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Kim Mosh Kimmosh.blogspot.com


1. SQL

SQL (pronounced as ‘sequel’), an acronym for Structured Query Language, is a

standard language for accessing databases. Database technologies such as Microsoft

SQL and MySQL power many various establishments such as hospitals, universities,

banks. SQL is widely used, for instance, Google Android phones and Apple iPhones

have access to SQLite (SQL database) and many mobile apps use it.

2. Java

Java is an object oriented programming language and is one of the widely adopted

programming languages used by 7 billion devices worldwide. It is also used to develop

Android apps. Java’s popularity is due to its readability and simplicity. It is also used to

power company websites like Amazon.com and LinkedIn.com.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript which is entirely different from Java is a popular and powerful programming

language used to make web pages interactive. JavaScript is the scripting language of

the world wide web and is built into all major web browsers (Chrome, Internet

Explorer, Firefox, Safari). JavaScript is integrated in almost all websites thereby

increasing the demand for JavaScript developers.

4. C#

C# (pronounced c-sharp) is a programming language designed by Microsoft for

applications that run on the .NET framework. C# is simple and object oriented.

5. C++

C++ (pronounced C-plus-plus) is an object oriented programming language based on

C-language. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs. It is the best language

to learn for performance critical applications like ‘twitch’ game development and

audio/video processing.

6. Python


Kim Mosh Kimmosh.blogspot.com

Python is a general purpose programming language named after Monty Python. It is

simple and very easy to read as it closely resembles English Language. It is a great

language for beginners to start with and very useful to professionals. Python recently

bumped Java as the language of choice in introductory programming courses. NASA

and Reddit use python for their websites.

7. PHP

PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor) is a server scripting language created by Rasmus

Lerdorf. It can be used to create web pages with HTML. It is a popular language due to

its easy-to-use feature by new programmers and also offers tons of advanced features

for experienced programmers.

8. Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a general purpose programming language like Java and C language. It is best

known for its use in web programming, Rails serves as a framework for the Ruby

language. Ruby on Rails has many qualities like rapid development and wide varieties

of 3rd party libraries. Hulu, Twitter and GitHub use Ruby on Rails for at least one of

their web applications.

9. iOS/Swift

Swift is a programming language invented by Apple used by iOS and OS X developers

for developing apps. Many parts of Swift are familiar for programmers with experience

in languages like C++ and Objective-C. Companies like LinkedIn and Duo lingo has

adopted Swift and more will do so in the coming years.

10. R programming language

R was designed 20 years ago to allow academic statisticians with sophisticated

programming skills to perform complex data statistical analysis and display results in

various visual graphics. R is being adopted by enterprise users for big data analysis.

Reference: blog.programminghub.io

Programming languages can be learnt from edX, SoloLearn and Coursera.