Ask& Answer general questions on self 1 . ال؟َ ح ل ا فْ يَ ك( how are you ) له. ل مد ح ل ر ا ي خ ب2 . ؟ِ " ك م س / اَ " ك م س ا ما( what is your name ) Ma Esmoka/ Esmoki ? ( ....... ي م س اEsmi ..…… 3 . ؟ِ " ك, ت ل/ ئ / عاَ " ك, ت ل/ ئ م عا س ا ما( what is surname ) Ma Esm aaeelatoka/ aaelatki ? ........ ي, لت/ ئ م عا س اEsmo aaelati .……… 4 . ؟ِ , ت ن/ / اَ , ت ن/ ا8 ن ي/ ا8 ن م( where are you from ) Men aeena Anta/Anti ? ( ......... 8 ن م ا ئ/ اAna men ..5 . ؟ِ " رك مُ ع/ َ " رك مُ ع م ك( how old are you ) Kam omroka/omroki ? ( ....... ري مُ عomree …… 6 . ؟ِ , /ولدتَ , لدتُ ر و هK ش ي/ ا ي ف( which month were you born in )

10 Questions to Ask & Answer on Self Oral Exam 2011

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Question to ask self oral exam

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Ask& Answer general questions on self

Ask& Answer general questions on self1. (how are you) .2. / ( what is your name) Ma Esmoka/ Esmoki ?.......

Esmi..3. / (what is surname)Ma Esm aaeelatoka/ aaelatki? ........

Esmo aaelati.4. / (where are you from)Men aeena Anta/Anti? .........

Ana men..5. / (how old are you)Kam omroka/omroki ?.......

omree6. / (which month were you born in) Fee Aee Shahr woledta/ woledti ? ......

Fee Shahr7. / (what is your address) Ma intwanoka/ inwanoki?........inwanti.8. / (what is your telephone number)Ma raqam telefontaka/ telefoniki ? .......

Raqam telefoni9. /(what do you study) Hal taamal / tamaleen? / .........

La, ana taleb/ taleba10. / (where do you do/work) Maza tadros/ tadroseen? ...........
