101 Facts About India

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  • 7/30/2019 101 Facts About India


    101 Facts about India

    1. The geographicalareaof India is 3,287,263 sq. Kms2. The population of India is 1,028,737,4363. There are 532,223,090Malesin India4.

    There are 496,514,346Femalesin India5. Thepopulationof India in 1951 was 361,088,090

    6. The Indian birth rate is 22.8%7. The Indian Death rate is 7.4%8. The Indian Infant Mortality Rate(IMR) is 53%9. Indian GNP is 195.810.Indian NNP is 195.111.India has a tax revenues of 4,742,180,000,000 Indian Rupee12.India spent 538,501,500 on science and technology in relation to public sector spending13.There are 195,835 (000 Hectors) of cropped area14.There is 99,182 ('000 tonn)e of Rice produced in India in 200815.There is 19,731 ('000) tonne of Maize produced in India in 200816.26217.2 (000 Tonne) ofBananasare produce17.12749.8(000 Tonne) ofAppleare produce in a area of 2309 ('000 Hectare)18.India produce 68,465,530 tonnes of fruit in 200819.India produce 129,077,000 tonnes of Vegetables in 200820.There are 529,706,069 total live stock India21.There are 648,698,547 Total poultry in India22.There are 71,558,162Sheepin 200723.

    There are 437,937Donkeysin 200724.India produces 45,899,000 tonnes ofCow milkeach year

    25.India produces 57,132,000 tonnes of Buffalo milk each year26.India produces 3,883,000 tonnes of Goat milk each year27.India produces 55,638,100,000eggseach year28.India produces 42703 tonnes of wool each year29.India catches 72,39,250 tonne of fish each year30.Indian mills production of cotton yarn is 3,073(Mn. Kg.)31.India produces 528976 k.liter of beer in 2009/201032.India produces 1,433 thousand tonnes of chlorine per year33.India produces 767,177 Mill.KWh of electricity per year34.8,444,852 motorcycles are manufactured each year35.India produce 17 million tonnes of sugar yearly36.India produce 991.194 thousand tonnes of tea each year37.India has 559 coal mines38.India has 559 Lime stone mines39.India has 4 official gold mines

  • 7/30/2019 101 Facts About India


    40.Indian industries consume 490.017 million tonnes of raw coal41.Indian sectors consumed 553,995 Giga Watt hour of electricity in 200942.India has a net electricity available for supply of 712,540 Giga Watt hour43.India has 786,774 companies44.In 2009 64,582 companies where registered45.There is 64,015 km of open rail way in India46.4,852 people were killed on Indian railways in 200947.India railways made 798,370,705 gross income in 200948.Road transport in India had a gross income of 87,010 million rupees49.There are 89,618,267 registered motor vehicles in India50.There are 762,341registerd busses in India51.There was a production of 14049830 automobiles in India52.There are 3,174,620 kilometres of road in India of which 1,745,271is surfaced53.11,846 thousand tonnes of cargo entered India in 200954.India domestic aviation service flown 821,000 hours55.45,359,000 flew with India's domestic flights service56.India International aviation service flow 433,000 hours57.1,379,000,000 cheques were cleared in 200958.There were 5,282,603 foreign tourist in India in 200959.776,530 UK tourist visited India in 200960.In 2001 India had 193,579,954 households61.In 2001 in India there were 531 people to every 100 households62.93.8% ofUrbanIndian household have electricity63.60.2% of Indianruralhousehold have electricity64.India has 23,615 Universities and collages65.India has 1,345,136 Schools66.India has 257 million people in education67.Their are 6,288,681 in Indian schools68.Their are 652,665 in Indian collage anduniversity students69.in urban areas of India the literacy rate is 84%70.in Rural areas of India the literacy rate is 65%71.In 2009 India has 11613 government hospitals72.In 2009 India hospitals have a total of 540,000 beds73.India has 47 Mental asylums74.India's postal system handles 2,384,300,000 letters per year75.India has on average 0.3698 telephones per person76.India's annual rain fall per year is 3,000 millimetres77.India has 69,323 registered Newspapers78.India has 1,132,202 Civil police officers79.India has 341,393 Armed police officers

  • 7/30/2019 101 Facts About India


    80.25,036 people in India were arrested for rape crimes in 200981.There were 32,766 officialmurdersin India in 200882.Rioting commanded the most criminal arrests in 200883.There were 342,264 accidental deaths in India in 200884.There were 125,017suicidesin India in 200885.India has 12,838,650,000,000 Rupees in the foreign exchange reserves86.India has 1,443,804,000 minted coins87.India has 46,306 official trade unions88.India has 639,445 Villages89.India has 618 Districts90.There are 376 national election parties throughout India91.There are 543 constituencies throughout India92.there are 103 post graduate institutions in India93.there are 479 under graduate institution in India94.there are 11,133,566 pigs in India95.there are 516,828 camels in India96.the Surfaced Length ofState Highwaysis 151,15997.36.41% of India households have Toilet facilities98.62.3% of Indiahouseholdshave safe drinking water facilities99.India has 93,691 (000' hectare) of wasteland100.India has 27,719 wild elephants101.India produced 13,564,525 tonnes ofonionin 2008-2009
