to moye with thc sccond company, and tllCn t1l0 patriotB feIl upon thcm dcspcrn.tcly, 8Co.ttoreJ cnnfusion lUlIrm~ th<'lII, took pl'il101\eTS Coloncl Conti, 8ix oJlicerll anl1 56 8olllicl's. 'l'ho nU\IIbm' killcIl tho.t eouId bc Ct>lIutC<l on thc haukll was :W, \vitllOnt countin~ a. ~reat

llulllbcl' of woullllcll, tngothCI' with variolts muteria.lll of WlU', taken frmn tho encmy. Still, in the lllillst of the fight, thc bmvc nccio dírl lIot forgct thc mft; hc orJercu tllClll to cut tIlC ropcs and to firc upon it, following it along its coursc. The rcsult of this \IIost brilliant action in which tho patriots only lost onc killctl amI ten woundod, was so complete t1lat nouc wcre ablo to escape but tllOSC who kept on thc oppositc Rirle of thc rivcr. ,

On tllc 10th awl 11th, thc othcr patriot corps hau vari­OUll skirmillhes with the t1'Oops uf cava.lry amI infantry that marche'.l out from I'ucrto Principc aftcr thcm. On thc lHtlt, in the district of Gnailllarillo, a corps of artillery came ovcr to thc patriots ullllcr tho commanu of its Capt­aiu, Don Gabricl l~ortun, cOlllposeJ nf 60 men ana four fidd llOwitzers. ~'he 14th, 15th and 1Gth, the lihemtors relllaincJ inactivc, rccruitill~ mcn fl'orn tho coulltry j but thc 17th was a day markeJ by Proyil1encc to makc the fidds of Cuba witncsses of onc of thc most hcroic decds of

• arms cver sccn in thc hiatory of rcyolutions.


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BATTLE OF SAN MIGUEL. At 8 in the aftemoon of that day, the corps commo.nded

by Don Augufltin Aguero de Aguero, wo.s marelling towards the district of San Miguel. On tho wo.y he re­ccived information tho.t at tIlo dist:mce of three leaguC!l, wero mn,rching in tho samo tlirect,ion, three compnnies of the Regiment of bahel n" alltl 80 l:mcers of tho 81lunclroll of Dourbon. A~uero immediately halted, examinad the positiuns he couM occupy, and selectcd a level spot bor­dered on the right by a pretty high hill, He selected 50 men from the corps, and directed them to advance along the roatl so as to draw the attention of the enemy ; and the rest, consisting of 150 men, he placed in ambus­cade at 11 point agreetl upon.

As soon as tite commander of. the royalists espied the fifty P:\triots, c{)\Ifident in his numericsl superiority, he ad­vanced at fun flpeetl upon them. They, on their side, retrellted upon tite hill appointed, and there stood firm, intrepidly awaitillg the charge, The royalists dia not keep them Ion/? waiting; they char~ed upon them, lance in rest, At tnat moment those ID ambush presented themselves, ana surrounl1ed die lancers, who, attacked on 0.11 sides by tho republicl\ns, hall to succumb, the result being that, of the 80 who entered into action, only 10 es­caped with life, though badly wounded.


On the 18th and 19th, nothing worthy of note occurred; but the republican ranks had gone on increasing every hour. On tho 20th, 0.11 the corps being united, marched upon ihe mountains, which march was interrupted by three companies of the Regiment of Caníabria, \Vilo \Vere beaten and dispersed, After the 20th, these brilliant po­sitions were occupied by 2000 patriots, 600 horse, 4 field howitzers, and the munitions and subsistence required tor • two months.

IIA'I'TLEH (I!" ('III1A. !)

DilTTU~ Olt' 1'IIE n~nllo.

On the 21st uf .JlIly a I'all,l 01' l':dl'iol.H ~alliell fi))'th, a1lflattaekea tlle villu~l' 01' ti\() CI'l'I'O, Hix IlIilt'H 1'1'011\ lIa­vuua, amI rl'alIy a p:wt, 01' the eit,Y. 'l'll('y "PPl'Olld\()II witlt pl'ooipitllllC'y, uwl Hl\I'PI'ii'!(JII allll killed HorllO of t1w piekot ~1I:L1'II, llll4l thell l'ctlll'lIed to lht'il' l'a~lll('H:~()S in tho 1ll0111l­taillH,

'Al'tlll' mjill Ital'llliJ.(!tlillg, 111l~ Lil H 'l'alol'H ill tIte vieinily 01' 1'l'illl'Íp.'l'c dl'in'lI ":wk illlo 11Jl' IlIolllllainH, a1ll1 a I'I'W I:a."t 11 1"1'11. anlOlI~ Wl10111 \\,:IS jlu'il' hl'a"l' ('0111111:1.11,11'1' A "'1](11"0, f-;ollle IIt';1 to lile HI:a-Hhol'P :111,1 clllharkl',l li .., tlw ([lIile,1 RlaleH, alld are 1I0W :l\1I01l~ liS,

lt is Raid th:lt tite ~oYI'I'lIl1wnt allt!tol'ilics had BllCCCt'.l­('(1, lIy inlllloin~ the nJotl1l'rH nI' the rcvo1tl'I's tn ~() amI CII­trl'at thl'il' SOIlR tn !ay Ill)WII tllcil' nl"lIlS n1111 neccpt uf the prnfli.",c11 pnrdoll, in Wl'al{l'I,ill,g tll!' Rtrl'n~t!t al' the ]'a­ll'iot:-l. MUIl,Y .vil'ldl',l to 111(~ I'nl n'alil's 01' l),('il' IIIOlhl'I':-<, au,1 IhiH Ht'rvc,1 t.o diHI'il'it otllt'l"H. 'I'ht' J'¡driofH wI'ro l)ool'lyal'nu'll 11.1111 t'I(llil'pt'd, anll il iH a 11'011111']' tll:ll lhl'Y 0011111 \Imke any stalltl al. aH agnillsl HlIt'h f('arI'1l1 olldH.

J,ilNDING Oli' (;ENI~IUJ, toP.~Z.

'I'he neWR of ¡.!te ClIll:ln Hll'II~,!.{le fOl' in,lt'p(,lItllmcc 1'1'0­dll('(:ll illlense inll'l'l'Ht in tlliH eOlllltl'Y; n1ll1 l'e"I'I'al !tan­i::lhod Clllmlls llIlIl olll('l'H ~ot up nll l'xI'l'dili'Hl, with tilO p:albllt Lopl'z liS tlH:il' leuder, to ~o alld ni,1 thl'il' opprt'sscll In'ptlll"l'll.

'I'he l'all'1)('I'O, conlllllllllll'd hy Capto T,/'wis, an('I' lea\'iH~

tll(: Balizl', bl·lolY Nt'w-Ol'll'alls, Illndl' Ij'l' I\oy '''I'sl alld r"aelle.1 there PII tite] Olh illl';t., A ftCI' I'avill;~ alll'l 11 'l't"l in tll(: llal"lllll' ROUH\ hOlll":-<, ¡<ht' wl'igll('d alH,ltol; al ] 1 ,/tI"e), at rlÍ.:~!tt, a1ll1 snill'.l fi ..· tlle Culmll co:u;t, "illl GCII, J.OpCl, sllitl' anllllll"ut 4!iO 1\l('\1 ou board.

()Il tltel:!th sIl e reful"llell to KI''y Wt':-It, aflt'r ha"ing lal\lkll J.opcz ¡md pal'ty (lt Pucrll) ('ahnlloR, a }I1aee aliout 'lO miles WCHt of Havana,

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11 10 DATTLES OF cunA.

, Genel'al "Pl'a~lty, the llistinguished IIlIn~aria.n' Alljlltant

Ge1lera 1 (lf K la pka, nt 001'11I01"1I, who hILs !wen lTl forty-two hatt.les, a\lll is a most I!kilful auJ g:llht1lt officer, "'ent with Lopez as 8('COII<1 in eomlUllUtl. 'l'here were also twellty lIun~ariau cugineel's in the P¡ll'ty. •

The other officel'fl, WCl'e Col. (J1'ltteD(len, late of the llrlllY, 1\ Dephew of tilc Attomcy GC1Icml, who hall imme­lli:\tl' C0I1I1I1:III(1 of:lll IIrtil1('I'Y (·<1\\llm.1I..,; C..l. DolIlIl:L1I, of Ol'II\'~ia, who t'cl'H,.1 tlll'\lIIg;h thc l\lcxic¡t\l 'VUl'; Mujol' J. A, Kdl,v, ",ho sCl'Ycd in l?lorida tlull Mcxieo ;.apts. W. Scott Haynes, A, J. Dailey, alltl other8.

'rIll' ¡'all1pero, ou hel' r('turn to Kcy W cst, tl~ain andlo­1'!',1 in thc h;l1'\lol',l)\1t Hhe was ol.ligPIl to leavc in ahollt au IWllr to preycut seiz\\l'c hy our vigilaut GOVCl'lIlllcnt officcl'S,

Sho lmn:; al'on1lc1 Kcy "\Ycst, however, until tIlO night of the 1:"Ith, a1l11 took 011' Romc 2001' 25 elllij;mTltR, when she flniled 1'01' J acksonrille, Florida, to take on board GM, Gonznles nnd a pal'ty of 500 !nen, w}¡o were in rcauiness at that poinl fOl' embltl'kation,

lt nppears that, close intn the entrance of the harhor, },n­pe;/, feIl in 'I"i th a SChOOIH'I', fl'om \I'hich he took out the cap­tain aud HIn te, to Seno llim as pilots on tite eoast of Ballia llonda, the naYiga tion uf which is yory intricate. Thoy al'l'i,'c,l otT Uahi;l ][oncht aoollt H r, 1\1., when they innnc­Iliate1y C0Il1111encel\ lIlaking si~nals to the Rhol'e by mcaTlS of rocketR, &,~., ,rhieh lll'olmhly had hoeIl pl'cviollsly ngrco,l npon /¡ctlreeJl tite libel'a tors aUll those on slllH'e, Oen, Lopez {lid J\IIt etTcct a lallllillg; wilh his nlCn until 4 A, M.; bnt the Ilchal'kation was 'dono in so lllasterly 80

!'t.l'it', thnl hof(,re Ilnnrise he 1md uot only lanllell hill JIIon, with all 11u'ir 1I11lfdlions of \1'1"" bllt WIIS on hi¡¡ llIareh to LaH l'II~a"l I~ 111 IV 11 It li~w lIIilml t1iRtallt frCll1l the ell:lHt, whel'o 110 inllnl'lliately cOllllllellccll cntl'ollching himsclf.

Bl'l"rU~ OF L,\S POZ1S. LOPT-:7.' FIHST ¡';~(¡A(;F.:\rJ<:N'J'.

Afler the lnndillg of (Jen.Lopez 'las annoullccllat Ha­nllla, thc grenlt':<t I'xeilclllt'lIt prcvailed,

nATTr.¡.:¡;; OI~ ('{lnA.

Tite Pi7.nl'ro, \:tllon with tro'11'8, llwler the eOll1manllof General 11~llna (wlw is I¡('xt in COIllIllallt1 tI) thc Uaptain Genl'I'ltl), 1111t1 with him the AIllllira.l, left, a.hout 8 A. M., fol' Bahia ] lonlIa, .nne tllOUS:lwl men h¡willg prcYiously heen scnt by tire nuhmy C:Il'S.

1t IllUst he bOl'ne in mil\ll, thllt s\ldl '\":La tho stato of eOllfll.~ion aTllI Itla.rlll into whid, tlw ~OVCmllll'\lt wm'e thl'OlI'n, that thcy lHul \10 (liMlilld. illca, 11M t,) whellll'r ]h.llia. Honda or }.faricl was tho poillt to which the li!>e!'atllrs IHI,1 como,e. ~'he follolVill~ \llIl\'lIill~ (¡mICral Enna' O:UllC

nI! with thc pirates, as 11,,'Y are tc'rllH'll \'y tho ~()Yerlll1ll'nt,

anll /:'llp;ht with thclll at Lns l',,>':aR, lt AIIJall town aoout thl'ce milcs fl'om tho COMt, ] Lc regl'cts thc loss uf HOllle of his mOl! anll otllcrA wlllllllll'll.

J11 thii! cn~:tgemcIJtI wllidl OCCIlITC,I AlIg. 1:J, tIlO Rpan­ínl'llR wcre cOOlmnl1llc,1 hy OCII. 1'~IIlIa ill person, ",ho had his IIlwsc sh<)t fJ'l1lll uncll'I' Ilim; Col. ltallalallll sc\'cn ofii-CCI'S IHI,lllbollt 7R men 'H're kil1CI1. .

~o lIIwlTill~ ltIllI Ilcaclly \Vas thl~ Jire 0[' tI,!' l,ra\'(1 liho­l'aÍtll'S tlHlt (lcn. 1~lIna \Ias tllI'ee times rel'II1~('cl with lo.~s.

At tllis !HIlIllCllt 1.111' Lient. G-P\,ol'lIor uf l\Ia.ricl, Col. Gucrrea, cmlle up, ",ith a1Jout til'O IlIIllllred lIIen \Il1H'C,

",llon tho Colonel 1'0eein'II a R1IlJt tllrllllgh his lcp;, anll Ilis l\le\I allch a check, that UI'n. EIIIIlL (aH he I'tatcA ill hil'l olli­cíal COllllllllllicatiOIl to tIlO ('al'taill (¡cneral, (late,l 3 o'dock on the 14th) Sil·W t1le IIHl'1esHIIl'HA (lf n ttl'llIpti IIg a nythi II¡:{

fllrthel' ll.¡;aillHt tlle piraleH ,,,ithlJllt 11101'0 :lrtillcry, as it woulll be llllly CXflllHill" hiH 1111'11 1.0 l'('rlaill dcat1l, witlllJllt ."" 1 ' ¡¡IIY bl'orable reslllt; ClJ1IHI"tlll'lItly 111' IIC'lllal1ll,,( further

I'l'i 11f<)J'celllclIIH, J\eeol'di".~ly, two M(';IIIII'r:'l, tl,1' 1111J,:lIll'rll :lllll,the AI­

"\I'IId"r".~, ldl. '.lml. da,\' wilh 1I111I'1'II'll"I'''' III 1!JI' 111111.1'1'1'('"

1'''lIl'teell 1lIllIllrell; 1-1" t1la.t., n<':ollrdillg; to tlll,il' OWIl aCl'olll"·, \\ itll tho,~e who hall hecn COIII~l'llll'atill~ fJ"lI111 tlle oth(w <1iH­IrietR, they hnl1 IIpNlIl'lls of H,OOO 1I1l'II i II('Jll"in~ 1';1 \'a II'Y, allll hall IIp lo that time takl'll ollly (hrcc captiyes, wh"m they inHtanlly put to Il('al1J. 'l'w,; nI' Ihe Jler"'"lll'! w('rc Rnillll'S Lwlc!ll"ill" to the f<11'llIIH'I' 1'a111 1'('1'<1, wllo, arter lall<l­ill~ ]'01'1.'>':, 1~1I¡''' /.;OIlC illto a 1a.\'('I'1l allll I!Ilt ((¡'lIuk; the nther 11001' !cll'Jlv W:tS filllllll ill a hut, IIllahle to move, fl'ol11 a fraetllre hc l'ccciH~tl whl'lI htwlill¡;,

Page 11: 11 01' T'If - Latin America · 2008-12-02 · mcrey, ami in pity wc left l.im at libert], taking fl'om him only his horsc, sWOl'll aUll pistols, amI ~HOOO bclonging to the funds of


r� DATTLi,S OF eliDA.12


HA '1''1'1,1':8 OF cunA.

BAT'I'I.E OF IUIIH nONO!, And Dreadful Massacre of Fifty-two Amedcan

Citizens at Havana ! ! ! JTamna 11llfl h('l'n tIlO 1\,I':dl'l' nt" 1\ ¡¡ecnc tlmt conl,\

11l~rdly bc cquallclI, in (lelllollial::L1 h:u'harily, by tilO wihh'sl savages of the 1'01'<.'st. Olle nnil't'I'sal IJllrst 01' iIlllig;nation arosc throughout tllig llnioll.

It :lppcal:s that. lhe Spani,.;\l "'al' ste:lmer Habanero fell in wil,h a party 01' A11 Il'l'i (:all >1 , 1I11lllhe)'ing; f)2, in fiml' hoats, off a pl:wü callell Baltia 11 olida, ·10 miles W'('st 01' Il:tl'llll:l.

Ou tile 1flth it WILS klll)WIl tllat tite lihcl':I.tol'S, ",hl) 1m.\ lJcclI jninclI ill llwg;e 11 11 IIllwl':'; hy tito pcnple 01' tite ellllllll'Y, lI;lIde ti. 11111\'0 ill lIle ,\in'elioll or Di"l-~o ,le Nlnle~

llllll ClIlmllas, w¡'" tlll' illl.·lIlioll 01' 1"1>lS('ssillg llwIiISI·!I'I';i 01' tlw 1'111'1, ato lho 1:11.11'1' 1'1:11:1', wllt~lI, Illlr"I'\.lIl1atl·ly, 1'101111' fOI"Y "1' til'ty ,,1"1111'111, Wllll had, in t.\II' 1II0>lt dal"ill~ 1110111111'1",

('IIIII'IlVOl"l'd to g.~t th(~I'o hy sl'a itl l'ulII' lalllwltell, witll tllC inklltion of tlLkillg tite ~plllliarllH ill lhe (;JI'1 by HIII·l'l'i.w, ",ere t\wln8e\I'Ci'l, ano!' a 1Il0Ht 41csI'cmto l'CHi~\alw.', cap­turc,1 hy lhe SplIllislt Admil':d, wlto, ",itlt Itis StC:lII1CI', allll an innncnse 1I111111'Cr of lIlen, succeellcd in taking lhcm, aftcl' 1\ fight of fom hours.

They werc brought to JI:lVlma by tite Habanero, on SatUl',lay mOl'lling, at 1 A. l\l., (Aug. líi,) anu plaeClI 011

board a Spanish fl'igatc lyinrr in thc harbor. They werc exccutcu at 11, 15 A. 1\1. of th~ samc morning. Tlley were shot on the publie road in IInvann. knccling with their backs to thc executioncrs. At the least calculatioll, thcl'e were present 20,000 spect:ltors. The fol1owing are tllC namcs of most of the victims :

Col. ,V. S. Clen'lellneTl; Cnpts. ]t'. S. 8e\V('r, Vid!)!' l(el'r. '1', B. Ycac.v: LiclltS.•James Hrnnllt, J, O, llryce, Thomus O. James; Doelol's John Fisher Ilnrl K. A, TOllrniqlU': 8el'g;l'ant8'J, .·Whitercws nntl A. M. Cotehett; A¡!:t. n, U. Stanf"rtl; Privntcs M. n, Ilomes, Samllel Milis, };,lwal',1 Rlllman, Geor)!:e A. Arnohl, TI. ,J. 'Vre¡r.v, 'Villiam Wisemnn. Anselmo Torres lIerman<lez, Patrick DiIlon, Thomas H('arser. Samuel Re('ll, H. 'J'. Vinne, M. Philips, James L. Manville, G. M. Green, J. Salmon, Nnpoleon CoHins, N. n. Fisher, Wm, Chilling, G. A. Cook. S. O. Jones, M. JI, BaH, .Jan1l'8 Buxet, Roo('rt Cnldwell, C. C, Wm. Smith, A. ROBil, P. Broul'kc John

Christ.lcs, 'Vm. TI. Littlc, Ro!>!'rt ('nnl1c'y, .fohn O. Lnllka, .Jas. Stnuton, 'I'holllas IIll1'nott, Alex. ~\c;lIccl', Juhu Stubbs, .James ElIis, 'V 111, LLogan, Vh:u'lcs A, Hohillsou.

Artcr thcy wcrc shot tltey werc .Im~gea by thc feet by l1e;,(I'OI':'I 1111I1 thell Icft to tllc 11I01>, ",110 eOIlIlIl(lIlC(~a lltripping tlll'lII 01' lllCil' c1othc8 al\ll eal'\'yillg lltelll 011 gtit\kil tlll'ongh the 8t.rcctH, yc11ing 1ike so 1I1l111,Y (lmllons. Many of the Cltcrokce's passengcl'l'I, Wh'l \\'I'I'e 011 tlw llpot oi' cxecutioll, were point<'tl ut with a ,..¡;('cr of cOlltcmpt, anll lIIUllY BtopIICII in tho streets :I!:: iIlSII1tCI1, telling them they wenl olle arul aH 01' tIte ;<'"110 pal'ty--t.lmt thcy were Anl('l'icans, amI tlll\t cre lon~ tllOY wo;)I.1 ho ill tIlO salllo Ilitnlltioll. At night it was •lallgcrolls fur an AllIerica.ll to hc il1 tltc strccta 1I1one,

'I'hc AIIWI·ic:a1l OollHIII \1'118 ca11(!.1 upon tbroe 1Iour8 hef,l\'(! lito eXI'\!utiflll, lt",II'(·.IIII':'III'.1 to lt8k 01' tIlO Capt.:Lin­OClwl'a1 !tll ol'llcl" to vi:'lit. t.lw pri';011l'1'8, tlmt lw IIli~lIt

kllow wlmt t.fI .~olnmn\lieat l' In 111t·jl' I'l'il'lldH a 11I I lo ",'/I/I//t

--lmt hc dcclinetl lhis a.',t. of' ltnlllllHity 11\,011 \110 pll':L t1tat it was 1I0t hit! tlitty. He, llOwevcl', con:'lelltcll to 'Hito l\ note, which of COUl'SC was mmttcf\lled tu, whcn hia pcr8f1l1ul Ilelnand WOlllt I have heell l'eHpecte.lo

'Whcn the news of this h:II'bu\'l)Us lIIassacre rcacll<'ll tllia country, rncetings werc c:LHell ill uUI' cit.ies antllargc tOWIIS, 0.1111 tite grOl~tcst in,lign:üion lIIallifestell at the c\'UcJty of t1lc Sp:uíiartls, Ulllltl tlle he:II·l\c8Ilness uf' thc Amcrican consul at Havana, 'rhc t'celing was so vio1ent at N cw­Ch'lcans, tltat whcn thc rcnmins of Col. Crittcntlcn untl Capt, Kcrr werc brollght to th:~t city,:\ moh \Vas miacd, who attlLcketl thc ofticc of thc Sp:lllish papel' La ¡latria, bl'okc in tite wintlows :-\nll .loor8, nud thrcw the prcases, casc8, types, I.nd flll'lliturc into thc strceta j in fa.ct, they tlestroyed everything bclollgillg to the office.

After demohahing thc UlIion office, the rioters¡rocetleu to thc cigar st01'e on tite comer of St. Charles an Gruvicr streets, brokc in thc uoors anu windows, amI ucstroycu aH thc stock amI fixtures, which ",erc vcry vllluablc. At 7 0'c10ck thc rioters wcnt to thc officc of thc Spanislt Consul, amI tlcstroyell desks, furllitllr<', 3ntl pl'operty of aH kimls. They also brokc clown the sign, which thcy carricd in triuUlph to a meeting lte1l1 in La Faycttc S((uare.

Page 12: 11 01' T'If - Latin America · 2008-12-02 · mcrey, ami in pity wc left l.im at libert], taking fl'om him only his horsc, sWOl'll aUll pistols, amI ~HOOO bclonging to the funds of

14 BAT'I'LE::l UI!' CUilA. nA'1"I'LI:S Ojo' el! nA. 15 Anothcr dispatch, datcd 22,1, aays a mob of 2000 men

8urroumlcd thc city prison this morning, wllCrc thc Spanish COl\8ul had takcn rcfuge, nu,l thre:ttened to uemolish it U11l('~A ho wns ddivcred np to thclII.

Miuute guns wcre fired 1'rol1l sunrise until night in honor of tbe murtlereu liberators. 'rhree or four Spanish coffee houses 'lere also dcstroycd. The milital'Y wcre callel! out.

It is aail1 tite Slmnish Consul received several lettors frolll murdercll Amcricana, writteu previous to thcir exe­cutiOIl, but rcfusell to dclivcr thcll1 up to a Committec ,,110 calle\1 on him. Subsequently, however, he was forced to surrcnder them,

!'l"rAtll OF TUE SP!NI8U S'l'E1MER II!B!NEllO, On the American Steamer Faleon. Insult to our Flag!

The fol!owing llccount is giycn by a passenger on Loard the Faleon:

On tllc 1lith 'inst., as thc U. S. Mail Ste:tmcl' ]~alcon

was procec<ling on ller \'o)':I.::;c fl'om Chl\¡;re8 to Havann, when off that part of thc coast of Cuba known as the llnhi¡t HOlllla, at 10 A. 1\1., we saw tlle slllOke of lt steameJ' closc in ¡¡hore, and shortly after she llo,"e in sigllt.

,VC, howcvcl', hcl<l our conrse, and running only at OUl'

usual apeell, 800n left her eig1lt or ten miles asteru, not­withstalHling she seelJletl to Le doing !ler best. We at first took her fol' the Pi;r.nrl"o, but afterwards 1earnetl tlmt she was the Isabella Catholica, formerl.l an English steam frigatc-thc Calc,lonia. Aftcr she hall been in chaRe of us 1'or ahollt an Itour, we aaw the smokc of another Htenmel' on our staruoltl'll uow, clnl'lC in shore, Imll clown. SilO 800n, howevcr, flho\Ved hCl"self, steering; AO It8 to heall us off, in whieh, lJeing lt fn8t ¡roer, slte sueceode.l. S\w fire.l 1\1'0

guns slloUc.l, tu I'Ic:l\l':trll tu bring Uf! to, as 80011 as Alte waS

within 11 bout fotll' miles; hllt we took no notiee of her ulltil slre run Ilown close aboaru of us alld flreu a thirl1 Ilhot nel'OSS our Lows. After the thiru 8hot, the enginc was run slow, when she hove to, amI haileu liS to "stop her," which waS then done.

As SOOI1 as they Saw tllat W0 Im,l stoppell, the officers of thc Spanish 8tc:tmCI', tite lIalJ:lucro, touk off their capa Bnll wave,1 thcm r01l1\l1 tlleir headl'l with a· hurra! 'l'hi:"! was :t ,lccillell insnlt. A1I ollieet' llwn u,,:u'.le.1 \lS :tlltlllo­munr/e.l what sllip wc w(~re, where Loul\(l, uIIII if we had :IUY Spallish JlaS8ell~eI'S, &0. lIe Was a1lswere,l, allll Le said Ile IIIUSt ~o ou hoar.l his "csse! aIHl repOl"t. He I"st no time in doiug Sil, allll thcll motionefl U8 to go ahcIll1.

SECOlD GRE!'r Uj\TTLE OF GEN. LOPEZ. GClleral Enna, aftel' olJtaiuiug brge rcinfol'cemcllts,

nmrehed to the iicId of aclion, aJlll 1'¡IIt1e I1Jl 'Ijth tIlO ]'a­tri'Jt~ Angllst 17th. A t('I'l'ihle 11<¡( t le was fnll~lIt. 'I'hl' Spalliarlls wcre detl'l'lIlinell tI) IIt·in- lile rel'el8 fl'om their pusiti'JIl j l!lIt the la.ttcl"llIailltaiIlCl/llu-il' 1;1'01111I\ alu\ fjJIIght 1ike tigCI'i-\, allll tinally rontml t.\re lóIlCIII'y. J11 tlli~ all.l 1he Pl'OViOUH eu~agOlnellt, llllJ HI':tnia.I·,J1i ("lit allol1t ~O of1icer~

:lH,1 i.:OU pl'ivatcs, cithcl' kille,\ 01' '1·ollllflcl!. AllIoug thc l{i\lell was Gen. Enna Ilimsolf, whose relll:~iu8 were taken to If:WlUIl1 antl buriel! Oll the 20th, ",itI) great pompo

tLOS.J O}' Tm~ tUnAN IU;VOI,U'f'IO,\, And Execution of Gen. Lopez at Ravana

After stl'ug~lill~ with allll08t everydis¡ulvautagc, till tlll' latter pal·t 01' AUglliit, Ocnl'mIL'JI'ez saw with dismay that hiH eall.~e was lio"lll·ra.ll'. Tite ",hole }lOWCl' of the S}lani~11

r.1l'I~l's in tho islalHl was hrou,~ht to heal' ngniJlst Ili.~ fj·w IH'rllie ".lventurers. ~'11C Cnhan!ol who "'l'I'(~ i:a.vol'ahle 111 libcl'ty, .ti,l not dare to cnlilit, to any grl'at extl'lIt, 1JI1l1t'!'

tite bauller of tire l)atriots, al)'\ e8J1ccially arte)' tlle harha.­rlJIIS Hlaughtcr uf 52 AllIcl'ieallH citi~wlIs nt HaYana, Au­gl1st lGth j 111H1 tlrosc \Vilo hiul ellli~t,~d llt'illg olforo,1 J):Ir­don hy tlle g,wernlllent if tlwy wOllltl lea I'C t.lle rchcl!ol, be­gan rapil\ly to descrt, uutil tinally Gen. Lopez was 10ft en­tirc1y aloll\).

Page 13: 11 01' T'If - Latin America · 2008-12-02 · mcrey, ami in pity wc left l.im at libert], taking fl'om him only his horsc, sWOl'll aUll pistols, amI ~HOOO bclonging to the funds of

16 8.\TTLES OF CrB.\.

Thos who witnessed his execution, state that heended his life manfullv.

The failure of the expedition is attributed to the separa­tion of Col. Crittenclen's cOIDmand from that of Gen. Lopez.

Just previou~ to his capture he 11:1,1 but thirty relll:lining followers, and they finany deserted him in a wounded con­dition, so that he had not one remaining friendo

He wandered alone for sorne time, tlnJ was finany run llown by bloodhounds. His last llorus \Yere-" Adieu, tlear Cuba!"

The Spanish accounts state that ofthe whole number of Patriots landed by the Pampero and fron1 othel~ quarters, 5.56 had already been killed, and 436 were in prison.

Previous to the death of Lopez, he declared that he hall been greatly JeceiveL1 in regard to promised aid in Cuba.

Re was captured anJ taken to San Christoval on the 29th, ami brought tu the cityof Ravana, on the 31st, where he was publicly garroted Sept. 1st., at 7 A. :\1.

A few minutes before j', Lopez Ivas brou:;ht forward, :md ascended the platform (aboutl5 feet higo\¡), on whieh was tbe chair for the es­ecution. He turned, and faein:; !he multitude assembled, addre"""ti. them witb a short speeeh; the concIusion of which (and his I¡l~t

words) was, "1 die for my beloved country." He tnen took hj~ seat, the maehine was adjusted, and at one turn of the scr.:\..... his head dropped forward. He evinced not the slightest tremblin:; 01' fear; his step was proud and firm, :Illd his voiee cIear and distinct.

A few bisses and groans were heard from the crowd after tbe ex­ecution; s:J.ve that, everythin:; \Vas orderly and quieto

The unfortunate partr were literally starved out. Severa!' it i~ said, died for want of food. Gen. Lopez himsclf, when taken, WllS

alone, and had caten his horsc through hunger. The insurgents 'lT'ere still maintaining t11emselves in the

mountains near Puerto Principe. The punishment of the garrote is descri.bed as placing

the victim in an easy chair, damping his limbs, placing a band around the neck, and graJually pressing a screw until the neck is broken.

Thus solemnly and awfully has cnded, for the presento the attcmpt of the Cubans to achieve thelr independence. But the Spaniards, by theír barbarou;; and unheard-of cruelties, wíll not gain many fricnds. We confidently a\"er, tbat tbe time is not far distant when thc down trotlden, oppre~sed. and enraged populace will rise in tbeir might, and scatter, like chaff before the tempest, thc minions of t~-ranny in that beautiful Island ! ­
