100 MARKAH = A+ ? MEIKEI HOtaksu.com/.../TAKSU_HoMeiKei_100MarkahA_eCatalogue... · 100 Markah = A+ ?’s earliest pieces – those produced in 2017 – are eponymous of this milestone,

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  • 100 MARKAH = A+ ?


  • 100 Markah = A+ ? is MeiKei Ho’s debut into the contemporary art scene, and it bears lessons for us all in its 12 paintings that carry strong tropes of repetition and aesthetic cues that hint at the solo exhibition’s main themes – education and childhood.

    The chalky-white lines against a blackboard-like background in Bulatkan Barang Keperluan Harian Siti (10 Markah), for instance, pays homage to the centrepiece in many a classroom, whilst its multiple icons – comprising everyday objects like clothes, gadgets, and household items – recall the raw innocence of childhood drawings.

    These formal ingredients feature throughout 100 Markah = A+ ?, and all the artworks’ titles mirror instructions commonly found in school exercise books or buku latihan. “By asking a question in my work’s titles, the viewer is challenged to find a specific item or character,” explains the artist. Understanding the artworks, though, requires some digging into MeiKei’s past; 100 Markah = A+ ? springs from MeiKei’s own education history and the artworks have a physical lineage that stretches back to her final year exhibition at DASEIN Academy of Art.

    That body of work saw the visual beginnings of MeiKei’s childlike aesthetics. 100 Markah = A+ ?’s earliest pieces – those produced in 2017 – are eponymous of this milestone, and the overall rigidity that’s present in her compositions – how every icon or element is arranged in a grid-like fashion – is purported residue from her fundamental years in a Chinese primary school. “Typical Chinese education” – cannot write outside the box,” she jokes.

    However, it’s really MeiKei’s time in another classroom that has been pivotal in shaping the narrative of the artworks you see today. MeiKei has been a children’s art and music teacher for seven years and counting, and she’s drawn inspiration from this experience.

    “I didn’t learn a formal way to teach,” admits the KL-ite, resulting in a great deal of self-study to fuel her teaching mission, and hours spent poring through instructional books on drawing and sketching. This spurred her to appreciate the basics of lines, as have the many doodles and creations of her young art students.

    This makes childhood’s intrinsic sense of innocence and wonder a strong characteristic in MeiKei’s works, and it’s something she also recognised in her past self via old family videos. But beyond this theme of childhood and the exhibition’s consistent formalistic elements, the body of work also carries strong rhetoric on the value of education, the future of our youth, and how this manifests in society.




    K U A L A L U M P U R

    17 Jalan Pawang54000 Kuala LumpurMalaysiaT +603 4251 4396F +603 4251 [email protected]

    S I N G A P O R E

    43 Jalan Merah Saga#01-72 Workloft @ Chip BeeSingapore 278115T +65 6476 4788F +65 6476 [email protected]

    a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t

    I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Suherwan Abu and the whole team at taksu for making this exhibition possible. To Rachel Jena for the essay and Jeff Lim/ Studio 25 for catalogue design. To my parents and siblings, along with my lecturers and all my artist friends -thank you for your support.


    front cover & flap; Carikan Anak Pak Azman & Mak Minah (5 Markah)oil & acrylic on canvas150 x 150 cm / 2018

    inner front cover flap; Bulatkan Sesiapa Yg Berpakaian Tidak Sopan (10 Markah)oil & color pencil on canvas160 x 110 cm / 2017

    inner front cover; Bulatkan Aplikasi Yg Bermanfaat (10 Markah)oil & color pencil on canvas190 x 135 cm / 2017

  • b u l a t k a n b a r a n g k e p e r l u a n h a r i a n s i t i ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

    o i l p a s t e l & a c r y l i c o n c a n v a s / 1 9 0 x 1 3 5 c m / 2 0 1 7

  • ( c r o p p e d d e t a i l )

    t a n d a k a n o r g y g p a l i n g b e r k u a s a ( 5 m a r k a h )

    o i l p a s t e l & a c r y l i c o n c a n v a s / 7 6 x 6 1 c m / 2 0 1 7

    ( c r o p p e d d e t a i l )

    p a n g k a h k a n p e r a t u r a n y g t i d a k p e r l u d i p a t u h i ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

    o i l p a s t e l & a c r y l i c o n c a n v a s / 1 4 5 x 1 3 5 c m / 2 0 1 7

  • p i l i h k a n s e k o l a h y g s e s u a i u n t u k a n a k p a k m a t ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

    o i l & c o l o r p e n c i l o n c a n v a s / 2 0 0 x 1 5 0 c m / 2 0 1 8

    b u l a t k a n s e s i a p a y g b e r p a k a i a n t i d a k s o p a n ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

    o i l & c o l o r p e n c i l o n c a n v a s / 1 6 0 x 1 1 0 c m / 2 0 1 7

  • ( c r o p p e d d e t a i l )

    p i l i h k a n s e k o l a h y g s e s u a i u n t u k a n a k p a k m a t ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

  • c a r i k a n a y a h & i b u k a m a r u l ( 5 m a r k a h )

    o i l & a c r y l i c o n c a n v a s / 1 5 0 x 1 5 0 c m / 2 0 1 8

    c a r i k a n a n a k p a k a z m a n & m a k m i n a h ( 5 m a r k a h )

    o i l & a c r y l i c o n c a n v a s / 1 5 0 x 1 5 0 c m / 2 0 1 8

  • b u l a t k a n p e r m a i n a n k e g e m a r a n m u t h u ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

    o i l & c o l o r p e n c i l o n c a n v a s / 1 9 0 x 1 3 5 c m / 2 0 1 7

    b u l a t k a n a p l i k a s i y g b e r m a n f a a t ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

    o i l & c o l o r p e n c i l o n c a n v a s / 1 9 0 x 1 3 5 c m / 2 0 1 7

  • s i r a m k a n t a n a m a n y g a n d a s u k a ( 5 m a r k a h )

    o i l & c o l o r p e n c i l o n c a n v a s / 1 0 0 x 7 0 c m / 2 0 1 7

    p i l i h c a r a p e m a k a i a n y g s e s u a i ( 1 0 m a r k a h )

    o i l & c o l o r p e n c i l o n c a n v a s / 9 0 x 6 3 c m / 2 0 1 7



    Take Pilihkan Sekolah Yang Sesuai Untuk Anak Pak Mat (10 Markah) for starters. The artist regards this as one of the strongest pieces in the exhibition, and the work tackles the issue of media-reported discontent over Malay children being sent to Chinese schools for fear of incompatible adat or values. Having had Malay schoolmates in primary school herself, the artist sees this as incredulous and her work challenges this restricted view on the right to education by placing the viewer firmly in the decision-maker’s seat. What school should Pak Mat’s child attend?

    Similarly, Bulatkan Sesiapa Yang Berpakaian Tidak Sopan (10 Markah) asks viewers to consider moral codes and socially-acceptable ways to dress – another popular subject that’s been discussed in mainstream media. When is a dress too short? And, who is the moral custodian of decisions related to dress codes?

    There’s no doubt that MeiKei has instigated a well-considered journey in the making of 100 Markah = A+ ?, and in many ways, she regards the exhibition as her own “exam” – the 12 artworks in the show tally up to make up the perfect score of 100.

    But, do 100 points guarantee an A+? And, how do we even measure success in today’s age? This notion of the perfect score is a symbol of success that MeiKei often sees in her time teaching – parents plying an intense amount of pressure on their children to achieve 100 marks in their music exams especially. It’s that Asian Tiger Mum conundrum coupled with the much older activity of bartering; she often hears of her students’ good scores being rewarded with gadgets.

    MeiKei frowns upon the bartering of a good education in exchange for the latest iPhone, and in its totality, 100 Markah = A+ ? symbolises this lament and asks us to question the right and wrong behind today’s educational and societal pressures and what this hold for the future of our youth.

    What this holds for all of us, really. Education forms the foundation for individual and societal progress, and with its intrinsic value and sanctity being compromised by ideological beliefs and consumerism, it’s necessary that education is given more emphasis than ever before. And that begins with each one of us asking the right questions and demonstrating an inquisitiveness that leads to healthy discourse.

    Too idyllic an idea to moot for? Perhaps, but we do need to begin somewhere and MeiKei’s 100 Markah = A+ ? is a great starting point as each of her artwork’s questions are open-ended and simply ask that you have a discussion with them.

    100 MARKAH = A+ ?

    MEIKEIHO_ISBN 978-981-11-6647-1PAPERBACK

    978-981-11-6648-8 E-BOOK

    TAKSU is a leading contemporary art gallery and specialist in Southeast Asia. Representing selections of fine art with distinctive urban edge, we are at the forefront of contemporary art in this region. TAKSU works to forge a platform for established and emerging artists to share their pool of creativity and knowledge through its residency programs and exhibitions. Encapsulating the true meaning of the word TAKSU; divine inspiration, energy, and spirit.

    Suherwan AbuDirector, TAKSU Galleries

    Essay Rachel JenagaratnamGraphic Design Jeffrey Lim / Studio 25Printer Unico Services

    Artworks & Images © 2018 MeiKei Ho

    This publication may be reproduced in any form for academic, editorial and/or non-commercial purposes without special permission from the artist(s) and gallery, with acknowledgement of the source. For other purposes, prior consent is needed.

    TAKSU is also taking proactive steps to make the transition to a cleaner, sustainable future. This catalog (inside pages) has been printed on FSC-certified paper.Hanno Silk 150 gsm. FSC mixed.


    rear cover & flap; Gariskan Mata Pelajaran Yg Anda Gemari (10 Markah)oil & acrylic on canvas155 x 125 cm / 2017

    inner rear cover flap; Pilih Cara Pemakaian Yg Sesuai (10 Markah)oil & color pencil on canvas90 x 63 cm / 2017

  • 100 MARKAH = A+ ?

    MEIKEIHO_ISBN 978-981-11-6647-1PAPERBACK

    978-981-11-6648-8 E-BOOK

    MEIKEI HO(b. 1993) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    EDUCATION2016 Diploma in Fine ArtDasein Academy of Art 2013 Certificate in Art and Craft for Young Children Segi College

    GROUP EXHIBITION2018100 Markah = A+ ? TAKSU Kuala Lumpur2017Sasaran International Art Festival Sasaran, MalaysiaYogyakarta International Art Festival Jogja Gallery, JakartaMalaysia Art A New Perspective Richard Koh Fine Art, Kuala LumpurBilateral Bonds TAKSU Kuala LumpurInternational Artswitch Jogja Gallery, YogyakartaPlatform 3 Galeri Chandan, KLSasaran International Art FestivalGaleri Seni Mutiara, Penang101 Di Mana YOUng Balai Seni Negara Kuala LumpurYoung & New 2017 HOM Art Trans, KLMimpi Jadi Landskap TAKSU KLSchool of Thought Segaris Art Centre, KLLocals Only! TAKSU Kuala Lumpur Bakat Muda Sezaman Young Contemporaries Balai Seni Negara, KL2016 Catalysis at Art Expo Contemporary Art Dasein Graduates, Kuala Lumpur Mosaic Art Project HOM Art Trans, Art Expo Malaysia, MARTRADE, KLhomeWORK disPLAY Dasein Academy of Art, Leisure Mall, Cheras Futurama Dasein Academy Fine Art Department – DPAC Petaling Jaya 2014 Water colour painting exhibition Pangkor Art Festival, Malaysia

    AWARDS2017 Jury’s Award Young Contemporaries BMS’162016 1st prize in Print Making categoriesTanjong Heritage National Art Competition20152nd prize in Water colour categoriesTanjong Heritage National Art Competition