100+ Tips to Maximize Your Time

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  • 8/9/2019 100+ Tips to Maximize Your Time


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    100+ Tips To Maximize Your Time

    Task ma nag ement

    1. Label a ll of your req uired tasks between A, B, C or D tasks in terms of value(revenue , growth and ge tting you c loser to your business vision). Ma ke it a goa l

    to fu lfill 2 A tasks da ily or 5 A tasks wee kly. Deleg ate, Dele te , Defe r, or design out

    all of your D tasks.

    2. Set a few hours a week to foc us only on the highe st va lue ta sks in yourorga nization (typ e A ta sks).

    3. Com plete all of your highest va lue ta sks (A, B, C ta sks) by 10:30am da ily.4. Before you do your high value ta sks for the day, c onsider how you c an scale

    them up to ha ve a g reater and mo re valuable imp ac t.

    5. Set 20 minutes eve ry da y to p lan your day.6. Set 1-2 hours per week to pla n your week.7. Fulfill all your tasks in terms of the ir op erationa l c om ponents - (I.e.: ma ke a ll ca lls

    a t onc e, write a ll informa tion a t onc e, do all resea rc h at once, respo nd to all

    em a ils a t once, etc .).

    8. Avo id m ultitasking, it w astes time.9. Fulfill all of your tasks days befo re the y are due o r bec om e urgent. Live in the

    important qua drant, and avo id the urgent q uad rant (7 Hab its of Highly Effec tive


    10.Consider 3 - 4 alterna tive wa ys of accom plishing ta sks befo re you do them . Youwill find that the re a re many more wa ys to a ccom plish the sam e goa l (som e a re

    more effec tive and e ffic ient than others).

    Review and evaluation

    11.Spend 10 - 30 minutes eve ry day, 30 - 1 hour every week, 1 - 2 hours a month,and 3 - 4 hours a q uarter, to review wha t went well, wha t did not g o well and

    what you w ill do be tter.

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    12.On various we bsite log in p ag es, chec k the box to keep you signed in, if offeredon websites you frequent.

    13.Use three passwords on all your sites - one for unim portant , im portant andfinancial.

    Web browsing

    14.Use G oogle Chrome fo r faster browsing.15.Have your web b rowser autom atically set to your e-ma il client.16.Set your browser to save your passwords.17.When p asting items in the sea rch a rea , use the p aste a nd go or pa ste a nd

    sea rc h op tion (Goo gle Chrome) to save you a step .

    18.Bookma rk all of you usual page s on the b rowser bookmark title ba r.19.When surfing or resea rc hing, bookmark page s to rea d them later.

    Com puter wo rk

    20.Use keyboa rd shortcuts to e liminate keyboard/ m ouse b ac k and forth interac tion.For a list o f keyboa rd shortcuts c lick here.

    21.Set your computer to autom atically ac tiva te your browser upo n turning on thecomputer.

    22.Put your com pute r to sleep rathe r than shutting d ow n altogether.23.Set your com puter to autom atically start routine p rog ram s when you start

    com puter, or log on (Window s task sc hed uler).

    24.Set your com puter to autom atically wa ke up (from sleep m od e) a t a set tim ewhen you beg in working (Window s task sc hed uler).

    25.Save your most used folde r as an icon or toolbar for quick ac cess.26.Utilize the spe ec h rec og nition func tion to c ontrol the com puter via vo ic e.

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    E-ma il

    27.Do not c hec k ema il in the morning.28.

    Chec k and respo nd to e -mail only once o r twice a da y.

    29.Set an auto respo nde r to everyone that you only c hec k e-ma il onc e or twiceda ily (for emergenc ies to c all).

    Phone calls

    30.Use voice d ialing on your ce ll phone.31.Set up speed d ialing o n you c ell phone.32.Have a ll c alls forwarded to Google vo ice to be t ransc ribe d as an e-ma il.33.Respond to all calls via e -ma il or text.


    34.Use a n elec tronic a pp ointment service (Genb ook or Tungleme) to your mee tingpartners to sc hed ule their ow n meetings with you.

    35.Put the e lec tronic a pp ointment service (Genbook o r Tunglem e) on your we bsitefor customers to m ake their ow n ap pointments with you.

    36.Set up all professional persona l mee tings as a 1/ 2 hour confe renc e c all.37.Send the agend a and all work a few d ays be fore hand to save time at the


    38.Hire a virtua l assistant o r rec eptionist to answer your ca lls.39.Have the v irtual assistant sc hed ule and c onfirm your app ointments.


    40.Set up tem pla tes for writing you repea ted ly do.41.Cut and paste repe ated phrases, rathe r than w riting them ag ain.

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    42.Write straight throug h and then only edit a fter you a re finished .43.Only correc t your gramm ar and spe lling when you a re finished writing.


    44.Instea d of b uying the book, buy the a udio o r MP3 and listen in the c ar or asba c kground while you wo rk.

    45.Buy the kindle or PDF version and read it on your mobile phone while you w ait a tdifferent p lac es.

    Soc ial Med ia

    46.Use a service tha t a llow s you to upd a te m ultiple sites, blogs, etc . via o ne p ost(Ping , Meeb o, etc .).

    47.Use a service to rec eive up da tes on a ll of your sites in one p lac e (Nutshell ma il,Pag eonc e, etc.).

    48.Use a service to trac k sea rc hes tha t you a re doing o n d ifferent soc ial med ia sites(Monitter, etc .).

    49.Save a share function on your bookmark bar on your browser to share idea s asyou come ac ross them on the web .

    50.Use the sha re func tion on a rtic les or posts tha t com e your way.51.Add a share func tion (twee t it, share, etc .) to all of your blog p osts, upda tes etc .

    so that others c an share it for you.


    52.Hire professional o rganizations or individuals to handle ta sks you a re m ed ioc re a tor a re low value tasks (bookkeeping, pa yroll, taxes, ma rketing, sales,

    administration, HR processing, etc.).

    53.Hire a virtua l assistant to hand le all of your business administrative tasks.54.Hire a c all center to handle all your custom er service issues.

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    55.Provide outsource c om pa ny w ith a spend ing lim it to utilize in c ase of need .


    56.Utilize Dropbox to acc ess all of you do cume nts remo tely.57.Utilize a service to rem otely acc ess your wo rk com puter at hom e to c ut

    com muting time (GoToMy PC, Log Me In, etc .).

    58.Get a ll email sent to your mo bile p hone (remem ber only c hec k twic e a day).59.Use Google Vo ice to transc ribe a ll of your vo ic e m essages as text.60.Use a record ing ap plica tion to jot your idea s on the g o. E-ma il it to your virtual

    assistant to transc ribe fo r you.

    61.Utilize a prog ram to text a group at o ne time (Ta tango ).


    62.Hold webc ast w orkshop s instea d of live workshop s (Use GoToM eeting, DimDim,etc .). Rec ord them fo r future use.

    63.Use d irec t e-mail instead of d irec t mail.64.Rent d irec t e-ma il lists from a reputable firm or your loc al newspap er (infousa,


    65.Set up auto respond ers for e-ma il campaigns to go out automatically whensomeone signs up for your newsletter.

    66.Add Goog le Analytic trac king tag s to a ll of your internet marketing efforts.


    67.Hire a n external c ommission b ased sales force.68.Use a CRM (c ustom er rela tions m anagement system ) for ma naging your sales


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    Custom er Service

    69.Set up a FAQ (freq uently a sked questions list) for c ustom ers to reduce c all intime.

    70.Set up a d iscussion forum fo r your custom ers to help one anothe r.71.Set up a m em be rs area on your website for custom ers, in order to subm it

    information, doc uments, etc . to them online.

    72.Set up a w eb based project c ollab oration servic e in orde r to subm it inform ation,do c uments, etc . to them online (Hudd le, Comindwork, Basec am p, etc .) .

    Human Resources

    73.Delega te a ll tasks to your team a t one time during week (ma jor tasks) and onetime during the d ay (minor, emergency, etc . tasks) - p referab ly in the m orning.

    74.Set up deta iled chec klists for sta ff mem bers to fulfill and sign o ff on to m inimizeyour review time.

    75.Create rec orded (vide o, aud io, etc .) tutorials for your staff to red uce trainingtime (If using com pute r use Jing or Camtasia to rec ord the sc reen ac tions).

    76.Put tog ether a training m anua l with chea t sheets for your emp loyees to refer tofor questions a fter their initial tra ining.

    77.Set up a d iscussion boa rd or internal soc ial med ia tool for sta ff mem be rs tocommunicate.

    78.Utilize spec ial projec t teams in order to ac com plish tasks quicker and bette r.79.Utilize a n intranet site (Goog le Docs, Zoho Doc s, etc .) or Dropb ox to a llow a ll of

    your staff access to your main business information.

    80.Set up emergenc y protoc ols so that staff w ill know exac tly wha t needs to b edone in ca se of em ergenc ies.

    81.Set up purcha sing lim its, c red it ca rds, and expense a cc ounts for sta ff m em bersto order supplies for the needs of the business.

    82.Outsource a ll of your HR func tions to a n HR fulfillment c om pany or payrollcompany.

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    83.Set up tem pla tes for work that you will rep ea t in the future.84.

    Set up forms for informa tion you w ill ga ther ag a in in the future.

    85.Document all new p rojects in order to have a repeata ble system that c an b eused over and over.

    86.Hire a live or autom ated virtual rec ep tionist to hand le all of your ca lls andadm inistra tive needs.

    87.Utilize a service to see all of your online ac c ounts in one p lac e (I.e.: Pageonce,Mint.c om , etc .).

    88.Send all of your doc uments to a doc ument scanning a nd organiza tion servic e(Offic ed rop , Shoebo xed , etc .).

    89.Set up warranty servic es for all of your equipm ent so in c ase o f breakdow n, itc an b e fixed with one c all.

    90.Link and sync as many of your business app lica tions and softw are to ge ther(Quickbooks, CRM, Ema il c lient, Office, etc .).

    91.Utilize a central business op erating system for all o f your organizational func tions(Zoho business, Goog le apps, etc .).

    92.Use a uto respond ers to send information and doc uments to your c ustom ers a td ifferent intervals.


    93.Set up rec urring invo ices for rec urring b illing o f clients.94.Set up auto rem inders (5, 10, 15) da ys for c ollection p urposes (Zoho invoice ,

    Freshbooks, e tc .).

    95.Send an electronic invoic e a nd electronic pa yment op tion (pa ypal, goog le,etc .) on the em ail.

    96.Set up direc t d eb it a uto pa yme nts for rec urring c lients.97.Set up auto -payment of bills from your ba nk or c red it card c om pa ny (do no t let

    your vendors direc tly deb it from your ac count).

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    98.Set up a m onthly auto transfer of money from your dep osit ac count to o therac counts (I.e.: Expense, reserve, ma intenanc e, etc .).

    99.Set up auto transfer of ba nk inform ation to your bookkeep ing softw are or servic e(Mint.com , Outright, Expensify, etc .).

    100. Set up qua rterly auto generated financ ial reports from your boo kkeep ingsoftw are or service .

    101. Set up notifica tions for nec essary informa tion from your bank ac c ount(I.e.: ge tting c lose to a low lim it, overdrawn a cc ounts, etc .).

    102. Send all of your receipts and business c ards to a doc ument sc anningservice (Shoe boxed ).