I t ••• .. ., ..... ... tlthor OCTOBER 1906 + •• ' f '


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GRA~IM.-\R S c uoor., - C uLt.ECt.\TE ANIJ THEOLOC: t C \L.


A ncleu t tllld fthldCrn L~t.nguage~ j\nrt Ll t r.r :tt 11 re~ ; Lngh; lU.aetorlc aud F.loru Uno; r.tat.htHn a. ll•:~ PhyltiC!i nud A,., r n nmuy; ' ht•rtrl::.r ry !lfld Ceolu~y: The R lnl• slc ill ScleH<.'\:l'l: Phlltl~Clphy : ~ttt~retl J,itf'rature; Gel1graphy, lll:>tory, C h · ll Gvver·umeu~ and Pech~o;.:y; PraA In){ a.rad ~ft,.lu.


Ct.ASStCA 1., Pn 1 r.oso hllcA r., S e n:=' 1 IFI C AN u N ORMAL.

TI\COIOQiCal Dcportll\CI\t. Tuft We~ttl!rn Tlreologlqal 51!lullnary hn.!'l a course or 11t udy as full a nd practlcl\l u.• lts sl!ltcr at,tmlra:4rl~·~ In tt ~ \\'est.

(OI'f)S Of LX()Crlcnced ln8tructors. LOCATION:-On the Pore )ltLr4u~tte rallWil\'. IGO m iles tro na Chlcaco, ~ mllee

fro to 0 rAnd ltapl(Js .

Expenses Moderate.-Ft·r turt.her lu furmal In n ur (':L, a togut> upply t.o

PROF. G. J. KOLLEN, LL. n ., Pres .

C) ..J

Tlu Andtt1r

Good Enough is not gootl enough these Jays. Heady to- w•·n r clnth vs haYC got to be bette r than that. They m••:o;t hl•ar th · do~est imq >('(;­tion aud the se\·crest teots. They ~hou ld he all w o11 l, ed i t~ II Ld retain their shape.:~~, be perfect in s t.ylt-, lit unc.l workmall:--1-lip.

That's why we soU Clofltcraft clothes. That'8 why you . lwuld wear Clothcra/1 cluthes. '' e have our own tailor shop. pec· ial prices to students. Yours for up·to-Jate Clothing aud Shoes.

Lokker-Rutgers Co.

~-. I ..

i\nt4nr ·&pna ta Bt~~ ..

- - ----· -- - J(, ' VOLUME 'A., OCTOBEJt, 180. NUM.RJt I


Paul E. Hinkamp, 'o7.

\\.hen :1 pn•ud a ncl warlik...' n ation is depriYccl o f its chc r ­i~lt cd ircedo m.' it longs to keep a li\·e the m e m o ry o f its anci en t g-l•lry in llgl·n cl a nd song. Thus a sort of h ero-war ·hip ari ·es, and the dt'cds and adventure~, wheth er r eal o r fictitious, o f many \\'arrior:-:. g-ather around the name o f one. Thi i · per­h ap!' the mn:-;~ pruhable explanatio n o f the rise amon g the a n ·i :..:nt \:It~ <:>i eritain, of that large fund o f leg-endary lore :tnc! g reat \\'calth o f chi\ a lric romance, whic h we know as the :,tury ui 1-(ing- .\rthur and the R o und Table. Perhaps no other nll:d iac \·al o r n,odcrn legend h a!" exhi bit' I . uch great vi tality , or ha · c:t!lcd / orth the efforts of so many and so various \\·ri tl.'r::; , a . th i:-: ~tnrx u f :\rthur. 1 TaYing its origin in remote ( \ ·lti c traditio n. it wurked i ts wa\· to :.\lcdiacval France where . . ' ' ied hy t rihu t;tJ'_\' :--tream!", it g r c\\' and s welled till it ·pread into J~ri tain. tl~ Empire. ancl e \·en m o r e c.ILtant land~. Then it cl\\ indlcd anci almn:-:.t <.li:.-appcarcd, o nly to flow o n the sur­face again in til · la:.-t Ct'n tury . ~omewhat scantily in its old Frcnrh h ed . but. all the 111 r c fully in German and English.

This multiplicity o f hatH.lkr:-:.. l'ach g-i,·ing to the leg-en<.l his o wn ,. r :-:.i 11, a 1' d :.-tamping it with his O \\ n mark, has it ad­\·antagc:.- and it~ di:-:.:t<h·antagcs. J n the first place, the tory ha: g-ro\\'ll to th\: mag-nitude ~ r a cyck. a n d ha~ been prc ·entcd in a II its p o :-:.sibje phases and col )r!" . l~ut. o n the o ther h and . t his g-rO\\·th frum differ e n t sourc<::', in different wavs w ith - . _, ' • A w.lt ch·cl th~ Ge ·. Blrkh off, Jr., prize last June.

4- ---------,·a n ·in(r incn.·ment:--

1 lllt •tddL·d by nnlik~ mincl ..... ha !" gi\'l'll ri!"e . :-..

tn ~erinu~ di:'c r c pancil':-', amc tnlling o ftt:n t lJ dirt.:cl cuntrauic-tic n. until the ma!'l~ L) f the rc11n:1nc~ i. ~uch a tanglcu incont­p a tihil ity. that almn:--t a ll unity and ickntity is )u:-' l. : \nd y et n rJ t \\'h >i h · lost. F o r tht·ntt~h >ttl a !l tl. i =-- imaginati,·e. intricall' ~ 11 d ~ 1 w. d ~ \\' , · 1 i t e r a lu r l' t h ,' r e i s a n n i t y of t h e 111 ~ • :.1. n d tn a «Tf'C:lt (':\t~tlt: a S:tlllellCS: Of c h aracttl':' , Which h a Y gi\·en it ::1 h .

di=--tinct setting. consecrated by a p lp ttl arity lo n g and ,,·ule,

and chcri:-.hcd by a n admiri ng \\'urld.

The ta. k o f all those \\'ho h a\'C c-i,·c n u s a ,· cr:'ion oi th e

ro mance. ha · I ~en to gather t ogt't hl·r t h~ loose t hn·ad:' o f the o ld CL"ltic traditi n:', and ther \' C r~i Jb a lready r~tant. as=--ign to each a<.h·cnturc its proper place, and kni t the111 all in t n c grat.H.l ·c heme. Truly, :'tt ch a task might cngT0~ :-' the ht..' St p o \\' <.' rs of the loities t genius. And m o r e than o ne g-cniu · ha:-;

attem·ptcd it. T o di ·cu ::1s th e ~ources and chr n o logical order o f the

earli e r writin g~ o n th e ~ubject with any definitcnc~s is prac­tically impo:'sible. It is al~o dang-erous and u~e l css . and t her - fore the \'L:11 tu re may w e 11 be \\'h o i ! y o mit ted IH·r c . Ti 1e tir~t writer co ncerning- wh m there em be n o dispute nr doilht i · G cuffrcy o f ~J on mouth, who a littl e h c iorc the middl~ nf the cl e , ·enth century, wrote a little b ook con tainin~ a s t ory whid1 has in it the mere ·t hin t of the Arthttrian l q~cnd . ll c ' ':'c t th e h eather o n fire," and perhaps in IH other lit e rary in ~tance o n reco rd d id the blaze h e ig-ht en and spread wi t h snch

5peed an d intens ity.

~oon a Fre nchman. hrC'~t i en d Troyes b y nam e. ap-pe?.red a~ t h e firs t to coll ect thi s mat erial and w ea\'e it into a cun ~i<krablc r o man<.'e. llc \vro te between the years 1104 and J 173· Thi . ad\'cnt o f a tll' W fi ct io n indicat s a chang-e in the cc n m t1o n f soc iety ; and fo r ~ m e part o f its d elicate a~1d tcndt·r cntiment c\·cn the m odern w o rld is indchttd to thi s min~trel. \\ c know hut littl e about this wri ter e x cept th<lt hi:' \\'Ork gained fa\' Or at the I·re n ch c 1urt, and w e can infe r i rom hi~ w o rk that he was a w ell-educated . c o ntent. g-eni::d , con~idcrat e and tho n g-htful man. llis ,·c r . ion o f the Arthurbn legend i important , n o t o nly because it is amo ng th fir:'t rfforts on the :'ttbject, but al~o hccause it · probably gan.· it a t o n e and manner o f ~tructnre which has ne\·er d parted from

Tlu Anchor 5

it. For nut Lll1ly in style and dec rati m but also in idea and out li:1 e, :\r.thurian rnm:tnce i. a French con. tructiu n.

l hrc~ticn de Troy<.' \\'rotc in octosy llabic conpll' ts, pa r­ticub t ly lig-ht a n d ~:kippi ng-, ~omewhat dc:'titutc of force and

;.!'rip, but full nf ~q·acc and charm. ?\ot hing- can appeal t o hnman in=--t in.:t m o re than hi · bald way of tel !ing h O\ V the knig-hts " pu~ til~ key o f Jo,·c in t h e lucks o f the h eart '' f their fa ir l :uli ~ ~- ltert.' \\' L' find a s imple rom:~nce, characterized by a mystici. m pro fo und \\'ith parable. Th<.: language, cos­t tttl ll' . manner~. a nd pictur es portrayed, arc thoroughly char­acteri~tic, although somt..•times t h ei r . ketchitlg is too fan ci ful ~m d fantasttc. This \'Crsion of the tory gives u s a good idea

f the lo o e n <"s · o f it constrnctio!l anti th e inartificiality o f the \\'a y it .is genera l !y t o ld. Ad\'enturc produces ad Ycnture in infi11it c series, n o t like a tree \\'ho~e branches are arrangt.:d :--y mmdric:llly. but o ne joi nt g r o wing- upon another with ur­p;-ising irregularity. thus fo rming n ot merely a misshapen but a 111 st a . h a pdc.· ma . s.

But Chre~ticn de Troy es was n ot a mere jumbling- picture­painter. 11 ts genius \\'as born o f enthusia. m, cleri , ·ed fro m

contact with a new so~idy, open to g~ntle emotio ns, anti, a s to a ~nnrce in :.t lu Jh:ly forest, h e sho\\'ec! the path to a clear w ell o f . park ling. r o mance. from which m a nkind will fo re,·c r d rink with pkasure. :\o r \\'aS he a m er e co mpiler of rather unrelated lc .. ·g- ' tHb ; in . ~um c o f hi char~cter~ h e giYes u s a ,·cry fair int •rprt't:ltinn of t he life o f his clay . Thtt · in the '· ·]:.rec" w e ~ce t he nh·d ia~,· a l bar o n. frank and affecti onate htt t impcriou. and ttn\\'il !in g- to b~ blamed hy hi~ wife, e\·en t h oug-h h e confcs:;e~ the r ebuke ig dcsen·ed. ,\n <l in his \\'ife Enide \\'<.: ha\'c a noble n · lman, disturbed by her hus band's lo s o f h o n or. daring hi · :-tn;.!'er to admoni~h him and defying his wrath in o rd e r to a , ·e him. The cliaracter of the lady i - thus allowed to shi n e forth in ;d I i ts hri'l 1 iancy, as the prop ' r c e nter o f the act ion. And again. in "Pcrce,·al," ,,.e sec the author trying to interYcaYc t \\'0 parallel 'plots in such a manner as to affo r d c ntrast and a\·o icl m o no t p ny. 1t is an early att e mpt t exhi bit in fi ctio n the hi:tory o'f mental de,·cl pmcnt. T h e g-rief a nd counsel o i a m o th e r , \\'h e n her o nly child first l raycs h me. i: ven· deli­cate ly p o r t r:-t_yccl. The ~ituation in whid1 the youthfu l Per­c v:.tl, nncon~c ionsly an o rphan, finds him:::elf, achieves h is

6 Tlu Andu, --- -- - -- ---

d ~ ... ti 1. ·; :!nd {alb a vi ct im to n.'m or~e . j ... ' ~..: ry pat lH·ti t· and •s t 11 t •·i d · , 'a,·ing- ben,nte o n e < f K in g- :\rthur ·~ ht)l:Url·d k11i;..:hh . wi:h :1 r ap idity a ll ow l..!d only iu rum;Hltic li cc n ::-:...: . h ~.· dq .art~, mtt.kr a~cu~at ion o n a h(. pch.:~s mi:--s iu n. s c par:.tt ~ tt fn,n t he m~id h e lo ve'. lli sorro w kac! s t o clc!'p<~ ir. whi <.· h lc:t , ·c. a pas. io n fo r dcs p rak pe ri !::-, whil e his in dig nat ion at the injn ·­tice £ fa te a pp1.•ars in av~rsiun to rclig-i< u s e m o tiu n.

These o utlines o f two parts o f Chn·. ti c· n d e Troyc~· w o :-k '"' ill ~ervc t p;iY c an icka a~ to h w far th e c labn rat inn of th e Jrg-cnd had already prngres~cd lJy this time. The work h ~~ rl (

\' t..' rY eYident pbn a s a ' ·ho ll.' . bnt i5 a <..: )lh.·ct icm f rat her '' t:' ll wr~ught-uut con ::_;ent ti\' 1..' p a rt -;. t.' tl \l&ll}() tts ly oYcrloa<il·d wit h d etai l. anti ;:;;itlo trackin~s . hut y t·t ,·cry int~rcsti ng-. c n t{:rtain­ing a nd fa~rinating-. l'y t h e <' tHI o f th e t w elfth Cl.' lltury the lcgcnci w as practically compkt l'. except f r th e cmh~-:11::-;hm n i.s and amplifications" h i~.: h th · :\Iiddle .\gcs w r e a lway::; gi\ i!1g-.

lh:iore proceeding- ' '- ith the h i::;tory o f the cycle. h nwe,· ·r , Jet us make a ha :-;ty r e \·ie w u f the s uhjcct- T}lattcr its ~ ~ f. (ltlli t­ting a ll unes cnti a ls , in o rder t o g t !'01111..' idea o f wh~ t it wa~ that thes e autho rs w ere p uncJcring and \-\'{)rking- o n .·r. Th~ actio n o f t h e legend h~.·~in s in .h· ru~akm. J oseph f . \.rimat h ·:~ . hate::d by the J ew:-; f r the p;~ rt he has tak e n in th e burial o f o ur L o rcl. is per~t·cut ed by them <ttHI thn wn in tu pri:::-.o n. ll ere he is mirncul c.Ht ~ly; L'omfort cd till r~~ c ucu l>y Ti tu ~.

Then. with a co mpany o f tnnrl' o r Je:-;s faithful C h ristians . h e scb o nt in c harge o f the lloly (;rail . th e e tn cra l cup u:-;c d hy Chris t in the La~t ~, upper, to ~ed\ fo r e ig n la n ds and a ~ :1 fe ho me fo r th l..! ho ly Ye, scl. A ft c r a lu ng- se ries oJ t h e wil dest adventures, in which m a ny marv el · take place, t h e compa n y . o r rath er. the ho li e r s urvi,·o r of it, is fin a lly settled in IJritai n . \\'hen the ll o ly (;rail h as b een safe ly estabJi5h cd up n En~­lish so il the ston· ·o nnects with th e o lder Arthur i ~u1 tr·:u li-' , tio n , in a Yl' ry in g-t•nio u s, thoug-h ind irect w ay. The wh o! • cycl e fro m h er e u n m ay he diYitl ecl into fi\' C part5, almo. t al l of which C'xi: t in ,·a r io us fo rms a nd freq n~ntly o \·crl a p ~ach

o ther. TlH'St.: fiyc parts arc ~lt• rlin. t h e Holy ~rai l , L a ncdot. the Uth.·stiun io r the llo ly G rail. and the D eath o f Art hnr.

The rc~ttlb o f the I a s s io n. haYin g- greatly d i:-;t u rh~·d 1 ht• N Jtta nimi ty o f the infernal region ~ . 1 ad t o t h e h o ld in g o f a co un cil by Satan to de' ise a co untt:r po licy. H ere it is planned


' T/u Anch or 7 . -- ----~---

t:J :t l tl ~ In'·) o f th e 1 In ly (_, r a i i ~hall he 3cc-o mpli:'h ·d throug-h :1 L ... : ittg' h <n:n with hnth t h l..! d iabol ical and huma n n atu res i!1a :-: mu c h ~s the d i~comlitnn· h a:-; b een m:1clc by t""m ha ,·in g b •1 II the di , ·inc ?.lid hum~ n natl!n.·s. The e .-p cri;nent. h o w­C\ c r. is u nl)! partly succt:'s:-;fu l, fo r :\ Jcrlin, tht• ag-~.nt ho rn to r\!aliz~ t his' c J,je( t, although l'IHio w ed \\'i th 5upe:·natural p >" C' rs and kn nwkclgT. a nd n u-t alway :' scrup~tl ll!" in th\! u sc o f t h c 111 , is ~-t..·t, t hroug-h t h e gooclne"~ oi his mother. always 0 11 the sid e <if t h ·' ang-els r ather t han o f his pal .... · rn~d kin.:;io lk. Aiter a le ngthy narratio n o f t h e a d ,·entun•s o f this y o uthful .\I erl in , he is' b roug-ht in :o r ea l con n ·c tic n with :\rth ur. I(ing­t\rtlntr. if indeed, th ere <· ,·er was . nc h man. b g-an his career in ~nu th \\' ale . . about '"OO : . D . .\ided b v the enc h anlcr. 1\ 1 l'rlin . h e c'lraws the swo rd fro m t h e rock- a nd claim · thL' Lltrull t', fo r \\'h ose o ·cu pant the 1 ~copl c hav b een wai ting i on~.

\\. h eth er Arthur C\Tr a~.: tua lh· e xi:-;tct..l o r not. is fo re i;:!'11 , . t< :t con sickra ti o n o f the cycle ieelf, and, indeed , t he r eal hi~tory and geography in the :-;tory are thing,

"Apart fro m place, withholding time, Dut fla ttering the g-o hkn prime.' '

:\1 C' rl in , al ways making two lo \· C' r~ happy. in ~ t eacl of at­tl·~ul in n- tr• t h e ~ trict dictates o f m o ral it v, brino-s aho nt the

~ -n: :!r!·ia g-C' o f .\rthur t o t he lrJ\·ely Cuin , ·e r e . and act a .· a:;-;i!'t-unt :111d a<h·i"er to .\rtlnt r g-ene ra lly, un t il. in c l o~C'd in hi~ cn­c h anll:d J•rison . mack by t l:e fa ir y \VOman whom h e tru~t ed,

and tt) " ·hon • he impa r t<:d the . ec ret of hi~ pu wer:-:. he prac­til.: <l l !y drups n ut o f the . tory. n tlt h·:- h a:; a lready dntl(' mu: h . l ! l· ha:-; cstah l i~h cd .-\rthu r's court and r eg ime in p r05J)l' r ity and p r,•xcr. :\ m )ng- o the r thing:-' which h e h a~ <1 nc is to p r e­s ill · o,·c r the fou n cl inf!" of t h t..· famous Ro und Table ;-Jncl it s o ne ht:ndr ·d and fifty kni ;:~:ht s. Tl-·' : c knig-hts. all pickt•tl m ...: n. kni~htLd by A rthur. each o n e o f who m coulcl h ave said .

"~Jy g-oncl hlade can·cs th e c~~que of m e n. 1\ [y, t ough btH' t I rustcth . urc, i\ ly . t rcng-t h i5 a!' t h e . trr ng-th o f t e n lJec:ause my h C'a rt is pttr<'."

li \·ed at his co urt in jolly luxnry . d ini n g- at o n e h uf!'1.' r onn el t:thk m glnri ·. )~t ~ re\·c lrY . T hese co m pa nion · w ere );o ttnd by

8 -------

ath to pro tect each ot h ·r to the utmu~l and ttntl ert·\ke th ~..· m o ·t peri lou~ ad ,·entur\.'s. Th\.' action c~n t~rs at Camelf t. w it h the r ea lm w ell UtHk r c n tru l, and with a con:'t:lll t s uccc:;;o:i()n o f a<h·cnture:', cul111inating- in th l' Qu es t o f the Jlo lv (;rnil. ,\ }tho ug-h eYery ,·er,· ion of the . tory contains pa~sag-c ,:o, of great, and o mctimes uncanny. beauty, the exce~si,· c my -.;tit-i . ..-nl. the stra gg-ling- c ndu c t oi the ~tory. th e cxtra,·:tg-ant prai~c o i ,·irginity in a nd fo r it::;eli. and the dispro portional\! space a!lowcd t o m ere ki te-and crow fighting-. ha,·c oiTen clcd m a ny. Amo ng the ing-redients o i the who le cycle few ar · m re <Iarin~ and enigmatic than th ' . to ry o f :\I erlin . The ;-t)mnst hh!"­ph emous fiction of his o rig-in to be the .·\n t ichri::t. th e r L' \Tr:'al o f the diabo lical pla n. his electi o n to prepare the way fnr the return of the IIo ly 1rail , and the ambiguity attaclwd to hi · wo rks and character, so that the o rde r he has fo u•llkd is bro ken o n the quest he has ordain L·d , whil ::.' he hilll'-'L' lf fin:1 ~ l ,. is be!'pd led ~ n his wn ma g-tc, pre ent a w eird tangk, wh ici t L'Xacts yet bat11es, th e imag inatio n.

In r~gard to the Ilo ly Gra il it~elf. nnt much wh ich i~

essential to the plot and plan o f the legen d i!' to ld . K ept in a ca · tic ownctl by a cripple. it is seen at inte n·a ls l>y different kn ig-ht ,·isiting- there, when suddenly, in some w ay, nowh e re fully e xplained . it is lost, beina s na tch ed away to Ilea ,·en heca use the time grew e\·il. D efo r e the introd uct io 11 of th \.: story of the ques t fo r it, howcyer, the legen d o f Lancelor i · brought in.

The t ory of Lancelo t at once completes and exalts the cycle. The ncce~ s i ty fo r a lo ,·c-intcrest was felt, and, accord­ing to the th0ught of the times, it was ·felt with equal fo rce that the IoYer must no t be the husband. .:o a young knight,

"Like l arb ha ndsom e, and like 1-Iecto r bra,·e ., is broug-ht in to be the s inful lover oi th e queen Gt:inc ,·cre. Knighted by :\rthur at the court, the graces o f his p<.'L·o n, hi s court~gc . and his s kill in arm · made an instantan eous and inde lihlc impres!' io n o n the hl·art of the queen, whil e lH.: r c!1arms inspire him with an equally ardent and constant pa --·to n . lie soon b ecome the best o f all the knig ht s . and i!' m o re a n cl m ore w o rs hiped by th e q u een. Sec ret m eet ing-s a b e tray ed king. an ttn 11 o ti cing husband ; such is t he sttH:V f Lancel o t' ~ lcn·c. Dut hey u nu and behind tha t unfo rg-ct-ahle a ·:oci:ltio n. li es charm and grace, and a tlr<unatic and Lhical

• 1/u A 11cltnr

ju~titication, so to speak, o f the fatal passt n which wrc~kecl at o nce Laticclot's q u ~st and Arthur's king-du m.

The'· ~j t·crc l'erilo us" or ,·acant chair at the Rott nd T ah!e. await ing the co ming o f a knight w o rth\· an cl ahl e tt \ ac hic,·c t h e ques t o f the I : o ly rrail, is now c~aim cd by and g-i'·'-= 11 to (;ai:t had, Lancelo t's son. inh e r itor o f e1ll hi :-- pn.JW l'!-'S . hu t no n;.· ni !tis weakne:":' . The quesr now beg-ins in earth:'- \. a n d th · k11i~h ts !'caller far and wide o n their ho pcl es:' mi:--~i >P. while :\ nhur pati~ntly and anxiously awaits their r c lurn. Tbc,· a r · almo. t ttni,·ersally unsucccssiul. Lance!ot, the mightv., o nh· ~ecs it. and tltat ,·t·ilcd . whil L' o nh· two o thers su n;uch :;~ h :l\·e Y i~i t1 11S f it. ;al:lhacl. h ,~· e ,· r. find . it. hut. in a tniracui 'liS w:ty <1 ' 1 a r ts "itlt it inl th e city o f ligl:t aho \·c . t be sc<.·n no mo re c f men.

Dut f~..·w of tl :c kni~hts return to Camelo t; the kingdom i · dcc:-t.ying and t iH• king'=' po w e r is ~·on e with th e loss of his f;. ithful kni~hts. And n n w . :\Tod red, :\ rthur' . n c ph <.' W. tu rn ­ing- trai t o r. al: ics his fo rce~ " · ith th o::e o f th e nortlt ~n1 h calh cn . :llld makes \~·ar o n Arthur. Tn this hour o f hi. trial. his .·oul 1s almost crushed hy the l'xposnre to him of his wif ··s in nn­sta ncy. Y et in his Jo,·c he fn rgi ,·es her . while ~he , in u t kr dc::pa ir, no w lo,·ing him t ruh· when it i:' t oo late, n:t ir l'~ to a cun , ·ent to . hri ,·e her soul in I ng penance, till it he pure eno ugh to meet his on the nt her sid e. Arthur, after bicldi~lg­

the que en farewell. ~~ es to hattie. In the final C'l1~:tg"L:l11l·!H

h ~ slay s :\Tndred . but is him. eli 1110 rtalh· wound d . Thu; e n d~ th e glu ri ttt; kingdo m and the I on~ t~le. wi th a <kscrip­tion o f his hmcral and the cxprc. sion o f a fo ncl ho pe io r h i~

return at ·oinc future time. r ei n carnated in some monarch. "ho should l;ring- peace and pr :;perity b~ck to th ~ bnd otn··· mo r . Such, in o utline , is the ta n~led maze of ~tun: o \·er which men o f letters ha,·e fo r ag·es b ~nt their cn e r~i-r:: and drcampt in fun d ambition.

(To be continued.)

10 TJu A 11cltor



It wa the dawn of a brig-ht ~ummc r_ ~ H r11in~ 111 th e la~t half century of rccian ind cpt·rHI ~·~~ c t·. . I he ~T~'at lum in ary

; the world fill ed with ambitio us ta rt tn ns \\'h n \•:cr<.' a;o;:- idu­~~~~lv cuttin; each other's thro~ts , w~ ... f .. ~t hJ ·ing it"' lig-ht in the darknc ~s of na tional di~g-ra (' '.

nut s till the re hea t t rue blond jq rll<t''l ) ' a . o n o f ffdkn. and high with those. P hil poeman. fi tt ing- !_,: _c:tl k d " th e !.;~ :' l of the Greek ~:' ~hon with brig-ht h1 :- t r~·. I lt L' :t~l' d :;n l • _l r~· r

spent much of his JcisttrL' time at hi :-; ~ L· l'l nd . d J:c, ilh' tn t ~t.l' htll ~. west of Athens, and frn m the re \\·as w o n t t n ~(J . :t_t :-- ttrlfi!'C, to_ .1

pleasant arbor that o \·crl o k C' d th e h :1rbor:!' . 1[ I > r~:t c t~ !' . an<.l rn hi - mus ing-s often pon~kr\.·d on: r th e d t'stt ny u l lns nat w n . with its pl~ilosophy art, wisdo m. and his to ry .

Philopocman was th ug-ht ful on this pa rti c ular m o rning. He bent his head in . ilcnt rl'fh•c tinn a nd appa rently ' :as n~ t mindful of the beautiful ~cenery abo ut him: th en. let tut g- ht ;-; eyes wander s lo wly along- the unru n_l ecl w a t e r. h <: ~;; ~,. a: in a mirage, a b eautiful wall ed city [;:tr 0 1t we~t.·._va rd. I l~ c pano­rama gli tcned a m ment in th e s unlig-ht. !' l_11 ftt..' d a t~nth· . ancl then di appeared a. mystcriott~ly a:; it ha d cnm ... . ucld t· n_l y . the faint echoes of a dis tant lyre fe ll upon his ca r~ . th e s tra tns aroused him fro m hi ~ r \' Crit.', and in fancy h · sa w a h at fl oat-ing wes tward o n :r the tranquil sea. . .

In the prow of the ship under the :preadm~ sari , the aged man sa\Vi two fair wb men. th e Queen of \\ ' ca lth and the Qtt t'C n of Honor, looking hack o,· r y ars o f pro;o;pc r ity and plen ty . They raised their voices hig-h in juhi !:1nt song-s o f ,.i ·tory. but gradually th eir mirthful v_oiccs fell, and e\·cr dying- th e l'C hocs were lo t on the morning air.

In the middle of this phantom-barg-e, sat th ,o ddcss of Destiny surrounded by worshipper. . L~an i np; o n th e s ho u ldcr of the Goddess lay a child-faced suppliant, st!bllliss i\·L·ly beg-­ging for the long-· los t sanctity of the ;r ~<.'ian hom e. :\t her feet, the Greek YC'teran saw a g-ray-haired phil ':-oph c r, who was evidently thinking of thL' g-reat minds that had pn.·ced ed him. and was wondering whether the hidde n tr<:a~url!s o f the

• Tlu A nc.'Jor ll

exhaus tl ess mr rH.'. tlw y had but to ttchccl, wo uld eve r be un­ca rth t:d by \ ;rccinn .~·\.· n i us .

T he ~cen ~hi it ed. The ly r e: ' · mo urn ful st rains which had fill ~d th e in tl'n ·{'n ing .·i ll' n Le ceased. and Phil poema n heard tht• sweet, plain li,·c Yoicc o f a Grecian wo man beg g-ing the <; ddcss o f I )l'stiny to rc. tor e aga in the lo ·t ,-ir t ue o f her countryml'n: The ( ;oc.l d t:.· · ga,·e no ans w er, and un t il th e day o i hi · dcat h , J'h i lop(lc m a n r l'nH' m be red ,-i,·ic.lly th e sad and cxprc~s i,· e l<.l()k s he g a ve her humb le pe ti t i n r.

Th e stra ins o f t he ly re, eve r Yarying wi t h th e t e mpera­m ent o f its hearers sen t h igh, sweet to n es thro ug h the quiet m orning- air, and a s the las t m elody uied away in th e dis ta nce, the godd cs ·-l ike Queen o i Grecian Asp i ration s~ s ta nding in the !:>te rn n ca r the bea u t iful w o nT •n at t he lyre, besought th e. <1o ddess that Greece mig h t r eg a in h er former glory in· war. , \ ~ if in d eni a l, the Guddcss turn ed her face s lowly w estwa rd. <'llld there ~h~ perceh ·ed in the hazy di s ta nce, the splen d id Etl' rn a l 'ity. whose re fl ec tion t h e veteran had seen at dawn in the nrirag~: :l tHJ ~J em ory, looking qui ·tly o n with pen in h and . r l:Cf rdcd indd ib ly these happenings in th e hook o f T ime. ~

Th t' mus ic ce3sed, and thro ugh the mot ionless air re-'t und~cl the sob ~ o f a lit t le child. The scene was impr~ss i,·e

a nd th e tears fl o wed fr eely from the pcns i,·c loo ker-on . The s o ld ie r r l'cog-ni zec.l in the thro bbing fo rm of the child, a per­~u llifi ca t ion u i F a te, who wa bending o ve r the g ui ding oa r o f the ba rg e.

~ot until th e bo a t began to m oYc away, d id t he full impo r t of the vi ion dawn upon the m ind o f " th e las t o f the Greeks' ; atHl in his heart's agony he : aid: ··o ! Zt•u:. Can this b e th e Grecian 'hip o f ~tat e, and sha ll o ur so ns an d daug-hter set' the ir ho no r, w ea !th, philo. n phy and a rt ~lip fro m th eir grasp a · no w this pha n tom-ba rg e f1its fro m my blurred s ight ?"

'fh e o ld sold il' r ra i~ed hi!'\ h ea d ~tg-ain ~ bu t th e ,·isiona t·y ~ hip had fli tted away in the mi~ty w est .. and th en unwi t tingly thi s \·c r e came to his nH·m ry :

Dark Fate r c i.!:!·ns o n with n e,·er q uest ioned sw ay, Rules peacefully t h e t hreatening sto rm-tide 's roa r,

1 fo ld!-' peerl es~ hand o n man and so,·erc ig-n ty , And will til l tim e sh:t11 b e no m o re.

:\XTII OXY LUIDE~~ , ··n·' Class.


TI-lE ANCIIOR. Pultlished lt7 THE ANCHOR ASSOCIATION, Hepe Colleje, llellaa•, Micla.

Euitor-in -Cbief A~"is t :JD L E d itors l..Ot':\1 ~lilt)rS So ·te~y F:tht.or A lumni E .li tor 'Excbno .-e t-:d ilor A t.Liletic EuiLOr St.~t!f • rt.i. t ~uh~c·ription :dftDU~er Hul-iDC!'!I Mamu:t-r

BOARD OF EDITOR.S Arnold r.t uldc r

- M is Jo:lbr.al>eth Grot.~m:lt.. J ... !<. H inkumv M i b ·"ilch,•d W c:-too . J . '\'an Zaou:n

Jatnl'S T . \'t·nt·l(la ~ .. c·n J O" f'l lh ~ ilOO

· A . J . \ 'an H OIIll'O • P II. l'l~une

,J T . De \' rit'& J . • . Holt~f'D - Ph. J o o k('r


Alt<lrcS!- all communit:ationsto 'l' IIE Arooe u u l\. H o pe <.;olle~c. H ollanll. Mlcu it,::.Ln. F o r All\' e rti inl! l{ates appl~· to Bu:'incs" Mana:: c r . ~nt• · r ·u at \ llc P O"L onkc tLL Hulla n\1. ~lcbtllaD. a s sccond-claRs ru~ll matte r.


1\lthough the Anchor ~taff i:; ~orry to b e depri,·ed of the kindly critici"1o11 and h e lpful ~ n~u~·e:'tion ::; o f I ro f. 'N ) k1.:rk f~ u· th~ prc~ent ~choo l y ar. it is hi~h ly p leasl'd. through ! h e columns o f this paper, to add its Yo icc t o th at o f the ~tudl' nt b ody in w elcom ing hi : s u ccrs::: r, l'ro f. John E. Ku i:-;cnga. There i · a clo. e connection b etw een the head of the Engli :-;h department and t h e college pap ·r. Th e critici m s a nd ~u;,.!"gcs­tioils of the oth er pro fessors arc abo ~ppreciated; but an cditcn c; f a college paper natura lly look~ to the English profes:'or fo r a(h·ice and h elp. Pro f. Kui~enga was him:;l'!f at o ne t ime l d itn r f the ~·\nchor , and t h ere fore apprec iates th e diffic nlt iL"s au ed ito r ha: to O \ c rrome. 'There i · nothing as helpful ;::; sympathy, e . pecially in things literary; and , although the n ew p r fc~. o r will no t tind in our paper works o f genius, w e bclic,·e that h e will y mpathize with o ur humbl e effor t:->. Pro f. Kui~E nga is a scholar and a wit.le ly r ead s tudent o f English literature. ?. nd as ~nch is a credit to the in ~tituti n. lll' h as fo r ~nme yea r:' been a profes. o r o f EHglish in th e ~ r t h­w e::;t crn Cla -.- ical Acach:my, and i::; n t at all unacquaint ed

• 13

\\ ith a !"tti<.ll..'fl t':-; waY~. ::\f:my a ~tuclent in the college depart­nh nt , that u:-:.<:d to atlt.:nd the X.\\'. C. t\., heard with joy the new:-; that he \\'Ol~ld teach Engli~h during Prof. }.Jykerk's ah:-: ·tu·c. A~thung-h he h as the right to the rath e r dignifi ed tit k o f .. He' ~ n ' tHl." tiH: profes~or i · by no means n napproach­a l,ll'. J I i:-; n. t 11rn to l lope i~ a :-;o r t nf hom·e coming, and all, lH th ~tudents nntl faculty . w elcome him h eartily into the

iam ih·.


D r. Dcrgen is gone from l Tope College. l-Ie will be much mi ... :-ul hy tl_1 c . tud rn ts, fo r in him th y recognized not only t lwi r in:-:.tru~tor in E locutio n and Bibl e- tudy, bnt al o their c:nlkg pasto r, t heir w:trm ancl sy mpathetic fri cnu. D r . Dergen was alway derply interc~tcu in the ~tuclcnts' h ighe · t intere ts. l'l c mack it his bu. in c~: to do personal w ork wi th each n ew :ttHknt in r egard to hi s ~piritu:tl welfare, a nd many a youn g man recei ,·cd fro m him h is fir . t inspiration to serve his 1\-Iaker a n d Saviou r. 1 [e was often the o nly member of the faculty prL'sen t at t ire Y. :\L . i\. meetings, and hi s ~ ti rrin CT te timonies and fcn·ent prayer s at t hose meetings, and a lso when he led chapel cxerc:i!'c~, proved a fountain of ~piritual blessing to lllany an appreciative ~tudcnt. nc~ides, h e filled one of the h e:-; t pulp it~ · in ] I oltand, and t lH.' r e prrachccl the go. pel w ith t h ' fen ·o r a •Hl ,· igor Lorn of con,· ictio n and lo,·e. H is church \\·a~ a ianJritc with man y o f the students ancl they were truly :--ntTy to ~ec him g o. The ~tudents who know h im shall eve r c heri~h h im in memory a. a profcs~or who d id no t consider it hi :=; only tlu ty to a s:'ign lc~~ons, hear r ecitations and g ive marking~. hut who r ra!ly lo ved them, anu made h i ~ love mant­

fc:-;t in w rk s .


T h e o~mopol itan ociety ha~ bl: n d ing things. This doe!' n t nH.'an that that i ~ anything tt n tt:'ua I. fo r the ocicty has a r put'ation fo r doing- thing~. Bnt durin g the last few nt nths a special waYC of cn thu~ia~ m has pas. cd over it t hat m erits m ore than pa _ing mention in the soc iety no tes. Largely

I 14 ___ J'lu Ar.tlttt at th'" ir 0 wn e~pcn.;; · Jnd l>y their uw n l·Horts . it mc: nt! ,· ·; :-­l.:ln· h tid their lJ;tiJ en larg-ed and f l lln \·atul , and furni~hu1 '' itiJ Ill.'\\' cJwir~ and t :1 hlt::-;, until today it i~ ttlldu!l ltt c.. d : ,. 1!.\·

fine:·t !-=Ocicty h all O il th • C:tlll J Hl ~. .\ Ja q .. ~·l' llilllll l l ' J' ur· ill ' \\

members h a ,·c been :Hided to th e· 11H n :IH.'I'!·dti p li ~l. ;.nd i:r: · society i.· in th e 111 . t fl o urishing co nditio n. < >n th e: l. , . t lltJI"

:--o f :~eptembcr StlJ the IJ C\\' ha lJ \\':1 .- f, ,nllaf !y d\.:dicatl·d. ~l' '· ;· r:tl

of th a!u111ni were pn:~ c..·nt o n that -casiun , a n d a ~Jl<: <" i :tl program \\' 0 S rcttderecl. .·\ it -. r t h e litt-rary progrJlll a !- ucia l rime and cbint y r c i rc .... hmcnt:' WLrc..· <'nicH·cd. \\ ' l, w:. nt :n•,rc·

- 1 • . • • • . -o J L1 1 ~ ' I 1r1 t o! tnclepc:tdcnrc. thi!-' n ·lianl'l' un :c..· lf in a ll the organization. co nnected wit h the ct>Jl q.:c..'.

- - --- ----- ---SOCIETY NOTES.

Cosmopolitan Officers.

l:~csiclen t: .. . ... .......... . .. . . . . ...... . . J o hn \" :tn /.;rntc..·r1 v Jce P res1d en t . . .............. . ......... .. . J :cnJ·. 1 k Yn


. t d "j ' ~ cc: e aryan re:t.un:r . .. . .. .............. Ct·rrit \ ' t·rml'cr j a Jlltor .... . .. ... .... ... .... ....... . . . .. .... \\ 111 • \\ ' alw. ,un

Fraternal Officers.

1 ~ c:-- i d~nt._ · · · · · · · · · . · . · · .. . ..... . . ......... J>. J· .. Tlinkalllp \ 1cc l re~Tl cn ~ ...... .... . ... ... . ........ J as. T. \ ·en ·kla~!'cn S_ecrctary and I rcasurer .. . ...... . .... . ..... . .. 1'. J 1. J •J cn n l· K<.·~pcr o f i\rchi,·es . . ........... ...... . . .... J. J. l k l' :-ak tT Janito r .· · · ········· . .... . ............ . . . ... \litton I 1cdfm:tn

Sorosis Officers.

r~esid;nt._ . · · · · · · ·- · · · · · · · · ........... . .... .... lda L<: rkin~ S Icc l resident ... .... .. . ... .. . .. . . .... . Elizaltcth ( ;rc,i c..·ma t ,.1.ecr e tar y . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. . .. .. . ... . . .. .. ,\nna SchcuJ:,c:

rcas ure r ...... . ... . ............ . . .. . .. . ... \Jildrcd \\' c:stun

Melephone Officers. President. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · I• cl\\' '- 1

1 1 \"i ce PresiclL'nt · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · - ·. -~~ •111 ~ \..:" · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ... .. ] as. \ e r Hl·ru ..,..,errrt'<tll t-a t-.·\ r Jn ' J \\' · ~

~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . . t· n rcl t n~

Minerva Officers. Pre~idcnt. .... 1 ll ' JJ s' \ •. l) · 1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . 1 <a .. t<?J:!'" IP:t n tee r esH cn t , . . ~ " . . . ' ... ' • • · · • · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · . J. 'S:o;lL' \ \ l•T . • lll:t . ccn•tan ·. . . . .. . ( ) J' 1 • l 1- - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .... . . . ... 1\ · c..· , a r n a 1\ r c;t. ure r .. . . . . . 'f J .. , -

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . · . ...... . .. ·' :t r)· -0" "l' r

• •

····--------·-- --- ·- ------- ·---


.. . ·.· f ~~ ~<h '\\·,,·l,"' L ike Dimncnt"'-~ew song-. composed 1)\ ll ' t' ~.: l• ll'tttiqu da ~. \..·s .

~i/.01) and \ ':u1 \\·c~tenhurg- cam· t !:r<'<; cJr four d<l\' S

:t !t <"<•d t•J c l t~an their n ' 111!' , and stran~L' tn ~ ay, "femi nine l•I ' J~I~t: ..; · · arc c\·icknt in <·\·c..·ry t hing-.

\ \ ' llo · s l he g-n y \\ it h t }- <' '·!it ll c h \.!hi n cl II :\11 d ? ..

College "'Men Should Wear

Coll~~e Drand Clothes. \Ve ha,·e the exclusi \·e sale for the


Onr stock is o11r quality is

in this city. s trictly NEW"; the hi g hest ; r ca son:1blc.

ou r prwes are Corne and con-

virH·e yourself.

Specia l prius t o students.

P. S. DOTER ti} Co.

16 W . Eighth St , II olland. 1\licb .

•••••••••ooooo.voooooooooooooooooeeo .. oooeeoooao

I H II. ha Tbf' C'olle.:c ~hoem:lD. E 8th St I . 10 n~ G raduate in t.be lloo• :.r.nu :--hoe •rt. • • I •••••••••••••••••••• ~ooeoooeooooe•••eooe.eGe~,



lG T/11• A ndtf'r

John cautiously m o unts stai r · antl find!' ~l <tgh trying- t t.J

master French pronunciation.

Away out \\.est, De Zcruw had a b t autiful hir!'u t ' ap­pendage gracing hi - uppt' r lip. but no ::;oon C' r clot>~ hl' :-tpJwar in 1-Iolland fo r h is last fond farew e ll than t hi~ bhial ;1durn­m ent vanishes,-pc-rhaps fo r utilitarian n r rathl'r ttl i1·itarian

purpo · es.

...... ~~~~~~'"S~~~~~~<!:r ....

~ To those who refer to this "ad." ~

we will give a J $3.00 ''Eclipse" Fotlllt~t.ill l,er1 '·

14 Karat Gold, J For only $1.00. ~

~ This pen was especially mauufa<'tnrccl for a fi rm--se\·<'ral ' thousand of them- to sell at S3.00. The firm was finan ially

3. weak and the manufacturers did not deliver tire pens after


fl finding out. T his pen is now offered throug h a few dealers at this low price. Try it. It will give sat.is faction.

! ~ ~ ~ IJ I

i :a:. V .AN DEE PLOEG ~ ~ 4t E . Eighth Street. ~ ••aaw••~•• •·~.,•~a4i..,.~&-~

A nd from the di ·consolatc . cnio rs th ere arose a w ai l o f despair and amid it all we h eard the ht: a rt hur~ting- l:ry of Roggen a s he uttered these sad w o rds, "C.., h \\'O ttlcl that u~rg~..· n and f\ykerk were back!''

(Landlady, in great excitement. to her hu. band)--. ay. J o hn, w o n ' t you go ups tairs right away and se what i~ the matter with that student. lie's carryi ng on terribly fn r the las t ha lf ho ur.

Dright Junior-\\'ell, you ~ee they h:\\· a t ittle '·Pantc'' eyery day.

• Th~ Ancltnr 17

)fake y ur '-'<'l C' ·t inn o f an 0\'F:R '0 .:\T, pair o f TtltH i=-'1·:1~~

o r a ~t · rr OF L Till·:., while tock i~ t'Olllpl·te.

]) '\~ I~E~I.A, rl' liE T A 1 LOH

----------- ------J !~:anl'"'k t· Cin Ethic:)--"l· o r the l ;:~ ~t 30 o r 40 Yl.' :l rs I h :l\' l:

IHl: h l'ard much u f thc Thugs .' '

T ht• a.Jl ahso rl , ing- que. tin n \ ·ith o ne o f tll t• cu lll'g-e men i---··can ~' L a man ( by man ) heco m l' a prcaciH:r ~ ..

Thi~ :--llllllll c r I ! i11kamp ,.i ... it ·d the Z o al L inco ln ) "~ark .

Chi l·n~o .. In n : l:lli !,g- hi .... '-·xpe1·it·ncc:-- to :1 iril'nd. h ' :-- :tid : ··say. 1 went c!own to L incoln Park Zoo ancl the fir:=;t thi:1g [ :':t \\' was I )i ck 1 )~ k:--~ ra :u~d :\ dt i ~ D .:- Y oHng.

--------------------------~ .. ~~~@;-e~~~~~~~~~~~@Vo---~

~ :FOU~TAI~ PENS. ~ ~ 75 CI~NTS TO $ -l.OO. ALT ... Gt:ARANTEEO. ~ ' Books :111<1 Dil1lt s in t.> lldlf'!~!i varieties. ~ iJ K ot bonks autl _I ! ope Cull~ge cover~ ~

~ llHI~ I(~ 'l'IIJo: lloOKMAX ~ ~ Citz. Phone 'it:) 20!l Rivor Street, H olland. ~[i ·h. ~


I >r. St l'IY ·n~ (,,·hen the sin~ing in the . 'em. i::; ratl :er i11!1 a r m nni• ·u-- 1- " ft i:-: in ~·tunat c that it h:t:: bt•en C' ll j >inc cl upo n 1:...; to 1~wh· a juyiul n n ist:.''

\ 'i~it o r ( l >a:;:-:in ~ Dru .. Jt 's ron m) - ·S :1 , .. w hal 's the tllil.tlcr . . . ,·. i~h that cia!':' in th t· re. lt's su nhthing- h ·rrib!y the way tli t· \ ·,.l' b '1..'1 1 n·,·o anincr. . :-. :-.

J. \\" . 'lL. Jr.--''\V n man sufTragc i. a gTe3t deal like l~an~­lllg". \\' e ~,.:a n 't appr , ·e ~it. but it'=--~ L t o come.''

Dr. H o lL.: n had sonH.' in tercsti n 6 expe ri enc e::; wi th the h i ~h l:1 tHI lassie:-. d uring hi s ~tay in cot Ia nd.


I Perfumes I Dru!is I Stationery ~ Cigars J I::: •P=;;ooHooAa o~ocNOC)ooooBRooooOS ·~.::;;:;;;u-::7,-:;;:c g i W O L L 4 !Hl, 1\: I C B . • , • i e eG 00 e e OOOOOOOOOO'OOOOOQCOCOOG-.eO~CiH»OC.OCOC~OGO-e

18 Tlu A11chor ·-----


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FIRST ~TATE BANK $ \\Tith Savings Department. 1

Capital *50 001 .Oll. ~ I Corner Eighth Street and Central A;o. , - llollanu, Mi ·big3n 1 a...~ "Q,1J,~~~~~~

If you tYnnt work th ttt is right, }Jril·es that nre rig ht, on

Closs Pl1ot Gr uPs, Views,

~n1a teur Developing and Prinlino.

Yon will find it will pny you to call at

HOOKins. rhotograo~er 48 V.f. Eighth Street.

Experience that we have the finest room. iu llt>ll ancl for n crowu to enjoy them~el \·es o,·er a social glass of i('c cream soda, and forget the bore of study in rr . .•••.• Lar.~est assortmc11l tif lui{lt grnt!~ Cr.uulic·s ahoa;•s on /wnrl.

Holland CandJ7 l(itchen

Football S-ureaters. Our 1 wcaterR will survive even a "Ropt~ 3crlmmagt~" , lJUt

that i n't the point. You d on't h:n·e to nay $5.00 tu Sn for a. first qualtty 1 \Yeater. Give us a ·han e to sa\·c you money.

J3. f5te~etee One door west of luternrban Offh:e.

Boone's Livery, Bus and Baggage Line. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD.

200 Central Avenue. Citizens Phene 34. Bell Phone 20


I .

• ...

1/u Anchor . l!l . The r,f()JJEL Vrug Store

Headlluarter ~ fur fine Perfume nolclen Rose onr pecialty. ;).) Ueuts pE.'r Oouce.

aG '1'. HA.L~N, PrOJ). Cor. th and fti \' r , ' treats. Hollanu, ~lichigan.

------·~--~~----~~---------------------------------Ne\\7 fi.,~tlJ ~tyles ir1 ~len's

Fttrnishing·s at SLl:YT£R & COOPER, 8 E. Eighth St.

Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers.

RINl~K & GO GiYe us a call when you need anything in our liue.

A Full Line of Carpets, Rugs, Linole11m,. 1\Iattings, etc.

t;,· c;o E. Eighth 1-:;t. Furnl~tur6 D6~16rc. lJollauu, ~lich. U d

It is YO[/ /? busi''~'SS to ki10w " ·hat you want in the line of GROCERIES.

/i is THR A. .'VC!IOR' 5' /J11sim!ss to tell you " 'HER b: TO GO, and

II is 0 0·R business to gi·:e you what you want. vVe have it on hand.

Fresh Eggs We Always Have. Com€' and c:ompnre our prices with the prices of other~ , anti that will do the rest. \Ve ha\·e the best.

G. H. TIEN, 3 ' 2 Central A,·., Citz. Phone fi7 -2r .

_ ()

Thi · is the man Who brings t he meat, T hat's ~ood h l e u t ;

T hat make~ the b rai n That ~ta wls t he .·train ()f co llt:lge j oy and pain.

Deal •r in all first class MEATS ..

~ot hiog hut choice meats Rold. \\ e li ll vour orJer::;

t 'fRv U .,_ a O IH'C. ~

Ele:rt ~.a be~e. Ci tz Phon e 613 3-r ingR. 3 l) CENTRAL AVE

e..~~~~- ~~~~~

I \VII e II ol!!\~){~~~rf1~:r ~~'~i~ ~~~~~}!r*]~~~~ raJ~ i r·ro r ! i find anytbin~ iu tho pictur~ liue a t Q ~ TRO·MP'S PICTURE STORE, 52 Ea s t 8th S t ree t. ~


f)o • o oocooO-OOOooooo~o o o ooo eooo-oooo-oooooo:t:ooc.o~ I c. A. Stevenson. The a.?.~t •• Jeweler II I I s agent for L. E .Wn.te rwnn and J ohn H olland Foun ta in P ens g

-----------------------------------------------------~~~ eo••••ooa•••••••eoaooaao.aoooaaooaaeaaoooaaooaoo

I I I Holland City News 1 I Mulder B ros. & W helan, Pr •ps 3

~~ 00 a Year 8

I I ~ All Kinds of Book and Commercial I g PRINTIN G 3 .I ~aa.-oooo~oaaoeaooeoeo•••••••••••••••oooaoaa.-e


. '


• ..

Tlu Anfhor. ...1 ~·------------------------------------------

The pleasure is all yours ' in wearing ou r hoes. They ne,·er hurt your feelings.

- 28 st .. eet ... ... -·- . .. .,..... .~ .... -- .-~ictttr.e jfratltino.

Large as. ortm<.·ut at lowe t pm;~i ble prices. Also lfli rr01~ , \ Vall Pockets, .Art.jsts' upplies, etc.

Tromp's Picture Store, · 52 E 8th St.

Air tight wood heating Stov.e for-$1.50 to $4.00.

J m;t wlJat you ~an t for a quick, cheap heat 111 your room.


J 1\.COB KLOOSTER~IAN 'l' l iE s ·ru D EN'l' T.AI L ()l l SHO P

l ~u E. Eig Lth 1 'treet. ( '}call iu rr ancl Hepairing neatly and Cl uickly done. Trquscrs and Q,·eralls for sale. Call and see us.

ITY MEf\T Mf\RKG T Fish and Vegetables. Deli ve ry in City.

\~' rn. van der veer, Drop. 152 E . E ighth S treet.

All kinds of Meat, Poultry Phone 43.



P ainte.Drusbe!!.Giu s. \T"all P aper Pict.ureFrame. I V11.rois bea. Mouldin~. etc . ~~ ltade to Order

P<~.l ntioc nod P aper H a n:zlnir. 80 E . E lcbt.b S t .


• .

. . ) Thr A lc I.M

That t'r i:->p , tw i .. : ·-lm:.c d l,i .... c·J!il. p;u·kt•d fn ·~ h

frnm tiH· o \'1'!1~ da ·J _,., and llii1Sl• } Jil·i cHISWilh h11ll •r. <'h P:--e '> r I " c

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f:t 1. ltiiH'Il ' c)n o r l ".t.

A!:>k ~·ou •· ~,;-rm•c• r fclr tll"m.

I-I f t L LA~ [J R TJ SIC C C). . - l! n I ! a ~ : r1, ~1 i e h. j

~~·~~·----------------------------------s~~~ "1..11d.i:n.~, -Ea.e~ch cf'C T>~ A~.

1:~ F. l':i gb tlt

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gencrH:-ic)JJ. with ~~~., ·1~ I itat '-"a11 ~1 wn y..; t.e •h·;n.~ :1d• ·•l 1111 .


s. S~rietsrn~. 1

G' • /) . . l Jl I T II I

"\ \,.. ); (' II y Oil t' : II. I

Ice Cream or Candy I (.:et thr IH :sT. alw:'."='

i u f'LtJ<·k at

I, Dan1~on lP Calkin l 'il~ P lunll'-1!'11. :?tlli Rin•1·~t .

---- ----------C:\~l>lES, Fl{ ' ITS .. . .

and N LIT·.

B~- 1 1\i~'/) f-i OOIJ~



J C BROWN East E ight St. • • HO LLAND

STUJJEN1_,S ! J),m' l (orgPt. t•> patr.llti /.0 tue

ac h·c rti:-;c r~ in

tcf)C B ttCt1C't

•)tl _ .I

J. fJ. 1-1. Df. JONOH,II ~~u~uvQO~O~~~~ ~ ~

..... 1 ::: \0 ., •.•


Spl't'l,t l _,. , .,., lllnthll:lllnn"' lO

Ho) • •II: .: C't-lu ...

21 £c.d Tenth S!cet. Ho!J;.ad.

-----~- -------

I t w i 1l pay Y 0 l .


:'I 7'h' A n t·h rJr . . e . .,. .

Cl1icago"~ St. Joseph. Benton Holland, Saugattlck, ('trand

H arbor, Rapicls,

I n .~ rior ~fichigan f\ ,int;;., l..nwc r P ~ninsula, ~bel-ina<' , ~larqu rttr. :':wlt ~te. ~1arie , Iltlu•dlton, J l:nH'ock and Lal«' :--;,tpcrior Point~.

H•·ntHn llarhor -St. Jos~ph Ui\·. Tl1r c trips ea ·h way daily.

llulhwd Uh·isiun One trip 'adt way daily.

IJako SuJ~Prior Uil'isiou Lea,·e 'hicago c,·rry 1-"'riday. Lea ,·r Du1nth ,·cry Frithl\·.

Thi - i . tho most direct ancl rptit'kest St'n·icc hr twecn .rancl napid~ and Chiengo. ThP pnpulnr steel e>tP:mtC'rs l 'nritnn and l lo lland twrform the F;cn·iC'c , lt•a,·itJ" l foll:md e,·cry morniJt,fr and ,·cning. Hat es lower than all-rail. ' Ins(' Pnnnct'Lions nrP made with tla e P re .:\larqucttc train at ttnwa Hcnd1 in and out, :wd with th C\ fn teruriHlll at :\lacutawa Park . Tlais i · tbe ideal trip for all \'n trnl an (l ~orthcrn ~1 icltigan.

J . B. :\l urtc.~n . Scc r~tary ancl Tr<>a<~.. J . II . G rah<~.IU , Pros . ;u.d Gou'l .\lanauc•r , B 01 ton l' nrb·•r, !\1lcb . ('h l<.'. IJ< , Ill inot "

Be:~ :·y M ' f l•rlt:J<, f: . 1'. aou b' A<'t, ChiC' ago. ( 'II leaRn I )ock . f ont of Wuua~ l• ,,vc•nUl' . T <.'h ·phn : . 2 11;2 Cu · t r .cl.



