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How To Get To An ‘Earning-Rate’ of $100k/Year In 60 Days Using A Simple 7-Step Formula Hi, and THANKS for signing up to get this case study! Before reading one more line of this report, register to JOIN US on a workshop where we walk you through this breakthrough system from start to finish LIVE!

This one-time special workshop is happening at 5pm ET on Monday June 2nd!

Register here:


I hope you’ve signed up, this is a one-off live workshop that you will NOT want to miss! Let’s now get down to business!

This Report ONLY Covers Phase #1 To ensure we don’t overwhelm you, in this case study we’ll just be giving you an overview of Phase #1. You’ll find out more about Phase #2 and Phase #3 in the live workshop. Before we get down to business, we want to tell you a little more about our background and who we are… If you don’t know us already, I’m Aidan Booth and my business partner is Steven Clayton.

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Steven has been an online marketer since leaving his corporate job back in 2003. Steve quickly saw success using Google PPC as an affiliate marketer and it decided right away that he wanted to grow his online business into something much bigger, to take it from a ‘hobby’ to a business that would support his family as well as the lifestyle he wanted to live. By 2006, Steven had built an incredibly successful 6 figure affiliate businesses, and had also expanded (in a big way) to eCommerce, specifically drop-shipping. For me (Aidan), I had the same dream as Steve, but for different reasons.

I started with the idea of building a “small income stream” that’d allow me to be geographically free, and be location independent. I met my wife on a ski trip in Lake Tahoe back in 2003. We were both 20 years old at the time, working the winter season at Squaw Valley, California. When winter

ended, I went back to New Zealand where I was part-way through University, and Carolina returned to her home in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It became crystal clear to me that I’d never be able to be completely free if I was tied down to a day job in New Zealand, so I set about finding another way to make money so that I could shift to Argentina to be with Carolina. After a couple of years of struggling online, I finally got to the point where I could quit my day-job in New Zealand, and I got a one-way ticket to Argentina. I had an online income and was officially free to live anywhere in the world. Over the past decade our businesses have grown tremendously. Steve and I met in 2010, and became official business partners in 2013. We now have a team of over 30 full-time employees who are based in the USA, the UK, Pakistan and China. Today we’re sharing an incredibly exciting new system with you. It’s something we’ve rigorously tested ourselves, and we’ve even put a group of test-students through the system to help us refine and perfect it. The results we (and our students) have achieved have been absolutely incredible.

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This is without doubt one of the most exciting opportunities we’ve ever seen online, and today you’re getting a complete overview of Phase 1 of the system… how to get to a run-rate of $100,000/year ($274/day) in 60 days.

Proof Of The Earning Potential Of Our 7-Step System (Phase #1) To give you an idea of what’s possible here, we’ve taken a few screenshots to show the kind of income that you can get when you start using this system, and also some screenshots showing the incredible traffic that you can almost instantly inject into your website, AND the type of audiences you can grow on Facebook. This is just a small snap-shop of what’s possible using this system:

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The screenshot above shows how a BRAND new website (launched on January 1st) was able to go from zero visitors to over 25,000/day AND more importantly, how the same site went from zero income to over $769/day in just 10 days.

Above is a 30-day snapshot showing affiliate income, for a total income of $2500.67. As you can see, some days earn a lot more than others, but overall the average daily income in this account is $83.35, a yearly income of $30,422.

The above screenshot is from one of our test students, it shows how he has been able to earn $19,155.55 from Google Adsense in the first few months of 2015 (Google pays out earnings about 1 month after it’s been made, the income shown above is actually from January – March of this year).

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This screenshot is from the bank account of another one of our test students. All the payments circled in red are the direct result of using this system. Some of the payments are from Google, others are payments from other advertising channels. As you can see, between the 17th of November 2014 and the 23rd April 2015 (158 day period), this test student has earned $37,019.46, that’s an average daily earning of $234.30, which is a ‘run rate’ of $85,519.63/year.

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Jaw-Dropping Traffic… The type of traffic we’ve been able to tap into using this new system is mind-boggling. Check out the results achieved on a website we set up in September 2014:

The above screenshot shows 2,696,682 visitors over a period of 7 months. It averages out to about 12,840 unique visitors per DAY. Each visitor spends an average of 1 minute and 10 seconds on the site, that’s a staggering total visitor time of 249 hours PER DAY! The post on this website that got the most traffic received over 1.2 MILLION visitors over the past 7 months (as shown in the red box above).

IMPORTANT: As we’ll explain shortly, we do initially send some paid traffic via Facebook initially to ‘fuel the fire’ and start the machine working. Our advertising budgets are TINY though, just $1 - $4/day.

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The stats above are from one of our Facebook advertising accounts. As you can see, we have TINY daily budgets of just a couple of dollars. Once you’ve got momentum, your ‘Factory’ can run as a completely self-sufficient machine, without the need to advertise at all. When we are initially ‘fueling the fire’ with Facebook traffic, it’s an exciting process because you’re able to spend a time amount of money (for example, $8.20, as shown above) and get 20,721 engagements (an engagement is normally a click to the website, it can also be a share or a like). The numbers shown in the ‘Reach’ column of the image above are the number of people who saw the ad. Needless to say, when you’re able to get thousands of targeted visitors for just a few dollars, it becomes EASY to see a healthy return on investment! So just to emphasize, we’re talking about spending $1 - $4/day initially and then cashing in with THOUSANDS of targeted visitors… hopefully you can see how powerful this is. Here’s another example of traffic growth from a new website set up by one of our test-students:

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The stats above are from a website that was built in late April. The screenshot was taken on May 20th at 7:44am, already at 7:44am in the morning the site had received 480 visitors. In the first 20 days of May this site has already received 80,000 visitors, and it’s on track to surpass 100,000 visitors. This screenshot is a great example of how some sites are slower to get going than others (but whichever way you slice and dice it, it’s GREAT to get 91,306 visitors in your first 3-4 months online!). And here are some stats from another more established website:

This website has had almost 1.5 million visitors (1,499,261 to be exact) since it was first launched in late 2014, and it cruises along at approximately 4,000 visitors per day on average. We took this screenshot on May 21st at 1:15pm, already at 1:15pm this site had received 1,971 visitors! Don’t be intimidated by these screenshots.

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The reason we’re showing them to you is to make it crystal clear what’s possible. These kinds of results are achievable for ANYONE, and you get there by taking small steps using the system we’re about to outline in this report. As you can see, this is a system that is incredibly effective at driving traffic (and we’re still only in Phase #1). It’s not just Steve and I who’ve been able to see the amazing results, it works so well that a group of students with no prior experience in using this system have been able to generate tens of thousands of dollars per month and also drive millions of visitors. This is the most rigorously tested, the most systematically refined, and without doubt the fastest system we’ve ever used.

What Makes Our ‘100k Factory’ System So Powerful?

1. It allows you to cash in from a huge pool of targeted traffic. This means that unlike with other online business models, you do NOT need to wait to see results, you can start seeing real tangible results on DAY ONE.

2. It can get you to a run rate of hundreds of dollars per day in a matter of days. Financial freedom and job-ending income can become a reality when you use this system, so it gives the option to do whatever it is you really want to be doing with your life.

3. It makes you self-sufficient and immune to Google and Amazon

changes. When Google rolls out it’s next algorithm change, you won’t be impacted by it. The same is true for other ‘rank-reliant’ websites such as Amazon.com.

4. It leverages a tried-and-tested system. The backbone of this system is the

same as what 100 million dollar news websites such as Huffington Post, Mashable, and BuzzFeed use, but 100k Factory does it on a micro-scale, and best of all, Google and Facebook LOVE it.

5. It makes competition 100% irrelevant. You no longer need to worry about

the next ‘new kid on the block’ who going after your buyers, because unlike traditional systems, you’re not ‘fighting it out’ for a top spot.

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6. It’s something that will continue to work for many years to come. Just follow the formula once then sit back and enjoy the cashflow month after month, year after year.

7. It’s something that you can feel good about. You’ll be creating simple but

high-quality websites with real audience of thousands of passionate fans. You can be proud to show this to your friends and family.

I hope you’re getting excited! Before we take a look at an overview of Phase 1 of the system, make sure you’ve taken a moment to register for our live training session: Register to JOIN US on a workshop where we walk you through this breakthrough system from start to finish LIVE!

This one-time special workshop is happening at 5pm ET on Monday June 2nd!

Register here:


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A quick overview of how PHASE #1 of the ‘100k Factory System’ works… Here’s a visual representation of Phase #1 of the system:

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the diagram above is JUST Phase #1… in Phase #2 and Phase #3 we unleash a number of advanced initiatives take things to the next level. Let me expand a little more on each of the steps shown in the above diagram…

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Step 1. Choose Your Market The first step to building a highly profitable online business using the 100k Factory system is to choose a market. Thankfully, using this system we don’t need to worry about competition, all we need to verify is ‘market demand’, ‘social acceptance’, and ‘media frequency’.

Market Demand Market demand is just as it sounds… how many people are there that are actively interested in your market on a monthly basis. It’s a simple concept, but it’s MISSION CRITICAL that you get it right. We have a proprietary system in place to crunch the numbers and give us accurate and usable data so that we can make an informed decision about whether a market is actually going to work or not. Below are a free tools and services you can use to gauge the market demand of your niche: Google Trends

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Google Trends gives search data over time and also allows you to compare data from multiple keywords, meaning you can get a good marketwide feel and also benchmark your market, against other known markets (like the ones we’ve tested). Compete

Compete is a paid tool, but it gives some GREAT free data as well. You can do an in-depth inspection of other established websites in your niche, and see the kind of traffic they’re getting. Quantcast

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Quantcast lets you delve into market demographics by looking at visitor data of your competitors’ websites. You can see at a glance exactly who your audience is and analyze historic traffic data as well. Facebook

Facebook is another tool we use to analyze audience data. We can see who our audience is, how many people use Facebook, where they hang out, and much more. Google Keyword Planner

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When most people think about the Google Keyword Planner, they think about search volume. Search volume is useful, but the other data Google gives you can also be a huge help… things such as your audience location, the devices you audience use to browse the web, leading market websites and MUCH more. There are a few other tools we leverage as well, but the five shown above will be enough to at least start to form an opinion about the viability of your niche. One you know your niche meets the market demand criteria, the next thing to check is social acceptance.

Social Acceptance When we refer to ‘Social Acceptance’, we’re talking about how openly social networks have adopted niche content, and how prolific people are sharing that content. Below are a few tools you can use to gauge this. NOTE: We have developed an in-house social analysis system, but the free tools below are reasonably good to begin with. Social Mention

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Social Mention provides interesting data about new content in your marketplace, a ‘sentiment score’ (positive, negative or neutral), top keywords, top hashtags and much more. Smash Fuse

Smash Fuse gives you an instant insight into the content people are sharing in your niche, and more importantly, WHERE they are sharing it. You can drill down into Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and a range of other social engines. Topsy

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Topsy is another site we use to gauge Social Acceptance. You can dive into social keyword analytics (such as Tweet Count) over different time periods, and also see the Topsy Sentiment Score. Social Searcher

Social Searcher isn’t as good as the other tools we’ve mentioned, but it can still help for some niches by giving you a range of data types (including the type of content people are sharing, where they’re sharing it, which keywords are being used as so on).

Media Frequency By now you’ll be well on the way to establishing a general feel for a niche. The third check you should do is to gauge ‘media frequency’. This is how prolifically content is being shared on the web. You can gauge this in a number of ways (our tool does it for us), one simple free way is to analyze new content that has been picked up by Google News in the past week. Here’s how you can do it… Step 1: Go to Google.com, and type in your main search keyword. Head over to Google.com, and type in your main search term. Make sure you put quotation marks (“”) around the keyword, so that we’re only shown the phrase match results (these results are more specific than broad match results which are given when quotation marks are not used).

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Step 2: Search for news related to one of your main keywords. Next, when search results are shown, click on the ‘News’ tab as shown below. You’ll then be given a large list of news related to your search term. Once we have this we can get a bit more granular by using the Search Tool (number 3 below) and only showing results that are new in the past week (as shown in number 4 below).

Step 3: Count the number of pages of results that are shown. The final step is to count the number of results that are shown. We don’t need to manually count these one by one, we can just count how many pages of results are being shown in the past week. The magic number here is 5 pages. If there are 5 pages of results, then you’re good to go. Remember, this is just a market indicator of available newsworthy content on the web. TIP: Make sure you actually click all the way through to the last page. Sometimes Google is deceptive, and it says there are 9 pages (for example), but when you click on

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the 9 you realize there are only actually 7! In the example shown here, there are actually 9 pages of results in the past week, which is plenty.

There are other methods we also use to validate audience size and the amount of newsworthy content, but the above is a crude method that’ll allow you to get a good idea about your niches level of Media Frequency. Remember, in Phase #1, and specifically in Step 1 of Phase #1, you’re putting the foundations in place for what will turn into an incredibly lucrative online Empire. You’re not cashing in on some loophole here, or something that’ll be gone tomorrow, what you’re doing is quickly creating cashflow and building a money making machine that’ll pay you for many years to come. We want to give you a few more real examples of pre-validated niches now. Expect to be surprised by the types of topics you can dive into using this system, as you’ll see, there are countless weird niches just waiting to be exploited, topics that you may have never considered before!

#1: Truck Driving This bizarre niche has a huge audience with millions of people on Facebook interested in it. There are also plenty Facebook pages with hundreds of thousands of fans, making this niche a GREAT one to dive into! #2: Cricket If you’re from the USA, then Cricket is a sport that you may not have even heard of, however it has a huge Facebook following in the USA and an even BIGGER global following in countries like England, Australia, South Africa, India, Pakistan and so on.

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#3: Photography Photography is a market that can be split into a number of sub-markets, each of which is big enough to earn you a significant income all by itself. For example, there are 100 million people who are actively interested in photography each month. There’s another audience of 2 million people who are

interested in Nikon. And there are 36 pages of results for content related to “Nikon” in the past week in Google.

#4: Surfing Believe it or not, non-traditional markets like surfing work INCREDIBLY well with this system because the audience is made up of fanatics who are passionate about surfing. This is a huge help, especially when getting started!

#5: Golf Golf is a more traditional ‘power niche’. It has a huge following, and like with surfing, there are a huge number of avid golf fans. Not only is there a massive audience base to feed off, there is also an almost limitless amount of content available!

#6: Beauty Think beauty won’t work because it’s over-run by teens that don’t have credit cards? Think again! Not only is there a gigantic population of adults who are interested in beauty, but the fact that teens don’t buy stuff online DOES NOT MATTER! Beauty is a prime niche to get in to!

#7: Parenting Parenting is another big niche that is PERFECTLY suited to Facebook because of the HUGE number of parents who use Facebook. What we’d recommend with a niche like parenting is that you break it down a little more. Look at ‘early education’, ‘pregnancy’, or perhaps get more focused on

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#8: Travel Travel is HUGE, yet it’s not really a ‘traditional’ niche that many internet marketers get into due to the challenges with monetization and the competition. Using the strategy we’re discussing today however, the travel niche works brilliantly (we know from experience!).

#9: Vegetable Gardening Here’s a good example of a BIG niche that can be segmented into smaller niches. Vegetable Gardening has a large audience base (over 450,000 people per month according to Facebook Audience Insights) and a wealth of high quality viral content

available (we’ll explain how this helps shortly).

#10: Movies & TV Shows Show-business is another example of a HUGE niche which plays-well with the 100k Factory system. The big benefit this niche has is that Facebook is a place users come to pass time. Gossip and news from Hollywood (or Bollywood!) can easily be transformed into hypnotizing content that builds you a lucrative list of

subscribers and fans. Big traditional markets such as weight loss, dog training, fitness etc, are also GREAT niches to get into using this method. Because you have such flexible monetization methods (as we’ll explain later), and because you’re able to tap into traffic like never before, there are many more options available to you outside the obvious ‘big niches’. TIP: Since we’re tapping into Facebook to begin with, it’s VITAL that you do NOT choose an ‘embarrassing’ niche that none is going to want to openly ‘Like’ or be associated with on Facebook.

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Step 2. Establish A Foothold In Your Marketplace Once you’ve decided on a market and validated that it’s viable, the next step is to quickly establish a market ‘Foothold’ and a ‘Base’. These two things will combine to get money coming in and also allow you to rapidly expand in the future.

We get our ‘Foothold’ using Facebook, and build a website as our ‘Base’. Your Foothold and your Base need to compliment one another and work in synergy to quickly get cashflow rolling in. The Facebook page (foothold) has a very specific purpose and very specific characteristics as we’ll explain shortly, and so does the website (base). Let’s being by talking a little about some of the basics that your website needs to have covered.

• Mobile friendly (resize to fit different devices) • Attractive (but more importantly… professional) • Lightning fast (with ability to cope with huge influxes of traffic) • Sticky (keep visitors on your site)

Your website doesn’t NEED to be built with Wordpress, however it can be. If you’re going to use Wordpress, don’t fall into the trap of making it look like a “run of the mill” cookie cutter site. These kinds of websites don’t exactly ooze professionalism, and they have sub-standard visitor metrics as results. Most people leave a lot of money on the table by underestimating the importance of website design and functionality. We call the website your ‘Base’ because it’s your ultimate asset. It’s where you’ll make money and ultimately build a self-sufficient pool of visitors. You better be darn sure it’s optimized, or you’ll always struggle to convert visitors and make money in general.

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We launch our websites using specially designed push-button ‘Launchpad’. It allows us to instantly have your base up and running and it ensure that it fits all the criteria above. We’ll discuss this more in the live training (you can register for that training below). What about traffic? Our websites get traffic from a wide range of places including a decent amount from natural rankings in Google (and other search engines) for long tail keywords (although you certainly do not need to rely on Google traffic). If you’re able to attend the live workshop (details below), I’ll show you the EXACT layout we use on our websites and how we’re able to get abnormally high conversion rates on our ads… Register to JOIN US on a workshop where we walk you through this breakthrough system from start to finish LIVE: Register here:

http://buildmylist.co/special Let’s now talk about your Foothold, which is your Facebook page. The design of your Facebook page is pretty limiting, so there’s no point in stressing out about this. Your best bet is to KEEP IT SIMPLE to being with. Don’t over complicate your Facebook page! Insert a background image and profile picture that your audience can relate to. The background image needs to be 816 pixels wide by 351 pixels high, and a profile image should be 180 pixels by 180 pixels. Don’t get bogged down in creating some custom graphics, it’s NOT necessary! Look how TripAdvisor.com use a simple un-edited photo as their background image. It has no words, no photo, nothing special at all:

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The logo that TripAdvisor use has been specially designed, however if you were getting started in the travel niche, you could just as easily use a little picture of an airplane, or a passport for you profile picture… the point is, advanced editing is NOT required! Once you’ve set yourself up with your website and your Facebook page, it’s time to move on to step 3, and start to deploy magnetizing content. Register to JOIN US on a workshop where we walk you through this breakthrough system from start to finish LIVE!

This one-time special workshop is happening at 5pm ET on Monday June 2nd!

Register here:


Step 3. Deploy Magnetizing Content Magnetizing content is content which is already proven to captivate an audience. It’s content that thousands of people have already engaged with. The reason we use this content as a ‘foundation’ for the website is that it has a MUCH higher chance of being interesting to our audience. It’s also IDEAL to leverage as ‘bait’ for driving Facebook visitors.

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How EXACTLY Should You Use The Content? Let’s say you find a video that’s have 2 million views, and it ties in perfectly with the interests of your audience. The way you’d leverage that video is to embed it into a new page on your website. Here’s an example of how Mashable.com use this exact same strategy:

Mashable got this video from YouTube and simply embedded it into their website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAYOSzcCXQs What if it’s not a video, but an article that you find, how should you leverage that? You do it in the same way, you just need to credit the source. Here’s how HuffingtonPost.com do it:

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The content shown in the above image has not been ‘custom-made’ by the Huffington Post, it’s taken from Reuters (and credited accordingly). Here’s another example from IFLScience.com, a website for people interested in news and stories related to science:

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The screenshot above shows how ‘I Freaking Love Science’ credited the Sydney Morning Herald for the content, and also gave credits to the photographers of their featured image. These mega-profitable websites didn’t create the content shown in the images above, they just re-used it (and sometimes tweaked it) to their own benefit in strategic ways. From an SEO standpoint, Google loves the fact that they’ve done this, because the visitor ‘stick rate’ is through the roof. Bounce rate is also tiny compared to other sites because visitors end up browsing around at more content on the website. Here’s an example that shows the incredible bounce rate (just 48%) we’re able to achieve with 100k Factory style websites:

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The image above shows that 32,768 people came to our website, and they viewed 66,467 pages… in other words, the average visitor viewed about two pages! IMPORTANT: We’re benefiting from a flow on effect here… our Market analysis was done in a very systematic way that ensured the market had accepting, LARGE, and lucrative audience. We then got rock-solid establishment and rapid traction (traffic and income) by building a well optimized website, and an effective Facebook page. Strategic setup and the right use of proven content is what fuels these kinds of results, the good news is that it’s not just multi-million dollar companies like Mashable who can benefit from this, ‘the little guy’ like you, like our test students, and like us, can also reap the rewards. Point of Interest: CNN reportedly offered $200 million to buy Mashable… Mashable turned them down. Huffington Post is another giant… they did over $200 million in revenue in 2014.

What About 100% UNIQUE Content? There’s a time and place to use this, but it shouldn’t be a focus in Phase #1 of this system. In Phase 1, you need to focus on doing the minimal amount of work for the most gain. Once you’re making money from your website, you’ll move on to Phase #2 and Phase #3, and this is where you’ll grow your visitor base and where we recommend you start using traditional methods of traffic generation (such as those that come with unique content). Right now however, it’s FINE to use the tried-and-tested system that the ‘big boys’ like Huffington Post are using. EVERYTHING will be explained in detail in the workshop, register now!

This one-time special workshop is happening at 5pm ET on Monday June 2nd!

Register here:


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Step 4. Monetize The last thing you need to do before you start cashing in with targeted traffic, is set up your monetization! In all the testing we’ve done, we’ve NEVER found a niche that doesn’t make money…when the criteria are followed carefully, every site that we’ve tested has made money. So what types of monetization can be used?

Here are a few options:

• Affiliate Links – For example, you can sell Clickbank products and make a commission.

• Physical Products – If you’re already selling products via eCommerce websites, or if you’re selling physical products on Amazon, then you can easily generate more sales for them using this type of websites.

• Kindle – We own a website in the CDL Training niche, and have used this Facebook strategy to successfully boost Kindle sales of CDL Training guides.

• Selling Ad Space – Another option is to simply sell ad space. Depending on your niche, this can be very simple and extremely lucrative. This option works best after you’ve established a few months of steady traffic.

• Adsense – This is a great starting option as it’ll work for any kind of traffic source… it’s probably the easiest of all the options, but in most cases is not the most lucrative.

In addition to all the options above, you’ve ALSO got list building and email marketing. We strongly recommend you use this as a ‘bolt-on’ strategy. You can effortlessly build a list while STILL cashing in with one of the other options mentioned above.

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Step 5. Initiate Traffic Machine This is where things get exciting, because as soon as you ‘turn on’ the traffic, you’ll start making money. The 100k Factory system leverages a two-pronged traffic approach that drives traffic on two fronts:

• The first source is Facebook • The second is a range of other highly targeted organic Web 2.0 properties

In both instances you’ll be driving very targeted visitors to your website, visitors who will not leave as soon as they arrive, but instead stay on your site for a good amount of time and actually make you money (like what we’ve shown you earlier in this report). To keep things simple, in this report we’ll just talk about the first traffic initiate: Facebook.

Facebook Traffic The process we use with Facebook is as follows:

1. Build an audience of hyper-targeted followers (Affinity based) 2. Drip-feed magnetizing content into your Facebook page 3. Monitor audience engagement on each Facebook post 4. Activate dirt-cheap ads on the posts that resonate the most (10% threshold) 5. Calculate your ROI (if you spend $1 and make $5, then ROI = 500%) 6. Rinse and repeat

The 6 step process outlined above will naturally take care of two things:

• It’ll grow your audience • It’ll drive traffic to your site (both organically and from the cheap ads)

Let’s discuss the 6 steps above a little more and highlight a few key points.

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Firstly, your audience base should always exploit the people who have the most ‘Affinity’ with your niche. Facebook offers some very powerful targeting that allows you to identify and focus in on specific groups of people. For example, check out the image below:

We can see that the ‘Livetrucking’ Facebook page has an Affinity score of 12.6 – this means that people who like ‘Livetrucking’ are very much aligned with my niche (the higher the number the better). We won’t get into the details of Facebook targeting here, we’ll discuss that more on the live workshop. Another key thing to watch is the engagement that your posts get. Check out the example below:

As you can see above, this particular post went viral.

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We started out with a TINY advertising budget of just a couple of dollars, and we ended up with over 25,000 visitors (see screenshot below) coming to our DIY website. Those 25,000 visitors resulted in over $1,700 in income. ALL the ads we ran for this post had a budget of $3/day or less (you can see them on the image below). We started with just ONE simple ad, we terrific engagement AND started getting viral traffic, so we then decided to scale things up a little and we created 10 distinct ads (each takes a few seconds to set up). The total ad spend ended up being $350.36 as shown below. VERY IMPORTANT: Although we spent $350.36, we only originally spent a few dollars (literally, $3 - $4). Once we saw a positive ROI, we decided to spend a little more… maybe another $10. We monitored the results and THEN we decided to expand to 10 different ads, each with a tiny budget. Again, this simple ad resulted in over $1,700 in income! Look at the screenshot below, you can see that each individual ad has a budget of between $1 - $3 per DAY. This is why it’s possible for ANYONE to start small, and gradually build to this type of traffic and income.

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IMPORTANT: Every week that your website is live, and every week that your Facebook page is up, the process gets easier. It gets easier because your audience begins to grow. After a couple of months you can have a self sustaining eco-system of hyper targeted fans that will make you money for a LONG time to come! Let’s take a look at a few examples of posts we’ve ran on our Facebook pages… (and remember, the people seeing these ads are FANATICAL about these niches):

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The simple ad above resulted in THOUSANDS of visitors coming to one of our websites and it only cost us a few dollars to run! Sidenote: If you’ve tested Facebook ads yourself in the past, it’s HIGHLY unlikely that you’ve used the exact same method as us, and as a result, its unlikely that you’ve been able to achieve the same kind of low cost and high engagement. It’s not that you’re doing something ‘wrong’, it’s just that you’re using another method which is not as effective. One of our test websites is in the dog training niche, and this post (below) of a baby playing with a Doberman went viral. It didn’t go ‘super-viral’ as some ads do, but it still resulted in 1,904 clicks to our website.

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Here’s another example from our truck driving website. This wasn’t quite as popular as the ‘Unbeliveable driving skill’ post, but it still drove thousands of visitors to our website.

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Your Lucrative Little Niche-Specific Eco-System Grows Naturally! I mentioned this above, but it’s worth repeating. When you follow the 100k Factory system, you eventually reach a tipping point where your audience becomes self sufficient and leveraging paid traffic isn’t necessary. In saying that, if you’re getting 100%, 200% or even up to 700% ROI on your ads, why on earth would you want to stop! Every dollar you spend can be multiplied into $2, $3 or sometimes much more (we have some websites that consistently operate at above 500% ROI, this means we spend $1 and earn $5!). So that’s an introduction to the ‘first traffic prong’… and remember, we’re STILL only in Phase #1 of the system! What about the second prong I mentioned?

The 2013 Traffic Revolution… About 2 years ago (mid 2013) we developed a revolutionary software tool called Crowd Force. Since the launch of Crowd Force, it’s changed the way the tens of thousands of users drive traffic to their websites. If you’re unfamiliar with Crowd Force, what it does is identify ‘pockets of traffic’ related to your niche which you can then drive anywhere you like… to a website, a Facebook page, an Amazon listing, ANYWHERE. For the most part, we’re not talking about websites that will drive millions of visitors, instead we’re exploiting webpages that can drive you small steady streams of visitors each day. Crowd Force is the ultimate traffic tool because it makes traffic absolutely inevitable. It removes any chance that you might not get traffic to your website. If you consider the children’s tale of the race between the rabbit and the turtle, Crowd Force is like the turtle. Slow but steady progress eventually results in mammoth amounts of very targeted visitors.

Crowd Force V2.0

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Crowd Force 2.0 is FINALLY here, and it’s the second prong in our 100k Factory traffic machine. We’ve re-built Crowd Force from the ground up and incorporated a variety of new features that allow us to identify and process more traffic opportunities faster than ever before. If for some reason you don’t want to use the Facebook strategy explained in the previous pages (I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to, since you’re never really risking any money), then Crowd Force V2.0 is an alternative traffic solution. Ideally though, you’ll combine the two prongs to form a formidable traffic machine. That’s what we do, because it gives you the best of both worlds. Register to JOIN US on a workshop where we walk you through this breakthrough system from start to finish LIVE!

This one-time special workshop is happening at 5pm ET on Monday June 2nd!

Register here:


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Step 6. Optimize Conversions For some people the thought of Optimizing Conversions may be scary and complicated, for others it might just sound boring. The good news is that it doesn’t need to be complicated OR boring. There are two types of ‘test-based’

optimizations that you should be leveraging and a range of ‘tactic-based’ optimizations. The ‘test-based’ optimizations are:

1. Optimizing your Facebook ads 2. Optimizing your landing pages

Facebook ad optimization it is really just a fancy way to say ‘testing your ads’. It’s not difficult, and it takes just a couple of seconds to do! The simplest test you can do is to run multiple images with your ads. This take just a few seconds to set up (literally) and can make a BIG difference in your click through rate, share rate, like rate, and comment rate (and by default, the amount you spend). Optimizing your landing pages is something that takes a lot longer to set up and you need a lot more data before you can make any statistically significant decisions. Having sent tens of millions of visitors to the 100k Factory style of websites, we’ve already done all the hard work and we’ve already optimized the layout for you. Here are a few of the take-aways… 1. Include ‘monetized space’ at the top of the website, above the content but below the logo section.

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2. Include an ad in the sidebar, but put it BELOW the Facebook widget.

3. Include an ad near the top of the content section, but BELOW featured image:

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We have another couple of ad spaces we use on the page which we’ll discuss more in the live workshop. The first ad example is an affiliate link for Amazon.com. The second and third examples are for Google Adsense. It doesn’t matter what type of ad your running, the positioning strategy works in the EXACT same way. So if you want to run ONLY affiliate ads, or ONLY physical product ads (to Amazon for example), or JUST focus on build an email list, the positioning rules hold strong every time! Want to do your own testing? If you’re a statistics-maniac, then by all means, go ahead and keep testing, it’s a great thing to do and it always pays off. If you’re just getting started however, apply the 80:20 rule and set your website up using our proven layout. Tactic-based optimization refers to the bells and whistles you can add to your website to make it perform better.

• It’s the exit-pop that gives you a second chance to engage a visitor. • It’s the call-to-action bar that sits at the top of the browser. • It’s the button that replaces an optin form to get more subscribers. • It’s the retargeting pixel that creates ads that follow your visitor around the

web. • It’s the caching plugin that supercharges your website load speed. • It’s the tool that ninja tracks your visitor clicks.

These are just a few examples of the types of customizations you can make to your websites to eventually double or triple your visitor value. Register for the live workshop right now:

http://buildmylist.co/special This live call will be unlike any you’ve been a part of before. You’ll be able to ask us questions live and you’ll get a special gift JUST for turning up.

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Step 7. Rinse & Repeat Since we started testing the 100k Factory system about a year ago, we’ve built a wide range of websites, and EVERY SINGLE SITE has made money. Some individual websites have earned up to $25,000 per month in profit, and our test students who have come into this system with no prior experience have created websites about their hobbies (Golf, DIY, College Football,

Celebrity Gossip etc) which have earned tens of thousands per month. However, what we propose you when you begin is to aim low. Set a conservative goal of just $2,000 profit from each website each month. We also recommend that you build 4 websites. With 4 websites, each earning $2,000/month, you’ll be at a yearly run rate of just under $100,000/year. This is very very achievable, and is something anyone can start to do in addition to whatever else you may already be doing. Perhaps you’re looking for a side income to add to your day job, this can be that side income. Or perhaps you looking at a way to add stability and diversification to an existing online business, this system can do that.

Problems You Might Face In The 7-Steps Of Phase #1 This System We’ve boiled the 7-steps of Phase #1 down to the bare basics. We’ve tried hard to explain it in the simplest way possible, but there are still a few things that can trip you up, especially if you don’t have much experience leveraging Facebook and building these types of websites.

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#1. It might take you longer than you think… Our test students were able to ‘work smart’ to keep the time investment manageable. They also had the benefit of working directly with us, and sharing knowledge and tips with the other test students. If this is your first time leveraging the enormous power of Facebook, or if you’re new to online advertising, it may take you longer to get the simple tasks done and see results. #2. You might struggle to find the right content… This is something that comes with experience. We’ve given you a few tips here today, but even if you use the guidelines outlined in this report, there’s still a chance you could ‘miss the goal’ and use content that causes a disconnect with your audience. If you serve up the wrong content to your audience, it will not resonate with them, and results will be poor. This is a place we often see ‘newbies’ fall over online. #3. Your ads might flop… Creating good ads is a process that takes time to perfect. Even experienced online marketers often struggle to walk the fine line between creating an ad that works, and one that flops. Each ad has 5-6 components which determine if it’ll become a winner or not, but each of these components is more of an ‘art’ than a science… good ads are hard to create all on your own. #4. You will need some technical skills… Building a website from scratch and customizing it to fit the optimized layout will require some technical skills. Even if you have the best instruction in the world, if you’re doing it yourself, you should still expect a few hiccups. And it’s not just setting up the website either, it’s also buying a domain name, integrating Facebook plugins, setting up hosting, and so on. For someone with experience, it may take just 2 minutes to change nameservers and a few hours for servers to propagate, but these types of little obstacles can turn

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into insurmountable road-blacks if you don’t have a perfect grasp of the technical side of things. #5. It’s hard to look trustworthy… Nobody will visit your website or Like your Facebook page if you look amateur. They just won’t want to risk wasting their time when there are so many other places they can go online. And if you’re looking to build an email list (which you should), then ‘looking the part’ is even more crucial. If you don’t have the right tools and design skills, then this can be a real challenge. #6. You need a proven business plan… You can start making a little money online by leveraging a proven blueprint, but to turn that into a sustainable long term business that you and your family can rely on for many years to come takes skillful planning which comes from years of experience. Most people start business without a structured business plan – this is a recipe for disaster. Even if you only want internet marketing to give you a ‘side income’, you still need a professional plan to guide you to the finish line. The lack of a solid plan based on years of experience is another thing that leads to the downfall of way too many online businesses. #7. It’s just hard doing it alone… Whether it’s staying motivated, or having support on call when you need it, if you’re alone in business, it’s tough. It’s also extremely easy to lose sight of why you want to build an online business in the first place. Remember what you’re working for here:

• Financial Freedom – You can be completely financially free by “feeding on the crumbs” left over from mega-websites, and through building just 4 simple websites as explain in Phase #1. But you don’t have to stop there… unlike a regular rat-race day job, you do NOT have a glass ceiling and can build this business as big as you want to… in Phase #2 and #3 we show you how to build an online empire (to grow to a 7-figure yearly income).

• Time Freedom – You can build true ‘lifestyle’ business and live the REAL 4 hour work week of you want to. After you’ve done some initial groundwork, these websites practically run themselves which means you’ll have all the

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time you want to pursue the things you’ve always dreamed about doing. Perhaps it’s more time with your family, more time on the golf course, or maybe you just want to wake up each day without an alarm clock.

• Geographic Freedom – You get to choose where you are in the world. With a successful online business, you’re able to live wherever you want to. You don’t need to limit yourself to a 2 week vacation in order to get back to the office; you can simply take your office with you. For me, I shifted from New Zealand to Argentina, then in 2014 chose to live in Paris for 6 months, Barcelona for 3 months, New York for a month, and the French Alps for a month. The point is, you get the freedom to choose where you want to be.

As long as you keep these three big life-changing realities at the front of your mind as you’re working through the system, you’ll find a way to push through.

Or you could take a BIG shortcut. Steve and I have over 25 years of combined online business experience. We’ve got a track record of success, not only with our own projects, but also with thousands of our students. Building lucrative online businesses and teaching our customers how to get similar results is like second nature to us now. It could take you months or even years of trial and error until you get your lucky break, but for us it only takes a few hours of strategic planning to set the wheels in motion. We have the staff, the experience, and the resources to make it happen. I’m sorry if this sounds like I’m rubbing salt in the wound, but we do have a solution for you… Would you let us give you expert guidance and lead you by the hand to the finish line? Would you let us use our experience, our staff, our resources, our technical team, and our special tools and software to help you build your business in a fraction of the time at a fraction of the cost of doing it by yourself? What would it be worth for you to take a huge shortcut, jumping all the hurdles we mentioned a moment ago and leaping directly to the finish line? If that sounds like a dream come true, then you’re going to LOVE what we’ve put together for you.

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Register for the live workshop right now to get MORE information about this breakthrough system, and to find out how we can do all the heavy lifting for you, and catapult you to the finish line:

This one-time special workshop is happening at 5pm ET on Monday June 2nd!

Register here:

http://buildmylist.co/special Remember, this is a strictly limited opportunity to get on a call with us, to learn the system, and to get ALL your questions answered.

Who Will Get The Most Out Of 100k Factory? Newbies If you’ve never built a website before, then this is a simple push-button solution that will allow you to get your own online business making money without making all the rookie mistakes.

If you want to get it right first time and see fast results, you need 100k Factory. Intermediate & Advanced Marketers You’ll find the 100k Factory training and tools valuable because you already know the time it takes to perfect an online marketing system and the value of expert guidance. You’re going to be astounded at the effectiveness of our methods and you’re going to LOVE how you can apply them to existing businesses you may already have.

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100k Factory can give your business stability and a significant injection of cash. You’ve Tried & Failed In The Past If you’ve tried in the past but never managed to make any real breakthrough, then you’ll love the detailed training and hand-holding we’re going to provide you with.

Best of all, you can see results FAST. We’ll hold your hand and guide you to the finish line.

You’ve Still Got Time To Make 2015 YOUR Breakthrough Year… We’re half way through 2015… regardless of where you’re at in your business, you still have plenty of time to make this your best year yet. The next thing to do is to block some time out of your schedule and attend our exclusive workshop. In the workshop you’ll get ALL your questions answered.

• You get more details about the process we’ve discussed in this report. • You’ll find out more about Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the system • And you’ll find out exactly what 100k Factory is all about

We’d LOVE to speak to you on a live call, so register using the special link below. Click the link below to register for the live workshop:

http://buildmylist.co/special Remember, spaces are very limited, register now and turn up early! Thanks for reading, we wish you all the best!

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Aidan Booth and Steven Clayton