Fiscal Year 2020- Second Quarter City of Philadelphia Division of Housing and Community Development 1029AA Quarterly Production Report 2020

1029AA Quarterly Production Report

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Page 1: 1029AA Quarterly Production Report

Fiscal Year 2020- Second Quarter

City of Philadelphia Division of Housing and Community Development

1029AAQuarterly ProductionReport


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Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Housing and Community Development Summary 1

Housing and Community Development Activity 3 Housing Production: Neighborhood-Based Rental Housing ........................................................................................... 3 Neighborhood-Based Special-Needs Rental Housing .................................................................... 4 Philly First Home Program ............................................................................................................. 5 Housing Preservation: Homes Saved ................................................................................................................................. 6 Heater Hotline ............................................................................................................................... 7 Basic Systems Repair Program (BSRP) ........................................................................................... 8 AdaptiveModificationsProgram(AMP) ........................................................................................ 9 WeatherizationAssistanceProgram(WAP) ................................................................................. 10 Vacant Land Management: PennsylvaniaHorticulturalSociety(PHS) .................................................................................... 11 Employment and Training: YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School ...................................................................................... 12

Economic Development Activities 13 Philadelphia Industrial Development Corp. ...................................................................................... 14 Neighborhood and Special Commercial Projects .............................................................................. 20

Nueva Esperanza Housing and Economic Development Inc. (NEHED) .......................................20ImpactCommunityServicesDevelopmentCorporation(ICSDC) ................................................22New Kensington CDC (NKCDC)..................................................................................................... 24HACE ............................................................................................................................................ 26Frankford CDC ............................................................................................................................. 30People’s Emergency Center (PECCDC) ......................................................................................... 33Korean Community Development Services Center (KCDSC) ........................................................ 34The Enterprise Center CDC .......................................................................................................... 35The Business Center .................................................................................................................... 38UrbanAffairsCoalition/PhiladelphiaDevelopmentPartnership/EntrepreneurWorks ...............39Women’sOpportunitiesResourceCenter ................................................................................... 40Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians (WCNP) (Technical Assistance) ...............................41FINANTA ...................................................................................................................................... 42TaconyCommunityDevelopmentCorporation(TCDC) ............................................................... 43African Cultural Alliance of North America (ACANA) ................................................................... 46Score Philadelphia ....................................................................................................................... 48Germantown United Community Development Corp. (GUCDC) .................................................49Urban League of Philadelphia ..................................................................................................... 52J T Goldstein ................................................................................................................................ 53Commercial Corridor Cleaning .................................................................................................... 54

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities Production Programs Second Quarter Summary Report for Sub-Contractors .................................................................... 57 ProductionProgramsbyCouncilDistrict/Citywide

3rdCouncilDistrictProductionPrograms ............................................................................... 584thCouncilDistrictProductionPrograms ............................................................................... 615thCouncilDistrictProductionPrograms ............................................................................... 636thCouncilDistrictProductionPrograms ............................................................................... 677thCouncilDistrictProductionPrograms ............................................................................... 688thCouncilDistrictProductionPrograms ............................................................................... 70ScatteredSitesProductionPrograms ...................................................................................... 74

Preservation Programs Second Quarter Summary Report for Sub-Contractors .................................................................... 75 CitywidePreservationProgramsbyCertification

MinorityBusinessEnterprise(MBE) ........................................................................................ 76NonprofitMinorityBusinessEnterprise(NP-MBE) .................................................................. 77Women Business Enterprise (WBE) ......................................................................................... 78NonprofitWomenBusinessEnterprise(NP-WBE) ................................................................... 79Local Business Enterprise (LBE) ............................................................................................... 80Nonprofit-NonMinorityorWomenBusinessEnterprise(NP-NonMBE/WBE) .......................84

Quarterly Expenditures and Unliquidated Opportunities 77Combined:CDBG,HOME,HOPWA,Section108,HTF,HTF-NRF,FAF,ChoiceNeighborhoods Funding, Philadelphia Land Care Program, Other .......................................................... 87CDBG Funding .......................................................................................................................... 89HOMEFunding ........................................................................................................................ 91HOPWA Funding ...................................................................................................................... 91Section108LoanFunding ....................................................................................................... 92HTF Funding ............................................................................................................................. 93HTF Non-Recording Fee Sub Fund Funding ............................................................................. 93Federal Adjustment Factor ...................................................................................................... 94Choice Neighborhoods ............................................................................................................ 94Philadelphia LandCare Program .............................................................................................. 94Other Funding ......................................................................................................................... 95

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Section 1:

Housing and Community Development Summary

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Housing and Community Development Summary


Housing and Community Development Summary

Program Program MeasureYear 45 Quarter

Total1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Housing Production

Neighborhood-Based Rental Housing

Unitsunderconstruction 391 576

Units completed 0 0

Neighborhood-Based Special-Needs Rental Housing

Unitsunderconstruction 133 179

Units completed 0 0

Philly First Home Grants provided 332 528 860

Housing Preservation

Homes Saved Units saved 123 187 310

Heater Hotline Clients served 1,093 1,090 2,183

Basic Systems Repair Units completed 363 591 954

AdaptiveModifications Units completed 31 26 57

WeatherizationAssistance Units completed 43 46 89

Vacant Land Management

PAHorticulturalSociety Lotsstabilized/cleaned 11,888 12,785

Employment and Training

YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School Youth served 180 165

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Section 2:

Housing and Community Development Activity

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Housing and Community Development Activity


Housing and Community Development Activity

Housing Production

Neighborhood-Based Rental Housing


Year 45 Quarter

Total1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total units planned 420


Units completed 0 0 0

Geographic Distribution - by Council District

1st 0 02nd 0 03rd 0 04th 0 05th 0 06th 0 07th 0 08th 0 09th 0 010th 0 0Under Construction

Unitsunderconstruction 391 576

Geographic Distribution - by Council District

1st 0 02nd 0 03rd 60 604th 0 05th 196 3816th 0 07th 50 508th 35 359th 50 5010th 0 0

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Housing Production

Neighborhood-Based Special-Needs Rental Housing

The City funds the development of permanent housing for the homeless, persons with substance abuse issues,personswithHIV/AIDs,andpersonswithphysicalandintellectualdisabilities.

Year 45 Quarter

Total1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total units planned 110


Units completed 0 0 0

Geographic Distribution - by Council District

1st 0 02nd 0 03rd 0 04th 0 05th 0 06th 0 07th 0 08th 0 09th 0 010th 0 0Under Construction

Unitsunderconstruction 133 179 179

Geographic Distribution - by Council District

1st 9 92nd 8 83rd 36 364th 0 05th 6 526th 11 117th 47 478th 0 09th 0 010th 16 16

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Housing and Community Development Activity


Housing Production

Philly First Home Program

The Philly First Home Program provides down payment and closing cost assistance grants to income eligible, first-timehomebuyerswhocompletepre-purchasecounseling.

Year 45 QuarterTotal1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total grants planned 200Grants provided 332 528 860

Geographic Distribution - by Council District1st 11 8 192nd 17 34 513rd 15 28 434th 38 64 1025th 3 16 196th 62 65 1277th 60 96 1568th 37 54 919th 76 131 20710th 13 32 45

Demographic Distribution - IncomeVerylow(<=25%AMI) 3 11 14Low(>25%and<=50%AMI) 88 124 212Moderate(>50%and<=80%AMI) 138 217 355Over(>80%AMI) 103 176 279

Demographic Distribution - RaceWhite 80 93 173Black 188 321 512Other 56 90 142Asian 8 24 33American Indian 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - EthnicityHispanicorLatino 97 154 251NotHispanicorLatino 236 374 610

Demographic Distribution - Other CharacteristicsFemale 212 322 534Handicap 6 9 15Elderly 6 6 12

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Housing Preservation

Homes Saved


Year 45 QuarterTotal1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total units saved 123 187 310

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Housing and Community Development Activity


Housing Preservation

Heater Hotline

TheHeaterHotline,administeredbytheEnergyCoordinatingAgencyundercontracttoPHDC,receivesandscreens calls from persons without heat. Repair crews are dispatched to eligible households to make minor repairs. When major repairs are needed clients are referred to PHDC to apply for the Basic Systems Repair Program.

Year 45 QuarterTotal1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total units planned 4,250Service calls completed 1,104 1,142 2,246Units completed 1,093 1,090 2,183

Geographic Distribution - by Council District1st 30 40 702nd 162 149 3113rd 195 170 3654th 143 131 2745th 102 115 2176th 33 31 647th 149 158 3078th 179 184 3639th 93 103 19610th 7 9 16

Demographic Distribution - IncomeVerylow(<=25%AMI) 1,033 974 2,007Low(>25%and<=50%AMI) 57 114 171Moderate(>50%and<=80%AMI) 3 2 5Over(>80%AMI) 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - RaceWhite 91 101 192Black 863 854 1,717Other 21 17 38Asian 0 0 0American Indian 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - EthnicityHispanicorLatino 118 118 236NotHispanicorLatino 975 972 1,947

Demographic Distribution - Other CharacteristicsFemale 944 915 1,859Handicap 735 666 1,401Elderly 468 465 933

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Housing Preservation

Basic Systems Repair Program (BSRP)

BSRPprovidesfreerepairstocorrectelectrical,plumbing,heating,structural,androofingemergenciesineligible owner-occupied homes.

Year 45 QuarterTotal1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total units planned 2,400Units completed 363 591 954

Geographic Distribution - by Council District1st 15 33 482nd 35 60 953rd 59 89 1484th 38 56 945th 40 66 1066th 16 19 357th 65 101 1668th 62 89 1519th 31 73 10410th 2 5 7

Demographic Distribution - IncomeVerylow(<=25%AMI) 285 322 607Low(>25%and<=50%AMI) 78 268 346Moderate(>50%and<=80%AMI) 0 1 1Over(>80%AMI) 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - RaceWhite 23 45 68Black 274 429 703Other 7 11 18Asian 1 1 2American Indian 1 0 1

Demographic Distribution - EthnicityHispanicorLatino 57 105 162NotHispanicorLatino 306 486 792

Demographic Distribution - Other CharacteristicsFemale 304 484 788Handicap 90 166 256Elderly 196 323 519

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Housing and Community Development Activity


Housing Preservation

Adaptive Modifications Program (AMP)

AMPisdesignedtohelplow-incomeindividualswithpermanentphysicaldisabilitieslivemoreindependentlyintheirhomes. Itprovidesfreeadaptationstoahouseoranapartment,allowingeasieraccesstoandmobility within the home.

Year 45 QuarterTotal1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total units planned 400Units completed 31 26 57

Geographic Distribution - by Council District1st 1 2 32nd 3 0 33rd 4 3 74th 3 4 75th 5 3 86th 0 1 17th 2 4 68th 7 6 139th 5 3 810th 1 0 1

Demographic Distribution - IncomeVerylow(<=25%AMI) 16 16 32Low(>25%and<=50%AMI) 15 10 25Moderate(>50%and<=80%AMI) 0 0 0Over(>80%AMI) 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - RaceWhite 1 2 3Black 26 22 48Other 0 0 0Asian 0 0 0American Indian 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - EthnicityHispanicorLatino 4 2 6NotHispanicorLatino 27 24 51

Demographic Distribution - Other CharacteristicsFemale 21 21 42Handicap 31 26 57Elderly 22 22 44

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Housing Preservation

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)


Year 45 QuarterTotal1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total units planned 750Units completed 43 46 89

Geographic Distribution - by Council District1st 0 2 22nd 1 5 63rd 7 7 144th 5 8 135th 7 3 106th 3 1 47th 1 6 78th 8 5 139th 6 7 1310th 1 1

Demographic Distribution - IncomeLow (<=200% PL) 43 46 89Over (>200% PL) 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - RaceWhite 0 0 0Black 0 0 0Other 0 0 0Asian 0 0 0American Indian 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - EthnicityHispanicorLatino 0 0 0NotHispanicorLatino 0 0 0

Demographic Distribution - Other CharacteristicsFemale 0 0 0Handicap 6 1 7Elderly 21 30 51


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Housing and Community Development Activity


Vacant Land Management

Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS)

The City funds PHS through the Philadelphia LandCare Program to improve and stabilize vacant and blighted land.Thisresultsinthecreationofnewcommunitygreenspaceforpublicbenefitforlow-andmoderate-income area residents; 300-500 trees will be planted in low- to moderate-income census tracts in selected areassuchasinneighborhoodparks,aroundschoolsandrecreationcenters;andtwoneighborhoodparkswill be improved with key landscape improvement projects.

Year 45 Quarter1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Lotsplannedtobestabilized/cleaned 12,785Total Parcels 11,888 12,785

PHS ActivityTargetAreaStabilization 286 291PinpointTargetAreaLandStabilization 0 426Maintenance(Clean-upofExisting&NewlyStabilizedLand) 6,351 6,620PinpointMaintenance(Clean-upofExisting&NewlyStabilizedLand) 0 318Community Landcare 2,461 2,360PHDC/LandBankParcels 587 619PHA 804 786ReEntry Parcels 1,399 1,365

Geographic Distribution - by Council District1st 200 1972nd 761 8393rd 2,077 2,0954th 498 6585th 6,056 6,4776th 30 347th 1,136 1,3268th 1,094 1,1239th 36 3610th 0 0

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Employment and Training

YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School

YouthBuildprovideseducation,on-the-jobtraininginconstruction,computertechnology,ornursingandcounseling to young inner-city adults aged 18 to 21 who reside in very low, low- and moderate-income households and have dropped out of high school. Students can earn high school diplomas, learn career skills,andreceivecounselingandleadershipdevelopmentskillstosupporttheirtransitionintoadulthood.

Year 45 Quarter1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Total youth to be served 180Youth served 180 165

Geographic Distribution - by Council District1st 4 22nd 11 113rd 41 384th 19 175th 22 206th 7 77th 18 178th 34 309th 23 2210th 1 1

Demographic Distribution - IncomeVerylow(<=25%AMI) 131 117Low(>25%and<=50%AMI) 43 42Moderate(>50%and<=80%AMI) 6 6Over(>80%AMI) 0 0

Demographic Distribution - RaceWhite 1 1Black 162 148Other 8 7Asian 2 2American Indian 0 0

Demographic Distribution - EthnicityHispanicorLatino 7 7NotHispanicorLatino 173 158

Demographic Distribution - Other CharacteristicsFemale 95 91Handicap 0 0

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Section 3:

Economic Development Activities

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Economic Development Activities


Economic Development ActivitiesThe Economic Development Program provides funding and assistance to a broad range of neighborhood and citywide projects. The principal agency funded by the city is the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation(PIDC).Thisagencyprovidesanintegratedsetofservicestocommercialandindustrialfirmsand small businesses andneighborhood commercial areas for employmentexpansionand retention. PIDCoffers financial assistanceunder theNorthPhiladelphiaBusinessDevelopment LoanProgram, MortgageLoanProgram,CitywideLandDevelopmentProgram,UrbanDevelopmentActionGrant(UDAG),Acquisition and SiteDevelopment Program, Section108 LoanProgram, and Enterprise Zone Loans.Neighborhood-based projects and technical assistance to businesses are undertaken through subrecipients (Seelistingbelow).ThefollowingprojectdescriptionsincludedinthisreportcovertheperiodofOctober1,2019 to December 31, 2019.

Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, pages 13-19

Neighborhood and Special Commercial Projects, pages 20-56 � Nueva Esperanza Housing and Economic Development, Inc. � ImpactCommunityServicesDevelopmentCorporation � New Kensington CDC (NKCDC) � HACE � Frankford CDC � People’s Emergency Center (PECCDC) � Korean Community Development Services Center (KCDSC) � The Enterprise Center CDC � The Business Center � UrbanAffairsCoalition/PhiladelphiaDevelopmentPartnership/EntrepreneurWorks � Women’sOpportunitiesResourceCenter � Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians (WCNP) (Technical Assistance) � FINANTA � TaconyCommunityDevelopmentCorporation(TCDC) � African Cultural Alliance of North America (ACANA) � Score Philadelphia � Germantown United Community Development Corp. (GUCDC) � Urban League of Philadelphia � J T Goldstein � Commercial Corridor Cleaning

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Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC)2600CentreSquareWest,1500MarketSt.,Philadelphia,PA19102

PIDC,a localdevelopmentcorporationwithinthedefinitionsetforthunder24CFA570.204(c)(3),shallengageinselectedeconomicdevelopmentprogramsassetforthunderthisagreementinordertoattainatleastoneofthefollowingpublicbenefits:

� creationandretentionofpermanentjobsforresidentsofPhiladelphia

� creationandretentionofpermanentjobsforverylow,low-andmoderate-incomeresidentsofthe City

� stimulationofinvestmentineconomicactivityintheCity

� generationoftaxratablesthroughouttheCity

Funds will be used for:

1) provisionoflimitedfinancingthroughdirectloans,grants,orotherinvestmentvehiclesthatwillattractconventionalprivatefinancingforthebulkofaproject

2) amarketthatwillstimulateinvestmentbysavingsandloansandotherlendinginstitutions

3) attractionofexpandedconventionalfinancingthroughtheuseofotherfederalorstatefinancingprograms

Financial Assistance to For Profit Businesses

Underthisparagraphoftheagreement,PIDCmayundertakeCDBGfundedactivitiestoprovidefinancialassistancetoforprofitbusinesseslocatedinPhiladelphia.PIDCshalluseCDBGfundsfortheseeconomicdevelopmentactivitiesonlyafterPIDChasdeterminedandtheCityhasapprovedthatthefinancialassistanceprovidedtotheforprofitbusinessisnecessaryorappropriatetocarryouttheeconomicdevelopmentproject in accordance with 24 CFA 570.203{b). The programs that are eligible to be implemented under this agreement are set forth below.



The Citywide Land Development Program provides funds primarily to “writedown” the sale price of publicly owned industrial and commercial land in certain areas of Philadelphia.

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Economic Development Activities


Job Creation and Retention Programs



PIDC shall provide loans and/or grants to at least twobusinesseswhich anticipate creating at least 50jobsoveratwo-yearperiodaftereachprojectiscompletedinanEnterpriseZone.Underthisparagraph,PIDCshallprovidesuchassistancetoforprofitbusinesseswhichwillcreatefulltimeequivalentemploymentopportunities.Atleast51percentoftheseopportunitiesshallbeavailabletolow-andmoderate-incomepersons.


Accomplishments: Loans (Year to Date) Assistance to For Profits for Job Creation

Quarters 1 & 2:

� Noloanssettled

Commercial Assistance in Low- and Moderate-Income Neighborhood Programs

PIDC shall provide loans to at least one business. Under this paragraph, PIDC shall provide such assistance to for-profitbusinesseswhichwillprovide retail goodsand/or services in low-andmoderate- incomeneighborhoods



� Noloanssettledthisperiod.

Prevention or Elimination of Slums or Blight Programs

PJDC shall provide loans to at least seven businesses. Under the paragraph, PIDC shall provide assistance tofor-profitbusinesseswhichwillassistinthepreventionoreliminationofslumsorblight.


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Financial Assistance to Nonprofit Entities


� TheEnterpriseZoneDevelopmentLoanProgramisaspecialeconomicdevelopmentprogramthatprovideslowinterestfundstobusinesseslocatedinanyoftheCity’sofficiallydesignatedEnterprisezones:ThePortofPhiladelphia,AmericanStreet,HuntingParkandWestParkside.

� TheMortgageLoanProgramprovideslowinterestsecondmortgagefinancingforbusinessexpansionintheCity.Combinedwithprivatefinancing,thisrevolvingloanpoolcontributestothenecessarycapitaltocompleteprivatebusinessexpansionthatcouldnotoccurthroughprivatefinancialmarkets.

� NeighborhoodDevelopmentFundprovidesfinancialassistancetononprofitentities.PIDCmayundertakeCDBG-fundedactivitiestoprovidefinancialassistancetoeconomicdevelopmentprojects that help stabilize and foster economic growth in distressed areas of the City.

� The Citywide Land Development Program provides funds primarily to “writedown” the sale price of publicly-owned industrial and commercial land in certain areas of Philadelphia.

Job Creation and Retention Programs



PIDC shall provide loans and/or grants to at least twobusinesseswhich anticipate creating at least 35jobsoveratwo-yearperiodaftereachprojectiscompletedinanEnterpriseZone.Underthisparagraph,PIDCshallprovidesuchassistancetononprofitentitieswhichwillcreatefulltimeequivalentemploymentopportunities.Atleast51percentoftheseopportunitiesshallbeavailabletolow-andmoderate-incomepersons.



� WomeninDialogue-5011-13WayneAve-LoanAmount:$300,000-Settled:11/05/2019 3jobsexpected

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Economic Development Activities


Commercial Assistance In Low- and Moderate-Income Neighborhood Programs

PIDCshallprovideloansand/orgrantstoatleastoneentityonacitywidebasis.Underthisparagraph,PlDCshallprovidesuchassistancetononprofitentitieswhichwillprovideretailgoodsand/orservicesinlow- and moderate-income neighborhoods.

24 CFR 570.204(c)(3) 124 CFR 570.208{a)(1)

PIDCshallprovideloansand/orgrantstoatleastoneentityinanEnterpriseZone.Underthisparagraph,PIDCshallprovidesuchassistancetononprofitentitieswhichwillprovideretailgoodsand/orservicesinlow- and moderate-income neighborhoods.



� Noloanssettledthisquarterinthiscategory

Prevention or Elimination of Slums or Blight Programs






� Noloanssettledthisquarterinthiscategory

InStore Program

TheInStoreProgramoffersforgivableloansrangingfrom$15,000to$50,000toeligibleretail,foodandcreativebusinessestopurchaseequipmentassociatedwithestablishinganewlocationorexpandingatanexistingone.InStoreisofferedinpartnershipwiththeOfficeofArts,CultureandtheCreativeEconomy.Thisprogramprovidessupporttoprojectsthathelpcreatethevitalmixofbusinessesfoundwithinasuccessfulcommercial corridor.Retail, foodand creativebusinesseshavebeengrowing inPhiladelphia,both inquantityandquality.ThroughInStore,theCityaimstostrengthentheroleofthesebusinessesaseconomicand social anchors which provide goods and services in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods and to

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Business Address Loan Amount

InStore Loans Settled in the 1st and 2nd Quarters


Inner City Industrial Park Program (ICIPP)

The lCIPPwill be targeted toNorthPhiladelphiaand theCity’s Enterprise Zones:HuntingPark,WestParksideandPortofPhiladelphia.TheICIPPwillbeimplementedtodevelopnewlocationsforindustrialandcommercialdevelopment.UnderthisparagraphPIDCmayundertakeactivitiestoaidintheeliminationofslumsandblight,especiallytheblightinginfluenceofvacantproperty,andtomeetcommunitydevelopmentneedshavingaparticularurgency,especiallythosedesignedtoalleviateexistingconditionswhichposea serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community. Under the ICIPP funds may beusedforacquisition,disposition,publicimprovementsandclearanceactivitiesorotherrealpropertyinfrastructure improvements, as appropriate.

24 CFR 570.201(a), (b), (c), {d) and (i) 24 CFR 570.208(b)(1)

PIDC shall complete the improvements to the West Parkside Industrial Park.

Small Business Commercial Improvement Program, Storefront Improvement Program and Targeted Block Façades

The Targeted Neighborhood Commercial Area (TNCA) Program enables businesses to remain and to expandwhileprovidingneededgoods,services,andemploymentopportunitiesforPhiladelphia’slow-and moderate- income residents. In order to improve the quality of life, employment opportunities, and entrepreneurial opportunities for very low, low-, and moderate-income individuals and very low, low-, and moderate-income neighborhoods, and recognizing the importance of Philadelphia’s small business sector in achieving the foregoing, PIDC will undertake the economic development activities delineated on the following pages.

The Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) provides rebates on a matching basis up to $10,000 for a single commercialpropertyand$15,000foramultipleaddressorcornerbusinessproperty.Eligiblepropertieswill be located on or within a block of a designated commercial corridor. The funds may be used for design andphysicalimprovementoftheexteriorelementofthebuildingorexternalsecurityimprovements,aswellasinternalsecurityimprovementswhicharepartofanexternalsecurityimprovement.

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Economic Development Activities



Non-CDBG-funded rebates: for the First Quarter there were 13 totaling $117,115, for the Second Quarter there were 15 totaling $193,929. Year to date: 28 non-CDBG-funded rebates totaling $311,044.

Business Address Rebate AmountIst Quarter

New Kensington CDC 2400-14 Kensington Ave. $6,600

New Kensington CDC 2558-60 Kensington Ave. $23,500

NBD Spring Ridge, LLC 1217 Spring Garden St. $6,990

HelloDonuts+Coffee 2557 Amber St. $10,000

Sholypop Daycare 2910 N. 5th S., 1st Floor $2,400

MohammedAlyan 617 S. 4th St. $8,914

Webb Brothers, Inc. 1527CecilB.MooreAve. $18,824

Toryalay Azime 2607 Germantown Ave. $7,291

JeffreyBlaker&VictorRodin 632 N. 2nd St. $4,245

MichaelJacoby 709 W. Girard Ave. $3,900

FireballPrinting 2644-48 Coral St. $15,000

African Cultural Art Forum 221-223 South 52nd St. $5,000

FantasticFutures,LLC. 4313 Lancaster Ave. $4,450

2nd Quarter

Eugene Carelli 4010-18CottmanAve. $15,000

PassyunkAvenueRevitalizationCorporation 1601 E. Passyunk Ave. $11,573

Frankford CDC 4667 Paul St. $6,000

New Kensington CDC 2535 Kensington Ave. $25,000

New Kensington CDC 2534-36 Kensington Ave. $20,450

BarkParkPhilly, LLC 4805-09 Woodland Ave. $15,000

Philty Paws 806 S. 47th St. $10,000

Teranga Yoga LLC 626 S. 7th St. $12,809

MichaelGoldstein 1620-1624W.HuntingParkAve. $15,000

Kensington Community Food Coop 2670 Coral St. $15,000

Fabric Row Development LLC 742 S. 4th St. $10,000

Darlene A. Jones 5178 Parkside Ave. $3,220

LATENT, LLC. 5231 Germantown Ave. $15,000

MOC-TIMEnterprises,LLC. 2101 Reed St. $15,000

ABEMandel 1841 E. Passyunk Ave. $4,877

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Neighborhood and Special Commercial Projects

Nueva Esperanza Housing and Economic Development Inc. (NEHED)

Neighborhood Revitalization

4621 North 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19140Contract #: 2020129Council District 7, Census Tract 197

NEHEDshallimprovethequalityoflife,employmentopportunitiesandretailopportunitiesforlow-andmoderate-incomeindividualsintheareagenerallyboundbyHuntingParkCommercialCorridor.Theprimarytargetwill incorporatetheHuntingParkCommercialCorridor,4200to4700blocksofNorth5thStreet,locatedbetween5thandHuntingParkto5thandRooseveltBoulevardandtheWyomingStreetCorridor-Wyoming Avenue and the Roosevelt Boulevard.

NEHED shall reach out to businesses in the target area and conduct a corridor walk through on a regular basis monthly.NEHED’sCorridorManagershallvisitandconnectwithallbusinessesinthetargetareaandensurethattheyareawareoftheCDCandtheCorridorManager’srole.Iflinguisticorculturalchallengesarise,NEHED shall request assistance from the Commerce Department to develop a plan to address them. NEHED shallcontactatleast100businesses.NEHEDshallapproacheverybusinessmethodicallywhendisseminatinginformationandcollectingbusinessinformation.NEHEDshallkeeparecordofallbusinessescontacted.


Quarter 1:

� Numberofoperationalbusinesses:209

� Number of microenterprises <5 employees: 146

� Businessownershipbyrace/ethnicity: 26Asian,20black,123Latino,40white

� Vacantcommercialproperties:22

� WillusetheBRICresourcetocreateitsmarketprofile.

� BywayoftheHuntingParkBusinessAssociationNEHEDmetwithapproximately10businesses.Surprisingly the amount of crime has decreased but cases concerning Bioterriorism is on the rise. TheareapoliceparticipateinalloftheHPBAmeetingsandprovidedsafetymeasures.

� Outcome of NEHED’s most recent survey provided an insight that many believe the area provides its community with diversity and ethnic inclusion. They ranked the area highly as a good place to liveandraiseafamily.Inaddition,theyfoundthatthemixofstoresandservicesweregoodtovery good.

� HuntingParkcommunitycollaborativeisastakeholdergroupcomprisedofbusinessowners,arearesidents, City and local agencies. This groups meets quarterly.

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Economic Development Activities


� The25thDistrictpolicecaptainattendsthemonthlyHPBAtoprovideinput.

� Five businesses were assisted during this quarter.

� One business SIP

� TwobusinessesreceivedTMFfunding.

� Identifylocationsinneedofsecurityimprovementsandupgradeatleastfivestorefronts’exteriorlights and install at least three security cameras.

� Provide technicalassistanceandbusinessadvicetotheownersofatleast 10 microenterprises.

� Liststhreevacanciesatthistime.

� Currentlyinmotiononthedevelopmentprojectfor4615-21on5thStreet.theyarewaitingforanoutcomeonaloanfor$650,000atthistime.

� ReverendCortesmetwithMr.MiguelMartinez thepresidentof theDominicanMerchantsAssociationtoworktogetheronstrengtheningtheHuntingParkBusinesscorridor.

Quarter 2:

� Accomplishmentswillbereportednextquarter.

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Impact Community Services Development Corporation (ICSDC)

Neighborhood Revitalization

1952 East Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134 Contract #: 2020122 Council District 1, Census Tracts 177, 178, 188, 192



Quarter 1:

� Submittedresultsof thesurvey,which indicatedmanyvacantproperties.Notallownerswereidentifiedsoethnicityinfowillbeupdatedlater.

� Numberofoperationalbusinesses:22

� Number of microenterprises <5 employees: 20

� Vacantcommercialproperties67

� SubmittedtheminutesfromtheirJulyandAugustBusinessAssociationmeetings,whichincludedpresentationsfromvariouspublicsafetyandhumanservicesorganizations,aswellasabusinessthatsellsenergyefficiencyimprovementstosmallandmediumbusinessesinthenortheast.

� PolicewereengagedinbattlingaHep-Aoutbreakinthecorridor.

� PoliceattendeveryKABAmeetingandmeetfrequentlywithImpactstaffonroutineandemergencyissues.ThefocusofthisquarterwascontaininganoutbreakofHepatitisAthatwasspreadingamongthehomelessanddruguserpopulationsofthearea.

� Corridor manager met with at least 20 businesses

� J&JRestaurantsuccessfullycompletedaStorefrontImprovementProject,oneofthefirstintheareainalongtime,whichwasahugesuccess.Thebusinesslooksgreatandtheirbusinesshasincreased. Also, the improvements have held up, and the new building facade hasn’t yet been defaced or vandalized.

� Duetothe100%reimbursementforcamerainstallationsduringmuchof2019,over100businessesintheImpactServicestargetareareceivednewcameras.Manyofthesewereonthecommercialcorridor.

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� Impact corridormanager JonathanArrietaworked closelywith J&JRestaurant to get all thedocumentation in linewith theSIP. Inaddition, therehasbeenanewsenseof interest frompotentialcommercialtenants,includingabrewery/brickovenpizzeria,andthecorridormanagerhas been working with some of these

� Thisquarterhasbroughtsomefantasticopportunitiesforengagement,security,andcleanliness. Thankstothe100%safecamincentive,wewereabletocovermuchground,andthishasopened

the doorforengagement.WecompletedtheJ&Jstorefront,andthenewcleaningcontracthasmadeasubstantialdifferenceinthelitterchallenge.Theincentivesprovidedthisquarterhavemadeamassive impact on the Kensington corridor.

� Though far from a transformed Kensington, we’ve seen an increase in interest from commercialtenants.Wewereabletoguideabusinessownerwhoislookingtoopenabrickovenpizza/brewery(thedrewry.com)toShiftcapital.Thechallengesarethesame,butthisquartertheyhavebeenslightlyless.Thecorridorbusinesseshaveexpressedtheirgratitude.

Quarter 2:

� Accomplishmentswillbereportednextquarter.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

New Kensington CDC (NKCDC)

Neighborhood Revitalization

2771 Ruth St., Suite 1, Philadelphia, PA 19134 Contract #: 2020123 Council Districts 1, 5, 7, Census Tracts 156, 163, 176-181 GreaterServiceArea:ZipCodes19125and19134,CensusTracts:143,158-161,178-182,and185-192 Primary Commercial Area: 1200 through 2700 blocks of Frankford Avenue SupportiveServicesto:EastGirardAvenue(Frontto1-95),Allegheny/Richmond(TuliptoRichmond; 3100blockofRichmond)andFrontandKensingtonCorridor(Front/NorristoYork)

NKCDCcreateseconomicopportunitybyassistingbusinesses,revitalizingneighborhoodcommercialareasandeliminatingblight in targetedneighborhoods.Thisprogramcompliments theElmStreetProgram.StabilizingandexpandingtheCity’semploymentbaseespeciallylow-andmoderate-incomeneighborhoods,NKCDC,acommunity-baseddevelopmentorganization,(CBDO)assiststheCityofPhiladelphiabyundertakingTargetedCorridorRevitalizationManagementactivities.InadditiontoFrontandKensington,theNKCDCareahasexpanded to includeAlleghenyandRichmond,Frankford,andEastGirardAve.EachareahasspecificgoalsforNKCDCtomeet.

NKCDC reaches out to businesses in the target area and conducts a corridor walk through on a regular basis monthly.NKCDC’sCorridorManagervisitsandconnectswithallbusinessesinthetargetareaandensuresthattheyareawareoftheCDCandtheCorridorManager’srole.lflinguisticorculturalchallengesarise,NKCDC can request assistance from the Commerce Department to develop plans to address them. NKCDC shallcontactatleast100businesses.NKCDCshallapproacheverybusinessmethodicallywhendisseminatinginformationandcollectingbusinessinformation.NKCDCshallkeeparecordofallbusinessescontacted.


Quarter 1:

� FishtownHappyHour,FishtownBoardMeeting,FishtownSteeringCommitteeMeeting,Fishtown BIDmeeting.

� In the midst of an 18 month planning process for the Fishtown BID.

� DiscussionsaroundnewencampmentshavebeenboughttotheattentionofNKCDCbyway of councilwoman’sSanchez’soffice.

� Corridormanagersmakeeveryefforttomeetwiththe470businessesintheirarea.Theycurrently have 38 open cases of helping business owners.

� Five SIPS in the pipeline.

� Assistance to 38 businesses.

� Usesthewebsitehttps://nkcdc.org.commercialproperties.

� Providedalistoffiveproperties.

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� 2157EastLehighAve.proposing200Unitsofhousingaspartofmixed-usedevelopment.

� Provides a website for its business directory.

� Working on Phase 2 of its Orinka development; 44 units of housing right behind its current site.

� Experiencedchangesinstaffingasitworkedthroughvariousissues.

� 100%SIPandSafeCamprogramsallowedstafftoforgenewworkingrelationshipswithmanyofthebusinesses.Theywillnowworkhardtomaintainthoserelationshipsandcontinuetofosterwaystosupportbusinessesastheytryandcontinuetodobusinesswithachallengedenvironment.

Quarter 2:

� Grow with Google and small business Saturday workshops.

� BID was successful and has been approved.

� With involvement from the police it looks as though the group has been disbanded.

� Corridor manager currently has 41 open cases of helping businesses.

� Three SIPS in the pipeline.

� Completed 70 safe cams from last year.

� 41 businesses receiving assistance.

� Providesalistofthreeproperties.

� 3148-50 Richmond Street received favorable response from both the community and business sector

� Provides a website for its business directory.

� ReceivedDCEDfundingtorenovateitsoldofficelocation-2513-15FrankfordAve.-intohousingat the top and commercial space below.

� CreationoftheFISHTOWNBIDwillcreatenewopportunitiesforNKCDCstafftobegintore-engageits businesses.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA


Neighborhood Revitalization

167 W. Lehigh Ave., Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19140 Contract #: 2020121 Council District 7, Census Tracts 163, 164, 174, 175, 176.01, 176.02, 195


HACE shall reach out to businesses in the target area and conduct a corridor walk through on a quarterly basis.HACE’sCorridorManagershallvisitandconnectwithallbusinessesinthetargetareaandensurethattheyareawareoftheCDCandtheCorridorManager’srole.Iflinguisticorculturalchallengesarise,HACE shall request assistance from the Commerce Department to develop plans to address them. HACE shall contact at least 100 businesses throughout the year. HACE shall approach every business methodically whendisseminatinginformationandcollectingbusinessinformation.


Quarter 1:

� OnSeptember19th[conveningofbusinessowners]washeldFront&AlleghenyAvenueCorridorBrandingAdvisoryCommitteeMeetingbyHACEMainStreetandNorth4thLLC,wherethegoalsandbackgroundoftheprojectwerediscussed.ThemeetingwasplacedinSanchezRestaurant,amerchantwithinthecorridor.MainStreetstaffandNorth4thLLC,aswellasarepresentativefromtheDepartmentofCommerce,PhiladelphiaPoliceDepartment,andeightbusinessowners,werepresentatthemeeting.Topicsdiscussedincluded:detailsaboutwhat’simportant to each one about the commercial corridor based on the results of the 23 surveys collected,understandthetypeofidentityorpersonalityeachenvisionforthecorridor,buildsomemomentumarounddevelopingacommonvisionanddirection,andworktogethertowardthese common goals for the corridor.

� OnSeptember4th,2019,HACEtooktheinitiativetoconveneacommunitysecuritymeetingwiththe25thDistrictPoliceCaptain,residents,andbusinessowners.OnMonday,September2, at night, an incident of violence was thrown in our corridor of Front Street and Allegheny Avenue,whereapoliceofficerandaresidentwereinvolved,thatfinishedwiththe31-year-oldmanseriouslyinjuredbythepoliceofficer.Thecommunityhadtheopportunitytoexpresstheir concern about this violent incident between the police and a civilian and how violence

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and drugs have deteriorated the commercial area. Captain Rodriguez listened in detail to each assistantandwithoutsayingdetailsoftheinvestigationofthecase,madeitclearthatweallworktogetherandareonthesamesideandthattheinvestigationwasongoing..

� Individualmeetingsbetweenthecommercialcorridormanagerandmicroenterpriseowners(264minimum;yes/no)-115thisquarter

� Identify10 storefrontsthatwouldbenefitfromphysicalimprovements-13areinprogress

� Identifylocationsinneedofsecurityimprovementsandupgradeatleast15storefronts’exteriorlightsandinstallatleastfivesecuritycameras-19newapplications;21of30in-progressapplicationscompletedandninestillinprogress.

� Provideddirecttechnicalassistancetofivebusiness.Issuesincludedfinancingforpropertyacquisition,licensingandzoningissues,andpropertymanagement/shortdumpingconcerns.ThesefiveownerscontinuetoworkwithHACEandpartneragencies.

� Maintainalistofcommercialpropertiesavailableforsaleorlease-HACEsubmittedthelist

� Updatingthepreviousyear’sbusinessdirectoryandwillreleaseinalaterquarter.

� OnSeptember24th,2019,HACEMainStreetstaffandNACwereworkingonthezoningcasefor address 2712-16 N 5th St., AKA 2714 N 5th Street. On August 29th, 2019 Department of LicensesandInspectionsceasedoperationsofthebusinessOUTKASTWindowTintingforZoningandLicensesviolation.Thebusinessowner,JoseColon,wasprovidingvehicletintinginstallationandcarwashservicesformorethaneightyears.Intheback,hiscolleagueswereofferingrepairandmaintenanceservicestothevehicles.ThebusinesszoningwasclassifyingunderCMX-2.5,towhichrepairandmaintenanceservicestovehiclesisprohibited.Mr.Colondecidedtoeliminatevehiclerepairandmaintenanceservicesandonlyoffertintinginstallationandcarwashservices.OnNovember4willbetheRCOmeetingtopresenthisnewprojecttothecommunity.

� MainStreetProgramandtheCityofPhiladelphia’sDepartmentofCommercecontinuetoworktogether to combat the opioid epidemic and crime in the Fairhill and St. Hugh neighborhoods through the Business Security Camera Program. With the Philadelphia Resilience Project, the City of Philadelphia mobilized 35 City departments for a joint emergency response to the epidemic.HACEhasguidedandsupportedmerchantswiththeapplicationprocess.Thisperiod,21BusinessSecurityCameraapplicationshavebeenapproved,representinganinvestmentin security of $61,730 in our community. The program has been successfully welcomed by businesses and commercial property owners, which led other businesses becoming interested in security cameras as well.

Quarter 2:

� SelectedasaparticipantinthePACDC/N4LLC“Knackapp”databasepilotforthespring(seeFrankfordCDCnotes).Shouldhelpretainpertinentbusinessdemographicinfo.

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� OnNovember21stheldthethirdFront&AlleghenyAvenueCorridorBrandingAdvisoryCommitteeMeetingbyHACEMainStreetandNorth4thLLC,wherethecorridorbrandidentitywasrevealedandthecorridor’smarketingstrategywasoverviewed.MainStreetstaffandNorth4thLLC,aswellasarepresentativefromtheDepartmentofCommerce,arepresentativefromCouncilwomanMariaQuiñonesSanchez,andfivebusinessowners,werepresentatthemeeting.Topicsdiscussedincluded:marketingplan,strategicframeworkandcorridorvisibilityforthenextsteps.

� Themarketingplan’spurposeiscohesiveidentity,corridorgrowth,anddirectedinvestment.Thestrategic framework is organized into three categories, place, people, and businesses, with the nextstepsforHACE,localbusinessesandpartnerstoacton.

� OnOctober2nd,2019,HACEMainStreetandPPD25thDistrictheldtheNationalCoffeeDaywithaCopsponsoredbyStarbucksandNetCommunityCare.CoffeewithaCopbringspoliceofficersandthecommunitymemberstheyservetogether–overcoffee–todiscussissuesandlearnmoreabouteach other.ThemissionofCoffeewithaCopistobreakdownthebarriersbetweenpoliceofficersandthecitizenstheyserve.

� On November 17, 2019, HACE, Commerce Department, PPD 25th District, Philadelphia State Police,AsianAmericanAssociationandlocalorganizationsmetwiththebusinessowner,Mr.Kent.Discussedissueswithhimsuchasbestpracticestomaintainasafeenvironment,improvement,andexpansionofthefoodmenu,theproperwaytooperateabusiness,howtoattracttherightcustomersandhowtoimprovethefacadeofthebusinessthroughSIP.OnDecember17,HACEandCommerceDepartmentmetagainwithMr.Kenttofollowuponourlastmeeting.

� Individualmeetingsbetweenthecommercialcorridormanagerandmicroenterpriseowners(264minimum;yes/no)-98thisquarter

� Identify10storefrontsthatwouldbenefitfromphysicalimprovements-Ofpreviouslymentionedprojects,twoareapprovedandinprogress.Onehasasubmittedapplicationthatisworkingongettingapprovalandtherestarestillinprogress.

� Inanefforttocombattheopioidepidemic,andthecrimethatisbecomingmoreprevalentintheFairhillandSt.HughNeighborhoods,HACEisassistingbusinesseswhowishtotakeadvantage of the City of Philadelphia’s Business Security Camera Program through a Rebate Program.HACEidentified12localbusinesses,selectedonecompanyofthemultiplebidsfortheinstallationofexteriorcamerasandputthemallunderoneapplication,HACEasanapplicant.TheawardletterwasreceivedonOctober25.Thecostoftheprojectis$34,833.33.

� Helpedthreebusinessesdirectly.Issuesincludedbusinessregistration/startup,permitting,propertyacquisition,businesscoachingandtechnicalassistanceresources.

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� Thebusinessdirectoryiscompleteandsubmitted.

� 2712-16N5thSt.:ApplicationforuseasPersonalVehicleRepairandMaintenanceinanexistingstructure.ReasonforRefusal:TheproposeduseasPersonalVehicleRepairandMaintenanceisprohibitedintheCMX-2.5District.Therewerenovotesagainstthisapplication.

� 3345NReeseStreet:Applicationisforautodetailingshop(PersonalVehicleRepairandMaintenance)on1stFloorandBusiness&ProfessionalOfficeon2ndFloorinanexistingstructure.ReasonforRefusal:(1)Theproposeduse,PersonalVehicleRepairandMaintenanceisprohibitedinthiszoningdistrict.(2)Theproposeduse,BusinessandProfessionalOffice,isprohibitedinthiszoningdistrict.Therewerenovotesagainstthisapplication.

� OnNovember13,2019,forthefirsttime,HACEMainStreetsubmittedanapplicationtoMarineToysforTotsFoundationtoreceive45toysthatwouldbegiventothechildrenofCentroNuevaCreación,anafter-schoolprogramforlow-incomefamilies’kidsinthecommunity.InDecember,MarineToysforTotsFoundationapprovedtheapplication,donating45toysvaluedatapproximately$675.HACEtogetherwiththePhiladelphiaPoliceDepartmentwillbecelebratingthetraditionalThreeKingseventtodistributethetoys.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Frankford CDC

Neighborhood Revitalization

4900 Griscom Ave., Philadelphia, PA. 19124 Contract #: 2020119 Council Districts 6, 7, Census Tracts 183-185, 189-190, 292-302, 317-319

Toimprovethequalityoflife,employmentopportunitiesandentrepreneurialopportunitiesforverylow,low- and moderate-income individuals and very low, low- and moderate-income neighborhoods and selected Urban Renewal Area neighborhoods, and recognizing the importance of Philadelphia’s small business sector inachieving the foregoing, FrankfordCDC (FCDC), aneighborhood-basedorganization,will undertakeeconomicdevelopmentactivitiesdesignedtoenhanceemploymentopportunities,themajorityofwhichwill be available to low- and moderate income residents of the targeted neighborhood.


Quarter 1:

� FrankfordPausePark: Park-specific task forcemeetingwasheldon September4, andopencommunitymeetingonSeptember11.ThereissomecrossoverbetweenparkstakeholdersandFEDSC.SpecificFEDSCmeetingwillbeheldnextquarter.

� OnOct21,thesixbusinessesintherStorecohortmettogetherandwiththedesignteamfromtheCommunityDesignCollaborativethatwillbeworkingontheconceptualdesignsfortheirfacades.

� Threebusinessownersmetanddiscussedconcernsaboutsafetyandlighting,butalsoexpressedadesiretoimprovetheneighborhoodandabeliefinthatpotential.

� Corridormanagersworkedwithcorridorcleaningstafftosubmit311reportsregardingissuesinthe right of way.

� StreetscapingplanhasbeensharedwithStreetsandPennDOT,whoarestudyingthepotentialforimprovingtheintersectionatArrottTransportationCenter.

� CorridormanagersmetwithTreePhillyonAugust15 todiscusspotential for street treesandpartnering with PWD to implement.

� WorkingwithPWDtoincorporateGSIraingardeninnextphaseofFrankfordPausePark;raingardenwillmanagestormwaterrunofffromtheEl,whichcurrentlyemptiesdirectlytothestreet,floodingthe curbline. Trashlet pilot is on hold in order to coordinate with occupance of 4665 Paul Street.

� Submittedalistof190+businessesonthecorridorthattheyhavecontactedorplantocontact.Atleast35ofthesehaveexpressedinterestintheprogramsandservicesFrankfordCDCoffers.

� Submittedalistof10propertieswhoareengagedinsomeleveloffacaderestoration,eitherthroughthe rStore cohort, an independent SIP, or a smaller project like windows and doors.

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� Submittedalistofsevenpropertiesengagedinsomelevelofsecurityimprovement,eitherthroughthe rStore cohort or independently.

� Workedwithfivebusinessestoprovidetechnicalassistanceorreferrals.IssuesincludedHealthDepartmentinspectionsoffoodbusinesses(needproperpermits)andhelpwithstartupstogrowtheir customer base.

� Submittedalistof17availablepropertiesonthecorridor,withcontactinfo.

� 4665PaulStreet:FrankfordCDCisundertakingthefullrenovationofthisvacantproperty,whichwillresultinacommercialstorefrontataffordablehousingonthesecondandthirdfloors.Initialdemo was completed over the summer.

� 4663PaulStreet:FrankfordCDCispursuingasimilarprojectto4665PaulSt.Bothpropertieswereseverelydamagedfromafirethatstartedat4663PaulSt.lastOctober.Thispropertywasacquiredby FCDC in October 2019.

� Frankford Pause Park - Frankford Pause Park is a public open space project led by the Frankford CDC. The second summer of the pilot phase revealed new challenges from the previous year -- namelyopendruguseandprostitution.Thesewerenotnoticeableissuesinsummer2018.Thisexperienceledtotheconsiderationofaddingafencetothefinalphaseandthinkingaboutotherpossibleinterventionstodiscouragenegativeactivitiesinthepark.Hingeisfinalizingconstructiondocuments(stillundecidedonfence).GoingtobiddependsonhearingbackfromDPPregardingdesign feedbackand leasedetails.WorkingwithPWDandCouncilwoman’soffice to facilitateconversationwithDPP.ProjectwillbebidthroughPWD’scontractwithPIDC.

� Nuisancebusinessescontinuetobeachallenge.Anumberof24-hourconveniencestoreshaveopenedrecently(orhavebegunoperatingas24-hourestablishmentsorundernewmanagement),and we have received complaints from neighboring businesses about loitering, rowdiness, and propertydamage.Citationshavebeenissuedforsellingloosies,andfootbeatofficersalsosuspectsomebusinessesaresellingK2andsellingcigarettestominors.Onebusinesshasbagsuponbagsofsmallbaggies(empty)behindthecounter.L&Ihasissuedsomeviolationstobusinessesoperatingwithoutlicenses,butbusinessappearstocontinueundisturbed.Weareworkingwiththe15thDistrict,OBS,andL&Itoprovideongoingupdatesonnuisancebusinesses.Thebusinessesidentifiedsofarare1538PrattSt.,4939FrankfordAve.,4673FrankfordAve.,4513FrankfordAve.,and4467Frankford Ave.

Quarter 2:

� CurrentlyupdatingFEDSCmemberlist.PlanningmeetingforFebruarytodiscussFrankfordPausePark; 4663 and 4665 Paul Street; and 24-hr nuisance businesses.

� OnDecember16,FrankfordCDChostedaworkshopaddressingcommonL&Iissuesfacedbybusinessowners.ThefeaturedspeakerwasRogerTenant,FCDCboardmemberandformerL&Iinspector.

� FCDC is also collaboratingwith theUrbanLeagueofPhiladelphia tohosta six-weekStart-UpBusiness Cohort workshop series to train current and aspiring business owners on business basics andformalization.WhiletheserieswillrunfromJan15-Feb19,outreachforthecohorttookplaceduring this quarter.

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� Individualmeetingsbetween the commercial corridormanager andmicroenterpriseowners (183minimum;yes/no)-Yes,nochangefrompreviousupdate.FrankfordCDCwasselectedbyPACDCtoparticipateinapilotprojectoftheKnackplatformtohelpthemtracktheirrelationships,projects and contacts. The project will be managed by North 4th LLC.

� WorkcontinuedontherStoreproject.Sixparticipatingbusinessesreceivedadesignproposalandhave the opportunity to give feedback before moving forward in January.

� No update on other four businesses who are not eligible or interested in SIP process

� rStorepropertiesreceivedtheirdesignconsultationon10/21.Noupdateontheseventhpropertyindependent of the rStore project.

� Theyhaveenrolledacohortof10participatingbusinessestoasix-weekprogramfacilitatedbyUrban League that will cover a variety of business topics. They have 13 businesses in the list as receiving assistance now.

� 4665 Paul Street - Cleanout and make-safe complete. Cicada Architecture is applying for necessary permits.Constructionouttobid.BidsexpectedbackinQ3.Springstartdateexpected.

� 4663 Paul Street - Cleanout complete. Engineering report underway to apply for make-safe work permit. Working with Cicada on designs, similar to 4665 Paul Street.

� Frankford Pause Park - Decision has been made to not put a fence in front of the park. Hinge Collectivehascompletedbiddocuments.EverythingisinplacetobidpendingmovementfromDPP.ContinuingtoworkwithPWDandCouncilwomanSanchez’sofficetofacilitateconversationwith DPP.

� DespiteasweepbyL&I,manynuisancebusinessesopenedbackupwithindaysofhavingbeentemporarily closed. Frankford CDC is working to convene another Frankford Avenue Nuisance TaskForceMeetingwiththeCouncilwoman,L&I,PPD,SEPTAPD,Health,StatePolice,andotherrelevant enforcement agencies. (One nuisance business -- 4467 Frankford Ave. -- was destroyed inafirearoundThanksgivingwhenmaskedmentoreoffthesecuritygatesandthrewMolotovcocktails through the windows.)

� Large focus of the corridor managers’ work was a series of holiday events organized in Frankford Pause Park and 4667 Paul St. These included a Halloween Trick-or-Treat, a Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, aHolidayTree Lightingon12/5, andaHolidayMarketon12/14.Themarket featured 10 local vendors, including several Start-Up Business Cohort members and students from Frankford HighSchoolsellingceramicstobenefittheschool’sartprogram.

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Economic Development Activities


People’s Emergency Center (PECCDC)

Neighborhood Revitalization

325 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 Contract #: 2020130 Council District 3, Census Tracts 91, 106, 107, 108

To create economic opportunity by assisting businesses; revitalizing neighborhood commercial areas and eliminating blight in targeted neighborhoods and stabilizing and expanding the City’s employment base, especially low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, PECCDC, a community-based development organization (CBDO), will assist the City of Philadelphia by undertaking Targeted Corridor Revitalization Management activities.

PECCDC shall reach out to businesses in the target area and conduct a corridor walk through on a regular basis monthly. PECCDC’s Commercial Corridor Manager shall visit and connect with all businesses in the target area and ensure that they are aware of the CDC and the Commercial Corridor Manager’s role. If linguistic or cultural challenges arise, PEC shall employ interpretation (in-person or telephonic) and document translation services. PECCDC may use the City’s procured vendors who have agreed to extend the City’s rates to eligible organizations. PECCDC shall contact at least 127 businesses. PECCDC shall approach every business methodically when disseminating information and collecting business information. PEC shall keep a record of all businesses contacted.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Korean Community Development Services Center (KCDSC)

Neighborhood Revitalization

6055 N. 5111 St., Philadelphia, PA 19120 Contract# 1720119-02 Council District 9, Census Tracts 274, 275

To create economic opportunity by assisting businesses; revitalizing neighborhood commercial areas and eliminating blight in targeted neighborhoods and stabilizing and expanding the City’s employment base especially low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, KCDSC, a community-based development organization (CBDO), will assist the City of Philadelphia by undertaking Targeted Corridor Revitalization Management activities.

KCDSC shall reach out to businesses in the target area and conduct a corridor walk-through on a regular basis monthly. KCDSC’s Corridor Manager shall visit and connect with all businesses in the target area and ensure that they are aware of the CDC and the Corridor Manager’s role. If linguistic or cultural challenges arise, KCDSC shall employ interpretation (in-person or telephonic) and document translation services. KCDSC may use the City’s procured vendors who have agreed to extend the City’s rates to eligible organizations. KCDSC shall approach every business methodically when disseminating information and collecting business information. KCDSC shall keep a record of all businesses contacted.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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Economic Development Activities


The Enterprise Center CDC

Micro-Enterprise Assistance

4538 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19139 Contract #: 2020131 Council District 4, Census Tract 89

The Enterprise Center CDC proposes to assist the City of Philadelphia to launch a series of business support services in the newly launched Business Support Services (BSS) program on targeted neighborhood commercial corridors. These services will be marketed through workshops and partnering CDCs to assess and respond quickly and directly to the needs of merchants currently operating on those targeted commercial corridors.


Quarter 1:

� Held three stakeholder meetings with varied attendance and subject matters. All conveningswere held at the Urban Art Gallery. July’s subject was SIP (“Good Design is Good Business”). Thismeeting, which had 19 people in attendance, featured the SIP Manager from Commerce and dealt with businesses owner concerns on how to navigate the process. August’s subject was “Safety and Security,” with a focus on SafeCam and the Business Security Camera Program, with guest Invision Security. One person attended this stakeholder meeting. In response to this challenge, the Corridor Manager reached out to Invision Security to walk the corridor and meet with businesses individually. September featured a “Business Roundtable” that was put on in collaboration with Temple SBDC. There were 15 people in attendance for this session that featured a panel of guest speakers and focused on addressing small business challenges and connecting to technical assistance resources.

� Reached out to new 18th District Community Relations Officer Baukman in a desire to attend townhall meetings and have them attend our stakeholder meetings. Unsuccessful in both attempts. Ithas been a challenge reestablishing a relationship with the 18th Police District. TEC-CDC Supervisor has also supported the corridor manager in reaching out to contacts to reestablish this relationship.

� In the future, we would like to collaborate on addressing nuisance businesses, such as Ock Express.Ock Express is a new convenience store that sells goods from behind bulletproof glass and is open24/7. It is near several other beer deli nuisance businesses, and has become part of a larger problem related to patrons who frequent these businesses, loiter, and sell drugs in one confined area.

� Thinking through reconvening the “Quality of Life” meetings that have occurred in the past, bringingtogether multiple public agencies and departments, including the 18th District, L&I, SEPTA, Streets,Commerce, and PPA, in order to work collaboratively on corridor safety, trash, and enforcement issues.

� Individual meetings between the commercial corridor manager and microenterprise owners (200 minimum; yes/no) - Yes

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� Submitted a list of seven properties in some stage of storefront improvement. Two are completed projects that are trying to close out, one is newly approved and three are working on designs, one is working to improve their finances to work towards a project.

� Put four businesses in contact with Invision Security and toured the corridor with the security camera contractor.

� Worked with seven businesses helping them secure more than $50,000 in grant money. Helped them resolve some issues with streets department and got one business enrolled into the 10,000 small businesses program.

� Kicked of a traffic safety study and streetscape improvement planning process. The planning process is funded by DCED and Commerce. After an RFP selection process, TEC-CDC is working with a consultant team led by JVM Studio, a West Philly-based urban planning consultancy. A kickoff meeting with the steering committee was held in September, and a survey and community meeting were planned for October.

� Continued predevelopment efforts for 277 S 52nd St., a dilapidated property that the organization acquired earlier in 2019. TEC-CDC has officially engaged with Olaya Studio, a West Philly-based MBE architecture firm. While TEC-CDC initially had hopes of possibly rehabbing the building, after consulting with the architect and a structural engineer, it has been determined that the building likely needs to be demolished.

� One challenge has been around closing out two SIP projects. Star Fusion had issues providing the proof of contractor payment needed to process the reimbursement, while ACAF’s final construction is held up because of backordered materials.

Quarter 2:

� Held one stakeholder meeting, on October 30th. Fifteen people attended, and the meeting focused on three topics: 1) a consultant’s review of the 52nd Street streetscape planning findings to date; 2) an introduction to a project documenting black history in West Philadelphia, that will also assist community members with archiving family photos and heirlooms. This project is being conducted by two University of Pennsylvania professors; and 3) a send off for the outgoing corridor manager, Tempest Carter. TEC-CDC did not hold stakeholder meetings in November or December due to the timing of Thanksgiving and Christmas and the loss of our corridor manager. However, TEC-CDC plans to reconvene regularly scheduled monthly stakeholder meetings (last Wednesday of the month) in January 2020.

� In October, the corridor manager and the director of community and economic development met with Lt. Derek Hawkins, who oversees PSA2 (which includes 52nd St) in the 18th Police District. We discussed 52nd St issues and updates, as well as how best to stay connected going forward. We have had trouble staying in touch with the 18th District in the past year or more, but Lt. Hawkins appeared amenable to coming to meetings and keeping open lines of communication. Specific challenges and opportunities discussed included the ongoing loitering and crime issues

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between Irving and Spruce streets, and a desire to have more businesses install security cameras and enroll in SafeCam.

� Individual meetings between the commercial corridor manager and microenterprise owners (200 minimum; yes/no) - Yes

� Submitted updates on the seven properties. Of these, one is completed, two have moved to financial counseling before considering physical improvements, two have opted to do smaller signage projects with their own funds, and two submitted SIP applications. TEC also approached three additional businesses that they will attempt to work with over the remainder of the year.

� No updates on the previous four businesses although they may have been in touch with Invision separately.

� Purchased a multi address property at 5241-43 Market St. with one tenant and one vacant space and will be working with that business and their eventual tenant in the other to go through the process of getting cameras with them.

� One of these businesses was accepted to CCP Power Up program for the spring cohort. They also have another business exploring a loan with them for expansion and renovation and they have begun using them as a vendor for the cleaning program.

� Searching for a Corridor Manager. Tempest was a dynamic change agent on 52nd Street and developed many key relationships.

� Aquired a property 5241-43 Market St., which has one tenant Deluxe Donuts, as well as a vacant storefront and two vacant properties. They plan to renovate the vacant spaces and use this as an opportunity to diversify the business mix.

� 277 S 52nd St., the property acquired in mid-2019, will be demolished. They have permits for the demolition and are working with a local architect on drawings for the new building. It will be a satellite office for TEC CDC and contain some housing.

� There were some big moves among key properties on the corridor. Citizens Bank moved to the old Checkers location, which reduced a serious nuisance business area but also left a flagship property vacant. The former Sneaker Villa received a $1M renovation as part of the purchase by DTLR and held a grand opening. A major developer has entered into a purchase agreement on the largest property on 52nd Street (17-23 S 52nd) and TEC is trying to establish a relationship.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

The Business Center

Micro-Enterprise Assistance

7500 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119 Contract #1920198 Citywide

The purpose of the Business Technical Assistance Program (BTAP) is to foster successful establishment, stabilization, and expansion of micro-enterprises by providing useful and timely assistance and training.

TBC provides and completes technical assistance, advice and business support services to at least 25 owners of micro-enterprises and/or persons developing micro-enterprises, which provide goods or services to low- and moderate-income residential neighborhoods. TBC shall maintain and provide a record of all persons and businesses assisted, the type of assistance provided, the location of the business and jobs created as a result of the assistance.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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Economic Development Activities


Urban Affairs Coalition/Philadelphia Development Partnership/Entrepreneur Works

Micro-Enterprise Assistance

1207 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19107 Contract #1920289-01 Citywide for limited clientele Census Tracts 9, 73,86, 109, 113, 201, 252, 339

The Urban Affairs Coalition/Philadelphia Development Partnership/Entrepreneur Works (UAC/PDP/EW) is a nonprofit organization committed to helping all people achieve economic self-sufficiency through entrepreneurship. UAC/PDP/EW will deliver its client-driven training and counseling services using core entrepreneurial and financial programs.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Women’s Opportunities Resource Center

Micro-Enterprise Assistance

2011 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 Contract #1920223-01 Citywide

The Women’s Opportunities Resource Center (WORC) is a nonprofit organization committed to helping all achieve economic self-sufficiency through entrepreneurship. WORC delivers its client-driven training and counseling services using core entrepreneurial and financial programs that include financial, management and marketing assistance and meets the needs of nascent start-up and established micro-enterprises. These services will be available citywide and will be specifically targeted at low- to low- moderate-income persons.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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Economic Development Activities


Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians (WCNP) (Technical Assistance)

Micro-Enterprise Assistance

1617 JFK Blvd., One Penn Center, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Contract #1920288-01 Citywide

The goal of the Welcoming Center’s Business Technical Assistance project is to help immigrant entrepreneurs and business owners to establish, stabilize, and expand their micro-enterprises successfully. The WCNP’s approach will enable immigrant entrepreneurs to overcome barriers, to link immigrant entrepreneurs to the resources they need and to provide business technical assistance services developed specifically for immigrant entrepreneurs when such services are not already being provided.


Quarter 1:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

Quarter 2:

� The 8th cohort of the Plan It! Business training series enrolled 10 participating businesses comprising services businesses, restaurants, and import businesses. Seven of these businesses also entered a peer-lending circle with additional technical assistance from FINANTA.

� Planning for the 9th cohort was underway in partnership with Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Center.

� Explored future neighborhood partnerships with North 5th Street Revitalization Project (Olney), Lancaster Avenue 21st Century CDC (West Philadelphia), Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Association Coalition (SEAMAAC South Philadelphia) to provide workshops for existing businesses in these areas.

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Micro-Enterprise Assistance

1301 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19122 Contract #1920287-01 Citywide

FINANTA will foster the successful consolidation and expansion of existing micro-enterprises as a viable option for economic growth, by providing micro entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools for developing their management skills and building credit through workshops and practical applications, establishing peer groups as a way to build assets and credit, and develop leadership, teamwork and networking.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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Economic Development Activities


Tacony Community Development Corporation (TCDC)

Neighborhood Revitalization

4819 Longshore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19135 Contract #: 2020118 Census Tracts: 319,320-321,323, 325-326, 330 and 381 Target Area: bounded by Torresdale Avenue from Cottman to Robbins Avenue.

To improve the quality of life, employment opportunities and entrepreneurial opportunities for low- and moderate-income individuals and low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, and recognizing the importance of Philadelphia’s small business sector in achieving the foregoing, Tacony Community Development Corporation (TCDC) will assist the City of Philadelphia in the implementation of its Targeted Corridor Revitalization Management Program which is intended to help revitalize commercial corridors throughout the City. TCDC will undertake the following economic development activities designed to enhance economic opportunities and create a sustainable neighborhood as a clean, safe, attractive and welcoming place that will benefit, low- and moderate-income residents of the targeted neighborhood. These activities include community economic development programs designed to assist businesses.


Quarter 1:

� Number of operational businesses: 105

� Number of microenterprises <5 employees: 95

� Business ownership by race/ethnicity: Asian 25, Black 10, Latino 15, White 50

� Vacant commercial properties: 15

� Submitted the survey, with a breakdown of household types, incomes, and spending on various types of goods and services. The profile is in an easily readable two-page format that existing or new businesses could use to focus their marketing and goods/services to target the local consumer base.

� Submitted the summer newsletter

� Had a successful “Back to School Block Party” in August (2,000 attendees) and our Halloween Celebration is scheduled for 10/21.

� Corridor manager walks the corridor frequently and visits all corridor businesses over the course of the year.

� Currently working with two businesses: Ruby Beauty, who had damage from a car crash at their location; and Chefsir restaurant on Vandike Street just off the corridor on a big property improvement project.

� One camera project in the works at United Real Estate.

� Keystone Soundworks is doing a lighting improvement project.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

� One referral, one to OBS for help with Health and L&I issues relating to a kitchen project at SawTown Tavern; and direct assistance to Chefsir Restaurant on Vandike street as they look to open a restaurant and renovate the property.

� Submitted two properties currently on the market including contact info and photos.

� Filed an Act 135 conservatorship for one long-term vacant property after failing to reach the owners over several years. The court accepted the petition. Two other properties were put on the market after Tacony’s work to contact the owners and negotiate with them.

� On 9/17 hosted “Donuts with the Director” at the Tacony Library. Networked, discussed corridor challenges associated with public safety, and current projects underway. Some businesses provided specific information which was referred to the 15th Police District. Eight people attended.

� Installed brand new red banners along Torresdale Avenue. Relocating the old blue banners and white banners along Longshore and Princeton Avenues.

� Continue to take care of our tree pits along Torresdale Avenue.

� Working closely with the police to address crime.

� Begun to file conservatorship action against vacant and blighted buildings working with project partners. Working with neighbors to identify those properties.

Quarter 2:

� Hosted Small Business Saturday events and seven businesses participated.

� Halloween celebration had more than 4,000 people attend the largest event ever at the Tacony Library.

� Hosted a successful “Winterfest” event jointly that had 775 attend at the library. These events promoted Torresdale Avenue as a safe and family friendly Avenue.

� Ruby Beauty was approved for SIP.

� Chefsir is waiting on drawings.

� Two additional businesses have met with architects and are waiting on drawings.

� There are numerous businesses participating in a lighting project.

� One additional business received information about SIP.

� United Real Estate still in progress.

� Keystone Soundworks is almost finished and looks great.

� Jack’s Place installed security cameras.

� Tacony Latin Flavor is a new food business. Assisted with opening and accessing city services.

� Dialo Dollar is a new business. Referred to EntrepreneurWorks and PowerUP

� BelAir Academy received assistance with appropriate signage for their location.

� Submitted two properties currently on the market with contact info and photos.

� Properties mentioned in Q1 are still in progress.

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Economic Development Activities


� Another vacant property was sold to a developer, who has renovated the property and put it on the market for lease.

� Continue to work with the police.

� Continue to partner with the Civic Association to identify problem properties eligible for conservatorship. Have approximately three properties in the queue.

� Many projects coming up with the second phase of our lighting project.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

African Cultural Alliance of North America (ACANA)

Neighborhood Revitalization

5530 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143 Contract #: 2020116 Council District 3, Census Tracts 65,66, 70, 71.1, 71.2, 73, and 74 Target Area: 5400-5700 blocks of Chester Avenue

The Commerce Department supports the activities of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and other organizations that provide community services such as street and sidewalk litter removal, public safety services and other public space maintenance activities so as to improve the quality of life, employment opportunities and entrepreneurial opportunities for very low-, low- and moderate-income individuals and neighborhoods in Philadelphia. The principal goal of this program is to increase the delivery of additional public services to multiple low and moderate-income neighborhoods in order to enable businesses to provide needed goods, services and employment opportunities to residents.

At the foundation of any vital commercial corridor are clean streets, sidewalks and storefronts. Litter deters investment and creates the perception that an area is neglected and unsafe. When quality-of-life issues are not addressed, other economic development initiatives do little to attract businesses and consumers to a given commercial corridor.


Quarter 1:

� Number of operational businesses: 430 operational businesses

� Vacant commercial properties: 43 vacant properties

� Working with the business owners on Chester, Woodland and Elmwood Avenues on creating business run business associations.

� Uses consultants to survey its community and businesses on quality of life and opportunities for resources.

� Working with stakeholders to explore opportunities to expand resources for entrepenuers and residents.

� Exploring holding meetings at the local police district.

� SIP pilot program provided ACANA a resource to engage its business owners.

� Provides a list of those businesses that have taken advantage of the SIP program.

� Provides a list of those businesses that have taken advantage of the Safe cam program.

� Holds workshops for businesses using BTAP providers as the guest speakers to share resources.

� Working on a development project that would bring housing and community needs to the forefront.

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Economic Development Activities


Quarter 2:

� Helped the Woodland Business Association to have a successful run for offices for the WBA.

� Strategic planning effort to explore the possibility of a large-scale housing initiative that wouldprovide much needed amenities to the area.

� Continues to meet with businesses and provide information on the various resources provided byCity Programs.

� Provides a list of those businesses that have taken advantage of the SIP Program.

� Provides a list of those businesses that have taken advantage of the Safe Cam program.

� Created an MOU with other community organizations to work together in supporting the businessneeds of the business corridors. The goal is not to have competing agendas.

� ACANA has named its consultant and will begin working on this plan within this contract term.

� The Fishtown BID has been approved.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Score Philadelphia

Micro-Enterprise Technical Assistance

105 N. 22nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 Contract #1920222-01 City Wide

SCORE Philadelphia shall provide and complete technical assistance, advice, and business support services to at least 25 owners of micro-enterprises and persons developing micro-enterprises who are low- and moderate-income persons and that provide goods or services to low- and moderate-income residential neighborhoods. SCORE Philadelphia shall determine and document in each client’s file that such persons have income eligibility as provided by the Income Certification Survey Form. Persons determined to be low and moderate-income may be presumed to qualify as such for up to a three-year period. SCORE Philadelphia shall maintain in each client’s file and provide a record of all persons and businesses assisted, the type of assistance provided, and the location of the business.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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Economic Development Activities


Germantown United Community Development Corp. (GUCDC)

Neighborhood Revitalization

5219 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA. 19144 Contract #: 2020120 Council District 8, Census Tracts 238-239,241-242,244-245,246 and 252

In order to improve the quality of life, employment opportunities and entrepreneurial opportunities for very low, low- and moderate-income individuals and very low, low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, and recognizing the importance of Philadelphia’s small business sector in achieving the foregoing, GUCDC will assist the City in the implementation of its Targeted Corridor Management Program which is intended to help revitalize commercial corridors through the City. GUCDC will undertake the following economic development activities designed to enhance economic opportunities and create a sustainable neighborhood as a clean, safe, attractive and welcoming place that will benefit, low- and moderate-income residents of the targeted neighborhood. These activities include neighborhood revitalization programs designed to assist businesses, and community economic development. GUCDC areas shall incorporate the Germantown and Chelten commercial target area of Chelten Avenue between Morris and Baynton Streets, Germantown Avenue between Washington Lane and Berkley Streets, and the Maplewood Mall.


Quarter 1

� Convened businesses in offices on 10/1/19 to speak with FINANTA, SCORE and other TA specialist on business planning: 12 businesses attended.

� A community survey is pending. There are several aspects the community is asking for a focus on: parking, drug use and better public transportation locations.

� The Oak Street Health Center has taken over the once vibrant Temptation Dance and event location. Met with the outreach coordinator to provide onboarding services and provide direction.

� Attended RCO meetings and meetings concerning the Mural for Wayne Junction.

� No direct meetings with the police. However, they make referrals and provide information.

� The 37 businesses that provided an email address receive at least one email per week concerning business development resources, also accessible on germantownunitedcdc.org.

� Three SIP applications in the works from various businesses.

� Fifteen (15) businesses received TA.

� ThisisGermantown.com has been undergoing updating and maintenance to encompass the entire business community. The site has remained live and promoted. Recently updated hours, information, and photos for over 300+ businesses in the service area, in anticipation of Small Business Saturday. Awarded Small Business Saturday’s Neighborhood Champion award and will receive swag materials for community outreach for the November 30 event.

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� The Northwest Commercial Corridor Collaborative is releasing a series of promotional videos highlighting the resources and attractions available on thisisgermantown.com. More information can be found at https://www.gonwphilly.com/.

� Engaged a consultant team to review opportunities for GUCDC in terms of development.

� Working on a bicycle lane initiative with intersecting commercial corridors such as Mount Airy, Chestnut Hill and Wayne Junction.

� To aid in fulfillment of the 2019 TCMP Contract, boarded a new Business Development Manager on July 18, 2019, who has engaged in relationship building with business owners and partner agencies across Philadelphia.

� Aims to further establish itself as a resource hub for business owners, developers, and community residents. Digital content platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, germantownunitedcdc.org, thisisgermantown.com are all fully activated. Content quotas are in place to improve engagement and user-friendly access to GU-branded content. The current challenge is to keep businesses invested while the corridor is challenged without a dedicated cleaning service.

Quarter 2:

� The Maplewood Mall construction meeting was countered by a group led by Sharief Ali, Block Captain of the Maplewood Mall Neighbors Association. Mr. Ali’s group was demanding a cease work of the construction for lack of transparency. Continue to work with City Agencies and the community of Maplewood as well as Germantown to keep everyone informed of what is happening concerning this construction.

� Makes itself available to a number of activities that directly affect the health of Germantown and Chelten Avenues Commercial Corridors. Most recently the Maplewood Mall, The Germantown High School Development, potential bike lanes, etc.

� During the holidays asked the police district for best practice tips for business owners. This was due to robberies on the corridor that occurred during closing.

� The 48 businesses that provided an email address receive at least one email per week concerning business development resources, also accessible on germantownunitedcdc.org.

� Three SIPS are in various stages.

� Total of 43 businesses received TA support.

� Plans to launch a more targeted approach with owners of vacant properties in federal opportunity Zones. Working with Karios Development.

� Interviewed three candidates for strategic planning internships and will be welcoming a Business Research Fellow and a Landscape Architect Fellow. Two candidates have committed and will be starting on January 6th, 2020. The interns have committed 10-15 hours per week and will be working with Amani/Emaleigh mostly on TCMP deliverables. The interns are seeking full-

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Economic Development Activities


time employment in their fields, which is why we will be working on a project-by-project basis. Initial goals include:

� work on 2020 survey targeting business owners;

� compilation of workforce development data;

� surveying using GU’s business/entrepreneur survey for FY20;

� mapping of public trash can placement in commercial district;

� exploration of grant funding to support clean and green initiatives;

� mapping of trees and open tree pits in the commercial district, in collaboration with Interfaith Power and Light Tree Tenders (the tree tenders group GUCDC works with).

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Urban League of Philadelphia

Micro-Enterprise Technical Assistance

121 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 Contract #1920234-01 City Wide

ULP shall provide technical assistance, advice, and business support services to at least 20 owners of micro-enterprises and persons developing micro-enterprises who are low- and low-moderate income persons.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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Economic Development Activities


J T Goldstein

Neighborhood Revitalization

1800 JFK Blvd, Suite 300 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Contract #1920296 City Wide

J T Goldstein will lead a group of consultants to deliver dedicated financial resources to a diversified group of 24 small businesses within a targeted corridor. The financial resources must result in three primary objectives:

� Improving the operating results of each small business. � Contribute to the tax and employment base of the City. � Being in a position to complete and be awarded applications under various Commerce Programs.

Accordingly, J T Goldstein will assist with the evaluation, project management, strategic thought, and implementation of the various strategies to achieve the aforementioned objectives.


Quarters 1 and 2:

� Accomplishments will be reported next quarter.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Commercial Corridor Cleaning


1. New Kensington CDC

� EastGirardAvenue(betweenFrontStreet&I-95)

� FrankfordAvenue(betweenDelawareAvenue&SomersetStreet)

2. Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corp.

� 9thStreet–12thStreetfromArchtoCallowhill

3. ACHIEVEability

� 60th Street (100 N. 60th to 300 S. 60th)

� MarketStreetfrom59th–61st

4. Diversified Community Services

� 1200-1700 Point Breeze Avenue

5. Fairmount CDC

� West Girard Avenue (between College Avenue and 31st Street)

6. Village of Arts and Humanities

� Germantown and Lehigh Corridor

� 8th to 12th Streets, York Street to Glenwood Avenue

7. Called To Serve

� 3500-3700 Germantown Avenue

� 3600-3700 North Broad Street

� 1300-1400 West Erie Avenue

8. Southwest CDC

� Woodland Avenue Corridor (58th Street to 67th Street)

9. Korean CD

� North 5th Street.; Roosevelt Blvd-4800 blk to West Spencer Street

� 6100blkandintersectingsidestreetEastandWestofthissegmentofNorth5thStreet

10. People’s Emergency Center CDC

� Lancaster Avenue Corridor- between 38th and 44th Streets

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Economic Development Activities


11. HACE

� North5thStreet fromHuntingdonStreet toAlleghenyAvenueandalongLehighAvenue from 2nd Street to 6th Street

12. Nueva Esperanza

� North5thStreetbetweenLuzerneStreet,RooseveltBlvdandtheHuntingParkAveCommercialCorridor between Front and 9th Streets

13. The Enterprise Center CDC

� 52nd St- from Arch to Spruce Streets, including 5100 and 5200 blocks of major side streets (Arch,Market,Chestnut,Walnut,LocustandSpruce)

14. Impact

� Kensington and Allegheny Corridor

15. Frankford CDC

� Frankford Avenue 4200-5200 blocks

16. Allegheny West Foundation

� 2700-3100 blocks of 22nd Street; 2550-2700 blocks of West Lehigh Avenue


� 5400-5800 blocks of Chester Avenue

18. Cambodian Association: South 7th Street Commercial Corridor.

� South 7th Street between Snyder Avenue and West Shunk Street

19. Belfield, Logan Olney Collaborative

� Bounded by Roosevelt Boulevard, the former Reading Railroad Right of Way, Champlost Avenue, OgontzAvenue,ChurchLane,BelfieldAvenue,and16thStreet.

20. Ready Willing and Able: Wayne Avenue Commercial Corridor

� Wayne Avenue between 4500-5200 blocks

21. PRIDE (Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise)

� NorthSideofAlleghenyAvenue,westsideofMemphisStreetbetweenAlleghenyandWestmoreland,south side of east Westmoreland, east side of Tulip Street, north side of Venango Street and west side of Amber Street.

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Bags of Trash Collected CFY 2020

Group Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TotalACANAACHIEVEabilityAlleghenyWestFoundationCalled to ServeCambodianAssociationofGreaterPhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Chinatown Dev. Corp. 1,000 1,059 2,059DiversifiedCommunityServices 183 187 370Nueva Esperanza 743 743Fairmount CDC 420 473 893Frankford CDC 1,267 1,920 3,187HACEKorean Community Development Services CenterLancaster Avenue 21st Century Business Assoc. (LA) 540 525 1,065NewboldNew Kensington CDC 2,143 2143Nicetown 826 826North 5th Street 277 388 665PARC 444 736 1,180People’s Emergency CenterReadyWilling&AbleSEAMAAC 258 300 558Southwest CDCSpring Garden 426 1,041 1,467Tacony 953 913 1,866The Enterprise Center CDC 744 957 1,701VillageofArts&Humanities 429 239 668Wynnefield 324 324Total 10,977 8,738 19,715

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Section 4:

Affirmative Action andEqual Employment Opportunities

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities


Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities

Production Programs: Second Quarter Summary Report for Sub-Contractors

Philadelphia Non-Philadelphia Total

MBESub-Contractors 16 6 22

MBEContracts 25 11 36

Total MBE Dollars $1,643,418 $857,378 $2,500,796

% of Total MBE Dollars 65.72% 34.28% 100%

WBE Sub-Contractors 4 11 15

WBE Contracts 5 15 20

Total WBE Dollars $143,880 $1,163,752 $1,307,632

% of Total WBE Dollars 11.00% 89.00% 100%

NPNonM/WBESub-Contractors 41 68 109

NPNonM/WBEContracts 59 91 150

Total NP Non M/WBE Dollars $4,222,036 $9,220,997 $13,443,033

% of Total NP Non M/WBE Dollars 31.41% 68.59% 100%

Total Sub-Contractors 61 85 146

Total Contracts 89 117 206

Total Dollars $6,009,334 $11,242,127 $17,251,461

% of Total Dollars 34.83% 65.17% 100.00%

TotalDollarsM/WBE $1,787,298 $2,021,130 $3,808,428

%ofTotalDollars=M/WBE 10.36% 11.72% 22.08%

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

3rd Council District Production Programs

Project: 3721-29 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, PA 19104

General Contractor Brandywine Associates, LLC, 3615 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, PA 19104

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

HayeLandscaping,4901MerionAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19131 $4,430 MBE PHDC

HigherLevelConstruction,7710CastorAve.,Suite 2, Philadelphia, PA 19152 $10,000 LBE PHDC

RPSConstruction,LLC,3006HellermanSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19149 $60,000 LBE PHDC

Tommy'sPlumbing&HeatingLLC, 69WMidlandAve.,Paramus,NJ07652 $10,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Project: 4014 Green St., Philadelphia, PA 19104

General Contractor Brandywine Associates, LLC, 3615 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, PA 19104

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

Alpha Build Services, LLC, 13011 Bennet Place, Holland, PA 18966 $3,500 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

BusinessExpertInc. $3,500 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCHayeLandscaping,4901MerionAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19131 $6,016 MBE PHDC

HigherLevelConstruction,7710CastorAve.,Suite 2, Philadelphia, PA 19152 $7,000 LBE PHDC

RPSConstruction,LLC,3006HellermanSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19149 $22,000 LBE PHDC

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities


Project: Francis House Parcel 61B, 4460 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104

General Contractor Domus, Inc., 346 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

A&RIronworks,21NealyBlvd.,Suite2101,Trainer, PA 19061 $22,500 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

American Sitework LLC, 1702 Industrial Highway, Suite 2, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

$25,185 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

BBJMechanical,217WhitestoneDrive,KennettSquare,PA19348 $271,800 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Black Cat Fasteners, 7928 State Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19136 $677 LBE PHDC

Cameron&Associates8/Hagen,2207StateRd.,Bensalem, PA 19020 $5,144 MBE PHDC

ClearwaterConcrete&Masonry, 3305-07 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134 $122,310 LBE PHDC

Diamond Tools, 2800 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $24,205 LBE PHDC

JRMcGeePlumbing,6DeerParkCircle,Blackwood, NJ 08012 $23,730 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MarkellConstruction,Inc.,346E.WalnutLane,Philadelphia, PA 19144 $119,651 MBE PHDC

Meco,684DunksferryRd.,Bensalem,PA19020 $453,258 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCMichaelJ.KiskaConstruction, 424 West Laurel Ave., Cheltenham, PA 19012 $177,300 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

PringleElectricInc.,78WestButtonwoodDrive,Churchville, PA 18966 $112,500 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

RichardS.Bums&Company, Inc., 4300 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $6,219 LBE PHDC

Shore Supply Company, 745 West Delilah Rd., Pleasantville, NJ 08232 $23,103 NP-WBE PHDC

TagueLumber,325MediaStationRd.,Yeadon,PA 19063 $42,596 LBE PHDC

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Project: Osage Pine, 6216-6254 Pine St., Philadelphia PA 19143

General Contractor AJR Endeavors, LLC, 2441 S. Garnet St., Philadelphia, PA, 19145

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

AEZIElectricalServices,LLC,131AsburyLoop,Middletown,DE19709 $16,454 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

AlexSpencerFinish $7,440 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCClean Hands, 2517 S. 67th St., Philadelphia, PA 19142 $255 WBE PHDC

JohnDiBoneventuraPlumbingandHeating, 30WestKnowltonRd.,Media,PA19063 $50,985 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MCNElectricalServices,5149WalnutSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19139 $20,000 MBE PHDC

MellonCertifiedRestoration, 436 S. Lansdowne Ave., Yeadon, PA 19050 $4,350 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Nemar Landscaping $2,100 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCRamiConstructionInc.,2745TerwoodRd.,Willow Grove, PA 19090 $48,850 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Til-MarDesign,1708-14S.25thSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19145 $30,520 LBE PHDC

TriMirrors&Glass,3233CottmanAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19149 $7,750 LBE PHDC

United Site Services, 3115 Sanatoga Rd., Pottstown,PA19464 $658 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

YD Hardwood Floors, 1900 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $28,396 LBE PHDC

Summary for 3rd District (37 detail records) $1,774,382

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4th Council District Production Programs

Project: New Market West, 5901-31 Market St., 20-30 North 59th St., 5910-12 Filbert St., Philadelphia, PA 19139

General Contractor McDonald,4060ButlerPike,Suite220,PlymouthMeeting,PA19462

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

BelfiBros.&Company,4310-18JosephineSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19124 $109,432 LBE PHDC

BlaszConstruction,830PennsylvaniaBlvd.,Feasterville, PA 19053 $428,743 NP-WBE PHDC

Crawford Caulking, 1927 Stout Drive, Suite 1, Warminster, PA 18974 $55,058 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

D' Angelo Brothers, Inc., 3700 South 26th St., Philadelphia, PA 19145 $226,476 LBE PHDC

DaleConstruction,70LimekilnPike,Glenside,PA 19038 $58,652 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

DMSabia,204WoodSt.,Conshohocken, PA 19428 $32,196 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

EasternScaffolding&Shoring,402N.FrontSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19123 $4,777 LBE PHDC

EnvironmentalConstructionServices,Inc, 4623 S. BRd. St., Philadelphia, PA 19116 $146,432 MBE PHDC

GraybarElectric,1550WarfieldSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19146 $5,819 LBE PHDC

HabanProtectionServices,Inc.,1225PrattSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19124 $8,592 LBE PHDC

IndependenceSteel,POBox286, Prospect Park, PA 19076 $36,918 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

iSign,Inc.,129E.ThirdSt.,Pottstown, PA 19464 $30,793 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

JasonGonzalezDatisElectricLLC, 1443 Birchwood Ave., Abington, PA 19001 $185,000 NP-MBE PHDC

LibertyFlooring,411PowhattanSt.,Essington,PA 19029 $65,817 NP-MBE PHDC

M.Schnoll&Sons,3151WeikelSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19134 $46,654 LBE PHDC

MEGGlass,196W.AshlandSt.,Doylestown, PA 18901 $16,332 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MEGGlass,196W.AshlandSt.,Doylestown, PA 18901 $1,680 NP-WBE PHDC

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Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

MetalStructuresInc.,720HavenAve., Ocean City, NJ 08226 $14,500 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Nesmith&Company,2440TaskerAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19145 $30,798 MBE PHDC

Oliver Sprinkler, 501 Feheley Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406 $975 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Pietrini Contractors, Inc., 111 E. Church Rd., King of Prussia, PA 19406 $4,786 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Pucci and Associates, 1765 Stout Drive, Ivyland, PA 18974 $66,882 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Robert Ganter Contractors, 595EastPumpingStationRd.,Quakertown, PA 18951

$21,575 NP-WBE PHDC

RodriguezConstructionServicesLLC, 17RavineRd.,Malvern,PA19355 $32,196 NP-MBE PHDC

Roofmeadow Services, 7135 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119

$450,536 LBE PHDC

RosatiMechanical,Inc.,1101PembrokeAve.,Lansdowne, PA 19050 $6,661 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

SunlightElectricalContracting, 499 Old York Rd., Warminster, PA 18974 $120,869 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

TedcoInsulation,610E.CypressSt., KennettSquare,PA19348 $1,102 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Tracorp, 601 Lakeside Drive, Southampton, PA 18966 $40,298 NP-WBE PHDC

UnitedStatesRoofingCompany, 910E.MainSt.,Ste.300,Norristown,PA19401 $72,974 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

ZoneStripingInc.,718JacobHarrisLane, P.O.Box565,Glassboro,NJ08028 $13,132 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Summary for 4th District (31 detail records) $2,336,655

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5th Council District Production Programs

Project: 1620-26 Cecil B. Moore Ave., Philadelphia PA 19121

General Contractor Konkrete Investments Inc., 1109 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

Alpha Build Services, LLC, 13011 Bennet Place, Holland, PA 18966 $4,765 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Close Up Ironwork, 5131 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19120 $2,000 LBE PHDC

High End Design, 2840 Pine Rd., A-3, HuntingdonValley,PA19006 $24,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Home Depot, Tullytown, 19057 $14,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCJay Choi-Omega $5,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCKC Sign, 142 Conchester Highway, Aston, PA 19014 $1,250 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Kitchen&BathWholesalers, 1801 N. American St., Philadelphia, PA 19122 $1,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Sprague&Sprague,135S.19thSt.,Suite400,Philadelphia, PA 19103 $25,000 LBE PHDC

Sundog $250 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Project: Hogar de Esperanza, 2203 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133

General Contractor MayDayConstructionandManagement,LLC,431CowpathRd.,POBox635,Souderton,PA18964

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

Cameron&Associates8/Hagen, 2207 State Rd., Bensalem, PA 19020 $24,117 MBE PHDC

PalominoRoofing,3700HaverfordAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19104 $50,000 LBE PHDC

TotalComfortSolutionsInc., 10071 Sandmeyer Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19116 $88,110 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

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Project: Lillia Crippen Townhomes Preservation Project, 1800 Block N. 6th St., Philadelphia, PA 19122

General Contractor JBLConstructionServices,1647TheFairway,Suite141,Jenkintown,PA19046

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

A&CEnvironmental,2045N.LawrenceSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19122 $21,521 MBE PHDC

B&J'sElectricalLLC,3738N.FranklinSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19140 $10,261 MBE PHDC

JamalElectrical&MechanicalContractors,4950ParksideAve.,POBox21560,Philadelphia, PA 19131

$25,272 LBE PHDC

Surety Bond Associates, 45 E. City Line Ave., Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 $85,270 NP-WBE PHDC

Project: North Central CNI Phase III, 2000 N. 11th St., Philadelphia PA 19122

General Contractor ShoemakerConstructionCompany,OneTowerBridge,100FrontSt.,Ste.365,WestConshohocken,PA19428

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

AngkorContractingServices,19W.GirardAve.,Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19123 $43,020 WBE PHDC

AssociatedSpecialtyContracting, 98LaCrueAve.,GlenMills,PA19342 $346,909 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

AvimanManagement,170SugarberryDrive,New Castle, DE 19720 $36,551 NP-MBE PHDC

Blackney Hayes Architects, Public Ledger Building, Suite 1200, 150SouthIndependenceMallWest,Philadelphia, PA 19106

$24,172 LBE PHDC

ChellConstruction,1921MasterSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19122 $45,547 WBE PHDC

EDA Contractor, 600 Center Ave., Bensalem, PA 19020 $214,795 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

H&GSignCompany,2663SalmonSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19125 $2,067 LBE PHDC

HagenConstruction,2207StateRd.,Bensalem,PA 19020 $916,741 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Hillis-Carnes Engineering Associates, Inc., 300SouthPennellRd.,Ste.410,Media, PA 19063


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Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

HKPanelSystems,POBox494,Dubin,PA18917 $213,052 NP-WBE PHDCLanganEngineering&EnvironmentalServices,1818MarketSt.,Suite3300,Philadelphia, PA 19103

$4,386 LBE PHDC

LibertyRoofing,Inc.,7800RockwellAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19111 $137,991 LBE PHDC

MayfieldSite,596SwedelandRd., King of Prussia, PA 19406 $335,406 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MDRoofing&Siding,3013LivingstonSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19134 $28,058 WBE PHDC

Norris Sales Company, 668 Berlin Cross Keys Rd., Sickerville, NJ 08081 $3,728 NP-WBE PHDC

RodriguezConstructionServicesLLC, 17RavineRd.,Malvern,PA19355 $19,516 NP-MBE PHDC

Rue Electric, 317 Dickinson St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 $327,510 LBE PHDC

Weld Done Welding, Inc., 20 Woodland Ave., Hurffville,NJ08080 $10,278 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Project: Philabundance Community Kitchen II, 2224-38 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, PA 19133

General Contractor TargetBuildingConstruction,Inc.,1124ChesterPike,CrumLynne,PA19022

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

Copeland Surveying, Inc., 707 White Horse Pike, Suite C-2, B-3, Absecon, NJ 08201 $3,750 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Meco,684DunksferryRd.,Bensalem,PA19020 $369,199 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

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Project: Susquehanna Square, 2224-38 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, PA 19133

General Contractor TargetBuildingConstruction,Inc.,1124ChesterPike,CrumLynne,PA19022

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

A&RIronworks,21NealyBlvd.,Suite2101,Trainer, PA 19061 $2,700 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Black Cat Fasteners, 7928 State Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19136 $574 LBE PHDC

ClearwaterConcrete&Masonry, 3305-07 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134 $215,109 LBE PHDC

Diamond Tools, 2800 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $1,237 LBE PHDC

Gama Wrecking, 814 S. Front St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 $44,500 LBE PHDC

JRMcGeePlumbing,6DeerParkCircle,Blackwood, NJ 08012 $18,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MKFireProtectionandSupply,LLC, 134MapleLeafCourt,POBox448,Glassboro,NJ 08028

$10,800 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

PedroPalmerConstruction,2401N.6thSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19133 $26,000 LBE PHDC

TagueLumber,325MediaStationRd.,Yeadon,PA 19063 $348 LBE PHDC

General Contractor Geppert Bros. Inc., 3101 Trewigtown Rd., Colmar, PA 18915

American Sitework LLC, 1702 Industrial Highway, Suite 2, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

$310,950 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Richard Burns, 4300 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $1,048 LBE PHDC

T.Lomax&Associates,614KaterSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19147 $11,000 MBE PHDC

Summary for 5th District (48 detail records) $4,108,853

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6th Council District Production Programs

Project: Mission First Affordable Rental Housing Initiative, 7900-7902 Castor Ave., Philadelphia PA 19152

General Contractor ColumbusPropertyManagement,2042ArchSt.,Philadelphia,PA19103

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

All Phase Electric Company, 905 West Chester Pike, West Chester, PA 19380 $7,710 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Bella Electric, 1807 N. Reese St., Philadelphia, PA 19122 $800 MBE PHDC

JBLConstructionServices, 1647 The Fairway, Suite 141, Jenkintown, PA 19046

$120,871 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Kris Timins, 507 Harding St., Birdsboro, PA 19508 $5,400 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Summary for 6th District (4 detail records) $134,781

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7th Council District Production Programs

Project: Maguire Residences*, 1920 E. Orleans St., Philadelphia, PA 19134

General Contractor McDonald,4060ButlerPike,Suite220,PlymouthMeeting,PA19462

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

American Power, LLC, 110 N. 63rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19139 $14,292 MBE PHDC

Architectural Windows, 2118 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $295,796 LBE PHDC

Cippco, 9323 Keystone St., Philadelphia, PA 19114 $16,118 LBE PHDC

DanLepore&Sons,Inc.,501WashingtonSt.,Conshohocken, PA 19428 $347,866 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

E&KConstructionServices,3070BristolPike,Building 1, Suite 102C, Bristol, PA 19020 $20,372 NP-WBE PHDC

EnvironmentalConstructionServices,Inc,4623 S. Broad. St., Philadelphia, PA 19116 $272,860 MBE PHDC

Evans Supply, 2129 West Cambria St., Philadelphia, PA 19132-2635 $72,972 MBE PHDC

GuthrieGlass&Mirror,Inc.,1402DoughyRd.,Suite 100, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 $14,849 NP-WBE PHDC

KCCI, 1420 Easton Rd., Warrington, PA 18976 $327,754 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCLimbach, 4623 Broad. St., Philadelphia, PA $533,661 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDCMKFireProtectionandSupply,LLC, 134MapleLeafCourt,POBox448,Glassboro,NJ 08028

$90,426 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Nesmith&Company,2440TaskerAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19145 $93,541 MBE PHDC

Robert Ganter Contractors, 595EastPumpingStationRd.,Quakertown,PA 18951

$157,600 NP-WBE PHDC

RodriguezConstructionServices,Inc., Trevose&SternerMillRd.,Trevose,PA19053 $903 NP-MBE PHDC

RP Concrete, 9712 Dedaker St., Philadelphia, PA 19115 $54,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Rue Electric, 317 Dickinson St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 $280,500 LBE PHDC

ScottContractorsInc.,2939FeltonRd.,Norristown, PA 19401 $159,366 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

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Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

StevenKempfBuildingMaterial, 1103 Ridge Pike, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428

$130,399 LBE PHDC

Tamburri Associates, 1401 Industrial Highway, Cinnaminson, NJ 08088 $65,353 NP-WBE PHDC

UFP Berlin, LLC, 159 Jackson St., Berlin, NJ 08009 $13,541 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Summary for 7th District (20 detail records) $2,962,169


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8th Council District Production Programs

Project: Casa Indiana, 2935-65 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19133

General Contractor Domus, Inc., 346 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

A&RIronworks,21NealyBlvd.,Suite2101,Trainer, PA 19061 $32,256 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

AmericanFloorSystems,707MooreStationIndustry Park, Prospect Park, PA 19076 $23,486 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

American Power, LLC, 110 N. 63rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19139 $75,997 MBE PHDC

Black Cat Fasteners, 7928 State Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19136 $11,759 LBE PHDC

Cameron&Associates8/Hagen,2207StateRd.,Bensalem, PA 19020 $271,203 MBE PHDC

ChellConstruction,1921MasterSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19122 $286,307 MBE PHDC

D'NarpoElectric,11S.LetitiaSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19106 $467,766 LBE PHDC

DWDMech.Contractors,1005KedronAve.,Morton,PA19070 $655,020 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

GuthrieGlass&Mirror,Inc.,1402DoughyRd.,Suite 100, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 $14,626 NP-WBE PHDC

Independence Fire Sprinkler Company, 135 S. Governor Printz Blvd., Suite B, Essington, PA 19202

$78,212 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

JohnJ.Dougherty&Son,18NearlyBlvd.,Trainer, PA 19061 $89,501 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

JRMcGeePlumbing,6DeerParkCircle,Blackwood, NJ 08012 $399,744 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MaximCraneWorksLP,625ImperialCourt,Bensalem, PA 19020 $15,155 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MichaelJ.KiskaConstruction, 424 West Laurel Ave., Cheltenham, PA 19012 $187,988 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

RichardS.Bums&Company,Inc., 4300 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $14,280 LBE PHDC

Scotlandyard Security Services, 2233-47 W. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19132

$19,935 MBE PHDC

TedcoInsulation,610E.CypressSt.,KennettSquare,PA19348 $54,604 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

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Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

Towne&CountryRoofing,2136VirginiaAve.,Bensalem, PA 19020 $171,008 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Woodland Building Supply, 4701 W. Sedgely Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $3,212 MBE PHDC

Project: Golden Age Living Accommodations (GALA), 2022-34 Haines St., Philadelphia, PA 19138

General Contractor Domus, Inc., 346 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

A&RIronworks,21NealyBlvd.,Suite2101,Trainer, PA 19061 $50,274 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

American Sitework LLC, 1702 Industrial Highway, Suite 2, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

$115,180 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

American Power, LLC, 110 N. 63rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19139 $119,396 MBE PHDC

Black Cat Fasteners, 7928 State Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19136 $15,376 LBE PHDC

Cameron&Associates8/Hagen,2207StateRd.,Bensalem, PA 19020 $36,589 MBE PHDC

ChellConstruction,1921MasterSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19122 $17,460 MBE PHDC

Diamond Tools, 2800 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $41,714 LBE PHDC

D'NarpoElectric,11S.LetitiaSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19106 $198,304 LBE PHDC

DWDMech.Contractors,1005KedronAve.,Morton,PA19070 $314,910 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

GuthrieGlass&Mirror,Inc.,1402DoughyRd.,Suite 100, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 $6,489 NP-WBE PHDC

MarkellConstruction,Inc.,346E.WalnutLane,Philadelphia, PA 19144 $284,707 MBE PHDC

MKFireProtectionandSupply,LLC, 134MapleLeafCourt,POBox448,Glassboro,NJ 08028

$45,136 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

RichardS.Bums&Company,Inc.,4300RisingSun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $3,543 LBE PHDC

RP Concrete, 9712 Dedaker St., Philadelphia, PA 19115 $55,780 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

SchindlerElevatorCorporation,840LenolaRd.,Suite4,Moorestown,NJ08057 $950 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

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Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

Shore Supply Company, 745 West Delilah Rd., Pleasantville, NJ 08232 $67,014 NP-WBE PHDC

TagueLumber,325MediaStationRd.,Yeadon,PA 19063 $41,825 LBE PHDC

TedcoInsulation,610E.CypressSt., KennettSquare,PA19348 $11,849 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Thackery Crane Rental, 2701 Byberry Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19116 $4,679 LBE PHDC

Towne&CountryRoofing,2136VirginiaAve.,Bensalem, PA 19020 $113,400 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Woodland Building Supply, 4701 W. Sedgely Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $743 MBE PHDC

Project: Liberty52, Stephen F Gold Community Residences, 5208-28 Poplar St., 616-36 N. 52nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

General Contractor Domus, Inc., 346 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

BBJMechanical,217WhitestoneDrive, KennettSquare,PA19348 $257,400 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Black Cat Fasteners, 7928 State Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19136 $4,962 LBE PHDC

ChellConstruction,1921MasterSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19122 $27,000 WBE PHDC

Diamond Tools, 2800 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $3,700 LBE PHDC

E.B. O'Reilly, 30 W. Highland Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118 $21,600 LBE PHDC

G&CBuchanan,Inc.,121KnappRd.,Lansdale,PA 19446 $43,200 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

KJMKConstruction,462B.oldForgeRd.,Media,PA 19063 $354,132 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

MKFireProtectionandSupply,LLC, 134MapleLeafCourt,POBox448,Glassboro,NJ 08028

$29,700 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

RevolutionRecovery,7333MilnorSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19136 $2,325 LBE PHDC

Schindler Elevator, 200 W. Parkway Drive, Egg Harbor, NJ 08234 $267 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

TedcoInsulation,610E.CypressSt., KennettSquare,PA19348 $5,130 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

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Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

Towne&CountryRoofing,2136VirginiaAve.,Bensalem, PA 19020 $117,900 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

TownesMechanicalInc.,2657Mt.CarmelAve.,Glenside, PA 19038 $180,342 NP-MBE PHDC

Woodland Building Supply, 4701 W. Sedgely Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $287 MBE PHDC

Project: NewCourtland Apartments, 1900 West Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19132

General Contractor McDonald,4060ButlerPike,Suite220,PlymouthMeeting,PA19462

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

C&HRestoration,POBox273,Jamison, PA 18929 $2,807 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Project: Nicole Hines Townhomes, 417, 423, 431, 443-445 E. Wistar St., 510 Rule St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

General Contractor Domus, Inc., 346 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

American Sitework LLC, 1702 Industrial Highway, Suite 2, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

$352,518 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

ClearwaterConcrete&Masonry, 3305-07 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134 $29,520 LBE PHDC

Diamond Tools, 2800 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $414 LBE PHDC

Giles Cannon, Inc., 600 Pusey Ave., Collingdale, PA 19023 $34,740 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Summary for 8th District (59 detail records) $5,885,321

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Scattered Sites Production Programs

Project: North 19th Street and Ridge Avenue

General Contractor SimianoConstruction,2001ClearfieldSt.,Philadelphia,PA19132

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Certification

Project/Program Description

BMConsultingServicesInc., 1717 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19130 $1,200 LBE PHDC

FMJElectrical,1108ChesterAve.,Philadelphia,PA 19050 $7,400 MBE PHDC

M&MPainting,38W.RitnerSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19148 $5,400 LBE PHDC

McElderryDrywall,100BrickyardLane, New Berlinville, PA 19545 $14,000 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

Mr.TubsPlumbingandHeating,LLC, 7208 Hegerman St., Philadelphia, PA 19135 $7,800 LBE PHDC

N.CartyandSonsCorporation, 919 Franklin Ave., Newark, NJ 07107 $5,600 NP-NonMBE/WBE PHDC

NeubarConstruction,5901HorrocksSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19149 $4,500 LBE PHDC

UltimateHardwoodFloors,3231N.FrontSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19140 $3,400 MBE PHDC

Summary for Scattered Sites (8 detail records) $49,300

Total Production Programs (206 detail records) $17,251,461

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities

Preservation Programs: Second Quarter Summary Report for Sub-Contractors

Philadelphia Non-Philadelphia Total

MBESub-Contractors 9 3 12

MBEContracts 28 4 32

Total MBE Dollars $197,247 $19,684 $216,931

% of Total MBE Dollars 90.93% 9.07% 100%

WBE Sub-Contractors 4 1 5

WBE Contracts 34 1 35

Total WBE Dollars $465,175 $32,299 $497,474

% of Total WBE Dollars 93.51% 6.49% 100%

NPNonM/WBESub-Contractors 38 27 65

NPNonM/WBEContracts 81 38 119

Total NP Non M/WBE Dollars $487,703 $254,720 $742,423

% of Total NP Non M/WBE Dollars 65.69% 34.31% 100%

Total Sub-Contractors 51 31 82

Total Contracts 143 43 186

Total Dollars $1,150,125 $306,703 $1,456,828

% of Total Dollars 78.95% 21.05% 100.00%

TotalDollarsM/WBE $662,422 $51,983 $714,405

%ofTotalDollars=M/WBE 45.47% 3.57% 49.04%

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Citywide Preservation Programs by Certification

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

Black Star Supply, 503 N. 33rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 $22,275 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19103

ConstructionMall, 1501 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA

$1,684 BSRP A.M.E.Mechanical,LLC,1501WashingtonAve,Philadelphia, PA 19146

$450 BSRP QualityAir,6129WOxfordSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19151

$12,450 BSRP MorrisRoofing,519BrookfieldRd.,DrexelHill,PA 19026

$4,212 BSRP DMSGeneralContractors,Inc., 2429E.HuntingdonSt.,Philadelphia,PA19125

$3,800 BSRP DA. Virelli, 2207 S. Colorado St., Philadelphia, PA 19145

D&LSupply, 2233-39 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133

$6,035 AMPG&HGeneralContracting,LLC, 4814 Kingsessing Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143

$8,000 AMP Jack Edmondson, 2319 Gaul St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

$723 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,Levittown,PA19057

$4,558 BSRP Grade A Plumbing, Inc., 1716 Costner Drive, Warrington, PA 18976

$3,273 BSRP ExcelPlumbing,7136JamesSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19135

$6,650 BSRP McGillian&Donnelly,3818SharpSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19127

$15,512 BSRP OvalHeating,7138ValleyAve.,Philadelphia,PA 19128

$5,219 BSRP Burke Plumbing, 5598 Newtown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120

$5,706 BSRP Mr.D'sPlumbing,6005RisingSunAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19111

$223 BSRP Lopez&LopezConstruction,3223N.7thSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19140

$6,035 BSRP FMJElectricalServices,2415W.JeffersonSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19121

$14,000 BSRP Jack Edmondson, 2319 Gaul St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

Donovan/Holder, 5619 N. Lawrence St., Philadelphia, PA 19120

$437 BSRP Joseph Voci Electric, LLC

$1,920 BSRP Lec-TronElectric,7332MeadowlarkPlace,Philadelphia, PA 19153

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities


Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

Evans Supply, 2129 West Cambria St., Philadelphia, PA 19132-2635

$20,000 BSRP A&MHeating,1303.S.6thSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19147

$18,495 BSRP AirLab,116BurningTreeRd.,Deptford, NJ 08096

FMJElectrical,1108ChesterAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19050 $4,151 BSRP Electric Geeks, 5529 Beaumont St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19143PhiladelphiaBuildingMaterial, 820 S. 53rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19143

$517 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt., Valley Forge, PA 19403

RobinsonConstruction, 1415 South 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19143

$5,380 BSRP DMC,2030HartelSt.,Levittown,PA19057$16,260 BSRP Clements Bros., Inc., 2030 Hartel St.,

Levittown,PA19057$7,975 WAPSupraOfficeSupplies, 5070 Parkside Ave., Suite 206, Philadelphia, PA 19131

$1,307 BSRP QualityAir,6129WOxfordSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19151

Summary for MBE (28 detail records) $197,247

Nonprofit Minority Business Enterprise (NP-MBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

MannaSupply,3015BlackSwiftRd.,East Norrington, PA 19403 $3,049 BSRP

S.Murawski&Sons, 4412 N. American Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140

T&JStokes,142LoganAve., Glenside, PA 19038

$4,970 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

$10,565 BSRP Ed Hughes, 2240 Cedar St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

Williams Electric, 17 Karen Drive, Williamstown, NJ 08094 $1,100 BSRP RNV, 6060 Webster St., Philadelphia,

PA 19143

Summary for NP-MBE (4 detail records) $19,684

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Women Business Enterprise (WBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

LabovPlumbing&Heating Supply, Inc., 5000 Umbria St., Philadelphia, PA 19128-4351

$16,743 BSRP Burke Plumbing, 5598 Newtown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120

$6,216 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103

$447 BSRP Ed Hughes, 2240 Cedar St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

$12,719 BSRP ExcelPlumbing,7136JamesSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19135

$3,224 BSRP Grade A Plumbing, Inc., 1716 Costner Drive, Warrington, PA 18976

$572 BSRP GuaranteedPlumbing,900CottmanAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19111

$6,898 WAP JMJHeating&Cooling,7101BMarshallRd.,Upper Darby, PA 19082

$210 BSRP McGillian&Donnelly,3818SharpSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19127

$38,393 BSRP Mr.D'sPlumbing,6005RisingSunAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19111

$21,854 BSRP OvalHeating,7138ValleyAve.,Philadelphia,PA 19128

$4,004 BSRP Paragon, 8310 High School Rd., Elkins Park, PA 19028$8,680 WAP

$1,095 BSRP QualityAir,6129WOxfordSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19151

$1,690 BSRP S. Murawski&Sons,4412N.AmericanAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19140

$4,234 BSRP Tri-State, 4719 N. Front St., Philadelphia, PA 19150

$10,900 BSRP W&WContractors,17130South56thSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19143

Northstar Supply, 7906 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19136-3016 $321 BSRP Joseph Voci Electric, LLC

PhiladelphiaBuildingMaterial,810 S. 53rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19143

$18,642 BSRP DunriteContractors,931-33N.WattsSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19123

$387 BSRP Lopez&LopezConstruction,3223N.7thSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19140

$750 BSRP RNV, 6060 Webster St., Philadelphia, PA 19143

$677 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,Levittown,PA19057

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities


Women Business Enterprise (WBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

StelwagonRoofingSupply, 10096 Sandmeyer Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19116

$720 BSRP APositiveResponse,1804AshurstRd.,Philadelphia, PA 19151

$746 BSRP ClarkRoofing,1537RoofingCo.,Inc.,Philadelphia, PA 19121

$23,400 BSRP DA. Virelli, 2207 S. Colorado St., Philadelphia, PA 19145

$48,881 BSRPDMSGeneralContractors,Inc., 2429E.HuntingdonSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19125

$95,747 BSRP DooleyBrothersRoofingCompany, 2091 65th Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138

$34,766 BSRP Fonseca, 5131 N. 2nd St., Unit #5, Philadelphia, PA 19120

$37,000 BSRP MorrisRoofing,519BrookfieldRd., DrexelHill,PA19026

$2,558 BSRP North American Roofers, 3644 Old York Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19140

$698 BSRP Pendino, 2037-43 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146

$20,946 BSRP Richard'sRoofing,1311-13N.27thSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19121

$4,801 BSRP S&LRoofing,5701LebanonAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19131

$17,930 BSRP Seal, 51 E. Church Rd., Elkins Park, PA 19027

$18,326 BSRP UnionRoofing,12260TownsendRd.,Philadelphia, PA 19154

Summary for WBE (34 detail records) $465,175

Nonprofit Women Business Enterprise (NP-WBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

SDM&Associates,20HighSt., East Glassboro, NJ 08028-2520 $32,299 BSRP Donovan/Holder,5619N.LawrenceSt.,

Philadelphia, PA 19120

Summary for NP-WBE (1 detail records) $32,299

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Local Business Enterprise (LBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

ABC Supply Co., Inc., 1850 E. Sedgely Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19124

$16,424 BSRPNorth American Roofers, 3644 Old York Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19140

Able Plumbing Supply, 6815 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119

$586 BSRP BestChoice,2521OrthodoxSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19137

$4,700 BSRP CPR Plumbing, 1338 Allison St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

ADE Electric, 1983 72nd Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138 $534 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,


Allied Building Products, 2430 Tioga St., Philadelphia, PA 19134

$10,243 BSRPBlackSheepContracting, 2671 Almond St., Philadelphia, PA 19125, PA 19125

$50,550 BSRP DA. Virelli, 2207 S. Colorado St., Philadelphia, PA 19145

Allied Supply, 2100 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 $72,000 BSRP S&LRoofing,5701LebanonAve.,

Philadelphia, PA 19131

Anderson Drains, 7360 Garman St., Philadelphia, PA 19153-2009

$1,500 BSRP Clements Bros., Inc., 2030 Hartel St., Levittown,PA19057

$600 BSRP DMC,2030HartelSt.,Levittown, PA 19057

AssociateRefrigerationInc.(ARI),2903 Southampton Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19154

$2,000 BSRP Jack Edmondson, 2319 Gaul St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

$10,002 BSRP OvalHeating,7138ValleyAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19128

$6,497 BSRP QualityAir,6129W.OxfordSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19151

BetzPlumbing&HeatingSupplies,2826 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134

$350 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103

$8,000 BSRP Jack Edmondson, 2319 Gaul St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

Billows Electric Supply Co., 2283 HuntingdonPike,HuntingdonValley,PA 19006

$37,800 BSRP Bull Electric Services, Inc., 2105 74th Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138

$3,924 BSRP CGW Electric, 2213 W. Tioga St., Philadelphia, PA 19140

Brown's Iron Works, 1147 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19124

$2,970 AMP Mobility123,645S.MillRd.,Absecon,NJ 08201

Burns Company, 4300 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140

$3,600 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

$1,654 BSRP BlackSheepContracting,2671AlmondSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19125, PA 19125

$112 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,Levittown,PA19057

C&RBuildingSupply, 1600 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146

$4,123 BSRP Pendino, 2037-43 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities


Local Business Enterprise (LBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

Cava Building Supply, 2007 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146

$2,708 BSRP Pendino, 2037-43 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146

Delaware Valley Recycling, 3107 S. 61st St., Philadelphia, PA 19153 $207 BSRP Pendino, 2037-43 Washington Ave.,

Philadelphia, PA 19146DKC Design, 1906 E. Passyunk Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143 $4,900 BSRP Pendino, 2037-43 Washington Ave.,

Philadelphia, PA 19146FergusonEnterprises,5704MusgroveSt., Philadelphia, PA 19144 $147 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,

Valley Forge, PA 19403Goodman, 2191 Hornig Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19116 $7,846 BSRP MartinBeanRenovation,6066VineSt.,

Philadelphia, PA 19139

Grove Supply Inc, 7900 Rockwell Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111

$750 BSRP Clements Bros., Inc., 2030 Hartel St., Levittown,PA19057

$3,864 BSRP GuaranteedPlumbing,900CottmanAve., Philadelphia, PA 19111

Home Depot, 200 Alan Wood Rd., Conshohoken, PA 19428 $1,500 BSRP

DanielsContractingofPhiladelphia,5909 Torresdale Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19135

Home Depot, 4640 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, PA

$136 BSRP CPR Plumbing, 1338 Allison St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

$2,900 BSRPFMJElectricalServices, 2415W.JeffersonSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19121

$9,812 BSRPGrade A Plumbing, Inc., 1716 Costner Drive, Warrington, PA 18976

$8,500 BSRP Lopez&LopezConstruction, 3223 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, PA 19140

Home Depot, Oregon Ave., Philadelphia, PA $954 BSRP Pendino, 2037-43 Washington Ave.,

Philadelphia, PA 19146House Doctor Plumbing, 6631 Gillespie St., Philadelphia, PA 19135

$12,728 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

Keystone Supply, 4700 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19129

$5,158 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103

Kitchen&BathWholesalers, 1801 N. American St., Philadelphia, PA 19122

$1,622 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

Lowes Home Improvement, 2108 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19148

$594 BSRPBlackSheepContracting, 2671 Almond St., Philadelphia, PA 19125, PA 19125

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Local Business Enterprise (LBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

Lowes, 1500 N. 50th St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

$1,028 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

$1,337 BSRP CPR Plumbing, 1338 Allison St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

$700 BSRPDanielsContractingofPhiladelphia,5909 Torresdale Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19135

$118 BSRP Pendino, 2037-43 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146

Lowe's, 9701 E. Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19114

$196 BSRP APositiveResponse,1804AshurstRd.,Philadelphia, PA 19151

$3,300 BSRP Lopez&LopezConstruction, 3223 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, PA 19140

Mensak&SonSheetMetal, 5019 Knorr St., Philadelphia, PA 19135

$1,300 BSRP Fonseca, 5131 N. 2nd St., Unit #5, Philadelphia, PA 19120

N&NSupplyCo, 5911 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19135-4019

$10,098 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

$498 WAP Clements Bros., Inc., 2030 Hartel St., Levittown,PA19057

$2,868 BSRP DMC,2030HartelSt.,Levittown, PA 19057

$7,796 WAP DMC,2030HartelSt.,Levittown, PA 19057

$549 BSRP Paragon, 8310 High School Rd., Elkins Park, PA 19028$1,480 WAP

NolfiRoofing,4320E.WingohockingSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19124 $53,485 BSRP ECA-Chuck Graves, 1924 Arch St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19103

Peirce Phelps, 2000 N. 59th St., Philadelphia, PA 19131 $14,390 WAP

LuxuryHeating&CoolingInc., 560 People Plaza, #284, Newark, DE 19702

Quality Supply, 3939 Whitaker Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19124

$218 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

$15,806 BSRPDMSGeneralContractors,Inc., 2429E.HuntingdonSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19125


$76 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

$370 BSRP LuxuryHeating&CoolingInc., 560 People Plaza, #284, Newark, DE 19702$36,190 WAP

$702 BSRP Clements Bros., Inc., 2030 Hartel St., Levittown,PA19057

$2,501 WAP DMC,2030HartelSt.,Levittown, PA 19057

$2,807 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities


Local Business Enterprise (LBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

RijaalConstruction,5100NewhallSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19144 $2,768 BSRP APositiveResponse,1804AshurstRd.,

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Rising Sun Supply, 4450 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140

$129 BSRP APositiveResponse,1804AshurstRd.,Philadelphia, PA 19151

$378 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

$703 BSRP Clements Bros., Inc., 2030 Hartel St., Levittown,PA19057$520 WAP

$7,606 BSRP DMC,2030HartelSt.,Levittown,PA 19057$4,063 WAP

$1,786 BSRPGuaranteed Plumbing, 900CottmanAve.,Philadelphia,PA 19111

$400 BSRP Jack Edmondson, 2319 Gaul St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

$1,784 BSRP Paragon, 8310 High School Rd., Elkins Park, PA 19028$4,633 WAP

SidHarvey's,4244MacalesterSt.,Philadelphia, PA $1,413 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19103T. Kada&Sons,3565KensingtonAve,Philadelphia, PA 19134 $12,250 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19103Tommy D's Home Improvement, 2600 E. Tioga St., Philadelphia, PA 19134

$4,937 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

Torres Lumber, 4365 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140 $1,837 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,

Valley Forge, PA 19403Tri-StateWaste&Recycling, 4009PalmettoSt.,Philadelphia,PA 19124

$2,000 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

Weinstein Supply, 4612 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131-5207

$3,552 BSRP APositiveResponse,1804AshurstRd.,Philadelphia, PA 19151

$571 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

$8,291 BSRP CPR Plumbing, 1338 Allison St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

$711 BSRP GuaranteedPlumbing,900CottmanAve.,Philadelphia, PA 19111

$4,598 BSRP MartinBeanRenovation,6066VineSt.,Philadelphia, PA 19139

Wm. Betz Jr.,Inc., 2826 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134

$237 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,Levittown,PA19057

$6,000 AMP Jack Edmondson, 2319 Gaul St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

Summary for LBE (84 detail records) $531,475

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Nonprofit-Non Minority or Women Business Enterprise (NP-Non MBE/WBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

ABC Supply, 1550 First State Blvd., Stanton, DE 19804 $17,979 BSRP MDRoofing,3027AlmondSt.,

Philadelphia, PA 19134

AmericanCopper&Brass, 100S.MichiganAve.,Coldwater, MI49036

$4,848 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

AssociateRefrigeration, 1625 Hylton Rd, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 $791 BSRP ECA-Heater Hotline, 1924 Arch St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19103

BarnettPlumbingSupply, 33 Runway Rd., Bristol, PA 19057

$6,099 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

$1,134 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

Colonial Electric Supply Co., Inc., 201 W. Church Rd., King of Prussia, PA 1744.35

$107 BSRP CGW Electric, 2213 W. Tioga St., Philadelphia, PA 19140

$3,250 BSRP Reid'sElectricalContracting&Controls,823 Karlyn Lane, Collegeville, PA 19426

EconomyPlumbing&Heating, 875MortonSt.,Boston,MA02241 $50 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19124

EMISupply,Inc.,5502CannonDrive,Monroe,NC28110 $370 WAP

JMJHeating&Cooling, 7101BMarshallRd.,UpperDarby, PA 19082

Gas HVAC, Inc, 112 Ramble Rd., Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

$24,218 BSRP Paragon, 8310 High School Rd., Elkins Park, PA 19028$22,826 WAP

GoodmanDistribution,Inc, P.O.Box201652,Houston,TX77217 $628 BSRP

A.M.E.Mechanical,LLC,1501Washington Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19146

HandiCare/SterlingStairlf, 2201 Hangar Place, Allentown, PA 18109

$11,950 AMP EZLivingConcepts,601UplandAve.,#202, Upland, PA 19015

Harbor Freight Tools, 1112 Chester Pike, Sharon Hill, PA 19079

$134 BSRP CPR Plumbing, 1338 Allison St., Philadelphia, PA 19131

Home Depot, 1336 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, PA 19020 $742 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,


Home Depot, 138 Sunset Blvd, New Castle, DE 19720 $4,950 BSRP CGW Electric, 2213 W. Tioga St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19140

Home Depot, 2455 Paces Ferry Rd., Atlanta, GA 30339 $47 BSRP APositiveResponse,1804AshurstRd.,

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Home Depot, 600 E. Trooper Rd., Norristown, PA 19403

$35,959 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

$3,900 BSRP Reid'sElectricalContracting&Controls,823 Karlyn Lane, Collegeville, PA 19426

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Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities


Nonprofit-Non Minority or Women Business Enterprise (NP-Non MBE/WBE)

Sub-ContractorsContract Amount Program General Contractor

I Q Fiber, 1550 Lehigh Drive, Bldg #4, Easton, PA 18042 $16,575 WAP

Premier Contractors Inc., 641 Bethlehem Pike, Colman, PA 18915

IBNMasterPlumbingLLC, 1018 Whitby Ave., Yeadon, PA 19050 $1,603 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,


Ideal Window, 100 West 7th St., Bayonne, NJ 07002 $15,180 WAP

Premier Contractors Inc., 641 Bethlehem Pike, Colman, PA 18915

J. Lorber, Co., 2659 Bristol Pike,POBox966,Bensalem,PA19020 $29 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St.,

Philadelphia, PA 19124Johnstone Supply, 4700 Wissahickon Ave # B, Philadelphia, PA

$154 BSRP Buzz Duzz, 4625 Ditman St., Philadelphia, PA 19124

Lowes, 1400 E. Lincoln Highway, Langhorne, PA 19047 $1,154 AMP FinselConstruction,34GoodrockRd.,


Olympia Chimney, 600 Sanders St., Scranton, PA 18505 $4,728 BSRP

A.M.E.Mechanical,LLC,1501 Washington Ave, Philadelphia,PA 19146

QualityRoofing,6250BaltimoreAve.,Lansdowne, PA 19050 $5,345 BSRP Fonseca, 5131 N. 2nd St., Unit #5,

Philadelphia, PA 19120

R.E.Michels,1000SussexBlvd.,Broomall, PA 19008 $20,798 BSRP

A.M.E.Mechanical,LLC,1501 Washington Ave, Philadelphia,PA 19146

RapidExcavation,136CharlesSt.,Southampton, PA 18966 $800 BSRP APositiveResponse,1804AshurstRd.,

Philadelphia, PA 19151Shade Environmental, LLC, 47S.LippincottAve.,MapleShade,NJ 08052

$1,908 BSRPWest Chester Environmental, 307 N. Walnut St., West Chester, PA 19380

SouthwestVinyl,6250BaltimorePike,Yeadon, PA 19050 $604 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,

Valley Forge, PA 19403

Steinberg Supply Co, Inc., 430CrestAve.,MelrosePark,PA19207

$557 WAP Clements Bros., Inc., 2030 Hartel St., Levittown,PA19057

$1,013 BSRP DMC,2030HartelSt.,Levittown,PA 19057

Strathmann's Supply, 2801 Baglyos Circle, Bethlehem, PA 18020

$348 BSRP AdkinsManagement,4113ColonialCt.,Valley Forge, PA 19403

Weinstein Supply, Wycombe Ave., Lansdowne, PA 19050 $170 BSRP

A.M.E.Mechanical,LLC,1501 Washington Ave, Philadelphia,PA 19146

Summary for NP-Non MBE/WBE (35 detail records) $210,948

Total Preservation Programs (186 detail records) $1,456,828

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

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Section 5:

Quarterly Expenditures andUnliquidated Obligations

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Quarterly Expenditures and Unliquidated Opportunities


Quarterly Expenditures and Unliquidated Opportunities

Combined: CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, Section 108, HTF, HTF-NRF, FAF, Choice Neighborhoods Funding, Philadelphia Land Care Program, Other Funding (in thousands)

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Affordable Housing Production

A.AffordableHomeownershipHousing $4,257 $5,738 $12,135 $8,071

B.AffordableRentalHousing $6,044 $8,613 $41,946 $4,291

B.AffordableRentalPreservation $0 $0 $13,637 $321

Total Affordable Housing Production $10,301 $14,351 $67,718 $12,683

Housing Preservation

A. Housing Counseling $1,003 $1,685 $4,289 $1,191

6.Foreclosure&VacancyPreventionActivities $0 $0 $369 $0


1. Emergency Repair Hotline - Tier 1 $637 $1,321 $1,000 $0

3.Weatherization&BSRP-Tier2 $3,406 $7,041 $14,213 $7,516

4.TargetedHousingPreservationProgram $0 $0 $1,210 $0

5.UtilityEmergencyServicesFund $0 $0 $912 $36

6.EnergyCoordinatingAgency $217 $254 $411 $541

Subtotal Emergency Repair, Preservation & Weatherization $4,260 $8,616 $17,746 $8,093


1.HomeownershipRehabilitationProgram $0 $0 $0 $14

4.ImpactServicesBuildingMaterialsProgram $0 $0 $0 $8

Subtotal Home Equity Financing & Rehabilitation Assistance $0 $0 $0 $22

Total Housing Preservation $5,263 $10,301 $22,404 $9,306

D. Tenant and Homeowner Assistance

1.HousingCounseling,FinancialLiteracy/TangledTitle $58 $58 $849 $92

2. Shallow Rent Pilot Program $0 $0 $4,000 $0

Total Tenant and Homeowner Assistance $0 $58 $4,849 $92

E. Accelerator Fund

1. Accelerator Fund $0 $0 $0 $2,000

Total Accelerator Fund $0 $0 $0 $2,000

Homeless and Special needs Housing $3,167 $7,629 $16,627 $8,805

Employment and Training $21 $71 $300 $2

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Combined: CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, Section 108, HTF, HTF-NRF, FAF, Choice Neighborhoods Funding, Philadelphia Land Care Program, Other Funding (in thousands)

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Acquisition, Site Preparation and Community Improvements

A.Acquisition/Condemnation $0 $1,350 $88 $1,177

B.ManagementofVacantLand $1,194 $2,667 $4,189 $31

C. Site and Community Improvements $333 $524 $3,629 $0

Total Acquisition, Site Preparation & Community Improvements $1,527 $4,541 $7,906 $1,208

Community Economic Development $672 $1,357 $2,785 $3,027

Community Planning and Capacity Building $233 $639 $1,973 $388

Choice Neighborhoods Grant Support

Support Services $76 $185 $777 $1,312

CriticalCommunityImprovements $0 $0 $1,500 $1,690

Dwelling Structures $517 $517 $7,550 $1,950

Total Choice Neighborhoods Grant Support $593 $702 $9,857 $4,958

Section 108 Loan Principal & Interest Repayment $0 $0 $0 $1,244

Annual Operating Costs

A. Program Delivery

1. DHCD $0 $0 $0 $246

2. PHDC $0 $1,531 $10,808 $5,431

3. PRA $28 $160 $0 $1,234

4. Commerce $657 $939 $0 ($213)

7. City Planning $150 $217 $0 $36

9.L&I $444 $633 $0 $201

Subtotal Program Delivery $1,279 $3,480 $10,808 $6,935


1. DHCD $2,043 $3,059 $159 $2,523

2. PHDC $0 $386 $3,055 $589

3. PRA $0 $48 $0 $0

4. Commerce $0 $0 $0 $1,927

5. Law $114 $183 $0 $149

6. City Planning $80 $116 $0 $197

Subtotal General Administration $2,240 $3,795 $3,214 $5,385

Total Annual Operating Costs $3,519 $7,275 $14,022 $12,320

ReserveAppropriations $0 $0 $0 $4,107

Prior Year - Reprogrammed $0 $0 $0 $621

Grand Total Program Activities $25,296 $46,924 $148,441 $60,761

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Quarterly Expenditures and Unliquidated Opportunities


CDBG Funding

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Affordable Housing Production

A.AffordableHomeownershipHousing $0 $0 $0 $0

B.AffordableRentalHousing $0 $108,875 $7,148,012 $415

C.AffordableRentalPreservation $0 $0 $6,078,586 $0

Total Affordable Housing Production $0 $108,875 $13,226,598 $415

Housing Preservation

A. Housing Counseling $996,898 $1,642,246 $3,941,039 $1,191,075


3.Weatherization&BSRP-Tier2 $3,305,400 $6,784,222 $13,432,803 $7,515,821

8.EnergyCoordinatingAgency $217,177 $254,494 $407,386 $540,640

Subtotal Emergency Repair, Preservation & Weatherization $3,522,577 $7,038,716 $13,840,189 $8,056,461

Total Housing Preservation $4,519,475 $8,680,962 $17,781,228 $9,247,536

Homeless and Special-Needs Housing $187,010 $208,124 $186,493 $28,825

Employment and Training $21,144 $71,163 $300,000 $1,730

Acquisition, Site Preparation and Community Improvements

A.Acquisition/Condemnation $0 $0 $87,554 $0

B.ManagementofVacantLand $31,617 $84,096 $720,079 $30,511

C. Site and Community Improvements $276,607 $516,485 $3,569,599 $0

Total Acquisition, Site Preparation & Community Improvements $308,224 $600,581 $4,377,232 $30,511

Community Economic Development $671,306 $1,356,533 $2,785,281 $3,926,051

Community Planning and Capacity Building $183,720 $583,216 $1,829,101 $358,972

Section 108 Loan Principal & Interest Repayment $126 $126 $0 $1,244,234

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Annual Operating Costs

A. Program Delivery

1. DHCD $0 $0 $0 $0

2. PHDC $0 $1,530,586 $9,433,244 $3,864,807

3. PRA $0 $59,632 $0 $1,233,519

4. Commerce $656,429 $938,805 $0 ($212,805)

7. City Planning $150,575 $217,374 $0 $35,626

8.L&I $444,980 $633,489 $0 $200,511

Subtotal Program Delivery $1,251,984 $3,379,886 $9,433,244 $5,121,658


1. DHCD $2,043,038 $3,058,839 $159,103 $2,058,911

2. PHDC $0 $385,721 $2,480,387 $589,417

3. PRA $0 $33,313 $0 $0

4. Commerce ($2) $377 $53 $1,927,388

5. Law $114,212 $183,463 $0 $148,537

6. City Planning $79,537 $115,766 $0 $197,234

Subtotal General Administration $2,236,785 $3,777,479 $2,639,543 $4,921,487

Total Annual Operating Costs $3,488,769 $7,157,365 $12,072,787 $10,043,145

ReserveAppropriations $0 $0 $0 $1,624,990

Prior Year - Reprogrammed $0 $0 $0 $620,716

Grand Total Program Activities $9,379,774 $18,766,945 $52,558,720 $27,127,125

CDBG Funding (contd.)

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Quarterly Expenditures and Unliquidated Opportunities


HOME Funding

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Affordable Housing Production

A.AffordableHomeownershipHousing $0 $0 $840,000 $0

B.AffordableRentalHousing $2,438,220 $3,594,217 $14,754,018 $8,070

C.AffordableRentalPreservation $0 $0 $4,380,000

Total Affordable Housing Production $2,438,220 $3,594,217 $19,974,018 $8,070

Homeless and Special Needs Housing $651,843 $1,511,436 $7,566,376 $7,467,095

Annual Operating Costs


1. DHCD $0 $0 $0 $244,108

2. PHDC $0 $0 $560,000 $0

3. PRA $0 $14,572 $0 $0

Total Annual Operating Costs $0 $14,572 $560,000 $244,108

Prior Year Reprogrammed $0 $0 $0 $365

Grand Total Program Activities $3,090,063 $5,120,225 $28,100,394 $7,719,638

HOPWA Funding

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Homeless and Special Needs Housing $2,066,736 $3,958,561 $5,866,478 $1,127,121

Annual Operating Costs


1. DHCD $0 $0 $0 $235,193

Total Annual Operating Costs $0 $0 $0 $235,193

Grand Total Program Activities $2,066,736 $3,958,561 $5,866,478 $1,362,314

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Section 108 Loan Funding

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Affordable Housing Production

A.AffordableHomeownershipHousing $0 $0 $0 $1,570,597

B.AffordableRentalHousing $0 $0 $0 $1,054,196

Total Affordable Housing Production $0 $0 $0 $2,624,793

Housing Preservation


1.HomeownershipRehabilitationProgram $0 $0 $0 $14,220

Total Housing Preservation $0 $0 $0 $14,220

Homeless and Special Needs Housing $0 $0 $0 $151,751

Acquisition, Site Preparation and Community Improvements

A.Acquisition/Condemnation $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000

Total Acquisition, Site Preparation & Community Improvements $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000

Annual Operating Costs


1. DHCD $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Annual Operating Costs $0 $0 $0 $0

Grand Total Program Activities $0 $0 $0 $3,790,764

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Quarterly Expenditures and Unliquidated Opportunities


HTF Funding

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Affordable Housing Production

A.AffordableHomeownershipHousing $345,634 $461,806 $2,311,618 $0

B.AffordableRentalHousing $3,605,469 $4,909,497 $23,120,366 $320,613

Total Affordable Housing Production $3,951,103 $5,371,303 $25,431,984 $320,613

Housing Preservation


1. Emergency Repair Hotline - Tier II $637,517 $1,321,272 $1,912,333 $36,312

3.Weatherization&BasicSystemsRepairProgram $100,864 $256,577 $1,989,364 $0

Subtotal Emergency Repair, Preservation & Weatherization $738,381 $1,577,849 $3,901,697 $36,312

Total Housing Preservation $738,381 $1,577,849 $3,901,697 $36,312

Homeless and Special Needs Housing $260,836 $1,950,787 $3,007,803 $29,798

Tenant and Homeowner Assistance

1 Shallow Rent Pilot Program $0 $0 $2,000,000 $0

Community Planning and Capacity Building $45,000 $45,000 $0 $28,811

Annual Operating Costs

A. Program Delivery

1. DHCD $0 $0 $0 $0

2. PHDC $0 $488 $1,375,000 $1,457

3. PRA $0 $27,370 $0 $0

Total Annual Operating Costs $0 $27,858 $1,375,000 $1,457

Grand Total Program Activities $4,995,320 $8,972,797 $35,716,484 $416,991

HTF Non-Recording Fee Sub Fund Funding

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Affordable Housing Production and Preservation $3,911,262 $5,276,063 $9,354,937 $6,500,000

Tenant and Homeowner Assistance

A.HousingCounseling,FinancialLiteracy/TangledTitle $58,298 $58,298 $849,252 $92,450

B. Shallow Rent Pilot Program $0 $0 $2,000,000 $0

Total Tenant and Homeowner Assistance $58,298 $58,298 $2,849,252 $92,450

Accelerator Fund $0 $0 $0 $2,000,000


1. DPD $2,585 $2,585 $0 $997,415

2. PHDC $0 $0 $15,000 $0

3. Unallocated $0 $0 $0 $1,485,000

Total Administration $2,585 $2,585 $15,000 $2,482,415

Grand Total Program Activities $3,972,145 $5,336,946 $12,219,189 $11,074,865

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2nd Quarter Report - Year 45 (CFY 2020) City Council Bill 1029AA

Federal Adjustment Factor

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Housing Preservation

B.EmergencyRepair,Preservation&Weatherization3.Weatherization&BasicSystemsRepairProgramTier2 BSRP District 8 (11B Bond Funds) $0 $0 $0 $100

Total Housing Preservation $0 $0 $0 $100

Grand Total Program Activities $0 $0 $0 $100

Choice Neighborhoods

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Support Services (People)

Education $0 $108,752 $386,642 $0

CaseManagement $75,931 $75,931 $390,452 $81,039

Unallocated $0 $0 $0 $1,231,295

Total Support Services (People) $75,931 $184,683 $777,094 $1,312,334

Critical Community Improvements (Neighborhoods) $0 $0 $1,500,000 $1,690,000

Dwelling Structures (Housing) $516,943 $516,943 $7,550,252 $1,950,142

Technical Assistance

LocalInitiativesSupportCorp. $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Technical Assistance $0 $0 $0 $0


General Administration

DHCD $0 $0 $0 $140,000

Total Administration $0 $0 $0 $140,000

Grand Total Program Activities $592,874 $701,626 $9,827,346 $5,092,476

Philadelphia LandCare Program

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Bal-ance

Acquisition. Site Preparation & Community Improvements

ManagementofVacantLand $60,105 $119,167 $144,926 $0

Total Acquisition. Site Preparation & Community Improvements $60,105 $119,167 $144,926 $0

Grand Total Program Activities $60,105 $119,167 $144,926 $0

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Quarterly Expenditures and Unliquidated Opportunities


Other Funding

Reporting Period Expenditures

Cumulative Expenditures

Encumbrance Balance

Remaining Balance

Affordable Housing Production

A.AffordableHomeownershipHousing $0 $0 $0 $0

B.AffordableRentalHousing $0 $0 $101,709 $1,828,222

Total Affordable Housing Production $0 $0 $101,709 $1,828,222

Housing Preservation

A. Housing Counseling $6,629 $43,148 $347,469 $0B.EmergencyRepair,Preservation&Weatherization

8.EnergyCoordinatingAgency $0 $0 $0 $1

Subtotal Emergency Repair, Preservation & Weatherization $0 $0 $0 $1

Total Housing Preservation $6,629 $43,148 $347,469 $1

Acquisition, Site Preparation and Community Improvements

A.Acquisition/Condemnation $0 $1,350,000 $0 $177,220

B.ManagementofVacantLand $1,150,824 $2,463,608 $3,324,248 $0

C. Site and Community Improvements $7,430 $7,430 $59,452 $0

Total Acquisition, Site Preparation & Community Improvements $1,158,254 $3,821,038 $3,383,700 $177,220

Community Planning and Capacity Building $4,972 $11,192 $143,808 $0

Choice Neighborhoods Grant Support

A. Philadelphia Housing Authority $0 $0 $0 $5,979

B. Technical Assistance $0 $0 $0 $0

C. Economic Development Planning Services $0 $0 $30,268 $0

Total Choice Neighborhoods Grant Support $0 $0 $30,268 $5,979

Annual Operating Costs

A. Program Delivery

3. PRA $28,500 $73,000 $0 $0

Subtotal General Administration $28,500 $73,000 $0 $0

B. GeneralAdministration

1. DHCD $0 $0 $0 $91,003

Subtotal Emergency Repair, Preservation & Weatherization $0 $0 $0 $91,003

Total Annual Operating Costs $28,500 $73,000 $0 $91,003

Grand Total Program Activities $1,198,355 $3,948,378 $4,006,954 $2,102,425

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