10 Things Every Christian Should Stop Doing

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  • 8/20/2019 10 Things Every Christian Should Stop Doing.


    10 things every Christian should stop doing.

    The bible which is the holy book of Christians is very clear about what a Christian can and

    cannot do. "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers

    of the Lord’s Table, and of the table of devil."( Corinthians !: # $n order to effectively

    seek %od and hear fro& hi&, there are thin's Christians should stop doin'. Christians are

    supposed to live and behave in a certain way. o&e do the& intentionally while others have

    no idea they are wron'.

    1.They Judge others

    Christians should stop )ud'in' others. They should welco&e everyone as they are. *eople

    co&e to church with different back'rounds and i&perfections to be fi+ed. Christians should

    stop se're'atin' people of %od. Christians &ust &inister love and care to the hurtin' world.

    esus did interact with all classes of people includin' prostitutes. There was even this one

    ti&e when he used a hated a&aritan as an e+a&ple of how we are supposed to take care of 

    each other.

    2.Do not read the bible and are ignorant of God’s word.

    o&e Christians feel asha&ed to carry their bibles.The devil can attack or te&pt a Christian

    with ri'ht scripture turned upside down. atan can use the truth about your proble& when it

    is convenient. Christians hould always read the bible to be ready. They should never for'et

    to ask %od for wisdo& and understandin' before readin' the holy book. $'norance of the

    word of %od &akes Christians prone to believe anythin' )ust because their pastor said so.

    There is an old son' verse that e+plains it all.

    -ead your bible

    *ray everyday

    *ray everyday

    $f you want to 'row

    $f 'andan &artyrs accepted to die because of their faith, why would a Christian fail to

    carry a bible with the&. $ don’t think that carryin' a bible is heavier co&pared to a laptop


    /. Religious prostitutes.

    0ovin' fro& one church to another .They never settle since they have set standards of their 

    ideal church not what %od had in plan. 0any people chan'e churches due to various reasons.

    They focus on beauty of church, co&fortable seats, elo1uent pastors, and &usic instru&ents

    not their spiritual nourish&ent. o&e &en of %od advertise the&selves as final dealers. 0any

    look at pastors as too holy and cannot serve %od if they sinned. Christians believe in

     personalities not %od. o&e will &ove when a church leader also &oves.

    2ible already warns us to respect and support &inistry for success 3%ivin' no offence in

    anythin', that the &inistry be not bla&ed4 (corinthians 5:/#

  • 8/20/2019 10 Things Every Christian Should Stop Doing.


    . !a"e #oney i#portant before God

    Tithin' and offertory is optional. 0any Christians are offended when asked to 'ive. 0any

    have &ade &oney &ore i&portant than %od. 0oney &akes the& hate %od to the level of reducin' the tithe. The love of &oney really is the root of all sorts of evil. Christians should

    &ake choices about what to do with their &oney every day. o&e Christians participate in ta+

    evasion which is not of %od. 2ible co&&ands Christians to 'ive back to Caesar what is

    Caesar6s and to %od what is %od6s. 7ctions with &oney &atter before %od. o&e Christians

    do the unthinkable of %oin' to church to 'et chan'ed &oney. Christians should 'o to church

    with the e+act &oney deno&ination they want to offer or use electronic &oney transfers.

    8isrespect for church finances continues a&on' Christians. o&e people have been arrested

    stealin' offertory &oney. o&e believers concentrate on accountability of offertory which is

    not their role. They should leave that for %od to handle. Tithe is one tenth of annual produce

    or earnin's of an individual taken to Church. Christians should learn to tithe not five percent

     but ten percent. $f Christians do not offer, %od can still have the &oney his way. 9e is the

    creater. 3%ive, and it shall be 'iven unto you 'ood &easure, pressed down, and shaken

    to'ether, and runnin' over, shall &en 'ive into your boso&. ;or with the sa&e &easure that

    ye &ete withal it shall be &easured to you a'ain.4 (Luke 5:/

  • 8/20/2019 10 Things Every Christian Should Stop Doing.


    i&patience. Christians &ust start to put all their trust in %od without fail. This &akes the&

    easily accept atan.

    (. Telling lies.

    Christians should stop tellin' lies. Christians use %od6s na&e for evil purposes. Truth will set

    a Christian free. 2ible warns us a'ainst tellin' lies and talks about repercussion. 3The lip of 

    truth shall be established for ever: but a lyin' ton'ue is but for a &o&ent.4 (*roverbs :#.

    3;or &y &outh shall speak truth and wickedness is an abo&ination to &y lips.4 (*roverbs