Frequent Substructure-Based Approaches for Classifying Chemical Compounds Mukund Deshpande, Michihiro Kuramochi, Nikil Wale, and George Karypis, Senior Member, IEEE Computer Society Abstract—Computational techniques that build models to correctly assign chemical compounds to various classes of interest have many applications in pharmaceutical research and are used extensively at various phases during the drug development process. These techniques are used to solve a number of classification problems such as predicting whether or not a chemical compound has the desired biological activity, is toxic or nontoxic, and filtering out drug-like compounds from large compound libraries. This paper presents a substructure-based classification algorithm that decouples the substructure discovery process from the classification model construction and uses frequent subgraph discovery algorithms to find all topological and geometric substructures present in the data set. The advantage of this approach is that during classification model construction, all relevant substructures are available allowing the classifier to intelligently select the most discriminating ones. The computational scalability is ensured by the use of highly efficient frequent subgraph discovery algorithms coupled with aggressive feature selection. Experimental evaluation on eight different classification problems shows that our approach is computationally scalable and, on average, outperforms existing schemes by 7 percent to 35 percent. Index Terms—Classification, chemical compounds, virtual screening, graphs, SVM. æ 1 INTRODUCTION D ISCOVERING new drugs is an expensive and challenging process. Any new drug should not only produce the desired response to the disease, but should do so with minimal side effects and be superior to existing drugs. One of the key steps in the drug design process is the identification of the chemical compounds (hit compounds) that display the desired and reproducible behavior against the specific biomolecular target [53] and represents a significant hurdle in the early stages of drug discovery. The 1990s saw the widespread adoption of high-throughput screening (HTS) and ultra HTS [13], [35], which use highly automated techniques to conduct the biological assays and can be used to screen a large number of compounds. Although the number of compounds that can be evaluated by these methods is very large, these numbers are small in comparison to the millions of drug-like compounds that exist or can be synthesized by combinatorial chemistry methods. Moreover, in most cases, it is hard to find all desirable properties in a single compound and medicinal chemists are interested in not just identifying the hits, but studying what part of the chemical compound leads to the desirable behavior, so that new compounds can be rationally synthesized (lead development). Computational techniques that build models to correctly assign chemical compounds to various classes of interest can address these limitations, have many applications in pharmaceutical research, and are used extensively to replace or supplement HTS-based approaches. These techniques are designed to computationally search large compound databases to select a limited number of candidate molecules for testing in order to identify novel chemical entities that have the desired biological activity. The combination of HTS with these virtual screening methods allows a move away from purely random-based testing, toward more meaningful and directed iterative rapid-feedback searches of subsets and focused libraries. However, the challenge in developing practical virtual screening methods is to develop chemical compound classification algorithms that can be applied fast enough to rapidly evaluate potentially millions of compounds while achieving sufficient accuracy to successfully identify a subset of compounds that is significantly enriched in hits. In recent years, two classes of techniques have been developed for solving the chemical compound classification problem. The first class, corresponding to the traditional quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) ap- proaches [8], [36], [37], [80], contains methods that represent the chemical compounds using various descriptors (e.g., physicochemical properties, topological and/or geometric indices, fingerprints, etc.) and then apply various statistical or machine learning approaches to learn the classification models. The second class operates directly on the structure of the chemical compound and try to automatically identify a small number of chemical substructures that can be used to discriminate between the different classes [19], [24], [40], [50], [82]. A number of comparative studies [44], [77] have shown that techniques based on the automatic discovery of chemical substructures are superior to those based on QSAR and require limited user intervention and domain knowledge. However, despite their success, a key limitation of these techniques is that they rely on heuristic search methods to discover these substructures. Even though such approaches reduce the inherently high computational complexity associated with these schemes, they may lead to suboptimal classifiers in cases in which the heuristic 1036 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 17, NO. 8, AUGUST 2005 . The authors are with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Minnesota, 4-192 EE/CS Building, 200 Union St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. E-mail: {deshpand, kuram, nwale, karypis}@cs.umn.edu. Manuscript received 23 July 2004; revised 27 Oct. 2004; accepted 10 Feb 2005; published online 17 June 2005. For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: [email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TKDESI-0271-0704. 1041-4347/05/$20.00 ß 2005 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

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Frequent Substructure-Based Approaches forClassifying Chemical Compounds

Mukund Deshpande, Michihiro Kuramochi, Nikil Wale, and

George Karypis, Senior Member, IEEE Computer Society

Abstract—Computational techniques that build models to correctly assign chemical compounds to various classes of interest have

many applications in pharmaceutical research and are used extensively at various phases during the drug development process.

These techniques are used to solve a number of classification problems such as predicting whether or not a chemical compound has

the desired biological activity, is toxic or nontoxic, and filtering out drug-like compounds from large compound libraries. This paper

presents a substructure-based classification algorithm that decouples the substructure discovery process from the classification model

construction and uses frequent subgraph discovery algorithms to find all topological and geometric substructures present in the data

set. The advantage of this approach is that during classification model construction, all relevant substructures are available allowing

the classifier to intelligently select the most discriminating ones. The computational scalability is ensured by the use of highly efficient

frequent subgraph discovery algorithms coupled with aggressive feature selection. Experimental evaluation on eight different

classification problems shows that our approach is computationally scalable and, on average, outperforms existing schemes by

7 percent to 35 percent.

Index Terms—Classification, chemical compounds, virtual screening, graphs, SVM.


DISCOVERING new drugs is an expensive and challengingprocess. Any new drug should not only produce the

desired response to the disease, but should do so withminimal side effects and be superior to existing drugs. Oneof the key steps in the drug design process is theidentification of the chemical compounds (hit compounds)that display the desired and reproducible behavior againstthe specific biomolecular target [53] and represents asignificant hurdle in the early stages of drug discovery.The 1990s saw the widespread adoption of high-throughputscreening (HTS) and ultra HTS [13], [35], which use highlyautomated techniques to conduct the biological assays andcan be used to screen a large number of compounds.Although the number of compounds that can be evaluatedby these methods is very large, these numbers are small incomparison to the millions of drug-like compounds thatexist or can be synthesized by combinatorial chemistrymethods. Moreover, in most cases, it is hard to find alldesirable properties in a single compound and medicinalchemists are interested in not just identifying the hits, butstudying what part of the chemical compound leads to thedesirable behavior, so that new compounds can berationally synthesized (lead development).

Computational techniques that build models to correctlyassign chemical compounds to various classes of interestcan address these limitations, have many applications inpharmaceutical research, and are used extensively toreplace or supplement HTS-based approaches. These

techniques are designed to computationally search largecompound databases to select a limited number ofcandidate molecules for testing in order to identify novelchemical entities that have the desired biological activity.The combination of HTS with these virtual screeningmethods allows a move away from purely random-basedtesting, toward more meaningful and directed iterativerapid-feedback searches of subsets and focused libraries.However, the challenge in developing practical virtualscreening methods is to develop chemical compoundclassification algorithms that can be applied fast enoughto rapidly evaluate potentially millions of compounds whileachieving sufficient accuracy to successfully identify asubset of compounds that is significantly enriched in hits.

In recent years, two classes of techniques have beendeveloped for solving the chemical compound classificationproblem. The first class, corresponding to the traditionalquantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) ap-proaches [8], [36], [37], [80], contains methods that representthe chemical compounds using various descriptors (e.g.,physicochemical properties, topological and/or geometricindices, fingerprints, etc.) and then apply various statisticalor machine learning approaches to learn the classificationmodels. The second class operates directly on the structureof the chemical compound and try to automatically identifya small number of chemical substructures that can be usedto discriminate between the different classes [19], [24], [40],[50], [82]. A number of comparative studies [44], [77] haveshown that techniques based on the automatic discovery ofchemical substructures are superior to those based onQSAR and require limited user intervention and domainknowledge. However, despite their success, a key limitationof these techniques is that they rely on heuristic searchmethods to discover these substructures. Even though suchapproaches reduce the inherently high computationalcomplexity associated with these schemes, they may leadto suboptimal classifiers in cases in which the heuristic


. The authors are with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering,University of Minnesota, 4-192 EE/CS Building, 200 Union St. SE,Minneapolis, MN 55455.E-mail: {deshpand, kuram, nwale, karypis}@cs.umn.edu.

Manuscript received 23 July 2004; revised 27 Oct. 2004; accepted 10 Feb2005; published online 17 June 2005.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TKDESI-0271-0704.

1041-4347/05/$20.00 � 2005 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

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search failed to uncover substructures that are critical forthe classification task.

In this paper, we present a substructure-based classifierthat overcomes the limitations associated with existingalgorithms. One of the key ideas of this approach is todecouple the substructure discovery process from theclassification model construction step and use frequentsubgraph discovery algorithms to find all chemical sub-structures that occur a sufficiently large number of times.Once the complete set of these substructures has beenidentified, the algorithm then proceeds to build a classifica-tion model based on them. The advantage of such anapproach is that during classification model construction,all relevant substructures are available allowing theclassifier to intelligently select the most discriminatingones. To ensure that such an approach is computationallyscalable, we use recently developed [47], [50] highlyefficient frequent subgraph discovery algorithms coupledwith aggressive feature selection to reduce both the amountof time required to build as well as to apply theclassification model. In addition, we present a substructurediscovery algorithm that finds a set of substructures whosegeometry is conserved, further improving the classificationperformance of the algorithm.

We experimentally evaluated the performance of thesealgorithms on eight different problems derived from threepublicly available data sets and compared their perfor-mance against that of traditional QSAR and fingerprint-based classifiers and existing substructure classifiers basedon SUBDUE [20] and SubdueCL [32]. Our results show thatthese algorithms, on the average, outperform QSAR andfingerprint-based schemes by 7 percent to 35 percent andSUBDUE-based schemes by 10 percent. Portions of theseresults were first published in a short paper that appears inthe International Conference on Data Mining 2003 [26].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2provides some background information related to chemicalcompounds, their activity, and their representation. Section 3providesasurveyon the relatedresearch in this area. Section4provides the details of the chemical compound classificationapproach. Section 5experimentally evaluates its performanceand compares it against other approaches. Finally, Section 6provides outlines directions of future research and providessome concluding remarks.


The activity of a compound largely depends on its chemicalstructure and the arrangement of different atoms in3D space. As a result, effective classification algorithmsmust be able to directly take into account the structuralnature of these data sets. In this paper, we represent eachcompound by its corresponding chemical graph [43]. Thevertices of these graphs correspond to the various atoms(e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.), and the edgescorrespond to the bonds between the atoms (e.g., single,double, etc.). Each of the vertices and edges has a labelassociated with it. The labels on the vertices correspond tothe type of atoms and the labels on the edges correspond tothe type of bonds. We will refer to this representation as thetopological graph representation of a chemical compound.

To capture the 3D structural information of a chemicalcompound, each vertex of the graph has a 3D-coordinateindicating the position of the corresponding atom in3D space. However, there are two key issues that need to

be considered when working with the compound’s3D structure. First, the number of experimentally deter-mined molecular geometries is limited (about 270,000 X-raystructures in the Cambridge Crystallographic Databasecompared to 15 millions known compounds). As a result,the 3D geometry of a compound needs to be computation-ally determined, which may introduce a certain amount oferror. To address this problem, we use the Corina [31]software package to compute the 3D coordinates for all thechemical compounds in our data sets. Corina is a rule anddata-based system that has been experimentally shown topredict the 3D structure of compounds with high accuracy.Second, each compound can have multiple low-energyconformations (i.e., multiple 3D structures) that need to betaken into account in order to achieve the highest possibleclassification performance. In this study, we do not take intoaccount these multiple conformations but, instead, use thesingle low-energy conformation that is returned by Corina’sdefault settings. However, as discussed in Section 4.1.2, thepresented approach for extracting geometric substructurescan be easily extended to cases in which multiple con-formations are considered as well. Nevertheless, despitethis simplification, as our experiments in Section 5 willshow, incorporating 3D structure information leads tomeasurable improvements in the overall classificationperformance. We will refer to this representation as thegeometric graph representation of a chemical compound.

Finally, for both topological and geometric graphs, weapply two commonly used structure normalization trans-formations [53]. First, we label all bonds in aromatic rings asaromatic (i.e., a different edge-label), and second, we removethe hydrogen atoms that are connected to carbon atoms (i.e.,hydrogen-suppressed chemical graphs).


Many approaches have been developed for building classi-fication models for chemical compounds. These approachescan be grouped into two broad categories. The first containsmethods that represent the chemical compounds usingvarious descriptors and then apply various statistical ormachine learning approaches to learn the classificationmodels. The second category contains methods that auto-matically analyze the structure of the chemical compoundsinvolved in the problem to identify a set of substructure-based rules,whichare thenused for classification.Asurveyofsome of the key methods in both categories and a discussionon their relative advantages anddisadvantages isprovided inthe remaining of this section.

3.1 Approaches Based on Descriptors

A number of different types of descriptors have beendeveloped that are based on frequency, physicochemicalproperty, topological, and geometric descriptors [8], [80]. Ingeneral, the quality of the representation derived from thesedescriptors tends to improve as we move from frequency, toproperty, to topology, to geometry-based descriptors.Specifically, a number of studies have shown that topolo-gical and geometric descriptors are often superior to thosebased on simple physicochemical properties, and geometricdescriptors tend to outperform their topological counter-parts [7], [12], [75]. However, the relative advantage of oneclass of descriptors over another is not universal. Forexample, the study in [15] showed that in the context of


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ligand-receptor binding, topological descriptors outperformtheir geometric counterparts.

The types of properties that are captured/measured bythese descriptors are identified a priori in a data setindependent fashion and rely on extensive domain knowl-edge. Frequency descriptors are counts that measure basiccharacteristics of the compounds and include the number ofindividual atoms, bonds, degrees of connectivity, rings, etc.Physicochemical descriptors correspond to various molecu-lar properties that can be computed directly from thecompounds structure. This includes properties such asmolecular weight, number of aromatic bonds, molecularconnectivity index, logP , total energy, dipole moment,solvent accessible surface area, molar refractivity, ionizationpotential, atomic electron densities, van der Waals volume,etc. [7], [14], [58]. Topological descriptors are used tomeasurevarious aspects of the compounds two-dimensional struc-ture, i.e., the connectivity pattern of the compound’s atoms,and include a wide-range of descriptors that are based ontopological indices and2D fragments. Topological indices aresimilar to physicochemical properties in the sense that theycharacterize some aspect of molecular data by a single value.These indices encode information about the shape, size,bonding, and branching pattern [9], [34]. 2D fragmentdescriptors correspond to certain chemical substructuresthat are present in the chemical compound. This includesvarious atom-centered, bond-centered, ring-centered frag-ments [3], fragments based on atom-pairs [17], topologicaltorsions [66], and fragments that are derived by performing arule-based compound segmentation [10], [11], [54]. Geo-metric descriptors measure various aspects of the com-pounds 3D structure that has been either experimentally orcomputationally determined. These descriptors are usuallybased on pharmacophores [14]. Pharmacophores are basedon the types of interaction observed tobe important in ligand-protein binding interactions. Pharmacophore descriptorsconsist of three or four points separated by well-defineddistance ranges and are derived by considering all combina-tions of three or four atoms over all conformations of a givenmolecule [6], [22], [33], [68], [75]. Note that information aboutthe 2D fragments and the pharmacophores present in acompound are usually stored in the form of a fingerprint,which is fixed-length string of bits each representing thepresence or absence of a particular descriptor.

The actual classification model is learned by transform-ing each chemical compound into a vector of numerical orbinary values whose dimensions correspond to the variousdescriptors that are used. Within this representation, anyclassification technique capable of handling numerical orbinary features can be used for the classification task. Earlyresearch on building these classification models focusedprimarily on regression-based techniques [14]. This workwas pioneered by Hansch et al. [36], [37], which demon-strated that the biological activity of a chemical compoundis a function of its physicochemical properties. This led tothe development of the quantitative structure-activityrelationship (QSAR) methods in which the statisticaltechniques (i.e., classification model) enable this relation-ship to be expressed mathematically. However, besidesregression-based approaches, other classification techni-ques have been used that are, in general, more powerfuland lead to improved accuracies. This includes techniquesbased on principle component regression and partial leastsquares [81], neural networks [5], [27], [57], [85], recursivepartitioning [4], [18], [72], phylogenetic-like trees [64], [78],

binary QSAR [30], [51], linear discriminant analysis [67],and support vector machines [16].

Descriptor-based approaches are very popular in thepharmaceutical industry and are used extensively to solvevarious chemical compound classification problems. How-ever, their key limitation stems from the fact that, to a largeextent, the classification performance depends on thesuccessful identification of the relevant descriptors thatcapture the structure-activity relationships for the particularclassification problem.

3.2 Approaches Based on Substructure Rules

Thepioneeringwork in this fieldwasdonebyKinget al. in theearly 1990s [44], [45]. They applied an inductive logicprogramming (ILP) system [62], Golem [63], to study thebehavior of 44 trimethoprin analogues and their observedinhibition of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase andreported a considerable improvement in classification accu-racy over the traditional QSAR-based models. In thisapproach, the chemical compound is expressed using firstorder logic. Eachatom is representedas apredicate consistingof atomID and the element, and a bond is represented as apredicate consisting of two atomIDs. Using this representa-tion, an ILP system discovers rules (i.e., conjunction ofpredicates) that are good for discriminating the differentclasses. Since these rules consist of predicates describingatoms and bonds, they essentially correspond to substruc-tures that are present in the chemical compounds. Srinivasanet al. [77] present a detailed comparison of the featuresgenerated by ILP with the traditional QSAR properties usedfor classifying chemical compounds and show that for someapplications features discovered by ILP approaches lead to asignificant lift in the performance.

Though ILP-based approaches are quite powerful, thehigh computational complexity of the underlying rule-induction system limits the size of the data set for whichthey can be applied. Furthermore, they tend to producerules consisting of relatively small substructures (usually,three to four atoms [21], [23]), limiting the size of structuralconstraints that are being discovered and hence affectingthe classification performance. Another drawback of theseapproaches is that in order to reduce their computationalcomplexity they employ various heuristics to prune theexplored search-space [61], potentially missing substruc-tures that are important for the classification task. Oneexception is the WARMR system [21], [23] that isspecifically developed for chemical compounds and dis-covers all possible substructures above a certain frequencythreshold. However, WARMR’s computational complexityis very high and can only be used to discover substructuresthat occur with relatively high frequency.

One of the fundamental reasons limiting the scalability ofILP-based approaches is the first-order logic-based repre-sentation that they use. This representation is much morepowerful than what is needed to model chemical com-pounds and discover substructures. For this reason, anumber of researchers have explored the much simplergraph-based representation of the chemical compound’stopology and transformed the problem of finding chemicalsubstructures to that of finding subgraphs in this graph-based representation [19], [40], [82]. The best-knownapproach is the SUBDUE system [20], [38]. SUBDUE findspatterns which can effectively compress the original inputdata based on the minimum description length (MDL)principle, by substituting those patterns with a single


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vertex. To narrow the search-space and improve itscomputational efficiency, SUBDUE uses a heuristic beamsearch approach, which quite often results in failing to findsubgraphs that are frequent. The SUBDUE system was alsolater extended to classify graphs and was referred asSubdueCL [32]. In SubdueCL, instead of using minimumdescription length as a heuristic, a measure similar toconfidence of a subgraph is used as a heuristic. Finally,another heuristic-based scheme is MOLFEA [46] that takesadvantage of the compound’s SMILES string representationand identifies substructures corresponding to frequentlyoccurring subsequences.



The previous research on classifying chemical compounds(discussed in Section 3) has shown that techniques based onthe automatic discovery of chemical substructures are ingeneral superior to traditional descriptor-based approachesand require limited user intervention and domain knowl-edge. However, despite their success, a key limitation ofboth the ILP and the subgraph-based techniques, is thatthey rely on heuristic search methods to discover thesubstructures to be used for classification. As discussed inSection 3, even though such approaches reduce theinherently high computational complexity associated withthese schemes, they may lead to suboptimal classifiers incases in which the heuristic search fails to uncoversubstructures that are critical for the classification task.

To overcome this problem, we developed a classificationalgorithm for chemical compounds that uses the graph-based representation and limits the number of substruc-tures that are pruned a priori. The key idea of our approachis to decouple the substructure discovery process from theclassification model construction step, and use frequentsubgraph discovery algorithms to find all chemical sub-structures that occur a sufficiently large number of times.Once the complete set of such substructures has beenidentified, our algorithm then proceeds to build a classifica-tion model based on them. To a large extent, this approachis similar in spirit to the recently developed frequent-itemset-based classification algorithms [25], [55], [56] thathave been shown to outperform traditional classifiers thatrely on heuristic search methods to discover the classifica-tion rules.

The overall outline of our classification methodology isshown in Fig. 1. It consists of three distinct steps: 1) featuregeneration, 2) feature selection, and 3) classification modelconstruction. During the feature generation step, thechemical compounds are mined to discover the frequentlyoccurring substructures that correspond to either topologi-cal or geometric subgraphs. These substructures are then

used as the features by which the compounds arerepresented in the subsequent steps. During the secondstep, a small set of features is selected such that the selectedfeatures can correctly discriminate between the differentclasses present in the data set. Finally, in the last step, eachchemical compound is represented using these set offeatures and a classification model is learned.

This methodology, by following the above three-stepframework, is designed to overcome the limitations ofexisting approaches. By using computationally efficientsubgraph discovery algorithms to find all chemical sub-structures (topological or geometric) that occur a suffi-ciently large number of times in the compounds, they candiscover substructures that are both specific to theparticular classification problem being solved and at thesame time involve arbitrarily complex substructures. Bydiscovering the complete set of frequent subgraphs anddecoupling the substructure discovery process from thefeature generation step, they can proceed to select andsynthesize the most discriminating descriptors for theparticular classification problem that take into account allrelevant information. Finally, by employing advancedmachine learning techniques, they can account for therelationships between these features at different levels ofgranularity and complexity leading to high classificationaccuracy.

4.1 Feature Generation

Our classification algorithm finds substructures in achemical compound database using two different methods.The first method uses the topological graph representationof each compound, whereas the second method is based onthe corresponding geometric graph representation (dis-cussed in Section 2). In both of these methods, ouralgorithm uses the topological or geometric connectedsubgraphs that occur in at least � percent of the compoundsto define the substructures.

There are two important restrictions on the type of thesubstructures that are discovered by our approach. The firsthas to do with the fact that we are only interested insubstructures that are connected and is motivated by thefact that connectivity is a natural property of such patterns.The second has to do with the fact that we are onlyinterested in frequent substructures (as determined by thevalue of �) as this ensures that we do not discover spurioussubstructures that will in general not be statisticallysignificant. Furthermore, this minimum support constraintalso helps in making the problem of frequent subgraphdiscovery computationally tractable.

4.1.1 Frequent Topological Subgraphs

Developing frequent subgraph discovery algorithms isparticularly challenging and computationally intensive asgraph and/or subgraph isomorphisms play a key rolethroughout the computations. Despite that, in recent years,a number of algorithms have been developed capable offinding all frequently occurring subgraphs with reasonablecomputational efficiency. These are the AGM algorithmdeveloped by Inokuchi et al. [40], the FSG algorithmdeveloped by members of our group [47], [50], the chemicalsubstructure discovery algorithm developed by Borgelt andBerthold [19], the gSpan algorithm developed by Yan andHan [82], the FFSM by Huan et al. [39], and, more recently,the algorithm by Nijssen and Kok [65]. The enabling factorsto the computational efficiency of these schemes have been


Fig. 1. Frequent subgraph-based classification framework.

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1) the development of efficient candidate subgraph genera-tion schemes that reduce the number of times the samecandidate subgraph is being generated, 2) the use ofefficient canonical labeling schemes to represent the varioussubgraphs, and 3) the use of various techniques developedby the data mining community to reduce the number oftimes subgraph isomorphism computations need to beperformed.

In our classification algorithm, we find the frequentlyoccurring subgraphs using the FSG algorithm. FSG takes asinput a database D of graphs and a minimum support �,and finds all connected subgraphs that occur in at least� percent of the transactions. FSG, initially presented in [47],with subsequent improvements presented in [50], uses abreadth-first approach to discover the lattice of frequentsubgraphs. It starts by enumerating small frequent graphsconsisting of one and two edges and then proceeds to findlarger subgraphs by joining previously discovered smallerfrequent subgraphs. The size of these subgraphs is grownby adding one-edge-at-a-time. The lattice of frequentpatterns is used to prune the set of candidate patterns andit only explicitly computes the frequency of the patternswhich survive this downward closure pruning. Despite theinherent complexity of the problem, FSG employs a numberof sophisticated techniques to achieve high computationalperformance. It uses a canonical labeling algorithm thatfully makes use of edge and vertex labels for fastprocessing, and various vertex invariants to reduce thecomplexity of determining the canonical label of a graph.These canonical labels are then used to establish the identityand total order of the frequent and candidate subgraphs, acritical step of redundant candidate elimination and down-ward closure testing. It uses a sophisticated scheme forcandidate generation [50] that minimizes the number oftimes each candidate subgraph gets generated and alsodramatically reduces the generation of subgraphs that failthe downward closure test. Finally, for determining theactual frequency of each subgraph, FSG reduces the numberof subgraph isomorphism operations by using TID-lists[29], [74], [83], [84] to keep track of the set of transactionsthat supported the frequent patterns discovered at theprevious level of the lattice. For every candidate, FSG takesthe intersection of TID-lists of its parents, and performs thesubgraph isomorphism only on the transactions containedin the resulting TID-list. The experiments presented in [50]show that FSG is able to scale to large data sets and lowsupport values. For example, it can mine a data setcontaining 200,000 chemical compounds at 1 percentminimum support level in about one hour.

4.1.2 Frequent Geometric Subgraphs

Topological substructures capture the connectivity of atomsin the chemical compound, but they ignore the 3D shape(3D arrangement of atoms) of the substructures. For certainclassification problems, the 3D shape of the substructuremight be essential for determining the chemical activity of acompound. For instance, the geometric configuration ofatoms in a substructure is crucial for its ability to bind to aparticular target [53]. For this reason, we developed analgorithm that find all frequent substructures whosetopology as well as geometry is conserved.

There are two important aspects specific to the geometricsubgraphs that need to be considered. First, since thecoordinates of the vertices depend on a particular referencecoordinate axes, we would like the discovered geometric

subgraphs to be independent of these coordinate axes, i.e.,we are interested in geometric subgraphs whose occur-rences are translation and rotation invariant. This drama-tically increases the overall complexity of the geometricsubgraph discovery process because we may need toconsider all possible geometric configurations of a singlepattern. Second, while determining if a geometric subgraphis contained in a bigger geometric graph we would like toallow some tolerance when we establish a match betweencoordinates, ensuring that slight deviations in coordinatesbetween two identical topological subgraphs do not lead tothe creation of two geometric subgraphs. The amount oftolerance (r) should be a user-specified parameter. The taskof discovering such r-tolerant frequent geometric subgraphsdramatically changes the nature of the problem. Intraditional pattern discovery problems such as findingfrequent itemsets, sequential patterns, and/or frequenttopological graphs there is a clear definition of what apattern is, given its set of supporting transactions. On theother hand, in the case of r-tolerant geometric subgraphs,there are many different geometric representations of thesame pattern (all of which will be r-tolerant isomorphic toeach other). The problem becomes not only that of finding apattern and its support, but also finding the rightrepresentative for this pattern. The selection of the rightrepresentative can have a serious impact on correctlycomputing the support of the pattern. For example, givena set of subgraphs that are r-tolerant isomorphic to eachother, the one that corresponds to an outlier will tend tohave a lower support than the one corresponding to thecenter. These two aspects of geometric subgraphs makes thetask of discovering the full fledged geometric subgraphsextremely hard [48], [49].

To overcome this problem we developed a simpler, albeitless discriminatory, representation for geometric sub-graphs. We use a property of a geometric graph called theaverage interatomic distance that is defined as the averageEuclidean distance between all pairs of atoms in themolecule. Note that the average interatomic distance iscomputed between all pairs of atoms irrespective ofwhether a bonds connects the atoms or not. The averageinteratomic distance can be thought of as a geometricsignature of a topological subgraph. The geometric sub-graph consists of two components, a topological subgraphand an interval of average interatomic distance associatedwith it. A geometric graph contains this geometric subgraphif it contains the topological subgraph and the averageinteratomic distance of the embedding (of the topologicalsubgraph) is within the interval associated with thegeometric subgraph. Note that this geometric representa-tion is also translation and rotation invariant, and the widthof the interval determines the tolerance displayed by thegeometric subgraph. We are interested in discovering suchgeometric subgraphs that occur above � percent of thetransactions and the interval of average interatomic dis-tance is bound by r.

Since a geometric subgraph contains a topologicalsubgraph, for the geometric subgraph to be frequent thecorresponding topological subgraph has to be frequent, aswell. This allows us to take advantage of the existingapproach to discover topological subgraphs. We modify thefrequency counting stage of the FSG algorithm as follows: Ifa subgraph g is contained in a transaction t, then all possibleembeddings of g in t are found and the average interatomicdistance for each of these embeddings is computed. As a


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result, at the end of the frequent subgraph discovery eachtopological subgraph has a list of average interatomicdistances associated with it. Each one of the averageinteratomic distances corresponds to one of the embed-dings, i.e., a geometric configuration of the topologicalsubgraph. This algorithm can be easily extended to cases inwhich there are multiple 3D conformations associated witheach chemical compound (as discussed in Section 2), bysimply treating each distinct conformation as a differentchemical compound.

The task of discovering geometric subgraphs nowreduces to identifying those geometric configurations thatare frequent enough, i.e., identify intervals of averageinteratomic distances such that each interval contains theminimum number geometric configurations (it occurs in� percent of the transactions) and the width of the interval issmaller than the tolerance threshold (r). This task can bethought of as 1D clustering on the vector of averageinteratomic distances such that each cluster contains itemsabove the minimum support and the spread of each clusteris bounded by the tolerance r. Note that not all items willbelong to a valid cluster as some of them will be infrequent.In our experiments, we set the value of r to be equal to halfof the minimum distance between any two pairs of atoms inthe compounds.

To find such clusters, we perform agglomerative cluster-ing on the vector of average interatomic distance values.The distance between any two average interatomic distancevalues is defined as the difference in their numeric values.To ensure that we get the largest possible clusters, we usethe maximum-link criterion function for deciding whichtwo clusters should be merged [42]. The process ofagglomeration is continued until the interval containingall the items in the cluster is below the tolerance threshold(r). When we reach a stage where further agglomerationwould increase the spread of the cluster beyond thetolerance threshold, we check the number of items con-tained in the cluster. If the number of items is above thesupport threshold, then the interval associated with thiscluster is considered as a geometric feature. Since we areclustering one-dimensional data sets, the clustering com-plexity is low. Some examples of the distribution of theaverage interatomic distance values and the associatedclusters are shown in Fig. 2. Note that the averageinteratomic distance values of the third example areuniformly spread and lead to no geometric subgraph.

Note that this algorithm for computing geometricsubgraphs is approximate in nature for two reasons. First,the average interatomic distance may map two differentgeometric subgraphs to the same average interatomicdistance value. Second, the clustering algorithm may notfind the complete set of geometric subgraphs that satisfy ther tolerance. Nevertheless, as our experiments in Section 5show the geometric subgraphs discovered by this approachimprove the classification accuracy of the algorithm.

4.1.3 Additional Considerations

Even though FSG provides the general functionalityrequired to find all frequently occurring substructures inchemical data sets, there are a number of issues that need tobe addressed before it can be applied as a black-box tool forfeature discovery in the context of classification. One issuedeals with the selecting the right value for the �, the supportconstraint used for discovering frequent substructures. Thevalue of � controls the number of subgraphs discovered by

FSG. Choosing a good value of � is especially important forthe data set containing classes of significantly differentsizes. In such cases, in order to ensure that FSG is able tofind features that are meaningful for all the classes, theminimum support should be small enough so that thecorresponding absolute frequency can capture the size ofthe smaller class.

For this reason, we first partition the complete data set,using the class label of the examples, into specific classspecific data sets. We then run FSG on each of these classdata sets. This partitioning of the data set ensures thatsufficient subgraphs are discovered for those class labelswhich occur rarely in the data set. Next, we combinesubgraphs discovered from each of the class data set. Afterthis step each subgraph has a vector that contains thefrequency with which it occurs in each class.

4.2 Feature Selection

The frequent subgraph discovery algorithms described inSection 4.1 discovers all the substructures (topological orgeometric) that occur above a certain support constraint (�)in the data set. Though the discovery algorithm iscomputationally efficient, the algorithm can generate alarge number of features. A large number of features isdetrimental for two reasons. First, it could increase the timerequired to build the model. But, more importantly, a largenumber of features can increase the time required to classifya chemical compound, as we need to first identify which ofthe discovered features it contains before we can apply theclassification model. Determining whether a compoundcontains a particular feature or not can be computationallyexpensive as it may require a subgraph isomorphismoperation. This problem is especially critical in the drugdiscovery process where the classification model is learnedon a small set of chemical compounds and it is then appliedon large chemical compound libraries containing millions ofcompounds.

One way of solving this problem is to follow a heuristicsubgraph discovery approach (similar in spirit to pre-viously developed methods [20], [32]) in which during thesubgraph discovery phase itself, the discriminatory abilityof a particular subgraph is determined, and the discovery


Fig. 2. Some examples of the one-dimensional clustering of average

interatomic distance values.

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process is terminated as soon as a subgraph is generatedthat is less discriminatory than any of its subgraphs. Byfollowing this approach, the total number of features will besubstantially reduced, achieving the desired objective.However, the limitation with such an approach is that itmay fail to discover and use highly discriminatory sub-graphs. This is because the discriminatory ability of asubgraph does not (in general) consistently increase as afunction of its size, and subgraphs that appear to be poordiscriminators may become very discriminatory by growingtheir size. For this reason, in order to develop an effectivefeature selection method, we use a scheme that first finds allfrequent subgraphs and then selects among them a small setof discriminatory features. The advantage of this approachis that during feature selection all frequent subgraphs areconsidered irrespective of when they were generated andwhether or not they contain less or more discriminatorysubgraphs.

The feature selection scheme is based on the sequentialcovering paradigm used to learn rule sets [59]. To apply thisalgorithm, we assume that each discovered substructurecorresponds to a rule, with the class label of thesubstructure as the target attribute, such rules are referredto as class-rules in [56]. The sequential covering algorithmtakes as input a set of examples and the features discoveredfrom these examples, and iteratively applies the featureselection step. In this step, the algorithm selects the featurethat has the highest estimated accuracy. After selecting thisfeature, all the examples containing this feature areeliminated and the feature is marked as selected. In thenext iteration of the algorithm, the same step is applied, buton a smaller set of examples. The algorithm continues in aniterative fashion until either all the features are selected orall the examples are eliminated.

In this paper, we use a computationally efficientimplementation of sequential covering algorithm knownas CBA [56], this algorithm proceeds by first sorting thefeatures based on confidence and then applying thesequential covering algorithm on this sorted set of features.One of the advantages of this approach is that it requires aminimal number of passes on the data set, hence is veryscalable. To obtain a better control over the number ofselected features, we use an extension of the sequentialcovering scheme known as Classification based on MultipleRules (CMAR) [55]. In this scheme, instead of removing theexample after it is covered by the selected feature, theexample is removed only if that example is covered by� selected features. The number of selected rules increasesas the value of � increases, an increase in the number offeatures usually translates into an improvement in theaccuracy as more features are used to classify a particularexample. The value of � is specified by the user andprovides a means to the user to control the number offeatures used for classification.

4.3 Classification Model Construction

Given the frequent subgraphs discovered in the previousstep, our algorithm treats each of these subgraphs as afeature and represents the chemical compound as afrequency vector. The ith entry of this vector is equal tothe number of times (frequency) that feature occurs in thecompound’s graph. This mapping into the feature space offrequent subgraphs is performed both for the training andthe test data set. Note that the frequent subgraphs wereidentified by mining only the graphs of the chemical

compounds in the training set. However, the mapping ofthe test set requires that we check each frequent subgraphagainst the graph of the test compound using subgraphisomorphism. Fortunately, the overall process can besubstantially accelerated by taking into account the frequentsubgraph lattice that is also generated by FSG. In this case,we traverse the lattice from top to bottom and only visit thechild nodes of a subgraph if that subgraph is isomorphic tothe chemical compound.

Once the feature vectors for each chemical compoundhave been built, any one of the existing classificationalgorithms can potentially be used for classification.However, the characteristics of the transformed data setand the nature of the classification problem itself tends tolimit the applicability of certain classes of classificationalgorithms. In particular, the transformed data set will mostlikely be high-dimensional and, second, it will be sparse, inthe sense that each compound will have only a few of thesefeatures, and each feature will be present in only a few ofthe compounds. Moreover, in most cases, the positive classwill be much smaller than the negative class, making itunsuitable for classifiers that primarily focus on optimizingthe overall classification accuracy.

In our study, we built the classification models usingsupport vector machines (SVM) [79], as they are well-suitedfor operating in such sparse and high-dimensional datasets. Furthermore, an additional advantage of SVM is that itallows us to directly control the cost associated with themisclassification of examples from the different classes [60].This allows us to associate a higher cost for the misclassi-fication of positive instances; thus, biasing the classifier tolearn a model that tries to increase the true-positive rate, atthe expense of increasing the false positive rate.


We experimentally evaluated the performance of ourclassification algorithm and compared it against thatachieved by earlier approaches on a variety of chemicalcompound data sets. The data sets, experimental methodol-ogy, and results are described in subsequent sections.

5.1 Data Sets

We evaluated the performance of our classification algo-rithm on eight classification problems derived from threedifferent chemical compound data sets. The first data setthat was used as a part of the Predictive ToxicologyEvaluation Challenge [76] contains data published by theUS National Institute for Environmental Health Sciencesand consists of bio-assays of different chemical compoundson rodents to study the carcinogenicity properties of thecompounds. Each compound is evaluated on male mice,female mice, male rats, and female rats, and is assigned fourclass labels each indicating the toxicity of the compound forthat animal. There are four classification problems onecorresponding to each of the rodents and will be referred asP1, P2, P3, and P4. The second data set is obtained from theNational Cancer Institute’s DTP AIDS Antiviral Screenprogram [28], [46]. Each compound in the data set isevaluated for evidence of anti-HIV activity. Compoundsthat provided at least 50 percent protection were listed asconfirmed moderately active (CM). Compounds that reprodu-cibly provided 100 percent protection were listed asconfirmed active (CA). Compounds neither active normoderately active were listed as confirmed inactive (CI). We


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formulated three classification problems. The first problemwas designed to classify between CA and CM; the secondbetween CM + CA and CI, and the third between CA andCI. We will refer to these problems as H1, H2, and H3,respectively. The third data set was obtained from theCenter of Computational Drug Discovery’s anthrax projectat the University of Oxford [71]. The goal of this project wasto discover small molecules that would bind with theheptameric protective antigen component of the anthraxtoxin, and prevent it from spreading its toxic effects. Thescreen identified a set of 12,376 compounds that couldpotentially bind to the anthrax toxin and a set of22,460 compounds that were unlikely to bind to the toxin.The classification problem for this data set was given achemical compound classify it in to one of these two classes,i.e, will the compound bind the anthrax toxin or not. Thisclassification problem is referred as A1.

Some important characteristics of these data sets aresummarized in Table 1. The right-hand side of the tabledisplays the class distribution for different classificationproblems, for each problem the table displays the percen-tage of positive class found in the data set for thatclassification problem. Note that both the DTP-AIDS andthe Anthrax data sets are quite large containing 42,687 and34,836 compounds, respectively. Moreover, in the case ofDTP-AIDS, each compound is also quite large having on anaverage 46 atoms and 48 bonds.

5.2 Experimental Methodology and Metrics

The classifications results were obtained by performing 5-way cross validation on the data set, ensuring that the classdistribution in each fold is identical to the original data set. Ineach one of the cross validation experiments, the test set wasnever considered and our algorithm used only the training-set to find the frequent substructures, perform featureselection, and build the classification model. For the SVMclassifier,weusedSVMLight library [41].All the experimentswere conducted on a 1500MHzAthlonMPprocessors havinga 2GB of memory.

Since the size of the positive class is significantly smallerthan the negative class, using accuracy to judge a classifierwould be incorrect. To get a better understanding of theclassifier performance for different cost settings, we obtainthe ROC curve [69] for each classifier. ROC curve plots thefalse positive rate (X-axis) versus the true positive rate

(Y -axis) of a classier; it displays the performance of theclassifier regardless of class distribution or error cost. Twoclassifiers are evaluated by comparing the area under theirrespective ROC curves, a larger area under ROC curveindicating better performance. The area under the ROCcurve will be referred by the parameter A.

5.3 Results

5.3.1 Varying Minimum Support

The key parameter of the proposed frequent substructure-based classification algorithm is the choice of the minimumsupport (�) used to discover the frequent substructures(either topological or geometric). To evaluate the sensitivityof the algorithm on this parameter. we performed a set ofexperiments in which we varied � from 10 percent to20 percent in 5 percent increments. The results of theseexperiments are shown in the left subtable of Table 2 forboth topological and geometric substructures.

From Table 2, we observe that as we increase �, theclassification performance for most data sets tends todegrade. However, inmost cases, this degradation is gradualand correlates well with the decrease on the number ofsubstructures that were discovered by the frequent subgraphdiscovery algorithms. The only exception is the H2 problemfor which the classification performance (as measured byROC) degrades substantially as we increase the minimumsupport from 10 percent to 20 percent. Specifically, in the caseof topological subgraphs, the performance drops from 70.1down to 59.0, and in the case of geometric subgraphs it dropsfrom 76.0 to 58.1.

These results suggest that lower values of support are ingeneral better as they lead to better classification perfor-mance. However, as the support decreases, the number ofdiscovered substructures and the amount of time requiredalso increases. Moreover, models derived from an extre-mely large number of features, some of which have verysmall occurrence frequency run the risk of overfitting thetraining set (i.e., they produce high accuracies on thetraining set, but fail to generalize on the test set). Thus,depending on the data set, some experimentation may berequired to select the proper values of support that balancesthese conflicting requirements.

In our study, we performed such experimentation. Foreach data set, we kept on decreasing the value of supportdown to the point after which the number of features thatwere generated was too large to be efficiently processed bythe SVM library. The resulting support values, number offeatures, and associated classification performance areshown in Table 3. Note that for each problem, two different


TABLE 1The Characteristics of the Various Data Sets

TABLE 2Varying Minimum Support Threshold (�)

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support values are displayed corresponding to the supportsthat were used to mine the positive and negative class,respectively. The last column shows the amount of timerequired by FSG to find the frequent subgraphs andprovides a good indication of the computational complexityat the feature discovery phase of our classification algo-rithm. Finally, Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the size of thefeatures discovered by FSG for the optimal values of � forthe H3 and A1 data sets. From these histograms, we can seethat the majority of the subgraphs discovered by FSG areactually quite large.

Comparing the ROC values obtained in these experi-ments with those obtained for � ¼ 10 percent, we can seethat as before, the lower support values tend to improve theresults, with measurable improvements for problems inwhich the number of discovered substructures increasedsubstantially. In the rest of our experimental evaluation, wewill be using the frequent subgraphs that were generatedusing these values of support.

5.3.2 Varying Misclassification Costs

Since the number of positive examples is in general muchsmaller than the number of negative examples,weperformed

a set of experiments in which the misclassification costassociated with each positive example was increased tomatchthenumberofnegativeexamples.That is, ifnþ andn� isthe number of positive and negative examples, respectively,the misclassification cost � was set equal to ðn�=nþ � 1Þ (sothat n� ¼ �nþ). We refer to this value of � as the “EqCost”value. The classification performance achieved by ouralgorithm using either topological or geometric subgraphsfor � ¼ 1:0 and � ¼ EqCost is shown in Table 4. Note that the� ¼ 1:0 results are the same with those presented in the rightsubtable of Table 2.

From the results in this table, we can see that, in general,increasing the misclassification cost so that it balances thesize of positive and negative class tends to improve theclassification accuracy. When � ¼ EqCost, the classificationperformance improves for four and five problems for thetopological and geometric subgraphs, respectively. More-over, in the cases in which the performance decreased, thatdecrease was quite small, whereas the improvementsachieved for some problem instances (e.g., P4, H1, andH2) was significant. In the rest of our experiments, we willfocus only on the results obtained by setting � ¼ EqCost.

5.3.3 Feature Selection

Weevaluated theperformanceof the feature selection schemebased on sequential covering (described in Section 4.2) byperforming a set of experiments in which we varied theparameter � that controls the number of times an examplemust be covered by a feature, before it is removed from the setof yet to be covered examples. Table 5 displays the results ofthese experiments. The results under the column labeled“Original” shows the performance of the classifier withoutany feature selection. These results are identical to thoseshown in Table 4 for � ¼ EqCost and are included here tomake comparisons easier.

Two key observations can be made by studying theresults in this table. First, as expected, the feature selectionscheme is able to substantially reduce the number offeatures. In some cases, the number of features that wasselected decreased by almost two orders of magnitude.Also, as � increases, the number of retained featuresincreases; however, this increase is gradual. Second, theoverall classification performance achieved by the featureselection scheme when � � 5 is quite comparable to thatachieved with no feature selection. The actual performancedepends on the problem instance and whether or not weuse topological or geometric subgraphs. In particular, for


TABLE 3Optimized Minimum Support Threshold (�)

Fig. 3. The size distribution of the various discovered subgraphs for H3

and A1 data sets.

TABLE 4The Area under the ROC Curve Obtained

by Varying the Misclassification Cost

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the first four problems (P1, P2, P3, and P4) derived from thePTC data set, the performance actually improves withfeature selection. Such improvements are possible becausemodels learned on lower-dimensional spaces will tend tohave better generalization ability [25]. Also note that forsome data sets, the number of features decreases as �increases. Even though this is counter-intuitive, it canhappen in the cases in which due to a higher value of �, afeature that would have been skipped is now included intothe set. If this newly included feature has a relatively highsupport, it will contribute to the coverage of many otherfeatures. As a result, the desired level of coverage can beachieved without the inclusion of other lower-supportfeatures. Our analysis of the selected feature sets showedthat for the instances in which the number of featuresdecreases as � increases, the selected features have indeedhigher average support.

5.3.4 Topological versus Geometric Subgraphs

The various results shown in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 alsoprovide an indication on the relative performance oftopological versus geometric subgraphs. In almost all cases,the classifier that is based on geometric subgraphs outper-forms that based on topological subgraphs. For someproblems, the performance advantage is marginal whereasfor other problems, geometric subgraphs lead to measur-able improvements in the area under the ROC curve. Forexample, if we consider the results shown in Table 4 for� ¼ EqCost, we can see the geometric subgraphs lead toimprovements that are at least 3 percent or higher for P2,P3, and H3, and the average improvement over all eightproblems is 2.6 percent. As discussed in Section 4.1.2, theseperformance gains are due to the fact that a conservedgeometric structure is a better indicator of a chemicalcompounds activity than just its topology.

5.4 Comparison with Other Approaches

We compared the performance of our classification algo-rithm against the performance achieved by three existing

approaches. The first builds a traditional QSAR modelbased on physicochemical properties, the second uses a setof features that were derived by combining the 166 MACCSkeys from MDL Inc. [2] and the Daylight fingerprints [1],and the third uses a set of substructure features that wereidentified by SUBDUE [20] and SubdueCL [32].

5.4.1 Comparison with Physicochemical Property


There is a wide variety of physicochemical properties thatcapture certain aspects of a compounds chemical activity.For our study, we have chosen a set of 18 properties that aregood descriptors of the chemical activity of a compound,and most of them have been previously used for classifica-tion purposes [4]. A brief description of these properties isshown in Table 6. We used two programs to compute theseattributes; the geometric attributes like solvent accessiblearea, total accessible area/vol, total Van der Waal’saccessible area/vol were computed using the programsSASA [52], the remaining attributes were computed usingHyperchem software.

We used two different algorithms to build classificationmodels based on these properties. The first is the C4.5decision tree algorithm [70] that has been shown toproduce good models for chemical compound classifica-tion based on physicochemical properties [4], and thesecond is the SVM algorithm that was used to build theclassification models in our frequent substructure-basedapproach. Since the range of values of the differentphysicochemical properties can be significantly different,we first scaled them to be in the range of ½0; 1� prior tobuilding the SVM model. We found that this scalingresulted in some improvements in the overall classificationresults. Note that C4.5 is not affected by such scaling.

Table 7 shows the results obtained by these methods forthe different data sets. The values shown for SVMcorrespond to the area under the ROC curve and can bedirectly compared with the corresponding values obtained


TABLE 5Results Obtained Using Feature Selection Based on Sequential Rule Covering

TABLE 6Physicochemical Property Descriptors

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by our approaches (Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5). Unfortunately,since C4.5 does not produce a ranking of the training setbased on its likelihood of being in the positive class, it isquite hard to obtain the ROC curve. For this reason, thevalues shown for C4.5 correspond to the precision andrecall of the positive class for the different data sets. Also, tomake the comparisons between C4.5 and our approacheasier, we also computed the precision of our classifier atthe same value of recall as that achieved by C4.5. Theseresults are shown under the columns labeled “Freq. Sub.Prec.” for both topological and geometric features and wereobtained from the results shown in Table 4 for � ¼ EqCost.Note that the results in Table 7 for both SVM and C4.5 wereobtained using the same cost-sensitive learning approach.

Comparing both the SVM-based ROC results and theprecision/recall values of C4.5 we can see that ourapproach substantially outperforms the physicochemicalproperties-based classifier. In particular, our topologicalsubgraph-based algorithm does 35 percent better comparedto the SVM-based approach and 72 percent better in termsof the C4.5 precision at the same recall values. Similarresults hold for the geometric subgraph based algorithm.These results are consistent with those observed by otherresearchers [77], [44] that showed that substructure basedapproaches outperform those based on physicochemicalproperties.

5.4.2 Comparison with Descriptor-Based Methods

Among the best-performing methods used by the Pharma-ceutical industry to classify chemical compound data setsare those based on various topological and geometricdescriptors (Section 3). To evaluate the effectiveness ofthese approaches and compare them against our frequentsubgraph-based features, we represented each chemicalcompound as a feature-vector using the set of descriptorsthat were derived by combining the 166 MACCS keys fromMDL and the Daylight fingerprints. Due to data formatincompatibilities, we were only able to obtain thesedescriptors for the AIDS and Anthrax data sets, and weare currently investigating how to obtain them for thetoxicology data set as well.

The results obtained by using the SVM classifier on thisdescriptor-based representation for the AIDS and Anthraxdata sets are shown in Table 8. These results show the areaunder the ROC curve and were obtained using the samecost-sensitive learning used by our scheme. Comparingthese results against those obtained by our algorithm wesee that our algorithms based on either topological orgeometric substructures outperform the descriptor-basedapproach for all four classification problems. Specifically,

our topological and geometric substructure-based algo-rithms (Table 4 for � ¼ EqCost) achieved ROC values that,on average, are 7.2 percent and 11.2 percent better than thedescriptor-based approaches, respectively.

5.4.3 Comparison with SUBDUE and SubdueCL

Finally, to evaluate the advantage of using the complete setof frequent substructures over existing schemes that arebased on heuristic substructure discovery, we performed aseries of experiments in which we used the SUBDUEsystem to find the substructures and then used them forclassification. Specifically, we performed two sets ofexperiments. In the first set, we obtain a set of substructuresusing the standard MDL-based heuristic substructurediscovery approach of SUBDUE [38]. In the second set,we used the substructures discovered by the more recentSubdueCL algorithm [32] that guides the heuristic beamsearch using a scheme that measures how well a subgraphdescribes the positive examples in the data set withoutdescribing the negative examples.

Even though there are a number of parameters control-ling SUBDUE’s heuristic search algorithm, the most criticalamong them are the width of the beam search, themaximum size of the discovered subgraph, and the totalnumber of subgraphs to be discovered. In our experiments,we spent a considerable amount of time experimenting withthese parameters to ensure that SUBDUE was able to find areasonable number of substructures. Specifically, we chan-ged the width of the beam search from 4 to 50 and set theother two parameters to high numeric values. Note that inthe case of the SubdueCL, in order to ensure that thesubgraphs were discovered that described all the positiveexamples, the subgraph discovery process was repeated byincreasing the value of beam-width at each iteration andremoving the positive examples that were covered bysubgraphs.

Table 9 shows the performance achieved by SUBDUEand SubdueCL on the eight different classification problemsalong with the number of subgraphs that it generated andthe amount of time that it required to find these subgraphs.These results were obtained by using the subgraphsdiscovered by either SUBDUE or SubdueCL as features in


TABLE 7Performance of the Physicochemical

Properties-Based Classifier

TABLE 8Performance of the SVM Classifier

Using MACCS Keys and Daylight Fingerprints

TABLE 9Performance of the SUBDUE

and SubdueCL-Based Approaches

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an SVM-based classification model. Essentially, our SUB-DUE and SubdueCL classifiers have the same structure asour frequent subgraph-based classifiers with the onlydifference being that the features now correspond to thesubgraphs discovered by SUBDUE and SubdueCL. More-over, to make the comparisons as fair as possible we used� ¼ EqCost as the misclassification cost. We also performedanother set of experiments in which we used the rule-basedclassifier produced by SubdueCL. The results of this schemewas inferior to those produced by the SVM-based approachand we are not reporting them here.

Comparing SUBDUE against SubdueCL, we can see thatthe latter achieves better classification performance, consis-tent with the observations made by other researchers [32].Comparing the SUBDUE and SubdueCL-based results withthose obtained by our approach (Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5), we cansee that in almost all cases both our topological andgeometricfrequent subgraph-based algorithms lead to substantiallybetter performance. This is true both in the cases in whichweperformedno feature selection aswell as in the cases inwhichwe used the sequential covering-based feature selectionscheme. In particular, comparing the SubdueCL resultsagainst the results shown in Table 5 without any featureselection we can see that on the average, our topological andgeometric subgraph based algorithms do 9.3 percent and12.2 percent better, respectively.Moreover, even after featureselection with � ¼ 15 that result in a scheme that havecomparable number of features as those used by SubdueCL,our algorithms are still better by 9.7 percent and 13.7 percent,respectively. Finally, if we compare the amount of timerequired by either SUBDUE or SubdueCL to that required bythe FSG algorithm to find all frequent subgraphs (last columnof Table 2), we can see that despite the fact thatwe are findingthe complete set of frequent subgraphsour approach requiressubstantially less time.


In this paper, we presented a highly effective algorithm forclassifying chemical compounds based on frequent sub-structure discovery that can scale to large data sets. Ourexperimental evaluation showed that our algorithm leads tosubstantially better results than those obtained by existing

descriptor and substructure-based methods. Moreover,besides this improved classification performance, thesubstructure-based nature of this scheme provides to thechemists valuable information as to which substructures aremost critical for the classification problem at hand. Forexample, Fig. 4 shows the three most discriminatingsubstructures for the PTC, DTP AIDS, and Anthrax datasets that were obtained by analyzing the decision hyper-plane produced by the SVM classifier.1 A chemist can thenuse this information to understand the models andpotentially use it to design better compounds.

The classification algorithms presented in this paper canbe improved along three different directions. First, asalready discussed in Section 2, our current geometric graphrepresentation utilizes a single conformation of the chemicalcompound and we believe the overall classification perfor-mance can be improved by using all possible low-energyconformations. Such conformations can be obtained fromexisting 3D coordinate prediction software and as discussedin Section 4.1.2 can be easily incorporated in our existingframework. Second, our current feature selection algo-rithms only focus on whether or not a particular sub-structure is contained in a compound and they do not takeinto account how these fragments are distributed overdifferent parts of the molecule. Better feature selectionalgorithms can be developed by taking this information intoaccount so that to ensure that the entire (or most of)molecule is covered by the selected features. Third, eventhough the proposed approaches significantly outper-formed that based on physicochemical property descrip-tors, our analysis showed that there is a significantdifference as to which compounds are correctly classifiedby these two approaches. For example, Fig. 5 shows theoverlap among the different correct predictions producedby the geometric, topological, and QSAR-based (using thevarious physicochemical property descriptors) methods atdifferent cutoff values for the Anthrax data set. From theseresults, we can see that there is a great agreement betweenthe substructure-based approaches, but there is a largedifference among the compounds that are correctly pre-dicted by the QSAR approach, especially at the top 1 percent


1. These features correspond to the highest-weight dimensions of thedecision hyperplane produced by a linear SVM model. Since eachcompound is a vector in Rþ, the highest-weight dimensions of the decisionhyperplane correlate well with the dimensions of the underlying data setthat contribute the most to its assignment in the positive class [73].

Fig. 4. The three most discriminating substructures for the (a) PTC,

(b) AIDS, and (c) Anthrax data sets.

Fig. 5. Venn diagrams displaying the relation between the positiveexamples that were correctly classified by the three approaches atdifferent cutoff values for the Anthrax data set. The different cutoffs wereobtained by looking at only the top 1 percent, 5 percent, and 15 percentof the ranked predictions. Each circle in the Venn diagram correspondsto one of the three classification schemes and the size of the circleindicates the number of positive examples correctly identified. Theoverlap between two circles indicates the number of common correctpredictions.

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and 5 percent. These results suggest that better results canbe potentially obtained by combining the substructure andQSAR-based approaches.


The authors will like to thank Dr. Ian Watson from Lilly

Research Laboratories and Dr. Peter Henstock from Pfizer

Inc. for providing themwith the various fingerprints used in

the experimental evaluation and for the numerous discus-

sions on the practical aspects of virtual screening. This work

was supported by the US National Science Foundation EIA-

9986042, ACI-9982274, ACI-0133464, ACI-0312828, IIS-

0431135, the Army High Performance Computing Research

Center contract number DAAD19-01-2-0014, and by the

Digital Technology Center at the University of Minnesota.


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Mukund Deshpande received the masters de-gree in engineering (ME) in system science andautomation from the Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore, India in 1997. He received the PhDdegree from the Department of ComputerScience at the University of Minnesota in 2004,and is currently working at Oracle Corporation.

Michihiro Kuramochi received the BEng andMEng degrees from the University of Tokyo, andthe MS degree from Yale University. He is agraduate student at the University of Minnesota,Twin Cities.


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Nikil Wale received the bachelor’s degree inelectrical engineering from the National Instituteof Technology, Warangal, in 2001. He is pursu-ing the PhD degree in computer science at theUniversity of Minnesota, Twin Cities. His re-search interests include data mining, machinelearning, and bioinformatics. Currently, he isworking on the various aspects of virtual screen-ing in drug discovery.

George Karypis received the PhD degree incomputer science from the University of Minne-sota and he is currently an associate professorin the Department of Computer Science andEngineering at the University of Minnesota. Hisresearch interests spans the areas of parallelalgorithm design, data mining, bioinformatics,information retrieval, applications of parallelprocessing in scientific computing and optimiza-tion, sparse matrix computations, parallel pre-

conditioners, and parallel programming languages and libraries. Hisresearch has resulted in the development of software libraries for serialand parallel graph partitioning (METIS and ParMETIS), hypergraphpartitioning (hMETIS), for parallel Cholesky factorization (PSPASES),for collaborative filtering-based recommendation algorithms (SUG-GEST), clustering high-dimensional data sets (CLUTO), and findingfrequent patterns in diverse data sets (PAFI). He has coauthored morethan 90 journal and conference papers on these topics and a book titledIntroduction to Parallel Computing (Addison Wesley, 2003, secondedition). In addition, he is serving on the program committees of manyconferences and workshops on these topics and is an associate editor ofthe IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He is asenior member of the IEEE Computer Society.

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