10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution climate predictions. Professor Lennart Bengtsson Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg ESSC, University of Reading ISSI, Bern

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

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Page 1: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution climate


Professor Lennart Bengtsson

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg

ESSC, University of Reading

ISSI, Bern

Page 2: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution climate

predictions.• Background• The successive improvements in NWP during the last two

decades are to a considerable degree related to the improvements in the prediction of extra-tropical cyclones and the interactions with the large scale flow. Numerical experiments demonstrated that improved horizontal resolution played a decisive role.

• Prediction of tropical cyclones with comprehensive global models has been less impressive but during the last 5-10 years most tropical cyclones are predicted some days in advance although the intensity is generally significantly underestimated.

• My view for a long time has been that the dynamics and physics of both extra-tropical and tropical cyclones are comparatively simple and can be well reproduced by parameterization schemes presently ised in GCM. Failure to do so is most likely due to aliasing caused by insufficient resolution.

Page 3: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution climate


• The present study consist of a series of climate modeling experiments using high resolution versions of the ECHAM5 atmospheric model run at T213 and T319 resolution. The ocean boundary conditions have been obtained from a coupled climate run by the ECHAM5/OM at T63 resolution.

• We have calculated results from the 20th century 1960-1989 ( using observed GHG) and for 2070-2099 ( using scenario A1B)

• Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones have been evaluated both in an Eulerian and Lagrangean representation)

Page 4: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Selection of storm tracks from sequences of maps using vorticity at 850 hPa as a

tracerMany thanks to Kevin Hodges

• Level 850 hPa• Lifetime ≥ 48 hours• Intensity in vorticity ≥10-5s-1

• Movements ≥1000km

• We identify all transient extra-tropical storms during 32 years from sequencial 6 hr fields. We focus her mainly on the winter season (DJF)

Page 5: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Extra-tropical cyclone from Nov.1957 studied by Palmén and Holopainen

(Geophysica, 1962)

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Page 6: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Storm track genesis (top) and storm track density (below) for DJF 1970-1999

left ERA40 analysis, right ECHAM5 (Clim.run, T213)




Track density

Page 7: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Identification of extreme extra-tropical events (see J. of Climate, May 2009)

• We identify cyclones by searching for maximum of 850 hPa vorticity using data for every 6 hrs.

• We search for the maximum wind within a radius of 5° of the vorticity centre. Wind speed is determined at 925 hPa

• We calculate total precipitation in a circular area within 5° of the centre. ( ca 106 km2)

• We also use surface pressure minima and surface

pressure tendencies(deepening rates)

• We show composite of the 100 most intense cyclones

Page 8: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson



Cyclones in different stages of development

Max. deepening

Max. precipitation

Max. intensity

Page 9: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Development of an intense extra-tropical cyclone ( composite of the 100 most intense storms) (DJF) at 20C. Time units are in 6 hours centered at the time of

minimum pressure. Evolution of central pressure, vorticity, wind speed and precipitation

30 hours

Page 10: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Parameters of intense extra-tropical storms top ECHAM5 and ERA-40. Bottom ERA-40 and Interim re-


Page 11: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Vertical tilt of the composite cyclone 36 hours before and after maximum intensity

Page 12: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Vertical tilt of the composite cyclone 36 hours before and after maximum intensity, ECHAM5 (top), ERA-40


Page 13: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Effect of resolution

• We compare T213 with T63

• Using the same resolution (T42) the number and relative distribution of cyclones are the same)

• At reduced resolution intensities are underestimated

Page 14: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Number of cyclones at &63 and T213 as a function of vorticity at T42 resolution

Page 15: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Intense cyclones at T63 and T213 resolution


Page 16: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Extra-tropical cyclones in a warmer climate

• We explore a global climate simulation using a higher horizontal resolution than previously used in similar studies.

• We use the ECHAM5 model at T213 resolution (ca 60km) and investigate 32 years from the 20th century, 1959-1990 (20C) and 32 years from the 21st century, 2069-2100 (21C). SST data are taken from a T63 coupled model.

• We are making use of the A1B scenario• We explore transient storm track in a Lagrangian sense using data for every 6 hr.

Page 17: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Lifecycle composites of the 100 most intense storms in T42 ξ850 for the NH, DJF for T213 ECHAM5 in 21C and 20C (transparent colour). Parameters shown are MSLP (hPa) ( in

black), ξ850 (10-5s-1), (in red) 925hPa winds (m s-1) (in green) and area averaged total precipitation (mm hr-1) ( in blue). Time step is 6 hours.

Page 18: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Windin a grid point space


Page 19: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Wind speeds at 925 hPa (ca 400m above the surface) at the 99.9 percentile, ECHAM5 model at T213 resolution(60 km) For the period 1960-1990

Page 20: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Change in wind speed maximum at the 99.9 percentiles. Calculated from all gridpoints

every 6 hours, DJF

Page 21: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Hourly precipitation intensity at 20C (DJF), 99.9 percentile

Page 22: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Percentage change in hourly precipitation intensity between 21C and 20C (DJF),

99.9 percentile

Page 23: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Percentage increase i 6hr prec from 20C to 21C

NH extra- tropics

North Atlantic


South Europe

Mean DJF 8.0 4.0 15.4 -19.9

Mean JJA 8.0 1.9 -3.5 -47.199th percentiles

DJF 15.8 13.9 19.4 -6.0


JJA 17.9 11.1 6.6 -42.3

Max. DJF 29.4 30.2 20.3 12.6

Max. JJA 37.1 29.9 32.4 4.1

Page 24: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson


• Accumulated precipitation around extra tropical cyclones increase by some 11%.

• Extreme precipitation ( accumulated over 6 hours) increases by more than 30% in some areas in the storm track region by more than 50%.

• Extreme precipitation in a warmer climate will clearly fall outside the range of present climate.

• Extreme winds are likely to fall within the range of the present climate.

Page 25: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Tropical cyclones in a warmer climate

- a modeling study-

How may Tropical Cyclones Change in a Warmer Climate? (2007)

Bengtsson, L., K. I. Hodges, M. Esch, N. Keenlyside, L. Kornblueh,

J. Luo, T. Yamagata, Tellus.

Page 26: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Hurricane Katrina August 2005ECMWF operational analyses, 850 hPa vorticity

Page 27: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Katrina vorticity at different levels

Page 28: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Selection of TC indicators

• We use criteria for minimum vorticity at 850 hPa (V), minimum vertical vorticity gradient (G) between 850 and 250 hPa, and number of time steps of 6 hrs (T) when these conditions are fulfilled.

• (V, G, T) = (6, 6, 4) vorticity at 850 hPa = 6x10-5s-


vorticity 850- 250 hPa = 6x10-5s-1 conditions fulfilled at least for 24 hrs

(6, 6, 4) is defined as a TC

Page 29: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Structure of modeled tropical cyclones

This shows the averaged structure of the 100 most intense storms at the time when the reach their

maximum intensity

Page 30: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Tangential (left) and Radial winds (right) for the T63 resolution. Negative values inflow. Average of 100 tropical cyclones. At the time of maximum wind. Radius 5 degrees.

Page 31: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Tangential (left) and Radial winds (right) for the T213 resolution. Negative values inflow. Average of 100 tropical cyclones. Radius 5 degrees.

The flow is predominantly inward to the rear and left of the storm and outward to the front and right (Frank 1977 MWR)


Page 32: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Tangential (left) and Radial winds (right) for the T319 resolution. Negative values inflow. Average of 100 tropical cyclones. Radius 5 degrees.

Page 33: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Hurricane Mitch: Tangential winds (left) and Radial winds (right) at 500 m. Units: 5 m/s

Kepert 2006 JAS



Page 34: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

What is A1B?

• Middle of the line scenario

• Carbon emission peaking in the 2050s (16 Gt/year)

• CO2 reaching 450 ppm. in 2030

• CO2 reaching 700 ppm. in 2100

• SO2 peaking in 2020 then coming done to 20% thereof in 2100

Page 35: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

SST difference (C 21-C 20)

Page 36: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

TCs at T63 resolution C19 (black), C20 (red) and C21(blue)

Page 37: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Number of TCs/year (T213) for C 20 and C21 for wind speed and vorticity

T213 All (6, 6, 4) >2x10-4 s-1 >5x10-4 s-1 >1x10-3 s-1

20C (1961-1990) 104 97 40 6.0

21C (2071-2100) 94 90 49 9.8

T213 >18ms-1 >33ms-1 >50ms-1

20C (1961-1990) 100 33 3.7

21C (2071-2100) 92 36 4.9

Page 38: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

TCs at C20 at four different resolutions

Number/year as a function of vorticity

Page 39: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

T319 Intensity changes 20C to 21C

Page 40: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Conclusions from the T319 resolution(40 km)

• Results confirm the finding from the T213 experiment

• The number of tropical cylones are reduced by some 10% at the end of the 21st century

• The stronger storms are becoming more intense (Cyclones with wind speeds >50m/s increase

from 12 to 17 per year compared to the end of the 20th century)

Intensification occurs in all tropical storm regions

Page 41: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Why do we see a reduced number of tropical cyclones in a warmer


• We suggest the following mechanism

• There is a reduction in the large-scale tropical circulation at climate warming due to increased static stability and to a slowing down of the large scale tropical circulation.

• This generally leads to less favorable conditions to generate organized onset vortices which are seen as key atmospheric conditions for the generation of tropical storms.

Page 42: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson

Why do we see an intensification of the tropical storms in a warmer


• We suggest the following process

• Due to chance favorable conditions are likely to evolve

• In such situations the mechanisms proposed by Emanuel may be applied, that means that the maximum wind speed is proportional to the sqr. of the available latent energy provided to the storm

• To demonstrate this with a GCM requires sufficient resolution ( say 50-100 km or less)

Page 43: 10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson Tropical and extra-tropical cyclones in high resolution

10-14 Aug 2009, ICTP, Trieste

Workshop on "High-Resolution Climate Modeling" Lennart Bengtsson