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10 Questions

1. Which group of consumer market makes up the greatest for Home Depot?a. Do-it-yourself customersb. Homeowners who purchase materials/supplies from Home Depot and then hiring outside source for installationc. Professional contractors, homebuilders, electricians and plumbersd. College students

2. Home Depots selling off their 5 brand new stores is an example of which of the following?a. Divestmentb. Captivec. Bankruptcyd. Liquidation

3. Which of he following growth pattern best describes Home Depot?a. Horizontal integration with concentric diversification b. Horizontal integration with conglomerate diversificationc. Vertical integration with concentric diversificationd. Vertical integration with conglomerate diversification

4. Which distribution form best describes Home Depot?a. Direct selling to end-usersb. Direct selling to retailersc. Whole sellersd. None of the above

5. Home Depots signature marketing strategy known as Every Day Low Prices is known as a. Cost leadership in the narrow marketb. Cost leadership in the broad marketc. Differentiation in the narrow marketd. Differentiation in the broad market

6. What is the promotion emphasis placed?a. Pushb. Pullc. Both a and bd. None of the above

7. What is the degree of selectivity of channels for Home Depot?a. Extremely lowb. Lowc. Mediumd. High8. Home Depot uses which of the following method of growth in the recent years?a. Internal developmentb. External acquisitionc. Both a and b d. None of the above

9. What is the pricing level of Home Depot?a. Undercut pricingb. Competitive pricingc. Overpricingd. Not measurable

10. What percentage of the merchandise shipped to the stores was processed through the network of distribution centers?a. 10%b. 40%c. 60%d. 80%