10 Commandments for teenagers to use the internet safely and responsibly Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER. 1. Think before you post. 2. Respect other people online, avoid gossip. 3. Ask for permission from your parents before you meet online friends in-person. 4. Don’t feed cyberbullies – block the sender, ignore rude messages, inform your teacher or parent or trusted adult. 5. Speak up if you see and know that someone is being bullied. 6. Clean up your profile, eliminate your page of everything too personal, embarrassing and illegal. 7. Use privacy settings. 8. Monitor what others post about you. 9. Keep adults in the loop – tell them when you add new sites, new friends or see something suspicious or harmful. 10. Use your voice for good – use social media to do something productive for you or for a cause. Cyber Wellness

10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

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Page 1: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

10 Commandments for teenagers to use the internet safely and responsibly

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Think before you post.

2. Respect other people online, avoid gossip.

3. Ask for permission from your parents before you meet online friends in-person.

4. Don’t feed cyberbullies – block the sender, ignore rude messages, inform your teacher or parent or trusted adult.

5. Speak up if you see and know that someone is being bullied.

6. Clean up your profile, eliminate your page of everything too personal, embarrassing and illegal.

7. Use privacy settings.

8. Monitor what others post about you.

9. Keep adults in the loop – tell them when you add new sites, new friends or see something suspicious or harmful. 10. Use your voice for good – use social media to do something productive for you or for a cause.

Cyber Wellness

Page 2: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

How to handle Cyberbullying

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Reach out to a trusted adult “You do not ever have to face cyberbullies alone”

2. Remove yourself from groups, don’t return!

3. Log off and Block Bullies “It is okay to walk away from harmful relationships”

4. Use privacy settings “Take charge of information others can see about you”

5. Take screen shots “Screen shots of instances of bullying are good evidence to share with adults”

6. Be a positive influence “Don’t ‘like’ or ‘share’ negative posts”

7. Report it “Most social media sites have anonymous reporting systems”

8. Empathize “Before you post something about someone, think about how you would feel if the post was about you”

9. It’s not your fault “If you face cyberbullying, remember you are not to blame”

10.Be a friend “If you see someone being picked on online, be a friend!”

Cyber Wellness

Page 3: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

A good digital citizen...

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Advocates for equal digital rights and access for all

2. Treats others with respect in online spaces and never cyberbullies.

3. Makes appropriate decisions when communicating through a variety of digital channels

4. Uses digital tools to advance their learning and keeps up with changing technologies

5. Makes responsible online purchasing decisions and protects their payment information

6. Upholds basic human rights in all digital forums

7. Protects personal information from outside forces that might cause harm

8. Has a balanced life and understands the psychological impact of technology.

Cyber Wellness

Page 4: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Rules for online safety

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Respect Always treat others how you would like to be treated and treat everyone with respect

2. Spam is Ugly Unwanted messages are spam. Spam annoys people and may get you on their ‘spam list’ so you won’t be able to send anything else to them.

3. Words can hurt Some people might be hurt by what you write or say online. Always think, “How would I feel if someone sent this to me?”

4. Don’t get personal Don’t share personal details. This includes your phone number, address, date of birth or even second name.

5. Passwords are private Don’t share your password, not even with your best friend. It is a good idea to change your password at least once every month.

6. Do it online Don’t arrange to meet someone you only know online unless you have first checked with your parents. If your parents say it’s OK to meet your online friend in person, ask your parent to go with you for the first time. Always meet in a public place and preferably during the day.

7. Say no to bullying You should never bully or be mean to anyone online. This includes deliberately excluding someone or ignoring them.

8. Shout out If you see someone being bullied, stand up and say something. Tell the person being bullied that you support them and report the incident to an adult.

9. Take care when uploading Don’t upload anything unsuitable. This includes video, sound, music and images that are copyright or belong to someone else (unless you have permission), are rude, explicit or unkind.

10. Don’t go there Not all websites are suitable or safe for children. Take care when visiting or recommending websites to others. If you are unsure check first with a teacher or parent.

Cyber Wellness

Page 5: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Declaration of responsible online behaviour

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. I will NEVER arrange to meet people I have met online without permission from my parents, and even then, I will NEVER go by myself or without an adult.

2. I realise that people I have met on the internet are strangers and they may not be what they seem

3. I will NEVER give out my address or phone number to people I have met on the internet

4. I will NEVER put personal information about myself, my family or my friends on the internet, especially information about where I am going to be

5. I will NEVER send people pictures of myself without permission from my parents

6. I will NEVER respond to any messages I think are obscene or threatening and I will TELL an adult about anything that makes me feel uncomfortable or afraid

7. I realise that not everything on the internet is true, and that there are people out there who are not what they seem

8. I will NEVER fill out forms on the internet, giving my personal information, without asking a parent

9. I will NEVER share my passwords on the internet, giving my personal information, without asking a parent.

10. I WILL be very careful about what I download and what emails I open because I realise that they may contain harmful spyware and viruses.

Cyber Wellness

Page 6: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Educators’ responses to Cyberbullying

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Thoroughly investigate Allowing resources to be directed and discipline be implemented

2. Enlist support of School Management This is important when a threat is made against students or staff

3. Develop a response that is appropriate with the harm done After identifying the offender, it is important to identify the fitting consequences.

4. Work with parents Conveying that cyberbullying is serious and will not be taken lightly

5. Instruct parents to contact an attorney In severe cases that fall outside of the school environment, legal action may be taken

6. Contact cell phone providers If cell phones are involved, request that the information to be kept on their records.

7. Keep all evidence Save and print all evidence and maintain a comprehensive log of dates and times

8. Contact and work with necessary parties Contact content providers to remove offending content from the relevant sites 9. Solicit advice from neighbouring schools. This may need to be escalated to districts that have dealt with this in the past.

10. Use creative informal response strategies For minor infringements, to punish individuals and reduce risk of future transgressions.

Cyber Wellness

Page 7: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Safe cellphone use for teenagers

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Keep cell phones locked at all times This stops people accessing information and posting unwanted material

2. Do not take any photos or videos that are of a sexual nature Not only are they illegal they are at a great risk of being leaked.

3. Only give a cell phone number to someone that can be trusted They might give it to others or use it for malicious reasons.

4. Always act with integrity and respect Sending hurtful messages to people may have consequences

5. Be aware that all digital material is retrievable in future Material sent to people will be accessible in future, and can be stored on other devices.

6. Schools can take your cell phone Reasonable suspicion allows schools to confiscate your phone. See the school ICT policy. 7. Never text and drive Texting and driving could cause a fatal accident and affect others’ lives too

8. Remember that having a cell phone is a privilege, not a right Treat it as such, and do not abuse the right, it may have serious consequences

9. Do not respond to messages from unknown numbers This reduces the chances of predators or cyberbullies making contact

10. Never capture or send material that you would not send to your parents. This is a good yardstick to control the media being captured and sent from devices.

Cyber Wellness

Page 8: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Cyber Wellness

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

DO and DO NOT principles for Social Media 1. DO NOT post or send anything that could be embarrassing if specific people saw it. Before posting, think about what people might think or say when viewing the post. 2. DO start early in building a positive online reputation. Everything, from the first post onwards, affects the way people are perceived. 3. DO NOT compromise your identity. Identity theft is everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting. If someone does not want to talk, then move on and always act with permission from others. 5. DO NOT vent. Especially about specific people/organisations. People are judged based on their online posts. 6. DO be careful of oversharing. This may give the wrong impression of what a person is trying to achieve 7. DO NOT hang around with the wrong crowd online. This puts a person at risk of being victimized and allows for negative associations.

8. DO set up the privacy settings on accounts. This protects an account and user from negative comments and reduces risk. 9. DO NOT post or respond online when emotions are high. Take a step back and let things calm down – this can save a lot of trouble. 10. DO secure your profile. Using complex passwords and available fail safes (SMS protection) 11. DO NOT broadcast one’s location online ‘Checking in’ everywhere on social network gives people an indication of habits. 12. DO conduct regular Google self-searches. This allows a constant awareness of what is online and what should not be there.13. DO NOT disrespect the dignity of others, some topics are sensitive online e.g. religion and politics. This may cause tension or offense between people online and is best avoided. 14. DO separate professionalism from pleasure. Keep profiles for professionalism entirely separate from personal.

Page 9: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Make every effort to remain educated Understanding cyberbullying is the first step to preventing it from happening.

2. Protect your Password Always keep passwords safe, never let anyone see or know any account password. 3. Keep photos ‘PG’ Check all pictures before posting, bullies use images as ammunition to harm others.

4. Never open unidentified or unsolicited messages Delete any messages that cannot be identified, they may contain viruses.

5. Log out of Online Accounts This stops people from accessing information or imitating personal accounts.

6. Pause before posting Impressions are developed online, avoid posting something that may affect personal reputations.

7. Raise awareness Increasing peer awareness of cyberbullying reduces chances of it happening.

8. Set up privacy controls Restrict information on social network so only close friends may view it.

9. Conduct regular Google self-searches This controls any cyberbully ammunition, allowing for it to be deleted swiftly.

10. Resist being a cyberbully Always treat others in a respectable way, and post only kind words.

Tools and tips for preventingcyberbullying

Cyber Wellness

Page 10: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Talk about it: This gives adult figures the opportunity to assist and deal with the issue.

2. Ignore them: This often causes cyberbullies to move on with not getting a response.

3. Never retaliate: This creates a cycle, and may land both parties in trouble.

4. Tell them to stop: If ignoring does not work, tell them in a respectful way to stop their bullying.

5. Laugh: If in fact people are making a joke, this may create friendships and restrict bullying.

6. Save the evidence: Save and print all evidence and turn it over to an adult who may be able to help.

7. Block access to cyberbullies: Blocking them off from all your accounts ensures they can never make future contact.

8. Report it to the Content provider: This often ensures bullies are blocked from future use for breach of terms of service.

9. Never pass along messages from cyberbullies: Delete any harmful messages and do not pass on to others, it simply compounds the problem.

10. Inform an adult: If there are feelings that safety may be breached, inform an adult.

Cyber safety tips for teenagers

Cyber Wellness

Page 11: 10 Commandments for teenagers to use the …...everywhere, never post personal details online (e.g. phone number, address) 4. DO be considerate of others when posting and interacting

Bringing learning to life. BETTER TOGETHER.

1. Digital Literacy: the ability to find, discern, select and use online information appropriately.

2. Digital footprint: the collection of data, which includes images, videos and text, posted by an individual online.

3. Cyberspace: the same as “internet”; the global network of interconnected computers and communication systems.

4. Netiquette: Netiquette is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, such as mailing lists to blogs and forums. These conventions include actions not to be used online, such as flaming people, cross-posting (posting adverts on multiple platforms) or trolling (provoking people)

5. Cyberbullying: Harassing, humiliating or threatening someone in cyberspace, by sending them nasty emails, posting malicious information, fake profiles or embarrassing photographs or comments on social networking sites.

6. Cyberstalking: Individuals who keep track of other users’ activities and information for no legitimate reason.

7. Flaming: hostile and insulting interactive between internet users.

8. Trolling: To provoke people online by deliberately making inappropriate, false or unprofessional statements so as to elicit a negative reaction.

9. Firewall: A part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications.

10. Malware: A malicious or intentionally or unintentionally damaging software programme.

11. Phishing scams: is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

12. Spam: is the abuse of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately.

Be informed:Cyber Wellness