Tuesday, July 31, 2012 7:15 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. e Westin Charlotte 601 South College Street • Charlotte, NC • 28202 Sponsored by Carolinas HealthCare System Diversity & Inclusion Excellence In Healthcare For A Diverse Community e Competitive Edge: Carolinas HealthCare System 10 th Annual Diversity Symposium

10th Annual The Competitive Edge - Atrium Health · 2017-07-20 · After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn

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Page 1: 10th Annual The Competitive Edge - Atrium Health · 2017-07-20 · After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn

Tuesday, July 31, 20127:15 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.The Westin Charlotte

601 South College Street • Charlotte, NC • 28202

Sponsored by Carolinas HealthCare System Diversity & Inclusion

Excellence In Healthcare For A Diverse Community

The Competitive Edge:Carolinas HealthCare System 10th Annual Diversity Symposium

Page 2: 10th Annual The Competitive Edge - Atrium Health · 2017-07-20 · After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn



At Carolinas HealthCare system (CHs), we take great pride in the diversity of our workforce. CHs promotes an environment where differences are welcome. We take pride in having an organizational culture in which all employees are recognized as valuable, contributing members of the team, and in which all patients, family members, and guests are treated with respect. We are pleased to continue a long-standing journey to enhance our commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the entire enterprise.

Michael C. Tarwater, FACHe, CeO

Learning Objectives for the symposium include:

* Improved leadership and employee effectiveness

* Improved knowledge of how to deliver more culturally appropriate patient care and customer interactions

* Learning how diversity and inclusion improves team effectiveness and supports organizational business strategy and goals

* Identification of best practices and solutions to issues of diversity and inclusion


moRning plenaRy speakeR: Laura Liswood, BA, MBA, JDThe Loudest Duck: Moving Beyond Diversity

Laura Liswood explores workplace diversity and presents new thinking for going beyond the conventional approaches to

diversity to create truly effective workplaces for all.

Laura Liswood, JD, is senior advisor at Goldman Sachs and Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders,

which is composed of women heads of state and government. Ms. Liswood holds an MBA from Harvard Business School,

a BA from California State University, San Diego, and a JD from the University of California, Davis School of Law.

luncheon keynote speakeR: Bertice Berry, PhDWhen You Walk with Purpose, You Collide with Destiny

This inspirational presentation will explore, entertain, inspire, and educate.

After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn her PhD in

sociology, then taught sociology and statistics at Kent State University, becoming one of the most sought-after and popular

professors. By combining her skills as a sociologist and researcher with comedy, she created a unique niche, and is able

to discuss important subjects in a humorous and heartfelt manner. Berry was the host and co-executive producer of her

own nationally syndicated talk show, “The Bertice Berry Show.” She is also the best-selling author of an inspirational

memoir, “I’m on my Way, but Your Foot is On My Head.”

closing plenaRy speakeR: Grace OdumsDiversity & Inclusion “IS” Leadership & Strategy

This powerful session focuses on fine-tuning your diversity and inclusion strategy. Grace reviews the top five reasons

strategy execution fails and the 10 approaches to avoid failure.

Grace Odums is a much sought after international conference speaker and independent strategy consultant. She is an

expert in custom designing diversity strategies for organizations and institutions. She serves as a board member of the

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Join us for the 10th Annual CHS Diversity & Inclusion Symposium The Competitive Edge: Excellence in Healthcare for a Diverse Community

We look forward to seeing you on July 31, 2012

Page 3: 10th Annual The Competitive Edge - Atrium Health · 2017-07-20 · After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn

Christine French, BA, MBAthe fOur elements Of success

This interactive session introduces the different elements impacting jobs, marriages, and relationships. Participants will better understand what motivates them and others at work and home, as well as how to strengthen communication and team development skills.

Christine French is an author, speaker, workshop designer, and facilitator of leadership and multicultural topics to help organizations be successful in this constantly changing world. She founded

Global Diversity Consulting, a woman-owned company with more than 20 years of experience in global business. Blending the ancient wisdom of the East, and the practical leadership experiences of the West, her mission is to validate, educate, and motivate all people with whom she interacts. In this role, Christine helps organizations work effectively together to achieve their business goals.

Deborah J. Walker, PhDBuildinG team is nOt a neutral act: understandinG the imPact Of micrO-aGGressiOns

This workshop will explore micro-assaults, insults, invalidations, and forms of micro-aggression –often unintentional – that have negative impacts on relationships and building team. The first step to working across our cultural differences is acknowledging the “learned” biases, prejudices, stereotypes, and assumptions we bring to our interactions with one another. The second step is to understand the impact of our behaviors. Using this framework, participants can enhance their cross-cultural relationship-building skills, gain a tool for cultural problem solving, and help to eliminate micro-aggressions within their work environment.

Deborah J. Walker, PhD, Principal, Deborah J. Walker Consulting, LLC/Senior Multicultural Consultant, VISIONS, Inc. has extensive organizational development experience providing diversity, equity and inclusion consultation, and education to a wide

range of individuals, organizations and communities.

David A. Jones, MBAa.W.a.r.e. (aBility and WillinGness tO accePt realities By examinatiOn)

In this presentation, participants are provided subject matter and tangible materials to enable them to better provide leadership in their business lives, as well as personal lives, in regards to diversity awareness. Understanding ourselves is the key to being able to accept the views of others.

David A. Jones, President and Founder, Captive Coaching and Consulting, LLC. Utilizing his experience and successes in sales and marketing, finance, and performance development coaching, he

formed Captive Coaching and Consulting, LLC.


Page 4: 10th Annual The Competitive Edge - Atrium Health · 2017-07-20 · After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn

last name first name mi

name fOr name tag last 4 Digits Of ss#

Degree/CertifiCatiOn/liCense title

mailing aDDress City/state Zip

emplOyer anD Department emplOyer aDDress City/state Zip

❏WOrk Or ❏HOme

e-mail aDDress pHOne COntaCt #

genDer: ❏female ❏male

DemOgrapHiC infOrmatiOn raCe/etHniCity

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEESCHS Registration ❏ $175.00Non-CHS Registration ❏$200.00Full-Time Student (attach copy of student ID) ❏$100.00Luncheon Keynote Only ❏$100.00Total Registration Fees $

PAYMENT METHODS❏Payment Enclosed/Check Number:

❏Payment by Credit Card: ❏Visa ❏MasterCard ❏Discover ❏American Express

Credit Card Number: Expires:

Name as it Appears on Card:

Cardholder’s Signature:

❏CHS Employees (Interdepartmental Transfer of Funds):

Facility and Department Name: BU and Dept. Number:

Please select one topic from the breakout session below:

BReakout session

❏ 1. Christine French, BA, MBA

❏2. Deborah J. Walker, PhD

❏3. David A. Jones, MBA

Please complete the registration form and return it using one of the

following methods:

By mail:

Diversity & inclusion/CHS Human resources, aPC

P.o. Box 32861

Charlotte, nC 28232-2861

By Fax: 704-631-0159

For registration questions, call 704-631-0153 One Registrant per form, please photocopy as needed

REGISTRATION FORM Please print legibly

Page 5: 10th Annual The Competitive Edge - Atrium Health · 2017-07-20 · After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn

7:15 – 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration

7:45 a.m. Doors Open

8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Welcome and opening RemaRks

– Mr. Michael C. Tarwater, FACHE, CEO Carolinas HealthCare System

– Debra Plousha Moore, SVP & Chief Human Resources Officer Carolinas HealthCare System

– Presentation of the 2012 CHS Excellence in Diversity Award

9:00 – 10:30 a.m. moRning plenaRy

The Loudest Duck: Moving Beyond Diversity – Laura Liswood, BA, MBA, JD

10:30 – 10:45 a.m. Break

10:45 – 11:45 a.m. BReakout sessions

1. Four Elements of Success – Christine French, BA, MBA

2. Building Team is Not a Neutral Act: Understanding the Impact of Micro-Aggressions – Deborah J. Walker, PhD

3. A.W.A.R.E. (Ability and Willingness to Accept Realities by Examination) – David A. Jones, MBA

12:00 – 1:30 p.m. luncheon/keynote addRess

When You Walk with Purpose, You Collide with Destiny – Bertice Berry, PhD

1:30 – 1:45 p.m. Break

1:45 – 2:45 p.m. closing plenaRy

Diversity & Inclusion “IS” Leadership & Strategy – Grace Odums

2:45 p.m. closing RemaRks


CHS has been a pioneer in Charlotte in fostering commitment to diversity and inclusion. An example of this is this Annual Diversity Symposium, which has been an organizational investment for the last 10 years and the involvement of CHS in the communities that we serve through volunteerism, advocacy, and outstanding charitable giving.

G. Patrick Griffin

Vice President

Patient financial serVices

—Central Business OffiCe

CarOlinas HealtHCare system


Page 6: 10th Annual The Competitive Edge - Atrium Health · 2017-07-20 · After being told by a high school teacher that she “wasn’t college material,” Bertice Berry went on to earn

> Carolinas Medical Center – Department of Nursing is an Approved Provider of continuing nursing education by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This program is approved for 4.5 nursing contact hours.

> Carolinas HealthCare System – Organizational Development has been approved as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), Carolinas HealthCare System is authorized to offer .5 CEUs for this program.

> HRCI – This program, ORG-PROGRAM-118706, has been approved for 6.25 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI). The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.

CanCellation PoliCy:

Participants that cancel in writing up to 48 hours prior to the conference date will receive a 70 percent refund. No refunds will be given for individuals who cancel less than 48 hours prior to the event. Substitutes are welcome.

Carolinas HealthCare System is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.

CE CREDITCarolinas HealthCare SystemCarolinas HealthCare System

P.O. Box 32861

charlotte, nc 28232


PAID Charlotte, NCPERMIT #000