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101 Ways to Happiness

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101 Ways to Happiness, David R. Hawkins

Dr. David Hawkins 101 Ways to Happiness  1. Source is

within, not without. 2. Want what you have, instead of have

what you want… including your own existence. All that it takes

to be happy is the fact that you are. e satis!ed with the fact

that you are. e happy with what you have. ". #appiness is an

inner decision. $. %ive up &poor 'e(. ). *hoose instead of crave,

want, desire, or get. +ear %od - see' to be the victi' of this

insatiable craving… please help 'e… willingness to surrender

to %od. /. Surrender all cravings to %od. 0ove of %od beco'es

all you want… pray… 1. *ould you 2. Would you . 3oie de

vivre is independent of events. -t is an attitude anda superior

+style of life. -n hu'an life, there is no winning orlosing.

*elebrate your own existence. 3oy of life, helping others. 4. -s it

the child, adult, or parent 5in you6 that wants #appiness 7

bubbling over and active child, integrated adult, and totally

loving and accepting parent. 8he child wants to 'oon people on

the way here and the adult says, +let(s not do it today. 9wn

your child all the ti'e: child free to express itself. Story; when -

was 12, 'y 'o' 'ade 'e wear rubbers to school when it

rained. 8his e'barrassed 'e. - hid the rubbers in the shrubs on

way to school and then put the' on again on the way ho'e.

#appiness is hiding your rubbers in a shrub< Another story; went

to internist, ca'e ho'e and the parent ca'e up in Susan, +=ou

didn(t wear that undershirt with the hole in it, did you<> ?.

i@erentiate actual fro' sy'bolic win or gain. 1. i@erentiate

narcissitic 5+rich and fa'ous6 fro' 'ature goals. 11. e

pleased with the direction and align'ent instead of Bust

co'pletion. e pleased with where you are, rather than +-(ll be

happy when - reach the goal. 12. Cractical reality vs. fantasy

and gla'our of +success. 1". *hoose decision instead of Bust

hope. Write down your goals for this life. 9ne goal ; +be happy

no 'atter what happens. e pleased with the direction of lifeDD

be uplifting to others or enlighten'entEnot how far along you

are on the path because it(s anybody(s guess. Where you are is

the result of your own decision, so you can &t bla'e anyone. Fo

'atter which way you go, there are risks involved. 0ife is a

seGuence of roles. 1$. e Hexible vs. rigid. 8he reed bends with

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the current. 1). *ancel; &and then -(ll be happy…( 1/. 0et go of 

clutching and grasping. 1. *larify goals and ideals. 14. IealiJe

all value is arbitrary. 1?. #appiness is a nap on a train or plane.

%od(s will for you is happiness. 8o be happy is pleasing to %od.

58est; 8rue6. eing happy is ful!lling your hu'an potential. 2.

0ive one day at a ti'e. -f you don(t have a proble', get one so

that you can Boin a 12 step group. 8hey are happier than other

people. 21. #appiness is a cat(s purr or a dog(s wagging tail. 22.

Kaith vs. skepticis' 5narcissis'6Ethe skeptic has faith in his

skepticis'. 2". %ratitude for what one has and is. 2$. etached

vs. cravingEpick so'ething you think you need for happiness

and get detached fro' it. 2). %lass half full or half e'pty… 2/.

Spiritual vs. 'aterial goals. Searching for truth in all of itsexpressions is one of the 'ost advanced states of 

consciousness. ?4 L of the world is not interested in truth. 8he

nu'ber of people interested in Mnlighten'ent is less than 1 in

1 'illion. +Ny goal inthis life ti'e is enlighten'ent is true for

1 in 1 'illion. 8est; 8rue. 8he !rst great kar'a is to hear of 

enlighten'ent. 8he second or next great kar'a is to pursue it.

 8he third and greatest is to pursue it and achieve it. 8est;

+Mverybody in this audience hasgood kar'a. 8IOM.Mnlighten'ent is a releasing of attach'ent and aversion, !rst in

the senses… -t(s half full because it(s half e'pty. Spiritual goals

cannot be lost. 8hey endure for all ti'e. 2. Surrender to %od(s

will. Spiritual wisdo' evolves. Kor so'e people, shooting the

ene'y is %od(s will. Kor others, %od(s will is not shooting. 24.

*apacity to let go. 8his capacity is -n!nite. -t(s not that you

can(t let go, but that you won(t. 2?. e pleased with progress.

". Avoid selfDBudg'ent. 8his is the internaliJed parent. Kreud(ssuperDego. -nner Budge. #ave your inner kid alive and well,

andso'eti'es you have to sit on your inner kid. Ny sister and -

would go on street car and 'o' told us to stay in our seats. -

was &good( and she was &bad( because she would be running up

and down the aisle. Kor 'e happiness was being +good, for her

happiness was being +bad. "1. +%ood vs. +ad are

circu'stantial. "2. +Win is provisional. "". Si'plicity vs.

co'plexity. "$. Iealistic expectations of life, others, events. -npolitics, don(t Budge the world by your values, don(t expect a

lot< "). Palue is in the eye of the beholder. "/. %ive up your

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skepticis'. ". Sense of hu'or. "4. Accept kar'ic propensity..

not causality but likelihoods… "?. See essence rather than

perception. $. 3ocular instead of 'orose. $1. %ood will

regarding all of life. $2. MasyDgoing vs. rigid. $". Ieduce

expectations. $$. %enerous instead of stingy.. Furturance to all

of life, in woods, trees… 8MS8; +8he trees in the woods know

that - a' glad andlove the' 8IOM. 8hey are literally aware of 

your lovingness of the'. -t is not what you have, do, or say, but

what you have beco'e. What can - do to a@ect the world Stay

out of the way< -f you step around the bug instead of sto'ping

it, that does 'ore for world peace than 'arching in a parade<

$). Nodify inner voice. $/. e gracious to self and others. $.

Surrender the need to control. ecause of the good, you(veearned the privilege of working through bad kar'a. 8MS8;

+When you need good kar'a, it(s there for you. 8IOM. Story;

truck broke down on cloverleaf in 'iddle of strange place,

stranger ca'e by to re'ove the tire, took it to be !xed, brought

it back and put it back on… +8hat was 'y good kar'a savings

account. 8IOM. +8here are angels in bodies. 8IOM. $4. 0et go

of desire for applause. %ood will is noticed by all of life…

%enerosity is an attitude, not 'oney. 8alk to your inner thoughtsso that the inner thoughts express your spiritual co''it'ents

and align'ent. e gracious to yourself. +8hank you, 9h 0ord, for

'y existence. Kirst thing 'y psychoanalyst said; 1. you need

to have a thicker skin. 2. be forgiving to yourself. 8oo rigid

superego. 0ook at your intention, not the act. Fot necessary to

control things in life because the good kar'a will take care of it.

 3ust hold it in 'ind and it tends to 'anifest. $?. e glad instead

of 'ad. ). Acceptance instead of resistance. )1. %enerousinstead of stingy. )2. *andid with self and others. e honestE+-

like &e' diced instead of sliced< )". Silence the 'ind. )$. %ive

up thinkingness… stop calling it &'y( 'ind… Mverybody(s gotta

speak their 'ind on 8P, and they think that(s a step forward<

Anybody can babble< - don(t care what the 'an on the street

thinks… he learned it on 8P yesterday… narcissistic egotis'…

why should the world give a rap about what you think - don(t

give a rap about - think< Qnowingness co'es about nonlinear. -tis certainty. *o'es about without thinking about it.

 8hinkingness is an energy !eld which can be transcended. )).

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Korgiving vs. vindictive. KorgiveEyou don(t have to get even

because kar'a is inevitable. )/. Work on inner traits instead of 

external ones. ). -t only takes a bone to 'ake a dog happy…

it(s the s'all things of life< All it takes is a sip of soda…. of 

espresso…. )4. Sing, +on(t worry, be happy< in 'ind. )?.

*hoose spiritual values and goals. =ou feel inner gladness about

the goodness of life. What(s the purpose of the world -t(s here

for =9O. 8his is not egocentric. 9ut of ivine intention, that

which is here, is here for you. 8he essence of all that arises is

ivinity expressing itself as a stage, as a wonderful wife, as

these Howers, as the Qleenex, as the diet soda, espresso… /.

*hoose spiritual friends and groups. +8he spiritual energy of this

group present is positively a@ecting all of 'ankind. 8IOM.=ouserve all of 'ankind by beco'ing as spiritually evolved as you

can be. /1. %o fro' co'plete to co'plete. /2. -dentify with Self 

rather than self. Without the presence of %od within you, you

wouldn(t exist. Self is 'y reality: self is only 'y te'porary

expression in this do'ain. Snow bank experience. /". Accept

li'itations of hu'anness, which has the kar'a of protoplas'.

/$. #appiness is a decision and direction. /). IeHective vs.

i'pulsive. //. 8houghtful rather than critical. /. e contentinstead of co'plaining 5weather, taxes…6. /4. IealiJe life is a

learning curve. /?. Cray. Craying is bene!cial. +-t bene!ts

yourself, loved ones, the world, all of hu'anity. Mach tested

 8IOM. Craying is not Bust grade school exercise but expression

of what you(ve beco'e, which is gracious. . *onte'plate. 1.

ARr' %od is 'y Source. 2. Sing an inner song. 0earn to hu'

to yourself without 'aking any noise< ". When feeling down,

say to yourself, +=ours is the saddest story -(ve ever heard< $.-nsist on being 'iserable and gloo'y. +9h well…. Meyore. ).

Nake faces at yourself in the 'irror. 8his is a wonderful spiritual

techniGue. #oly *hurch of %iggledo'… 8he way to %od is

through giggles. /. e grateful for the gift of life. e all you can

be to everyone all of the ti'e. IeHect back to life its eauty. .

0ive one day at a ti'e. 4. e your own best friend. ?.

Mxpansion vs. di'unuition of proble's. 4. *larify  

withrole. 41. Clay role of 'artyr 42. Clay role of hero 4".Clay role of victi' 4$. Clay role of 'orally superior 4). 0et go

of being the inBustice collector 5'artyr6. 4/. 0et go of being

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provocative. 4. Stop pushing one(s luck. 44. Avoid catastrophe.

4?. on(t buy a ho'e in the Hood plain or on the edge of a 'ud

cli@. ?. o not win the lottery. ?1. on(t ski in an avalanche

area. ?2. %ive up selfDi'portance. ?". 9bey the law T be polite

to police. ?$. Stop de'onstrating. ?). %ive up saving the world.

?/. Nind your own business. ?. %ive up being i'portant. ?4.

-'prove yourself instead of others. ??. Cay your inco'e taxes.

1. S'ile and the world s'iles with you. 11. edicate all

actions to %od. Dr. David Hawkins' Answers-- from

Questions asked at his lecture. UD #ow could you decline

death if it is preDset AD eath is predeter'ined for the 'aBority

of 'ankind 'ost of theti'e, but not for the Mnlightened being.

 8est; 8IOM. UD #ow can - transcend thinkingness AD Fobodycares about what you(re thinking, so why should you

Qnowingness is nonverbal, di@use, and global. +Qar'ic undoing

does not have to be verbati' 58est; 8rue6. 3ust because you cut

o@ so'eone(s head in previous lifeti'e doesn(t'ean you have

to have your head cut o@ in this one. UD #ow do you recogniJe

the voice of %od AD -f you Guestion it, it(s not the voice of %od

because the voice of%od is selfDreHecting as the voice of %od. -t

co'es by certainty.All of a sudden it(s si'ple and obvious. 8hanks #awkins<